evilendures · 9 months
“Shota Aizawa is still alive.”
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“And I took that personally.”
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virescorde · 1 year
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@faetedforglory​  asked:  ‘firm’ (giovanni)
🤲🏻 or ‘firm’ // sender grabs receivers chin firmly // Intimidation and Violence
He hadn’t the time to even find his footing, or get much of a look at his surroundings before the hand found him. Turning his head roughly from side to side, noting what differences may be there to be found. He didn’t . . . Silver really couldn’t say, and he could not truly tell what’d happened to drop him into this place. A portal of sorts, out in the wild, or perhaps wormhole would be the better choice of word.
And here he was, kneeling before a beast, and for far from the first time in his life. The young man growled, low and deep in the back of his throat, and snatched the wrist that held him. Prying it from his face, and struggling to stand while he yet had the time.
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“I don’t know YOU, but I’d recognize those cruel eyes anywhere.”
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tellnxlies · 1 year
I legitimately can’t tell if @faetedforglory is making these restaurant names up or not
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endoctrina · 1 year
@faetedforglory [from]
Ewan cast a glance back down, frowning at the man’s direction before he collected himself and tried to put on a gentle face, tried to speak calmly. “Hey, Naomasa?” He asked as he drew closer. “Can I come in and talk to you?” With any luck it would be a very short talk. Nanu glared at Hachiro as he pushed him hard against the wall and made eye contact. “You allowed a child to be tortured!” Nanu repeated as he snapped, grabbing the man’s wrist hard, half tempted to break it but restraining himself. He didn’t need to scare the children, he didn’t want to scare them. “And I won’t allow you to do it again.” He pulled the marker from his pocket and removed the cap with his teeth, intent on drawing the curse on Hachiro’s hand– somewhere all could see what he’d brought upon himself.
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Naomasa leveled the man with a scrutinizing gaze, as if searching for any tricks or deception, before his grip finally lessened. He eased the door the rest of the way open, and wordlessly stepped aside, murmuring only a soft explanation in Kantonian to the room’s other occupant. Careless as any child should be, Makoto seemed to accept what was said without much protest, though she did sneak a curious look (or several) when she didn’t think they would notice.
She would have questions to bombard Ewan with, for sure, though even she seemed to understand the importance of holding her tongue. Nao had advised that she be quiet, and he only ever did so when it was gravely important to. He only said that when they were in danger (why did they have a protocol for being in danger?)
“Wha-Ewan, what are you doing here? ’s something wrong??”
Downstairs, Hachiro fought and lost the battle to keep his composure, squeaking indignantly at his wrist being seized. Having survived the massacre, he’d thought himself safe from this. Never imagining that they would dare to breach his home, when they’d had the opportunity to end him already and chose differently. Someone had finally managed to strike fear into the Cyclone’s heart, and it showed in every rapid breath and futile attempt to get out of this grip.
“You had your chance, why … if you are so angry, why did you wait?”
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extensusmusae · 1 year
"pspsps, I have a story for you," Keanu grinned at their brother. "So, it's the summer of 2001--"
idiot ( comedic genius ) duo
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"joe meets patrick and he’s like, 'yo, i know about music.' and patrick’s like, 'yo, i know more about music.' 'that’s impossible! do you wanna start a band?' and patrick’s like, '…yeah… that’s cool.' and then he’s like, 'yo, this is a book store, it's not a music store!'”
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gnzma · 2 years
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“Did he read that on a fortune cookie or something?”
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tumblestonesa · 1 year
@faetedforglory​ from x
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“and clearly, they’ve yet to stand up against you properly. that is their own failing.” yet, the human had yet to see just what he was face to face with. how quaint. “i could be of some assistance in ensuring that you see a world with only humanity in it. all i require is your reasoning.”
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spiritkindled · 1 year
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“It’s a good day to not be a detective yet . . .”
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pikachufriended · 1 year
@faetedforglory​ sent,  "So you found a place where the grass is greener and you jumped the fence to the other side," Ghetsis sneered. "Is it good? Are they giving you a world I could never provide?" No time to answer, he wouldn't allow it. "Well, I hope you're proud of your big decision, I hope it's all that you want and more, now you're free from the agonizing life you were living before."
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    was he careless? heart pounds in his chest as he stumbles backwards. he wants... he wants to protest, to argue. but he’s not given the chance to talk. all n can do is cower away and just hope that ghetsis is merciful. n could use his pokemon, they would surely keep him safe from ghetsis but he’s scared --- he knows better. he can’t fight.
   but not fighting back would be a spit in the face of everyone that ever fought for him... right?
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veritasvitae · 1 year
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“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
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sekizein · 2 years
Government Assigned Horror Media: I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (specific to missingno verse because that's a brain rot for me) because. Desperation and exploitation of something that could be considered living (at least sentient) results in horrible consequences, including the alteration of human biology. (Runner up: The Fly remake, desperation leading to horrible human body alteration that can and will destroy a person)
THIS IS SO GOOD I’M EATING THIS ENTIRE CONCEPT as an average body horror movie enjoyer, the fly is one of my favorites. just fucked up altered biology and gradually losing humanity in the progress. i haven’t heard of the first one though and now i’m very curious. 👁️
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evilendures · 1 year
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Blows a kiss back to the circus tent (for Aries).
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virescorde · 1 year
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@faetedforglory​  asked: "If you don't do it, you'll die." (Turo)
// Testing/Experiment Starter Sentences
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"Prove to me that there’s a good point to living.”
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tellnxlies · 1 year
Sometimes family is just a detective and his three children and counting that he keeps finding
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picavecalyx · 1 year
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" friendship always wurks. it's unly a matter uf time.... "
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compatiissante · 1 year
@faetedforglory replied to your post “(character name) has appeared! what to do? maya...”:
my villains: slapping the manipulate button
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heartbroken pout intensifies--
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