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Clara Lena Blanche-Astrid
45 years old
Married to Toni Astrid - @toni-the-tigerx
Who is Clara?
・:*:・゚☆ ( Sandra Bullock. 45. Female. She/Her ) ↷ ( Clara Blanche-Astrid ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are an ( a ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( actress ). they’re known by their fans to be ( captivating , compassionate & sociable ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( fiery, sarcastic & rigid ) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry.
She is an award winning actress, mother and wife. 
She has been married to her best friend, Toni for a little over twenty years now. 
She takes pride in being a mother, she has no issues with her daughter following in Toni’s footsteps with designing. 
She comes from an entertainment family; her mother Marie Blache was an actress, her father Burt Blanche was a director and a screenwriter. Her brothers Michael and Colton are both producers and directors. 
She started acting at the age of three where she got her start working in commercials, despite her name and family. Clara didn’t get her big break until she was seventeen when she became a household name and an actress to watch.
As the years passed, her name had always been a household name and one hollywood’s beloved actresses.
Clara had her demons growing up in the spotlight but she always kept her private life just that - private. Only letting people see what she wanted the to see.
Wanted Connections 
Daughter: Athena Astrid - blonde fc
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clarehqs · 6 years
hello, it’s eleanor coming at you with another character already. writing this made me so sad for her but she’s a little sweetie so please come & plot with me !!
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・:*:・゚☆ ( lady gaga. thirty. cisfemale. she/her ) ↷ ( clarissa fontaine ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a ( d ) list celebrity known for their career as an ( actress & singer/songwriter ). they’re known by their fans to be ( eloquent, empathetic & genuine) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( impulsive, self-critical & vulnerable ) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. [sia vc]. (eleanor. 20. bst. she/her) ・:*:・゚☆
clarissa fiorella fontaine, is an italian-american actress, singer and songwriter of italian and french-canadian descent. she was born just outside of milan, italy to vincent and fiorella fontaine. her father was a rich man who’s father blew their money gambling. andrew didn’t know how to react at first, he didn’t have enough money to get home and this was worrying
. it took the two six years to save up enough money to go to the united states, and clarissa had a hard time adjusting at first. she was fluent in both english and italian, but the french was difficult for her. always being a dramatic child, her father had the idea to sit her in front of a tv and perfect her english whilst he looked for agencies to take his little blonde beauty.
as she was only young, it didn’t take long for clarissa to be picked up by a tv show called “the generation house” that would run for eight seasons and it would be shot in new york city. clarissa was given the part of philippa ‘pippa’ williams, a main character. the money quickly came in and her parents were so proud of her. after their finances had sky-rocketed because of the girls’ success; there was constant pressure on clarissa to provide for her family. there wasn’t much love present in their family. her parents became obsessed with money and no matter how well she did, nothing could ever repair their bond. they had prepared the child for this industry and she wasn’t really their problem, just their source of income. she did try to quit as she was absolutely exhausted bu her parents wouldn’t let her.
the girl didn’t see any of her money until she was eighteen. she cut off her parents and doesn’t like to talk to them. there are times when they come back to speak to her, looking for money; sometimes she caves, sometimes she doesn’t. the people who were supposed to protect her just used her for money... by the time she was an adult, she had definitely worked too much.
by the time she had finished shooting “the children of years”, clare was eighteen and she was looking for something more substantial. however, the transition from child star to actress was very hard; no one could get past her previous roles, that were light-hearted and comedic. her only option was to go in to the independent film industry, to get down to the nitty-gritty, the meaningful and artistic films and some got recognition while some didn’t even make a final cut. it was deflating to be pushed in to the background after so much work in her early years.
at this time in her career, she did want to quit but then just thought back to how her parents reacted to that when she was younger. she was scared that the entire world was going to reject her.
it worried her because she hadn’t had to time to get a proper education, she hadn’t gone to school and appeared to have made no actual friends; most of the cast members that she had worked with had gone their separate ways; most of the child actors were either in rehab or had quit as they decided that it wasn’t for them. it took clarissa years to break back in to the blockbuster hits.
she married a writer named victor lindley in 2006 and the two seemed perfect for each other; he kept clarissa grounded and she made him more confident. as she began to feel more secure, her acting just became better. however, he began to grow concerned with clare’s behaviour; the drinking, partying and her frequent attempts to conjure up stories to make herself relevant wasn’t healthy, he asked her for a divorce quickly. the woman was heartbroken, her security net had vanished yet she still had to keep smiling for the camera.
he went to her parents to convince them to intervene and get her help, but instead they sold the story to every newspaper in new york and la, to ruin her chances of ever getting a job. clare received more and more attention for it. it was at this time when she came under new management and that was probably one of the worst decisions of her life.
using all that betrayal, she channelled all of her emotion in her most notable movie that was 2008′s ‘vices’ wherein she played harrison ford’s mistress; fontaine was nominated for an academy award but was beaten by kate winslet for the award. it wasn’t a secret that clarissa seemed to loved the limelight but this was for the right reason, she deserved the recognition she got, some even said that winslet robbed her that year. the risk with the new management seemed to be paying off; she was an a-lister, a well sought after actress that people just couldn’t get enough of. however, she was extremely overworked and no one in her team seemed to care for her emotional state.
despite becoming depressed, she won an academy award in 2015 for a movie she shot with dame helen mirren. it was meaningful at first but she was beginning to realise that she didn’t really have anyone around her. her ex husband thought that she was too much, her management were yelling at her for her personal choices and although she carried on smiling for the cameras, nothing seemed to make it any better. how could she feel so unlovable when she had so many fans??
problems became worse when her opportunities started to decline; she didn’t feel like doing anything but was too scared to tell her management no. whenever she didn’t get a job, they blamed her and became quite aggressive with her; she still just sees this as tough love. she doesn’t know what she’s worth, honestly. the drinking, partying, reckless behavior started up again. she even get plastic surgery done to make herself feel more beautiful but she didn’t feel that way, she just felt disgusted in herself.
there wasn’t really anything that pushed her over the edge, it was more the small things of building and building; her management pushing her, the exhaustion she felt from working too hard, the press smothering her, the feeling of being constantly alone - she couldn’t live like this.
she tried to take her own life about a year ago after posting a distressing video depicting her being upset online. it upset quite a lot of people to see her like that all over the world and when anyone mentions it, she just feels guilty. her management try to remove all copies from the web but people do keep on reposting it.
she spent four months in a psychiatric hospital before returning home. clarissa has kept herself to herself, hidden from the word. she’s spent it at a piano, exploring music, putting everything she felt into words through her songs. the last thing she expected was to get signed. her album 1000 forms of fear was released a month ago but she hasn’t done any promo for it herself. the woman’s definitely more quiet these days...
despite the pass, she’s not got rid of her management yet; they’re what she knows and can take it from here but she’ll honestly be so much better without them. once she gets rid of them, things will really start to turn around for her.
she is a really nurturing person but she’s very unpredictable. she’s trying to be more honest about her feelings but as she’s grown up as an actress, that’s quite difficult for her. she just needs to remember to go slow and take a breath...
clarissa’s been mia for a considerable amount of time and she’s only just entered back into the game so please bear that in mind when interacting with her.
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mariellawinters · 6 years
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HOLA !  i’m frankie ,  22 years old ,  residing in the central time zone ,  and go by the female pronouns .  i’m SO thrilled to be a part of this group !  i don’t know what else to say except for the fact that i haven’t roleplayed in about 4 months ,  so i apologize in advance for being rather slow in the process .  however , i’ll try my very best to share as many details with you about my girl , MARIËLLA , as possible . (  i would’ve had a statistics page ready but didn’t expect the rp to open suddenly ,  so i tried my best to give as much info & perhaps a bit too much lol but please plot with me/mariëlla   ;  also , thanks for reading !  )  .  ♡
・:*:・゚☆ ( jessica chastain. forty two. cisfemale. she/her. )  ↷ ( mariëlla t. winters ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are an ( a ) list celebrity known for their career as an ( actress ). they’re known by their fans to be ( easygoing, meticulous & zealous ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( anxious, enigmatic, & introverted ). i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. ・:*:・゚☆
full name:  mariëlla tatiana winters
nickname(s):  mari, maya, ella
age:  forty-two  (  42  ) .
birthdate:  november 25th, 1975 .
sexual orientation:  bisexual .
occupation:  actress / film producer / writer .
mariëlla was born to dutch-american parents, and raised, in washington, d.c. winters didn’t come from a privileged, wealthy family. her parents, constantin & thea, traveled and practically chose to live their new life in america and to start a family. in the years to come, her older brother, mariëlla, and their younger sister/daughter were born and they couldn't have been more delighted with their family of five.
she grew to have become very family-oriented because of her family, and extended family in the netherlands / holland.  which included traveling to visit them during the holidays, or every chance they could possibly get to do so if and whenever they had the money. her parents were hard-working, hence rarely having the chance to travel to europe and could only send 1, or two, of their children to stay with their relatives. but they wouldn't have changed it for anything else as long as they knew their dutch heritage, and they worked hard for almost just that.
although having hard-working parents, they both dedicated one hundred % of their time for family whenever they weren’t working. they raised / taught their children by acknowledging humility, recognizing their own weaknesses, & that it was okay to be the best that they can be  —  as well as having the FREEDOM of deciding who they wanted to be, the path they wanted to take; old enough to make their own decisions as a legal adult, basically.  * which is how mariëlla chose to raise her kids and thanks her parents for setting an example when she was growing up; passing it on as a mom herself, hoping that it works out smoothly and parenting as best she can.
when she was in middle & high school, she gained a keen interest in acting because of the plays, musicals, and whatnot. the more she got herself involved in them and at a local theater, the reason she instantly made her decision of becoming an ACTRESS became clearer. she set her mind to it, looking forward to the day she’d graduate and study film & drama at the univeristy of south california in los angeles. if anyone asked personally, it was the best decision she ever made; she would completely agree and tell you herself with pride and joy.
she always tried her best, and somehow, did explicitly well in school because she forced herself. even if she wasn’t too bad of a student, mariëlla struggled/stressed out easily, as she tends to be somewhat of a perfectionist still & almost everything had to be organized and in order. fast forward to 4 years later & as a ucla graduate; ëlla has graduated as a student that was given opportunities to act onscreen when she was in school studying. as weirdly as it might sound, taking into consideration mariëlla’s chosen profession, is incredibly meticulous when it comes to auditioning for a role and be given the job for said character.
she spends a lot of her time and energy by supporting a lot of what she believes in and whatnot. she is quite often a zealous worker for charity and brings attention to causes, et cetera. i find it better to describe as a passionate artist/actress but most importantly: a human being with a lot of compassion towards the less fortunate and will likely pay for something rather expensive— i.e. an engagement ring for a couple, anonymously  (  what paul w*lker did for a couple without revealing his identity; true story  ) . mariëlla does show a very unselfish concern for the well-being of others & it’s obvious; altruistic; even if people don’t like it or might think it’s invasive. that is never her intention; will know when to back off though. but does genuinely care a lot about others; is someone that puts the needs of another person before her own without questioning it. all in all, an easygoing humanitarian and philanthropist.
people might think it’s a bit concerning, but she can be quite stubborn as well when it comes to certain things. she means well though. don’t mind her sometimes. unless it’s for her own good or regarding anything job-wise. over the years, she has become very anxious. she believes it’s because of all the stress and the overwhelming, hectic schedule of tour promotions and whatnot. she’s committed to them but by popping a little pill called xanax. she can control her anxiety but there are days when she cannot and it’s not pretty. hence why she is her - introverted - self at times, but in the public eye is seen as an enigmatic soul. she has her reasons.
the only reason why she is hard to interpret in the public eye, especially the media, is because she only wants her close family and friends to know who she truly is behind closed doors. she could care less about the rumors that are being said about her, but it won’t mean that her anxiety won’t get to the best of her. it’ll eat ëlla up alive but will not make that obvious, of course, as she perseveres through her struggle with anxiety. it’s a bitch.
genuinely believes in “money doesn’t buy happiness.” as an a-list celebrity, she has a difficult time understanding it and ends up contemplating if it’s all really worth it ..... if she deserves the success she’s had throughout her career ? don’t get mariëlla wrong but is sometimes self-critical of herself and will not allow any special treatment. she’s an odd one but grateful at the same time. this messy business can be quite fickle and doesn’t want to disappoint anyone with her performances.
ever since she became a mom, mari grew to being quite nurturing. growing up she’d be the type of person to lean away when being hugged and avoid friendly kisses but as time passed on, she grew out of that. the love she has for her kids, she has a big heart and loves the heck out of anybody that would show her any affection, because she will definitely give it in return to anyone that needs it.
she won’t consider taking anyone’s  “ side ”  whenever it gets to that chance/point in time— neutral— like, she is on the fence about/doesn’t know a lot about politics and religion. she will sometimes avoid conversing of such but is open to talking. she is not that close-minded and hopes to not seem that way. either way, she isn’t very judgy and will only give out advice; straightforward and honest opinions if asked.
prefers to give rather than receive, although she’s grateful for such intentions and will gladly keep whatever present is given. she is NOT materialistic but loves doing some shopping often; controls herself by setting a budget on how much she could possibly spend and save.  yes, that’s how organized she is. her inner monica geller but not to the extent, of course. she thinks she gives the best whatever gift she finds and won’t brag about having the money either. enjoys the holidays  ….. — -  this was supposed be an attempt at writing a couple of headcanons, but i’ve obviously failed ?  yikes !  i’m just babbling at this point because i wanna get this posted. and it’s posted now.
this turned out to be a HUGE mess but i hope this introduction helps to plot. please like this post, or hmu if you’d be interested in plotting something out or anything. again, thanks for reading ! i know it’s a bit rambly but i’ve tried. i do have a lot of muse, don’t get me wrong. its been too long, honestly. i’ll message and read all of your intros. pretty much catch up with the ones that have been posted since i’ve been gone.
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davedeluca-blog1 · 6 years
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・:*:・゚☆ ( dane dehaan. 28. cismale. he/him )  ↷ ( dave de luca ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a/n ( a ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( actor ). they’re known by their fans to be ( versatile, charismatic, & alluring ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( cynical, reclusive & secretive) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. (viv. 21. gmt+8. she/her) ・:*:・゚☆
- dave was born into a hollywood empire to a powerhouse director father and fashion designer mother. there was a lot of pressure for him to do well, and he had all the right connections to succeed. 
- had his big break starring in a period drama about legendary criminal billy the kid, gaining attention from critics and audiences alike
- is a shy boi and evades the paparazzi as much as he can, is very private about his relationships, unless manufactured to promote a movie.
- is really into volunteer work and works with children’s organizations and charities
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nancied-blog · 6 years
↷ ・:*:・゚☆ ( lana condor. twenty-one. cisfemale. she/her ) ↷ ( nancy lu ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a ( c ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( model ). they’re known by their fans to be ( bold, devoted & shrewd ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( impudent, eccentric & reckless ) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. ( rose. 19. gmt. she/her ) ・:*:・゚☆
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hi it’s rose!! i’d like to apologize for being so damn late to the party. i’ve been offline for a few days to focus on some stuff that was going on in my life but now, we’re all good. i can’t wait to meet u all, please plot w me!!
MEET NANCY. (tw: mention of drug abuse!)
nancy lu was born into a vietnamese-american family in sacramento, california and raised alongside an older half-brother. despite her parents’ financial struggles through life, her father had his big break mere months before nancy’s birth, landing an impressive job at a large law firm. her father a lawyer, her mother a rising screenwriter, nancy and her siblings were enabled a life of modest luxury their parents had never anticipated but taught their children to embrace humbly.
an aspiring writer and model, nancy lu quickly found herself to be in one of the best states for employment possibilities and bagged her first modelling job aged fifteen. her passion for writing continued in the background as nancy landed modelling job after modelling job, prompted enthusiastically by her mother and father to keep the spark alive; ‘one day, you’ll see novels by nancy lu flying off the shelves!’, they’d say. nancy would brush these remarks off, though her heart would race at the thought.
upon her parents’ insistence, nancy underwent private education whereby a lot of her personality today was formed. mingling amongst people she hadn’t been surrounded by before and having been raised in a relatively strict household, nancy grabbed the opportunity to ‘experiment’ with both hands. throughout her education, she mastered the art of tight-roping the line between having fun and being expelled. fortunately, her older brother aided her in controlling these habits and quickly became her go-to for issues she wouldn’t dare discuss with anyone else.
there were plenty of times nancy had encountered people who took great entertainment in mocking her for her career in modelling, which only taught nancy to become more brazen and determined. there had been a handful of times her parents had received calls to discuss her ‘increasing dismissal of conduct’, but nancy would weave around these claims with ease, maintaining her parents’ almost unblemished perception of her.
now twenty-one, nancy makes a living off her modelling career, her motivation to write long abandoned. perhaps dedicating more attention to this aspiration might have spared her of some of her less favourable traits, but nonetheless, she does not intend to put pen to paper any time soon.
perhaps surprisingly, nancy maintained a close relationship with her older brother up until the day he left for the uk. she didn’t take this change well, and nancy begun to adopt some of her high school drug habits. she does her best to keep this side of her out of the press, though there is always a reporter somewhere nearby when you’re a big name on the rise in LA, and nancy has been taking some pretty big modelling deals lately.
she can be  → bold, devoted, shrewd, creative, audacious
but, unfortunately, also  →  impudent, eccentric, reckless, perverse, capricious 
i intend to write up an updated a more in-depth bio at some point but rn i just wanna plot!! thank u for reading, u angels!! 
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Name: Toni Astrid Age: 44 Occupation: Fashion Designer to the stars/ label Class: D List Toni has always had a love for clothes, suits in particular and is always seen wearing them. Toni isn’t a tabloid designer, focusing more on her work rather than getting involved in media. But of course Toni can always be found at the largest fashion events in the world. Toni is cool, chilled and extremely down to Earth. She has a daughter that is practising to be like her and eventually take over the design label once Toni is ready for her to. Toni knows everyone’s business, mixed around with the stars and the paparazzi often she has her hand in many honey pots when she needs to know something. A kind and almost mad scientist like quality to her work she has been greatly renowned in the world of fashion.
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shushrick · 6 years
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hey hey, kids ! it’s daisy again ! now i usually make a point to not use talking gifs as my headers for intros,, but he’s getting so heated over trump in this one i?? couldn’t?? not?? man went on a full rant and he’s not even american he is the only man i stan. 
・:*:・゚☆ ( roger waters. seventy-three. male. he/him ) ↷ ( richard harris ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a ( c ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( soloist / ex-lead vocalist/bassist of warren pieces ). they’re known by their fans to be ( passionate, open-minded & charismatic ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( egotistical, dictatorial & pessimistic ) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. [roger waters/pink floyd vc] (daisy. 19. est. she/her) ・:*:・゚☆
triggers: brief mention of war, brief mention of abuse, death, alcohol/drugs, suicide
so this here is rick and he’s got a long life story ! 73yrs worth ! so let’s get started!
rick grew up largely without a father, as his father, previously a sworn pacifist, died five months after he was born fighting in normandy landings
rick’s mother became somewhat of a smother, finding him to be the closest person she had left to her husband. he was put under strict rules, his mother always insisting it was for the best, warning him that the world was cruel and it was far too easy to get hurt out there !
so he spent his free time researching the war his father died in, reading the letters his father wrote, and trying to become the man his mother wanted him to be – his father. 
he learned his father loved jazz music via one of the letters he wrote. furthermore, he learned his father had played the stand-up bass. wanting to become a small version of his father, of course he spoke to his mother about this! she refused to let rick use his father’s bass, instead getting him a cheap electric one, saying it was cheaper and more convenient
he met a kid, keith, who would ultimately change his life when he was thirteen years old. keith was a guitar aficionado and they bonded over music and shared experiences with wwii and lost fathers. where rick lost his to death, keith lost his to ‘shell shock’.
they entered secondary school together and faced the abuse of teachers who didn’t care much for corporal punishment rules. however, they met two other kids – one, john, who worked great with pianos and another, pete, who was excellent at playing the drums – and formed a band. together, they settled on ‘warren pieces’, figuring it was a nice play on ‘war and peace’, especially during such a tumultuous time.
they put out their first album in the late 60s, 'the piper at the gates of dawn’, with keith taking the lead. from those fond of psychedelics, it received rave reviews, and they didn’t care much for any other reviews. keith kept the morale up. the year after, they released ‘a saucerful of secrets’ with the same reception as their previous one.
although rick was an independent man by then, whenever he saw his mother, she would constantly tell him everything that was wrong with his music. it was too drug-addled! she knew that boy keith had never been anything but trouble! he needed to quit warren pieces before he became a druggie and stopped cutting his hair!
he put up with her constant criticisms, but the day she told him his father would be ashamed, he cut her out of his life completely. he never visited her. he made sure she was never able to buy tickets to his shows. he didn’t tell her his home phone when he bought an apartment. for everything he’d done to make her proud...
rick took solace in his band, primarily in keith (but five feet apart cause they’re not gay), and was horrified when keith fell prey to the enemy of all psychedelic-era musicians. when it became more than a habit, rick brought in a man he’d met in university, robert, to become a secondary guitarist. they told keith he was just there to tour, but he was actually being used as insurance. 
keith began purposefully putting his guitar out of tune during shows. he’d purposefully play the wrong chords. he’d purposefully start a different song from everyone else. he also became volatile and borderline delusional. he could be violent with fans. he could tell interviewers that he believed someone was watching warren pieces at all times, thus making him feel like he had to make everything perfect. then he would laugh, but not that comfortable laugh. keith shaved his eyebrows off and drew new, comical ones on.
it all ended when keith came to rick with an idea for a new song, tentatively titled “have you got it yet?” he’d play the chords for rick to follow and practice along with, then he’d switch them up. it kept up like that for some time until, yes, rick got it and finally did what he knew would pain him: he finally kicked keith out of the band, replacing him with robert.
the years of ‘atom heart mother’, ‘meddle’, and ‘obscured by clouds’ were silent ones. the band didn’t talk much except suggesting this chord here and there or put this word where that one is instead – all of that. 
however, when news came out that keith had overdosed – although he’d lived – they began talking more, finding more inspiration in shared experiences again. they created ‘the dark side of the moon’ from that, an amalgam of political critiques, anti-bourgeoisie anthems, and songs dedicated to the man they figuratively lost.
while they were recording a new song for an album with a concept they’d yet to come up with, keith visited the recording studio. he was completely hairless – bald, no eyebrows. his under-eyes were pink. he’d gained weight. he looked much emptier than he had when he left. he didn’t have anything comical drawn on. he was just... sad.
it broke everyone’s heart, especially rick’s. they all had different, silent reactions. nonetheless, they were all haunted.
after that, it only seemed right to make the album largely dedicated to keith. ‘wish you were here’ came out two weeks too late, as keith killed himself two weeks prior to its release.
the next album was purposefully impersonal, focusing on the politics of the time instead of on family, on keith, on love (not that they had many love songs). the entire album was tearing down everyone from just the general population of policemen to the more specific mary whitehouse. although each album of theirs after keith left had an element of acknowledging the corruption within the system, ‘animals’ didn’t have a single song that didn’t.
now branded as particularly political, rick decided to focus in on past politics and on what haunted him the most. ‘the wall’ was born, and so was a much more dictatorial rick.
due to it being so personal, he took every measure possible to make it perfect. he fired john from the project for a few days, noting how his cocaine addiction was affecting the music... which it wasn’t, really... after the temp pianist played on one (1) song, he brought john back to the project. 
he didn’t take any suggestions robert threw his way, deeming them all ill-fitting, even when they actually would’ve fit perfectly. he forced everyone to pull multiple all-nighters in a row, making them play take after take. pete quit for a hot second before realizing he had nowhere else to go and returning to the project.
‘the wall’ was an unpleasant experience for everyone. although the concept was likely the most cohesive of all of them, following a single character (warren) and timeline throughout, working on it was absolutely horrible. for the three other members, it was being under a heavy fist. for rick, it was not only digging so deep into himself, but also subconsciously digging deep into those around him. there was a line tossed in dedicated to john that he hardly even realized ( “got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains” - nobody home ). 
a movie was made from it. it did great among the psychedelic audience. rick realized the main character was closer to keith than it was to himself.
‘the final cut’ was the last album he made with warren pieces for a long time. he considered it the b-side to ‘the wall’, but better. it was similar in concept, and there were some that were outtakes from ‘the wall’, but it was less focused on a storyline and more focused on rick’s own feelings of loss, dealing with them so many years later than he should have. it could almost have been a solo album, which leads...
after ‘the final cut’, richard went solo for some time. he found he had too many “artistic differences” from the other members of his band and only bought the two albums they put out without him because he wanted to support john whom he was still fairly close to. 
they left on such horrible terms that he didn’t reunite with them until 2013 (granted, after ‘94 they were all out doing their own things) when they were in the middle of recording ‘the endless river’. given that the grand majority of the album was simply re-recording demos, he offered to help with some of the songs. most of them already had whatever work they needed from him on there from a long, long time ago, but they began talking again, anyway.
the driving force behind them being civil was ultimately john’s untimely demise. much of the album was simply compromised of old recording of john with robert layering some light guitar over it, the occasional percussion and bass also being present.
his solo career was very c-list. his tours grossed well due to the amount of warren pieces songs he played, but only diehard fans actually bought his solo albums. it seemed everyone was either team robert or team richard.
he’s become more civil with robert and pete since john’s death and still occasionally talks to them, but doesn’t make a habit of it. most interviewers have given up on asking him if there’ll ever be a warren pieces reunion – he’s made it pretty clear that, if there is, he likely won’t be part of it.
rick has been married three times. 
the first time was to a woman named anya whom he met at woodstock and it lasted for five months – much longer than his bandmates bet it would. john bet four months, keith bet two, pete bet one. he was twenty-six at the time and blames the fickle nature on that.
he married again when he was thirty-two. it was a horrible one, though – not that he saw that at the time. he wound up having affair after affair as the “groupies threw themselves at [him]!” she was, understandably, cold to him after. rick was susceptible to breaking down while alone. she stopped answering his calls. they divorced when he was thirty-four and he included details of it in ‘the wall’, making sure his character seemed more like the villain than hers. he knew that he was responsible for it all.
his third marriage was when he was fifty-one. it lasted for five years, being the longest relationship in general that he’d ever had. truth be told, however, he never really felt anything for her. he’d felt a lot for his second wife, but he’d more than screwed that up. now that he was past the time of screwing things up, he realized the difference between love and lust. he didn’t love her. she had an affair and he figured that was reason enough to divorce without creating a story about his villainy, although a few stories were created about his hypocrisy, citing his second marriage.
rick has never once claimed that the beatles were a source of inspiration for him and will make that known if someone tries to bring it up. although he admires their work, no member ever said that they were inspired by the band. it was a cliché.
although he’s still considered an english native, he’s very into politics from all around the world. his most recent tour’s main theatrics centered around anti-trump messages. ask him about the politics of any country, though – he’ll give you his very informed opinion.
created a memorial for those who died in normandy landings and named it after his father. 
reconnected with his mother after he’d had the chance to really sort through his feelings about her – after the release of ‘the final cut’. he’s grateful he did before she died... seeing as she died one year after they reconnected. rip.
is in the rock ‘n’ roll hall of fame. what a cool guy.
there’s probs more that i’m missing but he’s?? a new character?? who 110% isn’t based on anyone at all just very original like my mind!! so original!! that said
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
* pops out of a trash can *   who’s ready to meet the worst of the worst™
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・:*:・゚☆ ( bill skarsgard. twenty six. cismale. he/him ) ↷ ( eliot varner ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a/n ( b ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( actor ). they’re known by their fans to be ( suave, intellectual & articulate ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( caustic, conceited & irascible) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. (jo. nineteen. gmt. she/her) ・:*:・゚☆
what’s up guys & dolls,  i’m jo and i fell asleep last night (damn british time zone) after my follow was posted BUT --- here i am.
trigger warnings:     implied abuse.
eliot varner is my most reused baby. because i love him so much. i’ve had him in literally thousands of groups  &  should probably make a new boi ... but nah. 
to summarise him in one sentence i’d say :   an asshole of an ex-child star with self destructive tendencies and a literature degree that he can’t do anything with. 
but for the long story ---   eliot was born in quebec to martin varnèr and terri danhuer. I fancast his parents as mads mikkelson and michelle pfieffer bc i love them.
his mother is a former starlet too. played a final girl in ‘typical slasher film no.101239′ and has now made half a dozen cameos in any horror film/show that would take her.
when eliot was a baby, terri insisted that he did modelling because she wanted to live vicariously.  when he was four she’d already pushed him in to acting classes & auditions. that was when he was cast as richard ‘little ricky’ johnson in what would become a loved family sitcom ‘life of harry’
terri moved him to los angeles and in exchange martin divorced her. rip.
growing up on the show was great for the first few seasons. eliot was cute af and he got a lot of opportunities for that. he won young performer awards and was a national cutie. ricky was like the male stephanie tanner.
when eliot was just nine years old he worked with a childrens tv director who took advantage of him & everything changed.
he became really bitter at his mother and hollywood for doing this to him. he started acting out on set. got the rep as a bit of a trouble maker. other company’s stopped hiring him. then when he was 12 he starting bullying a younger costar and his contract was stopped.
they recast him and the show went on to do one more season before it was cancelled. eliot is cocky enough to think it’s bc they got rid of him.
he moved back to quebec where his dad sorted him out. his dad is the greatest person in the world. an actual angel.
eliot went on to study literature in college and had a good old normal experience. until shortly after graduation his friend asked him to star in his web series because he couldn’t find an actor. 
that’s when eliot realised that he did actually enjoy acting and was good at it. 
his dad wanted to strangle him when he said he was gonna move back to los angeles and become an actor again but martin realised he shouldn’t stop him. 
eliot has been back in los angeles for almost three years now and since then he’s started in several award winning indie films and had a fair guest spots in tv shows. 
he’s picked up the attention of the paparazzi’s & press who want to know who he is now. there have always been rumours that he was a drug addict since he got fired. that he was a bully. infact the rumours changed every week.
eliot atm is really good at keeping his personal life private. he is knows to flip the bird at cameras but only because he’s smart. he knows that if he gives them drama they wont go digging. 
currently starring in a tv remake of 'The Lost Boys’ film as dwayne, the dark & brooding one. he didn’t expect the show to last more than one season but it’s proving to be riverdale style popular.
some fun facts about eliot
bisexual af but considers that his private life and doesn’t want anyone to find out. mainly bc he doesn’t want to be turned in to a martyr by the press.
is a scotch man unless he’s in a bad mood, then it’s straight vodka.
has a scruffy selkirk rex cat called hades whom he brought in as a stray.
is rich af from the life of harry earnings that martin put away. has house in the private section of the hollywood hills.
his house looks like a show home bc he has zero personal effects on show. 
has a tattoo of a barcode on his forearm bc hollywood treated him like he was just a number.  also a smoking skull on the top of his other arm & a the phrase ‘Chacun voit midi à sa porte’ which basically means everyone puts themselves first (ish).
is a native french canadian so french is his first language. he captions his instagrams in french to fuck people off. (bear with me on this front, i’m in the middle of learning french)
is a big mess.
needs friends to stop him drinking too much as he complains about his mothers drinking
needs casual flings & people he can protend to have feelings for
needs publicity stunts that make him look good 
also needs enemies. lots of em.
and most importantly: his mun needs friends & plots so like this and i’ll sneak in to your dms. 
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santcnaguerrero · 6 years
↷ ・:*:・゚☆ ( cindy kimberly. nineteen. cisfemale. she/her) ↷ ( santana guerrero ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are an ( a ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( model ). they’re known by their fans to be ( bubbly, ambitious & reliable ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( secretive, bossy, & manipulative) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. (alice. 21. est. she/her)
(( feel free to IM if u want to plot & make connections !! ))
santana was born in brooklyn, new york. by the age of two, santana moved to los angeles because both of her parents wanted to pursue directing in hollywood.
she can speak a total of 3 languages, dutch, spanish and english. 
she got into modeling at the age of 12 when she was looking through a catalog of models wearing all types of dresses to help her mother’s friend purchase a dress for her daughter’s high school graduation. every year it became tradition for her to watch the victoria’s secret fashion show - even now.
before officially gracing the covers of magazines, santana had a massive following on social media. once she was becoming well known around los angeles, she became attached to many “dating scandals” with various people. a majority being bullshit. 
social!butterfly! santana loves people and will make friends with everyone. it is 100% SAFE to assume connections with her also since she has been around for a while and since her parents are well known directors. 
i know i’m forgetting things but i’ll keep updating them. :))
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mchcxl-blog · 6 years
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・:*:・゚☆ ( lily james. twenty five. cisfemale. she/her. )  ↷ ( isabel hayes ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a ( b ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( singer ). they’re known by their fans to be ( open-minded, strong-willed, kind ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( naive, scatter-brained, flirtatious ) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. [dodie vc]. ・:*:・゚☆ 
( tw: cancer mention )
like this for plotting and i’ll message you !
or, you can message me on discord at maggie#3182 !
*✧.:°░。 before fame ;;
isabel was born in the united kingdom, in the shire county of surrey.
she’s always loved to sing. her mother always said that her first word was sung, not spoken. isabel was never sure if her mom had told her the truth about that, & never got the chance to ask, because her mom died of breast cancer when isabel was ten years old.
isabel didn’t touch music for years after her mom died. her mom had been a musician, & it was too painful for her.
when she was fifteen, she met a boy who convinced her to join her school’s choir, despite her better judgement. while it was hard for a while, it eventually brought back her love of music & made her feel closer to her mother.
she & her father relocated to london after she graduated from secondary school, & on a whim, isabel auditioned for a west end production of les miserables & was cast as an understudy for eponine.
one night, she got to go on, & after the show a music producer approached her. he said he was enamored with her voice & wanted to sign her to his record label. after careful consideration, she agreed, & moved to los angeles.
*✧.:°░。 after fame ;;
after releasing a few singles that got some radio play, isabel started a youtube channel. this is where her career really took off.
her youtube channel became wildly popular about a month after she started it. she posted lots of covers & a few originals, & her fans began pressuring her to release an album.
so, she did.
her album has been played on spotify over 9 million times, with her single “human” on the billboard charts at a solid number 9 or 10.
she’s done a few concerts, & would like to tour, but needs a slightly bigger fanbase before doing so.
through her fame, isabel has remained humble. she never turns down a photo or autograph for a fan & likes to reply to them on twitter. her fans make what she does worth it, because without them & their love, fame would majorly stress her out.
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ncttoday · 6 years
↷ ・:*:・゚☆ ( katelyn nacon. 19. cisfemale. she/her ) ↷ ( lucy lewis ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a ( b ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( singer/actor ). they’re known by their fans to be ( clever, loyal & optimistic ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( paranoid, antisocial & awkward) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. [katelyn nacon vc]. (issy. 21. gmt+10. she/her) ・:*:・゚☆ 
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lucy is a very sweet girl. she’s worked her way up relatively without making any real enemies
one of the main reasons she hasn’t cracked a list is because she has just about no real drama or behind the scenes. despite having had a few famous relationships, she’s never really had any drama with them or breakups
lucy’s been acting since she was a kid, partly because her father was a relatively well known director. she never really had a choice, but luckily she loves acting and singing
she’s passionate about telling stories and wants to be a director herself one day, like her dad
her mum is a no-namer and as a result, lucy has always pictured herself winding up with a non famous person.
lucy’s been in quite a few movies recently and has been on a few of the big late-night shows, 
her image is very cute/sqeaky clean and her music is quite like indi. she writes all her own music and plays it herself. so kinda like ed sheeran type of music, though obviously not as successful.
she’s an only child and as such, has dealt with a fair bit of pressure she felt to measure up to who her father was. with her father being an a-list director, she was in the spotlight a little bit growing up, thought her image was always sweetheart there as well
another thing i want to add about her is that she has endometriosis (which is something i’m giving to her because it’s something i also deal with) and that has resulted in her having quite a lot of chronic pain basically since she was about twelve. this has resulted in her having issues with depression and anxiety, due to the pain she’s dealing with weighing on her life. 
i would love just about anything for her, friends, costars, former flings, etc.
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brvttjohnson-blog · 6 years
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・:*:・゚☆ ( jacob artist. 24. cismale. he/him)  ↷ ( brett johnson ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a ( d ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( dancer/actor ). they’re known by their fans to be ( optimistic, cheerful & hardworking ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( insecure, self-deprecating & overly sensitive) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. (martin. 19. gmt -3. he/him) ・:*:・゚☆
heyyy, name’s martin and here’s my little bby brett, and his background
brett was born to a single mother when she was 19 and she left him in an orphanage in good ol’ florida before moving to new york to pursue her dreams of making it big in broadway, a passion that was also passed onto little brett here 
in that orphanage he was well known as a caretaker, always being totally sweet and not guarded at all, unlike other kids there, which made him an easy target to get picked on, but he also had his good protectors there as a kid, 
his only real passion in life was entertaining, and he was damn good at it as well, so no one could really deny him what he wanted. he used to dance on the street to get cash to go to dance classes, until he won a scholarship so he could go to the studio for free
not having had much through life made him very grateful for what he did have but also work hard for what he wanted to get, which included a dance scholarship to Julliard which meant he got to move away from florida and to his dream city new york 
not long after that, he got his big shot dancing in the broadway production of chicago when he was just 19, going through other shows such as hedwig, cats, motown and hamilton, just to name a few 
not long ago he got a big break to dance in a music video (that could be a possible connection if your character is a singer) to make the big move to los angeles, where he’s looking to also expand into acting, having only done small walk on roles, with barely five lines each. 
all in all, this guy has worked his ass off to get where he is and knows he’ll have to keep on doing that to become a household name
I’m open to any connections, so hmu if you wanna plot.
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bcllatrixx · 6 years
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・:*:・゚☆ ( alexandra park. 26. cisfemale. she/her )  ↷ ( isabella ‘bellatrix’ romano ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a ( d ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( musician/singer ). they’re known by their fans to be ( bold, understanding & adaptable ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( melancholy, self-destructive & aggressive ) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. [amy lee vc]. ・:*:・゚☆
annnd vee’s child #2. bellatrix, funnily enough, is the good one out of my characters lmao. tho the girl’s def got her problems. read about her below !
grew up in LA all her life. absolutely hates the city, and wishes she could move to NYC. feels like she belongs there than in the ‘golden land of who gives a flying fuck’ 
her parents were lowlifes. they were like the parents from the film, matilda. her father was involved in a gang, always scamming/hurting people. and her mother cared more about her appearance than her daughter. 
had a little brother who passed away when he was 7 and she was 14. after that, she had no one. really fended for herself. 
hated school, but she loved music class. she joined the orchestra where she fell in love with playing the violin. it’s still her favored instrument, but she does play a lot of other string instruments like guitar and cello and ukulele (surprisingly). 
singing was harder for her to show off. she kept her voice to herself like it was her own private secret no one could know about.
that is, until, she needed to use it. her parents one day up and vanished without a trace. and bellatrix was too tired - too indifferent - to try and find out where they were. she held down the fort, had to start paying all the bills. she was working a part-time job and still trying to finish high school. she realized there was no way she could do it if something didn’t give.
so she started a youtube channel. played music there and on the streets after school. she got roommates. everyone partied every night, but bellatrix made damn sure to get up the next morning even with a hangover. she wanted to graduate high school. and she did.
eventually, a roommate caught her singing in the shower. they insisted she sing for a living. her voice was out of this world - dark, haunted. bellatrix only agreed when the bills began to pile up again. and her youtube fame skyrocketed.
eventually got a manager and a band put together with some of her roommates. they started doing local shows and even a few across the country. it’s been a whirlwind and bellatrix isn’t sure she can keep up half the time. but she manages. 
loved her brother and misses him like crazy. he got sick so she blames her parents for not getting him treated in time. 
drinks and smokes and does drugs like any hardcore rock enthusiast. has a lot of issues and rage and hurt pent up.
still manages to be a genuinely nice person. unless you’re an ass or hurting others, then she’ll straight up punch ya in the face. has gotten into a lot of bar brawls because of this.
almost overdosed once in her life and it scared the daylights out of her. she still does drugs, but she’s toned it down. 
is gay af. feminist af. proud af. 
her band’s called ‘willow may i weep’ and it was named after a poem her little brother wrote for her. 
friends! heaven knows the girls needs ‘em. 
bandmates! i’ll send one or two into the main but yeah fam.
groupies! a model or dancer or something who likes hanging around them after their shows, partying, etc. 
neighbors! maybe someone who’s always insisting they turn the music down lmao.
rival! another singer she’s wound up disliking. they butt heads and play in the same places. 
anything else! just hmu <3
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actresscatalina · 6 years
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exes who are now friends
protective older friend
unlikely friends (two opposite personalities getting along)
friends by association
partners in crime
co workers/costars -- BENNY
met on a talk show -- JAMES
the friends who are always fighting
friends who balance each other out
someone she’s modelled with/for
mentor -- MARIELLA
flirtatious enemies
a pair of enemies where one secretly likes the other (platonically)
one night stand
will they won’t they -- BENNY
in rival groups but in love
fake dating
secret admirer
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danielesux · 6 years
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・:*:・゚☆ ( alycia debnam-carey. 25. cisfemale. she/her. ) ↷ ( daniele 'dani' nemeth ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a ( b ) list celebrity known for their career as an ( actress ). they’re known by their fans to be ( affectionate, humble, & open-minded ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( lazy, reticent, & jealous ) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. ( michelle. 22. est. she/her. ) ・:*:・゚☆ 
hello, new friends! i’m michelle and i’ve not been in a group like this in many moons so i’m a wee bit nervous, feelin’ a lil shy, but i’m v excited. lemme jump right in and introduce you folks to dani. i’ll have some more detailed stats and such on my page later on, but this is all the need-to-know info as well as some stuff you probs don’t need to know but i feel like sharing anyway! 
her full name is daniele faith nemeth. she’ll answer to daniele and is known professionally that way, but 98% of the people in her life call her dani. 
she’s had dual citizenship in both america and australia since she was a child, since her mom lived in australia (where dani was born) and her dad lived in america. he moved there for work when she was 2, after he’d split with her mom. she wanted to have a relationship with them both, so she lived with her mom during the school years and spent holidays with her father in california. she moved to california full time when she was 18 and looking to begin her career. at first she lived in anaheim with her dad, but she soon moved to los angeles. 
she’s a 25 year old actress, who has done a couple of movies and a handful of smaller roles, and is now a main role on a popular tv show, but she hasn’t always done that sort of tv. 
she first stepped into the spotlight when she was 19 and was cast on a reality show on mtv. (something very close to ‘are you the one?’) her agent said it’d be a good start for her, and she blindly did what he said. it did seem like a fun time, and if she got to meet a few cute people (mostly boys, because of the show’s premise), then that was okay for her.
it wasn’t until after the show was airing that she realized it may have not been a good idea. she began worrying she’d never be taken seriously as an actress because of her reality tv past. luckily, she was able to capitalize on it instead. since her name was out there now and she’d gathered a small fanbase from the show, her agent was able to land her auditions. 
she got a few small roles right away, doing one episode roles on popular shows and having a minor parts in movies. her biggest role to date came in 2017 when she was part of an ensemble cast in a female-led comedy (think something along the lines of bridesmaids?? but set at a college and no one is getting married) where she got to work alongside more established and known actresses. this movie is being called ‘moon girls’ for right now and no i didn’t use some sort of title generator to pick that at random. her character was named elizabeth.
her role in that movie led to even more opportunities for her, the most notable one being her current gig. the first season of her new tv show is now playing and she is one of the main roles. it’s a horror show and spoiler alert, but she’s signed on for three seasons, so she feels like she won’t be dying anytime soon. (i’m thinking it’s a similar show to mtv’s scream. a murder mystery/slasher type of show.) the show has been doing well and is very popular with teens/young adults. for now this show shall be called ‘red dreams’ and no i didn’t use the same generator again, mind your business. she plays a character named savannah. 
so that’s p much the gist of her career, now moving on to more on her personal life and such. 
since she’s started to gain more fame and more fans, she’s been referred to as a ‘bicon’, as she’s very open about being bisexual. her character on ‘red dreams’ is also bi. 
she is proud cat mom, to a 3 year calico cat named chandler. when she adopted him a year and a half ago, that was already his name, and since she’s a casual fan of friends/chandler, she kept the name. she felt bad about changing it, she didn’t want to confuse him. 
while she worked hard to become a respected actress, thats about the only thing she works hard at. she’s a lazy person, always wanting to spend her time on the couch or in bed. give her some fries and other snacks and let her hang out in front of the tv with her cat and she’s happy. 
she doesn’t easily talk about her feelings, sometimes fearing letting people in and seeing her vulnerable side. this is a general thing, but when it comes to romantic feelings, she’s twice as guarded. this doesn’t mean she’s a cold person though. she may avoid genuine, serious talks but she’s still quite affectionate. she’s all about holding hands and cuddling, whether in a platonic way or otherwise. she loves being close and touchy with people - but only people she’s close to, or wants to be close to, if you get me. wink wink nudge nudge. 
some other qualities hmmm. she is jealous, usually with people, sometimes with career things, but she’d never say it out loud. 
she’s humble, almost self deprecating at times. 
she’s one of the least judgmental people ever, and very fair minded, and can usually see both sides of an argument - most arguments, that is. with major things, like lgbt+ issues, etc, she has a side. 
she’s sarcastic, but not cruel, always trying to be friendly and keep the mood light. 
she can be nosy as well, she likes knowing about other people’s drama, but she doesn’t have malicious intent, she’s just a curious person. 
she loves music and tv, and is never not watching or listening to something. 
she is notoriously late for things. she can force herself to make it to sets on time (9 times out of 10 at least) but for most other things? lie to her about the time if you want her there at the right time. 
she’s the person who lurks the group chat and only contributes by sending memes every once in awhile. she is a taurus and yes it matters to her. she’s an astrology hoe. she doesn’t understand any of it but she likes knowing peoples zodiacs signs and reading about their traits and seeing if they’re compatible. 
hey, potential connections and plot ideas!! 
a best friend, because who doesn’t love a good brotp??? i do!! a list, b list, c list, d list, dani doesn’t care and neither do i. she needs a good ride or die in her life. 
co-stars!!! because of course. her two biggest projects were the ‘moon girls’ movie (which probably consisted of a and b list actors) and her current show (probably other b listers mostly) but she had lots of little parts before those, so they could have met when they were both big roles or when dani was just playing barista #5 in their show/movie.
since i mentioned she’s v closed off when it comes to romance, i feel like maybe she’s broken a few hearts in her day. peeps who she got close with and unintentionally led on, and they wanted more but she was Not about to have those convos, so things ended. 
friends with benefits type thing?? dani is gonna realize she just hurts people if she’s not upfront from the start, so she’s gonna try that honesty thing, and it can lead to her and your muse having a no strings attached type relationship. bonus points if one or both of them fuck that up by catching feels tho lmfao.
a mentor of sorts! she’s still relatively new to the scene and is just now blowing up, so it’d be nice for her to have someone to guide her and give her advice. 
an old roomie maybe?? she was not wealthy when she first came to los angeles on her own and she would have needed a roommate. she didn’t get her own place until ‘moon girls’ was out and successful, so they would have had a few years together. their current status is up for discussion. 
some sort of enemies??? that could be fun. hatred is great. dani doesn’t hate easily but she’ll hate you if you want her to. 
like i mentioned, she is a huge fan of tv and music, so maybe your muse is one of her faves!! they can mutually fangirl over each other. or maybe just dani can fangirl and your muse can be mildly bothered by her.
literally anything!! i know i’m gonna remember a few more and be annoyed with myself for forgetting to add them.  
i will most definitely add some pages to my navi with more stats and details and maybe more connection/plot ideas, but for now, there ya go, folks! if anyone wants to plot, please do not hesitate to say hi. i am so thirsty for any and all connections, i’ll cling real hard to you. i’m excited to get things going!! 
p.s. if i don’t reply suddenly its bc ya girl went to take a much needed 10 hour nap. 
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silentfocus-blog1 · 6 years
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hello !! here’s a small intro post about me and my lil angel PENELOPE, which you can click her name & take a look at her dossier which has eeeeverything you need to know about her. but just for the sake of convenience, here are some basics. ♡
・:*:・゚☆ ( paige reifler. 23. cis female. she/her )  ↷ ( penelope page) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a ( c ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( model ). they’re known by their fans to be ( artistic, gentle  & wise ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( obsessive, selfish & misleading ). i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. (rose. 18. est. she/her) ・:*:・゚☆
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