champcrowned · 4 years
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you ever say fuck it and make your own typeswap??  dark type focused champ au...the good boy has been through some mess and is kinda jaded but still has that heart of gold-- more stuff under the cut
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For alts, he goes by Lucien
Generally closed off, lot of trust issues and feels most people are trying to use him for his champion title, this is due to a lot of people in his early childhood trying to take emotional advantage of he and his sibling.
A lot more recluse from media, likes his privacy
His Hop owned by wickrival goes by Anastasia, she’s a fairy focused trainer currently dating faerival’s grass typeswap Bede named Hemlock
He’s dating teamyellboss’s fairy!Piers as well as drcgoncrowned’s Ice!Raihan
Father left the family when Ana was a toddler, and their mother passed from natural causes shortly after, Lucien assumes to this day it was from a broken heart.
Keeping his role as champion has been a dedication to ensure he and Ana stay comfortable, therefore he is ruthless in battle.
Instead of the Charizard pose you get the Grimmsnarl pose where he just stares you down menacingly.
Absolute Chaotic Neutral, if he can cause trouble and not get caught?  He’s gonna do it, especially is Ana instigates.
Snapback collection?  Nah, choker collection.
Will drop anything and everything in favor of his sister, no hesitation.  The two are close knit having been each others only support growing up.
Plays bass guitar as a hobby, will sing if he’s comfortable with you and ask him to
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pinkrival · 5 years
faerival replied to your post: @faerival​ said: Character shaming: can only keep...
“Well you’re about to get a second son eventually, so take care of him!”
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               ❝ oh hush, would you? caddoc still believes he’s an only child. ❞ is oberon trying to cover the cactus’ non-existent ears?      ( yes. it’s hard to tell whether he’s being serious or not. )
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moonblcst · 5 years
Vessel to the Gods AU ; Xerneas
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        Born to his mother Cerise, Prism grew up with a loving family that cared deeply for him, especially after being selected as the vessel for Xerneas at such a young age, before his brother Oberon, even.
        Channeling the Life Pokemon’s power was a challenge from day one, the effect often causing breakdowns and power surges within Prism’s body where he had little control over the fae magic coursing through.  Yet he refused to bend or break, no matter if he was simply a vessel to be used up until the next suitable host.
        Having channeled Xerneas’s power for near ten years now, he’s begun to show features of the very deity that inhabits his body, shifting from human, to a more satyr form, and sometimes even a complete centaur.  At times of dire straights, the final form can be used to become the very pokemon itself, but only for a short time as it can strain the host.
        Currently Prism resides with his mother Cerise, his twin, Oberon, and adoptive brother, Othello.  The three boys can often get in squabbles with one another, but overall have an unbreakable bond to protect those they hold dear.
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destinycaught · 4 years
stream of consciousness, meme edition.
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I love love love family thing! Found family is so so important to me, I can’t even put it to words. You know, I’ve actually been playing parental figures for a super long time. My most prominent canons on this P.rofessor L.ayton forum was Angela, Randall, && Henry Ledore-Ascot. They were married, && adopted about 5 kids. I think that’s where my love for found family came from ! 
I just feel like there’s so much you can do with a parental relationship you can’t do with a romantic relationship. That’s not to rag on romance, but there’s just like. Something healing about a troubled kid ( even if that kid is in their 20s ) being cared for by a caring adult. Maybe I’m biased though, given 99% of my relationships are like that? Who knows  !
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champiowned · 4 years
there are fewer pure flying type pokemon in the world than any other monotype! ( and galar has the only ones that arent legendary! ;) )
needing to drink a gallon of pure water a day is actually a myth and not necessary at all. theres really no benefit to drinking more than what your body requires to simply stay hydrated, and that amount differs by person. and while pure water is a great choice, the best in my opinion, you can meet your hydration requirements through other liquids. id still recommend keeping an eye on things like sugar and caffeine, though!
all professors across the regions have conducted extensive research, and upon compiling data, agreed that charizard is objectively the best pokemon!
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lunephased · 5 years
linked :)
[ @faerival​ ] Send “linked” for our muses to be hand-cuffed stuck together.
Being dared to be nice for a whole day was a challenge he had underestimated. Crescent was now stuck- quite literally- with his snobby and obnoxious rival (who stole all of Tsuki’s attention)! What a terrible start to the day.
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In fact, Crescent wouldn’t even hide how unpleased he was with a silent “Fffffffffff…” that ended with an “Ugh.”
Mustering up an obviously forced smile, Crescent raised their wrists, gesturing to the cuffs that linked them.
“You don’t happen to know where the key is, do you?”
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o26 · 5 years
faerival replied to your post “While you neanderthals have been busy training your wits away, I,...”
"Typical boomer."
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“Remember what I said about your grandmother Opal dropping your toothbrush into the toilet and then putting it back without washing it? I misremembered. She actually dropped your toothbrush in there and flushed it and magicked it out and then put it back exactly where she found it precisely to test you. And you failed. And don’t say I’m wrong. You have no proof to refute it. You ought to ask her yourself if you doubt me.”
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lxngfxrgxtten · 4 years
🍲|| PokeCat Spits Some Bullshit ( Accepting. )
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(( Uhh let’s see… oh! i know, i can tell you about my past a bit. so, something that’s… sort of known about me is that i’m a former content creator and livestreamer. i used to do shit all the time on youtube, and even amassed a decent following. streaming was always fun. i made a great deal of friends and even did some amazing things! 
i went to a bunch of cons, even went to some for free! i’ve done a signing while sitting next to jacksepticeye and lordminion777, i’ve hung out in the youtuber green room backstage for panels at pax, i’ve met and hung out with markiplier [ who gave me a hat and also some mac n cheese ], i’ve met tons of streamers and awesome people, i’ve gone all the way out to cali and been in the youtube gaming streamers party with youtube employees and streamers, i’ve done it all. Or, rather, what feels like it all. it’s a huge part of my life that occupied most of my time for years, and in some ways, it’s weird that i don’t do it anymore. sometimes i will from time to time, but it’s a great set of memories.
in the past, i’ve done streams with big youtubers which was fun, i’ve done streams with my friends, i’ve done charity streams that have raised a good amount of money for whatever we were doing at the time, etc! it’s been awesome. good to look back on. ))
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winnerloser · 5 years
Can I get a witness?
Anyone else who’s been personally victimized by Victor? (accepting!)
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This is the only thing he could think of, so he feels bad.
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noiretabby · 5 years
Character Shaming: refused to give me a cat
Character Shaming
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“ There’s a system you gotta go through, it’s not like I just give my cats away without question. “ 
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klarazy · 4 years
faerival said: ★ - Based off a post on your wishlist!
★ - Based off a post on my wishlist.
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    ・゚☠  –  “ It’s crossed my mind once or twice .. ” 
Sweet hum tittering on something vile. “ I was like, off on the other side of Galar when Opal was auditioning for a new gym leader. But what if I happened along? Would we be in each other’s shoes? .. Course mine are 80,000 Poke. Wouldn’t be too bad. ”
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gigekitanzan · 5 years
@faerival replied to your post
"A bouquet of hydrangeas."
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“You tell me what those flowers mean right now before I make a fool of myself.”
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pinkrival · 5 years
@faerival​ said: Character shaming: can only keep a cactus alive ( shame bede )
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                ❝ i could easily grow MORE than a cactus if i truly felt so inclined. i mean, really. how difficult could it be? ❞ he seemed almost insulted by the implication.      ( or perhaps oberon merely took the care of his tiny cactus seriously. )
                ❝ caddoc is simply my responsibility. as in, he was given to me specifically with the intention of being looked after. that’s all there is to it. ❞
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faerival · 5 years
URL Change
faede —> faerival
If you search for “faede”, you’ll now be directed to Bede’s IC sideblog ( and that previous URL is now on my theme-editing sideblog xD )
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destinycaught · 5 years
@faerival​ replied:  "That's why I have moves to cover my disadvantages."
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❝ Precisely. The same applies to other specialist as well. There was a reason you picked fairy, was there not? Circumstances, && whatnot. Preferences. ❞
She hums. ❝ You seem very keen on your opinion, so I won’t attempt to sway you more. ❞
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lunephased · 5 years
Truth + "How do you truly feel about Crescent?" ( any verse )
It’s “Truth or Dare” hour!
Send ‘Truth’ + a question and my muse will have to answer all questions truthfully!
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“…He’s a big baby and a pain to look after.” 
And maybe he would’ve left it at just that, but there was more to his feelings than that.
“He can be a showoff and a bit of a prick too… But he’s good company. Sometimes I wonder what I could’ve done without him, so I consider him to be a curse and a blessing.”
Even if Tsuki found him more annoying than anything, Crescent seemed like the one who understood Mimikyuu the most. 
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