faithnmisery-blog · 11 years
I'm now at oidonna.
Redirect page under construction.
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claraoswaald · 11 years
Snowing? :3
ship: vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
blog: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10+ | omg i can’t 
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pjmoonchild · 11 years
i don'T KNOW i've been here the whole time!!!
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daisyishedwig · 11 years
Benedict Cumberbatch, Darren Criss and David Tennant. Go, go go!
Husband: Darren CrissBest Friend: David TennantBrother: Benedict Cumberbatch 
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carols-danvers · 11 years
I was #135! Good luck!
thank you so much! :D
URL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjk
ICON: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjk
THEME: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjk
SIDEBAR: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjk
POSTS: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless |asdfghjk
FOLLOWING: no| yes | forever
RATE: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| LET ME MARRY YOU
vote for me here and i’ll rate your blog!
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petercapaldy · 12 years
✌ Hola Lean, estoy al pedo (?).
Hola Lau! ♥
URL: idk | ok | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
ICON: idk | ok | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
THEME: idk | ok | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
POSTS: idk | ok | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
FOLLOWING: no, sorry | yes | I am now
overall RATE: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |9 | 10 | +10
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carmilladekarnstein · 12 years
Gleeks argentinos, seamos unidos (?).
jajajaj hay muchos che?
yo conozco dos chabonas re molestas que son de arg aca jajajaj
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kingschuck · 12 years
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newtonfidoscamander · 12 years
There are so many Green Day fans who are gleeks as well. WE'RE NOT ALONE!
I KNOW, it's the best thing ever!
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struckbylux · 13 years
Sigh. Saved them for last.
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Dear Chris,
So begins another letter to you, another message for us both.
Firstly, I hope you're doing well. I hope you're getting sleep. I hope you loved Irina's backpack, and carry your lunch in it sometimes, and name the llama something different every time someone asks about it. I hope you liked my pendant, and that the letter that actually (miraculously, unbelievably) made it into your hands didn't scare you away. (I'm creepy, don't cry?)
I hope you're still enjoying every moment of the ride, loving the view from the heights which your extraordinary talent and character have risen you to. I hope the next year of milestones, of completed bucket lists and crazy adolescence and unparalleled success, is a beautiful one for you, and that the ones that follow are only more so.
You just deserve so much.
I know I'm young, but I've seen a lot. I know that's something you can understand. I've seen things I wish I hadn't, but am I glad I have. I've heard things I can never forget the sound of, read things I will never stop knowing. And sometimes it all just gets to be too much for me. And I start to crack a little. But then, so many times, I think of you. I think of you because you are my single brightest source of hope, because despite how easy it is to forget, you're a 90s kid too, because you always smile like you mean it. You smile like it's unthinkable not to, like you've got the sun in your hands, like pain ain't nothin' but a hound dog. So I think of you, because I know you're just a human being but I can't help but feel that you're not, that you're so much more than that. 
Because when I'm sitting in the wind and feeling broken I can remember that you've felt so much more and yet smile so much brighter. And it's far from logical but I think that hey, if you can do it, maybe I can too.
So thanks.
I've thanked you before, for everything you've done and continue to do for me and for others. So this you've heard. But what my letter to you, my real letter to you (pinch me) couldn't possibly foresee to tell you was how October 1st, 2011 was the best night of my life. And how much I want to thank you for that.
I think about it every day, talk about it almost as often. I relive it in my head, break it down, sum it up, try my best not to cry because really it's been almost two months shouldn't I be moving on? But I can't. I can't move on because that night will always be a part of me. We've all got our heroes, Chris, and you're my main squeeze, my lighthouse. And that's why meeting you, speaking to you, sitting four feet from you and being filled with warmth from the laughter in your eyes for an hour and a half are things that will stay with me forever. You made it too easy. You broke down, if just temporarily, the fourth wall of fanaticism. I wasn't a screaming, detached fangirl in front of you. I was just another person, someone to talk to, to laugh with. It was absolutely extraordinary.
And, god, the respect I have for you. For your ambition, for your drive, for your dedication and perspective and compassion and humor. I was lucky enough to be there to hear you give some phenomenal answers to fans who admire you for your hard work and artistry, and even luckier to have you answer one of my own questions. And what you told me that night, with such honesty and equivalence, will stay with me forever.
I'll never stop being grateful to you. Your handprint's on my heart.
Love, Lux
P.S. Still waiting on Roller Derby Glee over here. It has to happen! Ryan hasn't had a problem with putting you all in skates before! Tell his people to call my people.
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biandevil · 13 years
It got so crazy in here, I forgot to welcome you guys!
queen-bey-xxxxx started following you
dapperness started following you
kurtchelhummelberry started following you
faithnmisery started following you
fracturedillusions started following you
potterheadgleekfreak started following you
Thanks for following loves <3
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faithnmisery replied to your post: Please tell me I’m not the only person who has... I only read the first one and I loved it! I cannot find the other books :( But is Catching Fire bad? Or it isn’t as good as the others two?
It's not a bad book. I like all of them, but I just don't like some aspects of Catching Fire. But I would for sure finish up the series. Mockingjay is actually my favorite.
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