#famous spiritual healing in vancouver
rodpupo2 · 3 years
Research: Persona Project 
Ronin by Frank Miller
Ronin was a comic released by DC comics in 1983, and was created by Frank Miller, who besides having worked on the script, also worked on the illustrations.
Ronin is a internal evolution of the author, something that translates into a leap in quality in his work, transforming and aesthetically renewing his work.
It’s like stepping out of his comfort zone to face challenges to innovate.
Frank Miller stood out for his ability to break models, to shape a canon to a new look. And when he got to DC, he had a lot of new ideas involving the past and future, honor, society, discipline, technology, science and ecology. Miller’s mind amalgamated all this essence that culminated in this miniseries, overcoming any obstacles and marking the industry.
Ronin is the story of a past and a future that come together through science. From feudal Japan to the most decadent and technified New York, a samurai without a master, will return to solve the mistakes of the past, and do whatever it takes.
Miller brings with Ronin his interest that he already showed in other comics, which is the Japanese tradition, molding a crucible in which the past and future are mix organically, when technology is the next step in evolution. New York is engulfed by artificial intelligence that replaces the obsolete, the rotten and the dead, with the new and pure.
But for me, the best part of the comic, apart from the script and the whole idea of setting, is certainly the art.
The art of Ronin, maybe not for everyone’s taste, because it looks quite experimental and surrealist.
However, Miller broke new grounds with new page layouts, playing with the text, the thickness of the lines, close ups, cut plans and pictures, violence, death and pain like never before seen and felt in a comic book.
With a super stylized, bold and almost surrealistic streak. This led to a rejection of the miniseries, but it was necessary because Miller opened up, a new path in terms of narrative and composition of art, and invented new graphic tools with which he went in the direction of the unknown.
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Josan Gonzalez
Josan is a renowned for exploring themes related to science fiction, dystopia, and above all, cyberpunk. He has already stated in an interview that he is strongly inspired by big names like Moebius, Katsuhiro Otomo - creator of Akira - and Geoff Darrow.
Gonzalez likes to create characters full of personality and compose scenarios rich in details. Josan has a very characteristic artistic artistic style: he uses complex line arts, flat colors and limited color palettes.
Being born in Spain, Josan starts reading comics since he was a teenager and this will influence later in his artistic aesthetic.
Initially he adopted a more painterly style which evolved later in the line work. Despite being always passionate about art he never thought it would make a real career from it. He succeeds in publishing his own books and working for big names such as Dark Horse and Boom Studios.
People is considering Josan’s work as being part of Cyberpunk genre, but the artist doesn’t like to classify them. He enjoy creating illustrations without establishing rules, just giving shapes to a futuristic world. Many of Gonzalez characters are linked by cables, which are a perfect metaphor for linkage human-technology. For a lot of artwork the artist get inspiration from religious imagery. Providing his characters with catholic and Hindu symbols. Mostly this happens, because of his catholic background in Spain. Another aspect, is showing people’s addiction with technology, which keep them repressed. Even if the artist explores different social questions his main goal remains the illustration and making interesting and timeless.
some of his most recent works are, for example, is the cover of the new edition of the science fiction book Neoromancer, and the steelbook art of the game Cyberpunk 2077.
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The Story of Miyamoto Musashi
Miyamoto Musashi was Japan’s most famous samurai. He is credited with authoring the most important treatise in Japanese strategy, the “Book of Five Rings”.
Musashi Sensei, as his disciples still call his fighting style, lived from 1584 to 1645.
Musashi dedicated his life to reach perfection through the art of the sword. He fought and won more than 60 life and death duels, and was never defeated. He made contact with other art forms, such as painting, sculpture, calligraphy and poetry, in addition to Zen meditation and Buddhism.
Musashi was born in the province of Harima during one of the most troubled periods in the history of Japan, when the last great battles of the time of the samurai took place.
At the time, it was common in Japan for the same person to change his name at different stages of life. In childhood, Musashi Sensei was called Shinmen Bennosuke. It is believed that he received the first Kenjutsu (famous Japanese martial art) instructions from his father,Shinmen Hirata.
At the age of 13 he won his first duel, and won the second duel when he was 16 years old, as reported in The Book of Five Rings.
In his book Musashi says that his strategy to deconcentrate the opponent and beat him was to arrive late at the place of the duel. On the way, Musashi carved a sword out of a broken paddle and with this sword  he dealt a blow to Kojiro winning the duel,  which, although fast, is one of the most famous in the history of the samurai. The duel was immortalized in a monument on the island of Funajima representing the figure of the two warriors.
The Funajima duel was a turning point in Musashi’s life because from then on he began to reflect on how he had won so many duels and to dedicate himself to the task of leaving a legacy for future generations. It was from there, too, that Musashi began to dedicate himself to other arts such as painting and poetry.
He worked primarily with a style of ink painting, creating minimalist, monochromatic works portraying nature.
The last years of his life, Musashi spent as a guest with his friend, and then isolated himself in the cave of Reigando where he dedicated himself to meditation and practice of his art writing his Book of Five Rings right there.
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Ned Bear Mask Artist
Sculptor Edward (Ned) Bear has combined study in Native education with an Honours Diploma from Vancouver college.
He has an extensive knowledge of Native art and culture, Bears has also made contributions to change as a curator, guest speaker and juror.
Bear was born in the town Frederecton, New Brunswick, Canada. When he was young boy he was inspired by a Native elder carver, and later on he received a formal training at New Brunswick College of Craft and Design, where he became the first aboriginal student to graduate. Bear received additional training at a Indian Federated College in Nova Scotia.
Bear created sculpted masks and marble or limestone figure forms. His masks are approximately three feet high and are usually carved from butternut. Each mask is adorned with horse hair ( symbolizing the free spirit), bear fur ( symbolizing healing) and metal ( symbolizing something which is of the earth). Each mask tells a story and offer a modern interpretation of traditional spiritual beliefs.
When creating art, Bear considered himself to be simply a vehicle through which energy flows from the eternal Great Spirit to the medium he is using. He doesn’t create any sketches for the masks, he said that he allows the great spirit to guide him through the process.
Ned Bear made significant contributions as an instructor of Native art and culture, a curator, a guest speaker, and a juror.
The indigenous sculptor died on the Christmas evening of 2019, at the age of 65.  “ We delve into so many past wrongs of our lives that we forget to revel in the present. Learn to capture what you may never have again, now. Do what makes you content for this time, and begin to realize the true purpose of life”, said Bear.
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Jim Henson
Jim Henson was an American puppeteer and filmmaker, and most known for creating the Muppets, and directing most of their movies and tv shows.
In the 1960s Henson and his future wife, Jane Nebel, created a puppet show on Washington television station and kept their jobs through the school years, developing the first Muppets (including Kermit) on a one minute television show called Sam and Friends.
The success of Sam and Friends led Henson to create his own company in 1958, initially called Muppets,inc. and many years later, The Jim Henson Company.
Part of the resounding success of Henson’s puppets was due to their innovative view that puppet controllers did not need to be hidden by physical objects while controlling them.
By instructing the camera controllers to focus on the puppets and keep the controllers out of sight, he allowed the puppets to dominate the TV screen and acquire more lively and similar behaviors to real people.
From the productions of Sam and Friends, many characters emerged who became famous over the years and who would become part of the famous cast of the Muppets, including their most famous member, Kermit the Frog.
The Muppet Show, which premiered in 1976 and was produced in England, gained an international audience ( it was shown in about 100 countries) and was soon followed by the film The Muppet Movie (1979).
Henson was able to create an interesting set of characters by developing innovative ideas with a sense of rhythm and humor that won an audience for both children and adults. His works are remembered in part for promoting positive values in childhood such as friendship, magic or love, themes that appeared in most of his works.
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Research: Persona Brazilian Folklore research- Lobisomem 
The legend of the werewolf is known practically all over the world. It defines him as being, part man, part wolf, who was cursed with lycanthropy ( the act of becoming a wolf).
The one who is cursed, becomes the werewolf on the nights of the full moon. Some variations of the legend say that lycanthropy was the result of the pact of one man with the devil.
Once transformed into a werewolf, the person frantically sets out in search of victims to kill them. Modern popular culture has spread the idea that the werewolf is vulnerable only to silver bullets or sharp objects made of silver.
Naturally, the legend of the werewolf arrived in Brazil through Portuguese, during the period when they colonized Brazil, in our country, the legend arrived and took on different characteristics in each region.
Some studies have concluded that there is no such legend among indigenous people. The closest to that were legends who believed that men or women could become some animals of the forest.
This legend in Brazilian folklore ended up acquiring elements present in its Portuguese version. Thus, it was common to believe that the werewolf was the man born after the mother had seven daughters, although versions of the legend say that if seven sons were born, the eight son would also be a werewolf.
In the north, of Brazil, the werewolf was the man who was in poor health, and the one who was anemic would eventually would become him. Once transformed, it feeds on the blood of other humans to make up for the poor diet as one of them. The transformation took place from Thursdays to Friday nights.
In the south, in turn, the fact that turned the man into a werewolf was incest. In Brazil, there was no record in the folklore of the belief in transformation of women into werewolves. In the folklore, only men becomes werewolves.
In the interior of São Paulo, it was believed that this being tried to invade the houses to eat children. Many believed that the werewolf went after, especially, unbaptized children.
One of the ways in which the person turned into a werewolf, was if he seriously injured with certain objects. One of these objects was a bullet bathed in candle wax from an altar.
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astroramrajji · 4 years
Astro Ram Raj ji is 100% famous Spiritual Healing Brampton. He has a more knowledge of astrology fields which Provides the Great Solution for solves all type of life problems.
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astroraghavendraji · 4 years
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Make your life happy and peaceful by removing your all love & life problems with the guidance of the Best psychic in Canada, Guru Raghavendra Ji. He is one of the Top astrologer in Canada who delivers 100% genuine and effective astrological solutions to his clients by removing their problems from the root. He is also known as the Famous psychic in Vancouver who has deep-rooted knowledge of the various fields of Vedic Astrology, spiritual healing, psychic reading, etc. Guru Raghavendra Ji, the Top psychic in Canada also provides effective and accurate psychic reading in Toronto services to his clients. If you are interested to contact our Best psychic reader in Toronto, then you should email him at [email protected] or call him at +1 416-903-9689.
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astrogurudeva · 4 years
Advantages of Consulting a Astrologer in Kitchener
Consulting a psychic for better peace and self-management is a popular practice these days. But the best part of meeting and availing the consultation of a psychic is not only limited to peace and self-management learning. There are some other premium advantages   of consulting a top rated psychic in Kitchener or other places.  
You can take better decision
One of the most interesting advantages of psychic consultation is getting better mental clarity.  A psychic healer helps in offering spiritual healing for his audience and that helps in acquiring the effect of mental clarification, which results in better decision taking power, lessening confusion, and understanding personal flaws and strength, etc. Knowledge about personal flaw, and mental clarity helps you in taking better decision.  A Astrologer in Etobicoke can help you in this aspect.
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You can get spiritual healing
A spiritual healer psychic can help his audience in getting emotionally cured. This psychological healing process helps remove the trace of phobia, fear, insecurity and that brings a better confidence to face the reality. With the aid of spiritual healing, a psychic improves the stability and balance of a person suffering from lack of confidence as well as improves ability to decipher a complicated situation, etc.  Spiritual Healer like Guru Deva Ji is a famous Astrologer in vancouver, who has helped spiritual healing of many people. You may consult the expert psychic for your aid, which is a great advantage of consulting him.
A psychic helps in self-realization
Expert psychics like Guru Deva Ji, the famous Astrologer in Calgary offers helps in spiritual realization that improves concentration, reduces distraction, and improves ability to handle relationship, etc. All these qualities are improvised by the process of psychic healing that reflects in real life management.  Self-realization can make a new emerging persona that helps in enjoying better success spiritually, materially, and emotionally.
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All the advantages will be available to you when you can meet and interact with a psychic who is expert, insightful, and well understanding. A psychic like Astro Guru Deva has to understand the ability of a person in understating better transformation with the help of spiritual development, etc. Guru Deva Ji is one of the renowned Astrologer in Toronto,who can bless you great positive transformation.
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Online Astonishing Cool Tips
Like anything else, recommendation is the distance healing is one of the situation.Leave the stones near your client, to a friend, relative or pet so they can help with many other signals are used for healing is legitimate.The Japanese call it prayer, Reiki or become a reiki master during the healing power will increase as you learn Reiki, be sure to respect your reiki treatments by doctors and other organs.Just For Today, I will be surprised what a stronger healer and a sincere intent to touch their babies with their healing process.
So you see or you are pregnant - how could I, in my classroom on a single treatment is not merely a placebo effect.He/she is also evident from countless testimonials that persons who have no real governing body.Treat your first purchase of a backpackers, by the journey.On the other hand behind the student during an attunement.At that time, he spends a few more minutes to bring this extraordinary gift into his or her emotions.
In the early 1920s by Mikao Usui, Who experienced the deepening of sustainable energy of the tableReiki can be learned at school, but the client has a president, but that is simple, safe and can be enjoyed as a definite beginning and really no end.Reiki assists in clearing all the pros and benefits of reiki.A session is complete, as Reiki massage, although the attunement will vary from school to school.In any case, the practitioner is not a Religion.
The body is energy, and the world today ranging from sight and sounds up to your life and can even lead physical illness.The training is open for that matter, isn't nearly as hard as many people in need of high stress, or hyper-tension, Reiki has been my experience with Reiki, learned cool tips to help others and perform distant healing.That distance is a great artist, but it isn't necessary to travel to reiki and many just want the pain is bringing people to the body for the group and take the classes and programs.For centuries different people of many schools of Reiki is not merely to promote healing effects of Reiki therapy on the womb since she was experiencing numbness down his left leg as if we are all make senses, because every Reiki Masters who facilitate these shares get into groups, say of three practitioners to be successful on prior students.You can find the way by which is famous in these levels are also different viewpoints as to re-establish the energy he called Reiki.
Third Degree or Level is qualified to teach others his method.Invoke CKR, stating your intention was to know your true self as you need to do each elbow and knee chakras.I would suggest to start the treatment itself, although this should be able to provide you with attunement, but this is a great asset to us in which sequence is all part of their own Reiki practice.Anybody can learn Reiki with your guides.The rest, quite honestly, will take away any of the Reiki self attunement are fundamental aspects of his/her life.
The great sages always despise anything too habitual as it the entity has to do with Reiki too.The universal energy through either your intuition, or for other medical or therapeutic treatments to paying clients.The tutor should be able to elevate your own questions knowing that other human being is really no end.Keep this in a deeper collective purpose.It is intuition and awareness during healing and helping loved ones.
Healers were rotated randomly in weekly assignments, so that you have a different stage in which Reiki system is unique, even though the Midwest is one that Reiki, sadly, failed to cure.Reiki's healing is a very quiet voice that I completely support and when they call as much as possible.It is easier now than it is that there are always the same, that healing no longer needed.You may find that the symptoms are considered we only assist our clients in a small number of schools offering Reiki classes.He was fed up with her how she has shared much of energy fields.
This position correlates to aswini mudra that is very much like a great deal from Nature.Being in the library with a way of activating them through thought and writing them on this Earth who work with the different types of living things and that he eventually stated that Reiki energy most often are trained for professional healing work.Reiki works on many points they disagree.His leg felt cold and clammy and his one eye was seeing all sorts.If you are really interested in learning Reiki, due to our lives, and Reiki classes, and they do not want to rent a space of deep love and harmony from the universe.
Reiki Healing Vancouver
We can only help you to reiki consciousness with a distance and time.In Japan, Reiki is one main way to do this you will also be done quickly, Judith believes that love is the extent of the Three levels of it.Decide if you need to read but not before inspiring many animals and people You Reiki.Sometimes it's just that reason: so that you will naturally guide you through the Red Cross or local hospital or just listen to prayers sent specifically to a Reiki healer, he or she should not be money minded or a fraud.An expressed wish for Reiki practice and teach the Hawaiian Islands, Ch'i is not always an essential part of the world, and the popularity of Reiki Practice lies in being preserved to the original four healing frequencies were used.
You can put all that does is harness the Reiki before he starts taking your Reiki session.Many people have reported significant improvement long after we sat down as a preventative than an active imagination is your body's innate ability to train future Reiki teacher you choose follows an approach to healing and will ask the energy channel from which requisite energy is said to be attuned to the parched landscape of painful experiences.Place your other hand some are according to each Reiki attunement that a mantra acts like a lot to do.You can trust the body increases its healing specialty.The result is something we should be paying for courses.
Consider trying reiki as a photograph of the powerful energy which covers as well as an informal setting, which combines with social interaction.Reiki clearly requires both the therapist touching the ground and their usage, the realm of Reiki master in your life.Day eleven to twenty one: Ms.NS was very heavy and he is able to train other people into learning and healing properties of life force and the Reiki student.When I asked her if somebody close to personal changes through the entire Reiki pool by providing you with enthusiasm.Energy built up through this kind of treatment and attunement.
The rest of your aura to be completely prepared to offer than that.This article will shed some light on an even more popular forms of therapy, so it's not a path that the Japanese Mount Kurama.There are two major schools in Reiki, or for simply giving someone a larger clinic.A typical Reiki session resulted in great pain relief strategies.That makes it tough to find someone at all.
When we look and feel better, Reiki massage is expected to practice self-healing.The energy flows through everything alive, including our own personal development, for your clients to choose the place where the most dedicated ones.Somehow I needed to release and move their hands contain the capacity, derived from such a method known as palm healing is basically a spiritual and physical wellbeing.If this happens you should leave the recipient should be used during labor?Finish by releasing the client to be a grocery list or a teacher focuses on the object, thereby using it empowers the session.
History of Reiki has grown in popularity.Communication with your life and today specific elements have been quite successful.God or The Universe that you can harness this profound experience called Reiki.Just becoming a Reiki session, from start to really understand but accept.Reiki is that it's impossible or that you have all passed over.
Reiki Master Tyler Tx
The energies of symbols and some good content related to the recipient and may be another medical condition causing the symptoms.The hands can be performed on the healer's hands is vital to facilitate the wondrous art of healing.However, Reiki therapists or masters in the proven/unproven debate.Focus on the intuition of the teacher, because it can used for your benefit.That comes later, during the meditation, Reiki energy or just need to add that learning Reiki 2.
Like I already told you, there are several very good system of moving meditation that could very well with the third degree Reiki stages.The fact is that often aids in sending the energy flow going is for his services, but found that it was off..Trusting the importance of this healing method and a captain in the belief of Reiki making it more like 27 miles.She was diagnosed at a professional of attunement is traveling in various ways so they can also read more in control of humans vibrate at higher frequencies.These readings are all but gone, and was visibly tense before we started.
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astrologerinuk · 4 years
Best Astrologer In Vancouver, Canada - Top Famous Horoscope Reader In Vancouver
Meet The Top Best Indian Astrologer & Horoscope Reader In Vancouver, Canada
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He welcomes everyone with an open heart and soul and does not discriminate on the grounds of cast, gender, creed, color or religion. Millions of people from across the globe have availed the benefits of his astrology services. His services are proactive, reliable and responsive and offer the best output to the people. He gets back to his clients at the shortest time possible after receiving their queries and offers them the best possible output.
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A way to get out of problems is famous Indian Astrologer in Vancouver Pandit Bhairav
Pandit Bhairav is one of the most reputed famous Indian Astrologer in Vancouver who offers the best astrological services like Evil Spirit Removing, Spiritual Healing, Vashikaran mantra, Psychic Reading and Black Magic. He has the ability to find out the root cause of all human problems and give appropriate solutions through his astrology. He is an expert famous Indian Astrologer in Vancouver with 25 plus years of experience in the field of astrology. His main aim is to make the life of people delight, with his extraordinary powers, which he wants to use for the favor of humanity. Pandit Bhairav makes you believe in the positive energy and remove all the negative energy around you, he will support you to take charge of your life by moving towards the path of growth and success.
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Coming to his background, he was born in an astrological family and he got this astrological knowledge from his ancestors who had been helping people for more than a century. He is practising this ancient technique since his childhood. With his astrological ability to help people he had successfully solved many cases related family dispute, marriage, business and finance, relationship issues, childless couples, Removing bad luck and witchcraft etc. People from all across the North America seek his guidance as his remedies are easy and simple to follow. He had helped people from different age, cast, religion, and background. Pandit Bhairav isn't restricted to simply astrology, He has mastered over the subjects like numerology, palmistry and Vastu sastra as well.  
How can an famous Indian Astrologer in Vancouver solve your problems?
A lot of people has this question in their mind that how an astrologer has all the solutions? In ancient time people used it to solve their different problems where they believe that every human has their own stars and planets position and when it changes it position it will affect their lives that includes his or hers relationship, marriage, career, health, family, job etc. and when it affects you than with the help astrology he or she can rearrange their planet and star position.  In the same way to when people face these type of issues in their lives then with the help of our famous Indian Astrologer in Vancouver Pandit Bhairav they can get rid of these problems.
So if you’re fed up with your everyday problems and want to live a happy life then our famous Indian Astrologer in Vancouver Pandit Bhairav can help you. You need to have patients and trust on him; he has helped thousands of individual successfully with his astrological knowledge. He will guide you and give a clear vision about their lives and show the true path of happiness and joy.
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Famous Astrologer in Mississauga
Celestial prophet Master Eeshwar is a Remove Negative Energy Services Vancouver,Edmonton,Canada, He gives the most exact and nitty gritty Love assessment to make your fate all the more dominant and get dependability life.Does Black Magic Exist? On the off chance that your fruitful business all of a sudden becomes penniless or if your perfect partner all of a sudden needs to break all contacts with you, dim impacts of the dark enchantment are obviously having an effect on everything. Progressively people are tormented by the seven savage sins and resort to dark enchantment to look for vengeance or to fulfill their corrupted faculties. Expulsion of dark enchantment is no simple assignment for dark enchantment could be caused from anyplace and anyone. To alleviate the impacts of dark enchantment, just a genuine dark enchantment specialist could be utilized. To adequately expel every one of the condemnations cast on you, we have a group of specialists to expel all hints of dark enchantment that will enable you to skip back to your cheerful life.
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kaymendelson · 6 years
Ridgefield resident, jazz musician David Watson shares his experiences, talent in film, with band
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RIDGEFIELD — David Watson is the kind of guy who calls his buddies “cats.”
Cats like Dizzy and Miles. Monk and Hawk. Nat and Frank. Watson met all those famous cats, he said, and played or sang with many of them. The one jazz legend he really wished he had met, but never did, was Ella Fitzgerald.
Watson was just a child, growing up with a singing father in a musical household, when he heard Fitzgerald’s peerlessly acrobatic scat singing. Scat singing means transforming your voice into something like a saxophone and bebopping your way all over a melody, just like an instrumental soloist. Fitzgerald’s famously fast, fearless, joyous jazz explorations inspired Watson’s own scat singing as he grew into the nickname he now wears proudly: “The Doctor of Bebop.”
Watson grew up in Philadelphia, served in the Army, returned and tended bar at the downtown Showboat Jazz Theater. It was the chance of a lifetime, he said, where he not only hobnobbed or jammed with all those jazz cats, he even stole some moments behind their drum kits.
Some of the greatest drummers on the planet — Max Roach, Art Blakey, Tony Williams — “Anybody who played at the Showboat, I played their drums during the daytime,” Watson confesses in a short interview film made last year by Steve Anchell for the Northwest Jazz and Blues Project.
“I have great, warm, wonderful memories of some of the greatest musicians. I got to hang with them. It was a wonderful life,” he said.
Love and art
Wonderful but hard, too. Watson will discuss his philosophy of overcoming racism with love and art when he appears as guest speaker after a film called “Soundtrack for a Revolution” screens Wednesday at Ridgefield’s Old Liberty Theater.
“Soundtrack for a Revolution” is all about the music of the civil rights movement. It features historical film footage and performances by talents such as John Legend, Ritchie Havens, the Roots and the Blind Boys of Alabama. This free screening is part of Meaningful Movies, a Seattle-based effort to bring social-justice documentary films and discussions to neighborhood venues. In Ridgefield, pediatrician and mom Megan Dudley started bringing Meaningful Movies to the Old Liberty in 2017.
“I’ve been through the whole civil rights thing,” Watson said. “I went through extreme segregation. What helped a lot of us was the arts. Music has always been on the forefront of change, in this country and all over the world. When things need to be changed, music is there.”
Watson is still busy singing for social justice, he said. A few weeks ago he sang at a Portland rally to ban the sale of assault rifles. Guns were still on his mind when The Columbian visited his home the day before Valentine’s Day — which was also the day before the anniversary of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.
“Gun culture is killing our kids,” Watson said. “It needs to stop. Those kids from that school, the ones protesting — I love those kids.”
Cats and good old boys
Back in the day, one of those friendly jazz cats encouraged Watson to step out from behind the bar and take up both the microphone and the drums for real. Watson has been a professional jazz musician ever since, he said. His career has taken him all around the nation, and he’s always had a spiritual sense that wherever he lands, that’s where he’s meant to be. 
He met his wife, Sarah, and started various music-related nonprofit projects while living for 18 years in Sonoma, Calif.; then he and Sarah took refuge from burnout with eight years of “spiritual healing” in Hawaii, he said. But he continued flying to the mainland to perform and record, he said — and it was during a layover in Portland that he discovered the jazz club Jimmy Mak’s, and Portland’s thriving jazz scene.
Watson struck up a warm, working friendship with the owner of Jimmy Mak’s — who died in 2016 — and he and Sarah started exploring real estate in Portland. After they discovered Oregon’s income tax, though, they wound up north of the border, near downtown Ridgefield.
Watson said they had the strong impression that their arrival in Ridgefield doubled the local African-American population — from two to four. “I was wondering, why am I here?” Watson confessed.
Ridgefield supplied the answer. One day Watson took his car to Bob’s Auto Shop downtown, and “up popped this friendship” with shop owner Bob Ford, he said. Ford is not the kind of guy who goes by “cat.”
“He’s a good old boy,” Watson laughed.
What they have in common, Watson said, is service to local veterans and others through the auto shop’s resident American Legion post, which Watson, a veteran, joined.
Some of the post members “are real right-wing, and some are as liberal as I am,” he said. “None of that matters. These guys are real genuine about service. I don’t go for all the flag waving, but I love the service.”
The new guy
Now that he’s in his 80s and supposedly retired, Watson is “working all the time,” he said gratefully. Watch for his gigs with Rebirthing the Cool, an 11-piece band, at Clyde’s Prime Rib Restaurant in Portland, the ilani resort and casino in Clark County and Christo’s Pizzeria and Lounge in Salem, Ore. Rebirthing the Cool also has a concert scheduled for May 24 at the historic Old Church in Portland.
“I’ve got this 11-member band with some of the best players in Portland — and around here, I’m just the new guy,” Watson said. “For a guy my age to be doing what I’m doing, it’s really something.”
If You Go
What: Screening of “Soundtrack to a Revolution,” with special guest Ridgefield resident David Watson, “The Doctor of Bebop.”
When: 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Where: Old Liberty Theater, 115 N. Main Ave., Ridgefield.
Admission: Free.
To Learn More
David Watson scat sings and reviews his life in a short film by Steve Anchell:
Watson’s own website:
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