#face splitting grin when dakota was literally splitting his face
spigobath · 10 months
confession. i'm the type of person to grin in pure joy when something awful is happening to my favorite characters and its being executed well. i feel like an awful person just smiling during these events. but it makes the story so fucking good. and i love a good story, and i love when its told in these insane ways.
as a writer my goal is to evoke emotion, and create a plausible environment that makes people want to learn more. as a consumer i look for these details that build the world and characters and can't help but give in to happiness when it's done.
it's like wow william wisp just stabbed his father figure, helped dissect, torture, and then kill his friends. wow dakota cole handled that maturely and put being a friend before being a hero. wow vyncent recognized his own mistake and vowed to never let it happen again. like yeah that whole thing was a dumpster fire. a fucking mess. but i was so satisfied and smiled the whole time because of the implications it had for their characters and character growth
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