#fairyland minifee body
struungout · 11 months
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Snapped a few photos of Keigo last night since it’s been a while since I’ve bothered to take pictures of any of my dolls that wasn’t just a simple snapshot bahaha.
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blacksheepdolls · 10 months
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he's done! this is Hyde, ringmaster of a spooky circus, and I absolutely love him. a lot of work went into finishing him, and despite some mistakes, I'm pretty proud of how he turned out.
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poupeesdecirque · 1 year
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Happy 10th Birthday, Xy!
Almost forgot about it. My life is so darn hectic right now, I knew there was a doll turning 10 but somehow I totally forgot its already end of march. All my props are buried under piles of books/materials from renovating and moving classes (at work) :’) ... he still got a few photos.
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kosomolski-dolls · 4 months
I guess, this is my first Fairyland Rant. Long post.
I've been buying from Fairyland since 2016. My first dolls were Minifees, and I have quite a collection of them by now. I never had any problems with them. Had some seamlines here and there, but nothing outrageous or super noticable. Never had problems with Resin fleshing on the hands, inside the hips, weirdly drilled tunnels, or ridiculous seamlines like some of my friends had every now and then over the years.
I was super excited when they released their merman last summer. I love mermaids, I have their seahorse already and love it, and that new tail was gorgeous, even if less posable. I don't mind that, I sometimes value aesthetics over movement, and from their pictures, he can stand, sit and kneel, and that's all I wanted.
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When he was released, I ordered the body with a split (as I didn't want the head), and ordered a tan Fairyline Sirin, a blue and red tail, and the Juri23 head to go onto the boy body from the split.
I was a bit worried that the blue tail may not fit the girl that well, because the bodies are different, but on their page it said "compatible for both boy & girl" and the pictures said that as well, so I was optimistic that it would work out.
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I got my package in October last year and was pretty happy with the fit on Sirin's body!
But the first disappointment came shortly after, when I realised... she cannot sit??
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This is as far as it goes, and even that only worked because I supported her on her hands. And it's gaping at the back, so... well. Not too happy about that.
A friend of mine asked them about it, and they actually told them, that the doll isn't made for sitting. Then why the hell do they advertise it like it is??
Thankfully, I tried around a bit and found that if you turn the upper part of the tail around, the sitting situation improves (I was inspired by their seahorse tail, where you also turn around pieces according to what pose you want. But unlike the seahorse, it wasn't made/planned by them to work like this and only does because the rigged edge of the upper joint just snaps into the right places).
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Still gaps a bit at the back, but well. (Supporting her with one arm, just because FL resin is super slippery. After suede, she sits fine)
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She can kneel and stand though. Though the latter needs some balancing skills and the red tail needs suede to make it happen, because the fin just gives in otherwise...
So, not off to a great start.
Then, a few days ago, I got my body in the mail from the split host (it was bought on layaway, so it took a bit longer). I love it, I was surprised that it had a different mechanism in the hip joint (no cups, the mechanism looks similar to their smaller lines like Littlefee), and it was pretty stable. He moved easily and held his poses nicely, no suede needed.
But then today, I wanted to put him on his tail and... was utterly disappointed.
It seems to me that they prioritised the fit on the girl body, as their girls are usually more popular than the boys, but? Still? It doesn't really make sense to me? =') it was MADE for a MALE doll.
Just to give you an idea. Fit on Girl vs Fit on Boy:
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As you can see, he gaps both in the front and back because he is too narrow for the opening, which is pretty obviously fitted for the girl body.
But he also slides back and forth because the bottom of his torso doesn't really meet the ground of the hip joint. Because he is too wide as well, to really fit into the hole! =/
And when I looked at their pictures of the tail again... well, on ONE picture you could actually see a bit of a gap.
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So, needless to say, I'm quite bummed about this. I will try not to let this ruin my mood and the love I have for Juri23, because man, that face is so adorable. I will try to boil the tail joint and make it fit to the body. I know that some people have done similar things with the seahorse tail, but I really shouldn't have to do that on a doll this pricey.
(My Gem of Doll merman has a similar problem, though not as severely, and in his case it's kinda understandable since the tail was made for their girl body. And, again, that doll was about half the price)
If you read all of this, well, have a cookie 🍪
I'm not here for general FL bashing, btw, I'm still cranky about a recast supporter "justifying" buying them because "FL quality is shit anyway", so spare me with that. I'm very happy with all my other dolls, but this one is not something that slipped through quality control, this is just... not okay.
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eponadolls · 2 months
BJD Plans and Rambles
Thanks to the fantastic aestellica on DoA, I can now say for sure that the Doll Family H Yao Tiao body will look great for my Souldoll Aehael! After the blunder with my miracle doll body and my souldoll vito yola hybrid that I attempted previously which was... a hybrid of horrific proportions, I didn't really have the energy to try to buy another body and go in completely blind on if the hybrid has any hope. :'D
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Photo belongs to aestellica, but judging by the Souldoll Kuu head, this will be amazing hybrid.
Considering the current "hybrid minifee moe body" Fairyland event, I will be putting a moe minifee on layaway with DDE. I originally wanted a moe with a cutie bust for my Logandoll Pim anyways (...but couldn't find anyone selling just the bust, boo!), so I will be left with an "extra" moe body soon...
Which considering I will have that extra body... this seems like an excellent opportunity to finally get the xagadoll mizzle that I meant to get in... ehhh, 2017? 2018? She was one of the first dolls I considered buying, I remember first finding her on Mint on Card's website, back when they still were around.
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I think she would be really cute on a moe body! It's too bad Xagadoll doesn't sell heads separately, though. I think the v3 body would work well for some of my floating heads though (...I need to figure out my plans for my souldoll vito kate, after all), so that's always something worth considering. If my harucasting big geuru sells soon, I should be able to afford paying for the mizzle and yao tiao body nearly in full.
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I still need to decide what body I'd like to get for my Logandolls Peregrine, though. Originally I'd have liked to get a Dream Valley B4-19 body, but considering getting it in light tan will run me $375, I... think I'm good, even if it would be my first pick. I wish I knew why light tan is a $110 upcharge for this body. Even the other msd bodies is $80 extra which, while IMO quite steep of an extra charge, is still $30 less.
I think once I square away the moe body, mizzle, and the yao tiao body, I will probably focus on my vinyl dolls again for awhile - I really need to get my Dollfie Dream Karin some proper clothes! It seems it'll be unlikely for me to source an outfit like the Volks Lady Wizard set for her anytime soon though, so I might just buy her one of the Volks "Folklore" sets.
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glaceleau · 1 year
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Airbrushed Minifee Soony on Dream Valley body WIP shots! (March/April 2022) My airbrush was exceptionally well-behaved for this one.
This DV body B4-11 was the darker event color (Coffee) from August 2021. Different people got very different colors out of that event. Mine is pretty dark, more similar to Iplehouse’s light brown than the tan shades I saw some other people receive. That’s why I took the comparison photo.
Resin comparison: Rosenlied WS, Dream Valley white, Resinsoul NS, Fairyland NS (2020), Dream Valley Yellow (2021), Fairyland Tan (~2016 and greened), Serenade Doll Tan (older, environmental resin... bought some parts from them in 2022 and they were the same color but opaque?), Dream Valley Coffee (2022), Iplehouse Light Brown
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jaudolls · 9 months
My standards for an acceptable match in a bjd hybrid keep getting lower, and I'm so glad of that. Especially when it comes to minifee, because fairyland's "normal" is a lot more saturated than the companies I usually prefer. And as I've discovered, I really, really don't like the fairyland bodies (they look nice, but I keep struggling to pose them).
All this too say, I have a new body for my Alan vamp head, and while the match is not great, I love that the 'old' doll leaves boy body has the same height as the mnf one, but none of the stupidly over engineered articulations
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Colour difference is stronger irl, but with clothes it's fine-ish, he just looks like he hasn't seen the sun much.
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This second pose of him sitting would have been hell with his Fairyland body. The elastic kept getting caught into the various parts that make up the hips, so moving his legs was always a hassle, but no more! The new body is maybe a little kicky, but nowhere near the worst I've dealt with, and I just love the way he sits.
I also finally tried out the trick of using boiling water to reshape hands. It's not a huge change on his hands, but it has let me finally fix other doll hands that had been annoying me.
Yesterday was a good doll play evening, and I'm feeling excited again about this character!
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bjdqueens · 1 year
hello! this is a pinned intro post ❤️❤️
we are Kelly and Momo. we are a queer married couple and we have been collecting dolls together for 5 years now. we are both neurodivergent and chronically ill. this blog is dedicated to our OCs and photos for now. our asks and dms are open if you have any questions about the dolls or their characters. or anything, really.
a list of dolls with info about sculpts, resin colors and other specifics can be found below the cut! this will be updated as new dolls are posted.
thank you for visiting our blog ❤️❤️❤️
Cerberus Project Fairyland Minifee Alicia “Normal Skin” head
Bimong 38cm “New Normal” body with large bust
Face-up by Tonocha BJD
Eyes by Mako Eyes
Cerberus Project Fairyland Minifee Alicia “Tan Skin” head
Cerberus Project Fairyland Minifee Action Line Renewal “Tan Skin” body with cutie bust and cutie legs
Face-up by Tonocha BJD
Eyes by Enchanted Doll
Cerberus Project Fairyland Minifee Alicia Sleeping “Normal Skin” head
Cerberus Probect Fairyland Minifee Fairyline “Normal Skin” body with C bust
Unknown face-up
Bimong Mindulrae “New Normal” head
38cm Fusion “New Normal” body with tiny bust
Face-up by Tonocha BJD
Eyes by Tonocha BJD
Harucasting JOA “JOA Milky Choco” head
Harucasting JOA “JOA Milky Choco” body
Face-up by Tonocha BJD
Eyes by IntoX
Harucasting Maji “Maji Basic Normal” head
Harucasting Maji “Maji Basic Normal” body
Face-up by Tonocha BJD
Eyes by Tianba0830
Robin (Fight Club Ver.)
Harucasting Smiling Maji “Maji Basic Normal” head
Harucasting JOA “Maji Basic Normal” body
Face-up by Tonocha BJD
Eyes by IntoX
Harucasting E-Minor “JOA Dark Tan” vitiligo head
Harucasting E-Minor “JOA Dark Tan” vitiligo head
Face-up by Tonocha BJD
Eyes by IntoX
Harucasting Big Geuru “Neul Mild Tan” head
Harucasting E-Minor “Neul Mild Tan” body
Face-up by Tonocha BJD
Eyes by Mako Eyes
Harucasting Thx “Light Tan” head
Harucasting Morae “Light Tan” body
Face-up by Tonocha BJD
Eyes by Ms Stein Art
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bunnyscribblesbjd · 2 years
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I got a new head for Raymonde in the mail yesterday! she is now a minifee lookback shiwoo head on a dikadoll body. she was originally a dikadoll mudan/peony lion (the head on the right in the first picture) and she just never quite fit my vision for the character- she is too soft and childlike. I do plan to repaint that head to shell a different character (they will share a body with Raymonde). she definitely looks much closer to the way I envisioned her with the shiwoo head, and I’m super excited to paint her once the weather is warmer!
despite the way that they photographed, the two tans don't match at all. fairyland tan is a cool red-toned tan while dikadoll tan is much warmer and oranger. the dikadoll is from 2016 and was left in the sun a lot, so I am hoping that the fl tan will mellow into a color that's a closer match and I think I can add some blushing to the body and the head to get them to a closer shade (though I don't care all that much about the difference in color since raymonde wears clothes that will cover it most of the time anyways)
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sightdoll · 2 years
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New outfit I sewed for my Minigenue Centaur hybrid. She’s a MinIgenue head on a Soul Doll body on a Fairyland Minifee Sircca Centaur body. #BJDsewing #LegitBJD #Minigenue #ArtifexKindred #TwiglingIngenue #SoulDoll #FairylandCentaur #MinifeeSirccaCentaur https://www.instagram.com/p/CfUk8LuPIgS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I went fully legit about a year ago. A few months after that I decided to buy my first Minifee (secondhand) - when it finally arrived and I unpacked it, I was instantly horrified because the doll was straight up cracked in a few places on her head and body...I immediately messaged the seller and guess what...turns out those were the legendary seamlines and they are apparently standard when it comes to Fairyland dolls. I'm gonna be blunt here - Fairyland should do something about it because I've been reading reviews about these seamlines for years now and apparently, they still do completely nothing about it (and quite frankly, it looks terrible). I don't intend to buy recasts ever again, but I'm gonna be honest...they looked absolutely pristine in comparison to that one Minifee legit (...and many others, judging by other owner pictures I found on google).
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struungout · 1 year
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Shortened Keigo’s neck and he looks significantly better now that he doesn’t have giraffe!neck. xD;
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blacksheepdolls · 10 months
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so! in the end, my boy did come home. finally. here's his new faceup, his finished outfit, his eyes, and his hat. literally all he still needs is a wig, and we're working on that tonight.
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m65p3--mydolls · 27 days
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Hayley is on a small Hiatus. I had just ordered her a new body for her from FairyLand. She's still on A Line with Cutie Legs but Full Bust instead of the large. I have her stuff in that box and Riley watching over her.
Fairyland Minifee Honoka in Natural
40 cm Atelier Momoni in Toffee
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kosomolski-dolls · 1 year
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So, in a side note on their Sarang event notice, fairyland mentioned that they'll 'temporarily' discontinue Littlefees. They also said that some faceplates will be permanently discontinued.
So... if you know me, you know how I feel about FL 'temporarily' discontinuing anything.
You know what has been temporarily discontinued (and not come back so far?)
Minifee Ruth (in 2015), Pukipukis (I think Pongpong was available a while ago and that was it), the Moe-line boy body, Active-line boy body, a whole bunch of minifee sculpts (sure, a hand full has returned as look back heads, but only for very limited time), and the list probably goes on and on.
So, yeah, don't trust them at all that any of this is temporary and even if it is.
They said themselves that they'll discontinue some sculpts permanently.
Which ones? Nobody knows! And according to my friends who emailed them about it, even they don't know yet 🤷‍♀️
So anyway. I did something impulsive today.
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OK, if I'm being honest, not super impulsive as I've had her in my cart a few times already, and I know if she'd be kicked forever, I'd regret not getting her...
Also, my mum told me to get her, and I listen to my mum 😊
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crapolicedolls · 5 months
let's doll things up
Yo! I've really neglected this blog over the years, so for 2024 I wanted to start posting more again. Odds are I'll be posting up some old photos as well as new ones, and I'll be tagging things to be easier for me to find. (This is a pinned post for the blog.)
#crapolicedolls → tag for all my dolls #crappy talks → tag for random chatter #ask → answered asks #resin comparison → photos from myself and others #submission → submitted posts from you! [ this section will expand as I organize things ]
My Doll Collection:
#aster → DDdy DDH-06 #mary → Doll Leaves Puppet-04 #raina → Fairyland Minifee Rheia [rehomed] #sterling → Ringdoll Jack the Ripper #penelope → 2D Doll Xiao Ai #kireha → Dollfie Dream Hatsune Miku #snowbelle → Angelphilia Marina [rehomed] #apple → SOOM Lami surprise ver. + Dollpamm Loli body #lavinia claire → Unoa Lusis #abel → Granado Enoch #reuben al amin → Dollshe Craft 28M David Kuncci #Super Sonico → Dollfie Dream Uzuki Shimamura + DDdy #vincent → Miracle Doll Vic v.2 + DF-H 65cm body #tristan ilya amir → Miracle Doll Jing v.1 + Doll Chateau A-03 body #crispen → Miracle Doll Jing v.2 + Doll Chateau A-06 body #lapin → Birdcube Lapin #solaria → MYOU Delia sp.
Flickr Reposts:
a long while back I used this blog to post Dollfie Dreams from Flickr, since there wasn't much love for DDs here. I'm leaving the posts up for head reference and identification. below is a list of tags for all sculpts I reposted.
#DDH 01 #DDH 03 #DDH 04 #DDH 05 #DDH 06 #DDH 07#DDH 08 #DDH 09 #Airy #Akira #Alice #Alna #Aoko #Arle #Asuna #Beatrice #Candy #Chihaya #Cirno #Erica (Fontaine) #Erika (Sendou) #Estel (Freesia) #Feena #Haruka (contains both Niimi and Amami) #Honda (Mio) #Illya #Kanu #Kirika #Konomi #KOSMOS #Lucy #Makoto #Mariko #Marisa #Mashiro #Melty #Miki (Hoshii) #Miku #Millhiore #Mio (Akiyama) #Miu #Moe #MOMO #Nanoha #Nemu #Neris #Nia #Ranka #Ranko #Rin (contains both Shibuya and Tohsaka) #Rina (Ogata) #Rise #Ryoumu #Saber #Sakura #Sakuno #Sakuya #Sasara#Sheryl (Nome) #Sinon #Takane #Tamaki #Uzuki #Yaya #Youmu #Yui #Yuki #Yukiho
VMF50s / Angelphilia
#risa (Type-G) #kana (Type-H) #misa (Type-J) #marina (Type-K)#lena (Type-M) #sayuri (Type-N) #honoka (Type-O)
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