#faithless sm au
itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 23: One Chance
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach h @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles @dreamyvans @bts-bambi @katandnanca @littlebabysandboxburritos @deiky @diamonddia-mond @s0obinie @maryseesthings @mipetronella @netflix-batman-sleep
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 25: moonlight
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles @dreamyvans @bts-bambi @katandnanca @littlebabysandboxburritos @deiky @diamonddia-mond @s0obinie @maryseesthings @mipetronella @netflix-batman-sleep @purpletaecup @betysotelo18
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
Part 22: Into the Lion’s Den
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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Warnings: a lil bit of violence, and lil bit of smut, Y/N doesn’t know what she wants. Bad writing mostly.
AN: I’ve been gone a while now, I hope this part makes sense!
‘Come on, just press play.”
Your finger hovers over the screen, shaking slightly, but it refuses to obey your words.The artwork of Namjoon’s new, surprise single stares back at you. Yoongi had warned you before it was released, so it hadn’t been a surprise to you, just the fans.
‘It’s the words Namjoon wishes he hadn’t left unsaid,’ your friend had explained. But what was left to be said? Had he not laid it all excruciatingly bare in his previous work? Listening to those songs had left you with an emotional rawness you hadn’t felt in years. It reminded you of back then, when he’d ask you to sing to him when he couldn’t sleep, or when the words he wrote for you were filled with hope and life. Now they were drowned in guilt and regret. Despite the tone, he still had that magical way with words. Those songs incited the exact emotions he wanted, and that is precisely why you were so hesitant to listen again. What did he want from you this time?
You’re staring so intently at your phone’s screen, wrapped up in your musings, that the sudden text tone startles you. One ping, then another, and then a cacophony of pings until you can’t ignore them anymore. It’s Nari, knowing exactly what you’re up to and begging you to just ‘press the damn button’.
So you do.
It’s beautiful. And tragic. And so melancholic your heart crumbles. He’s done it again: hook, line and sinker. And you’re fucking furious.
The last notes of the song begin to fade, but the apartment is empty. You’re already gone.
LA’s streets are still busy, despite the late hour. But the combination of an oversized hoodie and no makeup helps you blend in. You prise your fists open, wincing at the crescent marks left in the soft palm skin, and pull out your phone.
“Hello, Y/N? Are you okay?” The words come quick, like he was expecting the call.
“Fine, Hobi. What’s his room number?” Your words are short, almost barking out the question. Hoseok hesitates, you can hear it in his breathing. “Come on, Hobi. Please.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea…”
“Hobi, I swear to god if you don’t give me that number I will dig out those messages from back wh-”
“Fine! It’s 325… call me if you need me.”
You hang up after a quick goodbye, stalling only to check you’re turning down the right street. Soft patters of rain begin to surround you, quickly gathering in intensity until it’s a full on downpour. You hurry down the street and dip into the hotel’s lobby, shaking out your soaked hair and sleeves.
“Ma’am, can I help you?” The receptionist flashes a charming smile, and you reply with a flash of the keycard Hobi had lent you last time you visited to speak with him. “Ah, have a great evening.”
Your rain-soaked hoodie is chilling, but the fire in your stomach warms you. It rages through you, writhing and flaring, threatening to boil over at any moment. The rain had only fuelled it. But you can’t let it out yet, you have the full speech planned out along with a counter to every possible response. You practice the words again as you locate room 325 and slam your fist against the door.
What you hadn’t prepared for, however, was actually seeing him. The door creaks open and there he stands, wearing nothing but a pair of low slung basketball shorts, wet hair splashing droplets against his tanned skin. Running a quick scan over him, you can’t help but note the drops trailing down his defined torso. Much more defined than last time you’d seen him.
“Oh hi, Y/N…” The fire flares up again, heating your cheeks and forcing your eyes back to Namjoon’s face. His own eyes are blown wide at the sight of you at his door. His heart is beating so hard he’s sure you can hear it.
“Kim Namjoon, you dick!” You raise your hands to shove him back out of the doorway and step in behind him. He’s about to open that beautiful mouth when you raise your hand again and bring it sharply across his face. Namjoon barely flinches at the contact. “How fucking dare you? Every time I see you I seem to get hurt. I think I know the full picture only for you to reveal yet another part of this fucked up story. Why couldn’t you have just told me all of this the first time? How am I supposed to not forgive you after listening to that?”
You’re crying now - fat, angry tears that merge with the rain from your own soaked hair. You’re a mess, and he… looks like a greek god before you. Namjoon’s face softens, and he drops the hand cradling his red cheek. Instead he reaches it out to you, brushing a tangled strand of hair from your face. He’s so close now, so painfully close you can feel the heat radiating from his skin. He’s so warm, and you’re just so cold.
“So cold.” You mumble. Before you can stop yourself, you’re grabbing for him. Wrapping your freezing fingers over his broad shoulders and pulling him down to you. He doesn’t fight you, even now as you tangle your fingers into his hair and close the gap.
Your lips are cold as ice, but he shivers for a very different reason. It’s been over three years since he last kissed you, really kissed you. God, he’d missed it. He lets you take the lead, scared he could make the wrong move and ruin it all again. The kiss is everything Namjoon could have imagined; soft and deep and so beautifully familiar. Like coming home.
Almost the exact same thoughts are running through your mind. You fit so perfectly together, and he holds you so delicately. As if you may break at any moment. To be fair, no one knew how to make you melt quite like Namjoon. The way his large hands splay against your back, and the small breaths he releases between kisses make your knees weak. It’s textbook really, all of the fiery sparks and blinding light a girl could dream of. It’s maddening.
Pulling back, you’re smirking at Namjoon’s whines of protest. He’s not whining for long when you’re pushing him back again until he’s flopping down onto the plush hotel sofa. “Graceful as ever, Joon,” He’s laughing and your heart is swelling at the sound. You climb onto him, straddling his muscular thighs. The breath catches in his throat. You stare down at him through thick lashes - an angel above him. Despite the bare face and tangled hair, he’s never seen anything more breathtaking. But now you’re kissing him again and all thoughts drift away. Now it’s just your lips on his, your skin on his… your hips on his. The heat sinks from his face, shooting downwards. He freezes.
“Sorry, I can’t help-” You cut off his words with a roll of your hips. The simple moves sends him straight to heaven, and you’re not far behind. Hitching up your skirt, you repeat the action, revelling in the moans you earn from him. His chest is firm under your wandering hands, this physique is new to you and you intend to explore it all.
“Please…” It’s barely a word, just a disguised breath while he presses feverish kisses to your neck and jaw. But it’s all you need to dip your fingers into the waistband of his shorts. He’s already painfully hard, leaking over your fingers when you take hold of him. Namjoon’s hands clench against your ass at the sensation. “Please let me fuck you.”
Should you? Is this a good idea? Will this be a mistake? All questions that fail to cross your mind. With his lips at your throat and his dick in your hand, how could this be wrong? Namjoon nips at the hollow of your throat, sending bolts of pleasure straight between your legs. Shoving your thong to the side and lining yourself up, you sink down onto him. A perfect fit.
“Oh shit. Shit, what have I done?” Realisation hits you the second you open your eyes. This is not good. Not good at all. Crawling from under the covers, you spot your now-dry hoodie over the sofa, and your skirt on the coffee table - thong nowhere to be found. Namjoon groans and blinks in the morning light. His hair forms the most adorable birds nest, falling into his equally as adorable fresh face. You stop, hoodie half way over your head, and hit him with a sheepish smile.
“Y/N… what are you doing?”
“I’m leaving. Sorry, this was a bad idea, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Last night was a mistake. I hit you again.. then I kissed you again… then… oh I’m so sorry,” Your whole body cringes as you think about it, but he’s clearly not bothered. Pushing himself up onto an elbow, Namjoon catches his bottom lip between his teeth. A move that nearly has you climbing back into bed. “No! This is wrong, and confusing.”
“No.” Namjoon’s voice is firm and demanding, but there’s an edge to it. Something you’ve never heard in him before: desperation. “I know I’ve hurt you, and I keep hurting you. I want to fix this and fix us. Last night… I know it was just sex, but there’s something else there too. You can’t deny it. It’s been three years, have you found anyone who can make you feel like that? I know I haven’t… I can’t live without you in my life. Please don’t make me live without my moonlight.”
“Namjoon, you can’t say things like that. I do forgive you for the past, don’t get me wrong, but am I supposed to just trust you again because of song and a screw? Am I supposed to just jump straight back into a relationship that broke me?” He was right of course, you’d tried to drown out the memory of him many times. But no one came close. No one touched you like he did, sexually or emotionally. Last night just confirmed how true that was.
“We find ourselves at an impasse,” You scoff at his comment, averting your eyes when he pulls the covers back and climbs out. While he locates his shorts, something hits you.
“Huh, it’s like the beginning of our relationship… just the other way round.”
“That’s good! It means it will be different this time, right?” He finally covers himself with his shorts, still leaving too much skin bare. As much as you enjoyed his new body, and the extra confidence that came with it, you weren’t going to crawl back into the lion’s den. Not before you could be sure it was fully tamed.
“No, this was a mistake. I’m sorry for confusing things… please let’s try being friends first. I’ve got to go.”
With that, you dashed to the door and yanked it open, running straight into Kim Seokjin. Of all people, why him? All you offer is a quick ‘Jin oppa’ and another sheepish smile. Then you’re off down the corridor, prepared to run commando all the way home.
Jin stared after you for a moment, trying to fit it all together. The last piece of the puzzle clicks into place when he spots a shirtless Namjoon at the door.
“Christ, what have you done now?”
Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles @dreamyvans @bts-bambi @katandnanca @littlebabysandboxburritos @deiky @diamonddia-mond ond @s0obinie @maryseesthings @mipetronella @netflix-batman-sleep
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 24: the whole truth
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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A/N: Just a few parts left before Faithless is complete! I hope anyone who stuck around, or any new readers have enjoyed it so far, I already can’t wait to start my next one
Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles s @dreamyvans @bts-bambi @katandnanca @littlebabysandboxburritos @deiky @diamonddia-mond @s0obinie @maryseesthings @mipetronella @netflix-batman-sleep @purpletaecup
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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End: Seoul Searching
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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AN: and there you have it folks! Just the epilogue which I’ll post soon, and our Faithless journey is over. I hope you enjoyed it, as it was my first ever sm au 🥺 Feel free to let me know what you thought! Oh... and should I drop the teaser for my next au? 😏
Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles @dreamyvans @bts-bambi @katandnanca @littlebabysandboxburritos @deiky @diamonddia-mond @s0obinie @maryseesthings @mipetronella @netflix-batman-sleep @purpletaecup @betysotelo18
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj - masterlist
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FAITHLESS [Completed]
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader. Member x Member.
Genre: 95% angst, 5% fluff and smut
Warnings: Language, slight violence, occasional dark humour, occasional crack humour (kinda), mentions of bad mental health, eventual smut. Also, spelling errors are likely, I’ll correct them at some point!
If you want to be added to the taglist, just send an ask!
Profiles: Y/N and Friends
Profiles: BTS
Part 1 - Royalty
Part 2 - RIP
Part 3 - top 10 anime betrayals
Part 4 - get a fkn grip
Part 5 - k*** you
Part 6 - but you’re my mong
Part 7 - wish you knew
Part 8 - sad and shit
Part 9 - not worth it
Part 10 - make me laugh
Part 11 - so fucking good
Part 12 - indescribably phenomenal
Part 13 - destroyed
Part 14 - out out
Part 15 - candyfloss kisses
Part 16 - deja vu
Part 17 - you snake
Part 18 - you are nothing to me
Part 19 - I pretend I do not see
Part 20 - just once
Part 21- just you
Part 22 - Into the Lion’s Den
Part 23 - One chance
Part 24 - the whole truth
Part 25: moonlight
263 notes · View notes
itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 15: candyfloss kisses
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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AN: wow joon be acting UP. I’d love to hear why you think he acts like this?
Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles
102 notes · View notes
itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 21: Just You
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles @dreamyvans @bts-bambi @craftymoonchaos @littlebabysandboxburritos @deiky @diamonddia-mond @s0obinie @maryseesthings
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Namjoon’s night - 1K words
Exactly 8 minutes and 36 seconds after his last text, Namjoon is pulling up outside the club. It’s just after one am and the whole street is thriving; people lining in their hundreds for a chance of entry into the handful of high end clubs, and Namjoon can feel the bass in his chest already.
He hops from the car, a mask and low-pulled baseball cap covering most of his face, and fends off the valet with a quick ‘I’ll just be a minute’. There’s no chance to question what you’ll do when you see him or what you’ll say. All he knows is that you need him, and he’ll be damned if he lets you down again.
Namjoon strolls straight through the doors, his getup the only invitation the doorman needs. The club is busy, but less than he expected. Large masses of grinding bodies coat the dancefloor, but most of the patrons are tucked away in luxurious VIP booths. Pulling his cap lower, Namjoon fights through the dancers and over to the bar. Each velvet barstool holds a beautiful woman in designer wear, but he spots you immediately. At the very end, pressed into the corner, he recognises the slope of you shoulders. The curve of your back. The tilt to your chin.
“Y/N” his voice is so soft you could have missed it; the visible tension winding through your body shows him you didn’t. He reaches out but you’re turning, and his hand falls back to his side. Your eyes meet his and just... stare. Your face lacks any emotion and he doesn’t think you’re even breathing.
Despite the time you’ve spent together over the last week, it’s like he’s seeing you again for the first time. He can actually see you. You’re just as breathtaking as he remembers. You’ve changed your makeup style, westernised it slightly. Your hair, though still falling half way down your back, is considerably shorter than it had been three years ago. He loved your hair, which is probably why you cut it. Namjoon opens his mouth to say something - anything - but there’s too many words that need to be spoken. Where does he even begin?
The corners of your mouth are dropping now, and your eyes are suddenly blown wide. Seeing him right now, like this, while you’re drunk and vulnerable is more than your heart can bare. As you desperately force back the tears, the emotion is already taking over. Your body heaves as it sobs and the relentless tears come quickly after. There, in the middle of a crowded A-list club, you cry for the life you once had with the man before you. He lets you - then, when you’re choking on your sobs, finally pulls you close and holds you tight.
“Let’s get you home.”
With you still tucked into his chest, Namjoon heads for the door. The night chill makes you shiver and clutch him closer, desperate to absorb his warmth. A foot from the car door, a camera flash punctures your view. You tense, anticipating the slew of flashes that always follow. But none come. The doorman is there, pushing the rogue paparazzo back, and Namjoon is moving again.
He folds you into the passenger seat with the genteel touch you’d once craved. He’s respectful in where his hands wander and as he leans over to buckle you in, you’re enveloped in his scent. It’s the same as it was back then: the cologne you always bought him, and a hint of vanilla. You think of the nights you’d spent together. The nights you’d spent pining for him, then loving him, then hating him. The last three years had been spent building yourself again, after he tore you down with his own hands. You thought you’d done it, you’d fixed yourself. But the last week had shown that you were simply patched up, duct taped back together (and badly). You weren’t whole again, and you never would be.
Namjoon slides into the car and pulls away from the excited crowds and neon lights. He stays silent for the journey, he can hear your soft cries and each sob eats away at him a little more. The journey passes quickly, and by the time he parks outside your home your crying has slowed to heavy breaths.
It takes Namjoon a moment to realise you’ve fallen asleep, but that’s no problem. He’s carried your sleeping body countless times before. He can do it again. And as he fights his way through your door and ascends the staircase, he can’t help but marvel at the perfect fit you are in his arms.
As he’s lowering you down to your bed you let out a soft ‘Joon’. He stills at the nickname, he thought he’d never hear you use it again. When he gathers the courage to look at you, your eyes are half open and your lips parted.
“Yes, baby?”
“Joon.” You whine again, and then you’re leaning up to close the gap. Your lips just barely brush before he’s pulling away and easing you back down into the pillow.
“Oh no, my moonlight. Don’t do anything you’ll regret tomorrow.”
But you’re already asleep, all heavy breaths and fluttering lashes - a vision he’d only dreamed of seeing again. As he stands, he catches sight of a frame on the corner desk. It’s a photo he knows well; he took it. You stand at the edge of a wooden bridge, a small temple building behind you. The pond beneath the bridge is alive with pale pink lotus flowers, and they match your blouse perfectly. Your long hair is slightly blown by a breeze, and a handful of cherry blossoms are caught falling. You’re laughing at something he’d said, something stupid, and your eyes are bright with joy. It was a perfect day. He keeps his own framed copy in his bedside drawer.
“I’m sorry. Oh god, I’m so sorry.” These words are his undoing. Much like you had done earlier, Namjoon sheds his tears for the woman he’d broken. He places a soft, if slightly wet, kiss to your forehead and whispers his apologies into your soft hair.
Then he leaves, hoping that you’ll remember it all in the morning.
Part 14: out out
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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AN: Its been 5 years and a day since I uploaded written content to this blog... and I’ve done a whole ass creative writing degree since then. So I hope my writing has actually improved 🥴 Also, Y/N where is your autocorrect?
Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 17: you snake
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles @dreamyvans
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 20: just once
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles @dreamyvans @bts-bambi @craftymoonchaos @littlebabysandboxburritos @deiky @diamonddia-mond @s0obinie @maryseesthings
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 11: so fucking good
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Jin’s Memory - 700 words
Warnings: bad mental health, vomiting
With each step, the box in Jin’s arms seems to get progressively heavier. The hallway leading to the company dorms is realistically quite short, but with the weight pulling him down Jin thinks he’d be walking it forever. He lets out a huff that sends his bangs flying away from his forehead - they quickly settle back into perfect disarray - and readjusts his grip on the box. The edges dig into his palms and inner elbows. He makes a mental note to murder Namjoon if he ends up with scratches.
It was Jin’s day off and he had the whole day planned out to ensure maximum relaxation... but of course that wasn’t going to happen. When Namjoon asked him for a favour, Jin was ready to refuse until the leader hit him with a ‘hyung please’. Well, no one can say he wasn’t a generous friend!
He finally reaches your door and manoeuvres the box to his hip. Just as his knuckles rap against the wood, he suddenly thinks of you and how you’d feel seeing him. You two were never really close, but Jin had been there that day when you’d shown up at their company. Namjoon had told him you were having relationship troubles and he was working with Hwasa to rectify them. But the twist to your face upon seeing your boyfriend and best friend together told Jin that... maybe that wasn’t the case.
Before he can fret any further, the door creaks open and you peer through the crack. The gap is small, but Jin can still see the shadows beneath your eyes and the hollows to your cheekbones. You look up at him with sad, dull eyes and open the door further.
“Hey, Seokjin. What are you doing here?” You reach up to tuck a strand of dry hair back, the grey cardigan falling from your shoulder. You hastily shrug it back on; a bad attempt at covering your boney shoulder and protruding collarbone.
“Hey Y/N,” Jin’s voice is soft and his eyes kind, “I have some of your stuff from the dorms... he asked me to bring them.”
“Ah, I see. Come on in.”
Your room is dark and dusty. The curtains are tightly drawn and Jin tip toes his way around the clothing and take out containers littering the floor. He drops the box onto your unmade bed.
“I... I’m sorry for the mess. I’ve not been great at tidying lately.” Voice thick with unshed tears, you wrap your arms tight around yourself. Jin doesn’t respond, instead he gets to work straightening bedsheets, opening curtains and collecting trash. Once he’s done, he sits patiently waiting for your tears to stop.
Jin is not usually a patient man. He’s quick to temper or frustration, but even quicker to joy and amusement. When faced with tears - with anyone other than his group mates - he’ll be the first to huff and tell them to ‘get a grip’. But with you... something is different.
Finally your sniffling stops and you reach out to take the box. Jin watches, still silent, as you rummage through. He studies the expressions flickering across your face. You pull out a frame, a photo Namjoon had taken of you just days before things had gone south.
“I don’t understand, Jin. Things were so good? And then all of a sudden he’s ignoring me, dropping my calls, and then... he’s with her? I... oh my god, I’m gonna be sick.” The colour drains from your face and you’re scrambling over the bed to the connected bathroom. Again, Jin waits. He waits until you have nothing left and the retching slows, then he kneels beside you. Pulling your long hair back, Jin forces you to look at him. As his thumbs caress your cheeks you see the tears coating his own.
“Y/N, this is not good for you. It’s making you sick. I’ve heard the rumours of what your company are doing. You need to leave, your talent is wasted here anyway. Promise me, Y/N. Promise me you’ll leave and find a better life for youself. Promise me.”
All you can do is nod.
Part 18: You are nothing to me
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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AN: apologies for any spelling/grammatical errors! I’ve been fighting a migraine while writing this so that’s my excuse 😂
Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles @dreamyvans @bts-bambi
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 16: deja vu
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas @jinjccns @moon-and-solar-smiles @dreamyvans
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 10: make me laugh
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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AN: I really appreciate feedback! Positive and critiques, I love it all! Let me know what you think so far 💕
Taglist: @bbyjoonies
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itsyourimagines · 4 years
Faithless || knj
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Part 12: indescribably phenomenal
- Y/N left Korea and her idol life behind for a reason - a big one. Now, three years later, she’s living her best life in LA with her two closest friends and the best fans she could wish for. Until that reason comes crashing back into her life. Will she give in? Or has she truly moved on?
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AN: finally some answers! This is just the scraping the surface...
Taglist: @bbyjoonies @agustdpeach @tiddieshakeshownu @ambersaesthetics @igotarmyofarohas
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