#medical marajuana
headlessandhellbent · 2 years
I'm allergic to curaleaf DTA Durban Thai
Holy fucking shit. My eyes are crying and I can't stop sneezing.
Second strike out with curaleaf 🥴
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alexisthefurrystoner · 7 months
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Definitely recommend these they feel fantastic and taste great.
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harmcityherald · 6 months
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lets gooooooo
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harleybeaumont · 1 year
Never Have I Ever
Chapter 17 - Let Me Take You Dancing - Part 1
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Riley helps Bertrand loosen up and teaches him how to dance.
Chapter Warnings- language, drug use, sensuality
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 1,915
A/N- the next chapter is about ready to go and should be posted tomorrow!
Chapter 17 - Let Me Take You Dancing - Part 1
After dinner that night, Bertrand found himself in the empty ballroom of the Beaumont estate, ready for a different kind of lesson from Riley. 
She took out her phone and scrolled through her playlists before finally choosing something with a repetitive beat and a lot of bass. She sat her phone down on a chair and began swaying her hips with a grin. “Ok, the mood is set. Let’s get you dancin’.”
Bertrand stood in place, watching her like a deer in headlights. “This.. was a mistake.”
“Hey, hey!” She took his hands, unsure whether or not he was about to actually run away. “Let’s start simple. Just loosen your body up first.” She shook out his arms comically and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“You are ridiculous!”
“Ya, but you laughed! And you look much more relaxed now!”
He scrubbed a hand down his face. “You make everything look so easy. I don’t think I have the ability to lose all my inhibitions the way you and Maxwell do. I worry too much about.. Well, everything.”
“Ok.. I have an idea, but I need you to keep an open mind. Have you ever gotten high before?”
Bertrand looked aghast, “Of course not! Other than.. well, the time I accidentally took two doses of pain medication when I sprained my ankle.”
Riley fought back a chuckle. “I’ll be right back!” She ran up to her bedroom and dug through her suitcase until she found the package of Delta 9 gummies tucked into the inside pouch. 
“Eat this.” She handed a gummy to Bertrand once she got back to the ballroom.
“What.. is it?”
“I’m gonna be straight with you. It’s basically candy with marajuana in it.”
“Riley!” His eyes widened. “I can’t take this! What if this puts me out of my right mind and I do something scandalous?!”
She grinned, “This isn’t like that. I take them sometimes and it doesn’t make me act any different. It just helps me relax.”
He looked at her skeptically. “When do you need help relaxing? You’re always so confident.”
She shook her head, “I get nervous a lot. But I get nervous about the things that are probably a breeze for you. Fancy dinners, ballroom dancing, talking to a literal king and queen. Those things scare me to death! So sometimes I need a little help.”
Bertrand’s face fell. “I didn’t know you were so anxious.. Perhaps I should have gone over those specific things in more detail. We could have practiced more if it would have helped. I feel terrible that I didn’t prepare you enough.”
She took his hands. “No, it’s not that. It’s just hard stepping out of my comfort zone sometimes. But.. you’ve helped me grow and learn so many new things and I really appreciate it. I’d like to think I’m a better person for it.”
Bertrand gave her a strange look that she couldn’t place, but it warmed her inside. “I should be saying the same thing to you.” He smiled softly and shook his head good naturedly. “Alright, Riley Brooks. I trust you. Take me out of my comfort zone.”
Riley smiled, “And I would never abuse your trust. So you’re really sure?”
”I’m sure.”
She bit the gummy in half and chewed her piece, before placing the other half against his lips. “We’ll start with half tonight since it’s your first time. It usually takes an hour or so to kick in, so we’ll start off really slow with the basics of dancing. Baby steps.” 
Maxwell strolled through the hallway on his way to the kitchen for a snack, when the faint sound of dance music hit him. Curious and slightly offended at the fact that someone was having a dance party without him, he followed the sound until he ended up outside of the ballroom doors. Cracking open the door, he peered inside and threw his hand over his mouth to stifle his gasp.
Riley was holding Bertrand’s hands while teaching him to do a basic side to side step to the beat of one of her favorite songs. He watched in awe as Bertrand furrowed his brow the way he always did when he was seriously concentrating on something. Riley moved behind Bert, taking hold of his hips, trying to help him move more fluidly, and Max didn’t miss the way Bertrand blushed and smiled to himself. 
“Wow,” Max whispered with a huge grin. For years he had been trying to teach his big brother how to dance like that, but Bertrand wouldn’t have it.
He is so far gone. Max chuckled to himself, watching the two of them while they danced and laughed together. Riley brought out something in Bertrand that Max had never seen before. 
Max jumped and spun around, shocked to see Savannah of all people creeping up behind him. He hurried away from the ballroom door, ushering her with him. “Sav, what’s up?” He asked, his voice squeaking slightly.
She looked at him curiously, trying to get past him to peek into the ballroom. “What were you looking at in there?”
“But I hear music..”
Max jumped in front of her, “Uh, actually I was coming downstairs for a snack and I heard music and I found, uh.. Two members of the staff dancing in the ballroom. It was so cute that I just had to watch for a minute, but I think we should give them some privacy.”
Savannah raised an eyebrow, “What about that is cute?”
“Well, these two have been avoiding their feelings for each other for so long and they're finally getting together. Don’t you think that’s cute and romantic?”
She shrugged. “If you say so.”
Max led her farther away from the ballroom. “What are you doing down here?”
“I was looking for Bertrand to be honest. I knocked on his door but he didn’t answer so I was on my way to the kitchen to see if he was there.”
“I think he’s actually in bed asleep!” Max quickly lied, “He was really tired earlier. Hey, why don’t you come to the kitchen with me and I can cook you my specialty!”
Savannah glanced back at the ballroom doors one more time, then followed Maxwell. “What’s your specialty?”
Max grinned excitedly, “Well.. It’s taken me years to perfect, but I can now make flawless ants on a log!”
“Ants on a log?” She snorted derisively. “Isn’t that just celery, peanut butter, and raisins? We made that in grade school.”
“It's all about the ratio, Sav! And I have found the perfect ratio!”
Maxwell led Savannah to the kitchen and out of sight, keeping her occupied for the rest of the night.  
An hour into his dance lesson, Bertrand moved cautiously to the beat, shifting his feet and subtly swaying his hips. Riley took his hands in hers and grinned approvingly. “Nice! You already have more moves than most guys at the club!”
Bertrand chuckled, “You’re teasing me again.”
She shook her head, “I’m not, I swear!” A mischievous grin alit her face. “Oh my gosh, I have an idea.. Field trip!”
“Come again?”
“We’re taking a field trip tonight to an actual club! Then you can scope it out and practice before you go on your date!”
She pulled his hand and he stumbled a bit, “B-but.. This is all happening so fast! Maybe tomorrow!”
“No sir,” She grinned, “Tonight! Come on, I’ll help you get ready!”
Clothes were flying out of the closet as Riley tossed shirt after shirt aside in search of something casual for Bertrand to wear. He grabbed a white button up and a tie off the rack and held it out to her. 
“What about this?”
She arched an eyebrow, “What about this is casual?”
“The tie?” He shrugged. “It has gray polka dots. That’s ‘fun’ right?”
“Maybe it would be ‘fun’ for a brunch with the queen or something, but you’ll stick out like a sore thumb in that. Ohhh, hello what is this?” Riley held out a black leather jacket. “This is hot, Bert! Why haven’t I seen you wear this before?”
“Maxwell got it for me for Christmas a couple years ago. I never felt the urge to join a biker gang so I never wore it.” He laughed at his own joke for far too long and Riley couldn’t help but join in.
“You’re starting to feel that gummy, aren't you?”
He chuckled again, “I’m not sure. But I feel giddy and a tad wobbly on my feet. Is that normal?”
“Yes it is,” she laughed. “You’re definitely feeling it. Now we need to hurry and get you to the club while you’re riding that high. And I know just where to find you an outfit.”
“Maxwell’s room?” Bertrand asked as they entered his younger brother's empty bedroom. “But.. he’s a size smaller than me. And he wears his clothes tight as it is. Anything from his closet will look like it’s been painted on me.”
Riley grinned, looking him up and down, “Yes that’s kind of the point, Bert. She thrust a dark gray t-shirt at him.”Please wear this with the leather jacket. You’ll look amazing!”
Bertrand began unbuttoning his shirt and they looked awkwardly at each other before Riley reluctantly turned around and began rummaging through Maxwell’s dresser drawers. “I’ll see if he has some jeans you can wear.”
She tossed a pair of distressed, dark wash blue jeans to him. “Put these on and I’ll go get the jacket.” She wanted to stay and watch him change clothes but she knew if she did, she might try to jump him.. And most likely get rejected. Besides, she needed to remember that this whole thing was to prepare for a date he was going on with another woman. 
Once she returned to Maxwell’s room she nearly gasped at the sight before her. “Fuck me..” she whispered as she looked him up and down. The tight t-shirt stretched over his biceps and accentuated his broad shoulders and pecs, and the jeans hugged him in all the right places. “Bert, you look fucking hot!”
He blushed, looking at his reflection in the mirror. “Are you sure? These jeans are riddled with holes. I feel naked.”
Now it was Riley's turn to blush because his comment had her picturing him naked. She cleared her throat, “You look.. Really good.”
He smiled shyly, “If you say so.”
She helped him slip on the jacket and smoothed it out, letting her fingers slowly travel across his shoulders and down his arms. 
Bertrand shivered beneath her touch, but all too soon it was gone.
She backed away, “I’m going to go to my room and get ready really quick. I’ll meet you back in your bedroom in ten minutes, ok?”
Riley knocked at his door about twenty minutes later wearing a skin tight maroon dress that left Bertrand’s mouth dry and his heart pounding. Her golden, wavy hair framed her face, accentuating her smokey eye shadow and deep crimson lips. She looked nothing short of a goddess and Bertrand physically had to shake himself to stop staring. 
“How do I look?” She asked with a grin.
Bertrand brought her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss against her knuckles, surprised by his own boldness. “Absolutely ravishing.”
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nidailylife · 1 year
Ugh. Neighbors smoking marajuana again. 🤮
I'm all for people who need it medically or people who can responsibly enjoy it recreationally. But IT STINKS! Cant people just eat MJ gummies or brownies?!? We live right next to a national forest that often has to deal with skunk stink, and maybe these newer neighbors don't know that. But when you've gotta close up your house half the time, because of skink stinks, when the hot weather makes you starve for fresh air, or when the cold weather makes you crave the warmer air outside, needing to half the opportunities to open the windows, because someone decides to not be considerate about their MJ smoke, gets really aggravating!
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reefdestro · 3 years
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IG ReefDestro
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glazedd0ughnut · 4 years
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Pass the fucking dutchie
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hotboxhearts · 4 years
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I’ve wanted one of these crystal bowls for so long! 💖✨
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driedpedals · 4 years
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Creator insta: dayyyofff
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puertiricanjosh · 5 years
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autumnmariegrim · 5 years
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My Eyes. My Best Feature
P.S. I’m a little high
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Why do I take most my selfies in the car?
Ive got to get rid of those dark spots on my chin! I applied a retinol today and vitamin c serum so that should help.
#norvina vol. 3 eyeshadow palette
#anastasia highlighter
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msmaryjanegreen · 5 years
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Stay high like the sun!!
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glazedd0ughnut · 4 years
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Felt stoned might get more high later 😋
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Nugg Club Product Review
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So I made a Nugg Club unboxing video last month and I'm finally getting around to reviewing some of the product. I'm only reviewing the edibles because I don't/can't smoke.
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The box comes with a really good amount of product. You can't even see all the product that came in it when you first open the box.
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These are the products my ma got, just so you can see what some of if the stuff you can get in the box. She said her favorite was the stone road pre rolls.
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And here are all the edibles I got in the box.
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If you love dark chocolate then you will love these. They don't taste that much of cannabis. Just dark chocolately goodness. I personally do like the taste of cannabis but if you don't then these would be good to try.
These have 2.5mg of thc per piece. That's perfect for me since I usually have to cut edibles into pieces for the right dose for me. I'm kind of a lightweight. I just take one with breakfast and one with lunch and I'm good for the day. Depending on how much thc you need you might have to take more than one if you need a higher dose.
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The white peach pate from The Pantry. This one is really good. It tastes just like white peach, with the slight bitterness. So good. The sugar crystals give it a really nice crunch. It also doesn't have a cannabis taste.
These have 6mg of thc per piece. I have to cut these in half, one half with breakfast and one half with lunch. Depending on how much thc you need then you may need to dose less or more. But because I'm such a lightweight these last me a good while.
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These are really strong, 27mg if thc per tab. I don't take these everyday. I only take them when I'm really anxious and my regular dosage isn't helping as much as they normally do and I just really want to de-stress. And it's bomb. It says cerebral high and it means cerebral high. I'm pretty productive when I'm on this too.
They dissolve on/under the tongue. I always need water or something to drink because the taste is not that great. It tastes like pills. But the taste doesn't linger, at least if you drink something to wash it down.
I really liked the box and I got another one that I filmed an unboxing for last night. Check out my last unboxing here. And if you want to get a monthly Nugg Club box for yourself you can check it out here while getting $5 off your first box.
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