omegamoo · 11 months
Thats a cool dog in your pfp!
thank you!!!! it’s a wolf drawn by @/onewolfaday, an artist who draws… a wolf every day for thsi year. it says so on the tin lol. anyways their art is so inspiring to me their shapes in terms of how they draw wolves is like. yeah that’s how i need to get my wolf shapes to look u should totally check them out!
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bistaxx · 2 years
dude i just saw someone compare luzu as the sun while quackity is now the moon due to their erased memories... i still don't like this new arc but fuck......
I saw those too aaaaah!
I’m a huge fan of sun/moon motifs esp. with those two and to flip their dynamic like- wow!!! It’s a really cool idea yeah ^_^
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casinoroyale · 1 year
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Tbf It would be really funny if you doubled down and called every single of his friends a fan 😂
ehheheh post the tntduo meetup photos like "quackity tweeted out a photo with a fan!"
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bandy-andy · 2 years
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pumakaji64 · 1 year
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sillyfaggot · 2 years
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aggie from yesterday with @exerjack @fampop @t3rm1nus @autismfoxs @omegamoo @arieava @avephelis @othersidedisc @sirpiglin @dxzyslive @watermelonbird THANK YOU every1 for joining :3 (also check under the cut)
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shoutout to this person ^^^ i dont know your user so i didnt tag you but love ur art also any1 else i didnt tag so sorry (edit this person is @eggl-rd thx term :DD)
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belanova · 1 year
grips your shoulders. what was ur old url
Shadoune, Honkq, Islaquesadilla, Fampop or quackcest
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omegamoo · 1 year
C'est Français ou autre langue :?
oui! je suis un cours de français et je veux pratique! mais je ne le parle pas bien
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bistaxx · 1 year
actually you bring something i didn't think about but yeah Sapo peta uses te gustas, and te amas for luzu
in spanish Te gusta does mean "You like" but many people also use it to be a coyer nicer way of asking if they have romantic feelings which is why they ask "Te gusta alguien?" instead of "te amas alguien" so if somebody asks you this they don't mean if you literally have friends XD i don't know why but it is just used interchangeably like that
I see! Ty for the info!!! It kind of reminds me of how in English sometimes people say " oh do you like like that person" as a more casual way of asking if they are crushing on someone instead of outright asking if they have feelings for them.
I had a feeling I was probably looking at it a bit wrong, I was looking at it like how something like tqm and te amo both translate to 'I love you' but the second one is considered to be more intimate/romantic in nature while the first has a more 'broad' usage while not being as 'strong' of a phrase- which lead to me to think that maybe with 'te gustas' Q could get away with answering yes while thinking in a more platonic sense- but judging by what you said that probably wasn't the case then.
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casinoroyale · 2 years
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quackitytheduck · 1 year
is fampop going by another url rn
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quackityupdates · 2 years
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I posted 1,539 times in 2022
That's 1,539 more posts than 2021!
1,277 posts created (83%)
262 posts reblogged (17%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,522 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#quackity - 1,448 posts
#quackity update! - 1,440 posts
#not an update - 60 posts
#mod areus - 51 posts
#ask - 47 posts
#mod post - 10 posts
#karmaland 5 - 10 posts
#karl jacobs - 9 posts
#long post - 7 posts
#youtube - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#if anyone knows who the figure in the picture is pls tell me esto es muy mal para mi porque ni veo otros personas povs en karmaland lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
Quackity tweeted on his private and replied to fans!
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419 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Wilbur said on stream that he and Quackity may do a non-canon in-character thing on the DSMP to make up for Quackity not being in c!Wilbur’s finale.
443 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Quackity tweeted on his private!
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[Image ID: a screenshot of a tweet by quackitytheduck that reads “happy Halloween i love u all thank u to those who dressed as Quackity from las Nevadas he kills people and runs immoral businesses btw”. End ID]
678 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
Quackity replied to a fan!
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[Image ID: a screenshot of a tweet by stilesrickbur that reads “IMAGINE C!QUACKITY FINDING OUT C!WILBUR IS FROM FUCKING UTAH AFTER HE WASNT ALLOWED IN LMANBURG BC HE WASNT FROM THE UK” and a reply by Quackity that reads “yo what the fuck”. End ID]
899 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Quackity posted on Instagram!
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1,610 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
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itsoverfeeling · 2 years
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I posted 4,304 times in 2022
That's 4,250 more posts than 2021!
814 posts created (19%)
3,490 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,268 of my posts in 2022
Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#art tag - 1,208 posts
#quackity - 548 posts
#dsmp - 402 posts
#sheep - 337 posts
#original art - 324 posts
#karmaland - 249 posts
#wilbur soot - 72 posts
#my art - 66 posts
#undescribed - 61 posts
#ask game - 59 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and i love how they work with the makeup!!!! its like youve replicated how the makeup looked under the different lighting but with entirely
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay I'm having some messy thoughts, but I really need to think aloud here.
Werewolf by Night, to some degree, is about family and the legacies it carries.
First we have Elsa, a member of the Bloodstone family that is essentially an outcast. Originally destined to inherit the bloodstone, she's now forced to compete with the other hunters for it. We don't get full details why she left or how she left (though in most of the movie we have a lot of context missing, for the best in my opinion). We just know she did and she's estranged. No longer worthy enough as a daughter or no longer enough of a daughter to be worthy enough for the stone.
But still she fights for it and claims that it is rightfully hers.
Then we have Jack. Jack arrives to what he likely assumes to be a normal funeral (I say this because while the other hunters appeared in hunting gear, he wore a dark, probably black, suit (EDIT: it's not black, but it's still a suit)) wearing Dia de los Muertos makeup. Makeup that is best described in the scene where he says it's to honor his ancestors. Interestingly, the other hunter he speaks to is a little.. dismissive towards that reasoning, let's say. Jack, based on facial expressions alone, is put off by that, but doesn't say much.
Later when he's stuck with Elsa, he discusses family. Saying that family is like an atmosphere constantly there. Saying that sometimes you think you can do one thing to make yourself different from them. Obviously this is directed towards Elsa who is currently sitting in front of her dead relatives. Who's trying to get the bloodstone herself for... whatever reason. Clearly she's not involved with her father anymore. Maybe this is thing that she'll change? Maybe she'll break the cycle by having the bloodstone and... what? Does she know?
And what about Jack. He's literally saying all this in Dia de los Muertos makeup!! In the comics, the werewolf curse is something he received through lineage. So is that the cycle he's trapped in? To be the monster his family made him? After centuries (?) of living, he's still not at peace with this curse. Maybe he's just given up on trying to fix any of it. Maybe he's trying to get Elsa to see something he thinks he's already figured out.
Oh, and the cage scene. He says "once". Not to bring in comics again But. Do you think that once was his sister? He clearly holds the memory close enough that he immediately tries to use it to protect Elsa. This is something he dwells on constantly. He just knew to try to repeat it the moment he realized the danger.
Elsa gets the bloodstone like she wanted. He doesn't kill Elsa like he feared he would. He frees Ted, the person he references as family and later a friend. Did they get that one change he was talking about? Can they break the cycle? Do the even know what part of the cycle they're trying to break?
... I can't help but think about how his makeup is almost completely faded at the end of the film.
129 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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He’s not evil, he’s just drawn that way :) White background version below cut
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132 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
You know those moments where someone does a silly voice, the other person decides to respond in the same silly voice and then slowly realizes its not a bit and that's actually how the first person talks?
That but it's Utah Wilbur and his first time meeting tommy
150 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
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173 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
One of you guys needs to make the sacrifice and take a nap. Hopefully the universe will spite you specifically and we'll see the drace
260 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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sillyfaggot · 2 years
HI!! moss apileofmoss aggie time !! ^_^ Anyone is welcome to join <3
@fampop @snaxle @exerjack @wiiwarechronicles @watermelonbird
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belanova · 2 years
Fampop -> Donquacks -> Karmaland5
I changed to Donquacks for a joke but once the day comes.... I'll change back
Seen if reblog!
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