#fairy tail natsanna
ginjaanimeloversstuff · 4 months
Lisanna is a knight, but she is disguised as a man, lisanna is a noble lady who is best friends with Princess Lucy from another land,lucy know lisanna is acting as a knight and pretending to be a man. And she helps her in every way she can.
However when lisanna is forced into a rearranged marriage to the Mad grand duke, Natsu Dragneel, things get complicated because they use to date, and be childhood friends. But after a fight, they never made up.
Meanwhile, Lucy is engaged to her sister Juvia's long term crush, but the thing is she likes him too, but acts like she doesn't want this marriage to make her sister happy.
Gray who is engaged to Lucy feels the same way about her, however, his best friend Lyon who likes juvia is stuck, as every one knows juvia is obessed and likes gray
Sting , the next emperor in training is marriage to yukino who looks oddly similar to the noble that the Grand Duke Is engaged to, and during an events he notice how both yukino and lisanna disappear and came back acting acting weird.
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raptorbox · 1 year
knightadora asked: Natsu/Lisanna :: Bar
Lisanna puts down the glass she was drying, cocks her head and gently scritches Natsu’s scalp when Natsu groans loudly from where he’s set his head face down on the bar top. “Something wrong, Natsu?”
Natsu grabs the after-work cocktail Lisanna made him but doesn’t lift his head up at all when he grumbles, “I overcooked a VIP’s steak tonight and Erza still won’t look at me.”
(taking 3 sentence au fic prompts!)
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frostflames · 7 years
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NaLi with Yellow Aesthetics
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nya-namins · 3 years
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NaLi x Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne AU comm from @handsome-kakigori​!
It is truly a crime that there aren’t more evil!Lisanna AUs (not the insecure nalu fan type), so I came up with this idea since Natsu and Lisanna kinda remind me of Fin and Access from kkj (I was actually more interested in their relationship than the main couple, lol). I just find it so endearing that Fin chose to become the devil’s advocate not bc she wanted to save her own life, but bc she wanted so badly to see Access again and keep her promise to him 😭 They are so tragic and I can see NaLi reflected in their dynamic and some of their moments. The way Access and Natsu are too shy to admit their feelings until it’s too late, the way both Fin and Lisanna are forced to live a sham of a life and lock away their feelings, the way they fight back tears when reunited with their beloved bc Fin has become so corrupted she can’t even touch Access without it causing him excruciating pain, while Lisanna can’t reveal her identity to Natsu without betraying her “family” in Edolas....so much angst!
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This is what I call P A I N
Also the way she teases him is so much like Lisanna
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Anyways nobody cares so I’ll stop talking 🥲
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hirakyun13 · 4 years
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Ships come and go but the otp always stands
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pamayapaya · 5 years
My NaLi Children OC’s
Name: Ryū Harumi Dragneel
Age: 13
Magic: Fire Dragonslayer
Personality: She’s a lot like her mom in regards to her curiosity and sense of adventure. Unlike both of her parents, Ryu loves learning and sees it as an opportunity for adventure in its own right. Art is another one of her passions, Ryu loves drawing and painting whatever she can think of, but mainly animals she finds in the forest. She isn’t too interested in brawling, she’d have to be provoked beforehand. She tries her best to stay passive but if you push her buttons enough, she’ll snap and NO ONE is ever ready for it. On the other hand, she’s always a shoulder to cry on, she doesn’t always have the right words but she’ll do what she can to help.
Appearance: Ryū may seem a lot like her mother, but it’s clear who her father is from one look at her. She and Natsu share the same olive green eyes, tanned skin, and messy, pink hair. She wears her hair short like her mother in two low pigtails.
Her first name means “Dragon”
Her middle name means “springtime beauty”
She wears a scarf Natsu knit for her 5th birthday
She’s a lesbian
Name: Sakura Kólasi Dragneel
Age: 10
Magic: Satan Soul Takeover
Personality: Sakura is playful, mischievous and full of charisma. She is impeccably clever and enjoys using her wits for pranks on any and everyone but Haru and her mother; Natsu is her favorite victim. She’s also a social butterfly with no capacity for shame or self-doubt. She loves play fighting with friends and often acts as the instigator. She’s the worst person to argue with because she will twist your words until you aren’t even sure what you were talking about anymore. She has zero respect for authority but if you do manage to impress her, she isnt likely to forget. In rare moments when she isn’t joking, she’s very sweet and observant.
Appearance: Sakura may take after her father in terms of personality, but she looks almost exactly like her mother. They have the same skin tone, face and eye shape, and eye color. The only place where even a little bit of Natsu’s genes come into play is her pointed teeth. Her hair is long, wavy and white for the most part, but the color fades towards her tips from pearl white to pale pink to the same shade as Natsu’s hair
“Sakura” means “cherry blossoms”
“Kólasi” means “hell” in Greek
She learned her magic from her Aunt Mira
Her Aunt Mira and Uncle Elfman can’t help spoiling her, she just looks so much like Lisanna did as a child
She also has a scarf knit for her by Ryū on her 5th birthday but she only wears it at home to keep it safe from all the crazy things she gets into
Name: Haru Nikko Dragneel (he goes by Nikko)
Age: 5
Magic: Fire Dragonslayer
Personality: Nikko is rather quiet, though he is not shy. He is imaginative and loves to read or listen to stories about adventures. But mostly he likes to be left alone to do whatever he feels like doing. He does enjoy being around his family even if he’s not directly interacting with them and just doing his own thing whilst they sit next to him. Nikko doesn’t enjoy brawling at all and will often sit right outside the guild so he doesn’t have to see it, but he will cheer on Sakura and his dad if they so request. He also is a big fan of physical affection, he just likes to cuddle and hug and hold hands with his friends and family.
Appearance: Nikko is the only of his siblings to look a decent mix of both of their parents. His skin has a more tan tone like Natsu’s and his eyes are large and bright blue like Lisanna’s. His hair is pink but it’s a slightly lighter shade than Natsu’s. His more distinctive features will even the playing field as he gets older but as of now, it’s anyone’s guess which of his parents he’ll take after
His first name means “Spring” and he was sort of named after his oldest sister (her middle name) because they were born on the same day but he was born early in the morning while she was born at night
His middle name means “Sunshine”
Keeping with their little family tradition, he has a scarf that Sakura knit for him once he turned 5. He never takes it off just like his dad and oldest sister
He also plans to knit a scarf for his mom so she matches with the rest of her family
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kitanxa · 6 years
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Natsu and Lisanna
— Hair and Eye Color Swap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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hkhight789 · 7 years
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Sketch with Natsu and Lisanna^^
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My sweet children. I love drawing nali especially in the sunset because it’s always kinda been their “thing.” (Also low-key the best fanart I have ever done)
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At fairy tail
The day was long, and everyone was their usual happy self. Except for one person. Who is usually the root of all chaos in the guild.
At a table far away, in the back, where no one could see or even pay attention, was natsu, who sat far away from his friends as they go on withh their day.
But, the fire user wasn't happy, since the day he came END and then back to his sensese, he had isolated himself from every one, no just because he felt guilty, but also he didn't transform fully back into himself. As of now, he has horns, horns that remind him he became an end and hurts his friends. He also felt alone that he had horns, but never said anything, even when his friends try to comfort him, he pushed them away.
Feeling like a monster.
Lisanna was at the bar, glancing at her best friend since childhood. With a sorrowful look not sure what she could do to help her friend.
Then picking up a cup of flames, the animal soul user nodded to herself and made her way to natsu.
When lisanna reached natsu, she places the cup in front of natsu and gave a soft smile, when he looked at her.
Natsu," thank...lisanna...", said as he looks away. Ignoring the fact his friend took a seat next to him.
Lisanna," natsu...", called out gently, as she placed her hand on his shoulder, making him look at her.
Natsu," you should go join the others....", all he said.
Lisanna hummed," I could, but I want to sit here next to you," stated. Not getting any reaction from natsu. Who just sighed.
Lisanna," natsu...please talk to me. You know that I'll always lend you an ear or a shoulder to cry on.", but still had no answer.
Lisanna," natsu...talk to me.", still no answer
Lisanna", please...I want to help you." Tried again.
Lisanna," you always help others, but you don't let others help you and I want to help , you so talk to me, please.",
Natsu," what do you want me to say",finally spoke, but it was more like he snapped"...I almost killed my friends! My family! How can I live with myself? I came end, and now...now I have these stupid horns, to remind me what I did. I am a monster.", finally talk.
Lisanna," you want in control, it wasn't your fault. No one blames you."
Natsu," well they should."
Lisanna," natsu look you are not a monster. "
Natsu," yes...yes I am", downcast his head so he looking at the table.
Lisanna," if I were to call you a monster, then that would mean, I will be saying elfman is one, back well he killed me..." Sternly said.
Natsu," Elfman?... That was different "
Lisanna," Elfman lost control and went on a rampage, you lost control and also went on a rampage. See any difference? You both blame yourself for things that weren't your fault, but like Elfman, he managed to realise it wasn't his fault, so you should do the same. " look at natsu, who had a thinking look.
Lisanna," natsu, look, we didn't blame big brother nor will ever blame you. "
Natsu," I am...i am a monster, with these horns...i feel like a freak. Alone and a monster. less you can suddenly gain horn. Then I wouldn't be alone...but you can't.".
Lisanna was about to say something but mira called her back to work, not having choice Lisanna got up, and said goodbye to natsu, who only nodded.
When leaving the table, lisanna had a sad look, after glancing back to natsu. When she looked forward, an idea came to mind, so she ran over to mira.
3 days later.
Lisanna was outside of the guild about to go in, but then she saw natsu.
Lisanna smiled," natsu!" Shouted," over here!" Continued as she ran over to him.
Natsu looked at lisanna confused," lisanna?"
Lisanna smiled," can I show you some thing?", asked.
Natsu," um sure", still confused about what lisanna is doing.
Lisanna smiled as then a puff of smoke appears on her head, when the smoke was gone, natsu looked shocked.
Natsu," lisanna..."
Lisanna," I have horns now...you said you felt like a monster and alone, so, you don't have to be alone now! We if you feel like a monster now. Then we can be monsters together," explained.
Natsu," but...why? How? I thought only mira can do that", asked.
Lisanna giggle, " you forget I am a take over a mage, and I asked mira to teach me. It took 3 days to learn, but I mastered it now." Smiled." And I don't want you to feel alone. Ever!"
Natsu smiled," lisanna..." Calle
As on cue lisanna magic wore off.
Lisanna rubbed her head," i use too much magic, now the horns are Gone." Looked sad.
Natsu," lisanna" called again.
Lisanna," but, don't worry when my magic is back, I'll transform back", declares.
Natsu," you don't have too."
Lisanna," I only need an hour for my magic to be restored" explained.
Before lisanna could say anything else. she felt herself getting hugged, looking up in surprise." Natsu?"called out in confusion.
Natsu," thank you." Said," you don't have to keep using your magic on my account. "
Lisanna," but I want to...i Don't want you to feel that way" looked into natsu's eyes. As he did as well.
Natsu," I don't feel like that now...thank you." Hugged lisanna.
Lisanna smiled and hugged back and nuzzled herself into natsu's neck." your welcome." Whispers. But natsu heard here thanks to his ears.
Natsu smiled and held lisanna closer. Knowing Lisanna would give. Herself horn for his sake, made him feel warm on the inside, and no not because of the fire in his belly. He felt like he wasn't alone. No now. Not ever again.
Lisanna," your horns make you look even cuter," added as she whispered, knowing that the fire dragon could hear.
Natsu face went red and he looks away, after hearing lisanna comment that wasn't a teasing remark for a change.
When the hug was broken over.
Lisanna," I should get to work", sated
Natsu", yea..."
Lisanna walked off but then stopped, and then walked back to natsu. Out of nowhere, she kissed him and then went back in. Leaving natsu frozen as a blushing mess.
Lisanna was sitting at a table all red, with he friends, lucy, cana, levy, Bisca, evergreen, erza and mira. Who were all teasing her after they witness the whole Thing.
Lisanna, * I kissed natsu! I kissed natsu* repeated over and over in her head, as her face is red like erza's hair.
Natsu was at a table with Grey who is pocking.
Gray," it's good that you are back...but did lisann! Have to, you know...."
Gajeel," break him? Animal girl broke salamander"
Laxus," she took her time."smirk at natsu.
Freed," indeed"
Elfman," as man, natsu, don't ever hurt my sister",
Alzack," I knew something was going on between you two"
Gildart," same here"
Makarov laughed.
Natsu," she kissed me! She kissed me!", repeated over and over in his head as he is frozen and still red like a tomato .
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sarathethings · 7 years
If you want to join our community, YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN OUR GROUP ! We are posting pictures or making discussions about videos and etc. for our passionate love about Nali and Natza. So for all Nali and Natza shippers out there, that want to join this awesome group ! We appreciate all of you in our little world from Nali and Natza !
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frostflames · 7 years
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This has been sitting in my laptop for ages. About time I posted it.
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shuvia-lu · 7 years
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I love Natsu's reaction, is so cute💖.
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aizawashoutah · 7 years
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Ship Meme || A Non-Canon Ship I Adore
↳ Natsu Dragneel x Lisanna Strauss || Fairy Tail
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nali-is-love · 7 years
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Sorry for the lack of actual updates. ^^’ Have some Neko!NaLi instead.
(I do not own art. Art by ぷうま.)
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pamayapaya · 7 years
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They will always be my favorite FT pairing
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