#fact of the matter is. u actually just dont give a shit about complex black characters yknow
cosmicanamnesis · 2 months
Not going to out myself as to who I am just cause I'm a mutual but, it doesn't really matter whose using the word enby? If someone asks not to be called enby because they feel its infantilsing, don't call them it! It doesn't matter how you use it, if someone asks not to be called something you do not call them that. I only say this because I really hate being called enby, but people default to calling ALL non-binary people that and even if they don't speak over you about it, they still then treat you like your a weirdo. Also some people are agender!! Or have specfic ideas that whilst falling within the umbrella of NB feel uncomfortable being categorised into "enby" when their identity ISNT that!
hey angelo
I mean, first of all, NB stands for non-black and black ppl were like, actually real polite abt asking nonbinary ppl to not use the same initialism. pls dont pull that shit in my ask box, thanks. I also use polyam instead of poly when I'm talking about polyamory stuff bc Polynesian ppl asked us to. not complex stuff
second. not only am I nonbinary, I AM agender. so you've lost ur second "gotcha"
all I said was I don't care abt the word and I've never really understood the backlash against it. it doesn't give me the same ick that it gives other ppl and when I first found out ppl thought it was infantilizing my reaction was. mostly confusion, for about 30 seconds, and then i shrugged and got on with my life. I didn't say I continue to use it for ppl who don't like it. in fact I don't really use it at all anymore bc it sort of fell out of fashion like MOGAI and the asterisk after trans, bc ppl decided they didn't really like it. it's. very much a non issue to me. I promise u really don't need to defend urself to me over my tags on a tumblr poll. my apathy abt a word ppl don't like isn't like, a sin
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svmbucky · 3 years
no because like. imagine, for a second, that everything about endgame and tfatws stays the same fundamentally, but rather, BUCKY gets the shield and BUCKY is the protagonist of the show. in what world does he not get miles of text posts and metas and fanfic about how hard this is for him and how much he’s struggling with this burden?? in what world does the #endgameisn’tcanon train NOT include “steve would never drop that weight on buckys shoulders at such a rough time in his life”?? and when BUCKY gives up the shield, in what world would we hear complaints about walker like “if bucky hadnt given up the shield this wouldnt have happened” and “he let steve down” etc. you can’t look me in my eyes and say the fandom wouldn’t use this as another excuse to baby him, add it to the list of things to write angst about, all of that. because it WOULD.
but where’s that energy for sam, y’know?? 
like, you see, when sam-- a black man-- exercises his god given fucking right to say no to the insane expectation being put on him, sam antis flood out of the woodwork to call him a failure. but i bet if everybody’s favorite white man did it.....
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bloodbenderz · 4 years
Can I ask what your season 1 Lok reboot looks like?
this is about 3k words i checked lmfao dont say i didnt warn u
a key part of the whole thing is that korra gets way more perspectives and more experiences representative of like, normal people in republic city bc i think something that really defined what a good avatar aang was was how many people he met and got to know and how he didnt exclusively or even mostly associate w cops and bureaucrats and leaders. so mako and bolin. well first of all their backstories are a little more fleshed out and we get a less black and white view of the “triads” (lol) and mako and bolin’s experiences w them. cuz the show very much does the whole thing of like Criminals Bad but dont worry even tho mako and bolin did commit crimes theyre not Criminals!! so just a little more nuance on the alleged gang problem and the poverty in the city
korra does start out very naive w very black and white ideas (ex. “you guys are CRIMINALS?”) i think a really good way of developing her away from her sheltered naive worldview is putting her in whats clearly an incredibly complicated city w an absolute cesspool of political conflicts, ethnic tensions, the lasting effects of colonization, etc and having her try and understand the needs of “the people” in a more complicated way than “i have to save the good guys from the bad guys” ykwim? and i think the absolute WORST way to do that is what they did. bc we get mako and bolin who could contribute genuinely compelling thematic elements to the story: one parent who was indigenous and one who was from a colonizer background in the decades directly following the end of the war, kids who grew up in poverty apparently without any familial support, and who now are trying to be “respectable” members of society (especially mako). and then most of that is pretty much tossed aside bc asami swoops in w her capitalist dad and her piles of money and the class issue is just never talked about again.
so the way i’d fix all that is like. introducing more, like, normal people. some nonbenders, more workers, more immigrants, etc, to show what daily life is actually like for people. because. we dont know! we dont have any context about whether the nonbender oppression thing is actually an issue bc we dont KNOW any nonbenders with normal lives! and spoiler: the nonbender oppression thing is not an issue. bc it doesnt make historical sense. lok is set 7 decades after the end of the war. that is not by ANY stretch of the imagination long enough to heal from the scars of imperialism, ESPECIALLY not when lok is also set in a settler colonial state. like that fact should have featured PROMINENTLY in the political and social setting! realistically, nonbenders arent an oppressed class, earth and water nation people are, regardless of bending status! as in all settler colonial states, the colonizers and their descendants (in this case fire nation people) retain most of the financial and political capital, leaving the colonized and racialized immigrants (in this case earth kingdom and water tribe people respectively) generally impoverished and politically suppressed. like aside from the fact that theres no way toph would have become a cop, it’s so ridiculous to think that an established privileged class of fire nation colonizers would EVER accept being policed by earthbenders!
imagine how much more nuanced and interesting it would be to set republic city as a remnant of a colonial past still fraught w the violence and tension that colonialism and the associated ideology imposed?? instead of some vague ideas of criminal who wear 1920s outfits and harass shopkeepers think about why extralegal and violent groups like that might form! earth kingdom people trying to push for the reclamation of their land? ethnic groups protecting themselves against corrupt cops? ESPECIALLY w the history that the fire nation has of SPECIFICALLY jailing and killing earthbenders and waterbenders BECAUSE of the potential they have to resist against fire nation imperialism like it just makes no sense at all that earthbenders would be privileged on land that, 70 years ago, they would have been imprisoned on! like these various paramilitary groups falling along these different ideological or ethnic lines, fire nation or earth kingdom or water tribe, pro colonization or anti colonization, pro cop or anti cop, pro immigrant or anti immigrant, and then you juxtapose that w depictions of a govt thats failing to keep this all under control w tenzin trying desperately to keep it together despite the fact that it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the state has no interest in taking the conflicts seriously and would rather just point vague fingers at criminals and gangs? and THEN you bring in korra, who has no idea about any of this and thinks that all its gonna take is kicking some ass every couple days, meeting normal people who offer all kinds of different opinions abt the efficacy of the state and the different violent or nonviolent groups and ideologies clashing in the city and the way all this shit is affecting people’s lives and livelihoods and relationships w other citizens??
theres so much good shit there so many incredible things u could do w that like Where do we go after colonial atrocities? is it possible for a settler colonial state to take revolutionary or indigenous ideas seriously? is liberal reform enough in a state like this? and then all the growth that korra could do going from a simple black and white life about mastering the elements to this messy complicated sociopolitical knot of a city? and all the different kinds of characters u could introduce in this city? like why would u EVER think that the most interesting characters that this story has to offer is a police chief a congressman and a billionaire????
but anyways. that’s what the Setting of my idealized version of lok is. as for the actual plot, it is as follows
it starts out similarly as the show. republic city is MUCH more fraught w political tension and violence and korra knows this but assumes that it’s just a matter of throwing a few gang leaders and corrupt officials in jail. tenzin manages to come see them in the south pole and intends give korra real lessons while he’s there but they receive news of a terrorist attack in republic city only a few days after he gets there so his family has to pack up and leave again.
korra stows away to republic city (katara catches her leaving and gives her blessing im a SUCKER for that moment). she does have a hard time adjusting but she doesn’t do what she did in the show lol the first person she meets in the city is this older woman who works on the docks, directs her to a place where she can eat and gives her a roof to sleep under for the first night. so korra’s first exposure to republic city is just about forming connections w ordinary people like ship workers and a family owned restaurant and people practicing their bending in the park. and by the time she reaches air temple island a day or so later her head is spinning w all this new information and the way that nothing is really what she expected it to be. tenzin gives her his own perspective on everything and pema gives her her own perspective on everything and even those two seem wildly different from all the people she’s already met. and so korra starts to get a kind of outline of the conflicts plaguing the city as extremely complex and a lot more influenced by older ideas of fire nation imperialism and earth kingdom land reclamation than she had any idea about.
mako and bolin are still pro benders but not like. super famous like they are in the show. korra’s picked up a couple friends by now and one of them takes her to a gym where a lot of amateur pro bending (is that an oxymoron? lol) matches happen and thats how she meets mako and bolin and joins their pro bending team. Unfortunately for korra, this gym is run by lin beifong, and also has the distinction of being one of the most notoriously anti settler state organizations in the country. lin beifong is NOT a cop but she runs this gym (and the pro bending league) as a way to offer support to local earth kingdom/water tribe youth, teach self defense skills, a center of community organizing, and sometimes to act as a front to hide revolutionary/combat organizing against the pro fire nation paramilitaries/police force. tenzin is DISTRAUGHT that korra does this and this is where the friction btwn them comes from bc (from tenzin’s perspective) she does things like this without thinking or even fully understanding the context behind them and tenzin will have to deal w the political fallout of the avatar openly aligning herself w a very divisive figure in the community and (from korra’s perspective) tenzin is too unwilling to take sides in a conflict that’s claiming lives and when the state is clearly not taking sufficient steps to protect people well then why the hell shouldnt she align herself w lin beifong, who IS taking steps to protect and support people?
as korra more fully integrates herself into the city and learns more abt how different people think abt everything going on this is where the real exposition abt the equalists begins. they’re a paramilitary group w an ideology thats gaining increasing support among middle/upper class fire nation people, esp nonbenders. on the face theyre abt putting checks on “bender oppression” but really it’s an excuse to persecute and surveil earthbenders waterbenders and airbenders, bc fire nation people have all this leftover fear about benders who arent fire nation Rising Up Against them and these people who r using their Savage Excuse for Bending to terrorize good innocent (fire nation) people. theres all too frequent terrorist attacks that the equalists claim credit for mostly against monuments to earth/water/air nation people and earth/water nation community centers (one like it was the event that forced tenzin back to republic city) but also like the govt doesnt take a lot of these seriously or if they do only a couple people are charged without doing damage to the entire organization
this is also around the time that they meet asami and she becomes part of their friend group. asami likes pro bending but her dad HATES it so she sneaks out to watch matches at lin beifong’s gym (korra says ironically like don’t u know how ~divisive~ that is and asami answers that the only reason its Not divisive is that gyms like beifongs are the only place where nobody recognizes her). and asami alongside korra is also kind of developing a more nuanced perspective on the city that she lives in cuz obviously the only worldview she’s ever been exposed to is her father’s right? and she keeps pushing it off making excuses not to bring mako and bolin and korra around to her house or even not to be seen w them in certain neighborhoods until they call her on it and she’s like Well honestly my dad might do something awful to u! and i dont wanna risk it!
and as time goes on we see more abt asami’s home life like her father’s hyper conservative politics and asami keeps these secrets abt her hobbies and her friends from him but she’s still clearly under his influence and mako bolin and korra r getting increasingly worried abt it cuz like...asami seems to tend to make excuses for him so that she wont have to be drawn into conflict and originally they think its just her being privileged and thats def part of it but the more they find out abt it the more they realize what a tight fucking grip he has on her and the way that like. asami sneaking out once or twice a week is the Only thing she does for herself. and it really starts freaking them out how influential this billionaire is and all the information theyre getting from asami abt what a piece of shit he clearly is. and so that whole plot thing comes about and shows us how deeply embedded these “equalist” ideas are in conservative republic city politics and how much influence theyre actually having in policy making and law enforcement.
asami suffers in the aftermath of this like being forced to truly confront the harm her father is doing both to the city and to herself. and she ends up leaving home when this discovery really breaks. but bc of the deep corruption in govt and police sato isn’t really....dealt with? like this big story breaks and everyones like Oh, My God! Hiroshi Sato Is Funding An Illegal Paramilitary Group! and theres all kinds of inane political discourse about it and he’s arrested but he bails himself out immediately and his finances are examined but he maintains control over them and after a few weeks the gang (bc they Have become close among all this w much less interpersonal drama lol) has to admit that this news story hasnt done what they thought it was going to it hasn’t dealt the equalists a real hit its just given them a very high profile ally
and this is when things really start to ramp up in terms of action like up until now korra’s daily activities are mostly like hanging around in the city w her friends  (which in part entails doing little avatar stuff that people dont feel comfortable going to police with, like Can you help me my ex husband wont pay child support or Please help i got robbed and i really needed that money for rent next month or Help my son keeps skipping school can you talk to him cuz im worried abt him being safe and doing well in school) and pro bending and airbending lessons (which i know ive neglected this part of the story in terms of her whole spiritual/physical conflict but it’s more of a subtle thing like it’s one of tenzin and korra’s more frequent arguments like tenzin says she needs to focus on spirituality and korra asks why she even needs to bc republic city is a sociopolitical problem not a spiritual one) but now the equalist threat seems to really be looming on every level of society like the storyline of equalists preventing pro bending matches happens here and everyones just at a total loss of what to do next. plus increasing and scary rhetoric about tenzin and his family that destroying the last airbenders is necessary to preserving the integrity of the united republic
and so theres the equalist takeover of the city. the people who are mostly resisting this are lin and ragtag group of people who have been resisting colonial rule for a long time (including suyin, who is part of a communist anti colonial community outside the city, because i said so and i think it would be fun), people who have been visiting her gym for years, members of her amateur pro bending league, plus asami and korra and tenzin. korra and tenzin have a sweet moment (bc they do genuinely care abt each other a lot even if their relationship has been marked w a lot of tension and arguing) where tenzin says like you know i think that ive lost focus on the kind of spirituality that might actually help you. korra says what do you mean? and tenzin kind of gestures to where theyre sitting with people buzzing around organizing to take care of innocents and civilians and to fight the equalists and he says this is a kind of spiritual too, isnt it?
and something something plot plot blah blah i havent decided on the details of the plot climax yet but that’s the climax of korra’s character development and what helps her connect w her spiritual side in order to protect the city: the realization that community is its own kind of spirituality. and it kind of represents the real development that i want her to have going from somebody who thinks that the world is divided into criminals and victims and she has to save the victims Into the kind of avatar who understands the people that she’s bound to serve. she becomes an avatar of the people!
and then happy ending lol korra and asami get together lin and tenzin reconcile after years of being at odds the show ends on a hopeful note that the inhabitants of republic city and the united republic as a whole Can move on from the scars of colonialism by reckoning w the remnants of fire nation colonial ideology and reparations to the earth kingdom people whose land this is and destruction of colonial systems that have maintained and enforced colonial violence all these years
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jooheonies · 6 years
nawar lover no.1 aka user shwhyuk uwu
bloodorangeki said: the lady formerly known as hyuccwoo, shreknu if u will,
send me a tumblr url and ill tell you what i think of them!
hhhhhh ok before i eben launch into this full love essay. i jst wanna say tht u truly are the light at the end of my tunnel sejung,,,,u make me so happy !!! Like i remember when i was losing my mind off of like three sips of pineapple cider and i legitimately felt like i was gonna throw up but then i was like … damn i can’t forget to text shannon and tell her about all this. and then i talked to u for a full hour or so while u called me a liddle babie nd i continuously whined…either way you truly have me under your spell you demon!!
okay so not to be. dramatic but youre so dreamy and pretty you remind me of rain and soft kisses on the cheeks and rose gardens and bouquets of flowers and soft sunlight on flower meadows and like! that feeling you get in your cheeks when you smile too much for too long and you get that permanent blush across your face! god that’s probabaly nonsense and not very cohesive but you have the same sort of colors…soft orange and light pink….you’re like a sunset on the beach right at the start of spring when theres barely anyone on the shore and the whole world feels really big and wide but even though youre all alone you don’t feel lonely because it still feels like the whole world(you) is poised right at the edge of your fingertips.
hhhh that also probably made very little sense but i dont care i love you so much and im very bad at expressing emotion (blame my virgo moon who hasn’t felt any feelings in over 18 years) but i still feel like always showering u in that sweet love and affection, despite the fact that im horrible with words and i have absolutely no consistency. I feel like it’s really rare to meet someone who literally changes your entire perception of the world but … damn here we are!! tlkaing to u is literally a part of my daily life its a part of who i am at this point :/
Anyways, friendships don’t really come naturally to me because I have a very weird perosnality where like. im simultaneously suffocating whilst also being very detached and it turns people off so quickly but..god we mesh so well i truly love you so much. i also tend to not write a lot whenever i make these posts bc im the kind of person who continously says how much i love you throughtout the convo (even thoguh ill ghost most ppl for a few days) so whenever i get around to writing these im like :// but what else do i say :// but this time!!! oooo i have so much to say i can never go into full loving hours with you bc you always turn things around and get me to start talking abotu myself and pretty soon we start talking about how i used to raise rocks as a kid instead of talking about how hot you are :/
so anyways firstly . those were just the intro pragaraphs im finally getting into my loving sejung essay :(( helloooo one of my favortie things about talking to you is how easily the conversation always flows ….us talking about shownus asshole and the questionable consumption of expired jello and orbeez at 3 am is most likely the more demonic things weve done while simultaenously being the more tame things…my head still aches when i remember that giagntic bruise i got from looking at that wonho+tentacles/changkyun+black hole sketch u made… god we somehow always go from topic to topic with absolutely no regard for cohesiveness and yet neither of us ever question it…we’ll spend hours discussing absolutely nothing …like that one night we stayed up for like three hours on rabbit talking about all the different mx stans and which member has the most stans internationally versus domestically and why….icons of developing complex sociocultural theories at 2am while occasionally mentioning “oh wow its late u should go to bed >:/” god its just that I always lose track of time whenever I talk to you…its like im so focused on that I Love Her mood that I don’t even realize its been 4 hours until I look down at my pile of unfinished homework and then back up at my laptop like. This was a Valid choice why would I pick ib math when I have a whole entire sejung talking to me. hhhh its just that talking to you comes so naturally and I always tell you all these quesiotnable things to which you always respond by first calling me a demon and then laughing about it and encouraging my stupidity. it’s also so so endearing that ill tell you about the dumb shit im doing and your first response is always to nag at me to be safe and take care of myself as if ill actually listen to you and clean a cut with alcohol, risking legitimate Pain… anyways sejung? queen of making me feel loved and noticed? MORE LIKELY THAN U THINK!!!!
hhhhh ok moving on now I get to talk about how. sexy u are damn….i remember back when we were first starting to talk and you sent me those pictures of yourself in that button up and I literally. I quite literally almost passed out in the starbucks while the barista was handing me my strawberry lemonade I truly almost lost it…nd right before that I was encouraging you to talk to the boba girl nd flirt nd be all spicie…but then u sent me those pics nd I was like for what reason would she have to impress boba girl when im right here … mouth open so wide in love that all the bobas are spilling out of my mouth :( not to be dramatic yet again when I know ive mentioned those selfies before but damn…those were so hot u unbuttoned like two or three of the top buttons and u looked so hot truly. raw me vore me behind each and every single boba store location hewwwooo u look so intense nd powerful im truly putty in ur hands not only would I lose my mind for u, I have already lost it
hhhhh im very much rambling and making very little sense rn bc its. 2:30 am and im sleebie nd I blocked all social media sites so id do homework bt I kept thiknning abt u so I was like hm the universe clearly wants me to write about sejung more even though ill have to post this in the morning bc tungle is blocked until then :// bt anaywas that also means I get to go into all the other thigns I love about u and all the things u remind me of :(( hhhh its so wild that I never actually aunch into full loving shannon mood bt I talk abt u so much w my friends theyre all. suspicious ,,,,
them: nawar u don’t actually like romance and u hate talking about people r u perhaps dating this girl??me, w hearts in my eyes laughing at smth ure saying on my phone: what
HHHH DJHFKSJDHF TAHST TRULY ME,,,,ALWAYS THIKNING ABT U,,,ALWAYS BEING BIG HEART EYES FR U,,,at any given moment I could be reminded of u :( I see a piece of paper nd im like huh I should do work then again is work necessary to live perhaps not but sejung is necessary to live,,,,me thinking abt u as I procrastinate every single thing ive ever had to do :D Like, ive never understood when people say that they hated a zodiac sign at one point, and then they met one person and they were like oh my god nevermind this sign is perfect but truly,,,I love geminis now ,,,I used to hate them almost as much as cancer nd now? geminis are all good ure so wonderful nd loving nd sweet u being a gemini saved geminis collectively,,
ill also neber stop talking abt how now matter how much I whine and demand attention, youre always jst,,,supplying it without any question like at one point people usually get annoyed, no matter how endeared they were by it at first, bt youre always calling me a baby (even though im older) nd giving me that sweet Love and Attention,,mmmmm my libra sun thrives under ur care :( hhhh also I feel it is important to point out I love. all of u,,,,like I don’t even usually care much for peoples voices or anything unless its like so deep it sounds like the grim reaper bc that’s wild u ,,bt anyways the first moment I heard ur voice I was. breathless I was so shocked like ur voice is so soothing nd warm its like. if the aesthetic of sunlight and honey and warm pies had a voice,,,hhhh im also not the type to really believe in things like fate nd destiny and soulmates and stuff bt that’s kind of what u remind me of ? in a? not weird way hhhhh so I feel like youre just so naturally in tune with people like nothing really catches you off guard and you roll with peoples different personalities and quirks and you always jst. mesh so well with everyone ure like the minhyuk of the internet,,,,nd like!! theres smth abt u that reminds me of balance and maybe its my libra sun always seeking peace and harmony in life but I always feel so relaxed nd steady whenever I talk to you its like . idk how to explain it!!! its jst so comforting!!!
I was originally gonna cut myself off at 1k but its too late for that now and im gonna put this under a read more anyways and its 3am now so I feel like. go Big or go Home!!! now im gonna launch into a long analysis of u! and ur smile!! first of all,,,its so rare nd wild to find someone who likes validating people more than being validated,,,,u finding my libra antics cute???hhhhh tahts so wild,,,,I could pout for hours nd u would call it cute,,,validating!!! nd the fact that you’ve read my writing,,,,excerpts from my demonic wips and youre stil friends with me?? you still talk to me?? damn that’s like. never to be expected any time I make someone read that tangerine fic they ghost me for a good month but I sent you pieces of that tentacle fic and YOU FUCKCING SKETCHED OUT THE LOOK,,,,,MY MUSE,,,nd also you tend to always steer the convo around to focus on the other person n dim a FOOL who almost falls for it every time,,,before I remember and make u tell me thigns…god ive told you so many obscure things from my childhood like that time I tried to eat a brick and yet you still,,,,talk to me,,,,who are u,,,,hhhh ure always so cute nd giving nd caring I feel like I could genuinely truly look like shit nd send u a selfie nd you would still be like WOW GORGEOEUS YOU LOOK SO GOOD THAT’S HOT!!! u,,,going out of ur way to make ppl happy :( anyways im a fool in love w u ,,,also not to be like. one of those old white boy text posts from tumblr but ,,,,hey girl,,,ladie,,,wamen,,,did u know? ur smile lights up my world? ,,,did u know? theres no such thing as u being anything less than perfect,,,why? because its impossible to be anything less than the essence of who you are. hhhh that’s the dumbest thing im ever written im cutting myself off that was too much this is like. 2k words so far and in all honesty I could continue but then id get gushier than that last line and nobody wants to see That,,,hhhh
this started out with. somewhat decent grammar like I used periods and I think I occasionally capitalized the first letter of the sentence but at this point its incoherent rambling it’s the inside of my brain every time I see u or hear frm u its like when spongebobs brain was on fire and all the cabinets and computers were going up in flames and all the little brain spongebobs were losing their mind that’s me right now losing my mind over you I wrote exactly 2k words in that whole essay,,,,im so fucking valid,,,,ananywas I love you if you couldn’t tell nd iim . somewhat satisfied at being able to vent all this love,,,smoochie,,smoochh,,SMOOCHIIE
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trueheda · 7 years
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                     1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. ya’ll know me, i hate making things serious and sappy but i really did want to get around to writing something more for my one year on this babe because she means so much to me ( and so much more now that i’ve been writing her for a year ). ontari is such a wonderful and complex character, and it’s a shame given the show she was given she was only in there for one season it’s always an honor for me that ya’ll are willing to accomidate me into your lives, rp timelines, and plots ! i’ve honestly adored spending this last year with yall. with so much that’s happened irl in this past year it’s been such a blessing to have a steady place where i felt comfortable and identified to be able to hang out and write creativly, plus the bonus of enjoying my bbies ( that’s you lot ).  and i know i’ve done some pretty shitty shit in this past year. and this is deffiently also a thank you letter to everyone that’s stuck by my side despite everything i’ve done not to deserve it. so this is my personal way of saying THANK YOU for being here, for wanting to write with ontari, for wanting to write with me, thank you for those 2AM movie nights, for the 4AM rush replies because a thread was just addicting, thank you for bringing a smile to my face for introducing me to friends new and old and freinds i wouldnt have been able to make if not for this blog. thank you so much. ya’ll don’t understand how much this means to me. and i dont think you will. so here’s a small little thank you notice for those of you that care:
if you were to LIKE & REBLOG this post ( * yes both ) you’ll be entered to win the following provided to you by YOURS TRUELY examples including ( all my rp blogs legit just look at any of the rp blogs ): a THEME BG + CODE * only if u want a custom code by me ofc it’s up to you, a PROMO SET, a DASH ICON, a MOBILE HEADER and !! an AZGEDA EDIT of your character because how tf would you not want more azgeda around !! 
now that we’ve gotten that out of the way and i’ve given ya’ll a small thanks, i want to give you an even bigger thanks ! and wanted to give a big shout out to my fave babes whom have stuck by my side through a whole lot of shit that is hella undeserved ! but yet you’re still here ! despite it all and i owe you all the world so thank you. so much. 
@murhys - MOON !! love of my life. cas to my dean. actual other half. salt king husband to our salt kingdom. moon you’ve been there for me since day 1 and are probably the only person on this website i’ve never had a disagreement with. you wormed ur skaidad into my baby icekids heart which i thought would be impossible and it’s magic how much i enjoy ur presence really. you’re deff like my other half babe. ultimate husband. ily
@azgona / @braverstars - HANNAH !! b to my v. actual partner in crime when it comes to like anything ! legit we write anything and theres so much perfect chemsitry between the characters that i think we were meant to b babe. like legit anything we do its magic and you really need to have more faith in this community because we need u man. we need you. 
@kiingbuilt - LENEE ( STARS ) !! actual babe. positivity queen lenee. honestly ur so sweet and so perf and idk what you want me to say bc ur awesome in every way ? you put up with me who’s like the dark hole to ur sunshine but like i’m always so greatful i don’t think there could be a better person i’d want to play tari against than you, roan and her have such depth and it’s so wonderful to be able to talk at lengeth about our ice siblings and what could have been like ! ily so much thanks for legt taking care of us all better than what we deserve
@leyosgona / @saviorbuilt - SOCHIE !! my babe sochie waht to i say about you. well lets start with the fact i don’t think i’ve ever become trash for a ship quite as quickly as i became trash for catari like wtf man. i’m going to second that with sayig ur clarke is presh and i love her to death ? and top it all off with the fact hat you legit always put up with me spamming u wit random af things without ur permission and are a okay with it all the time which makes u way too cool. 
@humansympathies - CHARLES !! legit one of these days im sealing u away form ur wife just u wait ( * hamilton an american musical plays in the bg  )  honestly i still need to thank you for making me so goddamned comfortable with being okay to write something i had been so nervous to write before because of the context of th show. you are the reason i was able to come out of my bubble and im so fucking thankful for that sitll am going to add #actualjohnmurphy bc nothing u do can change that
@ginatcnic - LAUREN !! gg lauren ur always around to help me when i need it and i really think i dont deserve you as a friend you’re amazing and always there for me and put up with me ranting @ you about the randomest bullshit and being vauge af about it and whatnot. ilysm babe dont forget ever that you are one of the most important parts of this fandom and we’d be lost without you. 
@foxofthe100 / allofthe100 - BRITT !! things i never expected i would do: ship with britt. things i’m super thankful happened: shipping with britt. not that we needed it to be friends bc w were friends beforei. but i deff think that foxtari has brought us closer and i’m so glad that it did !! you’re such a fun and acomplished person, and your view on things are always so well balanced and lovely to hear ! being who i am i love understanding things and you always put things in prespective. just in time to drop an angst ball on me but yknow. 
@si02built / @rainkiing - CHUCK !! yo you. yes you. i love ya man. like i do love you so much i don’t think you understand how much you’re amazing. you’ve been there for me since day 1 and i know that it dosn’t matter if i havent spoken to you in a day or in a month we’ll jump back into things just as they’ve always been meant to be and i think there’s a sort of treasure in that tat can’t be sahken. i love you man. kisses. take care
@damnleader - NIKKI !! i dont know where to start with you man. i started off as ur biggest fan and now look at us. we’re trash and i love it and you legit need to get ur ass back onto this account so i can yell at you about how presh u are and how much i miss talking to you and ranting and bless. 
@youngcst​ - MOO !! moo. legit i never knew whether to call you that or lois but you know what it don’t matter much now does it. waht i will say however is how thankful i am that we were bros for such a long time, and how much it means to me what nova and tari built toether and their relationship like i sob over our babies so often you don’t even know ! please always keep bringing us babe characters. 
bonus shoutout - @ CONSQUAD because yall put up with my ass for 4 days and if anyone can do that i think they deserve like a gold medal or smth like pls yall are honestly some of the best people keep being you !! @banishhim ( black hole ) / @algaenotwar ( milky way ) / @stellarstolen
bonus bonus shoutout - @ icesquad because AZKRU BEST KRU - some of ya’ll are inactive and need to get ur asses back here just sayin’ @icymenace / @azhaihefa / @aznofi / @azkeyva / @azgedaechoes / @azgada / @aznontu / @komashdaun /  @azenblida / @dubiousloyalty / @challengedloyalty / @shudameika / @aiopgona / @zosimekomazgeda / @wintamnontu / @deathwants / @icebuilt / @icebitxh / @leyosgona / @kiingbuilt / @haihefaroun / @firraun / @rcyalscars / @acrownofice / @youngcst 
i also wanted to make a sort of like FOLLOW FOREVER ? like ? idk how you make a solid one of these but just like all the blogs ? i’m in awe of whenever they come on the dash seemed like a good idea ? like these are all so quality all the time eve if some are inactive i refuse to unfollow just because of the chance they’ll come back, they should be a shoutout bc they are my inspiration to write they make me a better writer every day ! and love the hell out of them: @wolfsouled / @rattledbybullets /  @ragnarsscn / @princeubbe / @belomi / @soldiiermade / @imqetuous / @everyturnanycost / @noximperator / @lionoffrance / @praycd / @redempticnarc / @bloodshedbound / @allvanquisher / @murdocksredemption / @damnmechanic / @leaderbuilt / @casuistic / @headstrongblake / @crimiinalchemiist / @noukru / @starxbcrn / @arroworn / @survivorbuiilt
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chickenkooks · 7 years
black magic [m]
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credit: x.
❛❛im one of the brightest witches at this prestigious magic academy and ur a human who somehow got admitted and everyone knows u dont ACTUALLY have magic but cant prove it so they hate u for it but i actually like you??? and have a crush on u??????? our paths have just never crossed until ur class blew up n somehow we became class partners and-- hold on what do you mean we fucked up this spell so we wanna fuck each other’s brains out??❜❜ AU
COUNT → 18.430
GENRE → smut 
PAIRING → taehyung | reader
WARNINGS → dom and sub tones | mild cum play | explicit language | female masturbation (male if you squint) | oral sex | penetration | graphic dirty talk
NOTE → this was requested and inspired by @blueagust!!!!!! the idea went thru several stages and yelling over kkt but this is the final product :-D im sorry mom
You hated everyone at this fucking academy.
It wasn’t just that they always smelled like unicorn turds—and that wasn't a compliment because unicorns had the nastiest smelling shit in the entire universe—but they were so arrogant and had this fucking superiority complex when it came to humans. You were sure if they actually lived with them and in human society instead of hidden away at some prestigious academy they wouldn’t pull this bullshit in the first place, but they still despised them.
Or maybe it was just one human they despised in particular.
"What’s that he’s eating?”
“It’s a sandwich.”
Your classmate sitting beside you on the dock hummed to himself, mumbling something under his breath about how he’s at a magic academy and shouldn’t be eating a fucking sandwich, but you ignored him. Taehyung wasn’t like everyone else. For one, he was a human—the only human at your school; everyone knew that and hated him for it, mostly because no one could actually prove it. The biggest mystery was how he even got admitted in the first place. Your academy wasn’t exactly visible on a human map—or any map for that matter. Though, it was hard to explain where exactly your school even was. It was almost like it was in purgatory—like a cross between two different planes—so it really wasn’t anywhere. It was nowhere and everywhere at the same time.
“I just don’t get it,” he continued, acting as if he was just innocently questioning Taehyung’s taste in food.
“Jimin,” you huffed out, your old weather-casting spellbook closing with a slam, coughing loudly as dust flew in your face. “It’s just a sandwich. Why does it matter to you what he eats anyway?”
He mumbled something under his breath—presumably sarcastic—and you rolled your eyes. As he continued to go on and on about how sandwiches were lame and dumb and not the wizarding way, the unheard whispers of your incantations went unheard as you attempted to freeze over the pond under your feet by memorization. The water in the shallow pond iced over then, seemingly encasing the fish swimming below—but not enough to be correct.
Leaning over the wooden dock, you groaned at the sight of fish coated only in thin layers of ice as the water thawed instead of completely encasing them entirely like your spell was supposed to. You had to make sure it worked perfectly, along with all the other weather casting incantations, in order to pass the final—and at least by the time the sun set in a few hours, which was proving to be impossible with fucking Jimin running his flapping lips. He'd been insulting Taehyung for the past twenty minutes and breaking your focus, causing each cast of your spell to be weaker than the last from your fingertips. And it wasn’t even because you had this big crush on Taehyung that you were so protective of him but he just didn’t deserve it—no one deserved to hear what all your shitty classmates said about him. Taehyung kept to himself for the most part and never bothered anyone else, but everyone avoided him like the plague—just because he didn’t have magic and just because he was a human.
Like you said, you hated everyone at this fucking academy.
You glanced around, looking for your familiar so that you could just go back to your dormitory and practice your spell casting there instead. Your academy was very accommodating for familiars in the first place since it was required to have one by the end of your first year. It wasn’t uncommon to see a lone bat roaming the halls or never even being with their master; a familiar wasn’t a pet, after all, but a magical partner. And sometimes, it seemed like your familiar was the master and you were the familiar—but you didn’t really mind that much.
Jimin moved on to Taehyung's lack of developed taste buds then—he hadn't taken advantage of Food and Culture 101 to your knowledge, which provided a potion at the beginning of the semester to alter your taste buds—even though you made it pretty clear you weren’t listening. He had something against Taehyung for whatever reason, more than any of your other friends—if you could even call him your friend. You knew he had a crush on you or something but you brushed it off because you weren’t interested in him and never would be. In fact, you weren’t fucking interested in any of them. If they had to knock Taehyung down to impress you, you didn't want a single thing to do with them. And anyway, Taehyung had already ruined your taste in men forever.
But even if you grew old with nothing but your good-for-nothing familiar to keep you company while Taehyung was happily married to some girl, you wouldn’t be bitter and would be happy for him because you loved him.
And that felt strange admitting that to yourself but you really did love him. Maybe you only got to talk to him once a day if you were lucky, but you treasured those moments. Something was wrong with the other girls in both your year and entire school if they weren’t as attracted to him as you were—and actually hated him just as much as the guys—but the only explanation you could think of for that was they were as fucking blind as their bat familiars.
Just thinking about how attracted you were to him reminded you that he had to be the best looking guy in your year, or even in the entire academy. He had tanned skin, thick eyebrows, beautifully silky hair—at least when it wasn’t hidden under his uniform’s hoodie, that is—and he was just so tall. Everything about him was equally proportioned, though, like his round nose with a small freckle at the tip and his long, extending fingers—
You had to stop yourself there. If you really thought about his fingers, you'd never perfect your incantation.
You heard a satisfied meow from across the pond then and recognized your chameleon shorthair familiar immediately as she rubbed herself against Taehyung's leg with him leaning against one of the willow trees in the garden. It wasn’t even out of the ordinary for the two of you to be just walking the halls and then have her ditch you at the sight of him—but that was too relatable for you to even be mad at her. You wished you were a fucking cat sometimes just so you could follow him around and have him scratch you behind the ears and touch you and—
But your familiar didn’t ditch you just for Taehyung—she also ditched you at even the faintest smell of tuna and whenever you were on the fifth floor; the fifth floor’s garden especially was her favorite place, which happened to be where you were now. It was the only garden on all ten floors of the academy that was actually on a balcony, the single magical dome framing it by some force spell giving it an almost fairy-like atmosphere. It was also home to wildvines, which were moss-like vines that sprouted flowers and bloomed depending on the amount of sunlight. They stretched from the exterior of the academy all the way across the dome overhead. Alongside those, there were also a lot of other magical plants you couldn’t find anywhere else, so it was a popular spot for familiars.
Your lips curled upwards at the sight of them—Taehyung offering her a bite of his tuna sandwich and her sniffing at it curiously before licking at some of the tuna that fell to the ground. Did Taehyung even have a familiar of his own? you wondered. Just because he was human didn’t mean he wasn’t required to have one. Although felines were the most popular choice when choosing a familiar, there were also crabs, dogs, and bats to choose from.
“Azura,” you called but she ignored you as usual.
Fucking bitch familiar, you thought to yourself.
Sighing, you stood up, casting a shadow spell on your spellbook so that it’d simply follow after you instead of you having to hold it. Your round toe uniform shoes dug into the grass as you approached them, him scratching behind her ears like he knew she liked. Taehyung was looking handsome as always with his back leaning into the bark of the tree, his signature hood pulled over his chestnut brown hair with his fringe tickling the hairs on his eyebrows.
“Hi, Taehyung,” you greeted with a shy smile.
He straightened his back when you came to a stop before them, grinning up at you.
“Hey,” he said back, his hand moving to scratch under Azura's chin. “Looking for this?”
“Yeah,” you replied. “She wasn’t bothering you, was she?”
“Nah. She can hang out with me whenever.”
“Don’t encourage her,” you said with a laugh, smiling at her sniffing the ground for more tuna. “Then she’ll break our contract and become your familiar instead of mine and then I’ll have to repeat a year.”
“That’s cool with me,” he quipped, his head settling into the tree trunk again as he looked up at you. “I can’t have you graduating before me. What would I do without you here to keep me company?”
You dropped your gaze to your feet, the spell on your book wavering as your heart raced and brain turned to mush. Just then, you felt Azura’s striped tail brushing against your leg, walking ahead for you to follow her.
“I have to go now,” you muttered. “You know how she is. If I don’t follow her, she might get us into trouble.”
He nodded, biting into his sandwich. “I understand. See you around?”
“Yeah." You watched as he licked one corner of his lips, swallowing. "Bye, Taehyung.”
Spinning on your heel, you chased after her already scratching at the closed double doors leading to the fifth floor hallway. Taehyung, on the other hand, followed your figure closely in fascination. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jimin pack his things at the dock and approach you talking to Azura animatedly, as if you two were arguing.
Knowing Azura, though, he wouldn't be surprised.
“So, I was wondering—”
“Fuck off, Jimin.”
Jimin continued to follow you, however, even into the hallway. You were probably going back to your room to study and tongued his cheek at the thought of Jimin following you there. He just couldn't take a fucking hint that you weren't interested. Whenever he saw you at the library or anywhere, your peers just flocked to you like a moth to a flame; they found you just as captivating as he did with your bright personality and warm smile.
You were the only person in the entire academy that gave him the time of day—the only person he wanted to give him the time of day. Everyone else treated him like a squashed bug beneath the bottom of their shoe, like he didn't belong at their school. Maybe they were right; he was the only human at a school for witches and wizards, but no one really knew anything about him—no one except for you. But even you didn't know why he was really here or why he was even admitted into a school of magic when he had no magic of his own to show for it.
He didn't care for acceptance from his classmates, though—just yours.
The highlight of his day was always Azura finding him after running off somewhere because that meant you’d come looking for her eventually—and that meant he'd finally get to talk to you and see you. It was hard to normally since you two were hardly ever on the same floor and had never once had a class together.
Before you closed the double doors behind you, you looked over your shoulder back at him and waved, smiling warmly before disappearing behind the steel doors. He chuckled to himself, hand still hanging in mid-air after waving back. If you so much as looked at him, all the other wizards gave him the stink eye, as if he wasn't good enough for you to talk to him. He got just as jealous as them but that didn't warrant him telling you who to talk to. But he didn't blame them—not really. You were the prettiest girl in your year, or even in the entire academy. A girl like you didn't come along that often, at least not a girl with a heart made of fucking 24-karat gold like yours was.
And he knew the other wizards didn't care about that part of you—or maybe you just never gave them the chance. You were so warm and so bright that he couldn’t help but get stuck in your flame like everyone else.
And maybe that’s why he’d started packing tuna sandwiches.
“I have an announcement.”
Your classmates groaned, a few of them slamming their foreheads onto the table in front of them. You, however, were just hoping you were finally getting your bound incantation assignments back—like the nerd you were.
“The other incantation class on the third floor exploded.”
At the mention of an explosion, suddenly everyone was listening.
“So, that means we will now be sharing a classroom that only has room for twenty-two students—but no one asked if this was okay with me and I have no say in the matter so that's fine, I guess... We'll be sharing this class with another twenty-eight. I want to see at least six people per table to accommodate your new classmates a—”
Your fellow witches and wizards stood up quickly to make room at their tables, eagerly watching as a surplus of new students filed into the classroom. The classroom itself was large but there were limited chairs, like your professor explained, and no one wanted to be that person stuck with an empty table. Then again, you wouldn't mind an empty table because that meant you wouldn't have a group for future assignments and didn't have to remind your peers to do their part and then have them never do it and make you do all the fucking work anyway.
You scooted over at your table until there was room for at least two more people to sit at yours, then followed your classmates’ lead and observed the new students as they continued to come into the classroom. However, once you saw a head of brown hair and his uniform jacket’s hoodie framing his face, you straightened your back.
Maybe you wouldn't mind a table that wasn't empty if that meant Taehyung was sitting next to you.
Taehyung stopped for a moment, lips curving into a warm smile as soon as he saw you, but then was jostled forward by someone behind him. He scanned the classroom for a moment and you took that chance to face away from the front and cough into your hand to smell your breath. You muttered a quick incantation under your breath then, feeling frost nip at the tip of your tongue, as if you just chewed on ten sticks of gum. Turning towards the front again, you waved at Taehyung as if you weren't nervous at all at the idea of him sitting next to you in the same classroom as you for the first time, gesturing for him to sit with you at your table with a wave of your hand.
Just as you did, however, your eyes connected with Jimin’s, whom you hadn’t even noticed was in the same class as Taehyung. Maybe it was because he was so short that you assumed he was a fucking lost child. Jimin took your eyes locking as a green light for him to sit at your table and tried to weasel his way into the space next to you, but you reacted quickly, whispering a medium level wind spell under your breath. As soon as he placed his chair he brought in from the other classroom beside you and sat down, he was blown across the room by a powerful gust of wind. Instead of retaliating like you expected, however, he simply glared at you in silence, which you ignored.
Taehyung took that as his chance to take his place, setting his chair down beside you. He was the only one physically carrying his chair as everyone else just used shadow spells like the lazy witches and wizards they were.
As he scooted his chair in, he pulled back his hood and grinned at you. You smiled back, so ecstatic that this was happening. What were the odds that the only classroom that exploded happened to be Taehyung's class? What were the odds that it happened to be your class he joined for the time being? You weren't sure how he was in a spell casting class to begin with, seeing as he was a human without magic, but you weren't about to complain.
Not to your surprise, your table was completely empty. If your classmates would rather sit on the grimy tiled floor than sit next to a human, then you hoped a dragon flea dug through the dirt to crawl up their ass and hospitalize them for the rest of the semester. You would never understand what it was about Taehyung that people hated. Taehyung was so bright and so funny and so charming. They didn't even want to get to know him.
More for me, you thought to yourself.
“Everyone settled in?” your professor asked, his eyes falling on your empty table, save for you and Taehyung. He sighed to himself then, just as annoyed as you by your classmates. “Then take out your textbooks, please.”
“Shit,” Taehyung mumbled under his breath and you looked over at him.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What? What’s wrong?”
“My— My textbook,” he answered. “It’s back in our old classroom.”
“Th-That’s okay! We can share mine if you want.”
You slid over your textbook, pointing to the page you were on. Taehyung smiled and thanked you under his breath.
The class droned on, your professor going into detail about the spell you would be practicing. It was some sort of a bewitching charm but you weren’t paying attention due to the fact that you were sitting next to the most beautiful boy in your entire school. He wasn’t even doing anything out of the ordinary, just chewing on the cap of his pen and jotting down quick notes. You’d never shared a class so you were captivated by him in a classroom setting.
“I’m going to project the incantation on the wall,” your professor announced, surveying the class for anyone asleep. “Read it very carefully and if there is an explosion of any kind, I'm going to be very unhappy.”
The classroom got eerily quiet at that, remembering what happened last time.
When the chatter resumed and your professor began to walk around the class to answer questions, you squinted as you attempted to read what it said. Something about a tongue and— Whatever that translated to.
“Taehyung,” you began, “can you read that at all? I can do the incantation if you tell me what it says."
He nodded, jotting down the incantation for the charm onto a scrap of notebook paper, then slid it over to you to read aloud. You had to stifle a laugh at his handwriting because it was just like him—in all capital letters while at the same time completely neat and legible. The spell was supposed to be casted on your partner and then vice versa, except you knew Taehyung wouldn’t be able to cast it back to you. Closing your eyes, you concentrated, channeling all your energy and opening one eye every few seconds to read what he wrote on the piece of paper.
“I frui magnus cornu decer—”
Just then, a giant cloud of floral-smelling smoke surrounded the two of you from the tips of your fingers. Taehyung coughed out instantly, clearing away some of the smoke with one of his hands as you both struggled to suck in a lungful of air. Your eyes locked through the clearing smoke and something changed in that moment. It was small—barely noticeable and almost subtle—but you felt it, like a shift in the atmosphere that you couldn't recognize.
“Taehyung,” you breathed out, “are you—”
“What the hell happened over here?” your professor asked as he approached the two of you, recoiling at the smell from the smoke, both like hydrangeas and brimstone. “This was a simple charm. Didn't you read the incantation?”
Taehyung looked at you for a moment, both from not being able to tear his eyes off of you for some reason and looking to you for what to say, then returned his gaze to your professor with his hands on his hips. “We were—”
He raised his hand then to silence him. “I changed my mind. I don’t want to know.” Looking to the rest of your class, whom had stopped their own spell casting to stare at you two, he let out a sigh. “Class is dismissed."
You vaguely remembered nodding, packing up your things and stuffing your textbook into your bag in a daze. Taehyung was in a similar state as he followed you out the door and into the main hallway. As the two of you went to part ways, with you going to the fourth floor where your dormitory was located and him elsewhere, you paused.
“I’m just gonna—” He gestured over his shoulder down the end of the hallway in the opposite direction of where you were heading. When his eyes connected with yours again, his sentence cut off. “—go... this way...”
“Yeah,” you replied, awkwardly. “M-Me too. I mean, I’m going this way.” You paused to point in the opposite direction towards one of the vine-operating elevators. “And you’re going th-that way.”
He nodded, robotic-like. As he made his way down the hallway, you were left with your own thoughts—thoughts that usually were quieter but had somehow started to scream into the void as he disappeared from view.
The air in the hallway was clear—easy to breathe in—but somehow you had a hard time taking in each breath; it was like swallowing nails. It wasn’t painful but it required more effort, required you to consciously think about each breath. You didn’t know what happened and what spell you’d casted instead of the one your professor instructed you to, but you knew it was of the same classification—it was some sort of bewitching charm.
For some reason, you felt like you needed Taehyung around to breathe properly but you also had a harder time breathing with him around. It was a confusing feeling, to say the least. Not only that, but his smell was so alluring out of nowhere. Not that he never smelled good before but you could still smell him after he left—like mint leaves and how the world smelled to you after being in a small classroom for an hour and finally breathing in fresh air.
Swallowing thickly, you quietly walked down the hall, hoping the spell you casted would wear off by tomorrow.
Your eyes snapped open at the feeling of warm breath against the back of your neck. A single hand was wrapped around your stomach—softly, not hard enough in its grip to bruise the skin there. You attempted to look over your shoulder but then quickly returned your gaze to your bare dorm room wall when the hand smoothing over your pajama top slipped underneath the fabric and skimmed the expanse of your skin there. A shiver ran down your spine, gasping from the back of your throat as the hand kept sliding higher and higher until a single finger pressed against the wiring of your bra, tapping almost feather-like against it. You could hear him lightly snoring behind you, the steady rhythm from his heartbeat almost enough to lull you back to sleep—until he maneuvered his hand so it was grasping one of your bra-clad breasts and squeezed gently, causing you to fidget and squirm against him.
"Taehyung," you hissed, eyes wide.
The palm over your breast simply laid flat over the cotton material of your bra, not moving an inch. You blinked, sluggishly trying to process what just happened. Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, you glanced over your shoulder at the sight of him sound asleep, his face buried into the back of your neck. Wide awake, your own hand reached underneath your shirt to find his and slowly pull it away from you so you could go back to sleep already, chalking it up as him just groping you in his sleep again—it was so hard to tell if he was awake or not sometimes.
Just as his fingers brushed past your plaid pajama shorts, his forefinger tugged on the band, letting go so that it snapped against your skin lightly. Peering over your shoulder again, you saw one of his eyes blink open.
"You're awake," you noted, panting slightly.
"I am now."
His palm pressed into your mattress when he leaned over you. Blinking up at him over your shoulder, your eyes connected as you felt the fingers tugging at the band of your pajama shorts slip past them, finding your underwear and cupping you gently under the fabric. You couldn't breathe—couldn't even think properly—as his middle finger stroked at your entrance, coating the tip of it in your juices. Steadily, he added in his index finger and each felt at your walls, his short fingernails scraping against them and sending a sparking sensation straight into your core. Taehyung watched as your head fell against the junction of his neck, grinning when your eyes fluttered closed. Blindly searching for something to hold onto, your nails scraped against the smooth skin of his arm, your hand grasping onto the taut muscle of his bicep—the very bicep connected to the hand currently pleasuring you.
"Feel good?"
Instead of answering, you just shot him a playful smile. He knew exactly what he was doing but you weren't complaining—not one bit. Rolling onto your back, he readjusted himself so he was hovering over you, pulling his hand out of your pants inch by agonizing inch. His fingers trailed past your inner thighs on the way out, leaving evidence of your arousal on the skin there. You wiggled your hips, reaching down to pull your shorts past them.
"Why are you awake, huh?" he asked, leaning in closer until his lips were ghosting over yours.
When your shorts hung around your ankles, you kicked them off into the corner, your fan blowing directly onto your inner thighs and sending a chilling sensation from the wetness he wiped on your thighs. You settled your head into the center of your fluffy pillow, biting your lip as he waited for you to respond, his gaze flickering across your face.
"Because of your wandering hands."
"My wandering hands?"
You nodded. "Yeah. You were touching me in your sleep again."
"Where?" he rasped out, glancing at his hand rubbing circles into the skin of your elbow.
You poked at your chest, too embarrassed to have him watch you palm one of your breasts.
"You're embarrassed, right?" he asked, watching as your breasts jiggled slightly with each poke against your chest, your pinky finger brushing against your shirt there. "I touched you—" He bit gently into his lip then. "—here?"
His big hand completely encased your breast as he palmed you again, albeit consciously this time.
"Y-Yes," you managed to say. "Right there."
He gave you a squeeze, watching as a soft gasp escaped you and your hand poking at your chest dropped to fist the sheets at your side. Tugging the hem of your shirt upwards, you raised your arms so he could fling it behind him to land somewhere near your shorts. Then he pulled at the straps of your bra, dragging them down your shoulders, then easily moved the cups out of the way and saw your hardened nipples—both hard from the fan on your night stand and his watchful gaze. He tweaked one of them between his thumb and forefinger, never taking his eyes off of you. He knew where to touch you and how hard you liked it; he knew exactly what you liked like he knew his own cock. You squirmed then, one of your feet sliding across your covers at the end of the bed as you angled your leg.
Cracking your eyes open, you barely had time to look at the pleased expression on his face before his lips inched towards your own and finally closed the distance. You softly moaned into his mouth, lips parting slightly. His tongue licked across the seam of your lips, pausing to peck one corner before sliding his tongue into your mouth. Your hands raised from their place at your sides to cup his cheeks, smiling into the kiss. He happily returned your smile, pulling away briefly to laugh softly before he came swooping back down, asking silently for entrance again with his tongue. His tongue swirled around your own and your noses brushed against each other as your heads tilted to the side to deepen the kiss further. When the kiss began to heat up, one of his arms reached behind you to sit—in his lap almost—sliding his hand up your unclasp your bra expertly. After undoing all of the clasps, it hung over your breasts loosely, the straps its only anchor to them before slowly sliding down your arms and into your lap.
His arm raised to grasp the back of your neck then, pulling away so you could remove your top completely and fling your bra into the same corner as your shorts. Not even a second later, he came back to reconnect your lips, gasping into your mouth as he tried to breathe through his nose and lick at the insides of your cheeks. Your nails dug into the base of his scalp, panting and groaning as his steadily hardening cock pressed against you over the thin material of your underwear. He felt so long and you were so wet that you knew he would slide right in.
Then he pulled away again, your room filling with the sound of your heavy breathing as his breath fanned across your cheeks and yours fanned into his neck. Inch by inch, his lips trailed past your lips, leaving pecks and soft licks on his way down to your chest, stopping to suck a nipple into his mouth and bite gently. Your hands cradled him there, you moaning out softly about how good his lips felt on your bare skin. That only spurred him on and he descended further down and past your stomach. As soon as his fingers tugged at the tight band of your underwear, he nudged you until you fell onto your back again, your hair messily framing your face and awaiting his touch. Your head pressed more into your pillow, closing your eyes in pure bliss as you felt him touch your inner thighs, his warm breath against your scalding core causing you to instinctively squeeze your thighs together and fidget impatiently.
He pried your legs apart, running a single finger from the base of your cunt all the way to your clit, amazed at how wet you were already. Unlike the wizards you'd fucked before, Taehyung wasn't the type to make you beg. If he knew what you wanted, he wasn't about to make you ask for it to boost his own ego; he just went in head first—quite literally and figuratively. Nothing was hotter to him than doing everything he fucking could with his fingertips and tip of his tongue to make you come apart on his mouth—loudly and without a care in the world who heard.
You jolted when he suddenly flicked at your clit, looking up at you with a knowing grin. As soon as his tongue licked a clean stripe up your outer lips and dipped past them, your legs quivered and you moaned out loudly, unable to stop yourself. He pulled back—startled—but then grinned at you again before diving back in, lapping and licking frantically at the juices that had accumulated at the base of your entrance. Then he alternated between sucking your clit gently between his lips, swirling his tongue around it, and simply licking at your entrance. Taehyung blindly grabbed at the back of your legs, dragging your body down your bed until the backs of your thighs settled against his broad shoulders. You raised yourself onto your elbows to watch him through the darkness of your room—the only source of light your bedside lamp—but found yourself losing your strength as he continued to suck your clit.
You felt like you were going to start crying because of how good it felt, eyes rolling into the back of your head as spike after spike of pleasure shot into the pit of your stomach. Your legs instantly flew off his shoulders and into the air at an especially precise lick from the tip of his tongue, your heels settling against his back as he kept up that same rhythm after listening to your sobs. Clenching your walls, you concentrated on the feeling of his nose continuously brushing against your clit. Taehyung only came up momentarily to take in a quick breath before descending and plunging his tongue back inside of you, as if he was getting off on fucking you with his tongue.
"T-Taehyung," you stuttered out, gasping for air. "Wait, wait— I want to cum with you."
He slowly pulled away, your juices decorating his chin and lips. "Right now?"
You nodded, your legs unwrapping around his waist. "Can I?"
Taehyung stood up, pushing himself off the wooden floor from kneeling. You watched him carefully, crawling backwards until he followed after you, hovering over your lips as his legs settled on either side of your own. You could smell yourself on him easily but he didn't kiss you. Just as he said your name with a smile, lust clouding over his eyes, goosebumps formed on your skin and his hands skimmed past your arms to reach for your cheeks. Tilting your head to the side, he leaned down and kissed you, the hair on your arms sticking straight up from the pure—
Your eyes snapped open, the darkness of your dorm room making it difficult to come back down from the intense sex dream you just had about Taehyung. It felt so real, like he was still in the room with you—as if he just went to the bathroom to take a piss and would be back to fuck your brains out momentarily. But as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you sighed to yourself, the unpleasant feeling of wetness between your thighs evident.
It was just a reminder you didn't have a certain brown-haired third year to bring you to your peak.
You sat up then, blinking groggily. You’d had dreams about Taehyung before but nothing that graphic. It was like it wasn't even a dream—you could feel every lick of his tongue and every touch from the tip of his finger. Settling yourself back into your bed and pulling your covers up to your chin, your eyes closed—until you heard groaning.
Sitting straight up again, your covers fell into your lap as you glanced at the door curiously. There wasn't someone having sex in their dorm room, right? Maybe you were still hearing things from your dream and it was just a part of your imagination. With that thought in mind, you slowly lowered yourself back into bed, slightly unsettled. You really hoped that was the case because boys weren't allowed in the girls' dormitory after curfew—and if they snuck in and were caught, the punishment would be ghastly for everyone involved. It was unethical but for something this serious, your professors would go to all lengths to figure out who it was, even using truth spells.
At the thought of being put through the same painful process you were put through last time, you wondered if you should say something. Maybe call one of your professors at this ungodly hour just to let them know you heard something so you wouldn't get in trouble like you did the last time you tried to fucking protect someone.
It probably didn't seem like it but being expelled from school was one of the more lenient punishments.
The more you listened, the more you realized it actually wasn't coming from anywhere. You definitely heard it but it was almost like the sound was muted—like you could hear it somehow even from far, far away. Listening more closely, you noted there was an echo to it almost as the same groans and grunts flew in one ear and out the other.
“Yeah, just like that,” you heard and your breathing stopped for a moment.
That sounded fucking exactly like Taehyung.
Was he— You paused in your thoughts, not wanting to finish that question. Just the idea of Taehyung having sex with anyone that wasn't you made you feel sick to your stomach. Of course, he wasn't your boyfriend and you didn't own him. He could have sex with whoever he wanted to. That was fine, but it also wasn't because it was unsettling—unsettling to think that he could be interested in and having sex with someone that wasn't you.
Ever since one of the third years was caught and promptly expelled for sneaking into the girls' dorm last year, your professors had upped the security with high level bewitching charms and alarm spells. No one could be that stupid. Everyone knew that it wasn't worth it for just one good fuck—everyone. But maybe Taehyung was the exception.
Then again, he was living proof that he was the exception to everything.
You pursed your lips, trying to cancel out the lustful sounds that floated through your eardrums. Letting out a groan of your own—albeit not the sexual kind—your head fell into your pillow, then pulled it from under the back of your head to use as a shield from the continuous noises of pleasure. Strangely enough, you didn't hear the girl he was fucking—just him. Maybe if you just told them both to kindly fuck off you could finally go back to sleep.
Pulling back your covers, you stomped towards your closed door, flinging it open but not violently enough that it slammed against your wall and woke every witch in the vicinity. As you took a step into the empty hallway, you listened closely for the sound of a penis ramming its way into some vagina somewhere nearby—but nothing.
Your hand gripped onto your door frame, confused by the sudden silence.
But then you heard it again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
At that, you felt your hand returning to your side and walked back into your room in a lust-filled daze. Your legs shook slightly on your way back to your bed that you nearly lost your balance. You didn’t even have to look to know your panties were drenched. Was it the dream that caused you to feel so horny this late at night?
No. It was Taehyung's voice as the same curses he rasped out repeated themselves over and over in your head.
Sitting down on your mattress, you glanced up to see your door was still open and quickly went to shut it. Your thighs pressed against each other as soon as you sat back down, clenching your walls almost unconsciously. Whether he was having sex or masturbating, his voice was doing something to you; Taehyung wasn't even touching you and it felt so good. How was that possible? Without thinking about what you were doing, the light touch of your fingertips alerted you that your hand had slipped past your shorts, straight to touching your drenched panties clinging to your pajama bottoms from the wetness seeping out of you like a faucet.
It was like you couldn't control your own fingers as they trailed past the tops of your thighs and straight towards your core. You didn't have a roommate unlike most of the other witches in your dorm, so masturbation was almost every few days, especially after waking up from a particularly hot dream about Taehyung. But this time, it was like you didn't even need to touch yourself to bring yourself to your orgasm—just think about him stroking his cock or pounding his dick into someone else. Before you knew it, your back fell against your covers and your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you took two fingers and thrusted them inside of you, not giving yourself time to adjust to the sudden intrusion. You let out a quiet whimper, eyebrows furrowing at how good it felt to be filled.
Your thumb then began to circle your clit at the same speed, causing your back to lift off the bed as the pleasure took over and made you unable to think about anything else but cumming. Your lips parted, as if you wanted to scream or sob into your sheets at the feeling, but nothing came out. Fingers surely dripping with your own juices by now, you replaced your thumb and used each finger to stimulate alternating sides of your clit, the wetness making it easy for you to circle around it but at an agonizingly slow pace out of almost nowhere.
You could only wish that it was Taehyung's fingers fucking into you and rubbing at your clit instead.
“T-Taehyung,” you moaned softly to yourself, trying to quicken your pace but you just couldn't.
Your room was silent, save for your heavy breathing and the soft sound of your fan going. The groans had quieted, wherever they were coming from, but now it was eerily quiet from their end. Were they finished now and—
“Who’s there?”
The sudden question startled you, causing your fingers to pause and rest against your abused clit. It really sounded like an echo, as if they were somewhere but not somewhere nearby. But how was this possible? How could you hear him so loudly and so blaringly if he wasn't in your dorm fucking some girl or at least somewhere nearby?
“H-Hello?” you called out timidly, sitting up and taking your hand out of your shorts.
You heard nothing back but continued to listen regardless, the silence unnerving. About to ask again, you opened and closed your mouth nervously. Just as you got the courage, though, he said your name, as if he wasn't sure.
“Y-Yes, it’s me,” you replied.
“Where are you right now?”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “I’m in my— I'm in my bed. I-In my room."
The conversation came to a stop, both of you confused by what was happening.
"Where are you?” you asked after a solid ten seconds of silence.
“That’s fucking weird,” Taehyung said. “I’m in my bed, too.”
“Were you—” you started to say, laughing awkwardly, then continued, "Were you— you know...”
He snorted. “Yeah. Were you—you know... too?”
You felt your cheeks ignite at that, crowding yourself against the wall beside your bed and bringing your knees to your chest. It was like he was in the room with you—except late at night and with his hands down his pants.
“M-Maybe,” you said with a shy smile, as if he could fucking see you.
“This is so fucking weird," he said again in awe. “What the hell is going on?"
“I don’t know," you answered. "You sound like you're actually here."
"Yeah," he agreed. "Like an echo or something."
It was silent again before you cleared your throat.
“I should pr-probably let you get back to it.”
Your fingers anxiously tapped on the tops of your knees. If you could hear him and he could hear you, that meant he could hear you moaning and that wasn't something you wanted to think about.
“I mean... I can’t really get off now knowing you can hear me.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Why not? Just pretend I’m not even here.”
He laughed, the sound melodious to your ears. “But you are here.”
“Yes, but pretend I am not," you said back.
You swallowed thickly, thinking the sudden silence was him reaching for his dick, but then he said quietly, “Maybe we could both get off at the same time. I'm hard as a fucking rock and can't go back to sleep like this.”
"Okay," you easily agreed, your vagina doing the talking. "Do we just—"
"Yeah. Let's just— Maybe we could just—"
“Yeah," you said. "Do you want me to—"
"Mmm," he hummed. "You're not even here, remember?"
It was silent again, but this time it wasn't out of awkwardness. Exhaling shakily, your fingers trailed past your stomach and into your shorts again. You settled yourself against the wall, grabbing your pillow with your other hand so you could lean into the wall more comfortably. Just like before, you started a fast pace almost immediately, pumping two fingers in and out of your scalding core, as if Taehyung really wasn't there.
You were surprised at how easily you could forget about his presence, except for the fact that you could hear him panting and moaning to himself. It didn't even occur to you that Taehyung would be so vocal but you liked it.
As soon as you were getting used to the rhythm, it slowed down again and you sighed.
Although Taehyung was focused on his own pleasure, he slowed down, too. "What's wrong?"
"Oh." You let out an embarrassed laugh. "It's just— I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like— It's like every time I feel myself about to cum, my fingers— Like they have a mind of their own or something and—"
Your fingers slowed their pace entirely inside of you and you groaned in frustration.
"Wait a second," Taehyung started to say. "Tell me what's happening."
Although the idea of telling him what you were doing was beyond embarrassing, you relented. Your fingers began to thrust into you again at a significantly faster pace and your head fell against the wall with a loud thud. You couldn't even form a coherent sentence because it felt that good—only moans escaping your mouth.
Taehyung called your name, bringing you back down to earth a few seconds later. "What's going on?"
"It's okay," you breathed out. "I don't know what's wrong. Maybe they just cramped up or something."
"No," he said and your pace slowed again. "Did it slow down again?"
You whined pathetically for a moment. "Yes. I just want to cu—"
Your fingers plunged back inside at a frantic pace, leaving you to only gasp for air. Head thrashing from side to side, you tried to keep your moans and cries to a minimum, knowing Taehyung could hear you—although, maybe he wanted to hear you. Maybe he wanted to hear you so he could get off faster. At that thought, moan after moan came slipping out of you as your fingers continued to pump inside you faster and faster, one of your knuckles brushing against your clit with just the right amount of stimulation. Taehyung was surprisingly quiet until—
"Is that fast enough?"
Your thumb then brushed against your clit again, your other hand unclenching around your covers to grasp at one of your clothed breasts. You had no idea what was going on but you'd never felt so turned on in your life.
"Wh-What's happenin— Fuck..." You panted, trying to take in a lungful of air. "Taehyung, are you—"
"I don't know how but—" The pace slowed, giving you a chance to breathe. "—it's like we're in sync."
"You mean... Whatever you do to your dick is what happens to me?"
He nodded, then realized you couldn't see him. "Yeah."
"Then what are you waiting for? Go fucking faster."
"Now, is that how you ask nicely?"
"Please go faster," you added.
Not even a second later and the pace resumed. You were surprised that you were still holding on and not making a fucking mess in your underwear but you weren't about to complain. The feeling before you orgasmed was always the best and you knew that this would be the hardest you'd ever cum; you weren't about to waste it.
"It's like I'm right there, isn't it?"
"Y-Yes," you managed to say, sweat dripping past your brow.
He snorted at your lack of response. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing just fine," you said back. "How about yourself?"
The conversation came to a stop for a few moments, the sound of slapping skin from his end sounding like an alarm going off as you softly willed yourself to breathe through your nose. It was a good thing your fan was going because in such a small room, it was easy for you to start sweating—even through the thin material of your shirt.
He exhaled, groaning. "J-Just fine... I have to say this is—shit—the biggest boner I've ever had."
"M-Me too. I mean—" You cut yourself off to recover. "I just mean I'm really turned on right now."
"Yeah?" he asked. "How wet are you? I wish I was there so I could actually touch you. Unless you don't—"
"I want you to," you quickly added. "God, Taehyung... I want you to so fucking badly." You licked the seam of your lips nervously. "I thought— Before— I thought you were actually here and you were fucking someone."
He laughed. "Nah. We both know no girl at this school would let me come anywhere near them."
"I would," you mumbled to yourself, but he heard you loud and clear. "I have dreams about you, you know. I had one tonight actually and that's why I'm so— Or maybe if we're in sync like you said, maybe I was just—"
The pace slowed again, but you didn't complain. In fact, you saw it as a good thing because here you were having a conversation with Kim Taehyung that lasted longer than sixty seconds—and you were being honest with yourself.
"I had a dream about you, too."
"Wh-What was it? What happened?"
"I was in your bed—with you." He paused to swallow thickly. "I don't even know what your room looks like but it felt so real—like I'd been there a thousand times. I've never even been in the girls' dormitory but it was so real."
"That's the same dream I had," you muttered. "You were fingering me and then you— you ate me out."
"And then what? What happened after that?"
"Then I woke up."
He sighed. "Me too."
After a brief pause, he asked, "Are you lying down?"
"No. I'm against the wall," you replied. "Why do you ask?"
"Lie down for me." You heard him moving around briefly. "Please."
Doing as he said, you pulled yourself away from the wall and brought the pillow you placed behind your back beneath your head, waiting for him to tell you what to do next. Your clit throbbed while you did—torturously.
"I want you to fuck yourself against your pillow, all right?"
Merlinus fucking Caledonesis, you thought to yourself. You were actually going to die because you knew where he was going with this and couldn't even control yourself as you sat up quickly, readjusting your pillow so it was nestled between your inner thighs. While you were at it, you pulled at your underwear until you were naked completely from the waist down. Your thighs squeezed together then as you waited for him to continue.
“Are you touching your dick right now?”
“I mean... I kind of have to for this.”
You laughed to yourself, smiling.
“You got your pillow?"
"Yeah. What do you—"
He groaned and you heard him quickly stroke down the length of his cock. As your thighs fidgeted, the zipper side of your pillow pressed directly into your bare cunt and a cold shiver ran down your spine at the feeling.
"Let's just cum as fast as we can so we can go to fucking sleep."
"Don't sound so excited about it, Taehyung."
He laughed. "I'm fucking ecstatic. I am but—"
"I know," you said with a giggle. "I was just kidding."
"Fuck," he groaned out. "Do you know long I've wanted this?"
You started to squeeze your thighs together as the pillow pressed tightly into you, then rolled over onto your stomach and slowly began to grind into it, raising your hips every few seconds to brush the zipper against your clit.
"M-Me too. How close are you?"
"So fucking close. Just hold on."
You nodded, continuing to grind into the pillow.
"I'm so turned on, Taehyung. I don't know if one orgasm will be enough."
"Jesus..." he muttered to himself. "You are so fucking hot right now."
"I know this is probably because of that charm but—" You let out a high-pitched moan as the feeling of ecstasy and pure bliss began to expand in the pit of your stomach. "God, not yet. I don't want to cum yet. It feels so good."
"Cum for me," he breathed out shakily. "And then cum again and again and fucking again like I know you can."
You whimpered, reaching under your stomach to grip onto the pillow and drag it back and forth so the zipper continuously brushed against your clit, completely coated in your wetness by now. Clenching your walls every second, you knew you were so close. All it took was for him to get there and you would be right fucking there.
"Taehyung," you moaned out. "Taehyung. Are you going to cum? I don't want to cum without you."
"Holy shit," he gasped, increasing the speed of his strokes. "Keep fucking talking."
"But I was finished."
You laughed to yourself again, wishing for nothing more for him to be in your bed with you.
“Then I’ll talk,” he said suddenly. “I'm so fucking hard right now. Fuck— I feel like I'm going to die."
"Me too." Your thighs frantically squeezed around the pillow. "I'm so wet, Taehyung."
Taehyung probably had more to say but he was so close to the edge he couldn't even speak. Spurts of cum came from the tip of his dick and onto his stomach just as you came all over the edge of your pillow, gasping for air.
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck—”
You breathed out, smiling to yourself. Pulling your pillow away from your throbbing core, you quickly unzipped the cover and threw it into a laundry basket, grabbing another pillow at your feet to place behind your head.
"Taehyung?" you called, but heard nothing.
“Did you want to—”
“Taehyung?" Sitting up, you strained your ears. "I can barely hear you."
"I'm—" you heard before he completely cut off, his end completely silent.
It was unnerving to hear his voice for the past twenty minutes and for it to suddenly stop, but you just hoped he was okay. You'd see him in class tomorrow anyway; though, you were anticipating what you'd say to each other.
After all, what could you even say to the person who just heard you fuck yourself into a pillow?
Taehyung had been making walrus noises for the past ten minutes.
“Taehyung,” you said with a giggle. “We’re going to get in trouble.”
After the incident in your incantation class yesterday, your professor decided today would be a study period and took you all to the library. For the most part, he didn't really care who you sat with or if you even studied, so Taehyung made sure to sit with you at your table—even knowing Jimin was glaring at the back of his head.
He decided that he wanted to play with your mind link—which was what Taehyung started calling it for shits and giggles—and found that even if you were together in the physical sense, you could still hear him in your mind.
"So, it really was the spell," he mumbled, almost to himself.
Although Taehyung decided this period was not a study period, you thought otherwise and had immediately made a bee-line for the section of the library with old spellbooks and papyruses, carrying as many dusty books to your table as you could in an effort to figure out what spell you'd casted on the two of you—and how to make it stop.
"Seems like it," you replied, flipping through the old, torn pages of one spellbook at the top of the pile. "I can't find anything about it. What was it again—the incantation? Do you still have that piece of paper from class?"
He nodded, pulling his bag onto the table to search through his notebook. Pulling it from one of the pockets inside, he handed it to you gingerly, careful not to touch you for too long. The spell seemed to be very finicky and after last night, he didn't want to go through that ever again. Boners were cool, but not at such a fucking extreme level; it was like he couldn't concentrate on anything else until he came. The spell had to be some sort of charm, some sort of love spell—except sexual. Love and sex came hand in hand in the world of magic, though, and everyone knew that love spells were impossible to break once the charm was in place. Taehyung knew that it was the fucking same with whatever sexual charm you casted—and it was his fault that you casted the wrong spell.
He was the one who wrote it down wrong, after all.
After one of the librarians shot you an icy look from the front desk, you sunk lower into your seat as you repeated the incantation written on the piece of paper over and over again in your head. Glancing at some of the staff stacking books in the shelves and continuing to peer at you from over the tops of books near the front, you groaned quietly to yourself. Somehow you knew—deep down—that the two of you were stuck like this.
It wasn't exactly bad because you had a good time last night but you didn't want anyone to find out.
"Taehyung," you whispered at him from across the table. "What do we do if I can't find anything?"
"Maybe— Maybe we just need to get it out of our system or something?"
You hesitated to ask but did anyway, "What do you mean?"
Looking around the library, as if someone could hear your whispering, you turned your attention back to Taehyung, gulping at the sight of him leaning forward and pressing his toned arms into the carved mahogany table. Your gaze landed on one particularly bulging vein that trailed from the middle of his arm and disappeared under his uniform blazer. He was saying something but you just couldn't concentrate and knew it had to be the spell.
He scratched the back of his neck. "Maybe we just... go somewhere and... you know..."
You didn't know if it was him or the spell talking, but suddenly that seemed like a good fucking idea. Standing up, you slammed your hands on the table, the pile of spellbooks wobbling slightly. Some of your classmates glanced over at you in surprise and you awkwardly whispered out a feeble apology. After they went back to what they were doing—either homework or quietly practicing incantations—you gestured for Taehyung to follow you.
Clasping your hands in front of you, you anxiously peered around corners as Taehyung followed you through the long, hypnotizing aisles of magic texts and spellbooks. You wanted to make sure no one else was around.
Just to be careful, you muttered a silencing spell under your breath so that even if the two of you were yelling, no one would hear you—at least until it wore off because it had a time limit like most lower level spells. Glancing down the aisles once more, you interlocked your fingers and dragged him until his back was pressed against the end of the aisle, giving you a good view of the rest of the library and if anyone came looking for the two of you.
"Taehyung," you began and he waited patiently, "I want to suck your dick right now."
"Wha— Are you serious? We could get fucking expelled if someone catches us."
You liked how his concern wasn't the fact that you wanted to suck him off but if you were caught.
"We won't," you told him confidently. "I just really need something in my mouth right now."
"Go get a dragon fruit from the fucking cafeteria then? Jesus—we could get in so much trouble."
It had to be the spell—it had to be. You liked Taehyung and would gladly suck him off but not in the fucking library. And you didn't want just anything in your mouth, though; you wanted Taehyung's hard cock down your throat.
"Please?" You blinked up at him in a pout, hoping he would agree to it. "Pretty please?"
He rolled his eyes but laughed to himself. "All right, all right. Get on your knees."
You complied immediately, sitting yourself on the back of your calves while he fumbled with his belt and slowly unzipped his uniform pants. Hesitating, he looked over his shoulder and down the aisle to see if it was clear.
"Just hurry up," you said anxiously. "I casted a silencing spell so we're fine—for now. The faster we do this, the more likely it is we won't get caught. So just take out your dick already so I can put it in my mouth."
His head fell into the shelf behind him. "You're so sexy when you're horny."
Impatiently, your hands pulled at his pants, tugging them down until they were around his ankles. You reached inside his boxers then and began to lightly stroke his dick as soon as it was freed from the confines of his underwear. Although the mind link wasn't as apparent since you were together, his dick was still hard.
You knew he wanted you to suck his dick as much as you wanted to.
Getting used to the length of his cock, you quickly kissed the tip, licking the underside of his shaft before encasing him completely in your mouth. He nestled between your lips comfortably for a moment and you swallowed as much of him as you possibly could before you started a slow pace. One of your hands rested against the base, stroking up and down in a tight fist in combination with your head bobbing on his dick. He exhaled shakily, his fingers grabbing a fistful of your hair and you whimpered but didn't tell him to let go—it kept you anchored there and you would be lying if you said you didn't like the feeling. Your own fingers splayed across his hips as you continued, quickening your pace as your other hand became a blurred movement up and down his cock.
"Shit," he groaned out, mouth falling open in pleasure. "You're so good at this—fuck."
As soon as he said that, you watched him through half-lidded eyes after simply having them closed to concentrate purely on the vulgar sound of his cock thrusting in and out of your mouth. The hand stroking his shaft then trailed down to his balls, touching them lightly to see if he liked that at all. At the sound of a low whine, you knew he did.
Hearing the sound of footsteps, you pulled him out of your mouth and went back to stroking him, spreading your saliva at the tip of his cock down his shaft for better lubrication. You peered down the aisle and saw someone was just looking for a spellbook, finding it easily and walking to the front desk to check it out. Breathing out a sigh of relief, you went to put him back in your mouth before he stopped you, tugging your head back by your hair.
"Wait, wait, wait," he said with a gasp, then slid down the wall so he was sitting with his legs at your sides. "Let's just slow down for a second, all right?" As you did what he said and sat against the back of your calves again with a pout, he exhaled and closed his eyes, settling the back of his head against the shelf. "Can I kiss you right now?"
"Why would you want to do that?" you asked, confused.
"Because I like you," he said with a soft smile.
You felt tears brim in your eyes, choking on air as you smiled. Taehyung's hands gently found your waist, then yanked you to sit on his lap. Just before you pressed your whole weight on him, he pulled his dick out from under you and it settled between the two of you as you continued to smile at each other. He was looking at you like you were the most beautiful girl in the room—like he didn't want to be anywhere else or with anyone else but you.
"I like you, too," you whispered.
He tucked his dick back into his boxers then so he could pull you closer—so much closer that your breasts hidden underneath your blazer pressed into his chest. Your hands trailed past his biceps before settling on his broad shoulders, feeling his grip on your waist tighten, and then he closed the distance between your lips.
"I know you were getting into it," he mumbled into your mouth after pulling away for a brief second, "but I don't want you to do this because of the spell or whatever this is. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do."
"But I wanted to. That's not how bewitching charms work anyway."
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't you know how love spells work?" you asked, sitting on the tops of his thighs. "They're bewitching charms and they can only work if the feeling is already there. It wouldn't have worked if it was anyone but you, Taehyung."
He swallowed thickly. "I thought you said you didn't know anything about it."
"I just know about love spells generally and it's obvious this is a love spell."
"So," he began, "if you casted this on Jimin instead of me—"
"It wouldn't have worked on me, just him."
His head tilted to the side, grinning to himself.
"That's such a fucking relief," he mumbled. "I thought you two—"
"Never." You shook your head and recoiled in disgust. "Just you."
"Why?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing. "Why do you like me so much?"
Your fingers drifted past the junction of his neck until your forefinger circled one of the buttons on his blazer absentmindedly. "Because you're so kind and so warm. You don't need magic; I don't care about that. You're easy on the eyes, too, so that helps." He let out a loud laugh at that. "I don't care if you're a human. I just want you."
"God," he mumbled to himself. "Why did it have to take a spell for something to happen between us?"
You shrugged but didn't disagree. "I don't know but can I go back to sucking your dick now?"
"If you really want to that badly," he answered with a playful roll of his eyes.
Without waiting any longer, you reached into his boxers to pull his cock out again and immediately sunk down on him, your knees digging into the marble floor of the library. You crawled backwards slightly to give yourself more room and situated yourself between his legs as you bobbed your head on him at a fast pace right from the start.
Your nails dug into his thighs and you grunted as you tried to pull him as far back as you could, choking on his cock for a second when he brushed against your gag reflex. His teeth bit into his lower lip, trying to conceal his sounds but not succeeding entirely when you continued to bob your head on him quickly, moaning out unashamed.
Taehyung could barely keep his eyes open but couldn't resist the urge to peek down the aisle to check if it was still clear. To his horror, he made direct eye contact with Jimin at one of the tables from somewhat far away. Immediately, he ducked his head out of view, then looked again a few seconds later.
Jimin was still staring, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"I think Jimin's coming this way," he said quickly, trying to pull you off of him. "Come on. We gotta go."
"No," you said after you pulled your mouth away from him. "I want you to cum in my mouth."
"He's going to fucking catch us. Pull your head out of my asshole and let's just go."
"Please," you begged, fisting his cock with fast strokes. "He's not going to."
Taehyung peered down the aisle again and watched as Jimin stood up, looking as if he was going to come directly towards you. He yelled out in frustration but gave in, nodding. Instead of placing him in your mouth again, you just stroked him up and down quickly, then leaned in to kiss him. He gasped into your mouth but didn't pull away, groaning and granting you entrance with your tongue. While you continued stroking him, you didn't catch his fingers trailing past your arm to cup you over your pants, then slip inside your underwear to finger you.
"T-Taehyung," you moaned out and he grinned into the kiss.
"Shit—fuck..." He pulled away to gasp for air as you stroked him faster. "I'm gonna cum."
Your eyes widened and you immediately pulled away from the kiss, sinking down on his length to lick his shaft. A few seconds later, you noticed his thighs clenching beside you and you breathed through your nose, preparing to swallow every last drop of cum he spurted into your mouth. Taehyung could only watch as you licked it all up, not complaining about the strange taste at all. He was sad that he couldn't get you off but that could happen later.
"Okay, okay," he said, pulling you to your feet. "Let's go now."
Quickly, he tucked his cock back into his boxers as it softened, then pulled his pants past his hips and redid the buckle to fasten them. Just as you were running a hand through your hair and wiping your mouth for any leftover residue of cum, Jimin appeared around the corner and looked at the two of you suspiciously.
"What the hell are you doing back here with him?" he asked, glaring.
"Just looking for a book. It's none of your business, Jimin."
He tongued his cheek in annoyance, then the bell rang. Rolling his eyes, he spun on his heel to walk back over to his table. Taehyung watched him closely, only letting out a sigh of relief once the sound of his footsteps grew faint.
"That was fucking close," Taehyung said.
You nodded, smiling. "I know. I'm sorry."
He watched you for a moment, smile widening as he couldn't tear his eyes away from you. Just then, he reached for one of your hands, tugging you towards him so he could give you a quick kiss. "Don't be sorry."
After he pulled away, your gaze fell to the floor shyly. "See you tomorrow?"
"Yeah. Tomorrow."
"Taehyung? Is Azura with you right now?"
It was currently thirty minutes until curfew and you couldn't find that fucking familiar of yours anywhere. If she wasn't back in the familiar dormitory in at least fifteen minutes, both of you were going to get in trouble. The mind link seemed to work in the library a few hours earlier, but you still weren't entirely sure how exactly it worked.
"Taehyung? Are you there?" you called again, anxiously sitting on your dorm bed.
"Hey. What's wrong?"
"You can hear me." You sighed in relief, happy to hear his voice. "Is Azura with you? I can't find her anywhere."
"Nah. I haven't seen her since yesterday," he said. "Is she missing or something?"
"Y-Yeah, but I'll find her. I just wanted to know if she was with you. Thanks."
"Wait—!" he suddenly yelled. "Do you want me to help you find her?"
You hesitated, your mind immediately flashing back to how you sucked his cock in the fucking library because you couldn't control yourself. And that was with people around. What the hell would you do if the two of you were alone together? You'd probably force him to nail you to the floor with his dick and fuck you for ten hours.
"Um..." you trailed off. "I don't think that's—"
"Oh." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "It's cool. I understand."
"Taehyung, that's not what I mean—"
"It's really okay. Don't worry about it."
"Taehyung— I just— I'm kind of scared."
There was a lull in the conversation at that.
"Scared? You think I'm going to force myself on you or something?"
"Of course not!" you exclaimed. "I'm more worried about— about you."
"Me?" he asked with a laugh. "Why would you be worried about me?"
"Because I basically forced myself on you when you didn't want me to."
"It's okay. I liked it but I just didn't want you to get in trouble."
"Just me? Wouldn't you get in trouble, too?"
He paused at that. "Well— I mean—"
Somehow, you knew what he was going to say.
"Taehyung," you started to say. "You don't need to explain yourself. I just don't know if it's a good idea for us to be alone together—at least until the spell wears off. We should probably stay away from each other actually—"
He sighed. "Well, if that's what you want to do."
You swallowed thickly. "I just— I don't want this to happen once and you never talk to me again. I would have sex with you after because then I knew you weren't just doing this because you're under the charm of some spell."
"Babe," he groaned out. "I can fucking promise the spell isn't making me like this."
"Then prove it. Meet me outside the girls' dormitory and help me find my useless familiar."
"You sure?" he asked. "All right. Then I'm on my way."
You didn't say anything after that, afraid you made a big mistake.
Not even bothering to change out of your pajamas, you locked your door behind you and briskly walked down the hallway leading to the fourth floor's main hallway. As soon as you opened the door, you were surprised to see someone was already opening it and stepped back at the sight of Taehyung without his signature hoodie.
"Hey," he said with an easy smile. "Am I too early?"
"No," you replied. "You're right on time."
It was silent as he followed you down the hallway, casting a spell on the magical escalator that would take you to the fifth floor, which was the first place you wanted to check. Azura loved the garden there and maybe she was still there. Although, maybe she was doing this just to fuck with you because she knew you had low blood sugar.
"I've never been on one of these before," Taehyung said, looking around in fascination as the two of you stood side by side on the top of the escalator. As soon as the vine-woven door closed, it started moving and he quickly grabbed onto a nearby vine acting as the railing for balance. As the fifth floor was considered the earth-based floor, the escalator there was made entirely of plants as it lowered you further down. "I just take the stairs."
You turned to look at him, smiling at him sadly. Sometimes you forgot that he didn't have magic just because he fit in so well—at least in your eyes; to everyone else, he didn't belong. There was a distant look in his eyes as the two of you neared the fifth floor but you couldn't glance away. How did he even deal with the people at this school?
Gazing down at you after a few silent moments, he said, "I don't want you to feel sorry for me. Please."
"Taehyung," you began as the two of you stepped off the escalator, "why do you go to this school? You can't be happy here—not as happy as you could be at a human school. I would miss you but seeing how they treat you— It's terrible. But that's what wizards are like—think they're better than everyone else, better than humans."
"You're not like that," he whispered, barely audible.
The two of you walked down the empty hallway, not a single person in sight. "I've never told anyone this but you've sucked my dick now so maybe I can trust you. My parents— My dad's human and my mom isn't. So, that's why I don't have magic because I'm a halfling. No one knows that, though. They just think I bought my way into this school—as if I would eat fucking tuna fish sandwiches every day if I was rich. They really don't understand anything about humans and they don't want to—that's what makes me mad." He stopped and you looked over your shoulder at him sadly. Sighing, he continued, "You're not like them and you've never been like that."
"I hate them, too," you offered with a smile.
He laughed. "I know you do. What was it you told Jimin yesterday? To fuck off? I swear, he follows you around everywhere. I'm pretty sure he would strangle me just for a chance to fuck you with that small dick of his."
"I know," you said with a loud laugh, quickly covering your mouth at the realization you weren't supposed to even be outside your dormitory at this hour. "He's always offering to walk me to my room or to class and stuff."
"I wonder if he would bust a nut if he found out you sucked my dick—whatever nuts he has left."
You laughed again and he smiled over at you as you continued to walk towards the garden.
"Azura? Are you in here?" you called just as you opened the double doors. "God, she's going to get me into so much trouble. This fucking cat— I don't want to get expelled just because she likes tuna more than me."
Taehyung placed a closed fist in front of his mouth as he laughed. "Do you have any of her hair somewhere? Because maybe you could use a locator spell to find her? Or maybe she's in the kitchen pantry again."
"Maybe I'll just go back to the dormitory and lock my door. That'll teach her to fuck with me."
"Do you want me to walk you back?" he asked, following you towards the double doors.
"If you don't mind," you shyly answered. "You never know where Park Jimin could be hiding."
Just as you reached for the handle, you glanced through the window paneling and saw the lights flicker off.
"Oh, shit," you mumbled to yourself, then casted a clockwork spell to check the time. A illuminated projection of a clockwork solider appeared on the wall next to the doors. "Shit, shit, shit! Has it really been a half an hour already? I'm so fucked if someone catches me outside my dorm, Taehyung. I can't get expelled. I can't—"
He placed his hands on your shoulders then and spun you around to face him. "Hey, hey. It's okay. I'll get you back to your room—don't worry about it. I've been out of my room after curfew more than I'd like to admit."
You raised an eyebrow, curious. "You have? Why?"
His mouth opened and closed in an effort to reply. "It doesn't matter. I just know another back way to the girls' dormitory, so I'll take you there without anyone catching us, okay? You'll be fine. Just worry about Azura later."
"So many questions going unanswered," you mumbled to yourself but followed him anyway.
Slowly, he reached behind him for your hand and you laced your fingers with his, feeling your cheeks heat up. You let him drag you down the hallway in a daze, intoxicated simply by the smell of his cologne and aftershave. To your surprise, he pulled you to one of the old, crumbling lockers lining the hallway and you furrowed your eyebrows.
"I thought you were taking me back to my room? Why are we opening your locker?"
"It's not my locker." He spun the combination and opened it effortlessly, then pulled the locker open to reveal it was not a locker at all and was actually a hidden doorway. "And I am taking you back to your room."
"How the—"
"A magician never reveals his secrets."
Inside—although squeezing through the locker was enough of a challenge—there was a single spiral staircase surrounded by cemented walls and flooring, littered with cobwebs.
"This will take us to the fourth floor bathroom."
You nodded mutely, looking around as he pulled you up the stairs. After ascending the stairs, you opened a door and were amazed that it led into one of the stalls in the boys' bathroom.
"You're kidding me."
He laughed at your reaction, tugging on your hand until you stopped at the door leading to the fourth floor hallway. When he saw a bright light, however, he quickly slammed his back into the wall adjacent to the door, pulling you with him to come crashing against his chest. You breathed shakily into his neck as the two of you waited for whoever was out there to walk by. But even after they left, he didn't let go, just tightened his grip.
"I thought—" You paused to nervously dart out your tongue and lick your lips. "I thought you said you were going to prove me wrong and that the spell had nothing to do with this."
"It doesn't," he rasped out. "It's just you."
His hands grasped at your hips, the fading footsteps in the hallway long forgotten. All you could see was Taehyung and all you could feel was his thumb rubbing slow circles over your pajama shirt. You closed your eyes briefly, breath catching in your throat as one of his hands drifted to your top's hem, slipping underneath to touch your bare skin, each feathery touch from his fingertips leaving behind a scalding hot trail. As his hand grazed your bra's band at your back, you reached for his other hand still at your hip to slide it under your shirt and grasp your bra-clad breast, him squeezing gently a second later. His thumb brushed against your hardening nipple then.
"Aren't I supposed to be proving something?"
"Yes," you gasped out, eyes closing again. "Keep proving it."
The hand grasping your hip pulled you into his chest then and his lips crushed against yours, tilting his head and nose brushing against your own as he quickly deepened the kiss. You moaned into his mouth, bringing your hand away from his own still tweaking and pulling at your breast to hold onto the side of his neck. As your lips parted, his tongue plunged into your mouth, licking at the insides of your cheeks and swirling around your tongue.
"T-Taehyung." The front of your thighs inched closer to his, legs brushing against his hardening cock. "Don't stop touching me—please." After he heard your begging, he began to bunch your shirt up under your bra, not wanting to pull away long enough to take it off entirely. "Why is it so fucking— so fucking hot in here? Or is it j-just you?"
He removed himself from your lips to pant out, "I think it's just you."
You lost your balance for a moment when he said that, trying to pull yourself away from him but somehow managing to trip over your own feet. Just before you fell over, he wrapped one his arms around your back and the two of you crashed into one of the nearby sinks, knocking over one of the floating bars of soap dripping wet.
From your peripheral vision, you saw the same light peer down the hallway again and your eyes widened. Taehyung followed your gaze and sputtered for a moment before he gestured towards the stall again.
"We gotta go," he said, ushering you forward and locking the stall behind him.
He pulled open the cemented door, shutting it behind him, and then placed his hands on your shoulders to steer you down the stairs. He glanced behind him, listening for footsteps but either you were too far away or they didn't follow after you, then slowed down and pulled you back into his chest halfway down the stairs.
After his breath fanning against your neck caused a chill to run down your spine, you managed to take a few steps away from him and take in a deep breath to center yourself. "Maybe it's a good thing they came back."
"Yeah," he breathed out. "You're right. This spell doesn't control us—we're in control."
You turned around to look at him, nibbling onto your lower lip. "Exactly. It's like you're reading my mind."
As if to contradict what he just said, his eyes trailed past your lips to scan your body. Gulping, you quickly turned back around and went to walk the rest of the way down the stairs, hearing his footsteps following after a pause.
"S-So," you began, "do we just wait till they're gone? I can't get back to my dorm with them scouring the halls."
He shrugged. "And that's the only back way I know unless you want to start bombing the walls."
Just as the two of you stepped through the locker again and into the fifth floor's main hallway, the same light from the fourth floor—or a different light altogether—shined down the hallway and on your shadowed figures.
"What the hell are you two doing?"
You brought the back of your hand in front of your face to shield your eyes, but then gasped as you realized it wasn't a professor but a student—specifically one of your classmates.
It was Jimin.
"Jimin?" you called. "What the hell are you doing? What are you doing here?"
"Well, I— Uh..." He lowered his light, deactivating the spell. "I was just—"
"Did you fucking follow me here?" Taehyung asked, angrily.
"No!" Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Okay, fine. It's just— You two have been acting really weird lately. You were sitting together in class yesterday and then— And then I find you two huddled in some dark, creepy corner in the library? What the fuck is going on between you two? Do you owe him money or something?"
You sputtered out a response, in complete awe one person could be so stupid.
"She doesn't owe me any money," Taehyung calmly said.
"Then what does she owe you? I'll pay whatever she does."
What the hell was his problem? you thought to yourself.
"Jimin," you started to say, breathing deeply in an effort to calm yourself. "Is it really that unbelievable that I'd want to hang out with him out of my own free will? This isn't 1874; I can do whatever the hell I want."
"But he's a human," he said. "I've never understood what you see in him."
You tilted your head back, the anger brewing inside of you, before you completely snapped. "We're fucking. Is that what you want to hear? Maybe now you'll leave me the fuck alone. I have his cum inside of me right now so if you could just fuck off and go back to sadly masturbating alone in your bed, that'd be great. Good-fucking-bye."
Not giving him a chance to respond, you grabbed Taehyung's hand and dragged him down the hallway and into a nearby library. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked and he hesitantly followed you inside.
Growling to yourself once the door closed, you started your rant, "I can't fucking believe him. Him and everyone else at this school. Why can't they just treat you like a person? You were standing right there and he was going to talk about you like you weren't even there." You paused to yell out in frustration. "Argh! I could just kill him."
"He doesn't matter," Taehyung said, trying to calm you down. "I don't care what they say about me."
"I know but—!" You cut yourself off to scream. "I hate them all."
Then you heard a knock on the library's closed doors.
Rolling your eyes, you stomped over and peered out the window to see Jimin still lingering there, attempting to apologize—though, you were pretty sure he didn't mean a single word. Even as you glared at him, he continued to knock, so you muttered a quick incantation under your breath so some of the nearby vines in the library covered the window and he could no longer see inside. However, he could still hear you and you could still hear him.
"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean— m-mean what I said. Taehyung's cool and— I don't hate him, okay?"
"And my ass has three cheeks," you quipped. "Just go away. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
Taehyung's chest grazed against your back then, his lips nearing your ear.
"Is he not going to leave?" he whispered in your ear, barely audible.
"I don't know," you whispered back, pressing your ear into the door.
"Play along," he mumbled under his breath. "Thank fuck he's gone, babe!" The sudden increase in volume caused you to jump, your head knocking into his forehead. "Ow... I mean— Now we can finally get back to what we were doing before, which was my penis in your vagina." You looked at him from over your shoulder, your eyes wide. He winked at you, then continued, "That thing we were doing just five minutes ago was that—in case you forgot."
You stifled a laugh, smiling at how obvious he was being about it but Park Jimin was an imbecile.
"Oh, right!" you gasped out, realizing you had to play along. "You're so good with your dick, Taehyung. I just came one minute ago before stupid Park Jimin came along with his small penis but now I am wet again—for your dick."
"And how wet are you for me? How wet is your vagina for my huge dong?"
"I could probably do your laundry for a month with how wet I am! I don't know if I can go again, though. I mean, the last time we fucked—which was two minutes ago—you made my pussy into this gaping hole of your cum with that big cock of yours. And I'm pr-pretty sure—" You had to pause just so you could laugh into your hand. "I'm pretty sure if you fucked me right now, I wouldn't even need to be wet—like I am right now so it is okay."
"Wow, babe! You're really turning me on with your dirty talk right now!" he exclaimed, exaggerating every word. "Where should I fuck you? This library sure has a lot of choices and surfaces of which I can fuck you nicely on."
The door handle jiggled and you had to place your palm over your mouth so he couldn't hear you laughing.
"Guys!" Jimin yelled through the door. "This is awkward—fuck—but I can hear you and stuff, so—"
"Oh, my gosh, Taehyung," you gasped out in mock surprise. "He said he can hear us. Do you think that meant he heard every word? Like how you want to fuck me onto the table he was studying at today in this very library?"
"Perhaps!" he replied, loudly. "I really hope he doesn't come in here because I'm already inside of you and that would be awkward." He snorted to himself, both of you laughing. "Wouldn't—" He couldn't even finish his sentence, he was laughing so hard, you elbowing him in his side. "Wouldn't you agree?"
Instead of responding with a coherent sentence, you let out a long moan. "Oh, I totally agree! I would agree to anything right now because you're so deep inside of me. Remember when I was sucking your cock earlier today in the library before Jimin showed up—" You let out an exaggerated gasp. "I forgot he can hear us, Taehyung!"
"Oh, no! That he can!" Taehyung responded. "He probably heard every word. You're so good at taking my dick, though. In your mouth, in your pussy, in your ear—you take it so well and—" You almost died laughing at that but he quickly placed a hand over your mouth. "All nineteen inches of me, too! I wonder if Jimin has a big dick. Hey, Jimin: do you have a big dick? How do the ladies take your dick when you fuck them? Unless you've been saving yourself for this fine slut I'm fucking behind this door that you cannot get into. This is one tight pussy she has!"
The other end grew quiet and you assumed Jimin either fainted from the shock of it all or simply left.
"That was so fucking funny, Taehyung," you said, bursting out laughing.
"I know," he replied. "Didn't think he'd buy it but then again, he's an idiot."
You bit into your lower lip, turning around to look at him. "I'm kind of turned on."
His arm came to cage you into the door, fingers grasping onto one of the vines. "Me too."
"Maybe we could just—" You paused, glancing down at his dick straining against his pants. "—quickly..."
"Yeah. Just quickly, you know? I wouldn't want you to make you suffer or anything."
"Exactly. I mean, we can control ourselves and this is our own decision."
"We definitely can control ourselves. We have been but it's just—"
"It's just—" You cleared your throat, stepping away from the door. Walking him backwards, one of your fingers absentmindedly played with one of his blazer's buttons, biting your lip. "I want this off right now, Taehyung."
"Yeah? You want it off?" he breathed out. His hands came to rest against your ass, pulling you right into his hardening cock. "My hands are kind of busy at the moment so if you could just— I'm sure you don't mind."
"Not at all," you replied with a coy smile.
The finger circling his button then drifted past his taut chest and fumbled with the first button, cursing to yourself when you had difficulty getting it unbuttoned in less than five seconds. After your fingers were a blurred movement down his chest, quickly unbuttoning the blazer, both your hands trailed past his bare skin.
"Your hands are kind of cold," he noted huskily.
"Are they?" you asked. "Maybe you should warm them up."
"Gladly." After you pushed his blazer past his shoulders, the cotton material fell to the floor in a heap. He brought his own hands to yours, cradling them in his while he breathed warm air across the back of your skin. "Warm enough yet? I can't have you freezing to death on me, not before heating you up with my dick."
You exhaled shakily, staring at him deeply. "I th-think I'm all w-warmed up now, so let's just—"
One of the study tables came into view and you quickly laid yourself down on top of it, pulling at your shorts and underwear until they dropped to the cold, marble floor. "Warm me up with your dick. I know you want to."
"Oh, I want to very much," he said, licking at his dried lips after they hung open for a good twenty seconds.
His warm fingertips made contact with your dripping pussy, pulling back immediately just from how wet you were.
"You know," he began, "I thought you were just saying that but you really are wet for me."
"Not wet enough," you breathed out, pulling yourself even further back on the table.
He quickly grabbed your night shoes and tossed them behind him, them thudding against a nearby wall. Kicking his own shoes off as well as his pants and boxers, he climbed on top of you on the table and framed your face with his elbows. Just then, he slowly ground into you, your mouth dropping open at the feeling of his length against you.
"Not yet," he whispered. "Like you said, you're not wet enough and I want this to last for hours."
You moaned out at that, just his dirty talk enough to make you clench around air and bite your lip.
"You like that?" He reached under your back to pull you into his lap. "I think you'll like this, too."
Holding you up against his chest with one hand, he used the other to grab at his cock and run his shaft over your outer lips, giving you a taste of what was to come. The tip slid in so easily just from how wet you were but he quickly pulled himself out of you, teasing you endlessly. You whimpered, nails digging into his shoulders.
"Taehyung, please," you begged. "Fuck me right now."
"I don't know," he sang, feigning concern. "I think you can be wetter."
He switched your positions then, with you on top and him lying on the hard surface of the table.
"Sit on my face," he commanded, already reaching for your waist to bring you right where he wanted you.
You inched your thighs closer to his face until he grabbed onto your legs and anchored you to him. Right as you hovered your cunt over his parted lips, he went to town almost immediately, lapping and licking at your wetness, one hand splayed across the skin at your waist and the other spreading your outer lips so he could plunge his tongue in as far as it could go. Your palms quickly planted themselves flat on the table on both sides of him as he continued, almost grinding into his mouth and clenching around nothing. Head tilting back, loud moan after loud moan fell from your lips and he grinned. As he saw your hands holding you up, he took that chance to take his other hand away from your hips and pump a finger inside of you, reaching farther than his tongue could reach.
"T-Taehyung!" you gasped out, choking on air. "God, don't stop. Please don't fucking stop."
As his tongue pulled out of you and went instead for your clit, your mouth fell open in a silent scream, sobbing into your closed fist as you brought it to your mouth to stop your cries and screams of pleasure. You couldn't hold yourself up any longer as you came, your muscles growing weak at the intense feeling exploding inside of you, and found yourself falling backwards, barely catching yourself as his fingers were forced out of you. Your thighs pressed together and your walls clenched violently, whimpering as you could still feel him pumping deep inside of you. You panted, raising yourself up on shaking elbows and tried to ease yourself off of him so you weren't crushing him.
"Good?" he asked, sitting up just as you hopped off the table.
"I think you know," you said, tossing him a look over your shoulder.
"I do," he said with a laugh. "You're so fucking hot when you cum."
"Then make me cum again with your dick inside of me."
He guffawed, then smiled at you as you placed your hands flat on the table, leaning in close with your lips ghosting over his seductively. "Right fucking now? I don't want to hurt you. Maybe just a few more minutes."
You shook your head, grabbing at his hands to pull him to his full height. "I want your dick in me right now."
He didn't even say anything as you pulled at your shirt and quickly unclasped your bra, now fully naked.
"Okay, okay— Where do you want to—shit... I can't think clearly with you like this. Tell me what you want me to do before I lose control of myself and fuck you into the floor," he rasped out shakily, hands resting on your hips.
"B-Bathroom," you replied, moaning as his chest grazed your own. "I don't want anyone to hear us."
The both of you speed-walked to the bathroom just a few hundred feet away, past a few aisles of magical texts and vines clinging to the shelves. Upon opening the door, Taehyung's jaw dropped at how fucking beautiful the girls' bathroom was. Meanwhile, he got stuck with the abomination that was the boys' horrendous bathroom.
"You girls get a fucking rose garden and we get the fucking landfill?" he asked, laughing in astonishment.
Everything was made of porcelain and crystal. The sinks that lined the wall had vines growing and weaving together, beautiful mauve carnations just blossoming. The tiled flooring was like walking on clouds and there was a giant mirror between the sinks, opposite to the stalls on the other side of the bathroom. In front of the mirror was a velvet chair that looked brand new and there were three crystalized chandeliers floating inches from the ceiling by some sort of magic spell. In that moment, all Taehyung could think about was that he wanted to fuck you on every single surface as soon as possible in as many positions and make you cum as many times as he could.
"I'm going to bust a nut just looking at this bathroom," he said, pushing you forward and shutting the door.
Just as he turned back around, you were on him like a fruit fly to a mango, tugging at his hair and kissing him so roughly he felt like his lips would bruise. Your breasts pressed firmly against his chest, nipples hardening, and he moaned into your mouth. He walked you forward, fingers drifting down to your awaiting pussy and began to thrust them inside of you in preparation for his dick, even though he knew you were already wet enough. Taehyung just wanted to pleasure you before his dick could, not leaving a single second for you or your cunt to be dissatisfied.
Your fingers fell from their tight grip on his strands of hair, falling to his shoulders before blindly reaching around you to find something to hold onto, knocking over a vase of carnations sitting beside the faucet. Your back slammed into the sink then and he quickly lifted you up, your legs instantly wrapping around him.
He didn't even give you a second to breathe before he was easing his way inside of you.
Just like he thought, you were wet enough and he slid inside easily, pulling out of you entirely. He grabbed ahold of one of your legs anchored to him and pulled it away from you so he could fuck into you deeper and you took the hint, removing your legs from around him and instead spreading your legs as wide as you could. You met each of his thrusts by grinding your hips forward then and grunted into his ear. It was indescribable—the feeling of him inside of you and stroking your walls with every single inch of him he had to offer. You couldn't even think properly because of how good it felt and he knew it felt good just by how loud you moaned for him, clawing at his back.
"Tell me how it feels," he whispered into your ear and his fingers drifted past your stomach to circle your clit.
"So good," you managed to say, groaning at a particularly deep thrust that fucked against your g-spot.
He pulled you away from the sink then and you wrapped your legs back around him. Carrying you to the chair against the large window, he sat down and eased you back down on his length, moaning out at the feeling of you around him once again. Taehyung easily gave you the upper hand and you took that chance to start immediately bouncing up and down on him, your breasts bouncing along with you. His head fell back against the chair, a bead of sweat dripping past his cheek as he breathed heavily. You circled your hips and then continued to sink down on him agonizingly slow and he whimpered in response, forcing you to go faster by his tight grip on your hips.
"Shit—" He sat up, pulling you with him and flipped you over so you were on your stomach, then pulled your hips so your ass was hanging in the air. Immediately, he pounded back inside of you, the new position making it easy for him to reach even deeper inside of you. "So fucking good. You're so tight and—" You clenched around him, causing him to let out a long moan of pleasure. "You're not leaving this bathroom until I'm done fucking you."
Suddenly, some of the paintings on the wall began to shake and you knew it was because of your fluctuating emotions as he continued to hammer into you. He didn't know that, however, and pulled away. Looking towards the rug on the floor, he pulled the two of you to a standing position, still fucking you and your legs began to shake as violently as the paintings. You easily lost your balance and fell to the floor, the rug breaking your fall and he rolled you onto your back, hitching your leg around his hips and penetrated you again. This had to be the most positions you'd been in while having someone fuck you and it was amazing; you didn't want him to pull out.
Just then, some of the mirrors in front of the sinks began to crack, shards of glass flying across the room. Taehyung's head ducked just as one flew past his head and he looked at you in alarm but didn't stop.
"Don't stop," you breathed out. "Ah—! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Taehyung, keep going—please..."
The cracked mirrors forgotten, he continued to plow into you and then the door slammed open, nearly flying off its hinges. He sputtered out an incoherent question but didn't stop like you asked him not to. The door slammed shut, only to open again—and that was when the stall doors followed suit and he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little bit afraid of being hit by a flying fucking door. As your orgasm loomed closer—his own close behind—the intensity of the bathroom with the breaking glass and slamming doors only got worse but he kept going.
"Shit," he muttered to himself. "This is intense. Is th-this—fuck me—what it's like to fuck a witch?"
"I don't know," you said, panting. "Have you fucked a witch before?"
"I am right now."
He was watching the stall doors still and reacted quickly, pulling you into his lap just as one flew off its hinges and crashed into the giant mirror behind the burgundy chair. His thumb came to circle your clit so that you would finally cum and he wouldn't get a bloody nose from fear of the chair coming to life and wanting to kill him.
Just as he played with your clit, you moaned out and felt yourself cum almost immediately. He gave you three more sharp thrusts, your chest jostling into his roughly with each thrust, and then he finally came as well.
As your orgasms faded, the doors settled down and everything went silent, save for your heavy breathing.
"That was life threatening," he said after a few seconds of silence.
"If that's what it's like to be murdered by a dick, then I don't mind the threat."
He laughed, rubbing circles into the skin at your waist, then pulled you up on shaking legs. No words were exchanged after you two left the bathroom, not even considering having to explain to someone how the two of you fucking destroyed one of the most beautiful bathrooms in the entire academy. Someone would ask but they would never know it's you—unless Jimin decided to run his fucking mouth, but you didn't think he would.
Taehyung handed you your clothes and the two of you dressed in silence, the space between your legs still tingling from what just happened. After your genitals were hidden beneath your pajamas, you turned to look at him.
"That's a tight ass pussy you have there," was what he decided to say to clear the awkward air.
You burst out laughing and shoved him playfully. "You gonna violate this pussy again?"
"If you let me," he whispered, shyly. "I really don't want this to be the last time I see you."
"Me neither. I really do like you, Taehyung. I like you a lot."
"I like you a lot, too." He paused, a distant look in his eyes. "No. I love you. I just wish this stupid spell wasn't what brought us together, you know? I planned on asking you out on my own, not having my dick do it for me."
"It wasn't the spell," you said. "I don't know if you realized but the mind link wasn't working the entire time."
His eyes widened. "You're— You're right. So you said all that on your own? Wow. You dirty bitch."
"Your dirty bitch," you quipped.
"My dirty bitch," he affirmed. "My dirty girlfriend."
"Yeah," you said, liking the sound of that. "Your girlfriend."
He smiled at you softly. "So, should we fix the bathroom? At all?"
"That would probably be a good idea."
As you two walked back into the bathroom, you realized you never did find your cat.
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