iamfabiloz · 9 months
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you there. boy. ask me abt my ocs. hello, is anyone there
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sedge-and-sanctuary · 8 months
Moon Ten - Highdark
Sedgeclan has no deputy!
Snowstreak talks to a loner named Worm Harebolt can't stand to be around Coniferstar
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Cats mentioned: Snowstreak - 108 moons - Warrior Worm - 39 - Loner Pine - 4 - Loner Salt - 4 - Loner Timber - 4 - Loner Mure - 4 - Loner
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Snowstreak trots cheerfully along the eastern border, following the path of the bounding river. Ice is crusted, sharp and silvery, along each bank; but thin enough the water still runs clear, in its deepest parts.
The day is bitterly cold, but Snowstreak hardly feels the chill–  it is such a pleasure just to run, and feel her muscles moving smoothly underneath her pelt.
She pauses, where the river bends around a jutting rock, and rubs her cheeks against the stone, huffing with pleasure at the renewed Sedgeclan-Scent she leaves behind. Ours, she thinks, and her purr comes out a steam, in that awful cold.
But– it isn’t just Sedgeclan she’s smelling.
Snowstreak’s pelt prickles, uneasy. Cats, for certain. And no one that she’s met before. Her leg twinges; shaky, suddenly, and weak, though the injury has long since healed.
She could run, now- she should run- but if there really are rogues, trespassing on the territory…
Snowstreak takes a breath, cold air catching in her throat. “Is someone there?”
Her voice hangs there, a solitary thing in the wide, white spread of the tundra.
And then– a mewling, high and plaintive; and the very distinctive sound of one cat hushing another.
“If someone is there, I don’t want to fight!” Snowstreak starts forward again, heart still racing . “But I can! I’m a Sedgeclan warrior- I mean, a warrior of Sedgeclan- and–” she trails off, not certain how to finish the sentence. She wouldn’t have known what that meant- a warrior- before Coniferstar.
Anyway, whoever it is doesn’t answer; even the mewling has gone quiet. But the smell of strange cats is stronger, now, and Snowstreak follows it, her tail quivering. A warrior of Sedgeclan– and that means she has to defend it.
“Please,” comes the answer, soft, and stops Snowstreak mid-stride. “I don’t want a fight, either. Just– don’t come any closer.”
The days are short, and very dim, this time of year; the sun, never very high, sends long, dragging shadows out across the tundra, like the marks left by some massive claw. Snowstreak squints into one of these, her eyes straining against the snow-blue shade.
“Oh,” she says. A scrap of ginger fur– and ten bright eyes, shining back at her from the dark. “There are kits with you.”
The strange she-cat does not respond.
Snowstreak sits, and wraps her tail around her paws. Coniferstar had said something, about this. Some Warrior thing, once.
“I guess,” she says, “you don’t have any reason to believe me? But– if those are kits with you, then– I really promise I won’t fight you. It’s my– uh, duty, to protect them.”
“Your duty?” The stranger says; a molly, with a young, uncertain voice.
Snowstreak nods. She can see, now, as her eyes adjust, a young, ginger molly, and four kits tucked behind her; big enough to be eating whole prey, their eyes fixed on her wide and curious.
“I’m a warrior,” she says, again. “We’re supposed to protect all kits. And– elders, too, I think. But there aren’t any here.”
“Oh.” The stranger studies her, a moment. “Well– we can protect ourselves. I can protect them.”
“But you must be hungry? Hang on–” Snowstreak half-turns, and then looks back. “I mean, wait there. I’ll be right back.”
She dashes off, and returns a moment later with some prey she’d caught, and stashed, earlier that day; a little ground-squirrel, still  fat despite the season.
The molly, to her relief, is still there, when she returns.
The kits start to squabble, again, at the smell of blood; even the molly’s eyes gleam, as Snowstreak jogs back into view.
“Here.” She drops the squirrel on the ground between them, and paces back a step, to give them space. “It must be hard, hunting for that many kits. You can have this.”
There is a pause; the molly watches her, fear warring with a naked, open want.
“Oh,” one of her kittens says, his voice high and piping. “Can’t we, mama? Can’t we please?”
Snowstreak nods encouragement; takes another step away, not wanting to crowd them.
After a moment, the molly shuts her eyes. “Alright,” she says, “of course. Thank you– go eat.”
The four kittens scramble up, at once, and dash towards the squirrel. They must be a few moons old, already, lanky with their growthspurts– but thin, where their fluffy, kittish pelts are starting to give way to adult fur. She can see their hips, and shoulderblades, bones too-stark as they bend to share their meal.
“There’s more prey back at our camp,” Snowstreak says, looking at their mother. “We don’t always have enough– but everyone always gets a share. And– they’d eat first. Every day. That’s the rule.”
“The rule,” the stranger echoes. Her muscles are bunched up, visibly, beneath her pelt; ready to spring to her kittens' side, at a moment’s notice. But she hasn’t yet. Surely that was an alright sign? “You said you were… a warrior? I don’t understand.”
“I didn’t either,” Snowstreak says. “At first. Coniferstar- he leads us- he explained it all. It’s… cats living together. By a code. We look after one another. We–”
She doesn’t want to mention starclan, yet; the spirits of the dead, the prophecy that had led their leader to this place. To her. To save her life. She knows how it'll sound.
But there is want, shining in the stranger’s eyes. She swallows, and looks down at her kittens eating– with none of the usual kittish squabbling. Only a silent, ravenous focus– Snowstreak wonders when they’d eaten last.
She says, “I know it sounds strange. It did to us, too. But– Coniferstar says, the… it sounds better when he talks about it. But that– hardship. Um, the tundra. Because it’s hard– it makes us strong. He says– after every frost, a thaw. And– that’s what… we are. I think. The thaw.”
“The thaw,” the stranger says, and looks up to meet Snowstreak’s eyes. “And you believe that?”
Snowstreak holds the molly’s gaze. “I do. He saved my life– my mate and I. Just– let us show you. You can go, if you don’t like it. But I really think it’s– I think it’s something special.”
The kits have taken the squirrel mostly to pieces; quick as owls, at their meal, barely even chewing. One of them- a bright, white-spotted ginger- drops a last, red scrap at his mother’s paws. “You should eat too, mama,” he says, and Snowstreak sees the hunger in the molly’s eyes, as well; sees the rippling of her spine, as she bends her head to snap up the piece of prey.
“Thank you, Mure.” She eats more slowly than her kits; as if trying to stretch the meagre mouthful out. To make it last. When she’s finished, she licks the blood fastidiously from around her mouth; not leaving a single drop.
And then she looks up, to meet Snowstreak’s eyes.
And says, at last, “alright.”
Loner Wormturn joins the clan with her kits.
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Wormturn- Female - 39 moons Former Loner Loyal Keen Eye
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Timberkit - Female - 4 moons Former Loner Quiet Constantly Climbing
Saltkit - Female - 4 moons Former Loner Charming Confident With Words
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Pinekit - Male - 4 moons Former Loner Daydreamer Quick To Make Peace
Murekit - Male - 4 moons Former Loner Nervous Quick To Help
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elementclangen · 6 months
Flintpaw's Apprentice Sprite and Gentle's Family's Sprites
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Flintpaw; Powerless she-cat; Rebellious and a good mediator
Mentor: Cressfreckle
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Gentle; Age 92 moons; Powerless tom; Lonesome, great kitsitter, and valuable insight
Gentle is a former kittypet turned loner who was led to an ElementClan patrol by starry-furred cats. He joined the Clan with his three kits.
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Midgekit; Age 2 moons; Wind-blessed tom-kit with a power level of 4 (very low); Daydreamer
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Timberkit; Age 2 moons; Wind-blessed tom-kit with a power level of 8 (very low); Lonesome
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Pythonkit; Age 2 moons; Powerless tom-kit; Troublesome
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cloverclan-pixelcats · 10 months
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2 DAY'S. IT TOOK ME 2 DAY'S Please meet OakClan! A bunch of cats that came out of nowhere, They're a rather friendly but won't talk about thear past, or why the youngest kit has a scar on his side, In any case. StarClan givted ther leader. Brokenstar her Nine lives in Moon Meadow. They name come from Old oak tree guarding their camp.Their territory is mostly made up of grassland's and valleys north of the swampy areas of WingdClan And the forests where MerygoldClan and RootClan reside
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urbantraps · 1 year
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Farmhouse Entry - Mudroom Small farmhouse concrete floor entryway photo with beige walls
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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dawngen · 1 year
dawnclan has 80+ cats now, which is insane to try and manage, and i haven't yet decided if i am going to manually trim it down or let the game do so... but we have reached 100+ moons as well! the era of the first round of cats will be closing soon and focusing more on the following generation (which would be brightstorm, eagleburn, etc.) after i wrap up all of the drabbles i have planned.
in the meantime, here are some Very Pretty Kitties(TM) from this huge clan.
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BISMUTHFANG. abandoned by his twolegs, he was brought back by members of the clan out on patrol to be nursed back to health. in gratitude, he chose to stay even after being taken back to a local twoleg nest.
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SPLINTERWATCHER. a grandkit of one of the original clan founders (ghoststripe), his legacy lives on in the form of her and her brother, harecatcher. nobody speaks a whisper of it, but it is known that her father is a grassclan tom. smokeylaurel refuses to explain herself when asked in private, and for the time being, darkstar has chosen not to scrutinize this obvious breaking of the warrior code.
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LOGPAW. another kit of creekberry and slatespots' empire family. surviving an outbreak of kittencough, logpaw was the lucky one, as her sister, timberkit, passed after a two moon battle with the sickness. as a result, while having no lingering illness in her, she's extra doted on by her parents and siblings--which can be overwhelming when you're a family of over fifteen cats. her goal is to become the fiercest, most ferocious warrior dawnclan has ever seen to combat this.
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SAPBEAK. daughter of petuniadapple, one of the current medicine cats, sapbeak was taken by twolegs just after her warrior ceremony. in the last moon, she managed to return, citing her intense desire to see her father again. she struggles to be allowed out of his sight, especially when returning to her duties, but secretly adores the attention.
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BEAVERPELT. another slatespots' grandchild, a shock! a quiet, reserved young she-cat with a knack for taking care of kits and young apprentices. secretly, she doesn't really like the life of a warrior, and wants to be an assistant in the nursery. she enjoys discussing the latest clan happenings with her grandmother, creekberry, in the elders' den.
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aspenwynd · 2 months
My AU/Warriors rewrite ☺️
-everything stays the same except:
- Longtail is made deputy after Whitestorm instead of Graystripe 
- Barley dies in the battle with BloodClan and Ravenpaw returns to ThunderClan 
- Firestar names Ravenpaw Ravenflight
Firestar's Quest/TNP
-everything stays mostly the same 
-Graystripe is made deputy after Longtail is blinded
-Hawkfrost and Mothwing are Leopardstar and Tigerstar's kits (sorry Sasha, but this makes more sense)
- Graystripe is neutered (Millie is also spayed, so sorry GrayxMillie kits 😭) 
- Squirrelflight is low key named after Ravenflight
- Hollyleaf is one of the three and her power is to "bring out the truth", ie. she can tell when she's being lied to and can psychically influence others to tell her their secrets
- the 4th cat prophecy is given earlier. Dovewing is the 4th cat and still has her power although she can only hear things from far away (no smelling or seeing, or hearing into the Dark Forest) 
- Hollyleaf still kills Ashfur, exposes her parentage at the Gathering, and runs into the tunnels where she is believed to be dead. Jayfeather believes this is why they need to find the 4th cat
- Ravenflight gets very sick and dies of stomach cancer
- story progresses the same as the original
-  Longtail is crushed by the falling tree but is the only one who was caught in the tree-fall
- Hollyleaf does not die and Bramblestar makes her deputy (he promises she will mentor Seedkit to get around the deputy-mentor rule) 
- Squirrelflight is killed by Hawkfrost instead, with Brambleclaw and the 3 reconciling with her before she dies
- Brambleclaw confesses he still loves her before she dies and she confesses her love back to him
- Very tragic. Much sad.
Bramblestar's Storm/Dovewing's Silence
- story progresses the same as originals
- the 4 do NOT lose their powers (although their powers dim a little over time) 
- Bramblestar's early leadership is further complicated by him heavily grieving over Squirrelflight. Holly, Lion, Jay, Bramble, Leaf, and Sand all grow closer in their shared grief.
- Hollyleaf makes a fantastic deputy
- Jessy stays in ThunderClan along with Frankie, and is named Nettleblossom
- Bramblestar and Nettleblossom have 2 kits; Timberkit and Goldenkit
- Timberheart= Alderheart, Goldenlight= Sparkpelt
- Lionblaze's kits play bigger roles
- The Sisters are introduced along with Tree
- the events from Squirrelflight's Hope never happen
- Leafpool dies saving Cinderheart's kits from a rockslide
- Hollytuft has kits with Stormcloud (Flamekit, Leafkit, and Smokekit)
- story progresses mostly the same as original
- Squirrelflight rejects Ashfur in StarClan so he possesses Bramblestar to get revenge on her and her kin
- the imposter makes it a point to avoid Jayfeather and Hollyleaf to evade their powers (although their powers aren't as strong as they used to be), but Jayfeather realizes that Bramble is possessed fairly early on
- Molewhisker takes the place of Stemleaf and dies/is mates with Spotfur (Bristlefrost does not have a crush on him but instead is just more naively obsessed with finding a mate in general at the beginning of her arc)  
- Lionblaze is appointed deputy while Hollyleaf is acting leader
- Squirrelflight breaks through Ashfur's tunnel and tries to help Bramblestar in the DF
- Hollyleaf gets pulled into the Moonpool
- Bramble and Squilf have a rushed but heartfelt goodbye, with Squilf saying she'll be waiting for him in StarClan ❤️
- Squirrelflight and Leafpool play large roles in helping the Clan cats in the DF
- Mistystar does not go into the Dark Forest but Hollyleaf volunteers to go back in along with Graystripe, Bristlefrost, and Shadowsight
- story progresses mostly the same as original
- Flamepaw becomes Nightheart
- Bramblestar steps down and Hollystar becomes leader, making Ivypool her deputy
- It is discovered that Brambleclaw had 2 lives left so Hollystar only gets 7 since Bramble is still alive (none of that "giving lives back to StarClan" nonsense)
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Icecloud and Foxleap
I'll assume you are asking about her fate in WCR.
As a bonus, I'm gonna throw in her twin brother, too!
They are both at least surviving The Great Battle and The Great Storm. No more random epidemic of greencough to kill off background characters.
Icecloud in particular is getting very interesting expansion. I have seen the fanart and I am a convert. Thistleheart x Icecloud. Icecloud has been secretly dating Thistleheart since The Hopeless Storm, and while she was labeled a Codebreaker, she was able to play if off in that she had accidentally crossed Shadowclan's border, breaking the Code of the Border.
She takes her punishment during the time, and makes sure to not get caught hanging out with Thistleheart. Icecloud, Foxleap, the GorseBeech triplets, Rosepetal, Toadstep, Featherpelt, Larkwing, Graystripe and Silverstream's second litter, and others make up what I'm calling The Nightmare Generation. The Generation that did most of their growing up during the Super Edition Hollyleaf's Nightmare, where Hollyleaf enters the backrooms and clips out of bounds Has A Very Fun Experience. The cutoff point is Cruel Season, when Dove and Ivy are born. That is the start of the Omen Generation, the ones who grow up mostly during early OOTS.
She leaves during A Starless Clan, joining Windclan and completing their trials. She will be very tested but determined to stay with her new mate, and their adopted kittens, Vixenkit and Timberkit. She also may finally earn that name she's been wanting for so long...
Foxleap, my sweet boy, the glossy-furred pretty boy with a talent for clay and wood carving. He felt pressure to be like his construction worker papa, but learned to branch on his own path when he watched Jaypaw fight to be both Warrior and Medicine Cat. He has a little crush on Jaypaw, but he has far too much respect for the Medicine Cat Vow to say anything, and it fades off by the time of Long Shadows.
He makes it through the Great Battle at the cost of another life, one I know I could catch some heat for. Though he isn't making it out unscathed, as it costs him a massive part of his right ear, and his right eye. His mother also survives, though due to her injuries, they don't reunite until the end of The Hopeless Storm (the redone Bramblestar's Storm).
During AVOS, when a horrific battle begins with the Kin, taking the life of Sandstorm, he manages to knock out a Kin member, Fox, and bring him back to camp. Fox escapes, and attacks Ferncloud for being in the way of his escape route. Saving her life, Foxleap kills Fox, earning him the Honor Title Foxcatcher.
But Foxcatcher is on borrowed time. The vain pretty boy isn't stupid, and fights with the Rebels against Bramblefake for his sister's safety, who tried to use his Honor Title against him. He dies at the paws of Bumblestripe, one of Bramblefake's biggest supporters...
He is trapped in the Dark Forest as a spirit, but not without having torn Bumblestripe's shoulder open first. He is freed by Ferncloud, who died before he did, and while in the Dark Forest, can move freely.
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sirbutters-1 · 2 months
Updated ref sheet for Timberflake is done!
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“I will die to protect her, Alderheart, if it comes to that.”
Thuderclan is no stranger to taking those in that are in need, and 2 kits found abandoned at the edge of their territory is no exception. These 2 kits, named Timberkit and Duskkit grew up alongside Sparkkit and Alderkit, though a few days older. In time they were fully accepted into their family with Squirrelflight and Bramblestar as their mother and father. When they became apprentices, however, things turned for the darker
Duskpaw became ever more controlling of his brothers, more demanding, and though Timberpaw had thicker skin and his words did little to dissuade his steps, Alderpaw was… less inclined to continue training with his brothers, and it did not help that no one else seemed to notice. It only got worse when the second of 2 new arrivals joined the clan.
Since then, and since they got their warrior names, Duskfall has gone down a more and more aggressive and darker path while both Timberflake and Alderheart feel helpless to stop a possible rampage of destruction he could bring. Let's see if they can use what mettle they do have to try and stop him before it's too late for them all.
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sotcwcrp · 9 months
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What's New In The Roleplay:
Gosh, lots has happened, hasn’t it? Let’s catch up!
★ — Amurpaw, Cloudedpaw and Jaguarpaw, who have reached the age of six moons and joined the apprentice den.
★ — Violakit, Celandinekit, Timberkit, Fervourkit and Ivykit were found at the border, and taken in.
★ — Viperpaw was found and brought in as an apprentice.
★ — Axolotbubble has birthed two kits, Tadpolekit and Salamanderkit as well as taking in a third, Newtkit.
★ — Flamehaze and Partridgeblight have adopted two outsider kits, Waxwingkit and Kinglekit.
★ — Outsiders by the names of; Scotty, Buttercupbumble, Watermelonsugar, Duchesskit, Silthym and Hollowkit have joined Riverclan!
★ — Totoro, now named Goldfishpaw has begun training under Solsticeglow. Ebonypaw under Drizzleveil and Duchesskit under Poppybounce.
★ — Crabpaw, Minkpaw, Cinderpaw, Glimmerpaw, Dewpaw, Sunpaw, Emberpaw, Kestrelpaw, Sablepaw, Vixenpaw and Stagpaw have all begun training as apprentices.
★ — Bluebelldancer has earned their full name!
★ — Nightsage has stepped down as a WindClan healer.
★ — Atlas, Umbrakit and Penelope have joined the clan.
★ — Penelope and Ivoryskies introduced a two-kit litter; Dimkit and Albedokit.
★ — Nebulapaw, Zephyrpaw, Verglaspaw and Lionpaw have began training as apprentices, while Harvestpaw has begun training as a healer apprentice.
★ — Poprock has earned their full name!
★ — Moonlitpath and Fishtoes have each departed from ShadowClan.
What's New on the Server:
★ — Wren has been promoted to Thunderclan's second lead!
★ — Robin and Moca have joined SC staff!
★ — Anon and Dark have joined WC staff!
★ — We have new folks helping out our lead Jude with advertising! Be on the lookout for WC Mod Ast and SC Mod Tabris in future Tumblr posts and other places we advertise!
★ — We've have a few rules changes, surrounding out character slots & donation exclusive pelts/eye colors. Opening up chimeras and redlav eyes to be freely made!
Opening News!
Stay tuned! We have some upcoming news regarding opening SOTC back up for new members!
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 106-Leaf-bare
The Clan is still getting to know the newcomers.   Midgekit (3) always seems to be staring off into space with the slightest of breezes ruffling his fur.  Timberkit (3)  likes to spend time on his own, watching the clouds blow by.  And Pythonkit (3), the magicless one, has already made a name for himself in causing trouble.  Antlersky (64) is having a bit of trouble adjusting to the loss of her sister and mated life.  She’s not sure she wants kits, but Caterpillarmallow (56) does.  She also thinks that some of her younger half-siblings are annoying and just wishes that Rosemaryquake were still there.  One of said half-siblings, Needlepaw (9), seems to be making a habit of spreading rumors, this time telling Airclaw (48) that Stonefreckle (74) doesn’t like her much.  Moorleg (18) and Cressfreckle (22) got in a fight.  Cressfreckle was tired of the younger cat always following him around, and Moorleg blew him over with a gust of wind.  Yellowcreek (33) wanted to defend his friend, but worried that doing so would make the Clan even more suspicious of him.  Instead, he had to watch as the powerless cat was bullied and no one stopped it.
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leafpool-loves-ashfur · 11 months
👀 can i see Timberstar and Peach? (And their kits?)
!!! hell yeah you can!
here is Timberstar!
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and here is her mate Peach!
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and their kits!
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litter one: Tempestheart, Hawkstripe litter two: Tempestpaw, Jackdawcall litter three: Lionpaw litter four: Hermitcurrent (24 moons) litter five: Posyfur (13 moons) litter six: WhorlPeachkit, Timberkit (newborn)
(yes my ass plays with no shaders so it makes for ugly sprites but i prefer it this way)
now you only asked to SEE them but i GOTTA ramble about them now because Timberstar's life is CRAZY!
Timberstar and her two siblings Tempestkit and Pansypaw were brought into the clan by their loner mother Addershade. now as you can guess based on names, Tempestkit was killed at 5 moons old by a snake, and Pansypaw died at 12 moons old when he was taken by a Twoleg and euthanized! Her mom also drowned when she and Pansypaw were apprentices. So, lotsa death for Timberstar at a very young age!
Regardless, she became a strong warrior named Timberrip! but then the sole medicine cat Weedsoar had kits and Timberrip stepped up to take care of the clan while Weedsoar couldn't. during this, Timberrip mentored Ferretsmoke to be a medicine cat (who just died like 2 moons before her rip </3), then returned to being a warrior!
then Peach joined the clan after a StarClan cat led them there! he and Timberrip became mates and had their first litter, Tempestheart and Hawkstripe! I thought it was so cute she named her kit after her dead sister! ...and then Tempestheart and Hawkstripe both died (separate occasions), and she named her next kit Tempestpaw, who also died, and I think at that point it just became a cursed name 😭 at this point, she also became deputy under Skipstar, then leader! she had a bunch of deputies through her rule, but the most notable is Paledusk!
Paledusk was bloodthirsty (actually, half my clan is bloodthirsty/vengeful for... no reason? strange) so I was immediately like "YES you will murder Timberstar" because i hadn't had like any fun kills yet (i swear i NEVER get any kills... the only time was that absolutely random moment when Springclaw the elder killed Wildsilk the normal warrior during my SpeedrunClan ep), so i got to mediating her with my Evil Mediator Fumbledrop (also bloodthirsty) and then... Paledusk was. Kidnapped by Twolegs.
my plans went down the drains but Timberstar kept having more children despite being elder aged, and she had Lionpaw, who died, then Hermitcurrent who... hasn't died yet! (and then Posyfur who also hasn't died yet!)
and then Paledusk RETURNED from being lost so you bet your ass I shoved her back into the deputy position and started mediating again! but it took MOONS before Paledusk FINALLY KILLED TIMBERSTAR! I even started making Paledusk hate Peach so maybe she'd kill Peach instead or something!
and, as you saw, Paledusk killed Timberstar RIGHT AFTER she gave birth to her kits! And even though Peach officially died from an "infected wound," i think Paledusk killed him too, maybe because Peach tried to defend Timberstar or something. and, since it says that Timberstar and Peach forgot about naming their kits, I think the clan named the kits! it was completely randomly generated that one was named after Timberstar! (honestly, I think Whorlkit should also be named after Peach... y'know what I'm changing it. very rarely do i ever change names but this is my game lmao)
so Peachkit and Timberkit were named after their dead parents! yay! and i kind of think it'd be funny if Paledusk was like their pretend mom, but the clan DOES currently have FOUR other queens with kits in the nursery rn so... Paledusk (or, Palestar, sorry) totally planned it that way so the kits would for sure have someone to nurse them lol.
The other queens are Downdapple, the mother of 4 moon old Flykit, Flaxkit, and Dropletkit; Belugawave the beloved, the mother of 3 moon old Bluekit and Wrenkit; Boragechase, the mother of 2 moon old Finkit, Robinkit, Tremblekit, and Harekit; and finally Basstail, the mother of newborn Sunnykit! so I think Basstail is officially Peachkit and Timberkit's foster mother! (wow there are 12 kits in the nursery rn... and 6 apprentices) (also fun fact, Basstail's mate is Hickoryspots, who is Palestar's new deputy, meaning Peachkit and Timberkit are the deputy's foster kits, so they're likely still in close contact with Palestar... lovely >:3)
FretClan is literally just a clan i open every once in a while and jump a few moons through lmao. i dont pay attention to half the cats but Timberrip was one I paid special attention to <33
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sedge-and-sanctuary · 8 months
Moon Twelve - Highdark
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Sedgeclan has no Deputy!
Murekit, Pinekit, Saltkit, and Timberkit are made apprentices. Coniferstar tells the story of the clan's founding.
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Murekit takes a deep breath, holding carefully still as Wormturn rasps her tongue- again- between his ears.
His littermates- already groomed- are fidgeting a hare-leap away, their pelts sleeker and neater than Murekit’s ever seen them.
Pinekit looks sideways at Timberkit and- slowly- reaches out one paw to swat the back of her head. Wormturn doesn’t even stop grooming Murekit. “Pinekit, if you muss your sister’s pelt–”
He stops, guiltily. Saltkit and Timberkit dissolve into giggling.
The ‘day’, deepest in the heart of winter, is pitch-dark. The sun has not risen for days and days now, and will not rise again for quite some time.
Silhouetted- dark, against the darker sky- is Coniferstar. He stands on the Splitstone, waiting. The jagged, flat-topped boulder is kissed by moonlight, where it spills into the centre of their camp.
He opens his mouth, at last, and calls out, voice high and clear: “Cats of Sedgeclan! Any who have paws to carry them, and ears to listen– gather ‘round!”
Wormturn pulls away from Murekit, at last. He pauses, to smooth the last tuft of unruly fur flat, with his own paw.
He can’t afford to make a bad impression, at the ceremony.
Quickly, Sedgeclan gathers. There aren’t many of them, and everyone’s been expecting it. Harebolt and Snowstreak pad up to sit by Wormturn, chatting with her in low voices.
Murekitturn sits neatly by his siblings, tucking his tail around his paws.
He’s trying not to meet Coniferstar’s eyes directly, worried the older tom will be able to read his desperation in his thoughts. Notice me, pick me, look at me, look at me, won’t you look at me?
He glances over at his siblings instead; big, pale Timberkit. Speckled, nervous-looking Saltkit. 
And Pinekit– his only brother. Ginger, like Murekit is, but darker, and more sturdily built; the second biggest, after Timberkit. Everytime Murekit looks at him now, he tries to drink in every detail. One day, he’ll be exiled. And Murekit will never see him again; the faint tabby striping on his tail, and legs. The mischievous twitching of his whiskers, when he’s going to pounce on one of their sisters. The warmth of his pelt, when they all curl up together in the sun, and drift off into sleep.
Murekit looks back up to Coniferstar. Look at me. Look at me.
And he does. Just– briefly, Coniferstar glances down. Murekit freezes, the leader’s eyes boring into him; pale, and flat, and calm. His expression is unreadable.
And then he looks  up to sweep the clan. The chattering between the adults falls silent. “Today is a day that we should mark. The very first young, of our clan, receiving their apprentice names.”
Murekit lifts his chin, hoping the fur hasn’t sprung back out of place, where a messy tuft tends to stick out beside his shoulder. Pinekit jostles him, nudging his side with a grin.
Coniferstar says; “It feels only right that this should come at a holy time– during the darkest days, when the warmth of sun cannot tempt us to indolence, and the prey is hard– and mouths hungrier than ours stalk the tundra.”
The wind whistles around the camp. Saltkit huddles closer to her siblings, eyes huge and worried.
“But why is this a holy time? These days when we all wish we were curled up inside our dens, sheltering against the cold?” Coniferstar looks across his clan; studies each of them, in turn. “I will tell you, now. The story of our clan. And usher in, with this tale of the path, a new beginning– carried in these brave, young paws.”
He nods down at the group of kits. Murekit meets his eyes, unwilling to seem nervous. Is that a flicker of approval, in his leader’s face?
“In the clan of my birth,” Coniferstar says, “the land was easy. We didn’t have to fight for prey, or warmth; more cats grew old than didn’t, and warriors whiled away their idle days in play, and relaxation.”
It doesn’t sound so bad to Murekit. He glances at his littermates, remembering the hungry days before the clan. Seeing Pinekit and Saltkit withering away, little by little, as starvation gnawed at them. Hearing the desperation in Wormturn’s voice, as she promised them they’d be alright, even as her milk dried up, and her fur fell out, in patches. He tries not to let any longing show on his face, at the description of Coniferstar’s rich territory, the easy hunting.
Coniferstar carries on, meeting every cat’s eyes in turn, so it feels like he’s talking directly to each of them. “But the clan turned away from our ancestors; what use did cats have for Starclan, when the earthly world provided such bounty? They grew selfish, and lazy– without respect for starclan, they abandoned the warrior code, and lived like low, base animals. Even in that plenty, kits and elders starved. A warrior might catch a mouse for sport, and leave it rotting in the sun, while a queen, in the nursery, cried out for the meanest morsel.”
There is a noise, behind Murekit; a little breath. Wormturn– he’s not sure how he knows, only he would recognise his mother, no matter what. Is she remembering the hungry moons, as well? Thinking of a queen starving, with no one there to help?
“And so– as Featherclan had turned their backs on Starclan, Starclan turned their backs on it. They visited me, in my dreams, and delivered me a prophecy. I was newly-named, then, and hoped for a way to save my clan… but it was beyond saving. Instead– I would leave my clan, and go on to build something new.”
He closes his eyes, and then intones, solemnly:
“A cat of tender years will go / Beyond the place that trees can grow / To find a land that’s hard and cold / And gather up brave cats, and bold /  To those that linger in the dark / The Stars will grant their brightest spark / And life will spring, for worthy ones /  Untainted by the clans of sun.”
There is a silence, in the wake of this strange poem. Cats glance at one another. 
Forced to sit still too long, Pinekit fidgests, and Murekit wants to clobber him. Don’t you know how important it is that Coniferstar thinks well of you? You of all cats?
Their leader opens his eyes. They glow white-silver, in the moonlight, something nearly unnatural. 
Murekit finds that he believes it, after all. About Starclan, and the rest. That something…. else really has touched their leader.
“And what do you think that means– Harebolt?”
Murekit turns, surprised. Coniferstar doesn’t spare much attention for Harebolt, usually– not since Wormturn really started learning her herbs.
Harebolt looks as surprised as Murekit is; her ears lie back, briefly, then relax. “It’s about you, obviously.” Her tail twitches; is she irritated? “And it’s telling you to come find us.”
Coniferstar nods, one ear flicking in amusement. “Quite right. Starclan guided me to all of you. To new cats, who can build a new clan– if we are willing to endure this harsh tundra. Do you understand?”
He’s still looking at Harebolt; but there’s no warmth at all, in his eyes. Murekit’s pelt prickles– glad, for once, that the leader isn’t paying attention to him instead. 
Harebolt nods. “To those that linger in the dark. I get it.” Her tone is flat, echoing the prophetic words.
Snowstreak’s voice, when she cuts in, is not. “That’s why this time is special.” She looks up at Coniferstar, eyes glowing. “Right? Because– um.”
Coniferstar blinks, warmly, as Snowstreak falters. “Right you are. Because this time- this harsh time- is so little like the clans of the south. If we endure this– we prove we are more worthy cats, than they were. You have heard me say, from every frost, a thaw. This is what I mean. If we endure this hardship long enough– I believe that Starclan will grant us a great bounty. We must only prove we are capable of receiving it, without running astray.”
He glances up at the dark sky. “And that begins with these young cats.” When he turns down again, his manner is warm, familiar. “You have all waited very patiently. Now–”
He studies the kits, for a moment. Murekit’s skin burns, beneath his pelt. He resists the urge to squirm, and fidget, like Pinekit had been doing– though even Murekit’s troublesome brother is still, under their leader’s eye.
“Pinekit,” Coniferstar says. Murekit’s throat is dry. “And Saltkit. You have both reached the age of six moons. Clan law dictates it is time for you to take on the duties of an apprentice. From this day, until you have earned your warrior names, you will be known as Pinepaw, and Saltpaw. Your paws now walk the path of Sedgeclan cats, in full. I trust you will place them carefully.”
The two young cats step forward. Saltkit- no, Saltpaw- is shivering with nerves, and big Pinepaw presses his side to hers, offering wordless support. Murekit’s heart squeezes with affection for his brother. He could be an idiot– but no one would ever accuse him of being a bad brother.
Coniferstar blinks warmly at them– and then looks to the grown cats, behind them. “Snowstreak. You are ready to take on an apprentice. You have endured great hardship, and shown yourself to be a loyal and courageous cat. I believe you understand what it truly means, to be a warrior of Sedgeclan. You will be mentor to Pinepaw and Saltpaw– I expect you to pass on your wisdom.”
Snowstreak steps forward, too, her white-and-ginger fur fluffed up with pleasure. “I will!”
“Then touch noses with your apprentices, and let us all greet them by their new names.”
Snowstreak bends to touch her nose first to Pinepaw’s, and then- with a murmured word that Murekit doesn’t quite make out- to Saltpaw’s, too.
“Saltpaw!” Coniferstar calls. “Pinepaw!”
The clan, after an awkward few repetitions, joins in, and a ragged cheer goes up. Coniferstar’s tail twitches- just the once- as they struggle to arrange themselves into a proper chant. Murekit wonders if he’s remembering his old clan– the ceremonies must have been a lot smoother, with cats who knew their roles by heart.
Even though it’s kind of embarrassing, Murekit keeps chanting until everyone else has stopped, so his fading “Saltpaw! Pine…paw…” is the last to echo in the camp. Coniferstar– is that a look of approval, on the dark tabby’s face? It’s hard to tell, quite, in the dark.
Whatever it is, it vanishes as he begins to speak again. “Now. Murekit. Timberkit. I haven’t forgotten about you. It is time for you, as well, to be made apprentices. From this day forth, until you have earned your warrior names, you will be known as Murepaw, and Timberpaw. And I myself will mentor you.”
Murepaw- the name sends a thrill through him- finds his head spinning as Coniferstar springs from the splitstone to touch noses with him. He can pick out his clanmates’ voices as they chant his name.
“Murepaw! Timberpaw! Murepaw! Timberpaw!”
Their voices are a little less hesitant, this time.
In the middle of the racket, Murepaw meets Coniferstar’s eyes. “I’ll do my best,” he says, solemnly. “I’ll be a true warrior of Sedgeclan.”
Coniferstar purrs. “I know you will.”
He has to. If he doesn’t make a good impression– who else will convince Coniferstar that Pinepaw’s worth keeping around?
They part, after that, and Wormturn rushes over to congratulate her kits, and thank Coniferstar and Snowstreak for taking them on. The litter reunites, bumping their heads together and chattering excitedly– 
Only Harebolt lingers, on the outskirts. Watching them– alone.
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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wow that’s a lot of characters that have been here a While i’m so sad :(
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Moon 2
One night, while Patchkit is resting in his nest, Heartwhisker brings him to a spot in Whisperclan's camp that allows the sky to be visible. Heartwhisker tells Patchkit about Starclan, and how that is where those that have passed on go. Patchkit feels a sense of awe at this revaluation, and he feels a bond with Starclan beginning to form.
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A quarter moon later, the Whisperclan medicine cat, Minkeye, brings back a litter of two kits, having failed to save their Sneezeclan mother, Needlestep, in time. As Heartwhisker had milk left over from her own litter, she decides to nurse the two kits. A quarter moon after, the two kits, a she-kit and tom-kit, open their eyes. Heartwhisker, knowing the two will survive, named the tom-kit Stoatkit and the she-kit Timberkit. Despite being two moons younger, Heartwhisker's birth litter take to their new siblings well.
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Stoatkit - Tom - Charming - Moss-ball Hunter
Timberkit - She-Cat - Quiet - Active Imagination
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