#fairwell fanfiction
caterpillarinacave · 7 months
am suffering
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If the whole promo thing is still going, what would you think of 56 for Henry/Charlotte?
I’m sorry I keep writing such long fics :( I just get too carried away sometimes, especially if I get to write a Hottie fic! (No joke, I squealed from excitement when I saw this request) Anyway, here it is:
Prompt #56: “I did it to protect you.”
Ship: Henry & Charlotte (Hottie/ Fairwell)
Charlotte stared at her husband’s expressionless face and counted each breath, each pulse she felt in her hand. With each beat of his heart, the same sentence repeated in her mind: please wake up. Charlotte kissed his hand and rested her forehead on it. 
She felt horrible. It was all her fault that Henry would never be able to walk again as she was the one to send them to Cadair Idris. The weight of her guilt was unbearable and she had no ways of relieving it. She looked at her husband again. Sweet Henry, with his wonderful boyish smile and his adorable freckles and the way he speaks so passionately of his experiments and— 
Charlotte held back a sob. No, she would not cry. She’d done enough of that and if she cried anymore, it would be absurd. That’s what her father used to say, anyway; don’t show too much emotion because it makes you look weak, Charlotte; you’re too sensitive, Charlotte; don’t cry over a bruised knee, you’re being incredibly dramatic, Charlotte. 
It wasn’t that her father was a bad man, he was just repeating what he’d been taught. As a result, however, Charlotte didn’t show much emotion through her facial expressions, at least not until she began fancying Henry Branwell. 
She was young and had thought all of the other boys rude or dull. But when she first met Henry, when she first had a conversation with him, her heart had yearned for him and had never stopped. 
How he spoke with such passion she had never seen in a man their age. His emerald eyes practically glowed as he spoke of his love for science. He was younger than she and yet he was so interesting, so different. She could have listened to him speak until the sun reached the horizon that night. Perhaps even longer. 
After that, she’d begun searching for his face every time there was an event. She loved him with every fibre of her body. He made her realize expressing emotion was not weak or sensitive and inspired her to be more open to others, to take a tiny piece of herself and display it to the world.
She sighed and switched positions again, resting her head on his chest and listening to the pitter-patter of his heart. The Silent Brothers said he would awake, but he was still asleep, and the longer he slept, the harder it was for Charlotte to trust the brothers. Lying so close to him made her remember of times gone by. Of memories she will hold close in her heart, like photographs in a box, so not to forget them:
She remembered how he fumbled for his stele, how he was red faced as he drew the second marriage rune over her heart. Though she had been nervous for that moment of the night, she found herself at ease with Henry, who never made her uncomfortable. Even though she thought he didn’t love her, she couldn’t feel nervous because all she could think about was how Henry was her husband and that he might one day love her. For now, he cared for her and that was all she needed. 
Charlotte didn’t realize how much she had yearned for love—utter and complete love—until Henry gave it to her. Now, she had grown so accustomed to being loved she couldn’t bear not having it.  
She closed her eyes and willed the tears away. Until, that is, she felt fingers in her hair and, startled, whipped her head up. Henry was looking at her, a sleepy smile on his wonderful face. Charlotte admired him for less than a second before she threw herself at him in very unladylike fashion, and fastened her arms around his neck. She dug her face into his neck. 
“I’m so happy you’re awake.”
She felt Henry chuckle under her. He placed the softest of kisses on her temple and held her. Charlotte allowed herself to bask in the embrace. How many times had she wanted to do this since they were married and hadn’t because she was convinced that he didn’t love her? That throwing herself at him would be unwanted attention?
She couldn’t help but think of a time when she was in a similar position as this, when they had been married for a couple of years…
Days Past:
“Henry, why did you let yourself get hurt like that?” Charlotte asked. She had been in his crypt with him, when they were frightened by a loud bang upstairs (most likely from one of the children upstairs), which prompted Henry to drop too much of a solution into another. Charlotte didn’t remember much of what happened next, only that she ended up behind Henry, who’d taken the brunt of the explosion, covering his forearms and parts of his neck and face in burns.  Thankfully, none were too severe and he should recover with little to no scarring. 
“I did it to protect you, Charlotte.” Henry said. 
Charlotte felt her heart sinking. 
“You let yourself get burned so that I wouldn’t get hurt?”
“Of course, Lottie. And I’d do it again and again.”
“Henry, you could have been killed.”
“I know.”
Charlotte’s heart skipped a beat. Henry had risked his life, his extraordinary life which he could spend inventing something that will save countless Nephilim lives, for her plain life. She was no wonder, nor could she ever dream of being more than a measly Head of Institute, but Henry? His life was irreplaceable. And yet he’d risked it for her’s without a second of doubt. 
She felt herself lean towards her husband before she knew what she was doing. By the time she realized, their lips were too close for her to back away. She stayed there, frozen on the spot, completely and utterly horrified. She looked at Henry’s wide eyes and knew she’d made a huge mistake. How foolish was she to not realize her protected her because of nothing other than friendship? Henry was fond of her, nothing more. He didn’t want this kind of affection from her. She was about to back away, hoping Henry would forget this embarrassing moment, when he lifted his head enough to catch her lips in his. 
Charlotte was frozen in surprise, for only a moment, before she began kissing him back. It was so sweet and wonderful that she allowed herself to be lost in it. It was only her and Henry and it didn’t matter that he didn’t love her the way she loved him because he was kissing her and he liked her enough to jump in front of that explosion so that she would be safe. For now, that was all she needed. His warm hand at the nape of her neck, how his thumb stroked where her jawline began made her feel as though electricity were coursing through her body. Most of all, it felt right; as though this was the way it was supposed to be.
She wished she could kiss him like this more often, that imitate moments didn’t occur once in a blue moon, but at least she was married to the man she loved, at least—
“Must you two do this in public? It’s such an eyesore.” 
Charlotte and Henry quickly pulled apart. 
Henry’s face was red from embarrassment. From the heat she felt on her cheeks, she didn’t doubt for a moment that she looked the same. 
“What is it, Will?” Charlotte said, trying to regain some composure.
“Those ghastly Silent Brothers have gone back to their lonely cave home, or whatever it’s called.”
“The Silent City,” Henry said helpfully.
“I couldn’t care less what it’s called.”
“Will,” Charlotte said, hiding her face in her hands. “A tiny bit of manners, please.” 
Will looked at her for a moment and then turned away in a dismissive gesture.
“Anyway, they said that Henry has to stay in that bed for a day or two… I guess that’s a blessing for the other institute inhabitants, since you can’t have—”
Will gave them a devilish smile. “Well, that’s it. Carry on, I guess.”
Charlotte still had trouble believing Will was twelve; so young and yet so quick to judge. He seemed to try to get her to hate him, but Charlotte could never do anything but love him. Every time she looked into his eyes, she saw that little boy, who begged to not let his parents into the Institute. Who pleaded for Charlotte to take him in. 
“What are we going to do with that boy?”
“He’s just going through something.” Henry said, “all young lads do. It’ll go away with age.”
Charlotte gave the door a long look. “I hope so.”
What she wanted to say, but didn’t dare voice out for fear, was that she hoped he was alright.
“What’s the matter, Lottie?”
Now, Charlotte looked into her husband’s eyes. They reminded her always of the first time they’d met and she was enthralled by them.
“Henry,” she said, putting a hand to his cheek. She could feel tears streaming down her face because she was going to have to tell him. Brother Enoch offered to be the bearer of bad news, as had Will, but she insisted on telling Henry herself. She knew he would want it to be her. But that didn’t make it any less difficult.
“Henry, darling, i—it’s your legs.”
Henry’s face smoothed out.
“You’re paralyzed from the hip down.” She said, choking out the words.
Henry caught her eye and then looked down, his eyebrow furrowing. He wasn’t angry; he looked confused. And then sad. 
“Lottie,” he said, looking up at her. “If you wish to get a divorce—”
Charlotte’s jaw fell open in horror. “Divorce?! Henry, why would I divorce you? I love you more than anything I could love in this world.”
Henry locked eyes with her and let out a deep breath in relief. 
He smiled at her with such genuine joy, her heart broke a little bit. “Then being paralyzed can’t be that bad. Not with you by my side.”
Charlotte didn’t restrain herself like she would have, before she knew Henry loved her back. Instead she threw herself in his arms and kissed him.
“I’ll help you the best I can, Henry.”
“I know you will, Lottie. You’re the sweetest woman God ever made. And you blessed me with being able to call you my wife.”
“It is I who is blessed.” Charlotte said, kissing him before he could say anything else. Henry was alright, which meant she would be alright too.
Tagging: @hitheresomeoneusingthus @livvyheronstairs @celias @tsccreatorsnet @ti-bae-rius (I think you enjoyed the snippet I gave for this one, so I’m tagging you in case you wanted to read the fic!) @rinadragomir @youngreckless @atla-lok143 @aceofjesper @autumnangel20 @julemmaes @cupcakesandkittens
If you want to be tagged, let me know!!
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garfieldrod80 · 3 years
Hello everyone this is Alex i'm glad this day has finally come i want to thank everyone who has helped me grow my Beastboy Instagram page and for all the love and support and constant pushing into writting my own fanfiction i really hope you all enjoy thank you all for the support again much love to you all enjoy.
Teen Titans
Chapter 1
《Side Quest》
Saturday 10:25 AM, birds chirp loudly along the Jump City park surrounding an elderly woman who is feeding them bits of bread. Not that far we hear a familiar voice in the distance.
Garfield is walking down the street enjoying his lovely tunes bobbing his head softly to the beat of the music and sings along as he enters a video game store, he turns to the cashier and waves smiling wide as he walks up to him.
Garfield: Morning Ginger how's the store holding up?
Ginger: Stop calling me that (Rolls his eyes) the store is doing well like always what brings you here on a saturday morning?
Garfield: Well do you have it?
Ginger looks around making sure no one is around and calls Garfield to come closer. Garfield slowly walks up to the counter as Ginger leans in closer to Garfield and whispers into his ear.
Ginger: You didn't get this from me got that it's the last copy of the game and i had to pull some serious strings to get this.
Garfield: Don't tell me you got it (He replies in shock and disbelief)
Ginger: That's right the last copy of Dragonslayer 3 i recommend doing all the side quests first before continuing the main story line.
Garfield: How much?
Ginger: Well since it's the last copy that anyone can purchase ever.....fifty dollars nothing lower
Garfield takes his wallet out quickly and opens it and adds up his money only to be short ten dollars he looks up and scratches his head.
Garfield: Sooo.....how about fourty? (He says nervously)
Ginger: Thank you come again. (He says and looks away)
Garfield: Aw come on remember when this store was empty who helped you bring in all this stuff to get you more business? Who helped you in advertising this store?
Ginger: Hm....fair point......fine BUT! you have to do me a favor
Garfield sighs deeply and thinks for a while and finally comes to a decision.
Garfield: Fine deal what is it?
Ginger: Think of it as a side quest..i need a specific type of material but is only found near Dr.Lights hideout...it's a red energy light capable of super powering up anything it's progammed to and i'm working on something realllly cool i'll show you when it's complete.
Garfield:.....Alright give me at least till Wednesday sound good?
Ginger: You got a deal bring me that and the game is yours i'll even throw in tickets to this years comic con.
Garfield jumps with joy.
Ginger: Cool it people will get suspicious and walk over to see what the fuss is about.
Garfield looks around.
Garfield: The store has been empty this whole time what are you talking about?
Ginger:.......Don't smart talk me i'll see you Wednesday.
Garfield says his fairwell and walks out the store but bumps into a tall man knocking them both over as the man dropped his football and backpack.
Garfield: Ow hey watch it buddy i know i'm short but i know you can see me from that close (He says while rubbing his nose)
???: Sorry there bud i really didn't see you there (He says as he slowly stands up and reaches down for Garfield)
Garfield stands up slowly with the man's help and looks down and reaches for his football and backpack
Garfield: Thanks...um here are your things sorry again for all that see ya around!! (He says as he runs off waving goodbye)
???: Yea see you around (The man says as he continues with his day and walks off)
Grafield finally reaches home and slowly closes the door and starts to tip toe his way to his room as quite as he can until he steps on a loose floor board as it creaks loud and echos throughout the house.
Garfield: Crap....
???: Where have you been!!! You know the rules!!
Loud stomps approach Garfield from the distance getting louder and louder as he gets closer and closer to Garfield.
Garfield: Yes Cliff i know the rules try not to break the floor ya know.
Cliff: Where did you go this time i bet it was to that video game store again huh?
Garfield looks down and scratches the back of his head.
Garfield: So what if i was? C'mon Cliff give me a break i'm stuck in this place everyday i want to go out and explore Jump City every once in a while.
Cliff: If certain evil people knew you were out and about daily you would become a target and if they follow you here the-
Garfield: Yea yea i know i'd be putting you all in jeopardy and risk our lives in the process i know i've heard this leacture thousands of times.
Cliff: And yet you still haven't learned (Cliff sighs and looks down) Listen kid we just want the best for you an-
Garfield: And what being locked up in my room all day or in this place is best for me....i get you all are just trying to help me but this isn't helping me at all i feel like a caged animal who's wings are being cut off. I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life being a some kind of test subject for anyone.
Garfield storms off into his room and locks the door behind him and tosses himself onto his bed. He puts his headphones on and grabs his laptop.
Garfield: Alright side quest....wheeerreee to start.
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So between a few fics I’ve read between various fandoms as of late, I came up with the cutest idea ever, with a hint of angst of course. I am gifting it to you because you’re an amazing human being!
So you know those fics where a character gets de-aged and sort of keeps their memories, but because they’re younger and *waves hand* magic, it’s mostly just impressions of the people around them? What if prior to TID, Will got hit with a potion or spell or something that de-aged him to like a 5-8 year old or something. And he doesn’t really remember his curse, but what he does know is that Fairwell have been raising him, so he thinks they’re his parents? And calls them as such? And he’s just the sweetest little boy, always chasing after them or Jem, wanting to be read to or picked up and cuddled. And then the potion or spell wears off after a couple of weeks of this, and they have to go back to dealing with normal Will, who claims not to remember anything of what happened, but totally does, and acts worse than normal accordingly.
Uh oh, I got carried away with a fic againnn. Thank you so much for this amazing request though! I would post it all here, but I’m not even done and it’s almost at the 2500 word mark, so I’m posting this chunk, and if you enjoy, you can look out for the second part! Here it goes:
Will Herondale De-age fic (part 1)
“Jem?” Charlotte asked, incredulously. “Why, may I inquire, do you have a toddler in your arms?!”
“Mama!” The toddler, who looked an awful lot like someone Charlotte knew, squealed. He began frantically squirming in Jem’s arms, and reaching out to Charlotte, desperate for her to hold him.
Charlotte took the toddler from Jem’s arms. He shot her a grateful look as the child ceased his squirming and put his head on her shoulder and promptly began playing with a loose strand on the bodice of her dress.
“Whose child is this? And why does he think I’m his mother? And why does he look exactly like Will?”
“That’s because he is Will.”
Jem must have gone mad. That was the only other explanation. “James Carstairs, there better be a good explanation as to why you seemed to have kidnapped a child from the streets!”
“I did not! That is Will, Charlotte. Somehow, he got turned into a—a child while we were patrolling.”
“What do you mean?! Who did this to him?”
“I don’t know! I was not present at the moment. All I know is that I went to go find him and there he was!”
Charlotte held the boy at an arm's length and looked at his face. Sure enough, the little boy had eyes the color of blue glass. His unruly raven hair curled in a pile on top of his head. He stared at her and she knew.
“By the Angel!” Charlotte exclaimed.
The child—Will— giggled.
“Oh, Will. What happened to you?”
“Lottie, have you seen my—” Henry paused as he came into the threshold and looked at little Will. “Whose child is that?”
“Ours, apparently.”
Henry looked at her, confused. “What?”
“It’s Will.”
“Will? But Will is sixteen. Why is he so tiny?”
“That’s what we are trying to figure out.”
“Papa!” Will exclaimed, opening and closing his fists. 
Henry’s eyebrows shot up. “I’m not your father.” He said. Charlotte noted that he looked at her back, perhaps so horrified, he was hoping to hide from Will’s gaze by moving behind Charlotte.
“You’re not?” Will asked, his voice so small, Charlotte had to suppress the “aw” that was building up in her heart.
Henry seemed to think it was adorable too, and not nearly as frightening, because when he spoke again, it was softly. “No, I’m Henry.” 
Will nodded. “Papa.”
Henry shot a look at Charlotte. The want to coo at Will was short-lived. She was about to pull out her hair in stress of what to do.
“Here, Henry. Hold Will for a moment, would you?” She said, putting him in Henry’s arms. 
Henry looked tense for a moment, not knowing what to do, until Will wrapped his arms around his neck tightly. A small smile spread across Henry’s face.
“Who do we call?” Charlotte said, “what will the consul say? He’ll think we killed Will and tried to replace him with a Nephilim child. He won’t even try us with the mortal sword. This is so absurd, it wouldn’t be necessary.” 
“Charlotte, I still feel our Parabatai bond; it’s peculiar and faint, but it’s still there.”
“Is it still on him?” Charlotte asked. 
“I haven’t checked yet.” Jem said. “The first thing I did was come home, I–I didn’t know what else to do, Charlotte. I panicked!” 
“It’s alright, Jemmy.” Charlotte said, patting his shoulder, “we will figure it out and fix this.”
Charlotte turned to Henry and Will. The latter was snuggled up against Henry’s shoulder and sucking his thumb, perfectly content to stay there for the rest of the day. 
Charlotte walked towards them and moved his thumb and pulled his shirt down just enough to see the edges of where his parabatai rune began. 
“He still has his runes.” Henry said.
Charlotte shook her head. “He has only his Parabatai and Clairvoyance rune. Whatever dark magic he’s under cannot break something as sacred and powerful as a shadowhunter’s first rune nor the Parabatai rune. Which is a relief for when we manage to change him back.”
“Do you think we’ll be able to change him back?” Jem said, a worried expression on his face as he looked at his parabatai. 
Charlotte put her arms around him. “Of course we will, Jem. Don’t you fret.”
“He’s much more pleasant when he can’t talk much.” Sophie said, side-eyeing Will as he padded around the room. He stopped in front of her and offered her the cog Henry had given him to keep him entertained. Sophie took it hesitantly, and Will tottered away, in search of something else. 
“He’s definitely more affectionate.”
“Well,” Jem said, “the innocence of childhood.”
“Right,” Sophie said slowly, looking around the room, before turning back around, saying she had work to attend to, but that she’d come back if her help was necessary.
Jem began reading the book in his lap, but he found that he was reading without processing the words, and he kept having to read the same paragraph over and over again. No matter how many times he read it, all he could think about was how the last time he checked his parabatai rune, it seemed to be getting lighter; a dark gray instead of it’s normal, stark black. He hadn’t told Charlotte yet, though.
Speaking of Charlotte, she was speaking, now. “It would need to be a trusted warlock.” she said, before she was interrupted by a tugging on her dress. She froze and turned her gaze downward to find Will, his blue eyes wide open, staring up at her. He put his hands up and Charlotte sighed as she bent down and picked him up. “As I was saying,” she continued. “A trusted warlock would be necessary. I don’t want to know what would happen if the Clave were to find out about our…situation.”
With Will’s head rested on Charlotte’s collarbone and his fingers playing with her necklace, Jem realized two things. The first was that Charlotte looked like the symbol of empowerment; she was a defender of the fact that just because women were mothers, it didn’t mean they were any less capable of leading a group of people, nor that they are, by any means, weaker. The second was that Charlotte was less of an older sister and more of a mother than any of them had thought. The same went for Henry. No matter how old they thought they were, they all still relied on Henry and Charlotte, and they needed them more than they cared to admit. 
“Who can we trust?”
“That is the question of the century, Jem.” Charlotte sighed. 
“I can’t imagine Ragnor Fell would say anything to the Clave. We could ask him.” Henry suggested.
“Except he never seems to be available.” Charlotte said.
It’s true; even Jem knew that Ragnor wasn’t very keen on assisting the Branwells for matters that he wasn’t forced to do. 
“However,” Charlotte continued. “I will send a message to him regardless, as it won’t hurt to try, and there is nobody else I could think that wouldn’t report to the Clave.”
“It's a good thing that the only thing Ragnor hates more than us is the Clave.”
Henry frowned, “Ragnor hates us?”
“No, darling, he just hates helping us with our problems.”
Henry’s frown deepened, like the idea of not wanting to help people confused him greatly. 
“Miss!” Sophie exclaimed, coming into the room, a little bit breathless, suggesting that she had sprinted there. 
“Sophie, what’s the matter?”
“The Consul,” she gasped, “he’s here!”
Charlotte’s eyes widened. “By the Angel!” She thrusted Will into Henry’s arms. “Hide him!” 
She followed Sophie out of the room, putting on a mask of cool calmness. “And don’t look suspicious.”
She closed the door behind her and Henry whirled to face Jem. “Where do we put him?!” He asked.
Jem shrugged, and looked around the room frantically. 
“You two are hopeless.” Jessamine said with cool indifference, as she slipped off her glove and examined her fingernails.
“What about here?” Henry asked, sitting Will down on a bookshelf. Will giggled, falling off. Henry let out a yell and caught him before he could hit the ground. 
“Yes, Mr. Consul, right this way.” Charlotte was saying.
Henry’s eyes widened in panic. As the doors opened, he quickly hid Will behind he’s back. 
“He’s right here.” Charlotte said, gesturing to Henry.
“Mr. Branwell,” Consul Wayland said. “I have to speak with you on matters concerning…” he frowned at the outstretched hand Henry hadn’t shaken yet and then he squinted his eyes. “Is that a child behind you?”
The residents of the London Institute held their breaths (well, except for Jessamine, of course) before Henry finally spoke.
“Er—yes. We’re playing hide-and-seek.”
“Why yes, it’s a game played by children for entertainment in which—”
“Yes, Mr. Branwell, I know what hide-and-seek is.” Said the Consul, annoyed. “Anyway, there is an issue with a group of werewolves from Bath, who are migrating to London and you’d do well to keep an eye on them in the next few weeks.”
“And why would we do that? Surely they haven’t done anything wrong in Bath.” Charlotte said. 
The Consul ignored her. “It is of utmost importance you report any strange behaviors.”
“My wife asked you a question, Consul Wayland. I should think it’s important and that it should be answered.”
“Did she now?” The Consul asked, unenthusiastically.
“As a matter of fact, she did.”
“It’s alright, Henry. We’ll look into it, Consul Wayland. Thank you for the personal message.” Charlotte said, diplomatically, leading him away from the library and out the door.
The Consul paused. “Who’s child even is that?”
“A Nephilim family from Idris needed someone to watch over one of their children while they attended a funeral.” Henry said, without skipping a beat.
“Yes. Henry and I agreed to watch over this little one for the afternoon.” Charlotte said sadly. “It was the least we could do.”
“Oh, which family?”
“The Cartwrights.” Henry said.
 “Oh. Well, best wishes.”
“Thank you very much.” Charlotte said. “Sophie will see you out.”
The Consul nodded and turned back around, striding out of the room with Sophie in tow.
Jem released the breath he had been holding in since Sophie brought the message about the Consul’s arrival.
“Why the Cartwrights?” he asked.
Charlotte took a fussing Will from Henry’s arms and smoothed down his hair. “Oh, yes! Henry darling that was brilliant! The Cartwrights have so many children that nobody can keep track of each one. And there actually is a funeral being held today, though I don’t suppose the Consul will look into whether they are actually there or not.”
Jem raised his eyebrows before asking, “Well, what now?”
“We keep working.” Charlotte said with a sigh.
@autumnangel20 @tsccreatorsnet @atla-lok143 @hitheresomeoneusingthus @rinadragomir @youngreckless @julemmaes @cupcakesandkittens @no-scones-allowed @fictionally-fantastic @stxr-thxif @itsdaughterofthemoon @dustandshadowsworld @jordeliasupremacy @cordelia-cardale @celias 
Send me a message if you want to be tagged! If I forgot to tag you, it could because you changed your url and I can’t find you 🙈 If that’s the case, just send me a message and I’ll update the tag list!
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De-age Will Part II
I just realized I’m incapable of writing normal-sized fics ✌️
Part 1
(I just realized how weird the word “part” is lol)
Henry was walking past when he heard Charlotte’s voice speaking softly. He poked his head into the room and saw that she was reading a storybook, little Will pressed to the side of her body yawning tiredly and rubbing his eyes with his small fists. Henry leaned against the door and watched as Charlotte smiled while she read, not able to help keeping the same smile from spreading across his. 
Her voice was vibrant and fluctuating in tone as different characters spoke. Her eyes widened when she put extra empathizes on a word and whenever she turned a page, she would plant a kiss on Will’s forehead or cheek. She would also periodically rub his back or stroke his cheek, which never failed to make Will nuzzle closer to her, enough so that he rested his tiny fists on her abdomen. 
Henry’s heart yearned for Charlotte, so much so that each day he seemed to love her more and more. His Lottie. She may not love him the same way, but being able to call her his wife, to wake up every morning next to her, was the greatest blessing he could receive.
As he watched her reading to Will, it struck him how much he wanted a child. One with Charlotte. They had Jem, Jessamine, Will, Sophie and Thomas, but a baby would be different. A little child they could hold at night a fuss over and teach all sorts of things, like how to walk and talk. Henry knew, however he could never ask that of Charlotte, for she did not feel the same, and perhaps she didn’t share the same feelings over a child… Or, maybe she didn’t wish to bear his child. They could always adopt, but that would still require a certain level of affection towards each other, affection Charlotte didn’t hold for him. It would be easy for Charlotte to file for a divorce, if she wanted one, however, it got more complex once there was a child in the middle.
So, Henry just watched as Will’s eyes slowly closed and soon he was asleep against Charlotte’s shoulder. She kissed his forehead and gently tucked him into bed before following Henry out the door.
Henry cast a final look at little Will before closing the door behind him. 
Charlotte’s smile remained on her lips the entire walk back to their room. 
Henry wanted to put his arm around her, to hold her close as they walked through the empty institute halls. But, he loved her too dearly to ever do such a thing as make her uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and Charlotte looked up.
“You were wonderful with Will.” he said, blushing.
She blushed too as she replied. “I didn’t know how much I adored children until I had to take care of one.”
“I feel the same way.”
She glanced up at him, surprised. He looked down at her, tilting his head to the side.
Charlotte turned a dark shade of crimson as she spoke again.
“Do you wish to have a ch—” she cleared her throat. “A child?”
Now it was Henry’s turn to blush. “I guess I would, if you want one too.”
Charlotte looked up at him in wonder. “You would want a child?”
“A child with you, Lottie, would be a blessing.”
She turned her head in an attempt to hide her smile, but Henry already saw it.
“Likewise.” She whispered.
They reached their room and Henry opened the door to let her in. As she walked inside, Henry couldn’t help but think that sometimes, it felt as though Charlotte truly loved him.
She turned on her heels. “Do you want to try tonight?” she asked quietly.
“Try what?” Henry asked.
“To…Oh, never mind.” She said, clearly embarrassed.
“What is it Lottie?” Henry said, eyebrows furrowed worriedly. “What did you want to try?”
Charlotte looked at him, took a deep breath and spoke quickly: “To conceive a child.”
Henry was appalled and must have looked it, too, for Charlotte appeared to be horrified.
“Henry, no, I was—”
Henry crossed to the room and held her small hands in his. 
“Of course. Of course I want to.” He whispered. 
Charlotte looked up at him in wonder, a piece of hair escaping from where it was tied back. Henry took out the pins that held it into place. Her hair cascaded down to her shoulders, framing her lovely face.
“You’re beautiful.” Henry whispered. “Lovely Lottie, my angel from heaven.” 
Her lips pressed against his and for a moment, they seemed to forget. Forget that they thought the other didn’t love them, because that moment, and what was to follow, was nothing short of glorious.
The next morning, Jem woke up to find a pair of dark blue eyes hovering over him. He yelled. Will put his small hands on Jem’s face and stared intently into his face. 
“Good morning, Will.” Jem said gruffly.
Will giggled and put his arms around Jem’s neck. Jem’s head fell back on his pillows and he closed his eyes, still very tired from tossing and turning all night, worried for his parabatai and the fading rune. It’s not that Jem needed the bond; Will would always be his other half, as though, before they came into this world, their souls made a pact that they would keep a part of the other, so that they would have find each other again in the mess of the earth, to give back what belonged to the other. But, Jem couldn’t imagine never getting to see Will as an adolescent ever again. Will was still Will, but Jem couldn’t lay beside him at night and speak of his worries. His Will was like his twin brother, not a little child. 
Jem sighed. This was too strange. He put an arm around Will and let him rest on his collarbone until Charlotte came inside.
“Oh, there he is, that little minx. He got away from me.”
Jem sat up and held Will out to Charlotte, but Will didn’t seem to want to be parted from Jem just yet, and made a fuss over the whole exchange until he was back in Jem’s arms.
“He’s much more spoiled, as a baby.” Jem said, regarding Will, who was smiling wide and embracing Jem furiously. For a toddler, he had a surprising strong grip.
“Yes, well.” Charlotte said. “I suggest you get dressed, Jem darling. Ragnor has agreed to come.”
“He has?” Jem asked, appalled.
“Yes, though he made it very clear that his schedule was busy and that he couldn’t stay for long.”
“In that case…Will,” he said, turning to the boy.  “Why don’t you go with Charlotte? I’ll be right down.” 
Will looked sad, but acquiesced, stretching his hands out to Charlotte. She took him in her arms.
“We’ll be downstairs.” She said, closing the door behind her.
Jem sighed and slowly got out of his pajamas and dressed in day’s clothes, trying (and failing) to not think too hard about Will. 
What entailed after Ragnor arrived at the Institute was simple. He deemed that Will would be fine and that the spell was temporary. Should Will not be back to normal in three days time, they could message Magnus Bane, who was not nearly as busy as Ragnor was.
“You’d think he’s the emperor.” Sophie said to Jem, “With how busy he is all the time.”
“I really wish he would just say he doesn’t enjoy our company.” Jem said. “It would require so much less effort.”
“I suppose he is being diplomatic.” Sophie said with a shrug. Will ran up to her and hugged her legs. “Oh,” Sophie said to Will. “What do you want, then?”
He put his fist up and Sophie held her hand out. Will dropped a piece of yarn into her palm and ran away.
“Why does he keep giving me these things?” Sophie asked, holding the yarn out in front of her.
Jem shrugged. 
Charlotte cursed in her head. Why is it that everybody feels the urge to pay the institute a visit when it’s the least convenient to her? 
“Mr. Lightwood!” She said pleasantly, as he came in. “What a surprise to see you here; we weren’t expecting you.”
“Let us skip the pleasantries, Charlotte, I have business to discuss with your husband and yourself.”
He walked past her and strode to the direction of the institute study.
Jem watched as Charlotte and Mr. Lightwood walked up the stairs and Sophie sped away to fetch Henry. Will was standing next to him and Jem didn’t know whether to hide him, or just pretend like it was normal to have a small replica of Will at his side. He decided that the latter might lead to questions he couldn’t answer, so he nudged Will towards the direction of the kitchen, where hopefully Agatha would keep an eye on him. 
Jem then watched as Gabriel strode over to him and, when he came to a stop, Jem couldn’t help but notice a bruise on Gabriel’s cheekbone. He must have been staring because Gabriel scowled and cleared his throat just as he was going to inquire about it. 
“Where’s the other idiot to your duo, then?” Gabriel asked. 
“He’s…out.” Said Jem.
“Yes, he’s having an…erm…episode?”
“Why am I not surprised?” said Gabriel dryly.
“Don’t say something you’ll regret, Gabriel.” Said Jem, darkly.
Gabriel side-eyed him. “What are you going to do? What with your debilitating sickness, I would assume—”
Miniature Will, like his older counterpart, seemed to know the exact worst timing to appear.
He ran at Gabriel and hit his leg with a spoon. Gabriel’s face softened but then quickly hardened into a grimace. Jem couldn’t help but wonder if Gabriel was fond of children and was trying to hide it.
“Who is this brat?” He spat. “By the Angel, the poor child looks like Herondale. How unfortunate for him.”
Jem stopped breathing as Gabriel took a closer look.
“Actually, he looks exactly like Herondale. The resemblance is quite uncanny.” Gabriel stopped and then a delighted smile stretched across his face. “Wait a moment. Is this Herondale’s bastard?”
“No!” Jem said, picking up Will—who was still attacking Gabriel with his spoon— and shoving him behind a door. Jem knew Gabriel wasn’t going to be so easily fooled by the Cartwright story so he improvised the best he could. “He’s Will’s cousin. His…sister brought him here.”
“His cousin?”
“Yes. And as a matter a fact, he is very territorial and doesn’t like meeting new people, so I suggest you leave.” 
Gabriel scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. “His sister brought him here?”
“Oh, how I pity that sister.” Gabriel said. “Imagine Herondale being your brother. And the poor fool who marries her. What if the children look like William? Oh Lord, now that would be a curse.” Gabriel shuddered. 
Jem was about to say something when Benedict Lightwood and Charlotte came back.
“Get in the carriage.” Benedict snapped at his son. “We’re leaving.”
Gabriel’s shoulders hunched ever so slightly as he trailed behind his father without so much as a wave goodbye to Jem. Hopefully, Gabriel was too preoccupied with his life to further inquire about this the next time they met.
Just as the Lightwoods were leaving, Will (somehow) managed to open the door and began chasing after them. Charlotte had barely managed to grab the collar of his shirt to keep him from running off. 
Benedict Lightwood must have heard the commotion and turned around. Jem tried to move in front of Will in an attempt to cover him up, but Benedict had already seen.
“Why is it that every time I come here, there’s more children? You’d think they’d created a cloning machine and activate it every time they realize their current children are failures.” He grumbled to himself.
Once he walked out, Thomas shut the heavy door closed with an air of finality and, everybody’s ramrod straight backs, relaxed.
Charlotte whirled around to face Will. “You better turn back into your old self again before you get us into any more trouble, do you understand me, young man?”
Will blinked at her. 
Charlotte sighed and turned around, perhaps too stressed to deal with this problem at the moment. Henry walked in and Charlotte pointed to Will.
“Jem, why don’t you take Will to the park or something. Benedict came in to give Henry and I a lot of work to do and it should take all morning.”
Jem nodded and held his finger out for Will to grab. The smaller boy gleefully wrapped his hand around his parabatai’s index finger. 
Will’s eyes darkened. “Duck.” he spat out.
Jem looked at the ducks that were standing idly by the pond. “Will, they’re not going to do anything.”
Will still looked mutinous. 
Jem sighed. Why couldn’t Will be like normal children, who could stare at ducks for hours on end? Better question yet: How is it that Will’s hatred for ducks ran so deep that even as a child, he despised them?
“Come here, Will. How about we sit down?” Jem crossed his legs and Will followed suit.
Jem had brought a biscuit for Will, and gave it to him while he stared out at the landscape in front of them. 
Jem sensed that there was something strange in the atmosphere, and it wasn’t London’s normal, filthy, city air. It was like the calm before the storm; something was brewing and it was about to explode. 
Before Jem could order further, a duck suddenly came from behind them and quacked before Jem could stop it. Will screamed and ran away, which caused the duck to chase after him. 
“Why do these sort of things always happen to me?” Jem grumbled, chasing after Will and the duck.
Tagging some people who enjoyed the last part:
@autumnangel20 @heronstairs2014 @hitheresomeoneusingthus @itsdaughterofthemoon @carstairstessa @minaxcarstairs 
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TSC Fanfiction Master Post (imherongraystairstrash)
ONE OF THESE DAYS  I WILL ORGANIZE THIS DISASTER!! Maybe I should start by naming my fics for once. 
I put some commentary cuz why not. 
Jemma Fanfic- This ones my first ever fic (aww), so it’s short and probably really bad and I haven’t edited it because I be cringing at it. 
“Hold still” (prompt)
Kit And Kieran:
Bonding over being related
When Worlds Collide (series)
Matthew and Lucie (part 1, part 2 and part 3)- This one was before Chog came out. I don’t ship Fairondale anymore, but hopefully, if you do, you’ll enjoy it!
Cecily and Gabriel—My first of many Gabrily fanfictions
(Ao3 link)
Gabrily wedding
(Ao3 link)
“I’m crazy about you” (prompt)
(Ao3 link)
Gabrily + Family Fluff:
Christopher and Gabriel—I’m such trash for this family
(Ao3 link)
Anna and Kit— Again, I’m trash
(Ao3 link)
Gabrily (with young Anna and Christopher)—Because you know I can’t not post on Babe-riel’s birthday (haha, I’m so funny)
(Ao3 link)
Christopher and Cecily— This is one of my favorites (shh, don’t tell the others) 
(Ao3 link)
Gabrily and little Anna and Kit — Because I love writing them so muchh!
(Ao3 link)
Gift of The Angel — I finally stopped being so lazy and gave my fic a name! Except now I have to tell you what it’s about... It’s Anna’s birth!
(Ao3 link)
Carry Him In Thy Heart— People really liked “Gift of The Angel” and wanted one for Christopher as well, so this is that fic (I wanted to stay with the name theme, so the title is the meaning of the name “Christopher”)
(Ao3 link) 
Late nights
Defender of Men— Alexander Lightwood birth story (there’s some tid gang fluff in it too)
Part 1
Part 2
(Ao3 link)
Will defending Anna— There’s some Cecily and Gabriel scenes too, but it’s mostly Anna
(Ao3 link)
Iblis Problems— Gabrily finding out about the Iblis demon 
(Ao3 link)
August—Finding out Kit needs glasses
(Ao3 link)
Baby Jamie + Wessa—Cuz I love themmmm
(Read on Ao3)
Hurt Wessa— Because feels
(Link to Ao3)
Cast Away the Shadows— A continuation (of some sorts) of the Anna and Kit story, but following the Herondales
(Read on Ao3)
Wessa Baby—An AU where Wessa have another daughter
Wessa Baby AU —A continuation to the previous one, just a few years later
I love you even though I haven't met you yet
The Broken Hearts part 1—Teen!Ella Herondale, Alex Lightwood, the Fairchild daughters (who better be canon bc if Cassie wrote them out, I will rebel), and the Carstairs kid. Cuz why not. 
Part 2  
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
 Sophideon Wedding—Ugh, I have to more Sophideon. They’re too cute for this world (Read on AO3)
Lightwood-Collins— Basically, the Lightwoods being reunited after Chog.
(Read on Ao3)
Finding hope— 3 part fic about baby Thomas and his birth (it’s not graphic, though because I’ve never given birth to a child, so (thankfully) I wouldn’t know how to go about writing that experience) 
Part 1 
Part 2
Part 3
(Ao3 link [if you prefer to read it there])
Christmas Fluff!—Because why not?
Find The Way Home
Part 1
Part 2
Puzzles—Were you actually surprised that it was fluff?? Bc let me tell you, it is literally 99.9% of what I write
Out of the Old—Lightwood-Collin family (banter? I think)
Will De-Age:
(Hottie/Fairwell and some pre-tid family fluff
Part I
Part II
Part III
Hottie/ Fairwell (Henry and Charlotte)
“I did it to protect you” (Prompt)—This is before they professed their love for each other :)
Forgiveness—Fairwell + Matthew and Charlotte
New Beginnings— Will tells Charlotte and Henry about his curse
love you to the moon to saturn—Matthew's birth (NOT GRAPHIC)
“It’s called Netflix and Chill for a reason” (prompt)
Thomastair <3: 
“You look Awful” (prompt) — BEWARE! There is angst!!
Camping Fluff 
(Ao3 link)
“Here take my sweater coat” (prompt)— More angst because I’m a teenager and I’m sleep deprived
Jucie/Ghost-writer/Blackdale/Lucie x Jesse:
“I’d rather be here” & “I was worried about you” (Prompt)— COI SPOILERS!!
At least i have you
The Merry Thieves:
Basically, it’s a Matthew fic, but the Merry thieves are a big part of it
Sophie and Will:
“I can’t do this without you” (Prompt)
Gabriel And Will:
“I did it to protect you” (Prompt)
Matthew and Lucie:
“I Need Help” (prompt)
Lucie and Alastair:
“You look Awful”— This one’s one of my favorites because I love them so much
Gideon and Will
 “I don’t think so”
Thomas and Cecily Lightwood:
Butterflies— Cecily helping Thomas grieve
(Read on Ao3)
Charlotte + Henry and Will Herondale:
New Beginnings— Will tells Charlotte and Henry about his curse
Thomas and Christopher:
Read on Ao3
Babs, Genie, Anna and Charles:
When we were young
Tessa Gray:
Until we meet again— Sad fic about everybody DY*NG, and Tessa having to say goodbye to her family (has a nice ending though)
Anna defending James and Kit
Valentine's day-tid gang
You can DM me if you want to be tagged when I publish new stories or if you want me to tag you for a specific ship/series!
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