sliding-into-space · 2 years
Describe a typical birthday for Slider.
Slider tries to block the day out. He bought a cupcake on his ninth birthday and made a wish that his pops would come home. It didn't work. After that, he tried to either sleep the day away or block it out.
After Coop returns however, Slider has to be reminded it's his birthday. He usually gets a tad flustered and overwhelmed from the amount of attention and affection from his friends and family, but he does appreciate it, even if he's still not sure he deserves to be celebrated this much.
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cflight · 1 year
What is Ekira's financial situation? How do they feel about it?
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Ekira’s financial situation is very poor. They don’t make what money when it comes to their performances— and any they do make certainly isn’t enough to pay for much in terms of necessities. Food is scarce to come by for them; so in most cases they dig through dumpsters to get even the scarcest meal. Anything they can buy is usually rotted due to merchants wanting to make a quick buck and not wanting to sell their products for anything else.
They bathe in whatever rivers they’re able to come across; the only clothing they own being the ones they wear almost constantly. Sometimes they steal if it really comes to it, and they’re lucky if they’re able to actually stay in inns and taverns during the winter months. Ekira isn’t exactly happy about this situation— in fact, they feel pretty dire about it despite the positive outlook they try to keep about it. Some days, they go in with stride— others they’re broken down to a sobbing mess knowing just how awful things are for them. The vagabond life is one they both cherish and despise— and it’s a hard thing to truly embrace as they want to.
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seeasunset · 1 year
{Starter from s.c. for: @famestarved}
❝Tell me more about your culture and your people. I never got the chance to ask that before.❞
With two cups of hot teas, Vasco moved to set down one in front of Apolo. Vasco's own cup being placed right in front of him. With that all being done, he slipped into the seat. It was one of those days the two could relax and talk. Nothing too serious going on. No chaos or any of that sort.
His curiosity got the better of him, wanting to know more about Apolo and where he has came from. They did went through quite a bit. So, why not?
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svperboi · 2 years
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@famestarved: Kon is alone in the middle of nowhere. A snake bites him, and he's pretty sure it's a poisonous one. What does he do?
he'd probably be looking for a vet or sanctuary for the poor snake, cuz those fangs would be busted. while Kon is still young and not as durable/invulnerable as Superman, he's still pretty puncture proof.
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wickdcreatures · 2 years
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@famestarved prayed: Does Tabby gamble? Is she good at it?
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yes! she does gamble, and she's pretty alright at it! she's learned from some of the best, like her gang leader father figure and her mother figures professional conman brother <3 she's not the best gambler, but she at least doesn't loose her money every time
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gingermuses · 2 years
What is Teddy's favorite weather?
unprompted asks
"Sunshine, baby! The best weather to go cruisin' on yer bike. Just the wind in your hair and the sun beatin' down on ya.
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...And it's nice that people don't ask why yer wearin' sunglasses all the time when it's sunny out, too."
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angstbullshit · 1 year
@famestarved​ 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡   :   what is Heidi's least favorite animal? ( and no saying she likes all of them, that's cheating.)    ——— (   RANDOM QUESTIONS   ⟋    ALWAYS ACCEPTING   )
heidi is a smart arse - this question would result in her staring at you for a couple of minutes , blinking slow like you’re the insane one before eventually asking  “ well what type of animals are we talking about ? favorite extinct animal ? favorite house animal ? favorite wild animal ? theres sections to these things, it’s not that simple. “ 
but sadly i cannot cheat like she can , and i will have to sacrifice this animal lovers welfare to answer this , rest in piss heidi  -  i think over all, her favourite would be any sort of bird ; there are three specifics that come into mind and that’s crows , eagles  &.  hummingbirds .  the latter i think is one that's held dear to the heart . hummingbirds have such a range of colours when it comes to their feathers , they’re small and delicate but they’re still feisty and have a lot of soul and spirit within them . she absolutely grows up and gets a hummingbird tattoo on her upper arm. i think she sees an old piece of herself within them, a wholesome purity she lost when she was younger . 
also as a treat : favourite extinct animal : irish elk . favourite wild animal : hummingbird favourite house pet : cats . 
i read this fucking ask wrong and im not going back LMSDIFPOHSDFOISHDFOSIF GET FUCKED
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oddlies-a · 2 years
Keeping all your blogs in mind…and the vibes I get for matching…
For this blog: Adam, Chaim, the Maddox brothers, Elliot, Ernest, Kyō, and… Thuti as a wild card.
For modestmuses: Thuti (for Amumu :) ), I can see Chaim fitting in there somewhere, maybe even Moira, Rorie mayhaps…Ernest and Elliot as wildcards. Maybe the maddox brothers as well…
For famestarved: Elliot and T’Lura for SURE! Alien buds. Wildcard: Kyō and Chaim…
For freeddead: Adam, Clifford, Chaim, Maddox bros, Eve, Greer & Rorie, Thuti… wildcards: Elliot & T’Lura
For triggerbigger: I think seeing Kyō confused my the technology and business shit would be FUNNY. Also: Maddox brothers and Elliot as wildcards.
And for paleontaxi: Adam…Gumshoe maybe…Elliot maybe…maybe Beagle and Ernest as wildcards.
I hope these are good and do feel free to come to me to discuss :) I totally went off of my knowledge and vibes.
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supraxstcllas · 2 years
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@famestarved​: is sanity required for the job? (for harley!) meme || accepting!
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❖ — she laughs, loud and comical, “ Oh hun, that depends on the job! “ she says, brushing stray strands out of her face, 
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“ Usually it is, but not with me! Nah, it’s a lot more fun if you’ve lost a few marbles! “   
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sliding-into-space · 2 years
What games did Coop play as a child?
Coop got to travel all over Cyberspace as a child because his mother would bring him with during all her jobs. Typically, he would go exploring. He was a very friendly, if not an over excitable child. He loved to make new friends and join in whatever customs or games the locals were into! He also loved building and fixing things up with his mom, who taught him how to build in the first place! Usually Coop would return to his Mom's side by the end of the day with mud splashes, leaves in his hair, ripped clothes, and a giant smile.
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cflight · 2 years
What games did Ekira play as a child?
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Oooh this is a really good question (and I am SO GLAD I finally get to answer it)!
Growing up in a small village surrounded by forests aplenty, Ekira and the other children had the usual games of hopscotch, hide and seek, capture the flag, and playing with hoops from barrels. They had a few worn pieces of leather from an old bag of mulch they used as a kickball, volleyball, or baseball— it depended on what type of ball they needed for that particular game and just used it for everything!
One of the games they used to play was called Humdrum’s Limber, a made-up game that had one person as the “Humdrum” and the other kids as the “Limber”. The goal of the game was to catch as much “limber” as you could without crossing into Dead Man’s Dreech (the edge of the forest that outlined the village.) If you crossed into Dead Man’s Dreech, you were turned into “Dreech”, the haunted spirit that lingers the within the forests. Now your goal is to make it to the treasure (the well in the center of the village) to lead Dreech to without being caught and becoming one of his minions!
It was basically a convoluted mash up of both hide and seek and tag, but the village kids and Ekira spent many summer days chasing each other silly. It was the game they’d played the most growing up, and one they hold incredibly fond memories for.
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recklessinventor · 2 years
starter | @famestarved​
“Well, I know for a fact that space travel is real, even if many people here on Earth don’t. The fact that I’m sure of aliens’ existence is both a blessing and a curse, so to speak.
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What about time travel? Do you have that?”
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seeasunset · 1 year
Whom does Vasco most love in all the world?
➤ Honestly, there is a lot of people he loves the most in the world. It's hard to narrow it down to just one person, to be honest. I know some people will argue that there will be that one person you'll absolutely love above everyone else. Not for Vasco.
The Nauts (specifically his crew, Admiral Cabral, & Captain Cedro), any of his friends, and his partner. He will admit it to their faces too. Sure, he may be grumpy about it from time to time or he may not directly say it, but he will show it in his own way too. Creating poems for them, giving them their favorite things, etc.
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naturaltalent-a · 2 years
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@famestarved​  𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡  :   ❛   tap .   tap  my  muse  on  the  shoulder  to  garner  their  attention .  ——— (  LOUD & DEAFENING SILENCE  ‣‣  ACCEPTING )
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  ⠀⠀⠀   *         𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐏𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐌  —  she intended the tap to be quick and repetitive,   but what she perceived as such was the exact opposite and instead was slow in motion and hardly there at all.   eyes heavy and the whites almost entirely tainted with how bloodshot they were,  she was fighting to focus on the other.  it was hard to speak to them when everything about them was so loud .   she hears the colours in her eyes,   they look like how the pacman game sounds after a twenty hours of play time    ❛  i figured it out,  what you are  -  what you really are  ❜    joint is placed between lips,   taking a long drag in an attempt to build suspense    ❛  a deep cover fbi spy sent from the future to assassinate a soviet general in the area  ❜   smoke falls from mouth as she talks .  looking a little too proud of her self made discovery     ❛   you can tell me,  i don’t care about the butterfly effect .  ❜  
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digitalmadness · 3 years
How does Aiden feel about growing old?
Uɴᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ ᴀsᴋ ━ ﹗
➤ Honestly, Aiden doesn't care. He's already pretty old by the time the first game rolled around. At that point, he was beyond accepting the fact he was old and growing to be so. The thing is, he never thought he would make it this far.
Given that his position as both a vigilante and a hacker, he would have been taken out a while back. Even when the other games came rolling around, he never thought he would be living. Probably dead in a ditch somewhere.
So, it does amaze him how old he is and he hasn't been killed off. At the same time, he never cared much about growing older. It's a normal thing to life. Growing old.
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studies-of-the-soul · 3 years
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{ starter for @famestarved } The young witch wandered deeper into the forest than she had before, out of sheer curiosity. There were plenty of rumors about the forbidden forest, that the animals acted strangely and traitors to the emperor would take refuge in the darkness. Eda was no stranger to risk, but she wasn’t an idiot. She tied a ball of rope to the entrance of the forest, with the rope trailing behind her to act as a guide back home.
What she didn’t expect to find was a young man with green skin, looking rather lost and out of place. She waved to him and ran over out of concern.
“Heyyyy! Are you lost? It’s dangerous to be here!!”
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