#facial recognition ai abu dhabi
tektronixtechnology · 5 months
Face Recognition technology presents many advantages. Here are the main ones.
Improved Secure and Authentication.
Facial recognition technology stands out among traditional methods in its ability to increase security and authenticity, offering improved protection. Facial recognition offers much stronger safeguards - it ensures only those authorized gain access, thus decreasing any chance of security breach and denial for anyone else.
Efficient and convenient face recognition technology gives users a smooth and effortless experience. Simply by looking into a camera, users have access to their accounts without physical interactions like swipe cards or entering PIN codes - saving both time and equipment requirements when controlling access control.
Avoidance of Physical Access Cards
Face recognition technology eliminates the need for physical access cards, drastically cutting both costs and maintenance time for creating or replacing them. Furthermore, this reduces theft or lost cards falling into unwanted hands; making this method of entry both reliable and safe. Face recognition offers an effective and safe alternative to more conventional access methods.
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brillmindztech · 8 months
Exploring the Future of App Development: Leveraging AI and Brill Mindz Technology.
In the dynamic world of technology, the geography of app development is constantly evolving. moment, as artificial intelligence( AI) continues to advance, we find ourselves on the cusp of a new period in app creation. With the support of cutting- edge AI technologies and the expertise of companies like Brill Mindz Technology, the best mobile app development company in Abu Dhabi, we've the eventuality to review the way we design, develop, and interact with mobile operations. In this composition, we will explore some innovative ideas for creating apps in this AI- driven age and punctuate the part of Brill Mindz Technology in shaping the future of mobile app development.
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Personalized User Experiences One of the most promising ideas for app development in the age of AI is personalization. With AI, apps can collect and dissect user data to produce largely acclimatized gests . These apps can anticipate user preferences, geste , and needs, and acclimatize consequently. For illustration, ane-commerce app can recommend products grounded on a user's browsing history and purchase habits. similar substantiated gests not only enhance user satisfaction but also increase user engagement and conversion rates.
Predictive Analytics Predictive analytics is another area where AI can transfigure app development. Apps can use AI algorithms to read unborn events and trends. In the healthcare sector, for case, apps can prognosticate complaint outbreaks or cover a user's health, transferring cautions or recommendations grounded on the data collected. In the finance assiduity, AI- powered apps can give stock request prognostications and investment advice. These prophetic capabilities can make apps more precious to druggies by helping them make informed opinions.
Virtual Assistants and Chatbots AI- driven virtual sidekicks and chatbots have formerly made a significant impact on the app development geography. They give users with instant support, answer queries, and offer assistance round the timepiece. These digital aides can be integrated into colorful disciplines, from client service to healthcare and education. Brill Mindz Technology, as a leader in mobile app development, has experience in enforcing chatbots and virtual sidekicks for guests in Abu Dhabi and beyond.
Robotization and Efficiency AI can automate repetitious tasks and ameliorate the effectiveness of apps. For case, in the logistics assiduity, AI can optimize routes for delivery services, reducing energy consumption and time. In design management apps, AI can automate mundane tasks like data entry, allowing druggies to concentrate on further strategic aspects of their work. Automating routine conditioning not only saves time but also minimizes errors.
Read also: android app development company in Dubai
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) AR and VR technologies are getting increasingly popular in app development. These immersive technologies have multitudinous operations, from gaming to education and healthcare. AI can enhance AR and VR gests by perfecting object recognition, shadowing, and picture. It can also make these technologies more interactive and responsive to user input, creating further engaging gests .
Language Translation and Localization In a globalized world, language is a hedge that AI can help break down. AI- powered language restatement apps can incontinently convert textbook and speech from one language to another, making communication easier for people around the world. also, AI can help with localization by conforming content, images, and user interfaces to specific regions, cultures, and languages.
Image and videotape Analysis AI technologies, especially computer vision, can revise image and videotape analysis in apps. For case, security apps can use facial recognition to enhance stoner authentication, while social media apps can use image recognition to label photos and vids. AI can also help identify objects, scenes, and sentiments within visual content, furnishing precious perceptivity for users and businesses likewise.
Sentiment Analysis Understanding user sentiment is pivotal for businesses. AI- powered sentiment analysis apps can reuse text data from social media, reviews, and client feedback to gauge public opinion about products, services, or events. By furnishing sentiment analysis perceptivity, these apps can help businesses make data- driven opinions and improve their offerings.
Smart Recommendation Machines AI- grounded recommendation machines have come a staple in numerous app orders, from entertainment and e-commerce to news and content platforms. These machines dissect user geste and preferences to suggest products, content, or services that are most applicable to them. This enhances stoner engagement and drives conversions.
Healthcare and Wellness Apps In the healthcare assiduity, AI holds tremendous eventuality for enhancing patient care. Apps can cover vital signs, prognosticate complaint outbreaks, and offer telemedicine services. AI can also dissect medical images, similar asX-rays and MRIs, to help healthcare professionals in opinion. also, heartiness apps can help users borrow healthier cultures through substantiated advice and monuments.
The part of Brill Mindz Technology
As we explore the innovative ideas for app development in the AI period, it's essential to fete the part of leading companies like Brill Mindz Technology in shaping the future of mobile app development. Brill Mindz Technology, grounded in Abu Dhabi, is one of the stylish mobile app development companies in the region. The company's expertise in AI, combined with a proven track record of delivering high- quality apps, makes it a crucial player in this evolving geography.
Brill Mindz Technology's commitment to staying at the van of technological advancements ensures that its guests profit from the rearmost AI capabilities. Their platoon of experts is well- clued in integrating AI features, similar as machine literacy, natural language processing, and computer vision, into mobile apps. By using AI, Brill Mindz Technology helps its clients produce innovative, effective, and user-friendly operations that stand out in the market.
Also, Brill Mindz Technology understands the significance of customization and personalization in app development. The company works nearly with guests to identify their specific requirements and pretensions, allowing them to knitter AI- driven results to their unique conditions. This approach not only improves user gests but also maximizes the app's impact on the target followership.
Furthermore, Brill Mindz Technology's strong commitment to data security and sequestration ensures that the AI- driven apps they develop misbehave with the loftiest norms of data protection and stoner confidentiality. In a world where data sequestration is of utmost concern, their moxie in enforcing secure AI results is inestimable.
The future of app development is a geography shaped by the ever- advancing capabilities of artificial intelligence. From substantiated user gests to prophetic analytics and virtual sidekicks, the possibilities for innovation are measureless. As the best mobile app development company in Abu Dhabi, Brill Mindz Technology plays a vital part in employing the power of AI to produce cutting- edge mobile operations.
As we move forward in this AI- driven period, the collaboration between visionary app inventors and companies like Brill Mindz Technology will be necessary in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. The implicit to revise industries, enhance user gests , and produce more effective, secure, and substantiated operations is within reach. The future of app development is indeed bright, promising, and full of instigative openings.
Similar kinds of Mobile Application were developed by Brill Mindz Technology.
Get in touch with us at, [email protected]
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Science and Chemistry Classes
UAE vows 'responsible' artificial intelligence rollout
The world's first minister for artificial intelligence says the United Arab Emirates isn't only looking for economic benefits as it seeks to become a leading nation in the sector.
The UAE's minister of state for AI, Omar bin Sultan al-Olama, said "quality of life" considerations were key, and also stressed the importance of a "responsible" rollout—with impacts potentially reverberating for decades.
"We are looking at AI as a tool," he told AFP in an interview in Dubai. "It's a tool that we need to use to unleash the quality of life aspect."
The UAE also calls AI "machine intelligence", defining it as a branch of technology enabling systems to "think, learn, and make decisions like humans", which can support everything from virology to transport.
"Yes, economic gain is something that every country wants, and we want it too," Olama added. "But... we want to ensure the development and deployment and the use of AI is responsible."
Olama was just 27 when he was handed the cabinet-level position in 2017, tasked with launching the oil-rich Arab nation's strategy in a field which touches everything from speech and facial recognition to commerce and autonomous cars.
His appointment came a year after the UAE also named ministers for happiness, hoping to create a "happier society", and tolerance, mainly aimed at promoting coexistence in the Gulf country where foreigners make up the majority of the population.
The UAE's stated goal is to become one of the leading AI nations by 2031, creating new economic and business opportunities and generating up to 335 billion dirhams ($91 billion) in extra growth.
According to consultancy firm PwC Middle East, nearly 14 percent ($96 billion) of the UAE's gross domestic product will come from AI by 2030.
"The UAE was the only country that appointed someone to actually oversee this mandate seriously," Olama said.
Driverless taxis
The wealthy Gulf country has invested heavily in technology over the past decade as it diversifies its economy and reduces its reliance on oil.
Its bets include driverless cars, with autonomous taxis already tested on the streets of the capital Abu Dhabi, while Dubai, another of the country's seven emirates, aims to have a quarter of its transport driverless by 2030.
Abu Dhabi's Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, touted as the world's first graduate-level AI university, opened to students last year, and the country has launched a number of start-up hubs and training schemes.
However, the UAE has also drawn concern over its high levels of surveillance, and in 2019 it denied reports that a popular mobile app was being used for government spying.
Olama said a big part of his job was instilling public confidence and avoiding costly errors when AI systems are put in place.
The dangers of AI include inadvertently introducing bias against certain groups of people, which could prove damaging in areas such as public services.
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"It entails that there's no controversy around the deployment," Olama said of his role. "It entails that we focus on deploying it today, but in a way that makes sure it does not impact future generations negatively."
'Element of fear'
An important step in the project, he said, was to properly explain AI to senior officials, to "demystify" the technology and reduce the "element of fear".
"If you're dealing with something you don't understand, you will have an aspect or element of fear associated with it, it's human nature," he said.
"One program... is focused on training senior government officials on understanding what AI is, understanding the ethical dilemma, understanding what good and bad deployments are, how do you remove bias.
"Today, these people are our AI army. They are the people that are deploying AI across government, and really have a very strong foundation that they can build on."
The UAE also has ambitions of becoming a major player in other areas of science and technology, sending its first astronaut into space in 2019 and launching a probe in 2020 that went into Mars' orbit the following year.
This month, the country announced a digital economy strategy—including a council headed by Olama—hoping the sector will contribute 20 percent of GDP within 10 years.
"I don't think in the next quarter-of-a-century there's going to be an economy in the world that is not dependent for the majority of its economic activity on the digital realm, and AI is a big component of that," said Olama.
"I also think we have not seen the true impact of AI on the economy."
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years
This startup reworked its privacy-friendly sensors to help battle COVID-19
One little-known home and retail automation startup might seem like an unlikely candidate to help combat the ongoing pandemic. But its founder says its technology can do just that, even if it wasn’t the company’s original plan.
Butlr, a spin-out of the MIT Media Lab, uses a mix of wireless, battery-powered hardware and artificial intelligence to track people’s movements indoors without violating their privacy. The startup uses ceiling-mounted sensors to detect individuals’ body heat to track where a person walks and where they might go next. The use-cases are near-endless. The sensors can turn on mood-lighting or air conditioning when it detects movement, help businesses understand how shoppers navigate their stores, determine the wait-time in the queues at the checkout, and even sound the alarm if it detects a person after-hours.
By using passive infrared sensors to detect only body heat, the sensors don’t know who you are — only where you are and where you’re heading. The tracking stops as soon as you leave the sensor’s range, like when you leave a store.
The technology is in high demand. Butlr says some 200,000 retail stores use its technology, not least because it’s far cheaper than the more privacy-invading — and expensive — alternatives, like surveillance cameras and facial recognition.
But when the pandemic hit, most of those stores closed — as effectively did entire cities and nations — to counter the ongoing threat from of COVID-19. But those stores would have to open again, and so Butlr got back to work.
Butlr’s privacy-friendly body heat sensors don’t know who you are — only where you are. Now the company is retooling its technology to help combat coronavirus. (Image: Butlr)
Butlr’s co-founder Honghao Deng told TechCrunch that it began retooling its technology to help support stores opening again.
The company quickly rolled out new software features — like maximum occupancy and queue management — to help stores with sensors already installed cope with the new but ever-changing laws and guidance that businesses had to comply with.
Deng said that the sensors can make sure no more than the allowed number of people can be in a store at once, and make sure that staff are protected from customers by helping to enforce social distancing rules. Customers can also see live queue data to help them pick a less-crowded time to shop, said Deng.
All these things before a pandemic might have sounded, frankly, a little dull. Fast forward to the middle of a pandemic and you’re probably thankful for all the help — and the technology — you can get.
Butlr tested its new features in China at the height of the pandemic’s rise in February, and later rolled out to its global customers, including in the United States. Deng said Butlr’s technology is already helping customers at furniture store Steelcase, supermarket chain 99 Ranch Market, and the Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi to help them reopen while minimizing the risk to others.
It’s a pivot that’s paid off. Last month Butlr raised $1.2 million in seed funding, just as the pandemic was reaching its peak in the United States.
Nobody knew a pandemic was coming, not least Deng. And as the pandemic spread, businesses have suffered. If it wasn’t for quick thinking, Butlr might’ve been another startup that succumbed to the pandemic.
Instead, the startup is probably going to help save lives — and without compromising anyone’s privacy.
AI can battle coronavirus, but privacy shouldn’t be a casualty
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Air Travelers Can’t See All of It, but More Tech Is Moving Them Along
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Airports, often hemmed in by neighborhoods, highways or water, already struggle to keep up with the rising number of air travelers. And the number is expected to keep going up — to more than seven billion globally by 2035, an airline trade association says, nearly doubling from 2016.So while airports are expanding their physical facilities where they can, governments and the travel industry are leaning more heavily on technology, especially artificial intelligence, to process more air travelers more quickly.The airports in Osaka, Japan, and Abu Dhabi have tested autonomous check-in kiosks that move themselves to help manage peaks of passenger flow.Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and Miami International Airport are among those using visual sensors to monitor passenger line lengths and how quickly people are moving through security checkpoints. Managers can use the information to adjust where they need more workers and to send passengers to shorter lines. Passengers can see how long their wait will be on signs or on a phone app. The goal is to help reduce travelers’ worries about whether they are going to make their flight.For international flights, more airlines are installing what are known as self-boarding gates that use a photo station to take and compare a photo of the traveler with the picture in the person’s passport and other photos in Customs and Border Protection files. The gates, which are using facial recognition technology, replace agents who check boarding passes and identification cards.Seven percent of airlines have installed some self-boarding gates, and about a third of all airlines plan to use some type of this gate by the end of 2022, according to SITA, a technology company serving about 450 airports and airlines. Sherry Stein, head of technology strategy for SITA, said the goals are to reduce hassle for passengers, speed boarding and increase security.Still, there are privacy concerns over the use of the photos. The general public doesn’t receive much information about how the photos will be used or stored, said Oren Etzioni, the chief executive of the Allen Institute for AI in Seattle.“So even though we consciously give up our privacy, we still worry that these kinds of digital records can be used against us in unanticipated ways by the government, our employer, or criminals,” he said. A photo taken at the airport leaves another digital footprint that makes us more traceable, he added.The Department of Homeland Security said it did not retain photos of U.S. citizens once their identities were confirmed at airports.Technology similar to that used in self-boarding gates is being deployed for some foreign passengers arriving in the United States. Miami International Airport, for example, began using facial recognition screening at its facility for international passenger arrivals in 2018 and reported that it can screen as many as 10 passengers per minute using the technology. Travelers who have been to the United States previously step up to facial recognition stations, and a customs official checks their passports to make sure they are valid. First-time visitors still need to present a passport or visa and agree to have their fingerprints and photos taken.Some of the new technology is aimed at easing language difficulties. Kennedy International Airport in New York recently installed three A.I.-based real-time translation devices from Google at information stations around the airport. Travelers choose their language from a counter-mounted screen and ask their questions aloud to the device. The device repeats the question in English to the person at the station. That person responds in English, and the device translates that aloud to the travelers.Artificial intelligence is also being used behind the scenes to reduce the time airplanes spend at the gate between flights, which can mean shorter waiting time for passengers who have boarded and buckled up. London-Gatwick, Québec City and Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky airports are among about 30 around the world testing or installing a visual A.I. system made by the Swiss company Assaia. The system uses cameras pointed at a plane parked at the gate to track everything that happens after the aircraft lands: how long it takes for fuel and catering trucks to arrive, whether the cargo door is open, and even if employees on the ground are wearing their safety vests.While humans can do each of these tasks, monitoring and analyzing the operations of these various functions can speed the turnaround of the plane and prevent accidents, according to Assaia. After the same plane has, for instance, been filmed doing hundreds of turnarounds at a particular airport, the A.I. system can identify the elements or situations that most often cause delays, and managers can take corrective action. Accidents like ground crew injuries or service vehicle collisions can also be analyzed for their causes.The time an airplane spends waiting for a gate after landing or waiting in line to take off could also be reduced. A group at SITA focused on airport management systems is helping to design technology that can synthesize data from many sources, including changing aircraft arrival times, weather conditions at destination airports and logistical issues to improve runway schedules and gate assignments.Artificial intelligence software can also make a difference with rebooking algorithms, Mr. Etzioni said. When weather or mechanical issues disrupt travel, the airlines’ speed in recomputing, rerouting and rescheduling matters, he said.The data streams get even more complex when the whole airport is considered, Ms. Stein of SITA said. A number of airports are creating a “digital twin” of their operations — using central locations with banks of screens that show the systems, people and objects at the airport, including airplane locations and gate activity, line lengths at security checkpoints, and the heating, cooling and electrical systems — monitored by employees who can send help when needed. These digital systems can also be used to help with emergency planning.The same types of sensors that can be used to supply data to digital twins are also being used to reduce equipment breakdowns. Karen Panetta, the dean of graduate engineering at Tufts University and a fellow at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, said hand-held thermal imagers used before takeoff and after landing can alert maintenance crews if an area inside the airplane’s engine or electrical system is hotter than normal, a sign something may be amiss. The alert would help the crew schedule maintenance right away, rather than be forced to take the aircraft out of service at an unexpected time and inconvenience passengers.At the moment, people, rather than technology, evaluate most of the data collected, Dr. Panetta said. But eventually, with enough data accumulated and shared, more A.I. systems could be built and trained to analyze the data and recommend actions faster and more cost effectively, she said.Air travel isn’t the only segment of the transportation industry to begin using artificial intelligence and machine learning systems to reduce equipment failure. In the maritime industry, a Seattle company, ioCurrents, digitally monitors shipping vessel engines, generators, gauges, winches and a variety of other mechanical systems onboard. Their data is transmitted in real time to a cloud-based A.I. analytics platform, which flags potential mechanical issues for workers on the ship and on land.A.I. systems like these and others will continue to grow in importance as passenger volume increases, Ms. Stein said. “Airports can only scale so much, build so much and hire so many people.” Read the full article
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giftofshewbread · 5 years
Pray for America, Israel & the World
 By Daymond Duck    Published on: October 6, 2019
I was honored to speak at a prophecy conference this past week, and I want to begin with some interesting things that came from other speakers.
One: One speaker showed two or three commercials that are being shown on Israeli TV.
A speaker in one commercial said this is the generation that will rebuild the Temple, and a speaker in another commercial urged the Israeli people to support the efforts to rebuild the Temple.
Think about it: When asked about the signs of His Coming, Jesus revealed that the Antichrist will defile the Temple. Later, Paul said the Antichrist will sit in the Temple showing himself that he is God (Matt. 24:15; II Thess. 2:3-4); and today, there are commercials on Israeli TV urging our generation to rebuild the Temple.
Two: We were told that some of the Jewish rabbis have reminded Pres. Trump that many U.S. Presidents have been concerned about their legacy.
These rabbis said the greatest thing that Pres. Trump can do to establish his legacy is to make it possible for Israel to rebuild the Temple.
Three: It is common knowledge that the Temple Institute has rebuilt all of the clothing, music instruments, etc., for use at the Temple, but they have not rebuilt the Ark of the Covenant.
They haven’t rebuilt it because they say they know where it is.
Four: The Jews have made a replica of the tabernacle; and if they can get government approval, they are ready to start the animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount with or without the Ashes of the first nine Red Heifers.
Five: Know that the Second Coming is not the end of the world; it is the end of human government and the beginning of the reign of the King, Jesus.
If you are discouraged or disgusted by what is going on in our government today, understand that God knows all about it; and that is one reason why He intends to bring human government to an end.
Six: Moving from the prophecy conference to current events, the Bible teaches that there will be a departing from the faith at the end of the Church Age.
It has been announced that the United Methodist Church (UMC) will meet in May of 2020 to discuss an orderly and amicable split in the denomination.
The Bible is clear on gay issues, but a rejection by many leaders and members of what the Bible says about this is splitting that once great denomination.
Seven: Recall that in May of this year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida Emergency Management Director Jared Moskowitz visited Israel and the Wailing Wall where both men inserted a prayer that no hurricanes would strike Florida this year.
Hurricane Dorian headed toward Florida, but turned aside; Hurricane Humberto headed toward Florida, but turned aside; Hurricane Lorenzo, the most powerful hurricane ever this far out in the Atlantic, is headed toward the U.S., but is projected to turn aside (perhaps we really need to repent of our sins and pray).
Eight: The Antichrist and False Prophet will need surveillance equipment to track all buying and selling during the Tribulation Period.
On Sept. 19, 2019, it was reported that the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace said at least 75 countries are actively using artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as facial recognition for surveillance.
Nine: On Sept. 22, 2019, Pres. Trump’s Special Envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, was in Israel to discuss Pres. Trump’s Peace proposal.
Mr. Greenblatt said the election turmoil in Israel has fundamentally changed things on the ground, so the publication of Pres. Trump’s Deal of the Century will be significantly delayed.
I would love to hear Pres. Trump say it is permanently delayed and the U.S. will throw its full support behind Israel (that would be great for his legacy).
Ten: On Sept. 21, 2019, it was reported that Syria has sent tanks, vehicles, troops, ammunition, and heavy weapons to areas near her border with Israel on the Golan Heights for unspecified reasons.
At some point, war will break out, and God told us how it will end (Isa. 17:1-3, 14).
Eleven: Concerning Iran’s use of missiles to attack Saudi Arabia, the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Israel, EU, England, France, Germany and Japan have all said that Iran did it.
It is obvious that Iran is led by a bunch of liars.
Iran’s efforts to move missiles into Syria and Iraq, and Iran’s stepped-up enrichment of nuclear material have prompted an Israeli General to say that Israel is starting to reach the point of war with Iran.
Israel is now debating whether to launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran or wait and retaliate after Iran attacks.
Twelve: The Israeli election has turned into a spiritual war over Israel’s future (God called Israel to follow their Messiah and serve Him, but Satan wants Israel to be a secular or non-religious nation and follow him).
Know that Israel will continue to have a form of godliness (They will rebuild the Temple, offer animal sacrifices, etc.); but Satan will lose, and they will accept Jesus at the end of the Tribulation Period.
Thirteen: When Russia, Iran, Turkey and others attack Israel in the Battle of Gog and Magog, the Bible says they will cover the land like a cloud (Ezek. 38:9).
I have long believed “cover the land like a cloud” refers to planes and helicopters.
On Sept. 26, 2019, it was reported that Russia is expanding its large air base in Syria, adding a second landing strip and building facilities for more aircraft.
Some of those aircraft will be drones, so we can add drones to the list of aircraft.
Fourteen: On Sept. 27, 2019, Turkey’s Pres. Erdogan said Turkey is not afraid of being sanctioned by the U.S., and Turkey will not abide by U.S. sanctions on Iran.
Erdogan said Turkey will not destroy its relationship with Iran.
Turkey is plainly on Iran’s side and lined up for the Battle of Gog and Magog.
Fifteen: Two women in Ft. Collins, Col. sued the city for the right to go topless in public because men can go topless.
According to these women, gender equality means that they should not be required to wear anything above the waist, and a federal judge agreed with them.
Women naked in public from the waist up is now legal in six states (the days of Lot have arrived, and one must wonder if this is coming to every state in the U.S.).
Sixteen: Pope Francis has scheduled a meeting at the Vatican for May 14, 2020, to present a humanistic document (human values, not religious or spiritual values) for the world to abide by.
He clearly wants the UN to use the world’s education systems to push world government and world religion without the input of Christianity.
In co-operation with a prominent Muslim Sheikh, a complex is being built in Abu Dhabi called the Abrahamic Family House.
It will have a Church, a Mosque and a Synagogue or separate places of worship for Christians, Muslims and Jews; and it will have a fourth place for people of all religions to come together as one body (world religion; not the body of Christ).
The purpose is to promote peace, coexistence and brotherhood among all religions.
Finally, Pres. Trump was at the UN this week where he urged the nations to reject globalism; to normalize relations with Israel; he opposed taxpayer-funded abortions as a global human right; he urged world leaders to let their people live by faith and to give glory to God, and more.
It is easy to see why globalists, abortionists and others dislike Pres. Trump so much and why they want him removed from office so badly.
Pray for America, Israel and the world.
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businessliveme · 5 years
World’s Largest AI Startup SenseTime to Open Abu Dhabi Hub
(Bloomberg) — SenseTime Group, one of the world’s most valuable artificial-intelligence startups, is setting up a hub in Abu Dhabi for Europe, Middle East and Africa with plans to hire hundreds of engineers.
The Chinese facial recognition firm, which counts Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. as an investor, will start work on the research and development center this year and build AI capabilities across seven industries including healthcare, remote sensing, and education, according to a statement. The Abu Dhabi Investment Office, which seeks to attract businesses to the emirate, will provide a support package as part of the partnership.
Read: Abu Dhabi GDP Growth to Average 2.5% Through 2022, S&P Says
“The SenseTime formation team is coming to Abu Dhabi next week to establish the new office. This means we will already have a small team ramped up in 2019,” said ADIO Chief Executive Officer Elham Al Qasim. “Hiring will start this year and will be boosted to around 250 jobs by the end of next year.”
Gulf Arab states are seeking to plow some of their oil and natural gas billions into technology and communications to lessen their reliance on crude and to bring home the businesses and skills to transform their economies. Earlier this month, the United Arab Emirates said it will allow foreigners to own 100% of businesses across industries.
Technology Investments
Mubadala Investment Co. and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund are expected to back SoftBank Group Corp’s second technology investment vehicle modeled on its giant $100 billion Vision Fund, people familiar with the matter said this week.
“Through the investments we have made in the tech sector globally, we have built relationships that are helping our adoption of technology and innovations that will promote the growth of our economy,” Al Qasim said. Over the next three years, “ADIO will make more than 15 billion dirhams ($4 billion) of incentives available to private sector companies.”
Abu Dhabi is also working on ensuring that the right quality and the right volume of talent comes in to support these tech companies. “We will create a community by putting very large tech companies and start ups side by side so they may both benefit in various ways, including fluidity of talent,” Al Qasim said.
SenseTime specializes in systems that analyze faces and images on an enormous scale and works with policing bodies, retailers and health-care researchers in China and internationally. The startup has said it experienced 400% growth in past years as it encompassed more industries, from cameras in retailer Suning’s stores to driverless cars for Honda.
The post World’s Largest AI Startup SenseTime to Open Abu Dhabi Hub appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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newestbalance · 6 years
Ant Financial mega-fundraising leads sovereign investments in…
LONDON (Reuters) – Ant Financial’s record-setting $14 billion funding round led sovereign investor transactions in the second quarter against a backdrop of rising interest in tech-related start-ups, although overall deal values fell slightly.
FILE PHOTO: An employee stands next to the logo of Ant Financial Services Group, Alibaba’s financial affiliate, at its headquarters in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China January 24, 2018. REUTERS/Shu Zhang
Singapore’s GIC and Temasek, and Malaysia’s Khazanah were among those participating in the Ant Financial round, the biggest-ever single fundraising for a private company.
Ant Financial operates China’s biggest online payments platform and was spun off from e-commerce giant Alibaba (BABA.N) before it listed in 2014. The cash will boost Ant’s firepower ahead of a widely-expected initial public offering (IPO).
“It is growing in the shadow of Alibaba which explains why we are seeing these big numbers,” said Javier Capape, director of the Sovereign Wealth Lab at IE Business School.
“They want to expand beyond payments, providing consumer finance and small loans. Investors believe this is a player that will grow beyond China’s borders.”
The mega-funding round boosted the overall value of the deals in which sovereign investors participated to some $35.2 billion, according to Thomson Reuters data. This was just shy of the first quarter’s record $40 billion, which was swollen by two massive transactions.
The second quarter saw a raft of investments in the tech space as sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) stepped up their efforts to find the next unicorn – a start-up valued at $1 billion or more.
Qatar Investment Authority invested in Mesosphere, a hybrid cloud platform company, and Temasek invested in China’s facial recognition company SenseTime in April. The $4.5 billion company is the world’s most valuable artificial intelligence (AI) unicorn.
Markus Massi, a senior partner at The Boston Consulting Group, said investors were getting more interested in AI as it had reached a stage where its potential value and uses were more apparent.
“You can make cases that AI helps you rationalize processes and increase productivity,” he said, adding that AI no longer needed a lot of data to learn as it was becoming more rules-based. This allowed machines to learn for themselves. “That makes it faster, leaner and more applicable for different uses.”
Since March a number of SWFs have announced plans to set up dedicated funds targeting tech investments. Ireland’s Strategic Investment Fund and China’s CIC teamed up on a 150 million euro fund, while Mubadala is launching a $400 million fund to invest in European tech companies.
Capape also cited a planned China-backed $15 billion tech fund which he said was likely to attract SWFs, along the lines of SoftBank’s mammoth Vision Fund.
Other notable transactions in the second quarter included Temasek raising its stake in German pharma firm Bayer in a $3.7 billion deal to help fund a takeover of seed-maker Monsanto.
Biotech companies also remained in favor, with Abu Dhabi Investment Authority investing in Kaleido Biosciences and GIC leading a $260 million funding round for CStone Pharmaceuticals, which develops innovative drugs in immuno-oncology.
Funding database PitchBook also noted that GIC and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board acted as cornerstone investors for the $1.12 billion Hong Kong listing of Ping An Good Doctor, an online healthcare platform.
Pre-IPO stakes remain popular with SWFs looking to secure sizeable stakes in emerging market companies.
GIC took a roughly 7 percent stake in Vietnamese residential property firm Vinhomes for some $853 million, ahead of an initial equity offering that raised about $1.35 billion.
GIC also acted as an anchor investor in the IPO of Vietnam’s Techcombank, which raised about $921 million, PitchBook said.
Massi said the Singapore funds were increasingly reaching out to markets in their own back yard. The Vinhomes investment combined a real estate and equity play, he added, and tapped into Vietnam’s growing middle class.
Reporting by Claire Milhench; Editing by Mark Heinrich
The post Ant Financial mega-fundraising leads sovereign investments in… appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2IXZYmX via Everyday News
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Ant Financial mega-fundraising leads sovereign investments in…
LONDON (Reuters) – Ant Financial’s record-setting $14 billion funding round led sovereign investor transactions in the second quarter against a backdrop of rising interest in tech-related start-ups, although overall deal values fell slightly.
FILE PHOTO: An employee stands next to the logo of Ant Financial Services Group, Alibaba’s financial affiliate, at its headquarters in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China January 24, 2018. REUTERS/Shu Zhang
Singapore’s GIC and Temasek, and Malaysia’s Khazanah were among those participating in the Ant Financial round, the biggest-ever single fundraising for a private company.
Ant Financial operates China’s biggest online payments platform and was spun off from e-commerce giant Alibaba (BABA.N) before it listed in 2014. The cash will boost Ant’s firepower ahead of a widely-expected initial public offering (IPO).
“It is growing in the shadow of Alibaba which explains why we are seeing these big numbers,” said Javier Capape, director of the Sovereign Wealth Lab at IE Business School.
“They want to expand beyond payments, providing consumer finance and small loans. Investors believe this is a player that will grow beyond China’s borders.”
The mega-funding round boosted the overall value of the deals in which sovereign investors participated to some $35.2 billion, according to Thomson Reuters data. This was just shy of the first quarter’s record $40 billion, which was swollen by two massive transactions.
The second quarter saw a raft of investments in the tech space as sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) stepped up their efforts to find the next unicorn – a start-up valued at $1 billion or more.
Qatar Investment Authority invested in Mesosphere, a hybrid cloud platform company, and Temasek invested in China’s facial recognition company SenseTime in April. The $4.5 billion company is the world’s most valuable artificial intelligence (AI) unicorn.
Markus Massi, a senior partner at The Boston Consulting Group, said investors were getting more interested in AI as it had reached a stage where its potential value and uses were more apparent.
“You can make cases that AI helps you rationalize processes and increase productivity,” he said, adding that AI no longer needed a lot of data to learn as it was becoming more rules-based. This allowed machines to learn for themselves. “That makes it faster, leaner and more applicable for different uses.”
Since March a number of SWFs have announced plans to set up dedicated funds targeting tech investments. Ireland’s Strategic Investment Fund and China’s CIC teamed up on a 150 million euro fund, while Mubadala is launching a $400 million fund to invest in European tech companies.
Capape also cited a planned China-backed $15 billion tech fund which he said was likely to attract SWFs, along the lines of SoftBank’s mammoth Vision Fund.
Other notable transactions in the second quarter included Temasek raising its stake in German pharma firm Bayer in a $3.7 billion deal to help fund a takeover of seed-maker Monsanto.
Biotech companies also remained in favor, with Abu Dhabi Investment Authority investing in Kaleido Biosciences and GIC leading a $260 million funding round for CStone Pharmaceuticals, which develops innovative drugs in immuno-oncology.
Funding database PitchBook also noted that GIC and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board acted as cornerstone investors for the $1.12 billion Hong Kong listing of Ping An Good Doctor, an online healthcare platform.
Pre-IPO stakes remain popular with SWFs looking to secure sizeable stakes in emerging market companies.
GIC took a roughly 7 percent stake in Vietnamese residential property firm Vinhomes for some $853 million, ahead of an initial equity offering that raised about $1.35 billion.
GIC also acted as an anchor investor in the IPO of Vietnam’s Techcombank, which raised about $921 million, PitchBook said.
Massi said the Singapore funds were increasingly reaching out to markets in their own back yard. The Vinhomes investment combined a real estate and equity play, he added, and tapped into Vietnam’s growing middle class.
Reporting by Claire Milhench; Editing by Mark Heinrich
The post Ant Financial mega-fundraising leads sovereign investments in… appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2IXZYmX via Online News
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