magpieclan · 5 months
Moon 4!!
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Our first arrival! Marathon :) Similar to Faithpelt and Bumblekit, he also breaks the Follower of Magpie's traditions by being a brown cat! Limedew has the hardest time adjusting to this change, but is nonetheless just as willing as everyone else to see it through!
Love the 1st page! Unsure about page 2 but Marathon is so sad and wet so I let it slide
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cloverclan-pixelcats · 7 months
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2 DAY'S. IT TOOK ME 2 DAY'S Please meet OakClan! A bunch of cats that came out of nowhere, They're a rather friendly but won't talk about thear past, or why the youngest kit has a scar on his side, In any case. StarClan givted ther leader. Brokenstar her Nine lives in Moon Meadow. They name come from Old oak tree guarding their camp.Their territory is mostly made up of grassland's and valleys north of the swampy areas of WingdClan And the forests where MerygoldClan and RootClan reside
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timeclansmoons · 4 months
moon 42
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goth malewife joins the clan
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Oh yeah btw spiderkit died
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chubfeather · 8 months
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Fallingstar- a leader of Honeyclan, previously their medicine cat, Fallingstep. More under the cut!
Fallingstep qas chosen to lead Honeyclan by starclan after the leader and deputy died in a great battle. Gatorhowl was his mentor- and she trained him as a medicine cat, but also taught him many battle moves.
Fallingkit was born with a wobble- something his mother, Snowstorm, believed would make him a nuisance to the clan, and something she thought would soon kill him as a kit. Gatorhowl was furious with her over her mistreatment of the young kit, and adopted Fallingkit as her own son [despite protests of the clan that she was a medicine cat- Slatestar allowed this, saying she was the only one who stepped up to the responsibility]. She tied his legs to increase his range of movement, something that got the kit up and walking on his own- albeit, always with a wobble. Fallingkit wanted to be a medicine cat like her- which she hesitated to allow at first. She didn't want Fallingkit to feel as if it was the only path available to him, but after nagging her for two moons she eventually gave in.
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silentclan · 1 year
silentclan, 12 moons
cloverpaw was given her warrior name: cloverfall.
honeypaw was given his warrior name: honeystem.
running, a rogue, decides to join the clan and take on a warrior name: runningthunder.
thymepatch joined the clan as a medicine cat with his kits: yuccakit, hemlockkit, frozenkit, and fallingkit. 
flitkit and lightningkit were made apprentices, and assigned leafpelt and duskspeckle as their mentors, respectively.
jesse, a kittypet, joined the clan after something terrible happened to her two-legs.
yuccakit, hemlockkit, frozenkit and fallingkit were made apprentices, and assigned jesse, wheatstripe, runningthunder, and honeystem as their mentors, respectively.
wheatstripe returned to the clan with his three kits, saying nothing about their origins: auburnkit, roarkit, and gravelkit.
while gathering herbs, thymepatch came along briardapple who had recently given birth; she joined the clan with her kits: thistlekit, russetkit, and sunnykit.
while on patrol, silentclan’s warriors come across primrose - a sickly kittypet who was abandoned by her twolegs. they offer her refuge, at least until she has recovered.
it was discovered that thistlekit was born blind in one eye.
auburnkit was snatched by a hawk but saved by jesse. however, they later succumbed to their wounds and were granted a place among starclan.
in the same moon, lotusplume was taken by whitecough, leaving the clan with only one medicine cat.
briardapple was killed by a stray dog while on patrol with her clanmates.
lightningpaw was given her warrior name: lightningstrike.
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clansofseven · 1 year
The First Cycle v2
Here's another run of the story! It is a gloomy afternoon in late leaffall. Our runaway mates are:
Miststar (Mistheart): A black tom with high white spotting and amber eyes. He is 6.5. He is known for taking everything seriously. This attitude made him the deputy before he left Thunderclan. The most important thing to him is his mate.
Snakebuzz (formerly Snakestar): A long-haired blue mackerel tabby queen with moderate white spotting and amber eyes. She is 6.5. She is extremely independent, which is why she would prefer life outside of her old clan. She stepped down as leader and made her mate the Cavernclan leader out of respect of him and a weakening body.
A blizzard is rolling in this evening. Snakebuzz has hurt both of her front paws after accidentally triggering a rockfall after following Miststar out to get snow. They heal quickly and there is no serious damage.
It is a beautiful afternoon. Miststar storms a rogue camp near his territory alone while Snakebuzz is asleep in their den. She has learned that she is expecting kits. While a risky move, the rogues back their camp up slightly and Miststar comes back with a bitten right ear.
It is a snowy night. Snakebuzz has kitted a litter of five.
Flurrykit - A medium-haired black queen with high white spotting and amber eyes. She carries dilution. She is the heir to her father's leadership.
Mousekit - A medium-haired black mackerel tabby queen with high white spotting and amber eyes. She carries dilution.
Rainkit - A medium-haired black tom with high white spotting and amber eyes. He carries dilution.
Pricklekit - A medium-haired black mackerel tabby tom with high white spotting and amber eyes. He carries dilution.
Fallingkit - A medium-haired black queen with high white spotting and amber eyes. She carries dilution.
Miststar returns to the camp with a freshly killed mouse to discover that Pricklekit is missing. Snakebuzz is afraid and wants to go find him, but she must watch the other kits. She says that one of the rogues came in and grabbed him to make a point. She fought back, but he got away. Miststar follows his trail and discovers him in the rogue camp. They tussle and the rogue accidentally swipes at Pricklekit. He loses his right ear and the hearing in it.
The first rain of newleaf is falling this morning. Pricklekit fell ill and passed away. Miststar sleeps to hide from the grief of his son. Snakebuzz feeds the kits, wanting to move on and keep the other four happy.
It is a gloomy night. Flurrykit accidentally envoked the wrath of her father, talking back to him one too many times. He has sent her away at only two moons. She wanders towards a distant group of pine trees. This makes Mousekit the new heir. Snakebuzz is also expecting again, working well to replenish the growing clan after Pricklekit and Flurrykit. Snakebuzz leads all of the kits to the stream, angry about the circumstances. Miststar paces the camp, angry that he "had" to banish his heir.
It is a dreary morning. Fallingkit was bit by a snake and could not be saved. Snakebuzz's second litter was also born.
Whitekit - A medium-haired black tom with high white spotting and amber eyes. He carries dilution.
Wetkit - A medium-haired black mackerel tabby tom with high white spotting and amber eyes. He carries dilution.
Waspkit - A medium-haired black queen with high white spotting and amber eyes. She carries dilution.
Dandelionkit - A medium-haired black queen with high white spotting and amber eyes. She carries dilution.
Morningkit - A medium-haired black queen with high white spotting and amber eyes. She carries dilution.
Pikekit - A medium-haired black queen with high white spotting and amber eyes. She carries dilution.
As the kits squirm at her side, Snakebuzz shares a vole and a mouse with her older two kits. Miststar has gone to the stream in the meantime to watch for the rogues. No one is taking any of his children this time. Deep in the pines, a kitten sleeps on a big Twoleg boulder. She has renamed herself Flurrystar and this abandoned Twoleg den is now her camp: Pineclan's camp.
It is a drizzly afternoon. Whitekit was knocked into the stream by Morningkit and was never seen again. Miststar nearly drowned trying to save him. A bit of water now sits in his lungs. Snakebuzz was horrified when she returned from her hunt with a mouse for the older kittens. Flurrystar has made a new friend, a lost kitten her age.
Storkkit - A blue mackerel tabby queen with green eyes.
It is a very dark night. Morningkit weakened and passed away. Mousekit was sent away by her father for the same reasons as her mother. Rainkit is the new heir to leadership and the only remaining of his litter. Snakebuzz went to find her daughter alone, but the rouges caught up with her. Their leader's claws met in her neck and she never rose again. Rainkit watches over his sleeping siblings as his father sits in the center of the main cave. He has noted the new cat in the camp that seems too close to his father too quickly.
Beechwhisker - A blue queen with blind eyes. She is 6.75. She is incredibly conceited and only cares about herself.
Storkkit and Flurrystar stay up through the night, playing and talking.
It is a stormy night. Waspkit is taken by Twolegs and is never seen again. Rainpaw has shown himself to be gentle, especially to his siblings. He loves his family and cannot wait to take his father's place. He was angry about Beechwhisker at first, but now he can't complain about his father's new mate. He is pleased that his siblings are now old enough for their own den. They now sleep in the cave across from his. It isn't as lonely anymore. In Pineclan, Flurrystar nibbles on her rabbit as she stares out the window of her den. Storkpaw has gone for water from the lake. She will watch for her. She has become brave from her predicament and compassionate towards others. Her best friend is a simple cat with simple pleasures, but she tells the best jokes. Mousestar has found herself in a thick swamp. She drinks from the murky water. She is plain, but has decided to be considerate of the others who shall join her clan.
It is a very dark night. Beechwhisker has gone to the stream to drink while Miststar chats with her about the kittens. Rainpaw sits and entertains his younger siblings. Flurrystar wants to play with her companion, but Storkpaw wishes she would just go to sleep. Mousestar marks her borders. Mudclan will prosper, even if she is the sole cat.
It is a foggy morning. A tree falls in the swamp and traps Mousestar beneath it. Pikekit fell ill with greencough and died. Rainpaw shares tongues with his father as Beechwhisker eats her rabbit beside them. Wetkit and Dandelionkit share a fish between them. It is not the same without Pikekit. Flurrystar cracks an egg with her teeth and she can feel Storkpaw's green eyes staring at her.
It is a stormy afternoon. A rogue has trapped Storkpaw in the water. Flurrystar chased the rogue away, but it was too late for her friend. Miststar breaks open a robin's egg as Beechwhisker grooms beside him. Wetpaw and Dandelionpaw practice their skills in the center of camp. Rainpaw is happy to share a den with someone again. They are both giving and want to share everything with the others in camp. Wetpaw seems to have a more conniving nature than his friendly sister. A rogue corners Rainpaw in the forest. They battle and Rainpaw emerges victorious. He runs back to camp to alert his father. A new cat has joined Flurrystar's camp, bringing her some comfort in the death of her best friend.
Troutpaw - A long-haired fawn queen with yellow eyes. She is .75. She is demanding of her friend and a deep sadness surrounds her.
I will post the second cycle ASAP!
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mandareeboo · 2 years
For the hypokit ask with your warrior kitty OCs how bout uhhhh Birchfoot and… *throws pin at a wall* Cherryfur. And Pikewing and Hawkflower? Man these are so random I’m sorry, I tried
Birchfoot (brown tom with white paws and a white spot on his chest) + Cherryfur (calico she-cat)
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Fawnkit (light brown and white tabby molly)- gentle and kind-hearted, Fawnkit is a shoe-in for the next medicine cat. Her papa taught her to always value the cats around you more than societal norms, and she often crosses into other territories to assist other medicine cats during dire times. This makes her less-than-popular with the older crowd, but apprentices flock to her for advice on cross-border romance and friendships. (Later named Fawnheart).
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Rockkit (black and white long-furred molly)- named after Stonebird, Rockkit has her mother's passion and both her parents' sense of loyalty. She trains hard every day to be a great warrior, and puts her faith in justice over her ancestors. Someday, she could make a great deputy, and help run the Clan alongside her sister. (Later named Rockclaw).
Pikewing (white and brown tabby she-cat) + Hawkflower (dark gray tabby tom)
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Fallingkit (orange long-furred cat)- Named for Fallingfeather, Fallingkit grows into a sensible, but stern, cat. Proudly nonbinary, they actively fight against any sort of injustice or bigotry. They aren't the best hunter (being neon orange and all) but they're a well-regarded cat in the Clans and it's always an honor to be mentored by them. (Later named Fallingfire).
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Antkit (scrawny brown tom)- they were originally undecided on the name for Antkit. Hawkflower thought of honoring Leafleg (a shitty mentor, but still taken before his time) but didn't want to upset Grayfeather, so Pikewing told him all about leafcutter ants, and Antkit it was.
Like his mother, Antkit is very studious and loves to infodump, but while Pikewing loves bugs, Antkit loves Clan history. He could go on and on about the ancient Tunnelers of WindClan, the legend of how TigerClan got their stripes, SkyClan's banishment from the forest. He's a bit lost in his own world, but he's a good hunter, and an even better den-builder. (Later named Antfall).
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Dogwoodkit (silver tabby molly)- named for the ghost that helped RiverClan and WindClan be rid of the dog, Dogwoodkit has no spiritual connections of her own. Heck, she doesn't even believe in that stuff! All she cares about is what's right in front of her. She wants to keep her home safe and sound, and isn't afraid to shed blood to do it. She's the go-to warrior for patrols and battles, but rarely is given any apprentices or let into senior warrior discussions bc of her blatant lack of faith. She IS a bit salty about that. (Later named Dogwoodtail).
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rocaillefox · 6 years
fallingkit is so strong. shes endured so much. which reminds me; i need to add her mother into the silverwingstale allegiances, along with all of the future duskclan cats sdfggf
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hickorymoth · 7 years
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drawings of my old old warrior cats ocs! irder of farthest away to closest rowanbark, med cat event. leader of rival clan dawnclan silverstar, formerly silverwing, leader of silverclan (name is unrelated) violeteyes, warrior of silverclan, silverwing’s apprentice who she gave a life for one time fallingkit, eventually fallingsnow, guardian of silverclan reincarnated into a kit who was found on the territory right outside of camp
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yoshifan4456 · 5 years
DawnClan Allegiances Part 1
Icestar . Male . Leader
Main fur color: Gray Eye color: Yellow
Father: Seedtooth
Mother: Blackwhisper Sisters: Foxkit, Mosskit Brother: Blackpaw Mate: Olivetail Son: Redpath
Mentor: Flattail Apprentices: Seedfur, Hollybark
Summary: Icekit, Foxkit, Mosskit, and Blackkit were born into a world their mother had just left, due to blood loss. Seedtooth took care of them, but Foxkit and Mosskit died of an unknown cause. His father retired after this. While Icepaw and Blackpaw were hunting with their mentors, they got attacked by dogs. Blackpaw and Flattail died in the fight. Icepaw got back to clan, and a patrol followed him to collect the bodies. Soon after this, Seedtooth died of natural causes.
Iceheart, left without family, got sad. Olivetail noticed this, and tried to cheer him up. She was successful, and the two became friends before mates. When they did become mates, they had a single kit, Redkit. Soon after this, Iceheart got his first apprentice, Seedpaw. He grew close to him because his father was named Seedtooth.
Not too long after she was finished with his training, Seedfur died in a badger attack that also took the life of the Peacemaker. Iceheart was appointed the new Peacemaker after this because he was always peaceful with his solutions. During this time, he got another apprentice, Hollypaw. He grew close to her as well, and when she became a warrior, Iceheart swore to protect her unlike how he failed to protect Seedfur and Blackpaw.
When Houndstar died, Iceheart and Yellowfur were the candidates for next leader. He had many votes, from cats like Hollybark, Olivetail, and Redwillow, even the winning vote from Houndstar. This was what made him be chosen to be leader. After he became leader, Redwillow, his son, became the mediator and his name was changed to Redpath. Olivetail also retired to an elder. Since then, he has been leading the clan, with his still 8 intact lives.
Marigoldberry . Male . Battlemaster
Main fur color: Golden Eye color: Light blue
Father: Unknown Mother: Songthroat Sister: Flaxleg Foster mother: Leapordspot Foster brother: Brownchest Half-sister: Larkflame
Mentor: Orangestripe Apprentice:
Summary: Marigoldkit and Flaxkit were born to Songthroat and an unknown cat. She had a litter before this with Larkheart, but he had died soon after. Songthroat had to take care of three kits, and since she was old, this overwhelmed her, so Marigoldkit and Flaxkit were fostered to Leapordspot.
Marigoldpaw started his warrior training first, as Flaxkit considered becoming a healer and had to wait 8 moons for a test, and Brownkit was only 5 moons old. His mentor was Orangestripe, who had just had Deerkit and Bravekit with Sweetshine. Marigoldpaw was always too rough against Orangestripe and Brownpaw in training sessions. 
When Larkpaw and Flaxpaw became warrior apprentices, Marigoldpaw was about halfway done. Orangestripe hated mentoring Marigoldpaw at this point because he was so annoying, so he thought of a plan to get rid of him.
Unfortunatley, the plan failed because Marigoldpaw asked Larkpaw and Flaxpaw to secretly follow him so they could get more information on hunting. Orangestripe led the three into the forest before cornering Marigoldpaw and holding him down before attempting to swipe at his belly. Larkpaw and Flaxpaw saw this and attacked, pushing Orangestripe off of him. They didn’t last long, but when they were pushed off, Marigoldpaw attacked him. He tried to hit his eyes, but he dodged and he accidentally ripped open his throat, killing him.
Marigoldpaw explained the whole story to Icestar, and he assorted the punishments as so: Marigoldpaw cleaned fleas and ticks for a moon due to breaking the Warrior Code, and Larkpaw and Flaxpaw were held back a week and sent back to the nursery to do healer duties. This assignment encouraged Larkpaw to train as a healer instead, which she did.
Marigoldpaw was named Marigoldberry when he finished his warrior training, and with Flaxleg, they were later named the new Battlemaster and Peacemaker.
Flaxleg . Female . Peacemaker
Main fur color: Dark gray, almost black. Eye color: Dark blue
Father: Unknown Mother: Songthroat Brother: Marigoldberry Foster mother: Leapordspot Foster brother: Brownchest Half-sister: Larkflame
Mentor: Songthroat Apprentice: Midgetpaw
Summary: Marigoldkit and Flaxkit were born to Songthroat and an unknown cat. She had a litter before this with Larkheart, but he had died soon after. Songthroat had to take care of three kits, and since she was old, this overwhelmed her, so Marigoldkit and Flaxkit were fostered to Leapordspot.
Marigoldpaw started his warrior training first, as Flaxkit considered becoming a healer and had to wait 8 moons for a test, and Brownkit was only 5 moons old. When she became an apprentice after failing the test, she was mentored to her mother.
One day, Marigoldpaw asked Larkpaw and Flaxpaw to secretly follow him so they could get more information on hunting. Orangestripe led the three into the forest before cornering Marigoldpaw and holding him down before attempting to swipe at his belly. Larkpaw and Flaxpaw saw this and attacked, pushing Orangestripe off of him. They didn’t last long, but when they were pushed off, Marigoldpaw attacked him. This attack somehow resulted in his death.
Marigoldpaw explained the whole story to Icestar, and he assorted the punishments as so: Marigoldpaw cleaned fleas and ticks for a moon due to breaking the Warrior Code, and Larkpaw and Flaxpaw were held back a week and sent back to the nursery to do healer duties. To Flaxpaw, this was not a punishment.
Flaxpaw was named Flaxleg when she finished her warrior training, and with Marigoldberry, they were later named the new Battlemaster and Peacemaker. She was later assigned Midgetpaw as an apprentice, and is currently mentoring him.
Larkflame . Female . Healer
Main fur color: Gray (with orange spots) Eye color: Light green
Father: Larkheart Mother: Songthroat Half-sister: Flaxleg Half-brother: Marigoldberry
Mentors: Unknown Apprentices: Fallingstorm, Flypaw, Redpath
Summary: Larkkit was the firstborn of Songthroat, and her father was Larkheart. However, he had passed away. Sonthroat had a second litter of kittens as well, Flaxkit and Marigoldkit, but because she couldn’t produce much milk and her second litter was fostered to Leapordspot. Larkkit felt sad, thinking this was her fault for a while.
When she became an apprentice, she grew close to her half siblings, commonly playing and training together. One day, Marigoldpaw suggested that she and Flaxpaw should follow him into the forest on a hunting trip to try to teach them about catching prey. The apprentices both agreed to this offer, and they secretly  left the clan to watch him catch something with Orangestripe.
However, Orangestripe pinned Marigoldpaw to the ground and was threatening to rip open her belly. Larkpaw and Flaxpaw jumped on Orangestripe, pushing him off of Marigoldpaw. The two were attacked and jumped away, but then Marigoldpaw swiped at him and accidentally killed him.
Larkpaw, Flaxpaw, and Marigoldpaw all got punished for this. Larkpaw’s assignment was to help the current healer with duties around the nursery. She enjoyed this, and when her punishment was over, she asked Icestar to let her become a healer apprentice. She passed the test, and her training was successful.
Larkflame’s first apprentice was Fallingpaw. She and Larkflame grew close. Fallingpaw became Fallingstorm quickly, and she tried to get a mate. This was successful for a while, until Rabbitleap left Fallingstorm because she was always in the healing den.
Larkflame helped Fallingstorm through this, and when Fallingstorm recovered from her sadness, the two of them mentored Redpath together, and he became a meditator.
Fallingstorm . Female . Healer
Main fur color: Gray Eye color: Blue
Father: Unknown Mother: Unknown Mate: Rabbitleap (formerly)
Mentor: Larkflame Apprentice: Redpath
Summary: Fallingkit had a very strong connection with StarClan, even as a kit. She continuously passed out and woke up again, whenever that happened she would shrug the question off.  Icestar made her train as a healer because it seemed needed.
Her mentor was Larkflame, who she grew close to easily. They talked about their lives, and Fallingpaw felt a little bit bad for Larkflame. Fallingpaw eventually became a healer with the name of Fallingstorm.
Fallingstorm grew close to Rabbitleap and the two became mates. However, they never got to do anything because Fallingstorm was always in the healer’s den. Eventually, Rabbitleap broke up with her, which made Fallingstorm become depressed.
Larkflame helped Fallingstorm get through her sadness, and forget Rabbitleap. When Fallingstorm was happy again, the two mentored Redpaw together. He eventually became Redpath, the current mediator.
Redpath . Male . Meditator
Main fur color: Red Eye color: Yellow
Father: Icestar Mother: Olivetail Mate: Moledove
Mentor: Larkflame Apprentice:
Summary: coming soon!
Deerfoot . Female . Warrior
Main fur color: Brown Eye color: Blue
Mother: Rustheart Father: Orangestripe* Brother: Braveclaw Mate: Fernbranch Daughters: Dovewasp, Copperclaw* Son: Hillfang
Mentor: Winterfoot* Apprentice: Ratpaw, Mousestorm
Summary: coming soon! ------------------------
Braveclaw . Male . Warrior
Main fur color: Gray Eye color: Yellow
Mother: Rustheart Father: Orangestripe* Sister: Deerfoot Mate: Seedfur* Daughter: Poolpaw Son: Stripepaw
Mentor: Elmcobble Apprentice: Rustfur
Summary: coming soon!
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magpieclan · 6 months
Moon 3
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Don't ask why this took so long, I don't know. (but it's Limedew's first appearance lmao)
First look at the Magpie's Nest! It's a ring of trees where the clans buried Loachpaw after they searched and discovered his body :( The clan and the magpies chose to honor him.
also MIDGE KITS!!!
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I love them ❤️
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magpieclan · 6 months
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Marsh used to be more forgiving, didn't she, Midgestar?
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