#facebook morons
loosiusgoosius · 11 months
The funniest thing to come out of this whole encounter is this woman insisting I needed to check the cord to my rv, enough that she commented on every. Single. Picture.
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And to make it funnier, this is the post she commented on
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Reading comprehension is dying in America.
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The person who signed me up for my online course misspelled my last name even though I always spell it out to people because for some reason literally NOBODY knows how to fucking spell it so student services sent me an email and called me to tell me I need to send over some valid ID because they can't just... trust that I know how to spell my own fucking last name idk I can't believe I'm paying actual money for this what a fucking waste
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bloghrexach · 2 months
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💥 … WORD!!! -- I never imagined either! … 💥
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puipui-official · 2 years
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jtem · 2 years
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I don’t think it’s funny.
And I’m disgusted that these children think of themselves as activist, insist that they know how to end racism and war and they’re going to change the climate while they’re at it, meanwhile they can’t do a fucking thing about rents on their own goddamn street!
Wait. They can’t do a fucking thing about potholes or the reliability of public transportation, because those things are too hard? Reprogramming human nature, changing the climate is easy but don’t ask them to notice much less care much less work for a solution to problems that they themselves are already living with?
I hate the world. 
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i-eat-vinilinum · 3 months
OVERSHARING stands for
O - I
V - Feel
E - Like
R - A
S - Fucking
H - Moron
A - Freak
R - Almost
I - Every
N - Day
G - Because of this
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wanderersqt · 4 months
i've reached a point where my main motivation to find work is so i have a reason (excuse) to delete social media because god is every single one of them absolutely dreadful
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fallout-new-mudkip · 1 year
Does Tucker Carlson like shitting his pants? I don't know, and I'm not saying that he does; I'm just asking questions, here. But what I do know is... I've never been in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and didn't enjoy it... and neither has anyone else I've ever asked. Now, maybe that's just a coincidence. But maybe not. Surely, for someone as well known and popular as Tucker Carlson, there would be at least one person out there who was in the same room as Tucker Carlson when he shit his pants and then complained about having incontinence issues. If so, where are they? I think its telling that no such person has ever come forward.
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myjestikunykorn · 2 years
How the hell do these retards live on Facebook if you forget a fucking comma and you get banned for 30 fucking days what the fuck is this stupid ass fucking shit
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zeruch · 2 years
Anyone Else think [episode 9]...
Anyone Else think [episode 9]…
…that Facebook content moderation is by far the most stupid hot garbage designed by a person with all the perceptive ability of Helen Keller while on meth: I belong to an art group that was suddenly getting spammed with endless porn posts, and I responded to one stating it was trash and needed admin intervention…and FB flagged my comment in minutes, but still hasn’t done squat about two dozen…
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serialunaliver · 3 months
it does bother me the way lack of privacy and data use is so normalized no one gave a fuck until ai is involved - tech companies have already had to pay billions in settlements for the ways they used user data. one notable case was facebook allowing a political consulting firm working for the trump campaign to access millions of users' data.
this is not to say anyone's data should be sold to ai (clarifying for morons on here who will claim that's the message of this post) but that this is not a recent issue. although I will say using data for political influence is particularly detrimental, which is why it results in such expensive settlements.
it's an issue i've "followed" for a while, along with the development of business models in modern tech and how the "free" services we use are actually making money from data of users (this business model is also how tech monopolies are able to evade antitrust laws)
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kremlin · 7 months
An earnest call for your support: Help me determine if there is a gas leak in my house.
for a long time now, I have been reading and hearing about This Guy on the news, and have been reading all the articles and stories about him:
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Above: Sam, tenting his weird-ass fucked up fingers like a real Wall Street Guy might do in a movie he saw
Yep, you already know this guy, his name is Sam, I'll be referring to him as Sam, as that is his first name, and not by his initials, which is what I imagine a pod person might do in an attempt to emulate human behaviour. Whatever. You already know him and what he did, I won't waste your time. Listen. Pay attention. This is not a post about this guy or what he did. That shit is boring as fuck. This is a post about a potential gas leak in my house. We'll get to that in just a bit. Remember.
I've read all the articles and all the op-eds and everything. About Sam. Let us explore the entire spectrum of media coverage of Sam and Sam's Big Ass Problem, starting from the bottom, with the worm-food-tier jackasses: What do people like Jim Cramer and Shark Tank Guy have to say about him?
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Above: CNN's "Mad Money" Jim Cramer also doing a weird hand gesture while he tells your alcoholic cable-news-addicted uncle to put his money in some dumbass shit
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Above: I think this is the Shark Tank guy? I don't remember his name. Could have sworn his suit had dollar signs and not question marks (?)
I'll summarize their conclusions: "Sam is a boy genius who is super duper smart and can move objects with his massive brain due to knowing about Tech, FinDom FinTech, and computer money, specifically Money Coding. Unfortunately Sam committed massive fraud and will get his ass fucked in federal court".
Moving on from the worm-food-tier to the mediocre-tier: The totally nameless basic bitch journalists at the New York Times or Bloomberg. What do these assholes have to say?
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Above: Jim Fuckface, associate financial correspondent for Bloomberg. Jim enjoys winding down on a Friday afternoon by sipping a Bud Lite Lime and wearing his baseball cap backwards, which bears the logo of his local professional sports team.
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Above: Kate Fuckface, columnist at the New York Times. Kate enjoys spending her time chatting and interacting with her friends on Social Media Platforms like Facebook and Instagram, as well as purchasing items on Etsy
I'll summarize their conclusions: "Displaying the characteristic awkwardness of incredible technical and financial genius, it was clear to me during our interview that Sam's depth of knowledge truly knew no bounds. Unfortunately Sam committed massive fraud and will get his ass fucked in federal court."
Finally moving on to the people that might actually have a clue about what they're talking about. Sam Levine and Michael Lewis:
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Above: Matt Levine, author of a comedy email newsletter named Money Stuff that is 95% financial information by weight and somehow still usually funny as fuck.
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Above: Michael Lewis, author of a bunch of really good books you haven't read that were made into pretty decent movies you have seen: Moneyball and The Big Short.
I'll summarize their conclusions: "Sam sure is a smart kid and seems to know a whole lot about economics and this digital currency, and I mean a whole lot, and even more about business, accounting, and finance. Bright kid! Unfortunately Sam committed massive fraud and will get his ass fucked in federal court."
A pretty goddamn clear consensus across the board on both counts.
I listened to the interviews the entire spectrum of people listed above conducted with him -- the ones during which they unanimously concluded how smart he is. I listened to many hours of ad-hoc, unscripted Twitter Space calls he participated in, where he fielded questions about his fraud and his business with complete strangers. I listened to them very carefully. And here is my problem! I came to a different conclusion!
Sam is a fucking moron. I am not talking about solely his intellect, or solely his decision-making abilities, or any specific criteria. I am talking about all of them.
There are two possibilities:
(A) I am correct and, somehow, literally everyone else is incorrect, most of whom know vastly more about these topics than I do
(B) There is a fucking gas leak in my house and I have completely lost all cognitive abilities, suddenly and unwittingly, and exist in a cartoon reality inside my skull that would allow me to reach such a wildly different conclusion from the same evidence.
The likelihood of (A) being correct is very nearly 0%. I mean, come on. I am not fucking around when I tell you how troubling this is for me. I wrote earlier that this isn't a post about Sam or his bullshit. This is a post asking for your help in determining whether I have lost my god damn marbles.
I'll give Sam one thing -- he has some nominal ability to bullshit. If he's writing a Tweet, or making a short statement, he can finesse his words that, on some level, mask how much of a dimwit he is. He absolutely can't do that through about six hours of unscripted interviews. Listen to that shit. Listen.
I am going to go check all the joints in the gas lines in my house as well as the ports on my stove and heater. I'll come back and write a follow-up post on outlining exactly why I think homeboy is an idiot. While I do that, please, go listen to the interviews and tell me what you think.
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collapsedsquid · 12 days
First, I mean my earlier observation literally: millionaires and billionaires are just like us in a very relevant and direct sense. Beyond a) possessing a lot of money and contacts and b) some very narrow and particular skills, it turns out that the very rich and very powerful are not astonishing super-beings but more or less the same people that most readers of this newsletter will recognize. Their chat dynamics appear recognizable because even elites are pretty much the same as us—except, of course, for those resources, which are considerable. Yet those resources don’t mean that they conduct conversations on a plane inaccessible to mortals; if anything, their discussions appear to have been less challenging and less interesting than the conversations my group chats entertain. This matters. Back in the day, WhatsApp chats were blamed for radicalizing the masses of Brazil into electing Jair Bolsanaro. This era of misinformation/disinformation research always had the whiff of believing that there was a cognitive/information elite that could escape such pollution, but the unwashed could not. Yet the more we learn about the Internet habits of the rich and famous the less likely this seems. If Sam Alito has a group chat, then I guarantee you its contents are indistinguishable from hundreds of thousands of Fox News-pilled chats around the country. It’s not just the mass but the elites who can be radicalized and endumbened, in other words. And the effects of those information environments might not even be similar to the effects on less sophisticated observers—they might be more radicalizing or totalizing for people who are motivated to believe and act in certain ways. Back in the day, politicians more or less learned about the world from the same newspapers and networks any voter did. Now imagine the reinforcing doom loop of politicos sending the same misinformation to each other that you can see on any Facebook politics page (well, that you used to).
Bilderburg group meetings must be kept ultra secret so nobody can learn what fuckin morons they are.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
i wonder how steve’s neurological issues and eddie’s career interact. like obviously metal music is not gonna work with seizures and migraines, so im wondering if steve ever feels like hes not doing enough, like he’s a bad partner who doesn’t support eddie’s passion.. Plus i imagine the overprotective fans who notice steve is never at any concerts and how eddie keeps joking about how steve despises metal music, leading them to go on a whole tirade about how eddie deserves better yadayadayada ☹️
I have been staring at this prompt since you sent it, trying to articulate what I want to say because it’s so good. I think it really opens up the door to talk about parasocial relationships and fans who overstep, which I find endlessly fascinating.
Fans notice things.
They notice things and they think that they knows things, and then they tweet about it. They make YouTube videos and TikToks, and they post to their Instagram stories. Eventually articles are written about it and those articles make it into the Facebook algorithm and then mixed into Steve’s timeline.
So, he sees it.
A fan posts about how there are virtually no videos of Steve at award shows where Corroded Coffin had been nominated. They say that he was uninterested or not supportive, but not that Steve was just terrified of Eddie being outed and his career ending. Being in a queer relationship in the nineties could destroy your career and Steve never wanted to do anything that would jeopardize the band’s success.
Even after Eddie came out publicly, his record label’s PR team told them not to be seen being intimate with each other. They could walk side by side, but they couldn’t hold hands. They could hug goodbye but not kiss. It wasn’t just Eddie’s career. What do you think is going to happen when parents find out a homosexual was teaching their children?
A fan tweets about how Steve is never at Corroded Coffin’s concerts and when he is, he just hangs out backstage. Fans quote tweet it talking about how Steve doesn’t give a shit about the music, but say nothing about the noise and the lights that cause him to have migraines. They say nothing about how terrifying the thought of having a seizure in a moshpit is.
And it’s not just that.
It’s not just that everybody thinks that he’s an unsupportive husband or that he hates Eddie’s music.
Eddie live-streams in the car on his way to pick Steve up from work, spends the entire time talking about how he’s going to take him on a date. When Steve gets in the car, he turns Eddie’s music down. That’s a TikTok about how Steve refuses to show any interest in Eddie’s hobbies. Eddie tells him what he wants to do and Steve says, “Not today.”
That’s a YouTube video about how Eddie is a doting husband and Steve is an ungrateful bitch, and not that Steve had a seizure at lunch and a migraine pressing against the back of his eyes. It says nothing about how Eddie knows this, Eddie’s used to this. This is how it is with head trauma, some things falls through and they pick them up when they can.
None of these fans know anything and it ends up in the ads and the articles that Steve sees on Facebook, and it makes him feel like shit. It’s everything that Steve was trying to avoid when he told Eddie to break up with him in ’87.
He told Eddie then that all this shit in his head was only going to get worse and it was just going to hold him back when the band was just taking off, and Eddie had refused to accept that.
He refuses to accept it now and tells Steve that those articles don’t matter. They’re written by morons that don’t know shit, but it doesn’t matter. It’s like the whole world is looking at them and telling him that Steve is shit at loving Eddie when it’s the only thing he thought that he got right.
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annoyedlord · 9 months
Do you have any other funny anectode or conversation between you and jerome? I literally die of laughter everytime i find your posts with him and i wanna laugh more
I do have fews haha
Me, ending my powerpoint: And that's what happened to me during the last 2 months we didn't got to see each other. Therapist: ... Listen, I'm gonna be honest, I had a blast with your powerpoint, but I still don't understand why your boyfriend's cat wanna murder you. Me: Oh that's the part you remember of the whole powerpoint??? Therapist: I mean, you drew a cat with a knife in his mouth of course I remember it.
Me: I'm going to [place] for vacations! :) Therapist: Oh that's nice! Never been there! Me, jokingly: Aw, im having a first time before you. Therapist: Don't be silly, you're doing many thing I never did. Me: Like guys, haha. Therapist: No. Me: Me: WHAT.
Me talking about traumatic events: (...) my father- Therapist: He's a bitch, a horrible person, a moron and a terrible human being. Me: Me: I feel like you're not very objective. Therapist: No, I'm being factual.
Therapist: You should come back to group therapy! The group changed, you'll fit in, we have many queer people now! Me: Oh, did it really change? Therapist: Yes, but also they ask sometimes questions I don't have answers to, like stuff about neopronouns and I don't know shit about that. Me: I do! Therapist: That's also why I'd love you to come back to group therapy.
Me: I wanna smoke a cig, dammit. Therapist: Me too, hold on i'm gonna open the window so we can do it. Me: Isn't that illegal to smoke inside the building? Therapist: I don't do by the laws if it means having an early cig-break.
Me: Oh, last time I was bored af, I decided to look up some people I knew on facebook, and I found you. Therapist: How. How did you. Me: My dude, I know your full name and your face AND you're sometimes on facebook while i'm here. Therapist: Alright, for the last bit, I admit it's not a very smart move of mine.
Therapist: I wanna see you next week, but I've no room on my schedule, hold on... Me: I can see you the following week, no big- Therapist: I moved one of my professional meeting, so see you on friday. Me: Me: Please tell me it wasn't important. Therapist: I won't :)
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matan4il · 7 months
So yesterday, Mileapo attended a dinner with some important fashion business friends of theirs.
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Someone was a moron and seated them one person apart. Yet, we still got Apo taking a pic that frames things with Mile's profile, and then Mile must have saved it from him, because this is what the same moment looks like from Mile's seat:
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But on his Facebook, Mile posted the pic from Apo that he's in:
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Mile also uploaded a vid in which you can see Apo in the frame, and that's when Mile does his fingers sign:
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Then when they were not seated, they chose to stand by each other:
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And even though these pics aren't great quality, or have to be cropped because other people shoved themselves into the middle of the frame, they still made me smile. The one that made me happiest is the one where you can see Mile's hand on Apo's shoulder:
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After the event, Mile seemed to be in a romantic mood, if his update is anything to go by:
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Today we also got Mile re-posting an old pic, one he originally uploaded back on Dec 10, 2022 (so, almost a year ago), and back then he added zoom in's to the pic. This time, he added other zoom in's. This is probably the silliest of my many silly Mileapo thoughts, but Apo has mentioned he likes the zoom in's, so whenever I see Mile doing them, it feels like he's leaving Apo a little love note on his IG, right in front of everyone's faces. I know! Silly! But it means that it still makes me happy when I see Mile posting these:
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And then Apo replied to him, jokingly asking for the pics to be even more zoomed in:
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Lastly, just because, here's a throwback to KPWT, when Mile wouldn't let go of Apo's hand no matter what:
(for more of my daily Mileapo/Kinnporsche, click here)
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