#faller gene au
ghostypetrainer · 1 year
Just want y’all to know that in the faller gene AU, someone absolutely buys Zisu a ‘Sun’s Out, Guns Out’ tank-top. This is critical information about this AU.
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actualbird · 2 years
Pokémon AU is amazing 😁 Gotta know a few things though:
1) Who'd most likely catch/encounter a Shiny?
2) Do the guys or Rosa participate in the Stellis version of contests or the Battle Frontier? If so, where would they participate?
3) Would Zangr be considered a Faller?
4) What types of Pokéballs do Rosa + the male leads carry most often? (e.g. Heal Ball, Ultra Ball)
5) In a world where Pokémon exist in Stellis, would Rosa have a debate with a regular pigeon or a Pidove?
irt the tot pokemon au i threw together like i was throwing pasta at a wall
eyyo, glad u like the au!!! :DDD
1) marius. not because hes lucky but because the von hagens have been breeding dragon pokemon for years and years and YEAAAARSSS both for battling/gym purposes and general conservation efforts for dragon pokemon in general. still, this does mean that the dragon pokemon bred at the estate have got some pretty damn healthy, powerful, and SHINY genes in their DNA. marius has grown up seeing shiny dragon pokemon, it's no biggie. the absolute privilege on this dude
secondplace is artem. the litleo on his team is a shiny actually. but neither he or anybody else notices bc the difference is nigh IMPERCEPTIBLE
2) hmmm in this au, i dont think she'd do either since this au is largely still following a lot of the og canon!
3) hold up, i gotta go google what a Faller is---OOOOHHH OKAY OKAY. LMAO, oh he definitely TELLS everybody hes a Faller but nobody takes him seriously on that cuz hes not just saying he fell thru a wormhole, hes saying this reality isnt a real one at all. theyre pretty sure hes insane
4) hmmmmmmmm, i think itd be a general mix of normal pokeballs and great balls. all the other kinds of pokeballs seem more specialized for people who are really Only focused on pokemon catching and battling, and in this au, none of the nxx team fit in that niche
also, pax manufactures pokeballs HAHA
OH SHE IS SO ARGUING WITH PIDOVES!!! and all other common city bird pokemons. pidgeys, spearows, starlys. all of them have some kind of grudge against her ajshvfjashf
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phopollo · 3 years
pls i would love to hear you rambling about this new au. what has Marcy done to herself, what dna she used? how did Olivia met Marcy and Grime Sasha? what about Yunan and Anne?
Very glad you asked!
What did Marcy do to herself, what DNA did she use?:
An excellent question! Marcy actually doesn't mix the DNA of one living thing with another, they change what's already there!
They also do some stuff kind of similar to plastic surgery, as often, just DNA and gene changing doesn't get the final result wanted!
Due to lack or volunteers willing to be tested on and permanently change their bodies, Marcy did a lot of experimenting and testing on herself-- little things at a time!
Here's the list of little "modifications" Marcy's done to themselves:
Pointy ears
Night vision
Gills! (For decorative purposes-- they don't actually function, unfortunately, but that's being worked on!)
Fangs :)
Marcy has also done a few little things for Olivia, but, nothing quite as out of left field as what she did to herself!
How did Olivia meet Marcy?:
The night Olivia left the mafia-- or-- well, she was more run out-- she found herself unsure of what to do. Assets she'd inherited when she'd stepped into the role of mob boss were momentarily unattainable.
She had literally nothing.
Fortunately! She happened to be in the right place at the right time, and saw a certain someone falling down a flight of stairs
Despite everything, Olivia is a kind person-- she couldn't just walk away from watching someone take such a fall
Olivia found herself helping the stair faller-- who she quickly found out was named Marcy (bc Marcy would *not* shut up, to Olivia's momentary dismay)-- back to where they were staying
Unfortunately, at the time, neither had the money to pay for a hospital bill, leading to Olivia nursing Marcy herself
After that, they never really stopped living together, even after Olivia regained her assets
(Assuming this is what you meant! Please correct me if I'm wrong!) How did Sasha and Grime meet?:
BUCKLE UP, THIS ONE IS LONG, MOSTLY BACKSTORY & PRETTY CONFUSING (also, it's a little dark, so, be warned-)
As I mentioned before, Sasha comes from a family with money, and Grime runs a dance studio! (It's most well known for Rumba :) )
So-- this is mostly Sasha centered, and also where the AU gets C O N F U S I N G-- but I'll try to explain it as best & as concisely as possible!
Sasha's parents being as rich as they are get away with nearly everything-- that includes having pretty much indentured servants. It's easier for them to get away with this because-- well--
All of them are dead
To make a long explanation short: there's a bit of a civil war going on, and a lot of weird technology. Thus, many folks who died as casualties of war were able to have their souls retrieved, and placed into more... mechanical bodies.
The Waybrights sort of... did this in mass, promising those who worked for them that they'd reunite them with their loved ones. They never followed through.
Anyone who refused had their body taken away, leading to an unfortunate number of people agreeing, either in hopes they one day would reunite, or simply out of fear for the unknown of what may happen upon having their souls separated from a body again
So-- jumping back to Sasha-- her parents didn't parent her very well, and threw money at her rather than raising her
This lead to Sasha becoming rather attached to some of the... we'll say laborers, who worked more closely in her home, and developing a favorite with a kind man named Hopadiah Plantar, who to this day, she still does everything with
Often times, Hopadiah would talk about his family before death (his daughter, his son-in-law-to-be, and his grandson) and would tell Sasha about some of his fondest memories with them, some of which included dancing with his daughter and attending dance classes with her
While Sasha's sense of other people's feelings is... a bit off, to put it politely, she could tell it would mean a lot to Hopadiah to get to dance with his daughter again
But-- rather than putting in the work to try and find her for him, Sasha decided the best option would be to take dance classes herself, since Hopadiah was more of a parent to her than her own, assuming he'd see her like a daughter the way she saw him like a parent
To put it simply; Grime's studio offered the best classes that money could pay for, and thus, Sasha decided to attend classes there
But she wasn't satisfied with the classes she was receiving, and rose a huge stink until she was able to speak with the man who ran the studio; Grime
Some shouting and calling Sasha an entitled brat later, Grime agreed to give Sasha private lessons, taught by himself, to give Sasha the "experience" she so desired
It-- was admittedly quite rocky for awhile there, but now Grime considers Sasha to be his favorite student
What about Yunan and Anne?:
Oh, you'll see :)
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ghostypetrainer · 1 year
Emil and Eliza also love puns, just like their father. Emmet truly does not know what he expected. Of course they do.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Faller gene AU: between Ingo's local celebrity status and Zisu's history as a move tutor, do Agile/Strong style moves make a bit of a resurgence in Unova?
I know if my opponent used 3 attacks against me before I could even react, I'd want to know how to do that.
I imagine Zisu is willing to teach anyone who's willing to listen! I don't think there's *quite* a resurgence, because I imagine learning agile and strong styles in the modern day is a bit of a challenge, but there's definitely more people using them before (as in, a non-zero number).
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Faller gene au where Emmet cries upon seeing his niece not because he’s mad at her or sad but because it means in the 10+ years his brother’s been gone he got married while Emmet didn’t
LMAO, I don't think he'd cry over it!! Emmet would probably be entirely chill over being single until he found the right person. Dating's not necessarily a priority!!
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Spy x family faller gene crossover where uhhhh things happen and WHOOPS Akari’s an older sister now. I have no idea how this would work I just think it would be hilarious
That's just the eventual canon ending to the AU.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
For the Faller Gene AU, Who regails Emmet and Elesa with the kid's embarrassing baby stories more? Ingo or Zisu?
Bold of you to assume it's not both of them.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
what would emil and eliza's relationship w kuro and akari be like if they knew each other?
I assume this is about the version of Kuro and Akari where they're clones!! Anyways they meet each other on Pasio and become buddies. They probably think it's a little weird that their dad has different kids in another universe, but their siblings(?) are fun and strong at battling... even if Kuro can be a little mean sometimes. I imagine he and Emil don't actually get along at first but he's eventually bullied into being nicer by Eliza and Akari and he apologizes to Emil.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
POV: You are a newcomer in Jubilife Village, an immigrant from another land who found employment with the Security Corps. You’re not as fearsome of a battler as Captain Zisu is, but you think you and your Primeape are a pretty strong pair. You get to know the Captain’s twins, Eliza and Emil, and learn that their father is a Warden of the Pearl Clan- which would explain their Pearl Clan tunics, you suppose.
You don’t know much about Warden Ingo. He hasn’t been able to visit lately, having been preoccupied with affairs of the Pearl Clan. You’ve heard some stories though- that he’s one of the strongest Pokemon trainers in all of Hisui, and whispers of his amnesia and the fact that he simply appeared in Hisui one day. You also hear from Captain Zisu that he’s an indulgent father who loves his kids.
Then one day, you see the Captain’s twins with the most intimidating man you’ve ever seen in your life. He’s wearing a black coat and cap that look like they’ve been through hell, and his sharp silver eyes make it seem like he can see right through you and he’s wearing a sterner expression than even Captain Cyllene. He’s not as tall as the Captain, but he’s still tall and seems to loom with it. There’s a Gliscor floating near him that looks extremely strong.
“Oh,” you hear one of your fellow Security Corps members say, “-Captain Zisu’s husband is back.”
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Ingo/Zisu AU where they get together and have kids! I’m picturing them as being boy girl fraternal twins, with the girl being the older sister and the boy being the younger brother. The boy is named Emil (unknowingly after Emmet) and the girl is named Eliza (unknowingly after Elesa) and they both grow up with a strong love for Pokemon and battling, taking after both of their respective parents.
Eliza has silver hair and Emil has red hair! I’m picturing Eliza with a Teddiursa and Emil with a Shellos. They each have a Sneasel! They mostly live with their mom in Jubilife Village since it’s safer, but Ingo visits often and sometimes Zisu will bring them to visit their dad in the Highlands. Lady Sneasler adores them. Akari is just like it’s MY time to be the aunt now. :)
And then Eliza somehow gets transported to the future and is deposited in the middle of Gear Station. Oops.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Emmet is excited at first to meet Zisu because she loves pokemon battling (and is pretty good at it!) but then realizes that now he has to deal with Drayden, Ingo and Zisu all trying to get him to work out.
It's just. The fact that INGO. His BROTHER Ingo. His TWIN Ingo. Is now among those trying to convince him that working out is good actually is just such a deep betrayal to Emmet. You used to be just as scrawny as me!! How could you, Ingo? It's like I don't even recognize you anymore!!!
Ingo: Yes, that's all very dramatic. Now will you come with us on our morning run?
Emmet: I would rather die.
Zisu: Then perish.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
some more thoughts about Ingo and Zisu’s twins, in no particular order!
They are probably both seven when Eliza is yeeted to Unova!
Eliza has curly hair like her mom, and in the future she’ll probably have little ringlet curls that frame her face, not unlike her father and uncle’s sideburns. Emil actually has the sideburns, though!!
Eliza wants to one day become a Warden just like her dad! After they return to the future with him for real this time, she decides to become the next best thing, which is a Pokemon Ranger!
Emil eventually comes out of his shell and grows up to have a very boisterous personality, like his mom! He’s not quite sure what he wants to do in the future, both in Hisui and in Unova. I like to think he eventually becomes a member of the Elite Four, though.
Eliza is always smiling, but it’s the kind of smile that makes her look like she’s Up To Something and Emil is always frowning, but it’s the kind of frown that makes it look like he’s always worried about something.
Emil is very soft-spoken, even after he comes out of his shell and Eliza is very LOUD like her dad- but unfortunately for everyone else, she also actively shouts. The future is loud but she will be LOUDER.
They both like trains once they’re introduced to them. They’re not AS into them as their dad and uncle, but they are pretty cool!!!
Eliza wears hoodies all the time when she’s sent to the future, since they’re familiar to her bc of her Pearl Clan tunic. She also probably wears a variety of cute one-piece dresses that Elesa helps her pick out and colorful stockings! I think she goes for bright colors and patterns you just can’t find in Hisui.
The twins are considered to be part of the Pearl Clan as much as they are considered to be part of Jubilife. Zisu also becomes an honorary Pearl Clan member by relation.
All of their parents’ Pokemon adore the kids, but their favorite babysitter is probably Zisu’s Honchkrow. Tangrowth is a close second, though!!
They adore their Aunt Akari, and were probably born just a little after the events of the post-game so they’ve grown up with her around!!
Naturally, these kids grow up to be completely fearless of Pokemon. Also now that I’m thinking about it, I think Emil gets the Rowlet from Laventon and Eliza gets the Oshawott that Akari didn’t take. She takes the Cyndaquil in this verse, I guess!!
They know Drayden is their great-uncle, but they just call him Grandpa.
Anthe does her best to replicate Ingo’s cap for them after they beg her to. She doesn’t have the right material for it, of course- but she gets the shape fairly close!!
Eliza’s signature color is purple and Emil’s is yellow.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Does Eliza tell Emmet and Elesa about the cool things her dad has done? Like climb a whole cliff in less then ten minutes or fight a alpha Pokemon without pokemon
Emmet and Elesa might not believe it until they see Ingo again and realise she was telling the truth
They're just awwww cute, she's hyping up her dad so much. :) They just smile at each other like they don't believe half of this, but it's so sweet that she's trying to make her dad sound really cool to them. They're certain Ingo will do that affectionate chuckle of his when they tell him later- because they will tell him, since they will reunite.
And then when they finally do... they take one look at Ingo's rugged mountain man appearance and the way he so easily lifts Eliza- and then later, each of them- and start to wonder if maybe Eliza wasn't exaggerating as much as they'd first thought. Then they see him spar with Zisu at the training grounds and it just sinks in like oh god. Ingo's gotten buff. What the fuck.
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