#fair trade mango
serpentsurgency · 1 year
One that will hopefully jump in at your command to save your boyfriend when ignoring the situation won't work anymore.
... We'll be okay. Stop fucking pressing the topic.
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townpostin · 22 days
Man Injured at Jamshedpur Trade Fair After Iron Channel Falls on His Head
Tauquir Ahmed from Mango sustains head injury; police investigate negligence at Bishtupur’s Gopal Maidan. A man was seriously injured at the trade fair in Jamshedpur’s Bishtupur when an iron channel fell on his head. He was immediately taken to TMH for medical attention. JAMSHEDPUR – Tauquir Ahmed, a resident of Mango, Azadnagar Road No. 2, was severely injured at the trade fair in Bishtupur’s…
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fairtraderuk · 1 year
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Jewellery boxes, hand-carved from sustainable mango wood and sheesham wood.
Crafted by Fair Trade artisans in India.
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innamorat4 · 1 year
There is some discourse on my dash about if eating fruit from a tree in a public space is considered stealing.
To add even more to the fruit discourse, talking about my experiences living in Brazil… as a child, my grandma’s house had a huge mango tree, and the neighbors crafted a pile made of brooms + a soda plastic bottle cut in half attached to it and they would poke it out of the walls of their yard into my grandma’s yard, up until the tree, to pick up mangoes. They had an acerola (barbados cherry) tree sticking out their yard wall, and the wall was short enough that we only needed a chair to reach the top of their tree, and we would take their fruits too. Seemed like a fair trade. I never knew their names, we never talked about it, but we would hear each other from the yards, laughing at ourselves “stealing” each other’s fruits.
I am an adult now, in a different, bigger city now, and there is a blackberry tree in my house. My mom planted it to attract birds, but it attracts neighbors, and we’re fine with it. A man once used the berries to make jam, brought some with cheese for my mom in return. A neighbor brought stairs to reach the top of tree. People I’ve never seen brought bags to pick up more berries. And in all honesty… it’s chaotically wholesome. And I wouldn’t have it any other way, and I don’t see it as stealing. I see it as: there is a tree full of fruit, and if people don’t eat it, it will fall off and rot, and it seems a little wasteful to not share it. I think a lot of people share that thought here, and there is a famous cartoon character known for his stories that usually start with him stealing guava from the trees of his neighbor (his name is Chico Bento). As I said, chaotically wholesome.
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handweavers · 6 months
Do you have a favorite kind of plant? A favorite tree?
chinese hibiscus are my favourite flowers, next to star jasmine and tiger lilies. all grow in my grandparents' yard in malaysia ❤️
in a wider scope, i study dye plants and trees and thus the plants i can identify and feel most connected to are dye precursors, especially those used traditionally across southeast asia. when i think of my favourite trees i think of all these tropical hardwoods and plants. so here is a non-exhaustive list of southeast asian dye plants:
🌻 sappanwood (biancaea sappan) also called brazilwood not to be confused with another, different tree also called brazilwood; it was taken from southeast asia by the portuguese and brought with them to the americas - red, pink, purple
🌻 indigo (called tagom or tagum in various filipino languages, tarum in malay) - blue, blue, blue, there are several species but japanese indigo as well as a few other varieties are commonly grown
🌻 annatto seed (this is the most common of filipino dyes from what i've read) - yellow, orange, red 
narra woodchips (national tree of the philippines) - brown, red, pink, pinkish brown 
asthma plant (tawa-tawa) - yellow
indian almond tree (talisay) - the roots, leaves, bark, all rich with tannins, yellow dye naturally but can give greys and blacks
mahogany (mahoni in malay) - reddish brown
taro plant (called gabi, aba, abalong) - leaves give yellowish green
🌻 turmeric root (kunyit in malay) - yellow. not very lightfast so usually combined with other dyes
🌻 ceriops tagal (mangrove - soga tinggi in indonesian) - reddish rusty warm brown, a vital and very rare dye now due to deforestation. the dyers in bali i know who use it source it from a fair trade org in papua that harvests small, controlled amounts. i have been very lucky to use this and the colour is magnificent
yellow flamboyant bark or yellow flame (soga jambal in indonesian, peltophorum pterocarpum) - warm yellow to red to dark brown, using peeled bark
cudrania javanensis (tegeran in indonesian) wood - yellow
🌻 cockspur thorn (maclura cochinchinensis) - yellow, very strong high quality yellow
mango - leaves, bark, peels give yellow, especially when processed as lake pigment
angsana - wood shavings make honey brown
🌻 jackfruit heartwood - clear strong yellow
🌻 symplocos - natural bio-accumulator of aluminum, used as a mordant in dyeing
🌻 fire flame bush (woodfordia fruticosa) - flowers contain strong tannins, combined with mangrove mud and fermented to raise the iron in the mixture to create a dye that is the primary traditional way of achieving grey through black
pandan leaves, mangosteen leaves and peels, cassava leaves, and lemongrass are all also used as dye plants. i have seen recipes where cassava leaves and mango leaves are pounded together in water and left to ferment in the sun to create yellows and greens
🌻 = i have personally dyed with these
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wearethewinx · 2 years
MAGIC DIMENSION CUISINE for @je-ne-sais-p1s
take 4 of this fucking post jfkds;jakfld;sa. NOTE 1: planets are big and trade is everywhere. this really just represents the most traditional food in the specific regions where the winx grew up. NOTE 2: for brevity's sake i will encourage you, the reader, to assume that when i say, like, 'bananas,' what i MEAN is 'native fruits that are contextually similar to earth bananas.' cool? cool. let's go
SOLARIA: Snakes, scorpions, lizards, oh my! The hot, dry climate means plant matter is at a premium. Small reptiles and large insects make up the caloric bulk, along with a fair amount of milk. Cacti and palms provide the only substantial fruit, which, when fermented with honey, creates Solaria's most famous beverage. Flatbread is another staple, especially when combined with UNBELIEVABLY HOT PEPPERS. Most Solarian food is either sickeningly sweet or painfully spicy by non-Solarian standards.
ANDROS: Fish, obviously. Regular fish, shellfish, lots of shrimp, octopus, some saltwater snails. Lots of grilled/kebab'd* food, and acid marinating like ceviche. Fruits are mostly small and hardy, like figs, dates, olives, and thick-skinned grapes, and herbs/leafy spices are the main source of flavor enhancement. The warmest parts of Andros produce sugarcane, but the overall climate is too mild for much capsaicin and too wet for solid salt deposits, so the flavor profiles are mainly sweet and savory with a bit of acid.
LINPHEA: Large, soft-bodied fruits first and bugs second, baby. Papaya, mangoes, bananas, aaaall that good stuff, mostly eaten raw, and also a few leaves and edible flowers. Huge beetles and wild chickens are plentiful in Linphea's jungles, and large freshwater eels are rarer but highly prized. There's a wealth of rich spices like cinnamon, cacao, and vanilla, and peppers, so Linphean food is full of strong flavors and heat, but only mild sweetness.
ZENITH: MEAT. Zenith is so cold that the only significant vegetation on most of the planet is algae, which is eaten both as a paste and smoke dried as a papery film. Other than that it's a very whale-meat-heavy diet, with roe and crab for some variety. Their extremely advanced technology means Zenith has state-of-the-art hydroponics across the whole planet though, and there's obviously interplanetary trade, so they make heavy use of those to branch out. Zenethi bitches love bread and sour candy.
MELODY: The famous floating islands necessitate heavy reliance on fowl. Melody has several domesticated bird species, and more than a hundred ways to prepare eggs. The very dry earth means most of the plants are tough and unappetizing, but roots like potatoes, carrots, ginseng, etc are staples, and fungi are both plentiful and popular. Between the salmonella and the Textures, very, very little is eaten raw, almost everything being either cooked or fermented. Melodic cuisine has a very earthy/umami flavor profile in general.
DOMINO: You'd think this would be the spicy planet, but no! Lots of grains, gourds, melons, and berries, and yes, of course they had an equivalent to pumpkin pie. Roses and their cousins (plums, peaches, apples) were favorites, with whole, candied roses being an upperclass delicacy. Meat is considered optional except for special events, largely as a product of the ceremonial significance of hunting, and just like all the best declining empires, Domic nobility were EXTREMELY adventurous with food. They made some crazy cheeses.
MAGIX: Known for its pastry! Magix' fully synthetic geography and climate make it the ideal home for several delicate grains and fruits like pawpaws, so if you want baked goods or unique pastas, there is simply no better planet. They have a booming 'designer fruit' industry (rivaled only by Zenith's) and are constantly debuting new hybrids. On an artificial planet with no native animals, meat requires animal agriculture, and starting a population of animals is just harder than bringing a bag of seeds, so Magix really doesn't prioritize meat. However, as a massive trade hub, basically everything you can think of is readily available.
*i do not know how to conjugate the word 'kebab'
Thanks so much for this question!! It was really fun to answer, despite all the rewrites lol
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eddawrites · 2 years
Arcane Appreciation Week 2022, Day 2.
Favorite Dynamic: Mel & Jayce
It’s no secret that I love Mel and Jayce, individually and together. I could easily  write a whole essay about why, but to put it simply: I just think they’re neat. Unfortunately for me, I don’t know the first thing about making gifs, so instead, to celebrate one year of Arcane, I’ll be sharing an excerpt from one of my WIPs:
It feels selfish to keep coming to Mel for comfort, to heap his worries and conflicts of conscience on her shoulders. Especially now, what with her mother’s arrival weighting on her so. But with his head in her lap and tender fingers tangled in his hair, with her voice chiming like crystal bells in his ear, the world felt lighter… like he could do anything. With her, the most complex of problems seemed to have simple solutions.
He lingers in the doorway, hesitating to take the step over the threshold as if standing on yet another precipice. Fingers twitch and flex at his sides as he readies himself for the plunge.
He finds Mel knelt upon the cushions in front of the painting she’s been working on—the one of her homeland, he thinks, of Noxus—bare-armed with shoulders hung low, eyes staring blankly ahead. Fingers absently stroking fur of the little spotted cat curled up on her lap. From where he stands, she looks diminished to him somehow, about ten years younger and more vulnerable than he had ever seen. And universe knows he’s had ample opportunities in the past few days.
Her hair is undone. It is like an ocean, at once calmly rippling away in the glistening sunlight, subdued by fair winds, or frothing waves wracked by a storm. Something about her hair always smells like sea salt. It clings to her like a lover’s hands.
She liked to set aside an hour in the morning to walk through the port and see what new imports each day would bring. He’d accompany her on occasion—the two of them sauntering along the crammed piers, her arm looped through his, as they’d peruse the wares of the arrived merchants together. Sometimes a piece of jewellery would catch her eye and he would insist on buying it for her even though she was about ten times as rich as he.
Afterwards, they’d have breakfast on a bench near the shore, observing the comings and goings of trade ships or the waves crashing against the cliffs, exploding in clouds of white foam while they gorged themselves on a fresh seafood and spiced mango dish—the one she wistfully said reminded her of home; he would squeeze her hand then and press a kiss to her temple and she’d complain that his breath smelled liked dead fish and he’d laugh and say that so did hers.
He'd share his last breath mint with her and a parting kiss, too, while it melted on their tongues as they’d battle over it in their joined mouths, giggling at their loved-up silliness all the way through. It would take them long moments to work up the strength of will to finally part and go about their days, calloused fingers brushing against her satin-soft palms as they’d split right outside the gates of the port, each to swim in their own waters, hers infested with sharks and he up to his ears in someone else’s refuse.
At any other occasion he would welcome the sight of the cascade of curls engulfing her shoulders—most of all when they’re splayed upon his pillows in the afterglow, the air filled with just the two of them and the scent of blown out candles. But right then, there is something unsettling about seeing her unravelled like so.
He can’t help but think back to his entrance a week or so ago, the morning after he was forced to abandon her to his cold bed. She’d been upset then, of course, and her voice had a bite to it, but she seemed otherwise composed and elegant as ever.
This Mel is a vision of distress.
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mvshortcut · 1 year
Hey, Milk!!! Chamomile, nutmeg, and/or aloe vera for the Ask Game, if you'd like :)
I hope you're having an amazing night (And please try to get a good amount of sleep!! <3)
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
My go-to for years was a gift card for books, and I'd still love that. Personally I like picking things out, so I'd love to go on a trip to a little trinket store together and pick something special, for example. (I love trinkets. also stuffed animals.) But you can literally never go wrong with any sort of foodstuffs, either for cooking with or for snacking on. I have a sweet tooth. If you give me a cheesecake I will give you firstborn child. I think that's a fair trade.
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
I also have a couple bulletin boards I can just stick pictures and tickets and trinkets on! I have a lot of books (mostly ones from when I was younger that I can't part with). There's also my quilt, which my mom made for me when I was starting high school, I think? it might be my most treasured possession <3 it's got a white base with light purple and green and blue blocks
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
I want to eat a fresh mango. like a really fresh one. I mean, I'm really thankful to be able to access the mangoes I do eat here, but they're from the grocery store. and I really want to be able to just pick a mango off a tree and eat it. I think it would fix me
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mipiacenetherland · 5 days
Exploring Women’s Clothing in Amsterdam: Fashion at Its best| Mi Piace
Amsterdam is known for its unique blend of history, culture, and modernity, and its fashion scene is no exception. For women looking to explore a variety of styles, the city offers an incredible selection of boutiques, designer stores, and local shops, each offering something special. From minimalist Dutch designs to bold, cutting-edge fashion, finding the perfect women’s clothing in Amsterdam is an exciting journey.
Discovering Amsterdam's Fashion Districts
Amsterdam is home to several fashion-forward areas, each with its own distinct style. Whether you’re seeking high-end designer wear or more affordable, trendy pieces, there’s a neighborhood for every fashion lover.
De Negen Straatjes (The Nine Streets): This charming area is known for its picturesque streets and eclectic boutiques. Here, you’ll find a range of independent stores offering everything from vintage treasures to contemporary designs. It’s the perfect place to discover unique pieces that you won’t find anywhere else.
P.C. Hooftstraat: If luxury shopping is more your style, head to P.C. Hooftstraat, where international designers such as Chanel, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton have their flagship stores. This street is synonymous with high-end fashion and is ideal for those looking to invest in premium women’s clothing.
Kalverstraat: For more mainstream shopping, Kalverstraat is one of the busiest shopping streets in Amsterdam. With a mix of popular high-street brands like Zara, H&M, and Mango, it’s a go-to destination for fashionable and affordable women’s clothing.
Jordaan: Known for its artistic vibe, the Jordaan neighborhood is home to numerous local designers and concept stores. Here, you’ll find innovative fashion pieces that reflect Amsterdam’s creative spirit.
Must-Have Women’s Clothing Styles in Amsterdam
Amsterdam’s fashion scene reflects the city’s cosmopolitan nature, blending casual, chic, and elegant styles. Some popular trends in women’s clothing in Amsterdam include:
Sustainable Fashion: Amsterdam is at the forefront of the sustainable fashion movement. Many local boutiques prioritize eco-friendly fabrics, fair-trade production, and timeless designs that promote slow fashion. If you’re conscious about your clothing choices, you’ll find plenty of options here.
Minimalist Aesthetics: The Dutch are known for their minimalist approach to fashion, favoring clean lines, neutral colors, and practical yet stylish designs. From tailored coats to simple, elegant dresses, minimalist fashion is a staple in Amsterdam’s women’s clothing collections.
Bohemian Flair: For a more relaxed and artistic look, bohemian styles are also popular in the city. Flowing skirts, embroidered tops, and earthy tones create a carefree yet fashionable vibe that’s perfect for exploring Amsterdam’s streets.
Vintage Revival: Vintage clothing stores are a treasure trove for anyone looking to incorporate retro styles into their wardrobe. Amsterdam has a thriving vintage scene, offering everything from 70s-inspired prints to classic denim jackets.
Shopping Tips for Women’s Clothing in Amsterdam
Shopping for women’s clothing in Amsterdam is a unique experience, and there are a few tips to keep in mind to make the most of your fashion hunt:
Plan for Weather: Amsterdam’s weather can be unpredictable, so when shopping for clothes, it’s a good idea to look for pieces that can be layered or easily adapted for both rainy and sunny days.
Embrace Local Designers: While international brands are readily available, don’t miss out on the opportunity to support local Dutch designers who bring a fresh perspective to women’s fashion. Many of them offer innovative designs with a focus on sustainability and quality craftsmanship.
Visit Markets: For those who love a good bargain, Amsterdam’s markets are great for finding one-of-a-kind clothing items. Markets like Waterlooplein and IJ-Hallen are known for their eclectic mix of vintage clothing, second-hand finds, and new designs.
Amsterdam is a city where fashion truly thrives, offering an incredible range of women’s clothing that caters to every taste and style. Whether you’re drawn to minimalist designs, bohemian looks, or high-end fashion, there’s something for everyone in this vibrant city. With its emphasis on sustainability and creativity, Amsterdam’s fashion scene is both modern and timeless, making it a fantastic place to explore for women’s clothing.
Contact us:(+31) 0685426659
Webiste: https://mi-piace.nl/
Address: Postbus 69 145,Amsterdam,Nederland,1060 CD
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hislittleraincloud · 1 month
I'm a soda junkie (my terrible teeth can attest to that). I used to drink a 2 Liter of Mountain Dew every day for a couple of years when I was up all night writing my other screenplays, and I am always up to try new flavors (I'm still missing Mango Pepsi 😞) of most brands. But I won't drink Fanta and haven't in ten years; I drank it once in Slovakia when there was nothing else at the little vending machine where I was waiting for the train...they had Peach Fanta, so I tried it... wasn't bad, wasn't great.
Fun fact for those who don't know, or a friendly reminder for those who do: Fanta was invented for Nazi Germany.
With that one exception, I don't buy Fanta, hadn't/haven't for several years upon learning that little tidbit. Sure, I should also eschew all Coke products for being Nazi collaborators, but I don't buy much Coke or Coke products either (though sometimes I just crave a Mexican Coke since there's real sugar in it). I stick to mostly Pepsi products — Gatorade 😶, mostly — and for about a couple of years back, I'd have a 20 ounce of Sunkist Orange every day, because I developed a taste for orange soda somehow after years of hating it (though that was the same with Gatorade...I hated it growing up, but living in a place where I sweat a lot and don't tolerate plain water very well, my taste buds started accepting it). It became my favorite flavor, and if Junkie Cat Lady (a.k.a. Neighbor Wife) was still around, she could attest to that since she would bring me a Sunkist any time she wanted something from me. It isn't the best orange soda by any means...I like Frostie Orange (I also loooove Frostie Blue, and always have one of those after finishing a chapter), but I love, looooove San Pellegrino Aranciata Rossa, which is probably my favorite. Their regular orange/Aranciata is pretty great too. Alta Palla (organic, with fair trade sugar and minimal ingredients) also has a good blood orange flavor, but it's hard to find for me here. My second fruit flavor fave is strawberry, unless you count Coco Rico, which is a Puerto Rican brand of coconut extract soda. I could mainline Coco Rico for the rest of my life. For me, that stuff is liquid gold.
All of that said...I know you bitches are gonna be buying the shit out of this crap because of the cans, but can we not.
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God damn it. Why'd it have to be orange? And FANTA, for fuck's sake.
As an old and cranky adult I really can't stand movie tie-ins (like those ridic Fudge Stripes I posted the other day). Hell, I can't stand celebrity promoted products, since they're just doing it for the bag and pushing unhealthy shit on people (like that Doritos Dinamita garbage Ortega so cutely promoted in that Superbowl commercial...their taste was mid and 'off' to me, and I got sick...it was only after I read the ingredients to see that they put fucking sucralose, a.k.a. Splenda, in those damn things, and my body doesn't tolerate that crap well at all...why do honey mustard chips that already have sugar, molasses, brown sugar AND honey in them need sucralose?! Sucralose is garbage and, like all NNSes, alters your gut biome and not for the better.)
Speaking of unhealthy and/or Only Assholes Do This Shit shit, another fun fact about that Superbowl commerical that I noticed immediately since I was a lifelong hardcore* One Life to Live fan: One of the abuelitas was portrayed by Patricia Mauceri, who played Carlotta Vega, Dorian Lord's maid until they gave pushed her into the forefront to tell the story of a poorer Latino fam amongst rich white people...and Mauceri was fired for not wanting to play Carlotta as accepting a gay kid because it conflicted with her religious beliefs, and before any y'all buffer her response with her soft lie that "it wasn't the story per se, it was how it was presented" (as she tried to say), she said quite plainly that "I was not only uncomfortable but I knew that it was going to be a betrayal of my character and my life." That's how Jesus Beaters and practicing Catholic religious Latinos can be. At least the other abuelita was portrayed by Olivia Negron (who portrayed a lesbian on 21 Jump Street in 1990)...but I digress.
The Gemini Collector in me is torn between my values and my desire to put the cans on my shelf along with the Superman/Wonder Woman can and the New York Seltzer cans that I've collected. I'll likely just cave, because my protests will go unheard and uncared for, just like every other goddamn thing I've 'stood for'. I mean, I stopped consuming Pepsi products for about ten years back in the 90s/beginning of the Naughties because they dropped Madonna's commercial due to the religious right's protests (her "Make a Wish" commercial that featured the song "Like a Prayer" (hat tip to Ryan Reynolds here) aired only once during The Cosby Show on March 2, 1989 and was pulled after religious groups got all pissy about the actual video, which aired the day after). Religion that gets in the way of art instead of encouraging it (and this includes book bans and all of the anti-gay shit) is brain rot, and that's what we're dealing with when we talk about Catholics (especially Latino Catholics...I should know, my father and his fam are all stereotypical Mexican Catholics) and the 🏳️‍🌈.
Once again, I digress. I can't blame the weed, so I'll blame the oxy.
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fireflychaosdemon · 2 months
ok so I need to vent
technically I needed to vent at one am but I was trying to sleep because I needed to wake up at 6:30
okay prepare for a really long rant about my brother
slight mention of threats of suicide/physical violence
so my parents figured out that along with my dad’s work granola bars, and the ice cream sandwiches (my brother ate half of each box by himself and there was two ice cream sandwich boxes) (so in total he ate around 10 granola bars, which were for my dad to take to work when he can’t go for a lunch break so he isn’t hungry all day, and 30 ice cream sandwiches, 15 chocolate and 15 vanilla)
my brother also ate 10 chocolate bars
however he doesn’t ask, he just sneaks them
and he doesn’t eat any healthy food, just sneaks only sugar all day
and when my parents confronted him about it and asked what they were paying for him to go to karate if he’s not learning self-discipline
he said “I’m going there to learn how to fight”
even though the entire point of karate is to learn how to avoid getting in fights, but to know how to defend yourself if you can’t avoid it just long enough to get away
the point is not “let’s go learn to beat people up”
and coupling that with his anger issues, concerning comments, lack of knowledge of consent, along with how he only thinks about himself
Anger issues examples: that time he jumped on his friend’s younger brother and pushed him to the ground off a trampoline and almost choked the kid out because he was asked if he could do a flip, slapped me because I took five minutes in the bedroom to get changed, slapped me on multiple other occasions, etc.
Concerning comments/lack of consent knowledge examples: “You deserve it” when I asked him to stop tickling me and he didn’t, even when I asked multiple times, his threats to kill himself, both of the above have happened on multiple occasions.
how he only thinks about himself examples: doesn’t make an effort to keep his friends, used his friends to buy him things and “paid them back” with a few pieces of dried mango, which is not a fair trade, consistently forcing everyone to do everything for him, acting like it’s a chore to do anything for anyone except himself, etc.
and honestly I’m not sure how he got this way
how tf did he end up being such a spoiled, entitled, arrogant, lying brat
where did I fuck up
I’m supposed to be the older sibling, the one he looks up to, and I don’t know what I did wrong to make him like that
and if it’s my parents, how am I not like an older version of him?
and honestly I’m scared
I don’t know if I’m overreacting with this
but I wouldn’t be surprised if one day he’s the next Paul Bernardo
and that scares me
I’m sorry it’s just I don’t know if there’s anything I did or didn’t do to make him like this and I don’t know if it’s my fault
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hastchhap234 · 4 months
Exploring the Allure of Sanganeri Print Fabric: A Timeless Tradition
In the bustling streets of Sanganer, a small town near Jaipur in the colorful state of Rajasthan, lies a treasure trove of artistry and tradition. Here, amidst the aroma of spices and the hum of daily life, flourishes an age-old craft that has captured the hearts of many—the enchanting world of sanganeri print fabric
Unveiling the Heritage
The history of Sanganeri prints is a tapestry woven with threads of tradition and innovation. Dating back to the 16th century, this art form flourished under the patronage of the royal courts and the skilled hands of local artisans. Sanganer, blessed with abundant natural resources like water and sunlight, became a hub for textile production, attracting craftsmen from far and wide.
The Artisan's Touch
At the heart of sanganeri print fabric lies the craftsmanship of artisans who have honed their skills over generations. The process begins with the meticulous carving of wooden blocks, each bearing intricate designs inspired by nature, mythology, and everyday life. These blocks, crafted with precision and care, serve as the medium through which the magic of Sanganeri prints unfolds.
A Symphony of Colors
One cannot speak of Sanganeri prints without marveling at its vibrant palette. Natural dyes extracted from plants, roots, and minerals infuse the fabric with hues that dance like sunlight on a summer day. From the soothing tones of indigo to the fiery reds and earthy ochres, each color tells a story, evoking emotions and memories of a bygone era.
The Dance of Patterns
Central to the charm of sanganeri print fabric are its mesmerizing patterns. Delicate florals, geometric motifs, and intricate borders intertwine to create a visual symphony that captivates the beholder. Every motif carries a significance, be it the auspicious mango motif symbolizing fertility or the graceful peacock representing beauty and grace.
Timeless Elegance
In a world dominated by fast fashion and fleeting trends, sanganeri print fabric stands as a beacon of timeless elegance. Its enduring appeal lies in its ability to transcend cultural boundaries and epochs, finding resonance with contemporary sensibilities while staying true to its roots. Whether adorning a flowing saree or gracing the cushions of a modern living room, Sanganeri prints add a touch of sophistication and grace.
Preserving the Legacy
As we embrace the ethos of sustainability and ethical fashion, the significance of preserving traditional crafts like Sanganeri prints becomes paramount. Organizations and artisans alike are working tirelessly to ensure the continuity of this rich heritage, promoting fair trade practices and eco-friendly production methods. By supporting these endeavors, we not only celebrate the beauty of handmade craftsmanship but also contribute to the preservation of a cultural legacy for generations to come.
Conclusion: A Journey Through Time
In the intricate weave of sanganeri print fabric, one finds not just threads of cotton or silk, but a tapestry of tradition, innovation, and timeless beauty. As we embark on a journey through its storied past and vibrant present, we discover a world where artistry meets heritage, and every thread tells a tale. So, the next time you run your fingers over the soft folds of a Sanganeri print saree or admire the intricate patterns adorning a cushion cover, take a moment to appreciate the enduring legacy of this timeless tradition.
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ambriona · 5 months
I am doing a chocolate distributorship business right now. I am in the initial stage. What can I do to enhance my business and make it more popular and attractive?
That's exciting! The chocolate industry is a delightful one to be in. Here are some ideas to enhance your chocolate distributorship business in its initial stages:
Curate a unique selection:
Source high-quality chocolates: Focus on offering chocolates from different origins, with varying cocoa percentages, unique flavor profiles (think chilli mango or salted pretzel), and cater to dietary restrictions (vegan, sugar-free). Partner with established brands or source directly from small-batch, artisanal chocolate makers.
Target specific niches: Consider specializing in organic, fair-trade, or ethically sourced chocolates. You can target health-conscious customers or those who value sustainable practices.
Build strong relationships:
Target the right clientele: Identify your ideal customers. Are you targeting supermarkets, high-end stores, cafes, or gifting businesses? Research their needs and tailor your offerings accordingly.
Offer excellent customer service: Be reliable, responsive, and proactive in meeting your clients' needs. Ensure on-time deliveries and offer competitive prices.
Market your business effectively:
Develop a strong brand identity: Create a logo and messaging that reflects the type of chocolate you distribute. Utilize social media platforms like Instagram to showcase the chocolates visually attractive ways.
Network and build partnerships: Attend trade shows, connect with local businesses, and collaborate for events or promotions. Offer tastings or promotions to generate interest.
Additional tips for your chocolate distributorship:
Offer value-added services: Consider providing storage solutions or merchandising advice to your clients.
Stay updated on trends: Keep an eye on new chocolate innovations and consumer preferences.
Utilize technology: Explore online ordering systems or inventory management tools to streamline your operations.
By focusing on these aspects, you can establish a strong foundation for your chocolate distributorship business and build a loyal customer base. Remember, the key is to offer high-quality products, excellent service, and a touch of creativity!
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chairlab-1 · 6 months
wooden buffet
Our Nton Buffet is made of sturdy, solid mango wood that exquisitely displays the wood's natural grain. It has plenty of space for cookbooks, cutlery, and table linens. Each item produced as a Fair Trade Certified product immediately enhances the lives of the worker who created it.
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talalagirmango07 · 6 months
Tropical Treasure: Exploring Emerging Mango Export Markets
In the dynamic landscape of global fruit trade, India stands as a significant player, particularly in the export of its beloved mangoes. Among the myriad varieties grown in the country, the Kesar mango holds a special place, renowned for its exceptional taste and aroma. As demand for Indian mangoes continues to soar internationally, Kesar mango exporters in India are capitalizing on opportunities to cater to discerning consumers worldwide.
Exploring the Journey of Mango Export from India
The export of mangoes from India has experienced remarkable growth over the years, fueled by factors such as favorable climatic conditions, advanced farming practices, and robust export infrastructure. Mangoes are cultivated across various states in India, with regions like Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh leading the production charts. Among these, Gujarat, known for its Kesar mangoes, has emerged as a hub for mango export, attracting buyers from far and wide.
Understanding the Demand for Kesar Mangoes
Kesar mangoes are prized for their vibrant color, smooth texture, and distinct flavor profile, making them a favorite among mango enthusiasts globally. Exporters specializing in Kesar mangoes in India have honed their expertise in cultivating, harvesting, and handling these delicate fruits to meet stringent quality standards. The popularity of Kesar mangoes extends beyond domestic borders, with countries like Canada, Australia, and the UK showing a keen interest in importing these premium fruits.
Tapping into International Markets: Mango Export from India to Canada, Australia, and the UK
The export of mangoes from India to countries like Canada, Australia, and the UK presents lucrative opportunities for exporters looking to expand their market reach. These countries have diverse consumer preferences and stringent import regulations, necessitating careful planning and adherence to quality control measures. Kesar mango exporters in India leverage their expertise to ensure the timely delivery of premium-quality mangoes that meet the requirements of discerning international buyers.
Navigating Export Logistics and Regulations
Exporting mangoes from India to overseas markets involves navigating a complex network of logistics, documentation, and regulatory requirements. Exporters must comply with phytosanitary regulations, packaging standards, and shipping protocols to facilitate smooth transit and ensure the freshness of the fruits upon arrival. Collaborating with experienced logistics partners and staying abreast of regulatory updates is essential for overcoming challenges and maintaining the integrity of the export process.
Fostering Sustainable Partnerships
In an increasingly competitive market, Kesar mango exporters in India recognize the importance of fostering sustainable partnerships with growers, suppliers, and distributors. By promoting ethical farming practices, environmental stewardship, and fair labor standards, exporters can enhance the sustainability and resilience of the mango supply chain. Building trust and transparency in business relationships not only benefits the stakeholders involved but also strengthens India's position as a reliable supplier of high-quality mangoes to global markets.
In conclusion, the Mango export from India to Australia, particularly the esteemed Kesar variety, represents a thriving sector with vast potential for growth and expansion. With a focus on quality, innovation, and sustainability, Kesar mango exporters in India are poised to meet the evolving demands of international markets. By leveraging their expertise, embracing technology, and fostering collaborative partnerships, Indian exporters can continue to carve a niche for themselves in the competitive world of global fruit trade.
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oggnhome · 7 months
Mindful Living: Incorporating Eco-Friendly Practices into Your Daily Routine
Let's tackle this eco-crisis the only way we can - by transforming our daily actions. Small changes matter when multiplied by 7 billion humans waking up daily and making choices that save the planet we call home.
Going green isn't about perfection, but rather integrating earth-friendly practices into existing routines one step at a time. From quick kitchen swaps to waste-cutting upgrades, living sustainably is simple if we remain mindful.
This article will break down the basics across rooms - unpacking smart eco hacks for cooking spaces, bathrooms, bedrooms, and beyond. You'll pick up straightforward tips that seamlessly ditch disposables for reusables and cut back on landfill loads. Tiny tweaks that become intuitive over time while transforming homes into havens that heal instead of harm our hurting world.
We all have a responsibility here. But that weight lifts when we work collectively through micro-actions rather than overwhelmed inaction.
Creating a Greener Home Environment
Transitioning our living spaces into models of sustainability doesn't mean dramatic renovations or sparse, uncomfortable interiors. With some simple upgrades across key areas, our homes can nurture nature instead of harming it. 
Swap Out Plastics for Wood, Glass, and Copper
Avoid plastic kitchenware for more eco-friendly reusable options like Acacia wood, Mango wood, mixed wood,  glass, and copper. Unlike plastics, these materials don’t leach hormone-disrupting BPAs and microplastics into foods. Opt for glass containers over plastic for leftovers and wood over plastic cutting boards. Copper bottles have antimicrobial properties while adding warm accents.
Embrace Reusables Over Disposables
With some simple swaps, it’s easy to ditch disposable products creating unnecessary waste. Switch from paper towels to reusable Swedish dishcloths, trade plastic wrap for beeswax food covers, and carry reusable bags and water bottles over one-and-done versions. Shop secondhand before buying new to reduce demand for virgin materials in new products. Reusability is key for lowering waste.
Choose Eco-Friendly Furniture and Decor
When selecting new furniture and home accents, ensure pieces are ethically produced from Hardwoods, natural fibers like seagrass, and renewable materials supporting eco-artisans. Handcrafted, solid wood furniture built to endure seasons resists fast furniture trends feeding landfills quickly. Likewise, opt for natural fiber rugs and blankets over synthetic fibers made from fossil fuels. Decorative accents crafted from recycled metals, glass, and non-toxic finishes complete sustainable interiors.
Embracing Minimalism and Sustainability
As consciousness grows surrounding overconsumption and environmental decline, more people are shifting towards minimalist, eco-friendly lifestyles centered around owning less while making sustainable choices. The realization that endless accumulation only fuels temporary contentment is giving way to liberation through living simply with only what we truly need.
Embracing responsible consumerism means completely rethinking purchases by assessing ethics, sustainability credentials, and actual utility rather than impulse desires or trends. Whether choosing essential home furnishings, clothing items, or dinnerware, opt for artisanal craftsmanship and natural, enduringly beautiful materials over cheap disposables. Seek out brands aligning with values like renewable production methods and fair wages.
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Benefits of Mindful Living
Improved Well-Being
Living mindfully cultivates presence and gratitude into our days to reduce stress and anxieties clouding peace. Simple joys get amplified as small moments become profoundly beautiful. Rather than rushing through life preoccupied by past regrets or future worries, mindful living anchors us to the now. Our actions and responses become more considered, and compassionate. Food tastes better. Sleep deepens. And negative self-talk reduces our inner radiance. Our days become vibrant in technicolor.
Reduced Environmental Impact
With deeper consciousness comes greater consideration of how daily choices strain ecological balance or nurture nature’s recovery. A mindful ethos asks us to question true needs over programmed wants, refuse excess, and see ourselves as caretakers of shared global resources. We become aware of each purchase or lifestyle habit’s ethical impact on the planet, people nearby, and ecosystems afar. Wastefulness gets replaced by reuse and renewal resulting in far lighter planetary footprints.
Enhanced Connection to Nature
Tuning into natural wisdom reconnects us to the stabilizing rhythms of sunrises and sunsets, ever-changing seasons dancing to light and dark. We feel belonging with hills, meadows, and waterways. Mindful living combats “nature deficit disorder” permeating tech-obsessed cultures by urging us back outside - to walk barefoot, stargaze, feel the moss, and tend gardens. We rediscover our nexus as human animals bound by nature’s balancing forces ultimately sheltering all life, including our vulnerable own.
It is more crucial than ever in the modern world that we choose carefully to preserve the environment in all aspects of our everyday lives. Making every effort to use sustainable and eco-friendly items is a crucial component of this. A vast array of goods produced with natural fibers, non-toxic dyes, recycled materials, and other environmentally friendly ingredients are available at OGGN. Because of their dedication to sustainability, customers may easily lower their carbon footprint by using the power of their purchases. 
The benefits of choosing eco-friendly goods are substantial. They reduce waste, conserve natural resources, and promote ethical manufacturing. Products made sustainably also tend to be higher quality and longer lasting. By shifting your buying habits towards green and socially conscious companies, you leverage your spending to drive positive change. OGGN Homes makes the switch easy with its wide selection of sustainable apparel and accessories. Small changes can add up to make a real difference for our planet. The time is now to be part of the solution - your choices matter.
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