#faithless au
i have zero (0) time or energy to write so of course now is when my brain brings me an au of my hyperfixation
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kyne-grotto · 1 year
Round 1 Match 4: Silver vs. Faithlessdust Papyrus
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Name: Silver/Sans
Age: 20+
Job: None-
How They Come Off to Most People: chill/boring
Have They Ever Flushed a Hotdog: y e s
Favorite Colors: Grey or cyan
Have They Ever Killed Before: yes-, 10+ people
Do they play an instrument: No?
Sighs in disbelief and doesn't buy anything
Age: 30+.
Job: Mercenary, gunslinger, outlaw, and assassin.
How They Come Off to Most People: To some, a hero. To some, death itself. Others just try to make a run for it.
Have They Ever Flushed a Hotdog: No, but he did accidentally start the Wild West.
Favorite Colors: Red, orange, yellow, black, and white.
Have They Ever Killed Before: Yes. A couple 40, 50 people.
Do they play an instrument: No.
He’d be utterly confused.
Silver   (@Imwatchinghorrortale) Papyrus from Faithless Dust  (Flint C0ckwood/ @C0ckwood) 
The poll booth will close at 9PM CDT on 10/6/2023: www.deviantart.com/grotto-kay/…
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buntsukim · 1 year
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i do not like this anime but the intro is fun so i drew this lol
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theothergueck · 4 months
Wyd when the long lanky priest that has to stay at your place until protagonist recovers from several injuries starts playing the piano at 2 AM after removing 'demons' from your house
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saiiboat · 1 year
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(he painted his mask berry)
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beyondthespheres · 2 years
To me, one of the defining songs of the last century. The chorus in German is on par with what Kate Bush did on Hello Earth.
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Okay but that au where Tim becomes a deity cuz of BruceQuest has me thinking
What if one of Tim's domains was Faithlessness?
Ex. People without faith, or have lost faith, given up on another person/group (like the Justice League) etc.
Like if Tim went on BruceQuest w/o even consulting anyone beforehand cuz he already lost faith in everyonee else I think it'd fit
Plus it make for interesting dynamics w/ other gods
Cuz say faith has an impact on the divine in this au, but so does people interacting within ones Domain
Tim would benefit from people losing faith and/or leaving their religions (possibly on the regular cuz of how the modern day is iirc), meanwhile the gods those people left are probably used to consistently loosing worshippers aka power/influence by now
Okay but imagine if it turned into a loophole where even if someone gave up their faith in tim, their faithlessness in him still empowers him 💀
Like the divine notice this brand new god and are like "hey wait a minute, why do you gain power from us all loosing worships, including yourself, while we're here being bloodlet of worship?" Lmao
Tim, the god of the faithless. My gods, that's brilliant.
His realms are the faithless, the lost, the desperate, and the willing. Tim's religion is about faith to oneself. It's about finding your way. It's about clinging to survival or hope even when you don't truly believe in it yourself.
Tim is there, even when you don't believe in him.
Also, shout out to Tim for accidentally creating a loophole. Of course he would.
Perhaps, for this to work, the people don't need to believe in the gods of the realms they find themselves in. Instead, anyone underneath the god's realm empowers the god. We could go into how this is both a good and a bad setup.
Regardless, I'd love to see more AUs or fics with God!Tim
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justaghostingon · 1 year
When Your Brother Thinks You’re Being Cheated On: How Not to Introduce your third
A 3zun crack au
Jin Guangyao, Lan xichen, and Nie Mingjue have recently become a triad, finally taking their sworn brotherhood to the next level after many talks, tears, confessions, and scheming of a one Lan xichen to get both his boyfriends to be boyfriends together
Guangshuan is also dead far earlier than in canon under mysterious circumstances, which greatly helped the three come together and absolutely was not a bonding expierience for the three
They’re pretty happy, however this realtionship is still new, and with politics being as it is, (wei wuxian being out there in his burial mounds scarinf everyone by existing and stressing out lan zhan, jin zixuan a new sect leader and expecting a child soon, and nie mingjue suffering baxia’s backlash) they’re trying to keep it on the down low until things stablize a bit
What they forget to take into account, are there brothers
Lan xichen is probably the most innocent in this, he fully believes he’s told lan zhan, he talks about his lovers all the time! Surelly lan zhan was listening?
Lan zhan was not listening. He was brooding over wei wuxian.
He is vaguely that lan xichen liked nie mingjue from way back when they were kids, and hasn’t thought it changed, since lan’s can only love once. It’s their families curse after all. So when lan xichen talks about a-yao this, a-yao that, lan zhan thinks its just friendship talk (like what wei ying used to do to him in cloud recesses) and tunes it out.
Jin Guangyao has an excuse. His position in the jin clan is destabilized by the shift in leadership. The last thing he wants is for jin zixuan to think he can’t do his job because he’s also kissing the leaders of two rival sects.
Jin zixuan for his part, does not see the other sects as rivals to beat like his father did. He’s not thinking much of anything except that he’s really drowning in work, and both Jiang Yanli and Jin Guangyao are lifelines.
Jiang Yanli he can show his gratitude by being the best husband he can be. But jin Guangyao? How can he get his brother to stop being awkward and take a break, (and maybe be closer like everyone else is with their siblings?)
Then jin zixuan catches the heart eyes that jin guangyao throws lan xichen at a sect conference, so much warmer than how he acts towards his other sworn brother, with all that bickering (flirting).
So jun zixuan tries to set up jin guangyao and lan xichen, giving every excuse for one to visit the other, and ample alone time when they do. He’s rewarded once by coming in a room wirh out knocking to see them holding hands.
Jin guangyao pulls his hand away, but its too late, jin zixuan saw it, his mission is complete!
Nie Mingjue is the only one who was no excuse. His brother asks him about his love life all the time. He wants to know!!!
But nie mingjue does not want a meddling sibling in his buisness, and anytime it comes up he gets so embarrassed he can’t speak, so he shuts him out.
Nie huaisang has to use his own brain, and so wjen he spots nie mingjue blushing and braiding a flower into jin guangyao’s hair, he realizes his answer. Nie mingjue has finally acted on his old feelings for meng yao, now his awful father isn’t here to keep them aprart.
All three brothers are thrilled. Until….
Lan zhan finds out first. He’s walking in the cloud recesses, when he sees two people making out. One in a now familiar green, and one in …yellow.
Nie mingjue is making out with jin guangyao in the cloud recesses, right under his brother’s nose! The nerve!
Lan zhan is frozen solid for a good five minutes, just watching in horror, before he turns and storms away, determined to save his brother from such a faithless match.
Jin guangyao and nie mingjue were absolutely doing it on purpose. They caught a glimpse of lan zhan’s white robes and handsome appearance out of the corner of their eye and thinking he was lan xichen, decided to give him a show. When they weren’t hit with a solid body joining their embrace they realized something was wrong, it wasn’t xichen, but lan wangji. They both feel very embarrassed and do not want to bring it up to lan xichen that they ruined his brother’s innocent with the sight of their kissing.
Lan wangji meanwhile tries to tell his brother, but his brother won’t hear a word against nie mingjue, (and lan zhan’s phrasing was also really vague, stuff like: “nie mingjue is a bad man, and jin guangyao is a snake in the bunny feild” but give him a break, he was traumatized)
Lan’s only love once, lan zhan justifies to himself, its gonna take more than words to convince him.
So he goes to the only person he can think of in times of crisis, wei wuxian.
Wei wuxian isn’t very close to those three, he thought nie mingjue was a better man than that, but then again, all the sects did turn a blind eye to the wen prison camps, so what does he know? No. He’s only mad about this because lan zhan came to him so obviously upset, and wei wuxian can never resist an upset lan zhan.
So he works day and night, (while lan zhan gets covered in blankets by the wens and hugs a-yaun for comfort) to create a talisman that can capture an event in the instant it happens, like a painting!
(Its a camera, he invented a camera)
He then starts marketting them to the common people under a psydonim, so it will be a trusted device by the time news reaches the cloud recesses.
He then gives it to lan zhan and instructs him to get a photo of nie mingjue cheating to show to his brother as proof.
Lan zhan accepts with the gravity of a man going to war, and prepares to stalk his brother’s boyfriend.
Meanwhile, nie huaisang is in for the shock of his life at the next sect conference, when he sees thr flowers he had sent to jin guangyao’s rooms on his brothers behalf, were instead decorating the rooms of a blushing lan xichen, who said “someone very special gave them to me.”
This may seem an innocent gesture of regifting, but nie huaisang smells a rat. You don’t regift a lovers gift to another person, u certainly don’t leave the other person blushing and saying it was from someone “very special”
Clearly jin guangyao is two-timing poor nie mingjue! But don’t worry! Nie huaisang has the perfect plan! First he’ll expose jin guangyao for the liar he is, then he’ll have both nie mingjue and lan xichen rebound with each other, effectively ensuring their happieness while punishing the guilty party! (Lan xichen can’t know. He’s to good to cheat, and he loves nie mingjue to much,” nie huaisang thinks, missing the obvious)
His plans however, face problems from the start. He first tries to expose jin guangyao as having a failed relationship before with qin su, to show to his brother jin guangyao’s track record isn’t great. But when he finds the actual reason “the mother told them both they were siblings, since she was no longer afraid of jin guangshan’s retribution since he was dead” it doesn’t help him at all! If anything it makes jiggy look even more honorable for covering it up and makinf it look like it was because he wasn’t good enough.
Then he tries to expose him as a liar in koi tower, lots of corruption there! But his every step is thwarted by some unknown force, one even he can’t out think
His only hope lies in the new talisman on the market that allows you to capture images. Surely if he catches jin guangyao in the act, that will be wnouggh to prove him unfaithful (even if it will prob take a few more steps to convince da-ge that lan xichen didn’t know actually and is s good choice for rebound)
The person who is thwartinf nie huaisang is in fact jin zixuan, mostly by all the back breaking work he’s done to weed out corruption, tiredness, and trying to keep jin guangyao to simpler, easy to do jobs.
See, jin zixuan saw lan xichen kiss nie mingjue on the cheek a couple weeks back, and even though he’s not certain if its actually cheating or lan xichen and a-yao broke up and lan xichen moved on far to quickly, he knows it must be taking a toll on jin guangyao
Not that jin guangyao is showing any signs, but that’s just the mask he’s always wearing. If Jin zixuan wants to see the real him, he needs to prove he can be someone he can trust.
So he starts giving jin guangyao simpler tasks to do, paired with babysitting the new born jin ling, things that keep him away from all the husle of court politics that put him into contact with his ex and his ex’s new man.
Jiang yanli is more than happy to help, talking about her own brothers to remind jiggy he has one too, and having tea with him while he holds jin ling.
Jiggy is glad for time with jin ling, but he likes doing things! He has to fight tooth and nail to get jin zixuan to let him help with the one month ceremony, and is far to busy with that to do any scheming of any kind
Everything comes to a head at jin ling’s one month celebration, where nie huaisang tries to publicly expose jin guangyao by working pictures of him with lan xichen into the slide show (yet another wei wuxian invention, he’s really on fire with these)
He then points out the obvious by “accident” and tries to reassure mingju there’s no way lan xichen would ever betray him like that
Lan zhan (who has brought wei wuxian for moral aupport) sees this and panics, showing his pictures (which he originally wanted to give to his brother in private) to prove his brother’s innocence and that its the other way around, actually.
To which jin zixuan angrilly stands up and points out how nie mingjue and lan xichen were the one’s who left jin guangyao and he’s not going to stand for anyone insulting his brother actually, and this is his psrty so they better back off or get out.
“Your here for formalities sake, we could easily have this with just the jins and the jiangs!”
“Anf me!” Goes wei wuxian
“And the wei sect!” Goes jin zixuan, accidentally acknowledging wei wuxian’s group of outcasts as legitimate and thus changing the course of history
It is at this point when 3zun realize the jig is up. In their attempt to keep quiet for politics, they made everything even worse.
They stand up and point out that no, no one is cheating, and yes, they are all together, all THREE of them, and that is not going to change anytime soon, and also could they have those photos? Lan xichen’s starting a scrap book.
See this is why i don’t tell you things, goes jin guangyao to jin zixuan, (secretly pleased he’d be willing to go against two sects for him)
“What the f- goes on in your head?” Goes nie mingjue to nie huaisang
“Brother i told you this ages ago,” goes a very disappointed lan xichen
“Lan’d can love more than one person?” Lan zhan says, eyes wide and uncompeehending “do i have to love more than one?”
“Don’y worry about it lan zhan,” goes wei wuxian. “You can love exactly how you want too.” Lam zhan looks at him with wide eyes, makes three leaps of logic, a d assumes this is wei wuxian acknowledging lan zhan’s feelings and giving him permission to court him.
Thus 3zun live happily ever after, having learned that communication really is key when you have three very over-protective brothers.
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doll3tt33 · 10 months
╰➜ ⊹ ࣪ ˖┆soon to be inactive┆⊹ ࣪ ˖
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she/her 𝜗𝜚 libra ☉ libra ☾ sag ↑ 𝜗𝜚 will come back to occasionally post and drop off a bot of the evans if I make any 𝜗𝜚 still a colin girlie
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my most recent fic/hc! - my haunted lungs, ghost in the sheets ❥ colin zabel
everybody knows I’m a good girl, officer ❥ colin zabel
‘cause when you know you know ❥ colin zabel
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my most recent c.ai bot! - playing dangerous ❥ colin zabel
a day in the life of a cleaner for homelander ❥ homelander
check your window, he’s at your window ❥ tate langdon
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Goodbye for now! ♡
Requests are closed cuz I’m moving on with other interests, so this account wont be as active anymore. might come back one day.
a lil’ info:
• If you’re under 18, then it means this place isn’t for you and YA BETTER GET OFF MA PROPERTY!! On a fr note, please do not interact if you’re a minor.
• characters I’m sorta confident I won’t mess up with (aka characters you can request for): Kai Anderson, Tate Langdon, Austin Sommers, Kyle Spencer, Kit Walker, Colin Zabel, Peter Maximoff, Stan Bowes, Luke Cooper, Charles Decker, + characters from The Boys
• characters I’m not so confident with right now: James Patrick March, Jimmy Darling, Warren Lipka, Mr. Gallant.
I’ll need a rewatch to get a better grasp of their character so they won’t be ooc, but I’ll make them available to request in the future!
• general requests are cool! but I really appreciate requests with a specific scenario/AU. This is a kink-friendly blog, so feel free to go wild!
Bots & fics masterlist below the cut!
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all of the bots below have detailed defintions and descriptions, along with example messages! So dw, none of them are empty carcasses of an ai bot
angst/dark themes - ✮ sfw - ❀ (might lead to) nsfw - ✧
c.ai filter breaking tut: pt.1, pt.2
Kai Anderson:
𝜗𝜚 Fanfics:
Your faithless love’s the only hoax I believe in. ✮
𝜗𝜚 Headcanons:
Kai Anderson SFW headcanons ❀
𝜗𝜚 AI bots:
Being in a toxic relationship with Kai (based off the song ‘Ultraviolence’) ✮
Kai breaking into your home for revenge ✮/✧
Visiting spiritual counselor!Kai to seek guidance ✮/❀
Kai coming up to you at a bookstore ❀
Kai “accidentally” spilling his coffee all over you ❀
⇢ I recommend the bookstore one over the coffee one if u r looking for a standard Kai bot to use, cuz the former’s settings are improved ((but like the coffee one’s still aight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Colin Zabel:
𝜗𝜚 Fanfics:
Everybody knows I’m a good girl, officer ✧
My haunted lungs, ghost in the sheets ✧
‘Cause when you know you know ❀
𝜗𝜚 AI bots:
Getting arrested by Colin… again ❀
Having your first session with therapist!Colin ❀
Professor!Colin teaching you on your first day of college ❀
Peter Maximoff:
Peter challenging you to Pac-Man at the arcade ❀
Chilling with Peter in his room ❀
You’re both lonely on prom night so Peter invites you to join him ❀
Stan Bowes:
You’re the daughter of Stan’s boss and he has to pick you up from a party ❀
Having your first ever dinner with sugardaddy!Stan ❀
Interrupting Stan in the middle of work ❀
Austin Sommers:
paparazzi!Austin who won’t stop pestering you ❀
Kyle Spencer:
Frankenkyle showing up at your doorstep in the middle of the night ❀
You’re a new witch at the academy and you’re responsible for Frankenkyle ❀
Studying alone with frat!Kyle at the campus library ❀
frat!Kyle comes up to you at a college party on New Year’s Eve ❀
Tate Langdon:
perv!Tate snapping photos of you in the school’s bathroom ✧
Helping Tate after he gets bullied at school ❀
Tate walking in on you playing a ritual game ❀
Dealing with an emotionally unstable Tate after your break up (based off the song ‘Meant to Be Yours’ from Heathers: The Musical) ✮
Kit Walker:
singledad!Kit hiring you as a babysitter ❀
Kit taking all the blame for you at the asylum ✮
bartender!Kit serving you a free drink ❀
Getting steamy with husband!Kit in the kitchen ✧
Luke Cooper:
Luke getting everyone’s coffee orders wrong but yours ❀
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everylastbird · 5 months
I've been thinking of a soulmates style au wherein hualian discover they are soulmates after XL saves HC as a child.
In this AU meeting your soulmate is incredibly rare and very auspicious, so even though HC is a commoner he is recognized as XL's future spouse and taken into the care of the royal family, but sequestered away from XL to maintain decorum. They see each other now and again, and interact during events and gatherings, but otherwise are kept separated. HC is delighted and pines and generally dreams of the day he gets to officially marry XL and be his wife.
(I like to personally use the term 'wife' in danmei specifically to mean 'the spouse that marries into the home of the other', so as he is marrying into XL's home, he would be the bride in this scenario.)
XL ascends, as in canon. Unlike in canon, when a soulmate ascends, so too does your soulmate, and HC ascends with XL.
XL also descends and falls from godhood, as in canon. Ever so magnanimous, JW ~kindly~ allows HC to stay in heaven upon XL's request, as HC didn't break any rules. HC is, however, bound to the heavens, unable to descend to seek out XL.
Centuries pass, and HC becomes known as a God of constancy, faithfulness, and marriage. He is regarded with both awe and pity. Poor HC, who remains loyal to a faithless god of misfortune. Isn't it incredible, how much he is willing and able to endure to uphold the sanctity of his marriage vows? He has a large faction of worshippers, mostly brides and wives in arranged, unhappy marriages, who pray to him for strength.
Few, if any, remember that Xianle fell before HC had the chance to marry XL. That all this time he has remained steadfast and true to his fiancé, rather than his husband. The gods that do look upon him with scorn and judgment. No one expects him to remain loyal to the likes of XL, so who does he think he is putting on this show for?
It doesn't matter what those gods, or even what his worshippers think of him, however. HC is loyal to XL out of love, and devotion. He is not suffering out of obligation. His only pain is that felt by his fiancé, and the pain of separation forced upon him.
And despite what the gods and his worshippers assume, he is not a long-suffering bride who sits and pines for his beloved. While he yearns for the day he can reunite with XL, HC spends his time playing the long-con. After all, is the keeping of house and home not one of the primary roles of any good wife? And the heavens are so steeped in filth. Certainly not worthy of his husband to be.
As for XL, he strives and toils to regain his godhood under the weight of his lost worshippers and the scorn of the gods who once praised him.
More than that, he worries, often, about HC, and his misplaced loyalty. Every now and then XL hears another tale of HC's endless, unshakeable loyalty, but with those tales also come stories of that devotion being nothing more than a shackle. Nothing is ever said of HC's love for his husband, or HC's happiness, only his impressive endurance in the face of obligation to a worthless husband. XL fears that HC is little more than a long suffering would-be bride, held back by XL's mistakes and the fate that bound them together without either of their say.
So XL does his best to regain his godhood, so that he may re-enter heaven and finally free HC from himself for good.
When, after 800 years, XL finally ascends once again, nothing is as he had expected it to be. There is a crowd, but no one is casting judgment or disparaging him. Instead, it seems as though he has ascended amidst the start of a lavish celebration.
As XL stands amidst a sea of joyful revelry, a procession slowly makes its way towards him, and at its end, a bridal sedan.
When the sedan stops before him and a hand moves aside its curtain, XL reaches out to grasp it without thinking. Gently, he leads the bride off of the sedan and onto solid ground.
XL looks up at a veil of opaque crimson silk. He cannot see the face behind it, does not even know, after all this time, what HC would even look like... But in this moment he knows, unquestionably, that this is not just any bride, but his bride.
Part of XL recalls that one of his main reasons to rise to godhood again was to let HC go, to finally allow him freedom from the weight of being tethered to someone like XL. And yet, any thoughts of breaking his vows to HC dry up in his mouth. He has thought of so many ways to say it, so many ways to cut HC loose of him without bringing HC any more pain, but he cannot bring himself to say any of them.
The hand in his grasp turns, and laces their fingers together. His bride's hand is strong, XL observes as though from a distance, unflinching and sure.
"Hello, gege," HC says. His voice is deeper than XL remembers, richer and more vibrant than anything he has experienced for decades, if not centuries. 
"Ah, San Lang, I'm sorry, " he manages to force out through his shock. His laugh is pitchy and uneven even to his own ears. "I'm afraid I'm not quite prepared...!"
"It's okay, gege." A thumb carasses his knuckles tenderly, and XL's throat tightens. "I already have everything ready for us."
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kyne-grotto · 1 year
Boss man: "Okay, I need you to focus on Gerson and Undyne."
Me: "Gerson and Undyne, Gerson and Undyne... got it."
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buntsukim · 1 year
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been a bit since ive drawn magifaith, huh? lol. heres some Emma. aint she silly? idk how to draw people sitting so yes it is BAD. shhh just pretend its good ok?
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explainslowly · 1 month
Day 13 of @spnficrecfest - Poly ships and rare-pairs
How to Succeed in Business Dean Smith hooks up with a mysterious pushy businessman
No Expenses Spared Blood magic gone wrong
Find Me Faithless Demon Dean is Crowley's prized bitch <3 (I have debated with myself whether to include this one but I believe we can all be reasonable - that said there is implied but not depicted bestiality at the end, ok? You have been warned. Anyway.)
To Lie with the Devil Don't bite off more than you can chew, Crowley says, stuffing the entire Castiel into his mouth.
When The Bill Comes Due Something something Castiel as a being of limitless hunger.
not him/not her/not me - graphic depiction of violence, creator chose not to use warnings Strange and fragmented <3 Meg and Cas meet in the empty.
Fractured link - Meanstiel sweet!
one on, two out - Dean/Deacon You ever think about Dean/Deacon? I do.
meet my girlfriend - Lisa Braeden/Daphne Allen hey.... what if Lisa and Daphne got together? Would that be crazy or what? Read on for some gender too.
to survive on this shore - Rhonda Hurley/Dean Winchester transfem Dean character portrait that will gut you in under 1k words
Any Port - Dean Winchester/Aaron Bass THE best Dean/Aaron canonverse fic I have found so far (bless au writers but I simply do not think Aaron is analogous to a dweeby training wheels boyfriend Dean doesn't like that much)
The Song In Your Blood - Dean Winchester/Siren (Nick Monroe), Rape I think we can all agree that Dean was looking for a little more than *just* a brother
Yes - Castiel/Jimmy Novak, Rape Canonverse. Jimmy's and Castiel's relationship sours, post Rapture.
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saiiboat · 1 year
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this is a normal au
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autisticandroids · 1 month
rarepair fic recs
slipping in my rarepair recs within hopefully like an hour of the deadline. for @spnficrecfest. i'm basically taking rarepairs to mean "anything but The Big Two" so like. if you wanna quibble with calling, say, megstiel a rarepair, that's the definition i'm using.
i actually have a bunch of other rarepair fics on my other lists: casjimmy, samlucifer, sastiel, samruby, and annamary here. crowstiel, deancaslisa, deancasmeg, daphne/emmanuel, and cas/rachel here. draowley here. dagonkelly here. raphael/naomi, deanpala, deancassie, sastiel, mary/naomi, megjo, and rowena/ofc here. samlucifer here. and megstiel on i think literally every list i've made so far. i'd also like to point you in the direction of a dark femslash reclist i made earlier this year.
anyway, rarepair fics in order of wordcount:
i could be kindly by anti_ela, .5k
deanalastair. well, it's exactly what you think.
the replacement by ravenspear, .5k
meg/nick (yes lucifer's vessel nick). meg won't kiss him until his mouth is cold enough.
buy you a round by nevcoleil, .5k
deanhenriksen. they meet again after jus in bello.
vessel by transgenderism, 1k
deancasmeg in season seven. and Gender.
wherever they roam (the sum of our influences) (orphaned work), 1k
deancasmeg. dean and meg met in hell. dean and cas met there too. all three meet again, topside.
aching everywhere by discoxena, 1k, chose not to warn
sammegjo. a seduction, rather than what we see in canon, and that makes it worse in the end.
another perfect moment (that doesn't feel like mine) by lesbiansailor, 1k, chose not to warn
alex jones/krissy chambers. munchausen's by proxy in a wayward sisters setting.
last call by angelszn, 2k
cassie/cisfem dean, in season three. one last phone call.
the pain in the end is all in your memory by filthyfealty, 2k
crowley/transfem dean. an exploration of what it's like to be a demon, and a girl, and dean winchester.
always sere, never blooming by smilla, 2k
deanvictor, after a hunt.
baby steps by angelszn, 2k
missouri/cisfem sam. sam has brain damage, so dean takes her to the only other psychic they know for help. i'm kind of obsessed with sam's characterization in this one, not gonna lie.
and the devil makes four by vaguesurprise, 2k
destiel, crowstiel, meanstiel, oh my! cas likes demons.
new religion (bring you to your knees) by electricskeptic, 2k
megstiel. meg realizes just how faithless cas is in season six.
the wrong game with the wrong chips by a_diamond, 3k
endverse cas/risa. they talk about being dean's discard pile.
the thing about glass slippers by krisomniac, 5k
deanhenriksen. dean allows himself to be temporarily transformed into a woman in order to go undercover and seduce henriksen. she likes it.
end of days (orphaned work), 5k
megstiel and deancasmeg in a pacific rim au.
one night by reapertownusa, 7k
deanhenriksen. a last encounter, three weeks before the deadline.
proxy by bleedingink, 8k
samcasmeg. three people in two bodies, and enough tension to cut with a knife.
grace by nerdylittleangelenthusiast, 13k, violence and mcd
crowstiel. a season twelve mpreg story. cas is on the run with kelly, and crowley is so sweet on him. abandoned but i would rec it anyway.
masters by twisted_slinky, 15k, noncon and violence warnings
deanmeg and megstiel. a story about meg from season three to season seven, as recounted by the demon herself. remember when meg said "i apprenticed under alastair in hell, just like your brother, so dean, can i make crowley do whatever i want?"
the passenger by hansbekhart, 34k, violence and mcd warnings
deanhenriksen. victor survives jus in bello, but just barely. when he's back on his feet again, he goes to meet the winchesters.
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Savior Complex Part Two
Lottie Matthews x Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader
sypnosis: Sick with guilt, scared of every shadow, hungry and stubborn, this is no way to live life. You lay in the attic all day, let the world pass you by, watching as memories play over and over, but there is blood on your hands and in your teeth. You can never get it off.
a/n: another au where coach ben didn’t burn down the cabin bc again… i am not dealing w that ❤️ and also I WANTED HURT/COMFORT SO I WROTE HURT/COMFORT. DEAL W IT. i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: mentions of death, cannibalism, swearing, depression, suicidal ideation, tell me if i missed anything!!
You will never forget the sound his body made as he landed in the bottom of the pit. You will never forget that first moment you saw him, when all you saw was his still body and the blood. You will never forget the moment you had realized what had happened, when you saw the spikes and the blood, and you realized what his stillness meant.
Maybe the way that your mind had forced you into this loop where you constantly though about it was why you had these dreams.
Another night, another nightmare, and you shoot up straight in the flimsy mattress you call a bed. Natalie and Lottie’s arms fall from around you, and you push them off, the blankets off, everything away, because you can’t stand to be warm when he never will be warm again.
You cry. You cry. You didn’t know it was possible to cry this much, for your starved and hungry body to hold this much tears.
“Don’t cry, don’t cry,” someone is whispering, brushing the hair out of your face, and someone else just wraps themselves around you so you won’t hurt yourself or them in your frenzy.
Lottie kisses your shoulder and mumbles something. A prayer, maybe. You feel numb again.
Natalie takes your face in her hands, stares into your eyes, but it feels like she’s a ghost. You want to stare into her soft eyes, you want to kiss her, you want it to be how it was- but you just look through her.
She touches your temples.
“What is happening in here?” she whispers, her voice full of such genuine confusion, and when you can finally stare into her eyes, you realize she’s crying.
“I don’t know,” you whisper back, your voice scratchy from not being used. “I don’t know.”
She wipes away your tears, taking a deep breath and wrapping herself around you tighter, so your face is pressed into her chest. She sets her chin on top of your head.
And she holds you like that for a long time until she must think you’re asleep, so she guides you to lay down in that same position, the room quiet except for soft breaths.
“I-I don’t know how to help her, Lot.”
Lottie scratches your scalp. She doesn’t speak. She doesn’t know either.
As soon as you woke up, you knew this day would be as worst as the last. So, like the day before, you didn’t wake up. After a while, Natalie detangles herself from you and Lottie, heading downstairs.
Since the hunt, Natalie had been the only one to leave the attic. Lottie had reopened all of her cuts and bruises in the aftermath, aggravating every sore spot in her body.
It was hard for her to get up and down the stairs.
But at least she had a reason.
You had turned into this black hole of a thing, sucking in breath and warmth and attention and letting out nothing in return.
Even now, as you lay on your side, Lottie pressed against your back, she’s trying to keep you warm, trying to make you feel better- running her hands through your scalp.
And if it was the before, if you still had some semblance of faith left in you- if you could believe that the world held something good in it, you would love it. You would love her attention and her comfort.
But every time you close your eyes you see his tiny bloody body. You feel the blood sinking under your skin. You hear the sound as he fell and landed.
You aren’t a person anymore. You’re a black hole, and all you can do is take.
It’s not hard to realize that Natalie and Lottie are treating you like glass. And maybe you would be annoyed if you didn’t feel like glass.
You haven’t been able to eat since the hunt.
And you know they’re trying to be kind to you and your grief, but every time Nat looks at you in the light, she looks so concerned. You know you must be looking horrible, hungry and dirty.
Nat looks at you as she passes Lottie’s cup to her, full of meat that the scent of sends a sharp pang of hunger through your stomach. Lottie moves away from you so you don’t have to smell it or hear her chew it.
“You should really eat,” Natalie whispers. “I can find something for you.”
You look through her. And you know she notices it too by the way her shoulders drop.
“I’m tired,” you murmur softly, and you are. You’re tired of living the same memories every time you close your eyes. You’re tired of the hunger in your stomach.
You look down, fixing the blankets around you.
You can still feel her eyes on you. She doesn’t stop looking.
Lottie sets her metal cup onto the floor, untouched, and you look up in shock. Food is a commodity here. She should eat it before it gets cold. You would if you could.
“We know you’re scared,” she says, crawling gingerly towards you. You look at the floor and bring your knees to your chest. “But you can’t let your fear drive you to death.”
You scoff, automatically, because at you’re core you’re just a teenager girl who can’t fathom the notion of death.
“I’m serious,” Lottie whispers, her voice falling softly. She places her hand on your chest. “Breathe. In and out-”
“Lottie,” Nat says, her voice soft for you but her tone stern. Lottie rolls her eyes and turns back to you.
And it’s so casual, and so them, that you can help but smile.
They both seem a little shocked for a moment, but your smile doesn’t falter, too caught up in such a before moment, that they quickly slap their own smiles on their faces just so you’ll keep smiling.
Nat places her hand on your knee, still drawn up to your chest-
“We love you,” she says. And it’s just so true and so obvious that you believe her.
And even though you don’t know if you’ll ever not feel this horrible black hole in your chest, they love you.
When the first tears come, Natalie just wipes them away with her thumbs. But when they come like a rain storm, and your sharp breathes sound like thunder, she doesn’t bother trying to stop them.
Lottie comes behind you and wraps her arms around your waist, letting you fall against her, and the tight ball you had wound yourself up into falls. Natalie gets on her knees and presses your face to her chest.
“I love you,” Lottie whispers. “We love you.”
And they whisper it so many times the phrase starts to sound funny.
“It’s okay,” Nat whispers, because she has always been the type of person to throw a band-aid over a bullet hole. “It’s gonna be okay.”
“And it doesn’t feel like it,” Lottie continues, “But I know it will come. And you don’t have to do anything unless you want to, and… and we’ll always be here to make you do the stuff you have to do, no matter if you want to do it.”
It does not take away the fact that you feel like a black hole. It does not make Javi alive again. It doesn’t make you feel any less guilty.
But it makes you feel loved.
You are faithless, but maybe they have enough faith for the three of you.
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