#fahc jeremy au
ursifors · 2 years
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outlaw fakes au doodle! all the fakes that have ever been caught by authorities have the fakes symbol branded somewhere visible so that if they escape (when they escape) they are immediately recognizable to other authorities
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heisttheblackflag · 1 year
dude I am the worst at actually generating content on tumblr.
okay uhhhhhh how’s this: pre/early fahc; matt and jeremy grew up together so they’re super protective of each other, so when gavin and jeremy start getting really close matt gets upset and starts really going after gavin and trying to get jeremy to stay away from him. gavin eventually breaks him down though by stealing him a bunch of high-end hair dye, a platinum earring, and making him a level in mario maker, and after that matt and gavin become thick as thieves (hah). jeremy actually gets jealous but they include him in things And gavin spends more time with him since matt isn’t breathing down his neck any more so all three of them are happy.
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somegrumpynerd · 2 years
More thoughts about the were-animal stream team au:
-Even when not in cat or dog form, Matt and Jeremy still sometimes show traits of their animal
-Matt will occasionally hoist himself onto a desk or counter that Trevor is working at, or go sit in a suitcase he is packing, and is very surprised when Trevor gently tells him he’s terribly in the way
-When Trevor’s doing a quick run to the store and shouts to ask if they need anything, Jeremy will often come hurtling towards him like “You’re going out?? I wanna go out!! Let me go out too!”
-They never need anything they just like trying to drag Trevor to the park
-Jeremy loves bringing them both things they’re looking for, Trevor hasn’t had to look for a pen in months and they often bring Matt snacks
-Jeremy will sometimes make Matt chase them for the snacks
-When they’re watching a movie or game, Matt will sometimes make biscuits on a couch cushion or blanket
-When they join the Fakes, nobody notices anything is off about Matt or Jeremy. In fact they all think, of the three of them, that Trevor is the weird one
-It might be because when he was leaving for an overnight stakeout once, he left a jumper that smelled like him for Matt and one for Jeremy so they wouldn’t miss him as much
-(In his defense it definitely worked and it took him ages to get those jumpers back)
-Literally none of them remember to bring it up so it’s months before it’s casually mentioned that two of their crewmates turn into animals sometimes and the crew is like “and you didn’t think to tell us this??!!”
-They didn’t
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youronlybean · 1 year
Today on AUs I’m Too Lazy To Write Myself:
Chilled - local Sheriff 
Courtilly - local Deputy (this is based on their matching cowboy skins from their last FCT stream)
Ze - local single father in crushing debt (he steals and stuff to provide for his kid, and unlike canon Lore™ he’s a good dad)
Cheesy - local child of said father (i live for little Cheese AUs)
Speedy - local outlaw gang leader (the gang being The Crew. Obviously)
Sidearms - local right-hand guy for Speedy 
Kara - local singer at local saloon/local crime syndicate head honcho (shh twist villain don’t tell… whoops.) (and she’s still Cheesy’s mother)
Jeremy - leader of less local outlaw gang (FAHC? Maybe, but also he could literally just be a solo outlaw cause he’s so slay)
Tay - pissed off civilian with a gun/local vigilante
Junk - local saloon owner (also pissed off)
I don’t know if I’ll ever write this (or if someone else will??) so here’s the plot:
Ze owes Many Debts to Kara and The Crew (they work for Kara, technically) so he has to steal to provide for his son (Cheems)
Cheesy finds out about this and runs away because Stealing is BAD and he doesn’t know any better 
Sheriff Chilled finds him and he takes Cheesy in because “it's his duty” and “it’s only temporary”
Meanwhile Ze is running around like the mother from that brandon rogers video like “HAS ANYONE SEEN MY SON???” whilst also avoiding the crime syndicate that he still owes money to
They eventually find him and they’re gonna kill him bc he doesn’t have the money but then Tay swoops in and saves his ass YAY
Chilled is busy trying to teach Cheesy how to shoot a gun and Court is busy trying to stop him so Jeremy moves in on the Crew’s territory
Gang war breaks out, Chilled and Court have to fuck shit up and save the day, Tay helps out and Ze maybe gets reunited with his son? 
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sorcererinthestars · 1 year
For the AH asks!! 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 17, 38, 44 and 51 (hope that's not too many to answer 😅)
Hahaha, love, no problem at all. It's like 2013 tumblr where I'm just doing all these ask games again.
How did you get into AH? I'm boring and got into AH through Rage Quit, like all of them! My current (kind of) partner had never really heard of AH and I was going back through with him last weekend, which made me remember the first ever AH video I ever watched was The Impossible Game Part Two. Swiss-fucking-cheese-god-damn-it was the phrase that hooked me lol. Went through all the rage quits and then into the minecrafts and then to the GTAs and now here we are.
Who was your favorite when you started? Immediately, Michael and Gavin as I was introduced to AH via Rage Quit and I loved their dynamic, like everyone!
Who’s your favorite now? Favorite is such a tricky word because I love them all for all sorts of different ways. My partner asked me the same question and I didn't really have an answer. Of course still Michael (and Gav, when he's around). I adore Matt. I really love Ky and BK and their interactions. I am obsessed with Dad Michael and Kid Joe dynamic. Last but certainly not least I love the Red Web boyos. I really do think Treh has the softest spot in my heart right now though.
Favorite ship? I am a ride or die OG OT5 girlie (Michael/Jack/Geoff/Gavin/Jeremy) even if it doesn't make sense with the current layout. FAHC isn't AH really, so it doesn't matter lol.
For new crew? I am a hardcore Alfreyo shipper and BK/Ky (what is their ship name...?)
Favorite AU?
I'm still such a slut for the FAHC, honestly. Although the new outlaw AU is super cute. I also have a huge thing for 7 Days, its one of my favorite games, and there's not a lot of 7 Days AU out there so a girlies gotta take what she can get.
Favorite experience meeting any of the crew?
This will be my 5th RTX, but one of the best experiences was meeting Michael after Theater Mode in like 2018. He was obviously stupidly tired and just wanted to go home but he stayed and chatted with everyone who lined up to take pictures with him. Me and my friend were one of the last ones and I was like "we don't have to get a photo, go home" and he was like "nah come here" and it was super sweet.
Also pulling Treh over for a photo and getting to say hi was awesome.
Poor Joe at RTX last year was just still so flabbergasted anyone ever wanted to meet him, he is such a sweet boy.
Double hugs from Ky and BK <3 <3 <3
Matt gives one of the best hugs I've ever had.
Jeremy was so happy I was shorter than him.
Not AH, but I met Greg Miller at PAX once and he came running over to ME to take a pic because I was in an AH hat and signed it huge so the real AH guys had to fight for the premium real estate lollllll
Favorite GTA mini-series?
Gotta say Criminal Masterminds despite the fact that I don't really feel comfy going back and rewatching it. Only series I've ever watched that I was literally on the edge of my seat. They gotta do something like that again.
Has AH ever inspired you?
AH inspired me to make the videos that I had on YouTube and because of them I have like 300 subs. I don't make them anymore but it was a really great time in my life. I haven't updated them though, so proceed with caution.
Any videos, series, podcasts, etc. You’d recommend to new fans?
My partner that I mentioned is just getting into AH so I'm trying my best to compile a good watch list for him. Survive Block Island is incredible. The 7 Days series is top notch. Weird Place. Haunter, if you don't mind a certain someone being in it. Red Web has my heart.
There's so much incredible content, even from 2021 onward. Binge. Enjoy. Smile. Laugh! <3
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fakeahgems · 1 year
disclaimer: very old au
tw ryan is still in this au since this was created and worked on in like 2019 subject to edits
Info: Mostly based around an au of the fake ah crew and some of their minecraft series.
fahc gems:
Geoff- Rhodonite Jack- Larimar Ryan- Bloodstone Michael- Tourmaline Gavin- Yellow Pearl Jeremy- Overcooked Ametrine Ray- Ametrine Lindsey- Sunstone Meg- Cherry pearl Matt- iolite Alfredo green jade Trevor orange jade Fiona: Boulder Opal
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solargav · 7 years
alternative meetings
Prompt: "Anyone who sees our faces dies, I don't want to live in prison" from the fahc post of starters
Summary: for the two jerms one au but instead of meeting through jeremy meeting jeremy... ( @ah-technical-difficulties part one ??)
The crew had just gotten away with a massive heist but by "gotten away" it would mean that they have outrun the police once more, which is debatable. They pushed into a small flower shop that had been closed for the holiday, crouched behind racks of sunflowers, a fan favorite in the early winter.
"Careful, apartment up the stairs."
"Jack, I swear to god if anyone sees our faces they're dead. I'm not rotting in prison."
The rebuttal sparked a small careless conversation in the crew, filled with cockiness. It covered the lack of squeaking steps due to the owner knowing the staircase by heart. The lights flickered on to show a lanky figure with messy brown hair and circular gold rimmed glasses in embarrassing hello kitty pajama pants and cropped-tank.
"Jesus, Ryan? That you? I know you wanted me to meet your friends but you could have told me first. I'll make you all coffee."
Everyone turned to Ryan in a shock, surprised someone could recognize him so easily when his face was smothered in paints. He looked through the petals of the flowers overhead to see no police lights were outside before standing and striding over, speaking in a light voice as if he blew too hard the owner would break from the force of air.
"Hey, Jay. I'm sorry, can we stay until it quiets down? You can go back to sleep I promise, have you been eating enough?"
This side of him was strange, to show him worrying for someone they didn't even know, disobeying Geoff's want of bloodshed to those who saw them. Stranger though, was the acceptance of Jay who wondered back up the stairs, turning the lights off on his way.
It was only natural for Geoff to want to know more of who the kid was as a leader, right?
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rikurobo · 4 years
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The Fake AH Crew? Being questioned? Not very successfully. And neither will they stay there for long. [x]
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shadeofazmeinya · 3 years
Kindred Spirits
Summary: Trevor had been perfectly content with the quiet life he and Alfredo have made for themselves. A little cottage in the woods, hidden from any obvious view. A garden and space to forage to survive on their own, since villages weren’t dependable to be welcoming to those gifted with magic. But it was an ideal life for a witch and his familiar.
Until they suddenly meet a mysterious pair that needs their help.
A/N: for the @rtwritingcommunity‘s secret skeleton event! its like secret santa but for spooky season. This au was so much fun to write so I hope you all enjoy! as always, comments and reblogs super appreciated!!!
Trevor had been perfectly content with the quiet life he and Alfredo have made for themselves. A little cottage in the woods, hidden from any obvious view. A garden and space to forage to survive on their own, since villages weren’t dependable to be welcoming to those gifted with magic. But it was an ideal life for a witch and his familiar. Of course, that was all before.
It started with a cat. Alfredo felt its presence first, familiar’s always having a strong sense for when something else with magic is near. Trevor could feel Alfredo’s growing apprehension through their bond, his hair standing on end as Alfredo’s anxiety vibrates through him. 
What is it? Trevor thought, the message moving through their link, echoed in Alfredo’s head.
Someone is here, Alfredo sends back as Trevor is wiping his hands on his pants as he sets the potion ingredients down and pushes open the creaky front door into the cool spring morning. The forest looks as it always does, flush green swaying in the breeze, distant chirping of birds. Nothing obviously out of place. But a forest also holds plenty of places to hide.
Who? What is here? Trevor sends back as he moves towards where Alfredo is. Alfredo is standing at the edge where the cut grass meets the roots of the trees. His red fur is standing on end as he points into the shadows where the sun is smothered by the canopy. His fox tail stood still, ears pressed back.
Trevor reaches down to brush his head before raising a hand up. A spell mumbles from his lips as his fingertips glow. “Who’s there?” he yells out into the unknown. “You’re trespassing onto a witch’s land.”
Alfredo growls more, as if to prove a point. Trevor holds himself up, trying to remain confident. But then he hears a twig snap and leaves shuffling. He jumps back, feet scampering against the grass, and nearly launches the spell he’s holding.
But instead of some horrible monster, or even just a human with a knife and a disdain against magic, a cat strolls out of the bushes. It was a little Siamese cat, with sharp, bright eyes. A little too bright.
Familiars look just like the animal forms they hold. But there’s always something… a little off. An intelligence in them that makes them stand out from the normal beasts of this world. Trevor always notices it in the eyes. They look too closely back at you.
“Are you a familiar?” Trevor bursts out as he gathers himself.
The cat meows. Which Trevor thinks means a yes. He glances to Alfredo, who was still protectively hovering, but his fur was no longer on end. Pacing around Trevor’s legs. 
Trevor crouches down, reaching a hand out to the cat but not touching. Letting the cat decide to come closer or not. “Are you bonded? Is your witch nearby?”
The cat stares at the hand before moving slowly. It inches closer and sniffs at Trevor’s hand. Trevor smiles. “I won’t hurt you,” he assures. “Are you lost maybe?”
It’s worried about something, Alfredo supplies. I can sense it.
Trevor frowns at that but then the cat rubs his head against Trevor’s hand. It’s fur is soft and Trevor can't help but gently scratch behind its ears. It leans into the touch before meowing and turning around. It trots a few feet back into the forest before pausing and glancing back. Tail swishing.
It wants us to follow, Alfredo says. Be careful.
I’m always careful, Trevor hums and he can feel Alfredo wanting to roll his eyes as they both step into the forest after the cat.
Perhaps following a strange familiar into a wild forest isn’t the most careful idea he’s ever had. But there’s something off. Something stirring in his gut that he feels in Alfredo too. The cat weaves easily among the forest floor, slipping around fallen logs and between bushes. Only stopping to make sure they were following before continuing its trek.
They finally reach a small clearing, along a small trickling stream. There’s no sign of any buildings or structures where a witch could be waiting nearby for their familiar. Just the same overgrowth and unpathed floor. The peacefulness is interrupted by a low, threatening growl and Trevor’s heart freezes while his fingers spark.
Another familiar, Alfredo growls, hair raising again as he presses to Trevor’s side.
But then the cat meows, darting in front of them and into the bushes. Trevor swallows and despite a sharp warning from Alfredo, moves forward, pushing aside low branches to see. The growl was attached to a giant black dog, sharp teeth dangerously barred and hunched over. The wolf was huge with its fur puffed up and giant claws digging into the dirt. It’s dark, deep eyes piercing through Trevor.
Trevor raises his hands, freezing in place. The cat moves unafraid however, meowing and rubbing its head under the wolf’s. The wolf glares but Trevor swears it leans into the touch. At least it doesn’t bite the cat’s head off like it seems to want to do to them.
“Hey,” Trevor says. “Um, your cat friend brought us here. So please don’t hurt us.”
Trevor glances over the wolf, scanning until he spots the reason he was suspecting they were here. One of the wolf’s back legs was bent, not placing any pressure on it. Dripping from a wound buried amongst the fur. “We can help,” Trevor offers gently. “Do you want me to treat your leg?”
The wolf continues to growl but the cat gives a sharp meow back. Brushing under its chin again as the wolf gives a huff and glances to it. Slowly it stops bearing its teeth. Fur smoothing out. But doesn’t stop glaring. 
“Ok,” Trevor says, taking a step forward. “Um. My name is Trevor. This is Alfredo,” Alfredo is buried against Trevor’s back, head poking out behind his legs. Trevor can’t help a fond snort at it before turning back. “We live nearby. I guess your cat friend knew you needed help and found us. If you can walk, you can come closer to our home. Otherwise, I’ll have to grab some supplies and come back to bandage you up.”
The cat meows and Trevor suspects they must be somehow communicating between each other as they look into each other’s eyes. Trevor raises an eye. He hasn’t heard much of familiars being able to communicate with each other like they can with witches. If they truly were doing that, it would take a lot of skill and magic. Perhaps they’ve had to learn it though as they live out in these woods. Their fur was dirty, with some leaves and sticks poking out amongst matts of fur. Certainly don’t look like they’ve seen a brush in a long time. Trevor frowns a bit. How long have they been out here? Why are they out here?
The wolf gives a huff, a sort of dejected sigh and starts to limb forward. The cat right on his heels. Trevor blinks and offers a soft smile. “This way,” he says, stepping back towards the cabin. 
Alfredo looks up to Trevor, a silent caution passing but Trevor tries to send some reassurance. These people needed their help. And Trevor couldn’t leave them abandoned out here.
They reach back to their little cabin, the wolf limping along as the cat weaves between its legs. Alfredo stayed plastered to Trevor’s side, glaring the whole way. When Trevor went inside however, the other familiars didn’t come in. Trevor offered, but he could sense the tension as they stayed pacing around on the grass. But they let Trevor treat the wound, cleaning and bandaging it up when he brought out supplies.
Despite Alfredo’s reservations, Trevor catches him dragging a bag of food across the ground towards them. Trevor can’t help but snort. You could just transform into your human form and make it easier to carry, he teases.
And let them know my face? Alfredo sends back. No way! I’d rather drag this shit by my teeth.
The odd pair seem to appreciate it anyway. The cat digs into the meat first, eager after sniffing the food. The wolf is more hesitant, watching them before its hunger clearly wins and it takes some big bites of the cooked rabbit and squirrel.
“If you need any more, just let us know,” Trevor smiles. “If you want, I can cast some magic to help you heal a little faster. Nothing big.”
The wolf’s ears press back against its head, shifting away, but after some more meowing from the cat, it sticks its leg out a little. Trevor sits besides it, raising his hands that glow at the fingertips. His face falls in concentration, murmuring the spell from his lips. The wolf shifts anxiously as its leg starts to glow. It’s only a few moments before it stops, Trevor letting out a sigh as the spell takes energy from him. But he looks back up with a smile. “There you go. Should heal a little better now, but it’ll still take time.”
The wolf seems to nod, moving its leg back against itself. But then leans its head a little closer to Trevor, nudging against his hand in a way he can tell was the wolf saying thanks. At least that’s how Trevor is taking it. Trevor smiles and brushes its head. “You’re welcome.”
That night, when Trevor glances out the window, he sees them curled up together against a tree. Buried into each other’s fur and Trevor can’t help another pang of sorrow for them. Hoping he can help more so they weren’t living outside like this. But in the morning when he checks the same spot there’s no sign of them. Slipped away back into the forest like they hadn’t even been there at all.
A good few weeks go by before the two return. Trevor has practically forgotten about the strange meeting when he spots the wolf out of the corner of his eyes. It scares the shit out of him at first, as he had been coming back in from the forest with fresh herbs he had gathered. He felt the odd presence and saw this giant, dark form out of the corner of his eyes. He must’ve let out some kind of yell because he felt Alfredo’s alarm and Alfredo was at his side in a moment. In his human form, having just been working on potions. Alfredo's eyes start to glow as Trevor feels his magic flow into his. Only for both of them to hear a familiar meow as a little brown ball trots out from the wolf’s side.
“Oh, it's you two. You’re back,” Trevor blinks. “Are you ok?”
The cat gives another meow as he rubs against Trevor’s legs. The wolf seems better, walking on that back leg and the bandage gone. Only a scar from the wound that had been there. The wolf almost gives an exasperated sigh as they watch the cat, but moves closer. Glancing to Alfredo, who was already grumbling.
“Now they fucking know my face!” Alfredo whines. “What the fuck?!”
Trevor laughs, reaching down to scratch the cat’s head. “I think you’ll survive, Fredo. Be nice to our guests.”
Alfredo huffs as the two familiars move around them, examining them closer and sniffing at the edge of the house. It’s good to see them well. Trevor opens the door and offers for them to go in, but neither move closer. Pacing outside as Trevor frowns. “Guess you don’t like being inside? That’s fine. I’ll bring out some food and water then.”
Trevor fills a bowl with water and sets it down in front of them, besides a plate with some more extra pieces of meat. They both eagerly dig in, less hesitant than before.
Alfredo hangs back, watching their forms. It’s weird, Alfredo says through the bond. Do you think they can shift out of their animal forms?
I don’t know, Trevor admits. I worry they can’t. Or maybe they don’t want to.
It’s still weird either way, Alfredo huffs. But at least they’re friendly.
The two stick around for the afternoon, sniffing curiously around, watching Trevor and Alfredo as they do their work. They don’t interact too much, still cautious but let them brush gentle pets on their heads. Trevor isn’t sure why they’ve come back around and there is little explanation from them. Perhaps some company. Perhaps curiosity. Either way, before night comes they’re gone again. Though this time Trevor knows it's not the last they’ll see of them.
It’s the heat of summer when they come around again. They stay for a few days, mostly hanging in the shade of their house or jumping around the creek nearby. It warms Trevor’s heart to see them playing amongst the water. Splashing and making soft noises to each other. Not a care in the world and Trevor couldn’t help but be a little jealous. Perhaps living as animals in the woods did have its perks.
Alfredo joined them at times as a fox, jumping around and playing. It was nice to have company for a while. No one from the village ever felt brave enough to come out to them. So someone else to talk to was refreshing. Even if they never exactly talked back.
After that they see them less and less. Sometimes they’d catch sight of them while they were out hunting or gathering herbs. See flashes of their fur moving around the forest. But they didn’t come all the way up to the house. They don’t shift out of their animal forms.
Trevor remembers the old stories about familiars. How they were fae spirits made to protect magic, make sure that humans were using it right. Seeing the two familiars around in glimpses certainly makes him feel like he had some form of guardian spirits. Companions in the forest.
He worries about them still, wanting to make sure they seem healthy. During the harder rains, he was sure to make sure to make a small shelter from the water and wind. Alfredo would refill water bowls and leave food out, often when he thought Trevor wasn’t looking. They both grew to consider them friends. And appreciated every chance they saw them.
It's just as they feel the touches of winter when it happens. This time, a voice is heard bursting from the forest. Yelling, screaming as footsteps crash closer and closer. “Help! Trevor, Alfredo!”
They had been starting the fire for the night in their cabin when they heard it. Alfredo and Trevor look at each other in alarm. Very few know their names. Most of the nearby villagers don’t even know their names. But the voice is scared, so they leap out. They find a short but well built person, wide shoulders and thick beard. In a simple tunic and dress, but neither know who it is right away. But as they come closer, there is something they do recognize in their hands. A little Siamese cat.
“You have to help him!” the person cries out, nearly colliding with them as they reach the house.
“Are you... “ Trevor says, staring at them. Their eyes are huge, scared but the color… A deep, brown. Trevor’s mind snaps it all into place. “Wolf?”
The person nods, holding out the cat. He was breathing, but still, with matted fur and a deep red dug into his side. “P-Please. Fix him.”
Trevor wastes little time. Alfredo shifts human as they get him into the cabin, laid on the kitchen table as Trevor starts taking stock of the wound. It was a deep gash, something sharp. Something deliberate. Trevor’s heart sinks as his hands start glowing. But he steals himself. This is going to take a big spell. He feels more magic flow into him, Alfredo lending his energy for the task as he squeezes Trevor’s shoulder, eyes glowing. Trevor places his hands on either side of the wound, voice chanting a healing spell as he focuses.
The Wolf, human now, paces back and forth. The first time being in the cabin but they haven’t seemed to register that. Those sharp eyes never leave the Cat’s form.
Trevor grits his teeth as he pushes further through the spell. The wound was starting to glow, a deep yellow color like the sun on a summer day.  But none of it burned, in fact the room itself felt cooler. A chill covers them, sending shivers up their spines. But it was working. Trevor sees the blood stop and flesh start to mend together. 
Everything is silent, even Trevor’s words feel like they aren’t able to be heard. Just the sparks and glow of pure magic around them. All staring as life goes back into the cat. 
Trevor collapses against the table as the spell ends, barely catching himself as his legs give in. Alfredo catches him, but he can feel the strength gone from him as well. He used too much magic to complete the spell, even when draining some more from Alfredo, it left him weak. But as he looks back, he sees the Cat shift. Breath growing stronger and starting to lift his head.
The Wolf who was now a person, surges forward. Tears pricking their eyes as they brush his fur. “Gavin,” they murmur. “Thank the Gods. Fuck, I was so scared.”
The cat gives a small meow, head turning around the room before he settles on Trevor and Alfredo. Then his whole body seems to shimmer, bones shifting and skin stretching in a similar transformation Trevor has seen many times before. He glances away to give some privacy as the cat becomes a human. A taller man, thin and unfortunately bare naked on their kitchen table. But the man doesn’t seem to care at the moment, reaching out towards his partner and pulling them closer. “Jeremy,” he murmurs.
Alfredo moves to grab a blanket and throws it around the naked man. “So uh… You guys going to finally explain some things? Since apparently you aren’t stuck as animals like we thought?”
“Let me have a moment, I nearly just lost him,” the person that apparently is named Jeremy huffs.
The other laughs a little. “I think they’re right, dear. We have some explaining to do.”
“So let me get this right,” Alfredo says as he’s sitting back in his chair, staring at the other two sheepish humans. They had found Gavin a pair of clothes that fit well enough and heated up some water for tea. Now sitting at the table after Gavin and Jeremy told their tales. “You both somehow bonded to each other instead of witches? Then the humans in your village chased you into the forest because they took that as meaning you were some sort of demons? So you just… Decided to live in the forest as animals then?”
Gavin chuckles a little, brushing his hair. “Suppose it does sound strange when put like that. We weren’t animals all the time, we shifted now and again. Especially after being around you two… Reminded us that being human wasn’t always bad. But it's just easier living as animals in the woods. And we just didn’t want to be in another witch and their familiar’s home… We’ve heard of witches that could force bonds… Force a familiar, multiple even, to become theirs. And we didn’t want to lose our bond. Preferred it as just us taking care of each other.”
“Until we couldn’t,” Jeremy sighs. They haven’t let go of Gavin’s hand since he’s been awake. Eying his side where a new, large scar was present. “Fuck, I should’ve noticed someone was nearby… I didn’t hear them at all until they were close and then-”
Gavin shushes them, kissing their cheek softly. “I’m ok. Trevor helped me. Which, we cannot thank you enough for”, Gavin smiles towards Trevor.
“Of course. Us magical people have to look out for each other. And Fredo and I have come to think of you as friends,” he grins. “You’re welcome to stay the night, or however long you need. The worst of the wound is healed, but it's not perfect. You’ll still be really sore.”
Gavin nods. “Yeah, if we can sleep in your home, we’d really appreciate it.”
“More comfortable than the forest floor,” Jeremy chuckles lightly.
“What happened to the person?” Alfredo interrupts gently. “That attacked you guys? A person from the village?”
Jeremy’s face turns firm. “Don’t know where they were from. They were looking for magic, something led them to us. But… let’s just say they won’t be bothering other people ever again.”
Alfredo nods, not pressing further. Just sending a look towards Trevor as he works on grabbing pillows and blankets for them. Making them comfortable.
They get them situated on a pile of soft blankets on the floor. Jeremy and Gavin curl up around each other, not seeming to care that the other two could see them cuddled together in untangled limbs. 
Trevor smiles as he watches for a moment across the room, as the two catch up. “Kinda cute, isn’t it?” Trevor hums softly to Alfredo.
Alfredo snorts. “Reminds me of us. Who knew familiars could bond to each other?”
“Haven’t heard of it happening before,” Trevor admits. “But I suppose anything is possible.”
Alfredo sighs, leaning over to kiss Trevor’s cheek. “Least these two are talking with us now. Hopefully there aren’t more familiars stuck in that forest. With witch hunters about.”
Trevor hums, leaning his head back. A spark of an idea in his eyes. “Perhaps we should find out.”
Alfredo groans, already knowing that spark well. And knowing he’s not going to be able to stop Trevor once he sets his mind to something. “We’re going to need a bigger house.”
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detectivemyatt · 4 years
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Nice save, Matt
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ursifors · 1 year
more outlaw shit because i can't stop thinking about this au
so one of my fahc headcanons is that rimmy has a pet python named gummy banana so i'm transferring that to this au as well. since they all live in an abandoned mineshaft she usually is just hanging out coiled wherever its warmest, or sitting outside sunning.
everyone but matt and joe has their own horse. matt and joe dont have horses because for some reason animals hate them.
i'm imagining their hideout to be very much like slim's secret hideout from home on the range.
trevor knew matt and jeremy before starting his life of crime. jeremy was already an established outlaw that trevor had had run ins with when he was still a regular cowpoke, and matt was a friend from town who was always kind of bookish and smart but funny.
alfredo and trevor constantly get confused for each other by lawmen. this is sometimes really helpful, and sometimes a detriment to plans.
rimmy tim is just jeremy's like, outlaw name. not many people actually know he's named jeremy outside of the crew.
jeremy is selectively mute! he uses sign language to speak and everyone in the crew can understand him just fine! though the newbies sometimes misinterpret what he's saying which causes for some funny situations i'm sure.
jeremy comes from a troubled past that only matt (his closest friend) and trevor (his leader) know. i think its fun to make rimmy tim like, really mysterious and dangerous but silly and weird at the same time.
clay made a joke to me that alfredo gets branded on his ass when he eventually gets caught and i decided to make it canon bc its funny. he moons a sheriff one day and the guy keeps a grudge about it for months until they finally catch him and brand him on the ass cheek for revenge.
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heisttheblackflag · 1 year
enby rimmy tim and lindsay starting transitioning together but microdosing opposite hormones so they get excited when lindsay starts growing facial hair and rimmy gets softer curves. enby matt who doesn’t want hormones but grows his hair longer and longer and lindsay teaches him how to braid it in new styles. trans men michael and gavin who help each other do their t shots in the bathroom. is this anything
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somegrumpynerd · 2 years
I just had the dumbest idea for a halloween fahc au
Stream team, pre-joining the fakes, made up of werewolf Jeremy, werecat Matt and human man Trevor but he adopted them both from shelters thinking they were just pets and ended up with roommates
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spark-circuit · 4 years
the Rimmy Tim Vehicles Showcase video is so fucking funny to me because it gives me the vibes that FAHC Jeremy got drunk and tried to show everyone his cars, planes, etc, but since this is the 5th time he's tried this, the rest of the crew hid and Gavin only got dragged into it because he was coming back from getting groceries for the safe house, so now he's just sitting on the couch as Jeremy excitedly points at his Windows Movie Maker showcase with purple and orange vaporwave transitions and refuses to tell Gavin the exact amount of heist money that went into all of this
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fakeahcrewsnapchats · 4 years
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Michael: “Where even where you?”
Ryan: “We came in through one of the windows downstairs. I forgot the key.”
Michael: “But from where?!”
Jeremy: “Business in another country and now were hungry. Are you sure you don’t want snacks?”
Michael: “...I’m going back to bed.”
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Ryan and Jeremy’s Secret Band.
They finally agreed on a band name. They go by: 3/4th ( because of Jeremy's height.) They tend to perform cover songs of Hollywood Undead and Twenty One Pilots because Ryan wanted Jeremy to show his rap skills. Ryan literally has a panic attack before every show thinking he'll flub his lyrics, but nails it everytime. Jeremy absolutely loves making people cheer from excitement instead of scream from fear for a change.
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