#fancy two a.m. formatting
willow-lark · 2 years
ten lines, ten people! (rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. if you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.) thank you thank you @howtobecomeadragon @fireflywitch @notebooknonbinary @parkitaco for the tags!! 🥺💞 i'm honored!!
(ok i have tried to post this three times and each time it has deleted so we're going to forego all the fancy formatting i had and just post the lines :/)
Lucas wasn’t there when it happened.
It’s the first week of March, and the temperature outside is still as cold as ever.
It’s three a.m. on Monday, April 7th, 1986, and it has been an extremely shitty two-and-a-half weeks for Will Byers.
It’s six p.m. on Friday, March 21st, 1986, and as shitty as this day has been, Will Byers wishes he could freeze time and keep it at six p.m. forever.
Mike’s already done this once. 
It’s Will Byers’s birthday tomorrow. March 22nd.
“You lied to me!” Mike shouts.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III is a very, very old man.
Robin almost can’t believe it when she spots Vickie across the army supply store.
In one universe, Episode 9 of Stranger Things 4 went one way. In this one, it goes a bit differently.
if i've tagged anyone who already did this i'm sorry 😅 @chanlyeya @wiseatom @andiwriteordie @soloorganaas
7 notes · View notes
phantaasmic · 2 years
Tumblr media
“Mirage” - B.S.T. 9.21.22
An angel can be a road map, a desert can be a place we used to live.
2 notes · View notes
waveypedia · 3 years
A Day in the Life of Gyro Gearloose
Gyro arrives at the lab at six A.M. on the dot, two hours before call time. The lab is empty, for once. He slips through the elevator doors and darts around the lab, putting on coffee (even though he’s already had two cups at home), and arranging his papers.
At last, he settles down at his desk, fully prepared to get a good amount of work done before Fenton and Manny bustle in with their noise and cheer that used to bother Gyro oh so much.
He’s excited to have the lab to himself, for once. Even Lil’ Bulb is still charging, as it’s too early for him too.
Gyro lifts his pencil, ready to write… and lowers it, unable to think of a concrete idea.
He struggles to put words and calculations on paper, and only gets a couple steps in before he inevitably loses focus again.
“This is ridiculous,” Gyro spits at the empty air, startling a sleepy Lil’ Bulb out of his slumber. “I am Doctor Gyro Gearloose. I do not lose focus.”
Missing the rest of your team? Lil’ Bulb flashed at him in Morse code.
It’s a testament to how far Gyro’s come since Fenton’s original hiring that he only crosses his arms indignantly and mutters a quiet “Maybe.” 
It’s not physically possible, but Gyro knows Lil’ Bulb is smirking, somehow.
He busies himself by bustling around the lab, taking inventory of mundane machines and ordinary tools. The lab is still uncharacteristically silent, but at least with Gyro’s manually manufactured noise it’s somewhat bearable.
Fenton, bless him and his errant punctuality, arrives a blissful seven minutes early. 
“Good morning, Dr. Gearloose!” he chirps, dropping his bag on the floor with a thud that would’ve made the Gyro of a year ago scoff, but today’s Gyro just sighs in relief. “How are you today?”
“Unproductive,” Gyro grumbles. He’s reluctant to admit the supposed cause of his unproductivity, but knowing Fenton it’ll come out sooner or later.
Fenton hums in response. “Sorry about that. Hopefully you’ll escape your funk! In my experience, a refreshing walk always clears my head!”
Gyro snorts. “I’m not going outside, Doctor Intern.”
“I’ll get you out there someday,” Fenton replies, not swayed in the slightest.
“Whatever you say,” Gyro says, waving him off and turning back to his workstation. Fenton’s presence in the lab is noisy, which used to bother Gyro to no avail. Now, it seems, he can’t focus without it.
“Huey’s coming later today,” Fenton calls over as he makes coffee. “He has a promising project he’s presenting.”
Gyro snorts goodnaturedly. “You make it sound like a school assignment.”
Fenton shrugs. “Huey’s words, not mine. Besides, I think that format works well for him. It does for me, too.”
Gyro snorts in lieu of a reply. He actively chooses not to tell Fenton it works for him as well.
As their conversation fades out, Gyro settles down at his desk. With his coworkers’ chatter floating around him, he slides easily into a focused headspace. In fifteen minutes, he’s made more progress than he had in the hour before his coworkers arrived.
While Gyro tinkers with a gadget, he’s vaguely aware of Fenton getting up and crossing to Manny’s desk. Usually he’d pay more attention, but he’s busy cursing ridiculously small screws.
“Dr. Gearloose,” Fenton calls. It only half registers, and Gyro hums in response, waving a hand dismissively.
“Dr. Gearloose,” Fenton says, a little more insistently this time.
Gyro starts. He blinks down at his project, which is nearly completed. “What do you want, Doctor Intern?”
Fenton quirks a brow. “Can you look this over?”
“We’re having trouble with it,” Manny clops via Morse Code. “Could use an extra eye. Or four.”
Gyro rolls his eyes behind his aforementioned glasses. “What are you, six? I’ve never heard that used outside the elementary school playground.” But he acquiesces, crossing the lab and settling his hands on his hips as he eyes the gizmo Manny’s been working with. 
“It’s the double-sided shrink ray,” Manny says, pushing it towards Gyro with his hooves. 
“We were able to activate the shrinking command upon request, but it’s unstable,” Fenton says, carding a hand through his swoopy hair. “The beta waves are successfully translating into gamma rays, but some of the neutrons are glitching.”
Gyro pushes closer to the table. “Let me see.”
“That’s why we called you over,” Manny clops, but steps back. Fenton chuckles softly, making Gyro roll his eyes.
He picks up the device and squints at it, examining it from all angles. After a little while of tinkering, he drags a nearby chair over. Fenton drops a cup of coffee next to him, but he barely notices it.
The lab falls back into its quiet - but not silent - rhythm while Gyro works. It’s comforting.
During the second dissection attempt, Gyro lets out a small “Aha!” and tweaks a few wires. Triumphantly, he leaps out of his chair and holds the device out to Manny, puffing out his chest. “That should do it!”
Manny twists the device sideways and fires. Simultaneously, an apple and a pile of paperwork shrink into almost-nothingness.
“You did it!” Fenton’s grin splits his face in two. “Thank you, Dr. Gearloose!”
Gyro still finds it difficult to meet Fenton’s gaze when he’s so openly enthusiastic and supportive, even now. He settles for glaring at the coffee maker behind him, pointedly not looking at Manny either, even though he’s laughing. “Of course. It was nothing.”
Fenton’s smile softens, but it’s no less genuine. “Well, we still appreciate it.”
Gyro crosses back to his desk. “Well. It was nice to actually get some work done.”
Fenton frowns, dropping his pencil to focus on Gyro. “What do you mean?”
Gyro drops his gaze, gritting his teeth. “Well… maybe… I’ve unfortunately gotten used to your incessant, needless background noise,” he finishes in a rush, scowling. “It was too quiet this morning.”
Fenton beams back at him. “Aww, Dr. Gearloose! That’s so sweet!”
“It is merely an observation,” Gyro grits out. 
“Admit it, “ Manny says. “You love us.”
Gyro only huffs in response. 
“Well, it’s nice to work with you too,” Fenton says, still smiling widely. Gyro would say his grin is too wide, but for some reason it doesn’t quite bother him like it used to.
He’s grown fond of it. He’s grown fond of them all.
There are three constants in life. Change. Death. Gyro Gearloose’s inability to leave the underground lab for long periods of time.
Della texts him just often enough to be a nuisance, but not often enough for him to justify blocking her (it would result with a very angry Della in his lab, a volatile variable he’d rather not contend with, especially when Fenton, Launchpad, and Scrooge fulfill that dangerous category as well. He knows this from experience.). The familiar buzz of Gyro’s phone, once startling from disuse, is now a surprisingly comforting constant of the background noise in the lab. Gyro’s a scientist working under Scrooge McDuck, with Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera and Manny the Headless Manhorse in his lab - he has to be able to tune out the white noise. 
You. Me. Coffee. Della texts. She leaves no room for argument, which frustrates Gyro to no end even though he’s the exact same way. He sighs, tucks his phone under a towering pile of papers, and resolves to ignore her until the time she’s set for their gathering has passed.
But Della cannot be swayed that easily. Nothing can stop Della Duck.
At five minutes to their set meeting time, the elevator doors open with a ding. All of the lab’s primary occupants are present, but Gyro is too buried in his work to notice.
He does, however, notice the next noise. It’s impossible to ignore.
“Heeeeyyy, G-Man!!!” Della chortles, all exuberance and energy. She’s next to Gyro’s desk before he can say “Blathering Blatherskite!” (Hey, it was his catchphrase before it was Fenton’s!). She slams her hands on his desk, sending papers flying. Gyro squawks in protest, but Della ignores him.
Della shoves her face in his personal space, grinning like a maniac. Gyro maintains his death glare for a moment longer before slumping into his chair, dropping his head into his arms.
“I’m not going for coffee with you,” Gyro groans. “I have enough on my plate right now,”
“Enough of that,” Della nags, smacking his shoulder lightly. Gyro just groans in response. “You prooomiiised!”
Gyro’s head snaps up. “I did nothing of that sort,” he hisses, low and dangerous. “I didn’t even reply!”
Della smirks triumphantly. “But you did see it,” she says, tugging on Gyro’s perfectly pressed shirt. “So you were ignoring me! Now you have to go.”
“Of course I was ignoring you,” Gyro replies matter-of-factly. “I hate you.”
Della grins at him. “C’mooooon, you looooove me. Now let’s get going!”
Gyro turns pleading eyes back towards his crew. “Tell her! Tell her we have work to do!”
Fenton smiles at him apologetically. “Dr. Gearloose, you worked really hard today and got a lot done. You deserve a break!”
“Yeah,” Manny clops. “Also, I’m kind of tired of hearing your inhuman screeches whenever something goes mildly wrong. No offense.”
At that, Gyro treats his coworkers to one of said inhuman screeches. None of them enjoyed it very much, it seems.
Which is how Fenton, Manny, and Lil’ Bulb (betrayal!) ended up bodily shoving Gyro into the elevator with Della dragging him by the shirt and pressing the buttons for him, Gyro glowering furiously all the way.
“You’ll regret this!” he vowed, shaking his fist. “You will rue the day! The great Dr. Gyro Gearloose will never forget this act of betrayal!”
“Aw, you care!” Della says flatly as she opens the elevator door. “Now c’mon, let’s get some coffee in you that’s not from your lab machine. You look like you need it.”
By the time they’ve arrived at Della’s fancy coffee shop across town, ordered, and gotten their drinks, Gyro has calmed down considerably. Nursing two coffees that will be sure to give Gyro a heart attack someday, he settles in across from Della on the patio. Outside the thin fence separating the restaurant from the sidewalk, passerby flit along on their way through the city. Downtown Duckburg is usually far too crowded and populated for Gyro’s taste, but today, separated from the hustle and bustle of the crowd and sated by the infuriatingly good (if ridiculously expensive) coffee, it is… palatable. Almost enjoyable, although there’s no way he’s telling Della that.
Della grins at him like she can read his mind. (Did Mr. McDuck mention anything about a mind-reading artifact last time he stopped by the lab? Or did the Narration 3000 reach her hands? He could’ve sworn he sold it for scrap metal…)
“So.” Della sets down her coffee on the table and leans forward with her head resting on her hands. “Gy-man. Nerd. Mr. Mad Scientist. Bearer of Bad Taste.”
Gyro frowns. “Excuse me? Bad taste? I’ll have you know that black licorice is objectively the finest taste in existence. You have bad taste.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, buddy,” Della says, lazy and lethargic, smirking like she just won a presidential debate.
Gyro huffs and crosses his arms, turning sideways in his seat to face away from Della as much as he can. She cackles. 
“You’re a dummy,” Della says, smiling fondly.
“I’m a world-renowned scientific genius,” Gyro replies, rolling his eyes.
Della snorts. “I know. You’re still a dummy.”
“Impossible.” Gyro wants to say more, but Della laughs and laughs. They dance easily between insults and compliments, toeing the line between teasing and hurt. Their arguments continue, sometimes flitting dangerously towards genuine. They both revel in the fact that an average eavesdropper wouldn’t be able to tell if they’re friends or not.
Sometimes Gyro himself can’t tell if they’re friendly or not. But he knows for certain they’re friends, at least.
Before he knows it, his coffee cup is empty.
After Della returns to the mansion for Dewey’s flight lesson (a phrase that made Gyro want to flee into an underground bunker for a year) Gyro heads back to the lab and vows to actually get something done for the rest of the day.
Unfortunately, in his life, things rarely go the way he wants them to.
Even with Huey in the lab (why did Fenton agree to work with him once a week anyway? Why did Gyro agree?) and Manny, a surprising force of calm, out for lunch, they make it an entire hour without incident. Before things inevitably go wrong.
The first sign of trouble is the explosion that rocks the Money Bin.
It takes all of them by surprise. Gyro and Huey scramble to save their projects while Fenton calls for the Gizmosuit. With the Gizmosuit’s enhanced strength, Gizmoduck shoves aside debris and forces open the elevator doors only to find a supervillain already there.
To their credit, the supervillain, a broad-shouldered orange lizard with medieval-style armor, seems just as surprised as Fenton. 
They narrow their eyes at Gizmoduck behind their mask and drop into a fighting stance, their fists raised and their weight centered beneath them. “I don’t know how you predicted that I, the Liliputan Lizard, would raid Scrooge McDuck’s coveted lab. But now that you’re here, we will have a battle for the ages!”
While the villain monologues, Gizmoduck’s head snaps around to stare at Gyro and Huey. He can feel Fenton’s piercing gaze through the impenetrable visor. 
“Get to safety!” Fenton hisses through his teeth, flapping a frantic, dismissive hand. 
“But-” Huey steps forward, raising something he’s holding, but Gizmoduck just shakes his head and turns back around, readying for the villain’s attack.
The force of their gadget knocks Gizmoduck into one of the side tables. Taking advantage of the chaos, Gyro snags Huey’s arm and hightails it into an all-too-familiar closet.
“Dr. Gearloose!” Huey yelps, stumbling along at his heels. “Wait!”
“Blathering blatherskite,” Gyro scowls, peering frustratedly through the tiny gap in the closet door. “I’ll never get anything done at this rate. They’re going to ruin all my projects!”
“Dr. Gearloose,” Huey snaps, tugging at Gyro’s sleeve insistently.
Gyro spins around. “What, kid.”
Huey clutches whatever he grabbed close to his chest and peers up at Gyro with wide eyes. “We have to go out there and help! I have-”
“No way,” Gyro says, cutting him off. “That would mean too many variables. I’m not about to see another project crushed to bits because you want to get in the way.” He glares out into the fray, fists clenched. “Although I have half a mind to go out there and punch that guy for messing with my work.”
Huey presses up onto his tiptoes to peer around him. “But I can make a difference,” he insists, impassioned. “Look.” 
Huey holds up his object, and Gyro reluctantly turns away from the fight to examine it. He pushes his glasses up on his beak to get a better look.
A short, stiff antenna pokes out from a small rectangular box with a big red button in the middle. As far as gadgets go, it doesn’t look very impressive - but looks can be deceiving.
Gyro adjusts his glasses. “Did you make this?”
“Fenton helped,” Huey confirms bashfully. “It discharges electricity, in both large bursts and streamlined blasts. Theoretically, it can reprogram circuits and switches, although I haven’t had any chances to test it out yet.”
“Just my luck,” Gyro grumbles, dragging a hand down his face. So that’s what they’ve been working on. “Well, I’ll tell you a secret, kid. I test all my inventions to the nines, and they all seem to blow up in my face. It’s worth a shot. It’s nothing out of the ordinary, anyway.”
“Not all of them,” Huey says, smiling in a way that’s far too knowing for a twelve-year-old boy. He steps in front of the doors, readying the remote.
Gyro reaches for the unlock button he’d painstakingly installed after one too many times of getting stuck in this closet.
Huey steps around Gyro to peer through the gap. “If we cross behind these tables here and Manny’s desk, we’ll have a clear shot at the elevator. I can use my remote on it.”
He glances up at Gyro, eyes wide. “Is that good?”
Despite himself, Gyro’s beak quirks up. “Yeah. Let’s get these jokers out of my lab.”
Huey’s face lights up. Gyro snaps his head away, unwilling to let the sappy moment go on for any longer, and punches the unlock button with far more force than necessary. 
They duck out of the closet (with an undignified sigh of relief from Gyro) and behind the worktables. Almost unconsciously, Gyro scampers just ahead to slip closer to the tables, keeping his body between Huey and the fight. (With the tables between him and the fight, of course.) 
Within seconds, they clear the worktables and duck behind Manny’s desk. Huey steps out, angling his remote to the most precise degree. He’s got a clear shot - but he’s also out in the open.
Gyro’s fingertips hover just over the hem of Huey’s sleeve, not quite holding on. But if anything happens, he’ll pull Huey back to safety.
At that moment, Fenton dives towards them to avoid an oncoming attack. Gyro can tell the moment he sets eyes on the pair - his jaw tenses and his shoulders flick back. In the back of his mind, Gyro wonders if it’s even noticeable to others. The supervillain certainly doesn’t seem to notice. 
Does he really know Fenton so well he can read the nuances in his body language?
It feels nice.
The softness blossoming in Gyro’s chest is unfortunately overridden with adrenaline and fear, and he barely registers it. Gyro gives Fenton a tiny nod towards Huey, who waves his remote.
Gyro can see Fenton grapple with the situation internally, before eventually giving up and turning to distract the Liliputan Lizard. He grabs them by their shoulders and spins them, hauling the villain so his back is to Gyro and Huey. 
Gyro nods begrudgingly. Smart.
With the window Fenton’s given them, Huey lunges forward and blasts a stream of electricity at the elevator. It dings, and the floor numbers at the top whir and whir. They don’t settle.
The Liliputan Lizard’s head snaps up. “Huh?”
Huey frowns, deep in thought. Gyro doesn’t mirror his cliché thinking pose, but they’re both pondering the same dilemma: What now?
A fresh surge of adrenaline pumps through Gyro’s veins, and, on impulse, he jumps out and does something twelve months ago he wouldn’t even have considered.
“My lab is filled with dangerous, votile inventions,” Gyro snaps, intentionally drawing out his words with more annoyance than he feels. He steps out from behind the desk, away from the elevator. “You just messed up my project! You’ve doomed us all!”
He points an accusing finger at the supervillain and wills it not to shake. “Don’t you see what you’ve done?!”
The Liliputan Lizard shoves Gizmoduck away (no easy feat) and strides towards Gyro, slow and confident. His tail lashes behind him, knocking a vial of bubbling fluid to the floor, but they don’t even flinch. Gyro drops his hands at his side and clenches them into fists.
“Ah, Gyro Gearloose,” the villain says, smirking. “I almost forgot the reason I came here in the first place. Thank you for reminding me.”
“It’s Doctor Gyro Gearloose, actually,” Gyro intones, holding up a finger. “And what is that oh-so-important reason? Surely it cannot be more important than my projects. Which, may I remind you, you’ve ruined!”
The Liliputan Lizard is close enough to touch now. They stop an arm’s length away from Gyro and settle into a wide second position with their weight centered. It’s a position of power. 
“The double-sided shrink ray,” the villain drawls. “Hand it over.”
Gyro narrows his eyes. “And why should I do that?”
“Well, I’ll trash your precious lab, for one,” the Liliputan Lizard says, gesturing lazily to the already trashed-lab. Gyro growls. “More than I already have, of course.”
Gyro takes an unwilling step back, his feet moving of their own accord. Something hard brushes against his back. His hands hesitantly fall on the edge of Manny’s desk.
“So what’ll it be, Dr. Gearloose?” The Liliputan Lizard mocks, stepping forward into Gyro’s personal space again. He snarls. 
Gyro chances a glance behind him. On Manny’s desk, glinting underneath the overhead lights, lies the famed double-sided shrink ray.
Oh, if only he hadn’t given it to Manny for the finishing touches today. Today, of all days!
Gyro chances a glance back at the scene before him. Fenton’s still on the ground, and Gyro staunchly refuses to acknowledge Huey in case the villain will see him.
Is it worth it?
Gyro’s fingers graze the corners of it.
“Hey!” A bolt of electricity, sparking blue, arcs into the villain’s side. They double over, revealing Huey behind them. “Leave Dr. Gearloose alone!”
Fenton rises to his feet just in time and cracks his knuckles. “All right. Playtime’s over.”
The Liliputan Lizard whirls around, snarling, as Gyro twists and steps sideways. “Like you can stop me! I’m getting this shrink ray, like it or nooooooooooooooooooooot!”
Tinny screeches pierce Gyro’s ears, but it’s the most damage he takes. The once-mighty Liliputan Lizard stands tiny on the lab floor, joined by Manny’s desk lamp.
Slowly, Gyro lowers the shrink ray. “Stay out of my lab,” he snaps, sharp and biting as always, but with a rather uncharacteristically dark undertone. “Stay away from us.”
Gizmoduck scoops the tiny figure up in his gloved hands, muffling any protests. “I’ll get him out of your feathers, Dr. Gearloose!” he says with the awkward, stiffly polite manner they use to protect Fenton’s identity.
Gyro nods once sharply as Gizmoduck leaves. All of his adrenaline leaves him in a rush, and he sinks heavily into the nearest chair (which happens to be Manny’s, but he’s out for lunch and Gyro can’t bring himself to care).
“Dr. Gearloose!” Huey scampers over to him, eyes wide. “Are you okay?” He bustles around to Gyro’s side, not waiting for a reply. “The Junior Woodchuck Guidebook advises to rest after stress.
Gyro takes a deep breath. “Yeah, well, I did have a quiet day planned. Mostly.”
“With your track record, that’s highly inaccurate,” Huey snorts, raising an eyebrow. 
“I’ve had enough excitement for one day,” Gyro grumbles. “All my excitement was planned for later, thank you very much. I’ll take a quiet rest of the day.”
Except things are never quiet in McDuck Industries’ Research and Development.
It’s a surprise when the elevator dings, signifying an arrival, but the figure that emerges is no surprise at all.
The elevator is still in pieces and sparking with remnants of Huey’s electrical blast, but that’s never stopped Scrooge McDuck. In fact, he probably finds the challenge appealing.
“Gyro, my boy!” Scrooge says, spreading his arms open wide. “
“Mr. McDuck,” Gyro acknowledges his boss with a nod. “What do you need? Progress checks?”
“No, no, nothing like that.” Scrooge saunters over to Gyro’s desk, glancing around the lab. He smiles to himself, the kind of smile only a secret brings, like a joke just before the punchline.
“I thought you could accompany me out, eh?” Scrooge says, light and lilting. “I’ll let you choose where we go~”
“I sense a conspiracy,” Gyro grumbles, dropping his chin. He levels a fierce glare at Fenton, who hides a triumphant giggle behind his hand.
Scrooge tugs on Gyro’s arm, gentle but forceful. “Come on. It’ll do you good, laddie!”
“I already had one spontaneous outing today,” Gyro grumbles. “With your niece.”
Scrooge only beams brighter. “Ah, good lass!”
With a little more poking and prodding, Gyro begrudgingly allows Scrooge to drag him out the door and into his car. True to his word, Scrooge lets Gyro choose where they go. For a while he drives around aimlessly, with the intent of wasting time until Scrooge gets bored and lets them go back. But before Gyro can see his plan to fruition, he spots somewhere he’d actually like to go.
“Ah, the library. Good choice, lad!” Scrooge praises as they step out of the car. “All the wee lads and lassies prefer that blasted telly to good, old-fashioned books.”
Gyro frowns at Scrooge. “I’m not one of your kids.”
Scrooge just snorts and brushes past him, leaving Gyro to run in his footsteps.
When Gyro catches up to Scrooge, he finds the older duck humming to himself in front of a displayed stack of books about Inducknesia. Planning for a new adventure, probably. Gyro laments the lack of science books in the front and starts to head to the back in his search.
“Excuse me,” a familiar voice pipes up. “This book will likely interest you, Dr. Gearloose.”
Curious. Of course everyone should know the name of Dr. Gyro Gearloose, acclaimed inventor and mad scientist, but unfortunately that just isn’t the case. Yet.
So just who is this mysterious stranger?
Gyro whirls around to find a familiar-looking child, holding a thick leather-bound book patiently out to him. He squints at her.
“Violet Sabrewing,” she supplies helpfully after a minute of dead silence. 
“Ah.” Gyro nods awkwardly at her. Isn’t she one of Pink Niece’s friends?
Scrooge wanders over, likely to check that Gyro hasn’t somehow set the building on fire in the five minutes he’s been gone. His gaze lights up at the sight of Violet. God, all the Duck-McDucks are weak for children. “Ah, Violet! What brings you to the library today?”
“Hello, Mr. McDuck,” Violet says politely. “I’m looking for references on micronanite portal technology.” 
“Ah, micronanite portal technology!” Scrooge says blusteringly, grinning wide to hide his confusion. Gyro snorts.
Violet’s smile flattens. “You have no idea what that means, do you?”
“I’m afraid not,” Scrooge confesses abashedly. 
“It uses miniscule robotic parts to create wormholes in time and space,” Gyro jumps in flatly, earning him a nod of approval from Violet. Gyro tries not to sneer, since Mr. McDuck would likely chastise him for it. He doesn’t need approval from a child.
Even if it is a very, very smart child. Who’s working with micronanites, which Gyro didn’t get to study until he was working under Dr. Akita. Who’s also friends with the Niblings.
Scrooge chuckles softly. “Thank you, Gyro.”
Gyro nods sharply.
Scrooge turns his attention back to Violet. “That sounds… interesting! I look forward to seeing your adventure with this technology,” he says kindly. “
As they converse, Gyro wanders away to peruse the library. Every so often, he passes by Scrooge and Violet, deep in conversation.
Eventually, Violet leaves, and Scrooge finds Gyro flipping through a book of scientific theoreticals. “I’d say it’s about time we left, eh, laddie?”
“Finally,” Gyro mutters, but he makes them stop to check the book out. Scrooge smirks knowingly at him.
On the drive back, Scrooge prattles on about his latest adventure. The constant socialization is zapping Gyro’s energy exponentially by the minute, but Scrooge seems content to fill the silence himself.
It’s only when they’re walking into the Money Bin does Gyro finally initiate conversation.
“You have a weakness for children,” Gyro tells Scrooge flatly as he walks into the elevator. “You should spend more time humoring them instead of me.”
Scrooge smirks at him. “Really,” he says teasingly. Gyro feels like he’s somehow fighting a losing battle, although he has no recollection of entering any kind of argument. “Aren’t I, though?”
“I’m not a child,” Gyro tells him again.
“Neither are Donald and Della,” Scrooge responds immediately.
Oh. Oh.
Quick as a flash, Gyro spins away from Scrooge, pressing a fist to his beak. Behind him, Scrooge laughs heartily.
After he’s composed himself, Gyro steps away from the episode. Scrooge pats him on the back, harder than he usually does. Gyro stands there frozen for a moment, hesitant, before giving into his instincts and pulling Scrooge into a tight, impulsive hug.
Scrooge lets out a grunt and coughs dramatically, but he hugs Gyro back just as tightly.
Just then, the elevator doors open with a ding and out steps Gyro’s favorite person in the whole world. 
“Hi, Dr. Gearloose!” Boyd chirps. “I went down to the lab to see Huey, but he just went home, and Dr. Fenton said you’d be up here!”
Gyro smiles fondly and turns away from Scrooge. “I was just about to head down there, but now I guess I don’t need to.”
Boyd takes Gyro’s hand as they leave. Gyro smiles down at it, soft and loving. Lil’ Bulb hops from Boyd’s shoulder to Gyro’s, and he keeps carefully still as Lil’ Bulb clambers across his head to perch on his favorite shoulder.
As they pass, Gyro turns to say goodbye to Scrooge, who looks like the cat that caught the canary. Gyro raises a questioning eyebrow.
Scrooge’s triumphant smirk turns into an all-out, unabashed grin. “Where do you think you got it from, lad?”
Gyro looks at Boyd blissfully clinging to his hand and Lil’ Bulb contentedly perched on his shoulder, and chokes.
Within minutes, Boyd and Lil’ Bulb are safely packed away into Gyro’s rickety car and on the road. Gyro slides in one of his cassette tapes Boyd likes, one of the eighties soft rock tracks his dad gave him. Lil’ Bulb perches on the dashboard, fiddling with the volume dials. They coast through the streets of Duckberg with Boyd’s bright chatter and electric guitar notes floating through the car.
Gyro relaxes at the wheel, slumping back in his chair and exhaling gently. He’s often the personification of road rage. It feels odd to not white-knuckle the steering wheel today. But when Boyd came back into his life, and subsequently into his car, he has made a conscious effort to not let frustration get the better of him. At least, not when he’s driving a two thousand pound death machine with a child inside (robotic child or no). 
But to Gyro’s delighted surprise, he’s found that Boyd’s mere presence calms him more than any of Donald’s breathing exercises or Dickie’s yoga classes. When he’s with Boyd, he loses tension he didn’t even realize he had.
After a quick drive, Gyro pulls into an offshoot of the Duckburg Mall. Boyd’s out of the car before Gyro’s fully parked, making the chicken roll his eyes and grumble under his breath. When he’s ready, he steps out of the car with the full intention to admonish Boyd. But one look at his excited face and the way he bounces eagerly on his toes, and all feelings of frustration vanish.
On Gyro’s shoulder, Lil Bulb cackles via Morse code. Gyro pointedly does not look at his other son as he takes Boyd’s hand and lets him lead them to their destination.
“Huey and I come here all the time,” Boyd babbles as they cross the parking lot. “We always get the Sugar-Free Butter Pecan, because Huey doesn’t do well with sugar.”
Gyro ruffles where Boyd’s head feathers would be. It’s metal, but warm to the touch, just like Boyd. “You can have sugar, though.”
“Yeah,” Boyd replies, unperturbed. “But I like the routine.”
Gyro nods in understanding. They reach the ice cream shop and peer up at the menu. “Do you want to get that today?”
“Hmm.” Boyd puts a finger to his chin, contemplating. After a moment, he brightens like a lightbulb - somehow more than the actual lightbulb on Gyro’s shoulder. “I think I’ll try something new today! I’m not with Huey, after all.”
Gyro hums in agreement and examines the menu himself. They order and choose a small table outside the restaurant, overlooking the parking lot.
“Did you have a good day?” Boyd asks, digging in with his spoon.
Gyro thinks about how his day started crappy and unproductive, but immediately flipped when Fenton and Manny came into the lab. He thinks about how Della’s impromptu visit, for all of his frustration at the break in routine, provided a much needed excuse to see his friend. He thinks about his terror and fury when a supervillain entered the lab, and the rush of adrenalinic joy helping Gizmoduck gave him. He thinks about his quiet afternoon out with Mr. McDuck, and how he’d missed researching in libraries as well as hands-on in labs. He thinks about how the people he cares about shaped his day. 
He turns his gaze towards Boyd and Lil’ Bulb, who fit perfectly into that category.
“Yeah,” he says, smiling softly. “I did.”
Behind Boyd, the sun is setting, with pinks and purples blossoming across the tangerine sky and seemingly setting the clouds ablaze. The grapefruit-orange light of the setting sun makes Boyd and Lil’ Bulb shine. Gyro’s heart clenches and aches, but it’s with love.
Boyd beams back at him. “I’m glad.”
“You’re my favorite person,” Boyd says, tilting his head back to gaze unflinchingly into Gyro’s eyes. Although the self-deprecating side of Gyro vehemently denies the sentiment, but somehow his words ring with a truth Gyro can’t deny. He may not believe in himself, but Boyd does wholeheartedly.
Gyro splutters and coughs, still unused to open affection after all this time. After a minute of struggling to cope, he settles on setting his ice cream down so he won’t squeeze the cone so hard it cracks. (It’s happened before, but it was fueled by anger, as many things are in Gyro’s life.)
Boyd reaches up to take Gyro’s free hand. “You don’t have to say anything. I know this is hard for you. But I want you to know how I feel.”
Gyro bites the inside of his beak and rubs his thumb over Boyd’s hand. “I… I wish it wasn’t,” he whispers, surprising even himself with the rare display of vulnerability. 
Boyd scoots his chair over next to Gyro’s and leans against him. Gyro exhales, feeling a knot of tension leave his chest, and leans back. 
Lil’ Bulb, already perched on Gyro’s shoulder, scampers over his head to settle on Boyd’s shoulder. He rests his head against Gyro’s shoulder, settling directly between them.
Gyro squeezes Boyd’s hand tighter. Boyd squeezes back.
“You are loved,” Boyd says. 
Gyro smiles. “I know.”
“Thank you.”
this is my piece for the Gyro Gearloose zine run by @georgiarose and glo.draws! I had a wonderful time working on this zine, and there are so many amazing pieces in it! It’s free to download, and we’re asking for donations to the Crisis Text Line in lieu of payment. I highly recommend checking out the entire zine!
For this piece, I wanted to explore the variety of relationships Gyro has with the people around him. he’s such a fun character and i love writing for him so much!
both the micronanites and huey's gadget are references to existing tech in disney animation (which i probably spent too much time researching to represent accurately akfghak). cookies if you can guess them!
thank you to @mrpinniped for the beta and to the entire Gyro Zine server for the lovely encouragement and feedback!
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crowdvscritic · 3 years
best picture project // THE ‘40s: WARTIME + PRESTIGE
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In the immortal words of Don McLean, a long, long time ago, I can still remember how I wrote about the 1930s for my Best Picture Project. (Don’t fact check those lyrics to “American Pie.”) I titled that overview of the decade “Chaos + Influence” in that order—chaos led the Academy’s way through the Great Depression. In the 1940s, though, the motion picture community embraced the organization, and in many cases, it was because they realized how helpful it could be to their own reputations and pocketbooks. 
At the ceremony honoring 1940, Jimmy Stewart was the only Best Actor nominee to show up, and Katharine Hepburn said on losing for her work in The Philadelphia Story, “Prizes are nothing. My prize is my work.” By 1943, the Golden Globes launched as a copycat show, and by 1945, Joan Crawford was campaigning to win for Mildred Pierce. Henry Rogers, who ran her campaign, said, “You know as well as I do that members of the Academy vote emotionally…I’m confident that people in our business can be influenced by what they read and what they hear.” He’s on record calling acting awards “more of a popularity contest than a talent contest” with “emotional and sometimes practical considerations, none of which have to do with the quality of the performance.” Studios began taking out ads for nominees they had under contract (even if they were nominated for pictures from other studios), and formal betting began in Las Vegas on odds-on favorites.
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When Joan Fontaine defeated her sister Olivia de Havilland for Best Actress 1941, her salary didn’t see a change, but her studio, Selznick International, did. The fee for other studios to borrow her talents bumped from $25,000 to $100,000 after her 1940 nomination and to $200,000 after her 1941 win. Never mind that Fontaine had mixed feelings after her win. “Winning an Academy Award is undoubtedly a great accolade, supreme praise from one’s peers, a recognition to be accepted gratefully and graciously,” she said. “It can also damage irreparably one’s relations with family, friends, co-workers, the press…It was a fishbowl existence until the next year’s awards, when a new winner would occupy the throne. Naturally, there was many a doubter, many a detractor, many an ill-wisher. It’s an uneasy head that wears the crown.” 
Still, success wasn’t a given for the industry during wartime, and the Oscars had to pivot like the rest of world. Statues were made of plaster for a time to prevent stealing metal from war efforts, and the 1942 ceremony was almost cancelled because of the U.S. had just jumped into World War II and Carole Lombard had just died in a plane crash while selling war bonds. But the show must go on, so the Academy pared the evening down, hosting a “dinner” instead of a “banquet” and discouraging fancy dress. The format of the show changed several times through the decade, eventually nixing the meal and moving to a theater for good. The Academy might invite soldiers for a variety-style evening, President Roosevelt might make an address, or Jack Benny might host a radio broadcast for soldiers abroad. Special awards were handed out for war-related service, including to Noel Coward for his war film In Which We Serve, the British Ministry of Information “for its vivid and dramatic presentation of the heroism of the RAF” in a documentary, and to Harold Russell “for bringing hope and courage to his fellow veterans” in The Best Years of Our Lives. (Russell also won Best Supporting Actor, making him the only person with two acting Oscars for the same film.) Also of note, Winston Churchill praised Best Picture winner Mrs. Miniver as “propaganda worth a hundred battleships,” an unusual but powerful endorsement of the voting body’s picks.
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Wartime adjustments weren’t the only new features. The Academy saw more than one big first:
ABC began broadcasting the show on the radio
New categories were introduced, including for documentaries, foreign language films, and costume design
Ernst Lubitsch won the first Lifetime Achievement Oscar
The Academy started keeping winners secret until announced on stage
Barry Fitzgerald earned noms both for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor in Going My Way—oops! A new rule was added to prevent that from happening again
Hamlet became the first non-American Best Picture win, overcoming attitudes like that of one studio exec who said noms for foreign films were “an act of treason.” (Heaven forbid we learn what that guy would think of Parasite!) The Academy had tried to prevent this with special awards for international films, but basically Laurence Olivier would not be denied (to oversimplify it)
And a few moments qualified as blink-and-you-might-miss-this-didn’t-happen-yesterday: 
Fortune reported The Best Years of Our Lives and Gentleman’s Agreement made $2 million more at the box office than they would have if they had not won Best Picture
When How Green Was My Valley won Best Picture, some speculated it was due to recency bias as the last nominee to be released. Today that film is best remembered as the one that somehow won over Citizen Kane, so, um, its reputation has not aged any better
At least two winners, Michael Curtiz and Greer Garson, acknowledged they didn’t have speeches prepared. Garson’s 5½-minute speech pushed the party past 1 a.m., which Jack Black and Will Ferrell would have something to say about
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Bottom line: The Academy started as a body with middling influence and transformed into a prestigious organization, not just strong enough to withstand a world war but perhaps even bolstered by it.
1950: The Pantage Theater outside the Academy Awards honoring the films of 1949.
1942: Burgess Meredith watches Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine in a happier (maybe?) moment the night Fontaine bested her sister for Best Actress. When de Havilland passed away last year, you might have seen stories about their rivalry resurface.
1947: Samuel Goldwyn, Harold Russell and William Wyler celebrate eight awards for The Best Years of Our Lives.
1942: Bob Hope hosts for his third time. He hosted or co-hosted the event 19 times between 1940 and 1978.
Behind the Oscar: The Secret History of the Academy Awards by Anthony Holden (1993)
Oscars.org (including all photos)
“Oscar Hosts: Performers Who Have Hosted the Academy Awards,” GoldDerby.com (2020)
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venice-desire · 4 years
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Day 3: Office/Locked in a closet
Warning ❗❗
🔹Art by: @nane-hen✨
Complete image in the next links: 
Nane’s Twitter ---->https://twitter.com/NanesaurusRex/status/1284249476140544002 
Full Image ---->https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EdKRusHXYAMkcLJ?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
Context of the image under the “Keep Reading”.  (Warnings: NSFW and really long xd ) 
It had been a week since “the bed incident” happened. And neither did Kyle or Cartman talked about it. They just went on with their day, closed the deal and returned home. 
“Yeah, Kyle totally needed my help in that conversation. He couldn’t have done it without me!” Cartman gloated to their new inter, Butters, who looked at him amazed. 
“That is bullshit and you know it, Cartman!” shouted Kyle from across the office. 
Oh yes, they were back to their routine. And they were fine with it. It was their thing. Unfortunately, Stan and Kenny were done with it. 
They noticed something had changed since the trip to New York. For everyone, it might seem like Kyle and Eric hate each other, always competing, always getting on each other’s nerves and always fighting; but for them, it seemed they have some unresolved issues that they needed to work out. 
And they would make that happen. 
It was a nice Thursday afternoon. Everyone was getting ready to go home, just wrapping the last things for the day.
“Hey, man!” Said a cheerful Kenny to a somewhat tired Cartman. He didn’t give him time to answer when immediately said “Listen, I need a favor. You know how Stan likes to use those fancy cardboards for important meetings? Well, I am prohibited going anywhere near the since last week incident so… Can you go? I really need them in my desk for tomorrow morning and you know they don’t open it until 8 a.m.” 
“Are you serious?” Asked an annoyed Eric. “Yeah. But you need to go now, because they close in 10 minutes.” Kenny pushed him towards the elevator. “Why can’t Broflovski or the intern can’t do it?” 
“I am taking Butters home and we really have to get going, something about getting in trouble if he isn’t home by a certain hour. And Kyle is working with Stan so you are the only one around.” The blonde pushed his coworker inside the elevator. “Thank you so much! I owe you one!” Kenny told him right before the elevator doors closed.
Cartman rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” 
When he arrived to the storage room he noticed no one was there. But the room wasn’t closed so he didn’t mind. 
Not three minutes after, a really annoyed redhead got himself inside the storage room. “Stupid Stan.. having to do everything around here.” He muttered to himself. Or so he thought. 
Brown and blue eyes met with green ones. “What are you doing here?” They asked in unison.
“I work here, dumbass. Same as you.” Answer Cartman. 
“I know that, idiot. I mean, why are you here. You don’t usually come to get your stuff, you normally send Stotch.” Kyle frowned. 
“I am doing this as a favor.” He showed him the cardboards. Kyle nodded. 
“Hey, can you pass me two of those cardboards? Stan needs them as well, apparently.” 
“What are the magic words, Kyle?” Teased Cartman. Kyle grumbled a barely audible. “Please.” 
Eric smirked but before he could reach the cardboards, he felt his fingers touching another thing. “What the-” He grabbed it. 
“What is it?” Asked Kyle. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.” 
Cartman showed Kyle a brand new wine bottle. They both were surprised. 
“What was that doing there?” Kyle took it. “Is this were Kenny keeps his stash?” 
“If so, he keeps really weird things.” Cartman said showing him a lube bottle as well. 
Then, they heard it. “Click.” 
Both looked at the door and immediately recognised that noise. “Did someone just locked us in?!” Cartman asked. 
Kyle approached the door and tried to push it open. “Oh my God! They did!” 
Both men started shouting for someone to get them out of there. But nobody came. 
“God damnit! Just what I fucking needed!” Whined Eric while taking his phone out. But… “Oh, you have yo be fucking kidding me!” Dead. His phone was dead. 
Meanwhile, Kyle was hoping for his phone to have battery. “Yes” He whispered to himself… But! “Oh! So Stan can pay for high quality cardboard but can’t afford a decent internet company!” The “no signal” sign in his phone almost mocking him.
He threw his phone who knows where and began moving the door handle aggressively. When he found out that was taking him nowhere he began charging against the door. “Come on, Cartman! If you help me we can take it down!” Kyle took his coat and folded it neatly beside him.  
Eric rolled his eyes. “We can’t take it down. Remember how last month someone was stealing supplies and Stan asked for the doors to be reinforced?” He chuckled at Kyle’s desperate expression. “Even with my strength it won’t budge.” 
“Well, I don’t see you giving any ideas as to how we are getting out of here!” The smaller man tried looking for something - anything - that helped them. 
Cartman just got himself comfortable, leaving his coat and tie on one of the racks. “Is not like we will be here all night.”
Kyle grumbled and tried to put as much space as he could between him and his enemy. Which wasn’t much considering the pretty small size of the room. “This is all your fault.” He muttered. 
“How the fuck is this my fault?! I wasn’t the one who got us trapped here!” He stood a bit closer to him, confronting him. Kyle didn’t stand behind. He got closer too. Green and blue-brown eyes furiously met. 
“It’s always you! The messed up hotel reservation? You. Yesterday’s missed deal with that corporation? You. Us getting trapped in here and making me miss a date? You! It has always been you! The fucking Cartman Effect!” He pushed him with enough force to make him stager a bit. 
Cartman reacted immediately and pushed him against the door. 
That disoriented Kyle for a moment. 
“Listen to me. I am so fucking tired of your bullshit.” His arms were on both sides of Kyle’s head. His serious expression was one that Kyle has never seen before. His bi-colored eyes glinted with something Kyle couldn’t put his finger on. “You say everything is my fault. You aren’t the only one who got things to do tonight!” Eric was really close. 
I can smell his cologne. Kyle thought.
He was sure Eric was telling him something about how any of this was his fault. And Kyle knew that. He was just… tired. And annoyed with whoever got them in this situation. It’s not that he hated the idea of being trapped, he hated the idea of being trapped with Eric. But not because they were supposed to be enemies. This was something else and his body seemed to agree with him. 
Eric could see that Kyle was not listening to him anymore. His eyes seemed more interested in the way Cartman looked. 
Eric didn’t even know what he was talking about. He got lost as well in his coworkers factions. 
Just like that day at the hotel. And with this thought he got his lips closer to Kyle’s. 
The smaller man seemed to notice where this was going. He let out a small noise and moved his face away from Cartman’s. “We can’t…” He whispered. 
“Why?” Asked the brunette in that deep voice that made Kyle go weak on his knees. “We are coworkers, we are still at the office and…” It was difficult trying to look at his enemy in the eyes. “We are supposed to hate each other.” Cartman stare at him for a moment. He smirked. “You sure about that? Your body seems to be thinking otherwise.” Kyle face went red with embarrassment. 
“It’s not what-” He tried to hide it. Tried. “You don’t have to worry about it.” He whispered in his ear. “I can even help you with your problem.” 
“Don’t say such stupid things!” Kyle stuttered. His mind a bit foggy for all the sensual tension trapped with them.  
Eric hummed. “Then pushed me away.” This surprised Kyle. Cartman continued. “If you don’t want this to happen… just tell me.” 
Cartman knew. He knew if Kyle didn’t want any of this he would have pushed him away. He also knew that Kyle was everything but weak. He really didn’t want to push him away. And he didn’t do it either. 
“I wonder…” His right hand found his way to the back of the redhead’s neck. “If I kiss you right now. Would you kiss me back?” 
Kyle could already feel Cartman’s breath against his cheek. He was getting closer. His noses were almost touching. He couldn’t stop this. He couldn’t stop Cartman. He couldn’t stop himself. 
“I didn’t think so.” Was Eric’s final statement before finally kissing him. 
Kyle couldn’t stop the hard beating of his heart. He was sure that it was gonna get out of his chest if this continued. But Cartman was right. He didn’t want any of this to stop. He didn’t want Eric to stop. He had to stop lying to himself. 
At first, Kyle didn’t move at all. He just let Eric do whatever he wanted, he dominated that kiss. But short after, he was kissing him back. 
It was a passionate kiss. Full of desire, full of untold feelings that begged to be let out. 
Kyle rounded Eric’s neck with his arms. He needed to feel him closer. The other man, by instinct, placed his hands on Kyle’s hips. The smaller man could feel Eric’s hands slowly massaging that spot. He felt in heaven and he couldn’t help the small moan that escaped his lips.   
That was such a turn on for Cartman. He decided immediately that he needed to hear that sound again. And again. And again. 
Kyle didn’t feel any shame this time. He felt alive. And he wanted to keep going all the way to the end. He need it. 
They only stop for brief moments to breath, but they were back at it right away. The kiss even more heated than before. They didn’t even know when their tongues started to be a part if their kiss. 
Kyle could feel his hands wanting to explore even more of his enemy. He could feel the white shirt that was getting in between. He wanted that gone. He unbuttoned his shirt as fast as he could, his hands were shaking but he got it off of him. 
Eric didn’t want to stay behind. His hands leaving Kyle’s waist and going directly to his, now very noticeable, hard-on. That got him another moan from him. 
Almost as in queue, Eric didn’t want to waste anymore time, so in a swift movement he got Kyle out of his pants and boxers. 
The red of Kyle’s cheeks could compare to the red of his hair. And Cartman noticed it.
He took the time to admire his half-naked lover. God, how many times has he craved this sight. He chuckled. “I always knew you had red hair down there too.” Kyle couldn’t help but frown at that comment. Was he seriously making this joke right now? 
“You son of a-” The insult died in his lips as Eric kissed him once again. There was something sexy in the redhead yelling at him. Or that’s what Cartman thought. 
He left his lips and nibbled his pale neck. Meanwhile, he took his own pants and boxers, his bottom half finally getting some relief. Without hesitation, we grabbed both their members and began moving his hand up and down softly. His other hand was on Kyle’s neck, bringing his lips together. 
His movements were fast at times and Kyle’s sounds of pleasure were telling him that everything he was doing was right. But he didn’t want their fun to end anytime soon so at some point he stopped. 
“Don’t stop… please…” Kyle begged. His hips looking for any kind of friction. 
Cartman gave him a brief kiss. “Relax, I am just looking for the lube.” He caressed his cheek. “This isn’t even close to be over.” 
“That won’t be necessary.” Kyle didn’t  seemed to think twice about it when he dropped to his knees. And for the first time in the night, Eric was surprised. But he didn’t object about it. 
“Well.” He smirked. “This is a nice surprise. If you think you can handle thi-” Now it was Eric’s turn to shut up as Kyle took a hold of his member and began to suck. 
Eric groaned at the delicious sensation of Kyle’s mouth and tongue. Where the fuck did he learned that? He thought as his lover took him even deeper. God, Cartman could die right there and he would be the luckiest guy in hell. 
The pleasure was overwhelming, he didn’t want to finish yet. Not in Kyle’s mouth. His hands grabbed a full of the smaller man’s hair and guided his movements so it was a good rhythm for both of them. 
Kyle took him out of his mouth and took a breath. His hand replacing his mouth. “I think this is a better option than lube anyway.” His voice was a bit raspy, but it was worth it. “Now come here and fuck me.” 
Cartman didn’t need to be told twice. He brought his lips to Kyle’s again and found himself between the other man’s legs. 
This was it. Every moment they have spent together was guiding them to this. Since the moment he they got this job, their first fight, their constant competition, that night at the hotel, all that sensual tension that drown the office whenever those two were close to each other. It was all leading them here. And nothing was stopping them. 
Neither of them could wait anymore. They needed it now. But Cartman didn’t want to hurt his partner, although Kyle seemed confident. He looked at those vibrant green eyes, they were clouded with lust. So, why keep him waiting? 
He entered him. It was slow but steady. He didn’t stop until he was all the way in him. 
It was painful. Of course it was. But Kyle didn’t want it to stop. Cartman noticed the pained expression on his lover’s face and went still. “You ok there, Kyle?” He said while trying to control his want to just thrust into him. 
“Yeah… Just… give me a second.” Kyle was trying to calm his breathing while accommodating Cartman’s huge- “Ok, I am ready. Just… not so fast. Yet.”
Eric nodded. His hips moved slowly at first. The moans that left Kyle’s mouth were music to his ears. 
As the redhead started to move himself in sync with Eric’s thrust, he knew they were ready for something a bit more… aggressive. 
Eric didn’t stop, but he hooked the back of Kyle’s legs with his arms. He got even closer to his lover. They were almost chest to chest. 
With a hard thrust, Kyle’s hands found their way to Cartman’s hair. Gripping at it like his life depended on it. It was Eric’s name in Kyle’s voice every time he pushed his hips against his. He couldn’t help crying his enemy’s name out. And that just made Eric more eager to hear it over and over again. 
He made some noises himself, but tried not to overcome his lover’s. Not that he could, even if he wanted too. He was really loud. 
Soon, they against the wall. 
While Cartman’s hands were on Kyle’s hips guiding his movements his mouth was attached to his collarbone. He wanted everyone to notice what he has done. 
They were both sweating messes. They wouldn’t last much longer. Kyle moved his hips  faster than before. His insides engulfed Eric’s length so perfectly that they just needed a couple more movements to reach their climax. 
They took a second to ride their climax out. Cartman wrapped his arms around Kyle. Their breathing still erratic but calming with each passing second of them holding each other close. Cartman kissed softly the bruises he made as Kyle played with Eric’s “post-sex” hair.
“That was…” Eric was looking for the correct word for this. Amazing? Intense? Out of this world? 
Kyle smiled. “Yeah. That was.” He kissed Cartman’s forehead. 
They looked right to each other’s eyes and happily sighed. 
Thank whoever got us stuck in here. Was Eric’s thought for the rest of their night. 
The next morning they woke up as quick as possible. They knew that someone was coming anytime soon and they didn’t want anyone to see them like that. 
They weren’t as presentable as yesterday but it would work.
They placed everything in order and cleaned whatever evidence of their nightly actions.  
And they were right. The first ones to arrive were Stan and Kenny, who, miraculously, found them in the storage room. 
“Were you two here the entire night?” Asked Stan with his best surprised expression. 
“And you didn’t kill each other?” Kenny continued. 
“Thank “someone” that you are here!” Said Cartman dramatically. “I couldn’t stand his annoying ass for another minute!” He got out of the room with Kyle right behind him. 
The redhead scoffed. “Fuck you, Cartman. If it weren’t for you we wouldn’t have been trapped in the first place!” 
Stan was about to interrupt them but when he realized they didn’t even stop to talk to them. 
“My fault?! How in hell was that on me?” Cartman sneered. 
They continued fighting until they were out of Kenny’s and Stan’s sight. 
Both of them looked at the other. 
“What just happened?” Asked Stan to Kenny. The blonde just shrugged and signal Stan to go into the storage room. 
They went in and stared at the now empty room. Kenny checked the top of the shelf and found an untouched bottle of wine and another of lube. He showed them to Stan. 
“Well… I guess our plan didn’t work.” Kenny sighed. “Maybe they really just hate each other?” They stayed quiet for a second.
“No.” They both said at unison. 
“There’s no way they spent the night together and didn’t even kissed each other.” Stan got out of the room. 
“Well… Only they know what went down last night.” Kenny followed him and closed the door. This time, with an empty room. 
They made their way to the office. 
Eric was talking to Butters. They didn’t know about what but the blonde seemed interested and  amazed with whatever Eric was telling him. 
Kyle on the other hand was looking quite uncomfortable while sitting at his desk. Kenny raised an eyebrow at this. But it was in a particular movement that he saw it. 
He elbowed Stan to look carefully at the redhead. Stan noticed it right away. 
“I guess it did work.” He said cooly. Kenny nodded and they fist bumped before going to their respective areas.  
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Gmail Hacks That Will Super Boost Your Productivity
Professionals around the world use a wide variety of tools to do their job. Customer relationship management systems, lead generators, task managers, marketing programs, and scheduling software are just some of the sales tools that help reps at every stage of the sales process.
With so many different kinds of tools that help you work more efficiently, it can be easy to forget that one of the most powerful sales tools is already at your fingertips—your Gmail.
The trick is in knowing how to make the most out of your inbox.
Use Gmail shortcuts
Hit Shift+?, and you’ll get a whole list of keyboard shortcuts that can make cleaning out your inbox a breeze.Gmail hack, keyboard shortcuts
Commonly Used Gmail Shortcuts:
Ctrl+: Compose a new message
Ctrl+Shift+5: Change fonts (format shortcut)
Ctrl+Enter: Send message
You can even add CC recipients, embolden items, change indentation, or go immediately to starred messages with shortcuts. By default, Gmail has certain shortcuts always turned on.
Unsend a Sent Email
Email bungles are amazingly normal. An AOL overview, secured by CBS states that around 32% of individuals accidentally forward an inappropriate email.
A wrongly sent mail with an undesired attachment or carrying confidential information may create a bad impression as a professional or can even demolish your career.
Remembering this basic blunder, Gmail has created a feature that can help to "unsend" a sent email inside a period span of as long as 30 seconds.
To do this, basically go to the "Settings" page of your Gmail account. Enable the Undo Send catch and set the invalidation time frame according to your desire. The beneath given screen capture will assist you with understanding better.
Send emails later with Boomerang
Working into the extremely early times? Advise Boomerang to send your email land at 9 am.
The Gmail add-on that Tim Ferriss can't survive without is a clever email scheduler that has been around since 2010 and just continues showing signs of improvement.
With Boomerang introduced, you'll see Gmail's customary send button and furthermore a Send Later catch, which lets you upgrade an email's conveyance time to suit your circumstance. Messaging somebody in an alternate time zone? Type your contact's time zone directly into the schedule window, and it will process the ideal time so you don't need to do the figuring yourself. (Boomerang's essential arrangement begins at about $84 every year. See valuing.)
Boomerang's originator, Alex Moore, was an early adopter of Gmail. "I had a companion in school who met at Google and got a Gmail welcome before nearly any other person," he says.
One of Moore's preferred Boomerang hacks is to computerize a subsequent when you email somebody and get an out-of-office skip. On the off chance that your contact is returning to the workplace on Monday, you can plan your message to send on, state, Tuesday morning. Be that as it may, here's the stunt: Be certain to check the case by the Send Later catch that says "if no answer."
"Presently you have your follow-up totally robotized in the event that they don't hit you up," says Moore. "Furthermore, on the off chance that they do, it never sends."
I for one love this module since I have customers everywhere throughout the world in various occasions zones," says Marie Flounoy, a media expert at Bitter NYC, an inventive office. Regardless of whether she is working at 3 a.m., "Boomerang permits me to send emails at what resembles a fitting time or during typical business hours."
Tip: Use Boomerang to send yourself updates for significant assignments. For instance, send yourself an email called "Look into flight" and use Send Later to take it back to you precisely 24 hours before your takeoff time.
Create labels
To begin with, you can create and begin utilizing explicit labels. On the left-hand side of your web application, you'll discover a choice to "create new name." From there, you can give a custom name to your name and possibly "home" the mark under an effectively existing name (like a subcategory). For instance, you may create labels for messages related with explicit customers, or ones for messages of various degrees of need.
Self-Destructing Emails
Snapmail resembles something out of Mission Impossible. All things considered, not exactly, yet it's really cool.
How often have you sent three emails and a WhatsApp message to give your companions or family your charge card subtleties? Or on the other hand do you frequently send emails which you would prefer not to get into an inappropriate hands? All things considered, presently you can cause them self-to destruct.
Snapmail encodes your message and sends the beneficiary a connect to it. When they click on the connection, they'll get a notice saying it will self-destruct in 60 seconds.
Time to get the damnation out of there.
Try not to stress; it's an exceptionally quiet self-obliteration. Tragically, Tom Cruise won't visit your office.
Get an unread message icon
At the point when you get another email in Gmail on your work area, there's no fancy "You've Got Mail" audio effect to alarm you. And you can burn through a great deal of time and get effectively diverted by returning to the Gmail tab for the duration of the day to check whether you have any new messages. Along these lines, to build your profitability, get Gmail's unread message icon. Go to Settings > Advanced > Unread message icon > Enable > Save Changes.
After you've empowered the unread message icon, you'll have the option to see the quantity of your unread messages showed overtop the Gmail logo on the tab. No additional time will be squandered browsing your email account, you can simply glance at it rapidly and keep it pushin.
Create to-do lists
Gmail allows you to easily keep track of your to-dos with its “tasks” function.
Here’s how it works: when you get an email that requires a later action on your part – maybe a reply, a fax, or some sort of meeting – you simply click the “More” button to the right, and hit “Add to Tasks:”
You’ll get a handy little Google Tasks pop-up, where you can add a task, due date and any details you like. Gmail will automatically include a link to the email for reference.
Take a break with Inbox Pause.
Need to take a break from Gmail? Hit the pause button.
If the constant siren call of your inbox is preventing you from getting stuff done, one of Boomerang’s coolest features lets you temporarily pause Gmail for as long as you like. You can also program this feature to deliver emails in batches, at certain times of the day instead of constantly.
Inbox Pause is useful when you're traveling because you can let your contacts know that you're unavailable for pockets of time. You can set a customized outgoing autoresponder message to let people know when your inbox is paused and when you'll be back.
Need to make an exception for your boss or an important client? Simply white-list the senders you want to allow past the gatekeeper.
Integrate with Drive
Are you currently using Google Drive? If so, there’s a convenient little button at the bottom of your draft that allows you to insert any file you have in storage. It makes it easy to search for and find exactly the file you’re looking for, and saves you the step of opening Drive separately.
Keep Gmail Open in Two Tabs
This one sounds somewhat peculiar, yet trust me. Give it a go for a few days, and you'll perceive the amount it can help.
Open chances to improve your Google Ads.
FREE report investigations your crusades, recommends upgrades and gives you a preferred position in 60 seconds.
How frequently have you needed to spare an email as a draft to go fishing for another email address or more information you have to reference from another message?
This little stunt implies you have one tab open with Gmail for searching and finding things, and the other tab open for composing your email.
Straightforward, however compelling beneficial!
Install some extensions
You don’t have to stick to just the features Gmail offers to increase productivity either, you can install some extensions too. There are a number of Gmail extensions for Chrome that can super-charge your email productivity including:
ActiveInbox – schedule emails to send later, add follow-up reminders, attach notes to emails that only you can see, includes the GTD (Getting Things Done) productivity system and more Sortd – turns Gmail into a Trello-like task board Checker Plus for Gmail – allows you to get popup window notification for new emails but it’s not just a notification, you can interact with emails and even mark it as read or delete it DraftMap – make sure your emails are professional and well-written, this tool highlights repetitive words, cliches and more For any type of action you want to be able to perform in Gmail, there’s probably an extension for it.
Read more at:https://www.business2community.com/strategy/7-gmail-hacks-to-boost-your-productivity-in-2019-02157601
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jolidayspa · 2 years
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easyfoodnetwork · 5 years
The Best Cookbooks of Spring 2020
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Dive into recipes from Melissa Clark, Nancy Silverton, Dominique Ansel, and more
When I first saw Lummi: Island Cooking, the new cookbook from Willows Inn chef Blaine Wetzel, I couldn’t help but pick it up. The book itself is wrapped in a rough but texturally pleasing yellow fabric, and the cover — a single deep-blue photograph affixed to the canvas — captivates. Inside, top-down photos of meticulously plated dishes fill entire pages and beg the question: What is that? And while I may never make the recipes for things like mushroom stews and marinated shellfish, they’re a window into a remote restaurant that I may never get to visit. Sure, I could find a few photos online, but a book that you hold in your hands carries weight — not just literally, but also in the way each page memorializes a recipe, dish, or moment in time.
The 15 titles here represent only a portion of the cookbooks on offer this spring, but they embody all of the qualities that make cookbooks worthy vehicles for imagination. There are debuts from chefs at the top of their game, and first-time restaurant cookbooks that may inspire you to host a clambake or make your own bubble tea. But there are plenty of cookbook veterans on this list, too, with contributions from Sami Tamimi (the non-Ottolenghi half of the duo behind Ottolenghi); pastry chef Dominique Ansel; and New York Times recipe maven Melissa Clark, whose recipes may dominate Google searches, but gain new dimension when they’re printed on a glossy page. — Monica Burton
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The Phoenicia Diner Cookbook: Dishes and Dispatches from the Catskill Mountains
Mike Cioffi, Chris Bradley, Sara B. Franklin Clarkson Potter, out now
In 2011, Mike Ciofi did what many office workers spend their days dreaming about: He bid farewell to city life in favor of renovating and reinvigorating a roadside diner in the woodsy New York hamlet of Phoenicia. Today, Ciofi’s Phoenicia Diner is a hit among locals and tourists, as well as the Instagram glitterati that flocks in droves to sample the restaurant’s elevated diner fare and pose in the green vinyl booths. Though it might be a while before the rest of us achieve our own version of the Phoenicia Diner, it’s at least become easier for us to pretend with The Phoenicia Diner Cookbook, a collection of comfort-food recipes that make up the Ulster County hot spot’s celebrated menu. Try to make the renowned buttermilk pancakes on lazy Sunday morning, or enjoy a cozy night in with the chicken and chive dumplings. For lighter meals, the cookbook also includes a variety of fancy salads and some delicious-sounding vegetable preparations.
We live in uncomfortable times, but we still have comfort food — and our upstate escapist fantasies — to help us cope. So serve up some Phoenicia Diner recipes on enamel camping cookware, then curl up under a Pendleton (or Pendleton knock-off) blanket. It’s almost as good as the real thing. — Madeleine Davies
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Eat Something: A Wise Sons Cookbook
Evan Bloom and Rachel Levin Chronicle Books, out now
Chef Evan Bloom of San Francisco’s Wise Sons Deli and former Eater SF restaurant critic Rachel Levin teamed up to write an unconventional book about Jews and Jewish food. From the first chapter, “On Pastrami & Penises,” which jokingly weighs the morals of circumcision, it’s clear they succeeded. There are a trio of pastrami dishes (breakfast tacos, carbonara, a reuben) to celebrate “the cut,” before the authors move on to recipes for other life events, from J Dating in “The Young-Adulting Years” section to Shivah’s Silver Lining in “The Snowbird Years.”
This isn’t the first book to combine Jewish food and Jewish humor (the two are practically inseparable), but it has the added benefit of being actually funny. Eat Something sounds less like a commandment from bubbe and more like a comedian egging on readers to whip up a babka milkshake at 3 a.m. or serve chopped liver to unknowing goyim in-laws.
The authors gladly admit the book won’t satisfy conservative tastes. Wise Sons serves updated takes on deli fare, like pastrami fries, pastrami and eggs, and a roasted mushroom reuben, and “The Kvetching Department” chapter reprints customer complaints about Wise Sons’ sins against real deli. Those readers can find rote recipes for matzo balls and kugel elsewhere. Eat Something is for readers, Jewish or not, who prefer matzoquiles to matzo brei and a bloody moishe (a michelada spiked with horseradish and brine) to a bloody mary. — Nicholas Mancall-Bitel
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Dinner in French: My Recipes by Way of France
Melissa Clark Clarkson Potter, out now
Melissa Clark is an important figure in my home eating life. Her cookbook Dinner lives on my kitchen counter, while her pressure-cooker bible Dinner in an Instant has helped me get over my anxiety around using the intimidating Instant Pot I received as a wedding present a few years ago. Her recipes in those books and over at the New York Times are energetic and reliable. I’ve been eagerly awaiting this book since she announced it.
While I expected it to be a book of Clark’s favorite, tried-and-true French recipes, Dinner in French actually provides a guide to layering some French je ne sais quoi into the kinds of things you may well already love to eat. Instead of just mashing a microwaved sweet potato like I do a few times a week, Clark’s tempting me to make stretchy sweet potato pommes aligot with fried sage for a change. The translation flows in both directions. To a classic French omelet, Clark adds garlic and tahini and tops it with an herby yogurt sauce; she transforms ratatouille into a sheet-pan chicken dinner.
Dinner in French veers more into lifestyle territory than her reliable workhorse books. Shots of Clark living the good life in France — laughing at beautiful outdoor garden dining tables, shopping at the market, walking barefoot in a gorgeous farmhouse — are peppered throughout. Even if that’s not what I need from a Melissa Clark book, for all the work home cooks like me rely on her to do, she deserves a glam moment. — Hillary Dixler Canavan
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The Boba Book: Bubble Tea and Beyond
Andrew Chau and Bin Chen Clarkson Potter, out now
What Blue Bottle did for coffee, Boba Guys did for boba. Since Andrew Chau and Bin Chen opened their first shop in San Francisco in 2013, the brand has grown to include 16 locations across the country. Along the way, the guys behind Boba Guys have redefined what it means to drink the popular Taiwanese tea with modern drinks that go beyond the traditional milk tea plus chewy tapioca balls to include items like strawberry matcha lattes and coffee-laced dirty horchatas.
The Boba Book includes step-by-step instructions for these specialties along with recommended toppings for each tea base. There’s also a separate chapter all about how to make toppings and add-ons from scratch, including grass jelly, mango pudding, and, of course, boba. While it’s likely many boba lovers have never even considered making their favorite drink at home, Chau and Chen’s simple directions prove all it takes is a little bit of dedication.
The Boba Book doesn’t offer a comprehensive history of boba; instead, it provides an impassioned argument for drinking boba now from Chau and Chin, who keep the tone friendly and conversational throughout. Colorful photos of drinks alongside pictures of Boba Guys’ fans, employees, friends, and family make the book feel like the brand’s yearbook. And even if there’s no interest in recreating the drinks at home, The Boba Book gives readers the best advice on getting the most enjoyment out of boba, including tips on how to achieve that perfect Instagram shot. — James Park
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Ana Roš: Sun and Rain
Ana Roš Phaidon, March 25
Ana Roš is a chef on the rise. While not quite a household name in America, the Slovenia-based chef of Hiša Franko got the Chef’s Table treatment as well as plenty of attention from the World’s 50 Best List. She’s known for being an iconoclastic and self-taught chef.
As with so many fine dining restaurant books, this volume isn’t really meant to be cooked from at home. Roš seems to have gone into the process knowing that, so she avoids the standard headnote-recipe format. Instead, lyrical prose is frontloaded, taking up most of the book, with recipes for things like “deer black pudding with chestnuts and tangerines” or “duck liver, bergamot and riesling” stacked together with only the shortest of introductions at the end. Gorgeous, sweeping landscape photos of Slovenia coupled with gorgeous food photography, both by Suzan Gabrijan, provide a lush counterpoint to the text.
Rather than a guide to cooking like Roš, this is a testament to one chef’s life. There’s quite a bit of personal narrative, from Roš’s experiences with anorexia as an aspiring dancer to a meditation on killing deer inspired by her father’s hunting. And for fans of Chef’s Table, culinary trophy hunters, and/or lovers of travel photography, it’s worth a look. — HDC
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Lummi: Island Cooking
Blaine Wetzel Prestel, April 7
The Willows Inn on Lummi Island is that specific kind of bucket-list restaurant that’s fetishized by fine dining lovers: isolated (the island sits two and a half hours and one ferry ride north of Seattle) and pricey ($225 for the tasting menu, not including the stay at the inn, a near prerequisite for snagging a reservation). I should find it irritating.
But the Willows Inn is also inherently of a place I have great affection for — the Pacific Northwest — and that’s captured beautifully in chef Blaine Wetzel’s Lummi: Island Cooking, a restaurant capsule of a cookbook that doesn’t feature the restaurant’s name in the title. Instead, the book is a survey of the ingredients farmed, foraged, and fished from the Puget Sound, a stunning taxonomy of salmonberries and spotted prawns, wild beach pea tips and razor clams. Several recipes quietly flaunt the inn’s reverence for the local bounty. Each in a quartet of mushroom stews involves just three ingredients: two kinds of mushrooms and butter; a recipe for smoked mussels simply calls for mussels, white wine, and a smoker.
The book, though, is really all about the visuals. Photographer Charity Burggraaf captures each striking dish from above on a flat-color background, and the bright pops of color and organic forms evoke brilliant museum specimens. Lummi: Island Cooking shows off the ingredients of the Pacific Northwest — and how in the hands of Wetzel and his team, they become worthy of this exacting kind of archive. — Erin DeJesus
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My Korea: Traditional Flavors, Modern Recipes
Hooni Kim WW Norton, April 7
Hooni Kim’s debut cookbook, My Korea: Traditional Flavors, Modern Recipes, is part cookbook, part autobiography. Before he opened Korean-American restaurants Danji and Hanjan in New York City, Kim worked at prestigious fine dining institutions like Daniel and Masa, and as a result, he interprets Korean cuisine with French and Japanese techniques.
Over 13 chapters, Kim breaks down the fundamentals of creating Korean flavors, from where to buy essential pantry items to how to recognize the different stages of kimchi fermentation. The recipes themselves cover a wide range, from classic banchan and soups to technique-driven entrees, such as bacon chorizo kimchi paella with French scrambled eggs, and a recipe for braised short ribs (galbi-jjim) that uses a classic French red wine braise method Kim mastered while working at Daniel.
The focus of the book is less about cooking easy, weeknight dinner recipes, and more about understanding and applying Korean cooking philosophy. Throughout, Kim talks about the importance of jung sung, a Korean word for care, which also translates into cooking with heart and devotion. The chef’s jung sung in making this book is apparent as Kim provides foundational knowledge to make readers aware of Korean culture, beyond just knowing how to cook Korean food. — JP
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Everyone Can Bake: Simple Recipes to Master and Mix
Dominique Ansel Simon & Schuster, April 14
I’ll get this out of the way from the get go: Dominique Ansel’s newest cookbook has nothing at all to do with the Cronut. In fact, rather than simply a book of recipes for the things you’ll find at the Dominique Ansel bakeries and dessert shops stationed around the world, it’s a manual for how to make just about any dessert the reader’s heart desires, whatever their skill level. With Everyone Can Bake, Ansel asserts that armed with the “building blocks of baking” he provides, baking is achievable for even the most intimidated novice.
This idea guides the book’s structure. It’s split into three sections of Ansel’s “go-to” recipes: bases (which includes cakes, cookies, brownies, meringue, and other batters and doughs); fillings (pastry cream, ganache, mousse, etc.); and finishings (buttercreams, glazes, and other toppings). A fourth section covers assembly and techniques, such as how to construct a tart or glaze a cake. Charts at the front of the book show how these four sections combine to make complete desserts. For example, almond cake + matcha mousse + white chocolate glaze + how to assemble a mousse cake = matcha passion fruit mousse cake; vanilla sablé tart shell + pastry cream = flan.
Although the book’s primary aim is to simplify baking for newcomers, the notion that creativity can arise from working within the boundaries of fundamental building blocks is a helpful lesson for any home baker. And whether they’re after just those fundamentals or the “showstoppers” that come later, they’re in good hands with Ansel’s Everyone Can Bake. — MB
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Mosquito Supper Club: Cajun Recipes from a Disappearing Bayou
Melissa M. Martin Artisan, April 14
At Mosquito Supper Club, a tiny, 24-diners-per-night New Orleans restaurant that’s more like a big dinner party, chef and owner Melissa Martin keeps a shelf of spiral-bound Cajun cookbooks with recipes assembled by women’s church groups. “The cookbooks are timeless poetry and ambassadors for Cajun food,” Martin writes, “a place for women to record a piece of themselves.” Martin’s first cookbook, Mosquito Supper Club: Cajun Recipes from a Disappearing Bayou, belongs alongside them. It’s a well-written personal and regional history of a world literally disappearing before our eyes due to climate change: Every hour, the Gulf of Mexico swallows a football field’s worth of land in Louisiana.
But Mosquito Supper Club isn’t an elegy. It’s a celebration of contemporary New Orleans, a timeless glossary of Cajun cookery, and a careful, practical guide to gathering seasonal ingredients and preparing dishes from duck gumbo to classic pecan pie. Martin’s recipes are occasionally difficult and time-consuming — stuffed crawfish heads are a “group project” — but written with gentle encouragement (“Keep stirring!”) and an expert’s precision. And since Martin’s restaurant is essentially a home kitchen, her recipes are easily adapted to the home cook (though not all of us will have the same access to ingredients, like shrimp from her cousin’s boat in her small hometown of Chauvin, Louisiana). Still, Mosquito Supper Club is a cookbook you’re likely to use, and as a powerful reminder of what we’re losing to climate change, it’s a book we could all use, too. — Caleb Pershan
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Trejo’s Tacos: Recipes & Stories From L.A.
Danny Trejo Clarkson Potter, April 21
Anyone not living in Los Angeles will likely still recognize Danny Trejo. Muscular and tattooed, with a mustache dipping down below the corners of his lips and dark hair tied back in a ponytail, he makes an impression in just about every role he’s played in his 300-plus film career, whether it’s as a boxer in Runaway Train, the gadget-loving estranged uncle in Spy Kids, or a machete-wielding vigilante for hire in Machete. But since 2016, Trejo has taken on a role outside of Hollywood: co-owner of a growing fleet of LA taquerias.
Trejo’s Tacos, the 75-year-old’s first cookbook, written with Hugh Garvey, is as much a tribute to his restaurant legacy as it is to Los Angeles, his lifelong home. The actor spent his childhood dreaming of opening a restaurant with his mother in their Echo Park kitchen. Years later, film producer Ash Shah would plant the seeds and vision for Trejo’s future taquerias, opened with a culinary team led by consulting chef Daniel Mattern. The cookbook is a reflection of what the actor calls “LA-Mexican food.” Readers will find all the Trejo’s Tacos greatest hits in the collection, including recipes for pepita pesto, mushroom asada burritos, and fried chicken tacos. The recipes are relatively simple and malleable — designed for home cooks who might want chicken tikka bowls one night and chicken tikka tacos the next. There’s even a recipe for nacho donuts.
Throughout, Trejo interjects with stories from his life in LA, like the time a security guard on the set of Heat recognized him from the time he used to rob customers at Bob’s Big Boy in Burbank. “I used to rob restaurants,” he writes in his new cookbook. “Today I own eight of them.” — Brenna Houck
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Falastin: A Cookbook
Sami Tamimi and Tara Wigley Ten Speed, April 28
Sami Tamimi and co-author Tara Wigley are probably best known for their proximity to Israeli chef and columnist Yotam Ottolenghi. Tamimi is Ottolenghi’s longtime business partner and co-author of Ottolenghi and Jerusalem: A Cookbook. Wigley has collaborated with Ottolenghi on recipe writing since 2011. With Falastin, the pair are stepping out on their own for the first time as part of a rising chorus of voices celebrating Palestinian cuisine.
Falastin is the culmination of Tamimi’s lifelong “obsession” with Palestinian food. The Palestinian chef pays tribute to his mother and the home in East Jerusalem that he left to live in Tel Aviv and London, returning after 17 years. For Wigley, who grew up in Ireland, the book is about falling in love with the region and, particularly, shatta sauce (she’s sometimes referred to by her friends as “shattara”). However, the book isn’t about tradition. Tamimi and Wigley approach Falastin’s 110 recipes as reinterpretations of old favorites — something they acknowledge is an extremely thorny approach everywhere, and particularly given the highly politicized history of Palestine. Food, after all, isn’t just about ingredients and method; it’s also about who’s making it and telling its story.
To do this, Wigley and Taminmi instead take readers into Palestine, exploring the regional nuances of everything from the distinctive battiri eggplants, suited to being preserved and filled with walnuts and peppers for makdous, or the green chiles, garlic, and dill seeds used to prepare Gazan stuffed sardines. Along the way, they pause to amplify the voices of Palestinians, such as Vivien Sansour, founder of the Palestinian Seed Library. Keep plenty of olive oil, lemon, and za’atar on hand. It’s a colorful, thoughtful, and delicious journey. — BH
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Bitter Honey: Recipes and Stories from Sardinia
Letitia Clark Hardie Grant, April 28
At first glance, Bitter Honey seems like an outsider’s fantasy of Sardinia. British author Letitia Clark moved to the island with her Sardinian (now ex-) boyfriend, looking to escape Brexit and embrace a slower, more beautiful way of life. The book’s warm photography and indulgent descriptions of olive oil seem the stuff of an Under the Sardinian Sun romp. But then, it suddenly becomes real. In the introduction, she speaks of plastic Tupperware and paper plates and blaring TVs, and in stories throughout the book, she gives a more honest depiction of modern, everyday life in Sardinia.
Clark’s recipes are all about achievable fantasy, with some coming directly from her boyfriend’s family and some that are admitted riffs on Nigella Lawson recipes. But all include the island’s staple flavors and ingredients, like pork in anchovy sauce, fried sage leaves, saffron risotto, and culurgionis (essentially Sardinian ravioli) stuffed with potato, mint, cheese, and garlic. Clark describes Sardinian food as a “wilder” version of Italian cooking, something less refined and more visceral. The book is a great way to expand your regional palate, though you’ll have to source your own bottarga and pane carasau. — Jaya Saxena
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The Vegetarian Silver Spoon: Classic & Contemporary Italian Recipes
Phaidon, April 29
The essential, 70-year-old Italian cookbook Il cucchiaio d’argento, known as The Silver Spoon in English, gets a plant-based update in The Vegetarian Silver Spoon, forthcoming from Phaidon. Boasting more than 200 vegetarian and vegan recipes, it’s a welcome addition to the library of Silver Spoon spinoffs in a time when diners are cutting back on meat consumption, whether for health, environmental, or animal welfare reasons. While some patrons of red-sauce Italian-American restaurants may exclusively associate the cuisine with weighty meatballs and rich, meaty sauces, as written in the book’s introduction, “the Italian diet has never centered on meat”; rather, home-style cooking “more often revolves around substantial vegetarian dishes like grains or stews.”
Across eight chapters — which are organized by dish, moving from lighter to heavier flavors — classic recipes like pizza bianca mingle with more regional specialties like Genovese minestrone, as well as less traditional fare like vegetable fried rice, demarcated with an icon of “CT” for “contemporary tastes” (other icons distinguish dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan, “30 minutes or less,” and “5 ingredients or fewer”). In this book, the writing is clear, the photos inviting, and above all, the sheer breadth of tasty-sounding dishes encyclopedic enough that any level of cook can find something to make. For fans of Italian cuisine, it’s impossible to flip through the pages without salivating, vegetarian or not. — Jenny G. Zhang
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Chi Spacca: A New Approach to American Cooking
Nancy Silverton Knopf, April 30
For home cooks, restaurant cookbooks usually serve as half archive, half inspiration, but Los Angeles chef Nancy Silverton writes ambitious recipes a home cook looking to grow (or flex) actually wants to try. The Chi Spacca cookbook, written by Silverton, Ryan DeNicola, and Carolyn Carreño, will fuel fantasies of massive slabs of meat seasoned with fennel pollen on the grill, served with salads of thinly shaved vegetables and a butterscotch budino for dessert.
Chi Spacca is the newest of Silverton’s three California-Italian restaurants clustered together in what locals call the Mozzaplex, and it’s decidedly meat focused (Chi Spacca means “he or she who cleaves” and is another word for butcher in Italian). One of the restaurant’s most famous dishes is a beef pie with a marrow bone sticking out of the middle, like the tentpole of a carnivorous circus. That recipe is in the book. So is one for the restaurant’s distinctive focaccia di Recco, a round, flaky, cheese-filled focaccia, which, according to a step-by-step photo tutorial, involves stretching the dough from the counter all the way down to the floor before folding it over into a copper pan. There’s a recipe for homemade ’nduja, a section of thorough grilling advice, and more precisely composed salads than 10 trips to the farmers market could possibly support.
What’s really wonderful about the book, however, is the way it mixes serious ambition with practical advice and tons of context. Silverton explains the inspiration and authorship of every dish, and in those headnotes reveals the extent to which Chi Spacca, for all its Tuscan butchery pedigree, is a deeply Californian restaurant. Reference points range from Park’s BBQ in Koreatown to trapped-in-amber steakhouse Dal Rae to the traditions of Santa Maria barbecue. And the recipes always consider the cook. My favorite headnote, for a persimmon salad, says, “The recipe for candied pecans makes twice what you need for this salad. My thought is that if you’re going to go to the effort to make them, there should be some for the cook to snack on.” Entirely correct. — Meghan McCarron
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Eventide: Recipes for Clambakes, Oysters, Lobster Rolls, and More From a Modern Maine Seafood Shack
Arlin Smith, Andrew Taylor, Mike Wiley, and Sam Hiersteiner Ten Speed, June 2
Eventide Oyster Co., named one of the best restaurants in New England by restaurant critic Bill Addison, embodies everything a Maine seafood shack should be — a casual place to sit down to slurp shellfish and eat fried seafood with friends and family. Since opening in Portland, Maine, in 2012, and despite accolades and expansion, it’s managed to retain that convivial feel. Now co-owners Arlin Smith, Andrew Taylor, and Mike Wiley, along with writer Sam Hiersteiner, have created a breezy cookbook for easy entertaining and coastal-inspired cooking.
With 120 recipes, accompanied by visual how-tos and guides on how to properly prepare seafood and shellfish, Eventide offers enough insight to make any home cook feel comfortable assembling an amazing raw bar or hosting a full New England clambake. The book even gets into less-traditional ways to use seafood as the basis for celebratory meals, with recipes for oysters with kimchi rice, halibut tail bo ssam, and the restaurant’s famed brown butter lobster rolls. And although seafood dominates, the authors of Eventide include alternatives to satisfy anyone, like the restaurant’s burger, a smoked tofu sandwich, potato chips and puffed snacks, plus a blueberry lattice pie for dessert. Whether or not you live by the coast, Eventide is the perfect spring cookbook to help you prepare to turn your kitchen into a New England oyster bar this summer. — Esra Erol
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Dive into recipes from Melissa Clark, Nancy Silverton, Dominique Ansel, and more
When I first saw Lummi: Island Cooking, the new cookbook from Willows Inn chef Blaine Wetzel, I couldn’t help but pick it up. The book itself is wrapped in a rough but texturally pleasing yellow fabric, and the cover — a single deep-blue photograph affixed to the canvas — captivates. Inside, top-down photos of meticulously plated dishes fill entire pages and beg the question: What is that? And while I may never make the recipes for things like mushroom stews and marinated shellfish, they’re a window into a remote restaurant that I may never get to visit. Sure, I could find a few photos online, but a book that you hold in your hands carries weight — not just literally, but also in the way each page memorializes a recipe, dish, or moment in time.
The 15 titles here represent only a portion of the cookbooks on offer this spring, but they embody all of the qualities that make cookbooks worthy vehicles for imagination. There are debuts from chefs at the top of their game, and first-time restaurant cookbooks that may inspire you to host a clambake or make your own bubble tea. But there are plenty of cookbook veterans on this list, too, with contributions from Sami Tamimi (the non-Ottolenghi half of the duo behind Ottolenghi); pastry chef Dominique Ansel; and New York Times recipe maven Melissa Clark, whose recipes may dominate Google searches, but gain new dimension when they’re printed on a glossy page. — Monica Burton
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The Phoenicia Diner Cookbook: Dishes and Dispatches from the Catskill Mountains
Mike Cioffi, Chris Bradley, Sara B. Franklin Clarkson Potter, out now
In 2011, Mike Ciofi did what many office workers spend their days dreaming about: He bid farewell to city life in favor of renovating and reinvigorating a roadside diner in the woodsy New York hamlet of Phoenicia. Today, Ciofi’s Phoenicia Diner is a hit among locals and tourists, as well as the Instagram glitterati that flocks in droves to sample the restaurant’s elevated diner fare and pose in the green vinyl booths. Though it might be a while before the rest of us achieve our own version of the Phoenicia Diner, it’s at least become easier for us to pretend with The Phoenicia Diner Cookbook, a collection of comfort-food recipes that make up the Ulster County hot spot’s celebrated menu. Try to make the renowned buttermilk pancakes on lazy Sunday morning, or enjoy a cozy night in with the chicken and chive dumplings. For lighter meals, the cookbook also includes a variety of fancy salads and some delicious-sounding vegetable preparations.
We live in uncomfortable times, but we still have comfort food — and our upstate escapist fantasies — to help us cope. So serve up some Phoenicia Diner recipes on enamel camping cookware, then curl up under a Pendleton (or Pendleton knock-off) blanket. It’s almost as good as the real thing. — Madeleine Davies
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Eat Something: A Wise Sons Cookbook
Evan Bloom and Rachel Levin Chronicle Books, out now
Chef Evan Bloom of San Francisco’s Wise Sons Deli and former Eater SF restaurant critic Rachel Levin teamed up to write an unconventional book about Jews and Jewish food. From the first chapter, “On Pastrami & Penises,” which jokingly weighs the morals of circumcision, it’s clear they succeeded. There are a trio of pastrami dishes (breakfast tacos, carbonara, a reuben) to celebrate “the cut,” before the authors move on to recipes for other life events, from J Dating in “The Young-Adulting Years” section to Shivah’s Silver Lining in “The Snowbird Years.”
This isn’t the first book to combine Jewish food and Jewish humor (the two are practically inseparable), but it has the added benefit of being actually funny. Eat Something sounds less like a commandment from bubbe and more like a comedian egging on readers to whip up a babka milkshake at 3 a.m. or serve chopped liver to unknowing goyim in-laws.
The authors gladly admit the book won’t satisfy conservative tastes. Wise Sons serves updated takes on deli fare, like pastrami fries, pastrami and eggs, and a roasted mushroom reuben, and “The Kvetching Department” chapter reprints customer complaints about Wise Sons’ sins against real deli. Those readers can find rote recipes for matzo balls and kugel elsewhere. Eat Something is for readers, Jewish or not, who prefer matzoquiles to matzo brei and a bloody moishe (a michelada spiked with horseradish and brine) to a bloody mary. — Nicholas Mancall-Bitel
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Dinner in French: My Recipes by Way of France
Melissa Clark Clarkson Potter, out now
Melissa Clark is an important figure in my home eating life. Her cookbook Dinner lives on my kitchen counter, while her pressure-cooker bible Dinner in an Instant has helped me get over my anxiety around using the intimidating Instant Pot I received as a wedding present a few years ago. Her recipes in those books and over at the New York Times are energetic and reliable. I’ve been eagerly awaiting this book since she announced it.
While I expected it to be a book of Clark’s favorite, tried-and-true French recipes, Dinner in French actually provides a guide to layering some French je ne sais quoi into the kinds of things you may well already love to eat. Instead of just mashing a microwaved sweet potato like I do a few times a week, Clark’s tempting me to make stretchy sweet potato pommes aligot with fried sage for a change. The translation flows in both directions. To a classic French omelet, Clark adds garlic and tahini and tops it with an herby yogurt sauce; she transforms ratatouille into a sheet-pan chicken dinner.
Dinner in French veers more into lifestyle territory than her reliable workhorse books. Shots of Clark living the good life in France — laughing at beautiful outdoor garden dining tables, shopping at the market, walking barefoot in a gorgeous farmhouse — are peppered throughout. Even if that’s not what I need from a Melissa Clark book, for all the work home cooks like me rely on her to do, she deserves a glam moment. — Hillary Dixler Canavan
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The Boba Book: Bubble Tea and Beyond
Andrew Chau and Bin Chen Clarkson Potter, out now
What Blue Bottle did for coffee, Boba Guys did for boba. Since Andrew Chau and Bin Chen opened their first shop in San Francisco in 2013, the brand has grown to include 16 locations across the country. Along the way, the guys behind Boba Guys have redefined what it means to drink the popular Taiwanese tea with modern drinks that go beyond the traditional milk tea plus chewy tapioca balls to include items like strawberry matcha lattes and coffee-laced dirty horchatas.
The Boba Book includes step-by-step instructions for these specialties along with recommended toppings for each tea base. There’s also a separate chapter all about how to make toppings and add-ons from scratch, including grass jelly, mango pudding, and, of course, boba. While it’s likely many boba lovers have never even considered making their favorite drink at home, Chau and Chen’s simple directions prove all it takes is a little bit of dedication.
The Boba Book doesn’t offer a comprehensive history of boba; instead, it provides an impassioned argument for drinking boba now from Chau and Chin, who keep the tone friendly and conversational throughout. Colorful photos of drinks alongside pictures of Boba Guys’ fans, employees, friends, and family make the book feel like the brand’s yearbook. And even if there’s no interest in recreating the drinks at home, The Boba Book gives readers the best advice on getting the most enjoyment out of boba, including tips on how to achieve that perfect Instagram shot. — James Park
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Ana Roš: Sun and Rain
Ana Roš Phaidon, March 25
Ana Roš is a chef on the rise. While not quite a household name in America, the Slovenia-based chef of Hiša Franko got the Chef’s Table treatment as well as plenty of attention from the World’s 50 Best List. She’s known for being an iconoclastic and self-taught chef.
As with so many fine dining restaurant books, this volume isn’t really meant to be cooked from at home. Roš seems to have gone into the process knowing that, so she avoids the standard headnote-recipe format. Instead, lyrical prose is frontloaded, taking up most of the book, with recipes for things like “deer black pudding with chestnuts and tangerines” or “duck liver, bergamot and riesling” stacked together with only the shortest of introductions at the end. Gorgeous, sweeping landscape photos of Slovenia coupled with gorgeous food photography, both by Suzan Gabrijan, provide a lush counterpoint to the text.
Rather than a guide to cooking like Roš, this is a testament to one chef’s life. There’s quite a bit of personal narrative, from Roš’s experiences with anorexia as an aspiring dancer to a meditation on killing deer inspired by her father’s hunting. And for fans of Chef’s Table, culinary trophy hunters, and/or lovers of travel photography, it’s worth a look. — HDC
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Lummi: Island Cooking
Blaine Wetzel Prestel, April 7
The Willows Inn on Lummi Island is that specific kind of bucket-list restaurant that’s fetishized by fine dining lovers: isolated (the island sits two and a half hours and one ferry ride north of Seattle) and pricey ($225 for the tasting menu, not including the stay at the inn, a near prerequisite for snagging a reservation). I should find it irritating.
But the Willows Inn is also inherently of a place I have great affection for — the Pacific Northwest — and that’s captured beautifully in chef Blaine Wetzel’s Lummi: Island Cooking, a restaurant capsule of a cookbook that doesn’t feature the restaurant’s name in the title. Instead, the book is a survey of the ingredients farmed, foraged, and fished from the Puget Sound, a stunning taxonomy of salmonberries and spotted prawns, wild beach pea tips and razor clams. Several recipes quietly flaunt the inn’s reverence for the local bounty. Each in a quartet of mushroom stews involves just three ingredients: two kinds of mushrooms and butter; a recipe for smoked mussels simply calls for mussels, white wine, and a smoker.
The book, though, is really all about the visuals. Photographer Charity Burggraaf captures each striking dish from above on a flat-color background, and the bright pops of color and organic forms evoke brilliant museum specimens. Lummi: Island Cooking shows off the ingredients of the Pacific Northwest — and how in the hands of Wetzel and his team, they become worthy of this exacting kind of archive. — Erin DeJesus
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My Korea: Traditional Flavors, Modern Recipes
Hooni Kim WW Norton, April 7
Hooni Kim’s debut cookbook, My Korea: Traditional Flavors, Modern Recipes, is part cookbook, part autobiography. Before he opened Korean-American restaurants Danji and Hanjan in New York City, Kim worked at prestigious fine dining institutions like Daniel and Masa, and as a result, he interprets Korean cuisine with French and Japanese techniques.
Over 13 chapters, Kim breaks down the fundamentals of creating Korean flavors, from where to buy essential pantry items to how to recognize the different stages of kimchi fermentation. The recipes themselves cover a wide range, from classic banchan and soups to technique-driven entrees, such as bacon chorizo kimchi paella with French scrambled eggs, and a recipe for braised short ribs (galbi-jjim) that uses a classic French red wine braise method Kim mastered while working at Daniel.
The focus of the book is less about cooking easy, weeknight dinner recipes, and more about understanding and applying Korean cooking philosophy. Throughout, Kim talks about the importance of jung sung, a Korean word for care, which also translates into cooking with heart and devotion. The chef’s jung sung in making this book is apparent as Kim provides foundational knowledge to make readers aware of Korean culture, beyond just knowing how to cook Korean food. — JP
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Everyone Can Bake: Simple Recipes to Master and Mix
Dominique Ansel Simon & Schuster, April 14
I’ll get this out of the way from the get go: Dominique Ansel’s newest cookbook has nothing at all to do with the Cronut. In fact, rather than simply a book of recipes for the things you’ll find at the Dominique Ansel bakeries and dessert shops stationed around the world, it’s a manual for how to make just about any dessert the reader’s heart desires, whatever their skill level. With Everyone Can Bake, Ansel asserts that armed with the “building blocks of baking” he provides, baking is achievable for even the most intimidated novice.
This idea guides the book’s structure. It’s split into three sections of Ansel’s “go-to” recipes: bases (which includes cakes, cookies, brownies, meringue, and other batters and doughs); fillings (pastry cream, ganache, mousse, etc.); and finishings (buttercreams, glazes, and other toppings). A fourth section covers assembly and techniques, such as how to construct a tart or glaze a cake. Charts at the front of the book show how these four sections combine to make complete desserts. For example, almond cake + matcha mousse + white chocolate glaze + how to assemble a mousse cake = matcha passion fruit mousse cake; vanilla sablé tart shell + pastry cream = flan.
Although the book’s primary aim is to simplify baking for newcomers, the notion that creativity can arise from working within the boundaries of fundamental building blocks is a helpful lesson for any home baker. And whether they’re after just those fundamentals or the “showstoppers” that come later, they’re in good hands with Ansel’s Everyone Can Bake. — MB
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Mosquito Supper Club: Cajun Recipes from a Disappearing Bayou
Melissa M. Martin Artisan, April 14
At Mosquito Supper Club, a tiny, 24-diners-per-night New Orleans restaurant that’s more like a big dinner party, chef and owner Melissa Martin keeps a shelf of spiral-bound Cajun cookbooks with recipes assembled by women’s church groups. “The cookbooks are timeless poetry and ambassadors for Cajun food,” Martin writes, “a place for women to record a piece of themselves.” Martin’s first cookbook, Mosquito Supper Club: Cajun Recipes from a Disappearing Bayou, belongs alongside them. It’s a well-written personal and regional history of a world literally disappearing before our eyes due to climate change: Every hour, the Gulf of Mexico swallows a football field’s worth of land in Louisiana.
But Mosquito Supper Club isn’t an elegy. It’s a celebration of contemporary New Orleans, a timeless glossary of Cajun cookery, and a careful, practical guide to gathering seasonal ingredients and preparing dishes from duck gumbo to classic pecan pie. Martin’s recipes are occasionally difficult and time-consuming — stuffed crawfish heads are a “group project” — but written with gentle encouragement (“Keep stirring!”) and an expert’s precision. And since Martin’s restaurant is essentially a home kitchen, her recipes are easily adapted to the home cook (though not all of us will have the same access to ingredients, like shrimp from her cousin’s boat in her small hometown of Chauvin, Louisiana). Still, Mosquito Supper Club is a cookbook you’re likely to use, and as a powerful reminder of what we’re losing to climate change, it’s a book we could all use, too. — Caleb Pershan
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Trejo’s Tacos: Recipes & Stories From L.A.
Danny Trejo Clarkson Potter, April 21
Anyone not living in Los Angeles will likely still recognize Danny Trejo. Muscular and tattooed, with a mustache dipping down below the corners of his lips and dark hair tied back in a ponytail, he makes an impression in just about every role he’s played in his 300-plus film career, whether it’s as a boxer in Runaway Train, the gadget-loving estranged uncle in Spy Kids, or a machete-wielding vigilante for hire in Machete. But since 2016, Trejo has taken on a role outside of Hollywood: co-owner of a growing fleet of LA taquerias.
Trejo’s Tacos, the 75-year-old’s first cookbook, written with Hugh Garvey, is as much a tribute to his restaurant legacy as it is to Los Angeles, his lifelong home. The actor spent his childhood dreaming of opening a restaurant with his mother in their Echo Park kitchen. Years later, film producer Ash Shah would plant the seeds and vision for Trejo’s future taquerias, opened with a culinary team led by consulting chef Daniel Mattern. The cookbook is a reflection of what the actor calls “LA-Mexican food.” Readers will find all the Trejo’s Tacos greatest hits in the collection, including recipes for pepita pesto, mushroom asada burritos, and fried chicken tacos. The recipes are relatively simple and malleable — designed for home cooks who might want chicken tikka bowls one night and chicken tikka tacos the next. There’s even a recipe for nacho donuts.
Throughout, Trejo interjects with stories from his life in LA, like the time a security guard on the set of Heat recognized him from the time he used to rob customers at Bob’s Big Boy in Burbank. “I used to rob restaurants,” he writes in his new cookbook. “Today I own eight of them.” — Brenna Houck
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Falastin: A Cookbook
Sami Tamimi and Tara Wigley Ten Speed, April 28
Sami Tamimi and co-author Tara Wigley are probably best known for their proximity to Israeli chef and columnist Yotam Ottolenghi. Tamimi is Ottolenghi’s longtime business partner and co-author of Ottolenghi and Jerusalem: A Cookbook. Wigley has collaborated with Ottolenghi on recipe writing since 2011. With Falastin, the pair are stepping out on their own for the first time as part of a rising chorus of voices celebrating Palestinian cuisine.
Falastin is the culmination of Tamimi’s lifelong “obsession” with Palestinian food. The Palestinian chef pays tribute to his mother and the home in East Jerusalem that he left to live in Tel Aviv and London, returning after 17 years. For Wigley, who grew up in Ireland, the book is about falling in love with the region and, particularly, shatta sauce (she’s sometimes referred to by her friends as “shattara”). However, the book isn’t about tradition. Tamimi and Wigley approach Falastin’s 110 recipes as reinterpretations of old favorites — something they acknowledge is an extremely thorny approach everywhere, and particularly given the highly politicized history of Palestine. Food, after all, isn’t just about ingredients and method; it’s also about who’s making it and telling its story.
To do this, Wigley and Taminmi instead take readers into Palestine, exploring the regional nuances of everything from the distinctive battiri eggplants, suited to being preserved and filled with walnuts and peppers for makdous, or the green chiles, garlic, and dill seeds used to prepare Gazan stuffed sardines. Along the way, they pause to amplify the voices of Palestinians, such as Vivien Sansour, founder of the Palestinian Seed Library. Keep plenty of olive oil, lemon, and za’atar on hand. It’s a colorful, thoughtful, and delicious journey. — BH
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Bitter Honey: Recipes and Stories from Sardinia
Letitia Clark Hardie Grant, April 28
At first glance, Bitter Honey seems like an outsider’s fantasy of Sardinia. British author Letitia Clark moved to the island with her Sardinian (now ex-) boyfriend, looking to escape Brexit and embrace a slower, more beautiful way of life. The book’s warm photography and indulgent descriptions of olive oil seem the stuff of an Under the Sardinian Sun romp. But then, it suddenly becomes real. In the introduction, she speaks of plastic Tupperware and paper plates and blaring TVs, and in stories throughout the book, she gives a more honest depiction of modern, everyday life in Sardinia.
Clark’s recipes are all about achievable fantasy, with some coming directly from her boyfriend’s family and some that are admitted riffs on Nigella Lawson recipes. But all include the island’s staple flavors and ingredients, like pork in anchovy sauce, fried sage leaves, saffron risotto, and culurgionis (essentially Sardinian ravioli) stuffed with potato, mint, cheese, and garlic. Clark describes Sardinian food as a “wilder” version of Italian cooking, something less refined and more visceral. The book is a great way to expand your regional palate, though you’ll have to source your own bottarga and pane carasau. — Jaya Saxena
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The Vegetarian Silver Spoon: Classic & Contemporary Italian Recipes
Phaidon, April 29
The essential, 70-year-old Italian cookbook Il cucchiaio d’argento, known as The Silver Spoon in English, gets a plant-based update in The Vegetarian Silver Spoon, forthcoming from Phaidon. Boasting more than 200 vegetarian and vegan recipes, it’s a welcome addition to the library of Silver Spoon spinoffs in a time when diners are cutting back on meat consumption, whether for health, environmental, or animal welfare reasons. While some patrons of red-sauce Italian-American restaurants may exclusively associate the cuisine with weighty meatballs and rich, meaty sauces, as written in the book’s introduction, “the Italian diet has never centered on meat”; rather, home-style cooking “more often revolves around substantial vegetarian dishes like grains or stews.”
Across eight chapters — which are organized by dish, moving from lighter to heavier flavors — classic recipes like pizza bianca mingle with more regional specialties like Genovese minestrone, as well as less traditional fare like vegetable fried rice, demarcated with an icon of “CT” for “contemporary tastes” (other icons distinguish dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan, “30 minutes or less,” and “5 ingredients or fewer”). In this book, the writing is clear, the photos inviting, and above all, the sheer breadth of tasty-sounding dishes encyclopedic enough that any level of cook can find something to make. For fans of Italian cuisine, it’s impossible to flip through the pages without salivating, vegetarian or not. — Jenny G. Zhang
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Chi Spacca: A New Approach to American Cooking
Nancy Silverton Knopf, April 30
For home cooks, restaurant cookbooks usually serve as half archive, half inspiration, but Los Angeles chef Nancy Silverton writes ambitious recipes a home cook looking to grow (or flex) actually wants to try. The Chi Spacca cookbook, written by Silverton, Ryan DeNicola, and Carolyn Carreño, will fuel fantasies of massive slabs of meat seasoned with fennel pollen on the grill, served with salads of thinly shaved vegetables and a butterscotch budino for dessert.
Chi Spacca is the newest of Silverton’s three California-Italian restaurants clustered together in what locals call the Mozzaplex, and it’s decidedly meat focused (Chi Spacca means “he or she who cleaves” and is another word for butcher in Italian). One of the restaurant’s most famous dishes is a beef pie with a marrow bone sticking out of the middle, like the tentpole of a carnivorous circus. That recipe is in the book. So is one for the restaurant’s distinctive focaccia di Recco, a round, flaky, cheese-filled focaccia, which, according to a step-by-step photo tutorial, involves stretching the dough from the counter all the way down to the floor before folding it over into a copper pan. There’s a recipe for homemade ’nduja, a section of thorough grilling advice, and more precisely composed salads than 10 trips to the farmers market could possibly support.
What’s really wonderful about the book, however, is the way it mixes serious ambition with practical advice and tons of context. Silverton explains the inspiration and authorship of every dish, and in those headnotes reveals the extent to which Chi Spacca, for all its Tuscan butchery pedigree, is a deeply Californian restaurant. Reference points range from Park’s BBQ in Koreatown to trapped-in-amber steakhouse Dal Rae to the traditions of Santa Maria barbecue. And the recipes always consider the cook. My favorite headnote, for a persimmon salad, says, “The recipe for candied pecans makes twice what you need for this salad. My thought is that if you’re going to go to the effort to make them, there should be some for the cook to snack on.” Entirely correct. — Meghan McCarron
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Eventide: Recipes for Clambakes, Oysters, Lobster Rolls, and More From a Modern Maine Seafood Shack
Arlin Smith, Andrew Taylor, Mike Wiley, and Sam Hiersteiner Ten Speed, June 2
Eventide Oyster Co., named one of the best restaurants in New England by restaurant critic Bill Addison, embodies everything a Maine seafood shack should be — a casual place to sit down to slurp shellfish and eat fried seafood with friends and family. Since opening in Portland, Maine, in 2012, and despite accolades and expansion, it’s managed to retain that convivial feel. Now co-owners Arlin Smith, Andrew Taylor, and Mike Wiley, along with writer Sam Hiersteiner, have created a breezy cookbook for easy entertaining and coastal-inspired cooking.
With 120 recipes, accompanied by visual how-tos and guides on how to properly prepare seafood and shellfish, Eventide offers enough insight to make any home cook feel comfortable assembling an amazing raw bar or hosting a full New England clambake. The book even gets into less-traditional ways to use seafood as the basis for celebratory meals, with recipes for oysters with kimchi rice, halibut tail bo ssam, and the restaurant’s famed brown butter lobster rolls. And although seafood dominates, the authors of Eventide include alternatives to satisfy anyone, like the restaurant’s burger, a smoked tofu sandwich, potato chips and puffed snacks, plus a blueberry lattice pie for dessert. Whether or not you live by the coast, Eventide is the perfect spring cookbook to help you prepare to turn your kitchen into a New England oyster bar this summer. — Esra Erol
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Usa today Expulsion at end of rainbow, Benedict Arnold, Batman thief: News from around our 50 states
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Usa today Alabama
Jasper: Police are taking a look for a particular person that disguised himself as Batman whereas stealing musical instruments from churches. A housebreaking took place Dec. 11 at King’s Means Church in Irondale, AL.com studies. The caped prison stole a keyboard and a guitar, in accordance to Irondale Detective Sgt. Michael Mangina. The suspect came assist to the same church Jan. 6 and stole two extra guitars. Both occasions the impostor venerable a rock to enter the church, Mangina said. On Jan. 9, two churches in Jasper and one in unincorporated Walker County devour been furthermore burglarized, Jasper police wrote on Fb. Musical instruments and electronics devour been furthermore stolen. Anybody with data can name Irondale police, Jasper police or the Walker County Sheriff’s Place of commercial. “We must decide this erroneous guy off the streets,” Mangina said. “Stealing from a church is now not one of the best draw to procure to heaven.”
Usa today Alaska
Skwentna: Weeks after a particular person’s far-off cabin burned down, he was as soon as rescued by Alaska Pronounce Troopers who stumbled on him by a makeshift refuge with an SOS signal stamped within the snow. Tyson Steele, 30, was as soon as picked up Thursday in what appeared to be factual health at his far-off house 20 miles outdoor Skwentna, troopers said in a dispatch. A mid-December fire had killed his dog and left Steele with out a formula of communication, Steele informed troopers. After his members of the family and chums hadn’t heard from him for several weeks, they requested a welfare check. The trooper helicopter crew reached the house about 11 a.m. and noticed Steele waving his arms come the makeshift refuge. Skwentna, with a population of 35, is 70 miles northwest of Anchorage. The trooper helicopter transported Steele to Anchorage.
Usa today Arizona
Flagstaff: The pressure was as soon as sturdy adequate at a neighborhood store to reunite Luke Skywalker with his lengthy-misplaced vinyl document. Actor Mark Hamill is praising workers at Bookmans Entertainment Change for returning the “Significant particular person Wars: A Contemporary Hope” soundtrack that had been a present from movie composer John Williams. Hamill tweeted that it felt “entirely surprising & positively surreal” to procure assist the document he hadn’t viewed since the early 1990s. He counseled the store for being factual and now not promoting it. Williams had written on the vinyl’s sleeve: “Pricey Mark Hamill, Can also the pressure constantly be with us.” The document was as soon as certainly one of various “Significant particular person Wars” objects introduced in by a girl after her father’s death in 2018. Micheil Salmons, the store’s total supervisor, said Hamill signed a DVD of “Significant particular person Wars: A Contemporary Hope” and two medals that are replicas of those given to his persona and Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford, within the movie.
Usa today Arkansas
Puny Rock: The Republican governor on Monday defended his resolution to proceed accepting unusual refugees, now not easy skeptical GOP lawmakers to take care of far off from developing “horror” about welcoming of us from other international locations. Gov. Asa Hutchinson informed a legislative committee that fewer than 50 refugees will most likely be resettled in Washington County in northwestern Arkansas beneath his resolution. Arkansas is amongst 42 states that devour said they're going to proceed to just accumulate refugees since the Trump administration issued an expose in September that gave advise and local governments the authority to refuse to just accumulate them for the first time in historical past. “Every of you would be leaders for your crew. You’ve bought a different to originate: You would also accomplish horror, or you'd also abet procure to the backside of horror,” Hutchinson informed lawmakers. He launched them to two refugees from Congo and one other from Afghanistan who devour resettled to Arkansas currently.
Usa today California
San Diego: The U.S. Fish and Natural world Service has proposed adding a California butterfly to the list of threatened species, officials issue. The agency desires the Hermes copper butterfly added to the list in recognition of the threats it faces in its house situation of San Diego County, The San Diego Union-Tribune studies. The carrier filed its proposal Jan. 8, estimating this will decide a 300 and sixty five days to finalize the listing and diagram up severe habitat plans for the butterfly. A public commentary length for the listing is anticipated to flee through March 9. The Hermes copper lives most exciting in Mexico’s Baja California and California’s San Diego County, which has a high concentration of endangered species, federal plants and fauna officials issue. The butterfly is amongst a suite of local species plagued by urban sprawl and wildfires that devour altered the panorama in recent decades, officials issue.
Usa today Colorado
Fort Collins: The advise Department of Public Security announced Monday that it will scale assist “proactive” investigation of mysterious drone sightings that devour at a loss for phrases residents since gradual closing 300 and sixty five days. The division has confirmed no incidents of prison process, and investigations devour now not substantiated studies of suspicious or illegal drone process, in accordance to a document launched Monday. Beginning earlier than the holidays, the drones – which devour been before every thing spotted touring in grid-fancy formations – devour been reported to be viewed flying at high altitudes from about 7 to 10 p.m. in northeastern Colorado, as neatly as in southwestern Nebraska, in accordance to the Denver Put up. The FAA, 25 other authorities agencies and interior most companies, including Amazon, claimed to know nothing about the preliminary sightings in northeastern Colorado, in accordance to a listing compiled by 9News.
Usa today Connecticut
Norwich: The city planned to worth the birthdate of the nation’s most infamous traitor, Benedict Arnold, by turning off the Christmas lights at Metropolis Hall on Tuesday. Regan Miner, the federal government director of the Norwich Historical Society, said the occasion serves as a “tongue-in-cheek approach” to worth the 279th anniversary of Arnold’s beginning. Danye Rugh was as soon as to say a lecture after the lights devour been turned out, accompanied by length-themed cocktails and meals. The son of Norwich was as soon as born in 1741 and fought for the Continental Military earlier than wounding his leg within the Battle of Saratoga. The location handles Arnold’s legacy in assorted suggestions. In Contemporary London, Arnold’s body is burned in effigy, and a copy of his leg is positioned in a coffin and despatched to Norwich.
Usa today Delaware
Dover: The First Pronounce’s roads are silent one of the main main nation’s most threatening. After some grunt a 300 and sixty five days ago, the advise’s selection of traffic deaths grew from 111 in 2018 to 132 closing 300 and sixty five days, a upward push of about 19%, in accordance to the Place of commercial of Highway Security. The selection of pedestrian deaths rose from 24 to 30, returning Delaware to amongst the nation’s leaders. “There’s no silver bullet to resolve this,” says John McNeal, chairman of the advise’s Pedestrian Council. Education campaigns and some street grunt tasks devour been applied since 2015, when Delaware ranked because the most threatening advise for pedestrians. Nevertheless officials acknowledge the efforts haven’t been adequate and issue extra desires to be achieved. Two weeks into 2020, no much less than three pedestrians devour died in crashes.
Usa today District of Columbia
Washington: Unsafe and filthy prerequisites at Washington Metropolitan Residence Transit Authority parking garages devour precipitated adjustments in how the structures are cleaned. Feces, bottles of urine, venerable condoms, overflowing trash and other unsanitary prerequisites devour been stumbled on at several Metrorail situation garages, the transit authority’s Place of commercial of the Inspector Customary said in a abstract of its document. The transit authority spent $2.2 million on lowered in dimension cleansing services, in accordance to the inspector total. The audit stumbled on the workers weren’t doing their job neatly 84% of the time. The Metro system took circulation straight and commenced strain-washing efforts after finding out of the inspector total’s findings, spokeswoman Sherri Ly said in an announcement, in accordance to news retail outlets. The agency furthermore plans to segment out contractors in want of hiring custodial workers in-house, in accordance to the assertion.
Usa today Florida
Tallahassee: In his Pronounce of the Pronounce address Tuesday, Gov. Ron DeSantis known as for trainer raises, the eradication of Burmese pythons within the Everglades, and a brand unusual law to pressure ladies to procure their folks’ permission earlier than getting an abortion. DeSantis said protecting taxes low, bettering education and protecting the atmosphere will abet Florida proceed to grow. The speech marked the outlet of the Legislature’s annual 60-day session. He spoke within the Residence chamber, the establish lawmakers desks’ devour been lined in flowers. Contributors of the Supreme Court docket and the advise’s three Cupboard contributors furthermore attended the address. While touting a soak up adoption, DeSantis informed lawmakers he desires them to traipse a invoice that can require ladies beneath the age of 18 procure their folks’ permission to procure an abortion. The advise already requires ladies’ folks be notified if they've an abortion.
Usa today Georgia
Savannah: An endangered unusual child factual whale spotted with indecent injuries to its head off the advise’s soar is now not going to continue to exist, even supposing scientists might well perhaps well perhaps also are attempting to inject the calf with antibiotics the usage of a syringe fired from an air gun if they can safely procure stop adequate, authorities consultants said Monday. Foggy weather along the soar was as soon as delaying efforts to relocate the wounded toddler whale and its mother by airplane. The calf was as soon as first viewed from the air closing Wednesday, and a boat crew bought stop adequate Friday come St. Simons Island for scientists to compose its injuries devour been worse than before every thing feared. Scientists estimate 400 or fewer North Atlantic factual whales silent exist. Dr. Teri Rowles, a veterinarian for the Nationwide Marine Fisheries Service, said the injuries devour been most likely precipitated by the propeller of a boat.
Usa today Hawaii
Honolulu: This tropical advise is getting its first Olive Garden. A current Honolulu bar and restaurant will stop and be changed by a brand unusual outlet of certainly one of many nation’s splendid restaurant chains, officials issue. The Mai Tai Bar and Bubba Gump Small Co. at Ala Moana Center, the advise’s largest mall, are slated to prevent next month, The Honolulu Significant particular person-Advertiser studies. Bubba Gump Chief Operations Officer Jim DuFault said the closure is the consequence of a apartment dispute, and Bubba Gump is willing to file a lawsuit if the owner or a future tenant makes an are attempting to “take our Mai Tai mental property.” Olive Garden filed a $50,000 building permit for the mall situation. The Italian-American restaurant chain, owned by Darden Restaurants Inc., is coming to Hawaii after years of television commercials working within the advise.
Usa today Idaho
Grangeville: The quilt disguise of a 65-300 and sixty five days-venerable pressure-in movie show was as soon as destroyed by high winds, and the owner says he hopes to rebuild – if he can fetch any individual who might well perhaps well perhaps make the specialized work. Chris Wagner, owner of Sunset Auto Vue pressure-in theater in Grangeville, informed The Lewiston Tribune the disguise disguise has most exciting been broken by winds twice since it was as soon as inbuilt 1955. The principle time, in 2007, he rebuilt with a up to date earn that was as soon as meant to withstand wind gusts up to 110 mph. Nevertheless closing week, high winds estimated by the Nationwide Weather Service at about 60 mph flattened the 32-by-72-foot out of doors disguise disguise, leaving within the assist of a mass of zigzag steel. “I’ll be making a name to the producer, but he was as soon as 75 years venerable when he confirmed up the closing time (in 2007) to make it,” Wagner said. There are most exciting a handful of pressure-in theaters within the Gem Pronounce.
Usa today Illinois
Chicago: The advise is updating its beginning certificates system to verify the gender identities of transgender folks, after a transmasculine particular person requested to be formally diagnosed as a father who gave beginning to their daughter. Myles and Treasured Brady-Davis of Chicago realized after their daughter, Zayn, arrived in December that the Illinois Department of Public Health robotically names the parent who offers beginning as “Mom/Co-Father or mother” on a beginning certificates. Myles Brady-Davis is transmasculine, which describes a particular person that was as soon as born feminine but is in most cases masculine in gender expression. Transmasculine of us make now not constantly identify as male. Myles, who makes use of they/them pronouns, carried and gave beginning to Zayn and desires to be listed as her father, the Chicago Sun-Cases studies. Treasured Brady-Davis is a transgender girl and the toddler’s mother.
Usa today Indiana
Indianapolis: Gov. Eric Holcomb has declared Jan. 27 “Eva Education Day” in honor of the gradual Eva Kor, the Holocaust survivor who devoted great of her life to instructing the world about the experiments of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. Jan. 27 is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, the establish Kor and her twin sister, Miriam, devour been subjected to Mengele’s experiments. The Terre Haute girl’s skills was as soon as chronicled in a documentary titled “Eva: A-7063.” That movie is segment of an Eva Tutorial Toolkit that has been distributed to every middle college and high college in Indiana. Kor died July 4, 2019, whereas conducting her annual crew tour of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland.
Usa today Iowa
Harlan: A particular person has requested a come to a resolution to let him buy in a sword fight with his ex-wife and her attorney so he can “rend their souls” from their our bodies. David Ostrom, 40, of Paola, Kansas, said in a Jan. 3 court docket filing that his old wife, Bridgette Ostrom, 38, of Harlan, Iowa, and her attorney, Matthew Hudson, had “destroyed (him) legally.” The Ostroms devour been embroiled in disputes over custody and visitation points and property tax funds. The come to a resolution had the energy to let the parties “procure to the backside of our disputes on the self-discipline of battle, legally,” David Ostrom said, adding in his filing that trial by combat “has by no formula been explicitly banned or restricted as a factual in these United States.” He furthermore requested the come to a resolution for 12 weeks’ time so he might well perhaps well perhaps also trusty Eastern samurai swords. Shelby County District Court docket Resolve Craig Dreismeier said in his earn filing Monday that he won’t be issuing a resolution anytime rapidly, citing irregularities with all aspects’ motions and responses.
Usa today Kansas
Wichita: A old Newman College professor who alleged the university discriminated in opposition to her due to she was as soon as a girl can devour to get extra than $800,000 in damages and be reinstated, a federal jury dominated Monday. The jury stumbled on in want of Cindy Louthan, old assistant professor of elementary education at Newman, who sued the interior most Roman Catholic university in Wichita in 2018. Cindy Louthan alleged a supervisor was as soon as hostile toward females and careworn and discriminated in opposition to her due to she is feminine. She furthermore contended the university did now not investigate her issues and punished her when she complained about the supervisor, ending in her shedding her job, The Wichita Eagle studies. Louthan was as soon as certainly one of 5 old university workers who sued the college alleging unfair treatment or termination currently. The university has denied the allegations in every case.
Usa today Kentucky
Louisville: A Christian college expelled a pupil closing week after her family says college officials stumbled on the 15-300 and sixty five days-venerable had noteworthy her birthday with a rainbow-themed cake. Kimberly Alford says that unless Jan. 6, her daughter had been a freshman at Whitefield Academy. That’s when Alford says she got an electronic mail from the academy’s head of faculty, Bruce Jacobson, explaining how her daughter was as soon as being expelled “straight due to a submit on social media.” Alford had lately posted a portray on her Fb web page showing her daughter celebrating her birthday at a Texas Roadhouse restaurant, carrying a sweater that contains a rainbow earn and sitting by a exciting, rainbow-themed cake. Alford says any individual shared the portray with college officials. Alford says Jacobson wrote that the image “demonstrates a posture of morality and cultural acceptance opposite to that of Whitefield Academy’s beliefs” and follows two years of “daily life violations.” Alford says her daughter is now not homosexual, and the cake was as soon as simply a fun kind out.
Usa today Louisiana
Baton Rouge: The zoo within the capital city is asking for the general public’s abet to name its newest male giraffe. The Baton Rouge Zoo is conserving a contest for fogeys to nominate their authorized names for the skill’s newest addition, born closing month. Nominations will most likely be permitted through Jan. 22. Zoo workers will decide those public submissions and narrow them to three finalists, that will most certainly be up for a last vote from the general public after that. The zoo will articulate the finalists and extra shrimp print about the balloting at a later date. Six-300 and sixty five days-venerable giraffe Rosie gave beginning Dec. 26 to the male giraffe, the 20th giraffe to be born at the Baton Rouge Zoo.
Usa today Maine
Augusta: A proposal within the Legislature would dwell a accomplish of discrimination in opposition to folks that decide treatment to remain HIV an infection. Democratic Sen. Heather Sanborn of Portland said the advise’s insurance code can devour to be amended to remain denial of life insurance for fogeys that decide pre-publicity prophylaxis treatment to remain HIV. The prophylaxis is in most cases known as “PrEP.” The proposal got a public listening to earlier than the Health Protection, Insurance and Financial Products and services Committee on Jan. 8. This will most likely be self-discipline to committee votes earlier than it will switch on to the paunchy Maine Legislature. Sanborn said the advise’s insurance code can devour to “replicate recent clinical practices, as a exchange of perpetuating discriminatory habits.”
Usa today Maryland
Annapolis: Gov. Larry Hogan highlighted initiatives to fight violent crime in Baltimore, give a take to education statewide and give protection to the atmosphere Tuesday in presenting his worth range thought for the subsequent fiscal 300 and sixty five days. Hogan, a Republican, referenced a violent weekend within the advise’s largest city in calling on lawmakers to make stronger his crime-combating proposals this session. On Saturday, 12 of us devour been shot – five of them fatally – in Baltimore. It marked the third time within the past month that no much less than eight of us devour been shot in a single day. “The No. 1 self-discipline of Marylanders by far is crime,” Hogan said at a news convention. “Residents are stressful extra accountability for the violent criminals for taking pictures and killing of us within the streets of Baltimore.” The city had 348 homicides closing 300 and sixty five days, the fifth straight 300 and sixty five days with extra than 300 slayings within town. It was as soon as Baltimore’s most violent 300 and sixty five days ever on a per capita basis.
Usa today Massachusetts
Boston: A crew working to originate it upright within the advise for clinical doctors to prescribe a lethal dose of treatment to mentally competent patients with terminal illnesses says this will proceed its fight regardless of a recent upright setback. Compassion & Choices in its swimsuit filed in 2016 said legalizing the observe, generally known as clinical assist in loss of life or MAID, would abet terminally in miserable health patients protect far off from needless struggling. In a resolution Dec. 31, a come to a resolution said the difficulty can devour to be left up to lawmakers. Compassion & Choices said in an announcement Monday that it intends to allure. “This setback is disheartening, but we will most likely be in a position to proceed this upright battle,” Dr. Roger Kligler, a Cape Cod doctor with terminal most cancers and certainly one of many plaintiffs within the lawsuit, said within the assertion. 2nd Thoughts Massachusetts, a crew that opposes clinical assist in loss of life, praised the resolution.
Usa today Michigan
Detroit: Michigan Pronounce Police has suspended the contract with the firm that points the advise’s breath alcohol making an are attempting out devices amid issues the effects would be flawed. In a letter written to police and prosecutors statewide, advise police officials warned law enforcement agencies about “efficiency-connected points” with the Datamaster DMT breathalyzer devices, in accordance to the Detroit News. Such points might well perhaps well perhaps also have an effect on drunken using cases. The letter did now not identify the issues or how they devour been uncovered. Pronounce police Lt. Michael Shaw said the agency will decide over calibration of the devices, as neatly because the contractor’s tasks of certifying and serving the breathalyzer objects. Oakland College prison justice professor Daniel Kennedy said such points with the breathalyzer devices would be tough for drunken using cases in Michigan.
Usa today Minnesota
Moorhead: The city might well perhaps well perhaps decide into consideration inquiring for a advise permit to take aggressive wild turkeys after some residents complained about the birds, a police legitimate said. Moorhead Deputy Police Chief Tory Jacobson said the police division doesn’t devour the abilities or sources so that you just can add plants and fauna administration to its list of responsibilities. The division, which furthermore runs town’s animal protect an eye fixed on unit, estimates about 300 turkeys are presently roosting and strolling in residential neighborhoods. Moorhead residents shared tales about residing in stop proximity to the wild turkeys in all places in the division’s meeting closing week, Minnesota Public Radio News studies. Some feel as even supposing the turkeys are taking over. Nevertheless others welcome the animals as neighbors. Brett Bernath says about 20 to 30 congregate in his yard, leaving within the assist of filth.
Usa today Mississippi
Jackson: Republican Tate Reeves was as soon as inaugurated as governor Tuesday, pledging to produce economic opportunities for all of us within the advise and to protect a “loving tradition that underpins our quality of life.” Reeves, 45, is the 65th governor of Mississippi. He succeeds Republican Phil Bryant, who served two terms. “This will most likely be an administration for all Mississippi,” Reeves said all over his inaugural speech. Reeves served two terms as lieutenant governor and two terms earlier than that because the elected advise treasurer. He took the oath as governor earlier than family, chums, lawmakers and other officials within the Residence chamber of the advise Capitol. “A tradition of fancy and kinship has knitted Mississippi households collectively, and tied them to every other, for ages,” Reeves said. “It is what makes us particular in a fleet-paced and transient world. I might protect that tradition in opposition to the erosion that frays societies.”
Usa today Missouri
Kansas Metropolis: Planned Parenthood is now not easy the advise’s denial of claims for Medicaid funds for a 2nd time in two years. KCUR studies that Planned Parenthood’s affiliates in Overland Park, Kansas, appealed Missouri’s cutoff of their fiscal 2020 funding closing week in Jackson County, Missouri, after an administrative law come to a resolution dominated in opposition to them closing month. Meanwhile, an allure of the cutoff of 2019 funding is pending earlier than the Missouri Supreme Court docket. “It’s extra or much less a continuation of the same venerable tune and dance,” said Charles Hatfield, Planned Parenthood’s attorney. Republican lawmakers in Missouri devour for years sought to remain any taxpayer money from going to Planned Parenthood, even clinics that make now not present abortions. Nevertheless legislators struggled with “loopholes” that allowed Planned Parenthood clinics that supply other health care to proceed receiving funding.
Usa today Montana
Helena: A campaign to legalize, protect an eye fixed on and tax marijuana use has submitted two proposed pollinitiatives for advise review, the crew Contemporary Means Montana announced. The principle pollproposal would legalize leisure use of marijuana for adults in Montana and keep a regulatory framework and a 20% gross sales tax. Share of the tax money might well perhaps well perhaps be venerable to slice the tax on clinical marijuana from 2% to 1%. The 2nd polldifficulty is a constitutional modification that can restrict marijuana consumption, fancy alcohol, to of us age 21 or older. The initiatives devour been dropped at the secretary of advise and the Legislative Products and services Division on Monday, Montana Public Radio studies. The Attorney Customary must approve the language earlier than the crew can start gathering signatures so that you just can ascertain the points earlier than voters in November 2020.
Usa today Nebraska
Lincoln: The Game and Parks Price has willing particular Valentine’s Day offers for fogeys that are attempting to worth the day at a advise park. Internet site visitors who reserve a cabin or resort room – at a 30% slice worth – at Eugene T. Mahoney Pronounce Park between Feb. 10 and Feb. 14 can add a Valentine’s Particular package to their reservation. The $25 supply entails a present package consisting of a rose, two wine glasses, lustrous juice, a 2020 Nebraskaland Calendar, goodies and extra. For a getaway at Ponca Pronounce Park, originate a reservation and celebrate Birds and Breakfast, Feb. 14-15. Like dinner and a 30% slice worth on cabin lodging on Valentine’s Day night at Platte River Pronounce Park. Or reserve a cabin at Lewis and Clark Pronounce Game Residence from Feb. 14 to Feb. 16 for a 30% slice worth. Add the Silver Equipment for $25 and procure complimentary champagne, wine or cider; sausage and cheese platter; bouquet of flowers; cheesecake dessert; drink tickets and extra.
Usa today Nevada
Las Vegas: Animal rescuers devour confirmed certainly one of three hat-carrying pigeons that won recognition on social media has died. Lofty Hopes Pigeon Rescue workers issue fumes from glue venerable to affix the hats might well perhaps well perhaps even devour poisoned Bille the Pidge. Lofty Hopes Pigeon Rescue tweeted Sunday that the feminine chicken was as soon as venerable and had misplaced toes to a condition the establish its toes are remoted by a string and drop off. Officials issue the three pigeons devour been first stumbled on in December carrying shrimp crimson cowboy hats in Las Vegas. Rescue workers issue the hats devour been glued on. Staff issue pigeons devour fragile respiratory systems, and a veterinarian had to shimmering feathers to take the hats. It wasn’t certain if the chicken’s death was as soon as linked to the hat. It is silent unknown who keep the hats on the birds. Billie is survived by two other old cowboy pigeons – Cluck Norris and Coolamity Jane.
Usa today Contemporary Hampshire
Harmony: Animals are on the agenda at the Statehouse with bills aimed at each protecting and pursuing them. Lawmakers devour filed no much less than a dozen bills this session pondering about plants and fauna or domesticated animals, including measures to ban the declawing of cats and docking of dog tails. Both bills devour public hearings Thursday. Three bills earlier than a Residence committee Tuesday devour been about killing other species. One would repeal a prohibition on looking out out with ferrets; one other would accomplish a brand unusual safari looking out out license for those taking elk and boar at a interior most recreation reserve; and a third would lower the bar for killing animals that injury vegetation or other property. Recent law permits any individual to homicide wild animals that trigger “proper and noteworthy” injury, but a invoice subsidized by Uncover. Howard Pearl, R-Loudon, would take the “and noteworthy” language. He said requiring noteworthy injury was as soon as too subjective.
Usa today Contemporary Jersey
Trenton: Pronounce lawmakers on Monday passed legislation to restrict flavored vaping merchandise, sending the measure to Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy’s desk. The Democrat-led Senate passed the invoice 22-15, with the Democratic-controlled Meeting balloting 53-11 with eight lawmakers now not balloting on the measure that bans e-cigarettes flavors, including any fruit or sweet amongst others. Lawmakers issue the flavors are supposed to hook teenagers, who are the usage of the merchandise in rising numbers. Opponents of the legislation, who crowded segment of the Statehouse advanced Monday, issue officials can devour to larger put in pressure the smoking age as a exchange of barring of-age adults from making an are attempting for merchandise they revel within the usage of. The smoking age in Contemporary Jersey is 21. Murphy has been supportive of the premise of a flavor ban, but his situation of commercial didn’t answer when requested how he’ll address the legislation.
Usa today Contemporary Mexico
Las Cruces: The Nationwide Science Foundation has awarded two universities within the advise and the Contemporary Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute a $5 million grant to keep a total forestry be taught heart for the Southwest. The five-300 and sixty five days grant will fund the advance of a Center of Excellence in Forest Restoration. This will most likely be charged with advancing the concept of the effects of restoration actions on forested areas through a aggregate of multidisciplinary be taught and education. The heart will educate college students in fire administration as neatly as wooded self-discipline ecology and restoration, providing undergraduate and masters programs at Highlands College. Plans furthermore consist of developing a collaborative Ph.D. program between Highlands and Contemporary Mexico Pronounce College.
Usa today Contemporary York
Contemporary York: The city’s policing of subway fare beaters is drawing scrutiny from the advise’s attorney total for that you just'd also keep in mind racial bias. Letitia James announced Monday that her situation of commercial is investigating the Contemporary York Police Department’s fare-enforcement practices after the division launched unusual information showing sunless and Hispanic of us memoir for the overwhelming majority of its fare-connected summonses and arrests. James’ situation of commercial despatched a letter to the police commissioner Monday attempting to search out extra information, such because the selection of officers assigned to every subway situation on a customary basis – figures she said might well perhaps well perhaps also shed gentle on whether or now not officers are concentrated on communities of colour. James, a Democrat, promised to decide on upright circulation if her situation of commercial finds evidence of discrimination. NYPD spokeswoman Devora Kaye said officers “patrol day and night to take care of 6 million daily riders trusty and put in pressure the law moderately and equally without consideration of flee or ethnicity.”
Usa today North Carolina
Corolla: A crew that manages herds of untamed horses on the advise’s soar is warning drivers to glimpse out for the animals taking profit of unseasonably heat weather by sound asleep on the sand at night. Temperatures within the 60s and 70s across the Carolinas devour the wild horses performing “extra fancy it’s June, now not January,” the Corolla Wild Horse Fund said in a message posted to social media. The gorgeous weather has coaxed the animals out of the islands’ forests, the establish they generally refuge from cool chilly weather winds, and into the path of leisure autos, The News & Observer studies. Daniel T. Myers III was as soon as using on Corova Sea trip over the weekend when he spotted the horses at middle of the night. He informed McClatchy News Community the animals are very arduous to undercover agent and warned others to take care of an scrutinize out. Crashes are certainly one of many main causes of death amongst the Outer Banks herds, the newspaper says.
Usa today North Dakota
Bismarck: A pipeline spill of oil-self-discipline wastewater has affected cropland in northwestern North Dakota. Pronounce environmental scientist Bill Suess said regulators devour been notified Monday of the 8,400-gallon pipeline leak in Renville County. The pipeline is operated by Wichita Falls, Texas-primarily based Cobra Oil and Fuel. Suess said the spill of produced water took place 2 miles north of Sherwood and within a mile of the U.S.-Canada border. The reason for the pipeline leak is unknown. Produced water is a aggregate of saltwater and oil that can have drilling chemicals. It’s a byproduct of oil and gasoline pattern. Suess said about 1,000 square feet of cropland was as soon as affected. He said no water sources devour been harmed.
Usa today Ohio
Columbus: Self-using shuttles will make a circuit through a residential neighborhood within the capital city as segment of a yearlong pilot program starting in gradual January. Three 12-passenger, disabled-accessible electrical shuttles will hasten the 2.8-mile route within the Linden neighborhood. The shuttles, that are self sustaining but monitored by on-board operators, will flee between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m and join riders to locations with social services fancy St. Stephen’s Neighborhood Residence, which has a meals pantry and health and job sources. Completely different stops consist of a recreation heart and a transit heart. The circuit will most likely be timed so riders can join to Central Ohio Transit Authority buses. The route will most likely be suspended for 30 minutes within the morning and afternoon as a precaution thanks to college students strolling to college, says Mandy Bishop, the program supervisor for Trim Columbus, town’s mobility initiative.
Usa today Oklahoma
Oklahoma Metropolis: The advise has adopted a brand unusual digital tracking system that can enable sexual assault survivors to computer screen the advise and self-discipline of their rape kits. The reason of the system is to empower survivors with data, abet law enforcement with investigations, and foster transparency and public trust, The Oklahoman studies. Handiest survivors and entities that change the system can access the information. The Oklahoma Pronounce Bureau of Investigation operates the system, which was as soon as authorized through legislation passed closing 300 and sixty five days. A role pressure made suggestions so that you just can present a take to the advise’s response to sexual assaults. “I’m hoping this will take all of us guilty to be toddle we don’t let victims drop through the cracks,” says Andrea Fielding, division director of criminalistics for the OSBI.
Usa today Oregon
Salem: The Metropolis Council has voted unanimously to draft an emergency declaration legally allowing car tenting in certain areas. Many contributors of the general public who spoke at the council meeting Monday supported the push for car tenting but stressed out extra wished to be achieved to abet the homeless population. Most demanded rapid circulation. Mayor Chuck Bennett said he was as soon as “deeply enthusiastic” about the homeless crisis, nonetheless it has been 30 years within the making, and officials are working to fight that crisis in a topic of weeks. He said the actions made all over Monday’s session will abet meet the wants of the crew. A hit upon researching the option stumbled on town has neither the funds nor the sources to administer a city-subsidized program. A privately subsidized program – the establish situation homeowners present supervision, trash receptacles and access to lavatories – was as soon as steered as a exchange.
Usa today Pennsylvania
Harrisburg: The advise’s 2nd lady, Giselle Fetterman, will abet lead a campaign to lift consciousness of this 300 and sixty five days’s census and abet residents to acknowledge, advise officials said Monday. Fetterman, whose husband is Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, said she's going to tour the advise, making stops in Philadelphia and in Centre, Erie, Allegheny, Lancaster and Luzerne counties over the subsequent three months. Gov. Tom Wolf signed an government expose in 2018 to accomplish a fee to abet be toddle a noteworthy census depend and signed legislation in October authorizing up to $4 million to buttress the depend. Meanwhile, 94 nonprofit crew organizations are working collectively to abet their focused communities to return census kinds. Recent census projections direct Pennsylvania is rising extra slowly than the comfort of the nation and is anticipated to lose a congressional seat in 2023.
Usa today Rhode Island
Providence: The federal authorities is at closing paying for bags screening systems at the advise’s predominant airport that devour been upgraded after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist assaults, U.S. Sen. Jack Reed said. The Democrat met Friday with officials from the Rhode Island Airport Corp. and the Transportation Security Administration at the T.F. Inexperienced Airport in Warwick to focus on about air hasten safety. Reed said millions devour been distributed nationally in a 2020 spending invoice to reimburse airports for bags screening systems and safety improvements, of which $5.5 million will most likely be directed to T.F. Inexperienced. The airport upgraded its baggage screening systems after the terrorist assaults, bettering safety and saving the federal authorities millions in lowered labor and employee’s compensation prices, but the airport corporation wasn’t fully reimbursed, Reed said. The associated fee brings the total repayment previously to $18 million of $30 million owed, he said.
Usa today South Carolina
Greenville: Mayor Knox White says he’s stumbled on a technique to commit up to $5 million toward making an are attempting for land for moderately priced housing at County Sq., even supposing he says he’s silent working on the principle points. The mayor says the $5 million might well perhaps well perhaps be apart from $2 million Greenville County had previously pledged toward moderately priced housing within the neighborhood that entails County Sq.. It’s the most recent step in a project that has been within the works for 3 years: the $1 billion public-interior most redevelopment of county-owned land along College Ridge. Negotiations devour intensified since since closing summer amongst city and county leaders, downtown residents and RocaPoint over how most exciting to hash out a thought all individuals can dwell with. It is far the splendid project Greenville has ever viewed, promising thousands of jobs, millions in tax revenues, and a 37-acre expansion of the downtown industry district.
Usa today South Dakota
Elk Point: A college district will pay $65,000 to settle a discrimination lawsuit introduced by a old honor pupil. Addison Ludwig says she was as soon as singled out by the old Elk Point-Jefferson Excessive College major after she was as soon as featured within the pupil newspaper in 2017 and described a fondness as “Netflix n’ Take a seat again with my boyfriend.” Ludwig says she didn’t realize it was as soon as a term some use to list informal sexual encounters unless the major, Travis Aslesen, made her undercover agent it up on the gain. Aslesen revoked her senior privileges and honors hit upon hall and removed her as editor of the newspaper. Ludwig in her lawsuit said male college students who venerable the term had now not been disciplined, including a boy who had venerable the term in a profile within the newspaper earlier within the 300 and sixty five days, the lawsuit said.
Usa today Tennessee
Nashville: The advise Senate started the 2020 legislative session passing its first invoice of the 300 and sixty five days: a controversial measure that protects spiritual adoption agencies if they decide to discriminate in opposition to similar-intercourse couples. The invoice, subsidized by Sen. Paul Rose, R-Covington, publicizes that no licensed adoption agency might well perhaps well perhaps be required to take part in a child placement if doing so would “violate the agency’s written spiritual or good convictions or policies.” It furthermore prohibits the advise from denying an agency’s license or grant utility for public funds thanks to the crew’s refusal to situation a child with a family in accordance to non secular objections. The adoption agency would furthermore be safe from court docket cases for this form of refusal. The Senate passed the invoice 20-6, with five Republican contributors declining to vote on the measure, including Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, R-Oak Ridge. The Residence passed the invoice in April, and it now heads to Gov. Bill Lee for his signature.
Usa today Texas
Stephenville: Researchers at Tarleton Pronounce College’s Southwest Regional Dairy Center are the usage of devices identical to Fitbits to trace the health habits of dairy cows, the Weatherford Democrat studies. The researchers issue tracking a cow’s ingesting, sound asleep and circulation helps them decide larger care of the animals, in accordance to a press liberate from the Texas A&M College Machine. The devices observe how lengthy cows eat, how lengthy they lay down and how many steps they decide, whereas one other wearable system monitors how great milk every cow offers. “We devour two Fitbits on every cow,” Southwest Regional Dairy Center Director Barbara Jones says. The data can warn producers that a cow might well perhaps well perhaps be ill earlier than the animal begins showing indicators. The devices furthermore unencumber time for the dairy producer, who can have a tendency to other industry as a exchange of monitoring their herd visually, in accordance to the clicking liberate.
Usa today Utah
Salt Lake Metropolis: Membership grunt in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has slowed to its lowest stage in decades. The church added upright 4,900 contributors within the advise in between October 2018 and September 2019, in accordance to statistics it offered to The Salt Lake Tribune. Utah’s complete population grew by 53,000 of us over the same length, in accordance to estimates. The church grew by fewer than 10,000 of us in a 300 and sixty five days most exciting one other time since 1989, the first 300 and sixty five days the newspaper had access to membership information. That was as soon as in 2018, when membership rose by upright over 9,000 of us. By comparability, the faith neatly is thought because the Mormon church added extra than 40,000 unusual contributors in 2013, which was as soon as the high worth of the closing decade. In Salt Lake County, the advise’s largest, the selection of Latter-day Saints fell by 6,710 even because the county’s complete population grew by 10,000 of us.
Usa today Vermont
Montpelier: A invoice has been proposed within the Legislature to decriminalize grownup prostitution. The legislation is co-subsidized by four feminine legislators. Uncover. Selene Colburn, a Burlington progressive, said she thinks decriminalizing intercourse work will give a take to safety and health of prostitutes, mynbc5.com studies. “The underlying ask is will now we must criminalize consensual intercourse between adults on any terms?” she said. Sex trafficking, exploitation and solicitation of minors will remain a severe felony, she said. The invoice is within the Residence Judiciary Committee.
Usa today Virginia
Richmond: The advise moved a step closer to ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment on Tuesday, even because the measure’s future nationally stays in doubt. A Residence committee well-liked a resolution to ratify the gender equality measure, which advocates hope will became the subsequent modification to the U.S. Constitution. The 13-9 vote split along occasion traces, with all Democrats supporting it and all Republicans opposing it. A Senate committee already developed a identical resolution. The resolutions for the time being are earlier than the paunchy Residence and Senate, the establish floor votes are anticipated Wednesday. Democrats protect an eye fixed on each chambers, and their legislative leaders devour said their caucuses unanimously make stronger the measure. “Every circulation we decide to switch this resolution forward signals to the nation that we’re extra than willing to make our segment in developing a world the establish females are treated as equals,” Del. Jennifer Carroll Foy, a sponsor of the Residence resolution, said in an announcement.
Usa today Washington
Seattle: The Seattle Police Department’s civilian watchdog has stumbled on that an officer’s ruse in a 2018 hit-and-flee case contributed to the driver’s suicide. The Place of commercial of Police Accountability said that to procure the suspect to flip himself in, the officer informed certainly one of many suspect’s chums that the atomize left a girl in severe condition and that she couldn't continue to exist, The Seattle Cases studies. Basically, it was as soon as a fender-bender with out a injuries. The motive force’s friend informed him what the officer had said, and the driver began to mediate he had per chance hit a pedestrian without colorful it. The friend reported that the driver had been hooked on heroin for 2 decades and turned increasingly extra despondent over the probability he killed any individual. Soon thereafter, in June 2018, he died by suicide. The officer was as soon as suspended for six days without pay.
Usa today West Virginia
Charleston: Rescue dogs might well perhaps well perhaps also rapidly became the advise’s legitimate advise dog beneath a proposal well-liked Tuesday within the Senate. The resolution, subsidized by advise Sens. Ryan Weld and Stephen 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, says it seeks to lift consideration to dogs residing within the extra than 500 animal shelters in West Virginia. “Appropriate due to a dog is at a refuge doesn’t mean that there’s something evil with the dog,” said Weld, a Republican. “That dog wants a 2nd likelihood and is taking a look for a brand unusual friend, upright fancy you would be.” The proposal now moves to the Residence of Delegates. West Virginia already has a bunch of legitimate advise plants and fauna. The sunless bear is the advise animal, the sugar maple is the advise tree, the cardinal is the advise chicken, and the rhododendron is the advise flower.
Usa today Wisconsin
Madison: Republicans are introducing a package of bills that can impose more durable sanctions and sentences on criminals. The legislation would require the Department of Corrections to counsel revoking a particular person’s prolonged supervision, parole or probation if he or she is charged with a crime; restrict of us convicted of violent crimes from ending probation early; and block violent criminals from taking part in early liberate programs. The bills furthermore would impose a main 180-day jail sentence for shoplifting; forbid prosecutors from amending prices of illegally possessing a gun in opposition to a particular person convicted of a violent felony or attempting to commit a violent felony; and lengthen the violations that might well perhaps well perhaps also land a child in a formative years penal advanced to consist of any act that will most certainly be a felony in grownup court docket.
Usa today Wyoming
Casper: A firm has settled a federal lawsuit by a old employee who claimed she was as soon as forced to decide on Scientology programs as a condition of her employment. Julie A. Rohrbacher filed the lawsuit in 2018 in opposition to Teton Therapy, which operates bodily and occupational therapy locations of work in four Wyoming locations. Rohrbacher claimed that owner Jeff McMenamy declined to promote her after which forced her to resign in 2013 after she refused to enroll in Church of Scientology programs. She sued beneath the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits spiritual harassment and discrimination at work. The swimsuit was as soon as settled Jan. 2, and Chief U.S. District Resolve Scott Skavdahl disregarded the case, the Casper Significant particular person-Tribune studies. Scientology is a church based by science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard within the early 1950s. The church has about 10 million contributors worldwide.
From USA TODAY Network and wire studies
Read or Share this memoir: https://www.usatoday.com/memoir/news/50-states/2020/01/15/expulsion-stop-rainbow-benedict-arnold-batman-thief-news-spherical-states/41002381/
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tsgmobilebayalabama · 5 years
Scouted Calendar: May
As far as transitional months are concerned, May might be our favorite. Beautiful weather—plus plenty of reasons to celebrate, thanks to Mother’s Day and the kickoff of graduation season—give it a festive, anticipatory feel, and there’s always a variety of events and activities happening to fill our calendar. Here’s what we’re looking forward to in May.
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Haley Dermatology May Specials
All May Long Learn More
Fillers $100 off each syringe 15% off all Sun Screen May 29th Walk-in Botox/Dysport Clinic  
15th Annual Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival
May 2nd -4th | Foley Festival Grounds
The event will feature 45 balloons from across the country! General Admission: FREE! Come watch live entertainment on Friday and Saturday night for free! There is no cost to come watch the balloons fly (weather and wind permitting)! Learn More
Hemline Grand Re-Opening 
May 3rd | 10:00am - 6:00pm | Hemline 
Hemline has renovated and is reopening with Rose all day, Sweet Treats, Gifts + Giveaways, $100 Gift Certificate. Learn More
Fairhope Art Walk 
May 3rd | 6:00pm | Downtown Fairhope
Stroll through the streets of Downtown Fairhope celebrating the arts! Explore this free monthly showcase of visual and performance arts and enjoy the works of local artists and artisans while supporting downtown merchants.
Kentucky Derby Brunch
May 4th | 10:00am | Fairhope Brewing Company
Find your best Kentucky Derby hat and come out for an amazing menu created by Tin-tins Rock And Roll Food Truck. FBC will have a special mint cider named I'll Have Another on tap, as well as their first-ever beer/wine combo called Run for the Rosé. If you don't already have a hat worthy of the Kentucky Derby, they will have a trunk show featuring fancy headwear from PCox custom hats. Learn More 
Derby Day
May 4thth | 4:00pm | GrandHotel Golf Resort & Spa’s Bucky’s Lounge
Enjoy the Kentucky Derby viewing party at the Grand Hotel. $6 Mint Juleps, A Complimentary glass of champagne for ladies wearing Derby hats, Raffle for free Bucky’s appetizer. Learn More
Market in the Park
May 4th - July 27th (Every Saturday) | 7:30am -12:00pm | Cathedral Square
Each year, the Mobile Arts Council and  the City of Mobile Special Events Department work together to produce Market in the Park. Each week, the market features live musical performances, one-of-a-kind arts and crafts produced by local artisans, and locally grown produce, seafood, cheese and eggs, honeys, flowers and plants, baked goods, pasta, and more. Learn More
Local Goodness
May 5th | 4:00pm | USA Health Strada Patient Care Center
Local Goodness, a unique farm-to-table event, pays tribute to local cuisine, art and music while raising awareness and support for our mission of providing the highest quality healthcare for the children and women in this region. Tickets are $150. Learn More 
Live Music on the Patio
Reocurring every Friday and Saturday | 5:30pm-8:00pm | GrandHotel Golf Resort & Spa’s Bayside Grill
Join Bayside Grill for live music on the patio every Friday & Saturday night from 5:30pm-8:30pm  Learn More
Neu Dawn 2: Time Has Come Today
May 5th | Sway Downtown Mobile
Neu Dawn 2 is an installation event where fashion, art, beauty, and music collide. This come-and-go event will feature the collaborative efforts of over 70 local creatives: 21 artists, 21 costume designers, 21 models, 15 hair & makeup artists & 1 music maestro.
After each Artist gives their first sketch to the costumer each customer will design and create a wearable costume for their assigned model that is inspired by the art. On the day of the event, the Beauty Squad are paired up with up to two Models each and they get to put the final creative details and placed pull it all together.  This event is the heart and soul project of curator Courtney Matthews, created out of a desire to have local artists of different mediums working together to create individual installations. Each installation is a mystery until the moment the model steps into place on the day of the event. This year the proceeds will go to help provide scholarships and supplies to the summer art program at Alabama Contemporary Art Center.  Admission is $5 cash at the door. Learn More
Prenatal Yoga + 3 Week Series
May 5th | 4:30-5:30pm | Soul Shine Yoga
Prenatal yoga gives a woman energy to enjoy her pregnancy, serenity to build a deeper intimacy with her own body and baby, and the presence of mind to expect the unexpected and be present. The benefits are numerous: release stress, enhance the ability to relax, boost physical strength, increase flexibility, improve balance, ease discomforts of pregnancy, open hips and pelvis, strengthen pelvic floor, build confidence, and expand a woman’s circle of community support. Take this time to foster a deeper connection to your self, to your body, to your baby. Learn More
$5 Yoga on Tap
May 7th| 6:00pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
Soul Shine Yoga’s Hoppy Hour meets at the Fairhope Brewing Company. It’s a fun 60 minute Vinyasa Flow class for all levels. Come for the yoga, stay for the outstanding local beer! Bring a mat and a friend. (All levels, unheated) | Learn More
The Park Clinic May Day
May 9th | 4pm-7pm | The Park Clinic & MedSpa at the Park at MPRSD
Annual May Day Event highlighting new treatments, products and hours with giveaways, discounts and door prizes. Learn More
Alabama’s 50th Anniversary Tour
May 9th | 7:30pm | The Wharf
Alabama and The Charlie Daniels Band perform Live at The Wharf Amphitheater. Learn More.
LoDa Art Walk
May 10th | 5:30pm | Downtown Mobile
Stroll downtown Mobile celebrating the arts! Explore this free monthly showcase of visual and performance arts and enjoy the works of local artists and artisans while supporting downtown merchants.  Learn More
Bryan Adams
May 10th | 8:00pm | The Wharf Amphitheater 
Bryan Adams live at The Wharf Amphiteatre. Learn More
Rock the Block
May 10th | 5:30pm | Steeple on St. Francis
The Steeple and The Mobile Rundown present Rock the Block on May 10th in Downtown Mobile! Come party at a street party like none other! Rock the Block will be on Joachim St between St. Francis and Dauphin St. during ArtWalk. This family-friendly fun night will include food trucks, a fire truck for the kids to explore, entertainment, kids activities, face painting, Frios and so much more! Come casual and ready to party. Alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase. Free admission. Open to the public and all ages are invited. Learn More 
Mother’s Day Brunch
April 11th | 6:00pm-7:30pm | Gand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa
Annual Mother's Day buffet. The buffet will be served in the Grand Ballroom from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and from 11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the Grand Hall. The menu will feature soups and salads, carving stations, entrees and sides, and a decadent dessert table. Reservations are required, please call 251.928.9201. $79.95 Adults | $39.95 Children Ages 5-11 Learn More
Judge Roy Bean Reunion
May 11th | 3:30pm | Loxley Municipal Park
If you missed the first one here is your chance to catch up. If you made the first one - this one will be bigger and better then ever. Authentic Bean food, Silent Auction & Raffles featuring vintage JRB memorabilia, the Bean Photo Booth, great music, friends, family and libations - and all on the Beach in Fairhope at one of the hottest venues around - The Historic American Legion. Bring a friend, a chair and your wallet because this one is for charity. Help make more Bean history and you just might take some home with you - if the price is right!  No coolers, over 21 only, and bring a chair! Sponsored by Judges Square. Learn More
Wet Willie 
May 12th | 11:00am | Fairhope Amphitheater
Fairhope's Live at Five Concert Series returns - featuring Southern Rock icon Wet Willie in a rare return to the Mobile area stage May 12th.   Sponsored by Judges Square - admission just $10.  Learn More
Hangout Music Festival
May 17th-19th | The Hangout, Gulf Shores
Music festival on the beaches of Gulf Shores. Learn More
Beverage Academy: Wine 101
May 17th | 5:30pm-7:00pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa
Each month, the Beverage Team at the Grand Hotel will be teaching classes at the resorts’ Beverage Academy. The classes are aimed at expanding the participants’ knowledge of beverage basics while also incorporating more advanced techniques. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, the classes are fun, hands-on experiences that will have people raving about your beverage skills. In each Grand Beverage Academy, you will receive a one- hour beverage demonstration, recipes and beverage sampling.
In their introductory wine class we will help you get comfortable with wine by using all of your senses. In this fun class you will explore both red and white varietals and learn the progressive format. Learn More
80’s Prom Night
May 18th | 7:00pm-10:30pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
Welcome back to your senior year, with their 1980's themed Prom Night, benefitting friends at the Alabama chapter of The Gift of Adoption. They’ve got music by The Truffle Shuffles and a shrimp boil courtesy of Big Mike's Steakhouse Orange Beach, as well as a photo booth where you can show off your 80's prom night best. Learn More
Culinary Academy: Cooking Essentials V: Entrees-Saute
May 18th | 10:00am | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa
Each month, a Chef at the Grand Hotel will be teaching classes at the Resort’s Culinary Academy. These classes focus on expanding the participants’ knowledge of the culinary basics while also incorporating techniques that are more advanced. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, the Chef’s classes are fun, hands-on experiences that will have people raving about your culinary skills. In each Grand Culinary Academy, you will receive an in depth cooking demonstration, recipes, food sampling and a diploma. Learn the art of Sauteing, meaning "to jump", while being taught the step-by-step process of making the following dishes: veal schnitzel, corn puree, crispy chicken thighs with broccoli and wild mushrooms. Learn More
Daphne Sunday Sunset Concert Series
May 19th | 6:00pm | Bayfront Park Pavilion
Daphne's 2019 Sunday Sunset Concert Series - FREE spring concerts at Bayfront Park. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and join us for this great series. Learn More
Mindfulness with Megrez
May 20th | 7:30pm-8:30pm | Soul Shine Yoga
Mindfulness with Megrez meets for an hour on the 3rd Monday of Each Month. For beginners and all levels of meditation experience.
Students will choose a cushion, mat, or hammock to meditate in. The first part of the session will be an intro on meditation, followed by a guided sequence and then a period of meditation in silence. After the meditation, there will be a follow-up on our experiences and tips on how to deepen ones own at-home meditation practice. Learn More
+ class located at 265 Young St
+ donation based class
Thomas Rhett
May 25th & 26th | 7:00pm | The Wharf
Thomas Rhett  live at The Wharf Amphitheater. Learn More
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cvptaingiordano · 7 years
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(  nothing special about it but i’m fabulous so !!  )
Hello folks !! Y e s y’all may be thinking that this is random as fuck - –––––– and trust me it is - and y’all may be wondering why the hell I am even making a follow forever right now ?? Like... there’s no reason to, right ?? L I E S. There’s a very few simple explanation for this. one being that i’m almost at 250 ( w o w w t f ?? where the fuck did y’all come from ?? ). another one being that today the shrek obsessed chick running this blog just turned 17 !!  && she felt the need to show a few very important people on here how much they’re loved and appreciated !! so much shit has happened the few weeks where i’ve honestly felt that i’d lose my mind at some point and tbh y’all managed to keep me sane even if it seems as if i’m a little bit mad at times (   which trust me i need to go and get that checked lmao  ) - for reals ya girl needs to thank a few special peeps for everything. so let’s go !!   FOR ANYONE LOOKING FOR BLOGS TO FOLLOW I MADE SURE TO ATTACH ALL THEIR URL’S BELLOW. I ENCOURAGE YOU GUYS TO CHECK THESE GEMS OUT. I TRULY MEAN IT. THIS IS THE TOP OF THE TOP ON HERE. THE T O P OF THE T O P. FOLLOW THESE PEOPLE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, FOLLOW THEM. to the peeps prepare your anus for compliments and actual feels spread across big ass paragraphs. for y’all.                                             *wishes a great birthday to self*
before anything imma just say that i only listed down the people that honestly make me feel blessed. no particular order and i just let myself get carried away down here. judge me all you guys want. p.s. i will be on discord all day and i would love to have some company here ey. (  social life be nonexistent today  ) don’t know what i’d do without the four of you.
@omenwept | wrathwept | tragedywept | miserybled | agonykissed | ( y e s me putting your url’s is my way of basically shouting at the world for them to follow your ass bc you deserve so much more recognition i ain’t even kidding. )   where do i begin omfg ?? i remember back when you followed me legit smashing that follow back button real quick after checking out rosalie. tbfh i’m not sure how you came across this trashy ass blog but nonetheless i am g l a d that you did. i do really mean it lmao, i am sO G L A D. - if it weren’t for that i doubt we would’ve ever bumped upon each other (  on here n shit   - –––––   legit thankful for being able to have such a gem around on here ya don’t even know   ) our threads are honestly killing me ?? and while i know that i’m slow a f usually i’m glad you haven’t told me to fuck off yet (  legit tho c;  ) the ooc banter is great and so is us plotting even if it may take us a bit to actually get into it. our discord calls a r e lit as fuck - even if most of it is based on a shrek - memes and you legit getting triggered by how d u m b i actually am. surprised that you didn’t get annoyed yet lmao - –––– but ey c;                                 I     A M    T R A S H   H O N E S T L Y basically i’m so glad that you joined again and that you decided to give the until dawn verse *cough* shrek cult *cough* a try.  you’re characters are truly one of a kind and as much as i’m slowly getting into pandora hearts (  actually obsessed with the manga already and i’m not even kidding - might even be extra and go out to buy the second band today even if i already found a site to watch it on c;  ) and may not really understand everything y e t it’s obvious how much effort and love you put into those gems. basically i admire it like a lot. - ––––––– this butt does appreciate you - like a l o t  - and basically i’m vv glad to have such nice banter whenever we talk lmao, whether it’s on calls, on chat or simple plotting honestly c: could be more though *wink* ;) *wink*   GOTTA CHILL. i’m just trash honestly, not sure what to say since i keep on repeating myself probs. but yeah. (  and well i’m trash for everything basically like don’t even make me list it now  ) SUMMARY LMAO. ya already know you can count on me for anything ey and you also know that imma be there no matter what and that i’m just trash for the banter and for the writing and for your charas and for shrek and for #triggered L O R E N A   S T O P.  okay lmao seriously tell me to fuck off already gotta chill this is turning into the bible (  let’s call it the naeva worshippers club  ) i shall still be waiting for the day that you might get into league of legends - still sad you didn’t like it :c i shall cry out of happiness IF THAT EVER HAPPENS LMAO. thanks for everything friend !! LOTS OF LOVE.  p.s enjoy the sims c; THANKS FOR EVERYTHING.  ( look how fancy i am. formatting n shit )
@chaoticagony D A D D Y Y Y  YAYSYYDSVUFYGFUSJO FUCK ME UP I MEAN IT FUCK ME UP. who would’ve thought that the until dawn verse would’ve brought to creatures like us together. i mean… one of a kind no ?? a shrek obsessed chick and some perfect gem who’s just too precious - what a paIR. the fact that this verse gave us the opportunity jump into each other’s boring ass day’s like it did is something that i’m extremely thankful for. (  and i ain’t even kidding  ) where shall i start ?? day one - we both didn’t really talk at all - i was shit ass scared inside - because of everyone too - since i’m basically pure ass garbage in that group and everyone else is just s o gooooooooood. i remember jumping on your blog and checking you out and being so fucking in love with it - or how we were supposed to plot at first but we never really did because my ass sort of shat her own pants and was like omg no i’m annoying a f what is this :((((( wHO WOULD’VE GUESSED THAT SUCH A MESS OF A START WOULD LEAD TO SO MUCH BANTER ?? LIKE SO MUCH FUCKING BANTER W T F AND I LIVE FOR IT. like properly live for it i’m not even kidding.  cards against humanity - for a moment i thought you did think i was some deprived ass cave woman who needed to calm her tits, bUT NO. and then the whole shrek inside joke turning into something serious and becoming a cult. i don’t even understand nor am i sure of how i managed to push it all that far - but clearly we all still enjoy c; (  or maybe not…  ) basically i can’t believe that a verse allowed us to become friends and talk ooc as much as we do. literally it went from being an hour or two to a whole fucking d a y. like w o w me waking up - you being awake - us getting in a call - and then me staying up until 3 a.m still fucking talking. someone needs to call a psychiatrist before i lose my mind at night. - ––––––– honestly it’s just very surprising how fast it all happened, but nonetheless i am very fucking thankful for it all. loves you lots alex !! you know your butt can count with my spanish one whenever for anything c: - enjoy that sims game c; I’M GLAD TO BE ABLE TO HANG OUT WITH YOU IN ALL HONESTY. LIKE I’M PROPERLY GLAD. TIMEZONES CAN SUCK A N U T ALEX.             L O V E S     Y O U    L O T S !! i hope you’re throwing up glitter all over the sims 2
@humantovch | lcstrichards |  (  both blogs since your butt really does need a shoutout. ) pff how the f u c k did a simple message of yours get us where it did. you broke the silence between the two of us and i’m just sO THANKFUL HONESTLY. Thankful to the point where i don’t know what kind of words to even use to express how in love i am with our banter and our plotting and our writing and just everything. shrek it erin, just shrek it. it’s funny how we both clicked in like not even 5 seconds. ten minutes into us plotting and we both were already trash for what we were going to do. that lead us to grow obsessed to the point where we had over 7 fucking paras at one point (  i think seven ??  ) which were as long as a testament confirming my d e a t h after all the angst we’ve put both mason and riley through. such a cute ass  tHING LEAD TO US ACTUALLY TALKING LMAO ?? AND ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS W O W. it’s been a hell of a ride so far. and i don’t have words to express how lucky i am to be able to write with someone as great as you. i truly admire how well you write and i still don’t make much sense of how anyone so fabulous would even consider writing a simple sentence whether it’s ic or ooc to some shrek obsessed hoe. like for reals i don’t even understand ?? but i’m thankful erin sO THANKFUL. as i always say i don’t think we would’ve ever written together if it weren’t for you sliding into my dm’s that smoothly (  damn boi  ) like even i was shook to know that someone with such quality would even tHINK ABOUT IT LMAO. TRASH ERIN I AM T R A S H. i’m blessed basically - blessed and i do mean it. clearly i’m super comfortable talking and that just speak for itself. i’m living honestly. (   just kidding - i’m deceased   ) all i have to say is that once you leave i’m going to miss you a lot. are banter has already become something i look forward to whether it’s for plotting purposes or pure random ass shit. i’m just honestly deceased if i’m honest and i’ve already prepared myself a small coffin to drop myself into for that while you’re away. i shall resurrect from the dumpster like a queen. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING ERIN I MEAN IT !! YOU DON’T KNOW HOW THANKFUL I AM TO HAVE YOU AROUND AND YOU KNOW THAT IF YOU EVER NEED ANYTHING IMMA BE THERE TO HELP YOU !! LOVES YOU LIKE A FUCKING LOT EY.
@hunterscode | silvercursed | mariesaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. fuck me seriously. how the fuck did you find me with jupiter back then i don’t even understand. this ooc friendship was meant to happen right away and it did. like what the fuck why would you even decided to hit such a trash can up. i don’t remember who began talking but who cares really. just look at all the banter we have now and all the slow threads and all the gems. i’m so happy to be able to call you a friend of mine honestly. we went far to the point where now you even have an emoji of your own face :queenmariesa: and i am totes trash and i do mean t o t e s trash. (  besides thanks to that group verse of yours i was able to meet my dad - alex  ) i’m thankful for everything relating us honestly. i can call you a mother, a queen, a mami i don’t even know anymore. whatever it is i know for a fact that i can go to you for everything and anything. you’ve helped me through some rough situations where i felt that i was legit gonna d i e and i know that sometimes i’m annoying as fuck but really you don’t know how truly glad i am to have bumped into my european homie. our mom - daughter jokes honestly never get old and I AM NOT SURE WHERE TO GO WITH THIS BUT I AM RAMBLING ALREADY. basically i’m just so glad that we stumbled upon each other that day - if it weren’t for us doing that i’d probably be rotting in my bedroom. now at least i’m blooming in there instead of turning into crap (   which i already am *wink*  *wink*   ) anyways mariesa i hope we’ll be able to write as much as we want to and get everything done someday as well as continue on our great ass banter which i am truly and honestly in love with. did you ever wonder how much of a coincidence it is for mason’s cat and jupiter to have the same name l m a o. just know that i am fucking trash and i truly do love you. thank you for being a friend that i know i can count on no matter what mariesa. you know i love you vv much bbYYY LIKE FOR REALS MY QUEEN I LOVE YOU <3
In the end. thank you guys for sticking around and making me crack up as much as you have. you’re truly loved and appreciated c: even shrek is getting emotional omg SOZ FOR THE LENGTH ACC NOT REALLY           are you in tears... because i aM
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acc cried with this wtf
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20+ Famous National Parks in the USA that you Need to Visit – Part 1
  Its May 2020, and the World is in lockdown mode, as COVID – 19, is spreading like wildfire everywhere. The silver lining is that Mother Nature is healing, and while the world heals from this Pandemic, as all of us Stay at Home, and maintain Social Distancing, it makes sense to make the most of this Quarantine Life by adding different destinations to your Post COVID – 19 Travel Bucket List. Which is why 20+ travel experts stepped up, and have contributed their suggestions about the Best National Parks in the USA, that I have curated and compiled for your ease in this USA Travel Bucket List – The Best USA National Parks.
  Scroll down and find the Best National Parks in the USA specially for the Nature lovers and Adventure junkies, as suggested by travellers and travel experts themselves. in alphabetical order.
  As this travel blog was getting too lengthy to read, I divided it into two parts. So once you have gone through these set of USA National Parks, make sure to check out the Part 2, the link of which has been shared at the end.
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  Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park is one of the smaller national parks in the USA but also one of the most popular ones, located in northern Maine. Mostly made up of islands, the terrain is varied throughout the over 49,000 acres included in the park. Visitors will see the ocean’s craggy coastline, mountains, coniferous and deciduous forests, lakes, and ponds while they visit.
    The greater Bar Harbor area is visited most in the hottest summer months of July and August and has plenty of other vacation options after you’re done exploring Acadia. It’s easy to spend a week in the area between the national park, the lumberjack show, ocean tours, museums, and downtown exploration. The ocean water remains chilly even during the warmest sunny days, leaving most swimmers flocking to the lake instead.
  Hiking is popular with a variety of day hike trails at different difficulty levels, but even more folks love riding bikes. There is a network of “carriage roads” separate from the car roads so people can bike in peace from trailhead to trailhead and visit the different attractions without worrying about traffic; you can also take horse-drawn carriage rides on them!
  The park’s famous Cadillac Mountain is one of the first places to see the sun rise on the east coast, making it a popular sunrise hike destination. Another hot spot is Jordan House, which features a fancy restaurant and manicured garden alongside a well trafficked trail around the pond, both of which give a beautiful view of the mountains and famous Bubble Rock formations. Another hike will take you to a quintessential Maine tourist attraction, a lighthouse! 
  View from Cadillac Mountain | Flickr | Peter Rintels
  Acadia is great for nature lovers because of the wildlife; the park is home to black bears, moose, deer, salamanders, and lots of birds. It’s not common but sometimes whales can even be spotted off the coast! Some trails close seasonally because of nesting falcons and there are several wildlife spotting tour operators on land and in the water. There are a few areas of the park that have accessible tidepools, opening a whole new world of water exploration to see crabs, sea stars, and other tidepool life. 
  Acadia is great for adventure lovers because there are some thrilling hikes. Both Precipice and Beehive trails are challenging for adults, involving heart pumping cliffside trails and iron rungs to climb and hang on to. Thrill seekers will love the tricky trails that lead you to expansive views over the entire park! If that isn’t thrilling enough, book a rock climbing lesson that has you rappelling down over the ocean near Otter Cliffs or Great Head. Before you go, read more tips on visiting Acadia National Park here!
By Stephanie Woodson | Explore More Clean Less
  Big Bend National Park
A unique thing about Big Bend National Park – It has three distinct areas: the River, the Desert, and the Mountains, and each area has its own best-known features.
  Santa Elena Canyon is no doubt a must-visit in the River area. Located on the west side of the park, there’s a hiking trail here that leads you to the mouth of the canyon. You must do this moderate, 1.7 mile round trip trail. The south part of the canyon belongs to Mexico and it’s just a few yards away! Visitors also enjoy canoeing in the Rio Grande. You must arrive no later than 9 a.m. to secure a parking spot.
    If you want to catch a Milky Way, the Balanced Rocks at the Desert area will give you an amazing experience. You must start early in the morning or around midnight, depending on what months you visit the park. However, we visited the Balanced Rocks in the late afternoon. Our dog was with us and dogs are not allowed on any trails. There’s no way we could leave the dog in a tent by himself or just with our son to catch the Milky Way. To get here, you must drive on an improved dirt road for 6 miles to the Grapevine Hills Trailhead. Then follow the easy 2.2 miles round trip trail where in the last quarter of the trail you need to climb steep rocks to get to the Balanced Rocks. Views from the boulders are just amazing!
  Lastly, the prettiest part of the park, the Chisos Mountains. This is where the thorns of the desert give way to evergreens like pinyon pine and juniper, oak, and bigtooth maple, quaking aspen, and Douglas fir in the higher, moister area. Weird, isn’t it? Although these mountains only covered 2% of the park, it is a favorite for visitors especially during the summer months. If you can’t hike a must-do Lost Mine Trail or Window Trail in this area, do the Window View Trail instead. This easy 0.3 mi round trip will give you excellent views of the mountain peaks surrounding the Chisos Basin.
  Big Bend National Park is in a remote part of southwest Texas. Check supplies before leaving the closest towns. Cell phone service is unreliable, and some park roads may require four-wheel drive. Like I mentioned above, dogs are not allowed on any trails. It will be hard to hike together because someone has to stay in the car with the dog. For a pet-friendly park with spectacular views, go to Palo Duro Canyon in the Texas Panhandle. The second biggest canyon in the country. 
By Umiko Buhl | Two World Treasures
  Bryce Canyon National Park
While all of the Utah National Parks are incredible, there is something special about Bryce Canyon. Bryce Canyon National Park is famous for its hoodoos, pillars of rock formed from a unique mix of plate tectonics, large temperature swings, and thousands of years of erosion. This climate and rock composition results in a landscape that isn’t truly rivaled anywhere else on Earth.
  The rim of the canyon is easily accessible for all ages and while the views from above can be spectacular, true adventure lovers will want to get up close and personal with Bryce’s famous rock formations with a hike through the canyon itself.
    Descending into Bryce Canyon feels like landing on an alien planet, filled with red rock pillars, towering trees, tunnels, and a maze of trails to explore. If you’re up for a challenge, I recommend starting at Sunset Point and descending to the canyon floor via Wall Street and then taking the “Figure 8 Loop” that follows a combination of the Navajo Loop Trail, Peekaboo Loop, and Queen’s Garden Trail before ascending the canyon at Sunrise Point.
  If 7 miles in a high elevation national park feels like a bit too much, you can cut out Peekaboo Loop and try out the very popular Navajo / Queen’s Garden Loop. Be aware though that this shorter trail is often much more crowded and has less to see than Peekaboo. If you really want to escape the crowds, you can also check out the aptly named Fairyland Loop Trail, which is about 8 miles of strenuous hiking.
  If you do plan to visit Bryce Canyon National Park, which is one of the most unique national parks in the USA, here are a few tips to make the most of your experience. First, Bryce gets very crowded even in the off season. Avoid them by venturing further from the main areas of the park and starting your day early. Second, dress in a lot of layers. When we visited, the temperature swung about 40 degrees between sunrise and the daily high.
  If you do go to see the sunrise, view it from Sunset Point or somewhere else along the trail, not at Sunrise Point (it gets overly crowded here because of its name). Lastly, if you plan to hike, come with the right gear including ample amounts of water, chapstick, good hiking shoes, and plenty of snacks. Check out our guide to spending a day in Bryce Canyon National Park for more information.  
By Danielle Schleig | Wanderlust While Working
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  Canyonlands National Park
Canyonlands National Park is without a doubt one of the best US national parks for the adventure lover. One of the “Mighty Five” national parks located in Southern Utah, Canyonlands is often overlooked for its more famous neighbor, Arches National Park. While Arches is indeed beautiful, it’s not nearly as adventure-worthy. The majority of the arches are located right off of short, paved paths, and during peak times it can be nearly impossible to get away from the train of RVs swarming the park.
  When deciding between Arches or Canyonlands, the adventure lover would do much better spending their time in Canyonlands, with its epic, sprawling views, hikes, and campsites yet with none of the people. During our hike, we only passed one other person on the trail. 
  There are four districts in the park: Island in the Sky, The Needles, The Maze, and the rivers. Adventurers will love The Needles and The Maze districts, which require 4 wheel drive vehicles and more self-reliance. Many people camp in these areas. But even the more accessible Island in the Sky district offers plenty of adventurous hikes of varying lengths, difficulties, and features.
  Explore Puebloan granaries, watch the sunset (or sunrise) through the famous Mesa Arch, or climb down from the mesa top into the expansive plateau. For a full day adventure, Murphy’s Loop is an 11 mile, strenuous trail that descends into the mesa, where you can stop for a picnic before continuing back up. Nature lovers will enjoy discovering the variety of desert flora and fauna along the way. 
    The best time to visit Canyonlands is in the spring or fall, as in the summer the brutal heat will make daytime hikes difficult or unpleasant. We visited in April and the weather was perfect. Just be sure to be prepared with snacks, water, and a picnic lunch. Canyonlands is quite a drive from the main road, and you don’t want to have to drive back out when you get hungry! 
  If you spend a few days in the area, you can stop in at Dead Horse Point on your way to or from Canyonlands. The sweeping landscapes from this viewpoint are unbelievable as the river winds its way through the canyon. This area is also a state park with a variety of hikes as well. There is no shortage of things to do in and around Canyonlands! 
By Sam and Veren | Alternative Travelers
  Crater National Park
  Crater National Park is Oregon’s only National Park, and also one of the top National Parks in the USA for Adventure and Nature lovers, and no doubt it’s a stunning one! 
Over eight thousand year ago, Mount Mazama erupted and left us with what Crater Lake is today – a gorgeous 2,000ft deep crater. There are plenty of things to do at Crater Lake including swimming, hiking, and camping. 
  Aside from that, even if you don’t want to get out of your car, Crater Lake is awesome. You can drive the 33-mile rim road and just hop out at the scenic viewpoints all along the way. But adventure is the name of the game here so here are a few favorites.
  Plaikni Falls trail is just a 2-mile hike through verdant forest that leads you to a beautiful waterfall.
Garfield Peak trail is a 3.4 mile trail that’s moderately difficult and takes you to the top of a peak to give you some extra high and beautiful views of the lake below.
Cleetwood Cove Trail is more than just a trail. This hike is only about 2 miles round trip but is pretty steep. It’s also the only access to the lake. So you can come here to hike or if you’re brave enough, to swim too! The water will be freezing no matter what time of the year so, be prepared. 
Wizard Island – That little island floating in the deep blue lake is Wizard Island and yes, you can visit it. Taking the Cleetwood Cove Trail is a must to get to the boat ramp and once you make it down, take the quick ride over, take a dip, or hike to the top of the island cone for more epic views.
Camping is a great option as seeing Crater Lake in just a day will leave you wanting more. You could stay a few days and still not get to all the trails and spots you want. Mazama and Lost Creek are two of the most developed and popular campsites in the area. There’s also Crater Lake Lodge for those not into camping.
Keep in mind Crater Lake is very seasonal and during winter, many roads will be closed. You can always access the south entrance and take in the snowy views but the rim road will be closed as will many hikes.
By Nina Ragusa | Oregon Is For Adventure
  Everglades National Park
If you love nature and wildlife, the Everglades National Park is one of the National Parks in the USA which you must visit! Located in southern Florida, only a couple of hours away from Miami, it’s home to one of the most beautiful eco-systems in the world. 
Alligators, birds, bobcats… so many animals to see! 
Most tourists don’t actually stop in the Everglades and just drive Alligator Alley to go from Miami to Sarasota or St Petersburg. But if you love nature, you will want to stop in many places.
  The Everglades cover 1.5-million acres of tropical wetlands. This means that the best way to explore them is by boat! You will find many places along the way offering speed boat tours. They generally last about 1 hour during which a guide will take you around the Everglades. You will get to discover these beautiful and unique landscapes but also the wildlife. Have you ever dreamed of seeing an alligator in the wild? Then this is for you! 
There are also a few walk/hiking opportunities in the Everglades. The most popular are Shark Valley and Flamingo Visitor Center. 
  That said, if you have time and want to go on a more authentic walk, I would definitely recommend going on one of the hikes with the park rangers. Every day, park rangers go into the swamp and offer a guided tour to visitors. You will discover many fun and amazing facts about the Everglades and its wildlife. Please be aware of the fact that you will be walking in water and mud though. Just head to one of the visitor centers and they will tell you everything you need to know. 
Finally, if you want to go on a walk of a lifetime, you can head to Big Cypress Preserve and hit the Florida National Scenic Trail!
    Alternatively, there are also many viewpoints along the way. You will get to see nice views and many alligators. 
Finally, one of the best things to do is simply enjoying the road trip! US Route 41 is amazing and clearly one of the best road trips in the USA! It will take you from Naples to Miami through the best parts of the Everglades. This slower and free road is a better option than Alligator Alley if you want to enjoy nature along the way.
By Pauline Vergnet | BeeLoved City
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  Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs
If you are a nature lover, Colorado Springs is the perfect place for you. The Garden of the Gods is perfectly named because it is one of the most gorgeous natural places in the country. The Garden of the Gods was formed from evolution and erosion over billions of years. It reminds us how Earth continues to evolve over time, it is truly a geological masterpiece.
If you would like to know the history and how the rocks formed, there is a presentation that supplies the history of how the rocks were formed in the visitor’s center. Take a trip back through time before humans, animals, and even dinosaurs existed. The visitor’s center also has free exhibits about indigenous people that traveled through the park, continents, dinosaurs, and the evolution of Earth.
One of the best things about this US National Park is, it is free to everyone. Charles Perkins and William Palmer bought 480 acres of land, which included a part of the modern-day Garden of the Gods. When Perkins died in 1909 his family donated the land to the city of Colorado Springs, under the condition that the park would always be available to the public for free. Since then the park has been named a National Natural Landmark, and is visited by over 2 million people per year.
    If you are looking to explore nature, the hiking trails will take you through 21 miles of picturesque views. The main trail is 1.5 miles long and is paved making it accessible for novice hikers, families, children, and ADA accessible. There are more advanced trails for experienced hikers and bikers. There are tours, jeep, Segway, trolley, and walking tours available to become more familiar with the plant and animal species in the park.
The steep and unique rock formations make this an oasis for rock climbers. Rock climbing is permitted here only with a permit and proper equipment. If you keep an eye at the tops of the mountains you may see bighorn sheep. Before leaving the park, stop by the balancing rock for the perfect Instagram photo.
This ecosystem is sensitive and must be preserved, only walk or bike on designated trails. The rock can easily be damaged, so it is recommended that you do not touch them. This will insure we will be able to enjoy this park for many years to come.
By Corritta Lewis | It’s A Family Thing
  Glacier National Park
  Glacier National Park in the USA is a haven for adventure seekers and its reward for those that push themselves are great. With over 700 miles of hiking trails, all of which provide stunning views of glacial lakes and towering mountains, it can be hard to choose your favorites.
  Hitting the trails is definitely the best thing to do in Glacier National Park, and here were some of my personal favorites.
Iceberg Lake Trail – A nearly 10-mile round trip gorgeous hike that takes you through breathtaking forests and lands you at Iceberg Lake, of course! I saw a bear within my first mile and then moose just a few miles later all before reaching the lake. The lake dazzles in turquoise and is backed by sandy colored mountains.
  Swiftcurrent Trail – A 16-mile round trip hike that snakes along Swiftcurrent Lake. You can do a portion of the hike and still get great rewards if you’re low on time. At the least, you can make it to Red Rock Falls.
  Cracker Lake Trail – Another stunning glacial lake awaits you here. You’ll pass small bridges, thick alpine forests, and meadows before reaching the milky blue Cracker Lake. There’s a camping location alongside the lake here if you want to spend the night.
  Another must do is driving the Going-to-the-Sun Road. It’s a stunning 50-mile drive weaving out and around mountain bends alongside lakes and rivers with glaciers in the distance. There are numerous areas to stop off at and even more hikes along this road to tackle.
Camping is the best way to take in the park. There are tons of camping spots around the park but they do fill fast during high season, so try booking ahead or come early in the morning when people are getting up and leaving to nab a spot. My favorite spot was Many Glacier Campgrounds as it was right at the trailhead for many hikes including the ones I mentioned above.
Also, bringing bear spray is not a suggestion, it’s really a demand! There is high bear activity in this park and this is a small thing you can do to protect yourself during your hikes. Bring some with you as it’s more expensive to purchase in the park.
By Nina Ragusa | Where In The World is Nina
  Grand Canyon National Park
  The Grand Canyon National Park is one of the top USA bucket list items for many traveling to the States. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for the best-preserved geological wonders, making it a perfect haven for adventure seekers and nature lovers. 
It has something for everybody – doesn’t matter if you are new to adventure and hiking, or if you just love the landscape, the Canyons will keep you hooked for more!
  The Grand Canyon National Park in the USA, occupies a vast land surface – roughly about 4,926 km², and can be reached in many different ways. It has 3 main entrances – north, south and the west rim. (Many also believe there is an eastern gate to the national park).
The red rock with a multitude of layers and trenches of the Grand Canyon has been a fascination for many explorers for centuries.
  The Grand Canyon north rim is a paradise for advanced hikers and overnight campers. Many hiking trails average about 6- 8 hours for a round trip at the northern rim. Most popular being the Kaibab trail. 
The ruggedness of the canyons on the north rim, pulls both amateur and professional photographers to its cradle. However, it is not one of the easiest to navigate or access. For instance, the north rim is inaccessible during winters. 
  And taking a day from any of the nearby cities, may not be a feasible idea. The Grand Canyon north rim is located about 268 miles from Las Vegas, so approximately a 5-hour drive one-way – making it impossible for a day trip.
For accommodation at the north rim, consider camping overnight or stay at the Grand Canyon Lodge – North Rim. This 2-star lodge offers a free shuttle to the Kaibab trailhead.
  For a quick day trip from Las Vegas – Nevada or Sedona – Arizona, the west rim and the south rim, are much more easily accessible than the northern entrance. 
Grand Canyon west rim is home to the popular tourist attractions – SkyWalk – and it is open all year round for visitors. It also has shorter trails, which are accessible for families with strollers, and can be done in 2 hours or less. 
  Las Vegas to the west rim is 125 miles, so it takes about 2.50 hours by car, one way. There are tons of day tours available from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon – west and south rims, to suit every traveler’s budget. 
The south rim of the Grand Canyon has a similar story. It is accessible all year round and is more tourist-friendly with tons of day tours and helicopter excursions available. 
For accommodation, book a room at the Hualapai Ranch or the Hualapai Lodge, located very close to the park entrance on the west rim.”
By Mayuri | To Some Place New
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  Haleakala National Park
Maui screams adventure, whether you’re into finding hidden waterfalls or hiking into a volcano, you can find it all inside Haleakala National Park.  Haleakala is the volcano that formed over half the island of Maui.  There are 2 entrances to the park, the Kipahulu district and the summit.
  The Kipahulu or coastal district can only be reached from the east side of the island about 20 minutes past the town of Hana.  Here you can experience the dramatic coastline, volcanic inlets and several waterfalls!
  Inside the park is a well-maintained campground complete with picnic tables, grills, and a restroom.  The campsites are first come first serve and walkable to hiking trails and the pools of Ohe’o or commonly known as seven sacred pools.
  Remember when I mentioned waterfalls?  One of Maui’s most popular hikes starts here, the Pipiwai Trail.  This 4-mile moderate hike takes you past ancient banyan trees, through a cracking bamboo forest and ends at the mesmerizing 400 foot Waimoku Falls.
    Another way to explore the National park is by accessing the summit.  A popular way to experience the summit is coming to witness the sun rise above the clouds, an experience that is truly out of this world.  To catch sunrise, you must make reservations in advance here.  If you’re looking for something to get your adrenaline pumping then opt for a sunrise bike tour.  Tours provide you with bikes and after sunrise at the summit you coast down 26 miles of switch backs until you reach the town of Paia.
  Rather keep your feet on solid ground?  There are a handful of hikes that take you in, through or around the crater.  My favorite hike inside the crater is the Sliding Sands Trail. This hike takes you down onto the crater floor and you will feel like you are traversing the surface of Mars. Red, orange, and purple hues will start to emerge in the background as you hike along the black volcanic rock. You’ll spot a rare plant called the silver sword which can only be found here or on Mauna Kea, the volcano on the big island.  This is a strenuous hike so come prepared with sunscreen and water.
  It gets cold at the summit, so dress warm, especially if you plan on camping at the Hosmer Grove campground. Haleakala National Park always leaves me wanting more.
By Jess | I’m Jess Travelling
  If you enjoyed reading this, make sure to check out the Part 2 of the 20+ Best National Parks in the USA here.
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Best National Parks in the USA for the Adventure and Nature Lovers – Part 1 20+ Famous National Parks in the USA that you Need to Visit - Part 1 Its May 2020, and the World is in lockdown mode, as COVID - 19, is spreading like wildfire everywhere.
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cathrynstreich · 5 years
I’m a Brand-New Agent! Where Do I Start?
Just got licensed and don’t know where to start? We’ve all been there. Some of us come right out of college, some from the corporate world, some out of semi-retirement.
No matter where you’re coming from, heading straight ahead into a career that is paid completely on commission is scary. From my personal experience, and from listening to the challenges of my coaching clients, here are my top five recommendations to get you off the bench and into the game:
Show up.Every day, five days a week, on a schedule. If you’re coming from a corporate job, this is easy. If you’re not, it may test your endurance, but getting into a professional 8 a.m.-5 p.m. mode right away will set you up for success like nothing else. Don’t get into the mindset of “I am in real estate because the schedule is flexible.” That’s the mindset of failure, in my opinion (excuse me for being so blunt). Go into any real estate office and the people you see working are the successful ones. The ones not there may not be in the business in a year or two. Once you get going, you’ll be in the office less and out with clients more, but getting into the workday routine of a pro will allow you to determine your schedule as you get busy (not your clients), and set you up for as normal a life as you can have in this business. 2. Let everyone know you’re in business. Social media, personal notes, email announcements—take advantage of every communication tool available to you to announce your new career. Be sure to let people know that you have the backing of your team leader, mentor or broker guiding you so when they hire you, they get the experience of these people, too. Let them know you are serious about your new business, excited to help them with their real estate needs, available just to answer questions and be their “everything real estate” resource. Then, put all of these people on a schedule to hear from you regularly—once a week to start, once a month as you get busy. If no one knows the shop is now open, you won’t have visitors, so let them know.
Check out the inventory, once a week at least. You’ve got time, so become an expert on your local market. Use some of that 8-5 time in Tip No. 1 above and get out to see properties. You can simply schedule an “agent preview” whether or not you have clients. Plan to preview all new properties in your target geographic areas weekly. You’ll have something to talk about when people ask you about the market, which they will.
Write a newsletter.Start this right away. Create a simple “market overview” newsletter or email that you can send out weekly. Include information on properties you’ve previewed (Tip No. 3), selling or buying tips, economic stats that you can get from the NAR website or a Google search and /or links to articles. There is a ton of information out there about real estate that you can condense and share with your peeps. Doing so will immediately set you apart as an expert, whether or not you really feel you are that expert just yet. (You’ll quickly become one—don’t worry.) Don’t include recipes and things that we’ve traditionally seen real estate agents sent out. Keep the topic to real estate and you’ll set yourself apart from the rest. If you’re worried about format, just make it a simple email. Don’t worry about being fancy for now. 5. Enjoy your downtime. We all need to recharge. Don’t be that agent that is one-dimensional. Enjoy the things you’ve always done and get out into the community. Have fun, eat well, exercise, journal, read books, go see movies and spend time with your family. I can’t emphasize enough how the recharge time will give you the stamina to help you to have maximum energy for this new career.
Share these tips with your team leader to get their input from their experience. They’ll have more ideas to help you structure your perfect week schedule, too. Take your new job seriously from the get-go and you’ll be reaping the benefits for years to come.
Sarah Bernard, senior coach for Workman Success Systems, came to real estate from a career in corporate marketing and property management. Licensed in 2014, Bernard sold $6 million in properties with 12 transactions in her first year and was Rookie of the Year. Five years later, she has grown a team that includes three buyer agents and support staff. She is committed to learning and improving her team management every day. Contact her at [email protected]. For more information, please visit www.WorkmanSuccess.com.
The post I’m a Brand-New Agent! Where Do I Start? appeared first on RISMedia.
I’m a Brand-New Agent! Where Do I Start? published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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fairyringquotes · 5 years
John F.M. Dovaston, Magazine of Natural History: Fairy Rings, 1832
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Art. I. Fairy Rings, by John F.M. Dovaston, Esq., A.M., of Westfelton, near Shrewsbury.
    “’T’is very pregnant, The jewel that we find, we stoop and take it, Because we see it; but what we do not see, We tread upon, and never think of it." (Measure for Measure.)
Sir, The fair authoress of ‘The Mummy’ well and wisely observes that "There is an invincible feeling implanted by nature in the mind of man, which makes him shudder with disgust at anything that invades her laws." To such who study and esteem her laws, there cannot be a truth more triumphant. Yet the unthinking mind of man not only indulges in, but doats on, mysteries without meaning, and superstitions without support. Some of these, indeed, in themselves innocent, have, by the genius of poets, been made the vehicles of elegant amusement, and allegorical instruction; while others, dismal and diabolical, have, by the cunning of bigots, become predatory on society, and blasphemous to Heaven. There is a perverse propensity in unenlightened minds to embrace the incomprehensible, and reject the obvious; and millions at this moment implicitly believe in Nixon's ‘Prophecies,’ and those of Moore's ‘Almanack,’ who smile with coarse incredulity at being told of the rotatory motions of our globe, or the cause of an eclipse: doubting what is demonstrable to a child of the commonest capacity, and admitting what would stagger the soundest philosopher. Like the poor woman who, receiving her son from the West Indies, listened with satisfactory conviction to his marvelous narrations of rocks of sugar and rivers of rum, but shuddered, and gave him the flattest contradiction, when he averred that he had seen fishes that could fly; when a moment's reflection, even of her mind, would have shown as near an affinity between fowls and fishes, as between sugar and sand. But these good though simple souls, "most ignorant of what they’re most assured," whose delight is in the marvelous, did they but turn to Nature, would find her kingdom peopled and furnished with incalculably more wonders, ay, and true ones too (were that any recommendation), and each perspicuously and indubitably indicating almighty power, wisdom, and benevolence, than all the abortions that were ever spawned from the monstrous womb of Superstition; even more incongruous and copious than "the stuff which dreams are made of," — more charming, more changing, and more enchanting. What are the tricks and transformations of the most cunning necromancer, compared to the metamorphoses of millions of insects, that actually, and almost hourly, unfold before us; from the smooth and compact egg, to the rough and frightful reptile, through the curious mummy of a chrysalis, to the splendid and celestial butterfly? Look at the myriads of monadal and polypodal molluscous creatures that people every part of the multitudinous ocean! Minuteness, indeed, rather than an argument against, is an augmentation of, astonishment; equal wisdom being displayed, and wonder excited, in the articulations of an elephant or an aphis, in the ramifications of a forest or a fern, in the fructification of a melon or a moss; indeed, the last is incomparably the most intricate and interesting. Look at the fantastic and often, at first, repulsive formations, and apparent deformities, of these creatures of the waters, with limbs and organs in every place and shape but what we expect, and tentacles hundreds of times longer than themselves! Why, heraldry itself never came up to these, with all its hippogryphs, dragons, wiverns, hydras, chimeras, and amphisbaenas dire. Some flowers that are now brought from abroad are so extravagantly eccentric in composition, so magnificent in structure, and so dazzlingly glaring in colors, that the most imaginative painter would never have thought of limning such. Some parasites so expansive and ponderous, having blossoms many feet in diameter, exist on trailing plants utterly unable to support themselves. Nay, the momentary actions of nature are ceaseless successions of miracle; evaporation, condensation, suspension of odor, and vibration of sound. Even poetry is surpassed; for what fairy grotto ever equalled the feathery crystallizations of a frosted pane, glistening and sparkling in splendid brilliance? Or what sparry groves or coral caves of the Nereids, deep in the vast abysms of ocean, could ever vie with a silent frost-forest; heavily still, and candied with spikes of hoary rime, spangling and blushing in the earliest beams of the golden sun? What gigantic palace of enchantment copes in splendor with the columnar shafts of icicles congealed around a winter waterfall? or, in curious castellets, embrasures, and bastions, with the masses of powdery snow sifted fantastically through a hedge into a deep lane? Thus, though lost in the immensity of boundless space, all breathing with creation, the humble student of nature, one of the happiest of earth's creatures, may exclaim with the sublime Callias (in ‘Anacharsis’), "The insect which obtains a glimpse of infinity partakes of the greatness which overwhelms it;" and may cordially say with the philosopher,  Even to such an one as I am, an idiota, or common person, no great things, melancholizing in woods and quiet places, by rivers, the goddesse herself, Truth, has oftentimes appeared:" but on opening his eyes on the pampered and artificial world (whether civil or religious), he will feel with King Lear's honest fool, that "Truth's a dog that must to kennel; he must be whipped out, when Lady, the brach, may lie by the fire and stink." It is an unconfutable truth, that among people who have made the greatest progress in natural history, their ideas of the Deity have always been more refined, exalted, and sublime; while in the darkness of theirs where that science has slept, or been sluggish, their notions of his nature and attributes have been derogatory, detestable, and even diabolical.
But to my intention; or I shall be like Bayle, who, in his work on comets, has forgotten them, and filled his volumes with everything beside, eccentrically erratic: and so may I be herein like a stuffed toucan, all bill and no body. I was led into this lengthened preliminary by some reflections on fairy rings, for the cause of which I think I can account, without offense to that airy people, for whom I confess I have a hankering fondness, in consideration of one William Shakespeare, and his fanciful brethren, who have given them a permanent ascendency they long ere this had lost, but for the embalming power of song; so I shall proceed with all due loyalty to the jealous King Oberon, his crown and dignity: confining myself to the two prevailing opinions of their cause; the first whereof I think I shall confute, and establish the second. Let the incredulous in philosophy continue their superstition; this is a harmless one: for though the fairies have long ago left off dropping testers in our shoes, they do not pick our pockets.
It is asserted that these rings are occasioned by centrifugal fungi, which the ground is only capable of producing once; and these, dropping their seeds outwards, extend the rings, "like circles on the water." Fungi I conceive to be the effect, and not the cause, of these] rings: and ground producing fungi once, is not incapable of reproductiveness, as the possessors of old mushroom beds well know; for simply by watering, they will reproduce exuberantly, without fresh spawn, for many years. Besides, we find all these fungi without rings, plentifully; but very rarely without some visible (and never perhaps without some latent) excitement; such as dung, combustion, decomposing wood, or weeds; indeed, the seeds of fungi are so absolutely impalpable, that I have sometimes thought they are taken up with the juices into the capillary tubes of all vegetables, and so appear, when decomposition affords them a pabulum and excitement, on rotten wood and leaves: and this seed is produced in such excessive quantities, thrown off so freely, and borne about so easily, that perhaps there is hardly a particle of matter whose surface is not imbued therewith; and had these seeds the power of germinating by mere wetness alone, without some other exciting cause, all surface would be crowded with them, and pasturage impeded. Now, were these rings caused by the falling of the seeds centrifugally, they would enlarge, which they do not, but after a year or two, utterly disappear; though plenty of the seed may be seen to load the grass all around. I have brought large patches of these rings into other fields, but never found them enlarge; and the turf I have taken back to replace in the rings has never partaken of their nature. Why, too, should the grass be more rank in the rings? one would conclude the seeds of fungi would make it less so. Now, the exciting cause that occasions these fungi, and deeper verdure to come up in circles, the true, the nimble fairies —
"That do by moonshine green sour ringlets make,  Whereof the ewe not bites; whose pastime is  To make these midnight mushrooms"—  
I hold to be strokes of Electricity: and I owe you "the picking of a crow," good Mr. Loudon, for refusing, some time ago, the admission of a gentleman's Essay on Electricity, averring it incompatible with Natural History; when you very well know that no part of organized nature can go on a moment without it, and that no part of unorganized matter exists, not subject to its pervasive influence. [Footnote: Excepting glass and a very few others similar; to which, however, it may be most easily communicated by the intervention of metal, and made to retain it perfectly when the metal is removed.]
A very considerable portion of those volleyed lightnings and rolling "thunder, that deep and dreadful organ pipe," which often keep such awful coil and "pother o'er our heads," has frequently very little or nothing to do with us; for though a nimbus be heavily discharging its rain, cumuli are bagged up in different heights the lobed and thin edges of which may be often seen through the shower, tinged by the flash; as one cloud is giving or receiving the fluid, according as it is more or less disposed. This may be proved by theory: but I have very often witnessed it, safely seated on the tops of very high mountains, in the calm and quiet sunshine and sweet serenity of a blue sky: and some who read this article will remember witnessing it with me on the craggy heights of the Glissegs, and even from so low an elevation as the Balder-stone of the Wrekin. But when a column of electric fluid affects the earth, either ascending or descending (for I confidently contend, in the very face of some modern theorists, that it ascends innumerously oftener than it descends, though I must not pause to prove it here), it scorches the ground all around its edge, where there is plenty of oxygen in contact with it, and leaves the centre unscathed, where the oxygen is either expelled or destroyed, and so fertilizes the extremity: the consequence is, that the first year the grass is destroyed, and the ring appears bare and brown; but the second year, the grass re-springs with highly increased vigor and verdure, together with fungi, whose dormant seeds are so brought into vegetation, that without this exciting cause might have slept inert for centuries. These fungi are most generally of the Agáricus, Bol¡etus, or Lycopérdon, sometimes Clavària, genus; I have very rarely seen any other. The fertilization of combustion, as agriculturists well know, though violent, being of short duration, these circles soon disappear. They are, moreover, generally found in open places, on hillsides, wide fields, and broad meadows, where lightning is more likely to strike; and seldom near trees or woods, which throw off, or receive the fluid silently and imperceptibly. I have indeed sometimes seen one all round a tree, which must have been by a stroke, from which trees are by no means exempt. I confess I have never been able to produce a single spot by electricity: though a learned friend and myself one summer collected and repeatedly discharged a prodigious accumulation of battery on the grass-plot before my dining room window: but it requires, to produce a very small ring, an incalculably larger column than it is in the utmost power of man to accumulate or discharge. The following year, however, my friend was pleasingly amazed at beholding a noble fairy ring on the very spot! and was long in doubting suspense, till I informed him I had made it with what really acted on the same principles, — fresh soot.
I remember (though for relating it "I may chance have some odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me"), when a youth at Christ-church, some Oxford wags traced with gunpowder, and fired on the short-mown grass of the Grand Quadrangle in that College, in large capitals, the short monosyllable that so much appears to puzzle poor Malvolio in the epistle forged by his Mistress Olivia's chambermaid; and to the affected indignation of the old dons, and the titillatory fun of the merry Oxonians, the little word flourished there in brown and green for two years; and may be still talked of yet in those frolicksome regions, by such humourists as,
Sir, yours, John F. M. Dovaston. Westfelton, near Shrewsbury, Dec. 30. 1831.
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margdarsanme · 4 years
NCERT Class 11 English Writing Notices
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Writing :: Notices
Notice Writing Class 11 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises:
WHAT IS A NOTICE?A notice is a written or printed news announcement or information. A notice may contain news/information about something that has happened or is likely to happen. It may be a formal announcement of public importance or an advance warning meant for compliance and information. A notice can be about a meeting, an event, an excursion/historical trip/a picnic, lost and found, change of name/address/uniform/timings/venue etc.
PURPOSENotices are effective means of disseminating information related to different issues or occasions. They reach to a large number of persons in a short time. Hence a notice is written in simple and formal language. It is clear, brief and to the point.
DISPLAY(a) School/College Notice Boards.(b) Newspapers/Magazines.(c) Public Notice Boards.
MAIN CHARACTERISTICS(a) Format : It includes the word ‘NOTICE’, date, heading, writer’s name and designation.(b) Content : It must answer the questions What? When? Where? How? etc.(c) Expression : It relates to the overall organisation and relevance of the content as well as grammatical accuracy and fluency.
Remember(i) It must contain complete information.(ii) The order of presentation should be clear.(iii) State the purpose of notice clearly.(iv) Content should include all necessary information, e.g. for a meeting the time, venue, date and agenda.(v) Use impersonal language, i.e., third person. Avoid T and “You’.(vi) Give the designation of the writer just below the signature.(vii) The date of writing notice is generally put at the top.(viii) Observe the word limit. If you exceed it, you will get a negative mark.
1. CULTURAL & ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES(Dance, Drama, Music, Quiz, Debate, Lecture, Magazine, Science Fair/Exhibition etc.)
Solved Questions
Question 1:Yon are the Secretary of the English Literary Association of Tagore Memorial School, Patna. Write out a notice for notice-board, inviting names of those who would like to participate in the proposed inter-house debate, oratorio! and elocution contest.Answer:
English Literary AssociationTAGORE MEMORIAL SCHOOL, PATNA
5 Aug. 20XX
The English Literary Association invites participants in the following contests to be held in the school auditorium :(a) Debate competition : 20 Aug. 20XX at 11.00 a.m.(b) Oratorial skills : 21 Aug. 20XX at 11.00 a.m.(c)  Elocution contest : 21 Aug. 20XX at 2.00 p.m.Each house can send a team of two students per item.Last date for submission of names : 10th August, 20XXRavi MohanSecretaryELA
Question 2:You are Rahul/Rashmi. As President of the Literary Club of your school you have organized an inter-school debate competition on the. occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of your school about the competition.Answer:
5 Dec. 20XX
The Literary Club is organising an inter-school debate competition on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations as per details given below:Date :  18 Dec. 20XXTime : 11 a.m. onwardsVenue : Saraswati AuditoriumTopic : “Nuclear Armament is India’s best defence against cross-border terrorism”Last date for receipt of names : 10 Dec. upto 4.30 p.m. in the Activities Room.Rahul/RashmiPresident
Question 3:You are Ravi/Rachna. As President of the Cultural Forum of your school you have organized an inter-school orchestra competition on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of your school about this competition.Answer:
6 Nov. 20XX
NOTICEInter-School Orchestra Competition
On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations, an Inter-School Orchestra Competition will be held.Date : 14 Nov. 20XXTime : 2 p.m. onwardsVenue : Vikram AuditoriumParticipants : Maximum 9 in an itemLast date for submission of Entry Forms : 10 Nov 20XXRachna/RaviPresidentCultural Forum
Question 4:You are Pradeep / Asha. As President of the Dramatic Club of your school you have organized an mter-school competition in one-act plays on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of you.r school about this proposed event.Answer:
16 AUG. 20XX
On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of the school, the Dramatic Club has organized an inter-school competition in one-act plays as per details given below:Date : 30 Aug 20XXTime : 10 a.m. onwardsVenue : Ashoka AuditoriumParticipants : Maximum 7 in a teamLast Date for the receipt of Entry forms : 25 Aug. 20XX by 4.00 pmPradeep/AshaPresidentDramatic Club
Question 5:You are president of the Cultural Society of your school. You are planning to organise a cultural programme. Write a notice for the school notice-board inviting names of students willing to participate. You are Sudhir, the secretary of the society.Answer:
Cultural SocietyABC School, Bhopal
9th Aug. 20XX
Talented students are invited to submit their names for a musical evening to be held on 2lst August 20XX in the school open air theatre from 6 p.m. onwardsItems : (i) Light vocal music (solo)(ii) Group Song(iii) Group Dance(iv) Classical Dance (Solo)Contact the undersigned before 16th Aug. 20XX.SudhirSecretaryCultural Society
Question 6:You are David/Dorothy, the secretary of the Dance arid Drama Society of the Sanskriti School, Patna. Write a notice for your school notice hoard inviting students to give their names for a Fancy Dress Competition.Answer:
9th Aug.20XX
A Fancy Dress Competition will be held as under:Date : 25 Aug. 20XXTime : 11 a.m. onwardsVenue : School AuditoriumDuration of performance : 3 minutesLast Date for submission of names : 16 Aug. 20XX by 4 p.m.For details contact the undersignedDavid/DorothySecretaryDance & Drama Society
Question 7:You are Pushpak/Pooja. As Secretary of the Social Service League of your school you have organized a cultural benefit show in aid of mentally handicapped children of your town, Vijayawada. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice-hoard, giving necessary information about the programme.Answer:
05 Jan. 20XX
In aid of mentally handicapped children we are presentingA CULTURAL SHOWDate : 14 January 20XXTime : 4.30 p.m. onwardsVenue : Community Centre, VijayawadaAll are cordially invitedPushpak/PujaSecretary
Question 8:You are Rohit/Rashi. As the Secretary of the Cultural Club of your school, you have organised, a Cultural Evening as a thanks giving programme on the last day of your school. Write a notice for your school notice-board, giving necessary information about this event in not more than 50 words.Answer:
5 Feb. 20XX
The Cultural Club is organising a thanks giving ceremony as per details given below:Date : 20 February 20XXTime : 6 p.m. onwardsVenue : School Auditorium Cultural Programme and refreshment will follow.Please be in your seats by 5.50 p.m.Maintain decency and decorumRohit/RashiSecretary
Question 9:You are Praveen jPrabha. As the secretary, Science Club of your school write a notice informing students about an Inter-School Science Exhibition and, encouraging them, to participate in it.Answer:
15 July 20XX
Bright, enterprising and intelligent science students are invited to participate in the Inter-School Science Exhibition to be held in Sophia School next month. Submit your charts, models, projects by 30th July. Appear before screening committee on 5 Aug. 20XX at 11 a.m. in the Activities Room.Praveen/PrabhaSecretary
Question 10:You are Avant!Avinash. As Secretary of Students’ Forum you want to start a Wall Magazine for the students of the school. Write a notice inviting articles, stories, poems and campus-news for the Wall-Magazine.Answer:
20 July 20XX
It is proposed to launch a Wall Magazine outside the Senior Common Room. This will help in churning out the creative and literary talents of students.Items : Articles, stories, poemsLength : Not more than 400 wordsSize : Foolscap Paper with marginDate of Submission : 5th of Every monthContact : Vani, XIA; coordinatorAvani/AvinashSecretary
Question 1:Your school is organising a tour to Mumbai and Goa during the winter vacation. Write a notice giving detailed information to the students. You are Madhav/Madhavi, School Pupil Leader, St. Columbia’s Senior Secondary School, Ameenabad, Lucknow. (Word limit: 50)Answer:
10 Dec. 20XX
The school is organising a ten-day tour to Mumbai and Goa as per details given below:Date : Dec. 23 to 2 Jan.Cost :  ₹ 2500/- per headPlans : Visiting interesting sites, joining Christmas/New Year Celebrations/Surfing/Trekking.Those interested may submit names to the undersigned before 16 December.Madhav/MadhaviSchool Pupil Leader
Question 2:The Students’ Council of your school has organised an excursion to Ajanta and Ellora for the students of classes XI and XII during winter break. As President of the Council, write a notice in not more than 50 words telling the students about this excursion and inviting their names for joining it.Answer:
4 December 20XX.
The Students’ Council is organising an excursion to Ajanta and Ellora for a fortnight.Date of Departure : 22nd DecDate of Return : 5 th JanFee : ₹ 5000 per headPlans : Visiting Mumbai and other sites besides the caves Interested students may contact the undersigned and deposit cash before 10th December 20XX.Arun VermaPresidentStudents Council
Question 3:You are Sanjay/Sangeeta. As President of the Excursion Club you have organized an excursion to Kathmandu (Nepal) during the summer vacation for the senior students of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students about the proposed excursion.Answer:
10 April 20XX
All students of Class XI and XII are invited to join an excursion to Kathmandu (Nepal).Duration : a fortnightDates : 15 May to 29 MayExpenses : ₹ 5000 per personItinerary : Available with the undersignedThose interested may contact the undersigned before 17th April.Sanjay/SangeetaPresidentExcursion Club
Question 4:The 10th International Book Fair is being held at Pragati Maidan between 7 Feb.-14 Feb 20XX. As Secretary of Literary Association, write a notice informing students about it.Answer:1 Feb. 20XX
The 10th International Book Fair is being organised as per details given below:Venue : Pragati MaidanDates : 7 Feb. – 14 Feb. 20XXTime : 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.Entry fee : Free for students, conducted toursAll students are requested to visit.Contact the undersigned for class-wise programme.Shashi/SachinSecretary/LiteraryAssociation
Question 5:You are Deepak /Dipti, School Captain. The Principal has permitted you to organise a class picnic to Suraj Kund/Badhkhal Lake under the supervision of your class teachers. Write a notice for the school notice-board inviting the names of those, who would like, to join the picnic.Answer:
6 Aug. 20XX
A Picnic at Surajkund is being organised on Sunday, the 14th August 20XX for class XII.Departure : 8 a.m. (School bus)Arrival : 6 p.m.Fees : ₹ 50 per headAttraction : Fun Games/Boating/Crafts ExhibitionGuidance : Sh. J.P. Gupta & Ms. S. Ahuja, class teachersThose interested may give their names to the undersigned by 11th AugustDeepak /DiptiSchool Captain
Question 1:You are Vikram/Vineeta, the Sports Secretary of Jawaharnagar Public School, Varanasi. Draft a notice inviting students to give their names for various events to be organised on the Annual Sports Day of your school. (Word, limit: 50)Answer:
20 Nov. 20XX
Students are invited to submit their names for participating in any five of the following sports activities, for the Annual Sports Day to be held on 15th December.(i) Races : 100M, 200M, 400M, 800M, 1600M, 10,000M(ii) Jumps : High Jump, Long Jump, Hop, Slep & Jump, Pole Vault(iii) Throws : Shot-Put, Discus, Javelin & Hammer Throw Names should reach the undersigned latest by 1st December.Vikram/VineetaSports Secretary
Question 2:You are the Sports Captain of King’s Public School, Kalimpong. Write a notice to be put up on the school notice-board informing the students about, the inter-school basketball match. Give all necessary details of the match to be played.Answer:
10 Aug. 20XX
The students will feel glad to learn that our basketball team has reached the final of inter-school basketball championship. The final match against St. John School Darjeeling will be played tomorrow, i.e., 11 Aug. 20XX at 3 p.m. at our school ground. Please do come, cheer up the team and boost their morale.J. KhemingSports Captain
Question 3:Your school is holding a summer camp for training students in Hockey and Basketball. Write a notice for the School Notice-Board ofAnand Prakash Vuiyalaya, Allahabad. You are the Sports Secretary of the school. (Word limit: 50)Answer:
15 April 20XX
Sport-lovers will be pleased to learn that our school is organising a summer camp for training students in Hockey and Basketball.Duration : 10 days —15 May to 25 MayTime : 8 to 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.Venue : Jawahar Lai Nehru StadiumEligibility: Students of DC to XII only.Those interested in taking benefit of the facility should give their names to the undersigned latest by 30 April 20XX.Hrishit PandeySports Secretary
Question 4:Write a notice for the school notice-board inviting volunteers for an N.S.S. Camp. You are Gauri/Gautam, the Group leader of S.D. Sr. Sec. School, Ambala Cantt.Answer:
2 Sept. 20XX
An N.S.S. camp of our unit will be held from 15 Sept, to 30 Sept, at village Dinapur. Projects include Adult Literacy, Tree Plantation, Cleanliness Campaign and Health Awareness. Volunteers should give their names to the undersigned by 7th Sept. 20XXGauri/GautamGroup Leader N.S.S.
Question 5:You are Rama Rao, Secretary of the Students’ Council of your School (St. Thomas School. Cochin). Write a notice for the school notice-board inviting volunteers for a one- day Blood Donation Camp organised by The Red Cross Society of India at your school.Answer:
10 Aug. 20XX
The Red Cross Society of India is organising a Blood-Donation Camp at our School.Date : 17th August 20XXTime : 10 A.M. to 3 RM.Venue : School Auditorium Students are urged to participate in large number.Remember : Your blood can save a human life.Rama RaoSecretaryStudents’ Council
Question 1:Saurabh Shukla, a student of Class XII has lost hts calculator somewhere in the School premises. Write a short notice for the school notice-board requesting the finder to return it to him. Saurabh is a student of -Jam Model School, Surat.Answer:
15 Oct. 20XX
Lost a Sharp-VM Calculator in the School premises during recess today. My initials SS are engraved on its black back. The finder is requested to return the same to the undersigned. A treat is promised.Saurabh ShuklaXII B—Roll No. 67
Question 2:You are Ashish Khanna of Class XII. You have found a watch in the school playground. Write a notice for the school notice-board uniting its rightful owner to claim the watch after furnishing necessary details about it.Answer:
10 Nov. 20XX
Found a gent’s wrist watch in the school playground today, i.e., 10 Nov. 20XX at 8.30 a.m. The genuine owner of the watch can claim it back from the undersigned after giving necessary details about the watch and identification marks if any.Ashok KhannaXII ARoll No. 25
Question 1:You are Mohan, the Secretary of the Old Boys Association of your school. The Association proposes to celebrate its Silver Jubilee year of the school. Draft a notice to be published in the newspaper inviting suggestions about now to celebrate it. (Word limit: 50)Answer:
10 March, 20XX
The ex-students of this prestigious institution will be pleased to learn that the O.B.A. proposes to celebrate the Silver Jubilee year of the school.Suggestions are invited from the enlightened alumni about how to celebrate it best.Please send your suggestions along with latest contact address and subscription to the undersigned by 10th April 20XX.MohanSecretaryOld Boys’ AssociationBPS Pilani
Question 2:Your school has hyst completed 25 years of its meritorious services to society. The Students’ Council of your school has decided to celebrate its Silver Jubilee. As President of the Council write a notice in not more then 50 words for the students of your school, informing them abort the Council’s decision and seeking their cooperation for the success of the proposed silver jubilee celebrations.Answer:
24 Sept., 20XX
The Students’ Council is organising a cultural function to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the school which has just completed 25 years of its meritorious services to society. The cultural evening will comprise songs, dances, skits, group dances/ songs etc. Please participate and lend active co-operation to make the function a grand success.Pankaj KheraPresidentStudents’ Council
Question 3:Your school has decided to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of National Independence by arranging a day-long programme. As the Pupil Leader of Your school, write a notice, giving details for the programme and calling for the participation and cooperation of your school students. (word limit: 50)Answer:
20 July 20XX    
On the occasion of Independence Day the celebrations will be held as under :Date : 15th August 20XXVenue : School Assembly CompoundTime : 9.00 a.m. onwardsChief Guest : Mr Trilok Gupta, I.A.S.Programme : Flag hoisting, Cultural Extravaganza, Gymnastics, Fancy Dress. On the spot painting contest Every one is welcome to participate. Names must be given to the undersigned by 1st Aug.PiyushPupil Leader
Public/General notices are announcements/news/information addressed to a large section of people or to the general public. The notices are either published in newspapers/magazines or displayed on public notice-boards at prominent places in the colony/city.Main Features1. Use the notice format.2. Tone & Style – Very formal.3. Language – Simple and intelligible.4. Include relevant matter : State issue/problems/rules clearly.5. Put date of writing the notice at the top/bottom.6. End with signatures & designation of the issuing authority.General notices include court notices, tender-notices, sale/auction notices, academic notices, obituary, Club notices, Lost & Found notices in addition to notices for General Welfare of the public.
Question 1:You are Abhinav/Abha. You have planned a 2-week course to be arranged to help the children of your Group Housing Society at Kanpur acquire the communication skills. Prepare a notice for the Society’s Notice-Board, stating the objectives of the course, giving necessary details of the course and requesting the children of the society to join the course.Answer:
2 Oct. 20XX
A two-week course on communication skills is being organised for the children of our Group Housing Society as per details given below:Date : 15 Oct.-30 Oct. 20XXTimings : 4 p.m.-6 p.m.Venue : Community Hall, Jyoti Group Housing Society, KanpurFee : ₹ 500The students interested in improving the communication skills may contact the undersigned for further details.Abhinav/AbhaSecretary23B, J.G.H. Society, Kanpur
Question 2:You are Rakesh/Rakhi, the secretary of L.M. Residents’ Welfare Society, Green Park Extension, Kolkata. Write a notice requesting the members of the society to attend a meeting of the society to discuss the problem of security of the members of your society.Answer:
5 Oct. 20XX
A meeting of the members will be held to discuss the problem of security of the members of the Society.Date : 10 December 20XXTime : 6 p.m.Venue : Community Centre All the members are requested to attend the meeting and give their considered opinion/valuable suggestions.Rakesh/RakhiSecretaryLMRWS
Question 3:You are the Secretary of Modern Flats Welfare Association, Bangalore. Write a notice to be circulated to the members of the Association, requesting them to attend a meeting to discuss the parking of the vehicles of the residents.Answer:
6 Dec., 20XX    
A meeting of the members of the Association will be held on Sunday, the 10th December 20XX at 3 p.m. in the Association’s Community Centre to discuss the arrangements to be made for the parking of the vehicles of the residents to ensure safety as well as convenience. All the members are requested to attend.Neeraj SoodSecretaryMFWA
Question 4:M/s Suraj Associates, Gurgaon have terminated the services of their employee, Sohanlal who used to get orders and advances from their customers. Write a public notice for a daily newspaper informing the public that the company will not be responsible for any dealings done by Sh. Sohanlal on their behalf.Answer:
M/s Suraj Associates, Gurgaon hereby declare that the services of their employee, Sh. Sohanlal have been terminated. The customers are informed not to give him any orders/advance payments on our behalf. The company will not be responsible for the dealings made by him.Ravi SharmaFor M/s Suraj Associates1 June 20XX
Question 5:You are the Principal. Marigold Public School, Guna, Madhya Pradesh. Your school is introducing vocational courses for classes XI and XII for the first time. Draft an Admission Notice’ for publication in a newspaper.Answer:
The school has decided to introduce vocational courses in classes XI and XII from the new session starting w.e.f. 15 July, 20XX. Since the number of seats in each course is limited (20 each only) only those getting 60% or more marks in X need apply. An Entrance Test will be held on 5 July 20XX at 9 a.m. in the school. Prospectus can be had from the school office on the working days on payment of Rupees Twenty.PrincipalMarigold Public SchoolGuna (M.P.)
Question 6:You are the Controller of Examinations of CBSE. The Central Govt, has declared 15th March a public holiday. CBSE has decided to shift all examinations scheduled for 15th March to a later date. Draft a notice, announcing the change, in about 50 words forpublication in a newspaper.Answer:
Consequent on the Central govt’s decision to observe 15th March as a public holiday, all the examinations of CBSE scheduled for 15th March have been shifted to 25th March and 28th March 20XX.Candidates may contact the Principals of their examination centres for clarifications, if needed.Controller of ExaminationsCBSE New Delhi5 March 20XX
Question 7:You have lost your wallet containing valuable documents (passport, certificates and a bunch of keys) while travelling by Taj Express from Delhi to Agra. Write a notice for publishing in ‘The Times of India’ (Delhi) under ‘Lost and Found’ column. You are Naresh/Neha of 5A/42C, Janakpuri, New Delhi.Answer:
Lost a wallet of black leather containing some valuable documents including my Board’s certificate of All India Senior Secondary Examination, passport and a bunch of keys on 23rd July, 20XX while travelling by Taj Express from Delhi to Agra. Finder will be suitably rewarded. Contact Naresh, 5A/42C, Janakpuri, New Delhi,
Question 8:Garuda Silk Mills (P) Ltd. Banaras, launches its Discount Sale for its export qualities in Delhi. Write a suitable Sales Notice for publication in a newspaper.Answer:
Export quality Sarees of Garuda Silk Mills available at heavy discount in Delhi for the first time.Date : 15 & 16 August 20XXTime : 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.Venue : Hotel Neeraj, A/4 Akbar Road, New DelhiItems :
China Silk Saree worth ₹ 500 available for ₹ 125
Priya Banarasi printed silk saree worth ₹ 800 available for X 200
Gauri gold embroidered silk saree worth ₹ 15000 available for ₹ 400
Note : These pieces have minor defects. Not easily visible.
Question 9:You are the Commissioner, Customs Department, North Zone, 567, Sector 17 Chandigarh. Write out a notice for the auction of confiscated property by auction on ‘as is where is’ basis.Answer:
Notice is hereby given to interested buyers of foreign goods regarding the annual auction sale of confiscated items by the Customs Department on ‘as is where is’ basis.Date : 23 Sept. 20XXTime : 10 a.m.Place : Ware House, Customs Dept., 567, Sector-17, Chandigarh.Conditions apply. Brochure available at enquiry on payment of ₹ 10/-. Goods can be inspected on 21 Sept. 20XX from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.CommissionerCustoms Dept., North Zone
Question 10:You are the Secretary of Gymkhana Club of Coimbatore. Draft a notice to be sent to the members asking them to attend the extraordinary meeting of the Governing Body (Invent the necessary details). Sign as Prabhat/Parvi. (Word limit: 50)Answer:
10 March 20XX
Members are requested to make it convenient to attend an extraordinary meeting of the Governing Body to discuss amendments in guest charges and monthly subscriptions.Date : 20th March 20XXTime : 7 p.m.Place : Gymkhana Club Complex, CoimbatoreGoverning Body members are requested to stay for dinner.Prabhat/ParviSecretary
Question 11:You arc the Principal, Govt. Women’s Polytechnic Bhopal (M.P.). Draft a notice inviting tenders for supply of Engineering Books (Indian & Foreign) for the session 2012-2013.Answer:
Sealed tenders (on tender forms available at ? 100 per form) are invited in duplicate for the supply of Engineering, Information Technology books from publishers/dealers of books on percentage discount on printed price. Approximate cost of books required is ten lacs. The tender along with a D.D. of ₹ 5,000 as earnest money should reach to the undersigned by 14.00 hours on or before 21 Nov. 20XX.PrincipalGovt. Women’s PolytechnicBhopal
Question 12:You are Rakesh Talwar. Your grandfather expired on 1st November 20XX. Write a notice for publication in newspaper giving information about CHAUTHA and UTHALA ceremony.Answer:
With profound grief, we regret to inform the untimely and sad demise of our beloved
BALDEV KUMAR TALWARon Friday, 1st November 20XX
Chautha and Uthala will be held on Saturday, 2nd Nov, 20XX from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. at L-19/14, DLF City, Phase-II, Gurgaon.In Grief :Prabha Talwar Smt. Lila Tuli, Shri Raj Talwar, Rakesh & Indu Talwar,Atul & Anju Talwar    Rahul & Kavita Trehan, Trilok & Kamlesh RawalRohit & Abha Bhandari Ashok RawalAnd all family members and well-wishers.
from Blogger http://www.margdarsan.com/2020/10/ncert-class-11-english-writing-notices.html
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easyfoodnetwork · 5 years
Dive into recipes from Melissa Clark, Nancy Silverton, Dominique Ansel, and more When I first saw Lummi: Island Cooking, the new cookbook from Willows Inn chef Blaine Wetzel, I couldn’t help but pick it up. The book itself is wrapped in a rough but texturally pleasing yellow fabric, and the cover — a single deep-blue photograph affixed to the canvas — captivates. Inside, top-down photos of meticulously plated dishes fill entire pages and beg the question: What is that? And while I may never make the recipes for things like mushroom stews and marinated shellfish, they’re a window into a remote restaurant that I may never get to visit. Sure, I could find a few photos online, but a book that you hold in your hands carries weight — not just literally, but also in the way each page memorializes a recipe, dish, or moment in time. The 15 titles here represent only a portion of the cookbooks on offer this spring, but they embody all of the qualities that make cookbooks worthy vehicles for imagination. There are debuts from chefs at the top of their game, and first-time restaurant cookbooks that may inspire you to host a clambake or make your own bubble tea. But there are plenty of cookbook veterans on this list, too, with contributions from Sami Tamimi (the non-Ottolenghi half of the duo behind Ottolenghi); pastry chef Dominique Ansel; and New York Times recipe maven Melissa Clark, whose recipes may dominate Google searches, but gain new dimension when they’re printed on a glossy page. — Monica Burton The Phoenicia Diner Cookbook: Dishes and Dispatches from the Catskill Mountains Mike Cioffi, Chris Bradley, Sara B. Franklin Clarkson Potter, out now In 2011, Mike Ciofi did what many office workers spend their days dreaming about: He bid farewell to city life in favor of renovating and reinvigorating a roadside diner in the woodsy New York hamlet of Phoenicia. Today, Ciofi’s Phoenicia Diner is a hit among locals and tourists, as well as the Instagram glitterati that flocks in droves to sample the restaurant’s elevated diner fare and pose in the green vinyl booths. Though it might be a while before the rest of us achieve our own version of the Phoenicia Diner, it’s at least become easier for us to pretend with The Phoenicia Diner Cookbook, a collection of comfort-food recipes that make up the Ulster County hot spot’s celebrated menu. Try to make the renowned buttermilk pancakes on lazy Sunday morning, or enjoy a cozy night in with the chicken and chive dumplings. For lighter meals, the cookbook also includes a variety of fancy salads and some delicious-sounding vegetable preparations. We live in uncomfortable times, but we still have comfort food — and our upstate escapist fantasies — to help us cope. So serve up some Phoenicia Diner recipes on enamel camping cookware, then curl up under a Pendleton (or Pendleton knock-off) blanket. It’s almost as good as the real thing. — Madeleine Davies Eat Something: A Wise Sons Cookbook Evan Bloom and Rachel Levin Chronicle Books, out now Chef Evan Bloom of San Francisco’s Wise Sons Deli and former Eater SF restaurant critic Rachel Levin teamed up to write an unconventional book about Jews and Jewish food. From the first chapter, “On Pastrami & Penises,” which jokingly weighs the morals of circumcision, it’s clear they succeeded. There are a trio of pastrami dishes (breakfast tacos, carbonara, a reuben) to celebrate “the cut,” before the authors move on to recipes for other life events, from J Dating in “The Young-Adulting Years” section to Shivah’s Silver Lining in “The Snowbird Years.” This isn’t the first book to combine Jewish food and Jewish humor (the two are practically inseparable), but it has the added benefit of being actually funny. Eat Something sounds less like a commandment from bubbe and more like a comedian egging on readers to whip up a babka milkshake at 3 a.m. or serve chopped liver to unknowing goyim in-laws. The authors gladly admit the book won’t satisfy conservative tastes. Wise Sons serves updated takes on deli fare, like pastrami fries, pastrami and eggs, and a roasted mushroom reuben, and “The Kvetching Department” chapter reprints customer complaints about Wise Sons’ sins against real deli. Those readers can find rote recipes for matzo balls and kugel elsewhere. Eat Something is for readers, Jewish or not, who prefer matzoquiles to matzo brei and a bloody moishe (a michelada spiked with horseradish and brine) to a bloody mary. — Nicholas Mancall-Bitel Dinner in French: My Recipes by Way of France Melissa Clark Clarkson Potter, out now Melissa Clark is an important figure in my home eating life. Her cookbook Dinner lives on my kitchen counter, while her pressure-cooker bible Dinner in an Instant has helped me get over my anxiety around using the intimidating Instant Pot I received as a wedding present a few years ago. Her recipes in those books and over at the New York Times are energetic and reliable. I’ve been eagerly awaiting this book since she announced it. While I expected it to be a book of Clark’s favorite, tried-and-true French recipes, Dinner in French actually provides a guide to layering some French je ne sais quoi into the kinds of things you may well already love to eat. Instead of just mashing a microwaved sweet potato like I do a few times a week, Clark’s tempting me to make stretchy sweet potato pommes aligot with fried sage for a change. The translation flows in both directions. To a classic French omelet, Clark adds garlic and tahini and tops it with an herby yogurt sauce; she transforms ratatouille into a sheet-pan chicken dinner. Dinner in French veers more into lifestyle territory than her reliable workhorse books. Shots of Clark living the good life in France — laughing at beautiful outdoor garden dining tables, shopping at the market, walking barefoot in a gorgeous farmhouse — are peppered throughout. Even if that’s not what I need from a Melissa Clark book, for all the work home cooks like me rely on her to do, she deserves a glam moment. — Hillary Dixler Canavan The Boba Book: Bubble Tea and Beyond Andrew Chau and Bin Chen Clarkson Potter, out now What Blue Bottle did for coffee, Boba Guys did for boba. Since Andrew Chau and Bin Chen opened their first shop in San Francisco in 2013, the brand has grown to include 16 locations across the country. Along the way, the guys behind Boba Guys have redefined what it means to drink the popular Taiwanese tea with modern drinks that go beyond the traditional milk tea plus chewy tapioca balls to include items like strawberry matcha lattes and coffee-laced dirty horchatas. The Boba Book includes step-by-step instructions for these specialties along with recommended toppings for each tea base. There’s also a separate chapter all about how to make toppings and add-ons from scratch, including grass jelly, mango pudding, and, of course, boba. While it’s likely many boba lovers have never even considered making their favorite drink at home, Chau and Chen’s simple directions prove all it takes is a little bit of dedication. The Boba Book doesn’t offer a comprehensive history of boba; instead, it provides an impassioned argument for drinking boba now from Chau and Chin, who keep the tone friendly and conversational throughout. Colorful photos of drinks alongside pictures of Boba Guys’ fans, employees, friends, and family make the book feel like the brand’s yearbook. And even if there’s no interest in recreating the drinks at home, The Boba Book gives readers the best advice on getting the most enjoyment out of boba, including tips on how to achieve that perfect Instagram shot. — James Park Ana Roš: Sun and Rain Ana Roš Phaidon, March 25 Ana Roš is a chef on the rise. While not quite a household name in America, the Slovenia-based chef of Hiša Franko got the Chef’s Table treatment as well as plenty of attention from the World’s 50 Best List. She’s known for being an iconoclastic and self-taught chef. As with so many fine dining restaurant books, this volume isn’t really meant to be cooked from at home. Roš seems to have gone into the process knowing that, so she avoids the standard headnote-recipe format. Instead, lyrical prose is frontloaded, taking up most of the book, with recipes for things like “deer black pudding with chestnuts and tangerines” or “duck liver, bergamot and riesling” stacked together with only the shortest of introductions at the end. Gorgeous, sweeping landscape photos of Slovenia coupled with gorgeous food photography, both by Suzan Gabrijan, provide a lush counterpoint to the text. Rather than a guide to cooking like Roš, this is a testament to one chef’s life. There’s quite a bit of personal narrative, from Roš’s experiences with anorexia as an aspiring dancer to a meditation on killing deer inspired by her father’s hunting. And for fans of Chef’s Table, culinary trophy hunters, and/or lovers of travel photography, it’s worth a look. — HDC Lummi: Island Cooking Blaine Wetzel Prestel, April 7 The Willows Inn on Lummi Island is that specific kind of bucket-list restaurant that’s fetishized by fine dining lovers: isolated (the island sits two and a half hours and one ferry ride north of Seattle) and pricey ($225 for the tasting menu, not including the stay at the inn, a near prerequisite for snagging a reservation). I should find it irritating. But the Willows Inn is also inherently of a place I have great affection for — the Pacific Northwest — and that’s captured beautifully in chef Blaine Wetzel’s Lummi: Island Cooking, a restaurant capsule of a cookbook that doesn’t feature the restaurant’s name in the title. Instead, the book is a survey of the ingredients farmed, foraged, and fished from the Puget Sound, a stunning taxonomy of salmonberries and spotted prawns, wild beach pea tips and razor clams. Several recipes quietly flaunt the inn’s reverence for the local bounty. Each in a quartet of mushroom stews involves just three ingredients: two kinds of mushrooms and butter; a recipe for smoked mussels simply calls for mussels, white wine, and a smoker. The book, though, is really all about the visuals. Photographer Charity Burggraaf captures each striking dish from above on a flat-color background, and the bright pops of color and organic forms evoke brilliant museum specimens. Lummi: Island Cooking shows off the ingredients of the Pacific Northwest — and how in the hands of Wetzel and his team, they become worthy of this exacting kind of archive. — Erin DeJesus My Korea: Traditional Flavors, Modern Recipes Hooni Kim WW Norton, April 7 Hooni Kim’s debut cookbook, My Korea: Traditional Flavors, Modern Recipes, is part cookbook, part autobiography. Before he opened Korean-American restaurants Danji and Hanjan in New York City, Kim worked at prestigious fine dining institutions like Daniel and Masa, and as a result, he interprets Korean cuisine with French and Japanese techniques. Over 13 chapters, Kim breaks down the fundamentals of creating Korean flavors, from where to buy essential pantry items to how to recognize the different stages of kimchi fermentation. The recipes themselves cover a wide range, from classic banchan and soups to technique-driven entrees, such as bacon chorizo kimchi paella with French scrambled eggs, and a recipe for braised short ribs (galbi-jjim) that uses a classic French red wine braise method Kim mastered while working at Daniel. The focus of the book is less about cooking easy, weeknight dinner recipes, and more about understanding and applying Korean cooking philosophy. Throughout, Kim talks about the importance of jung sung, a Korean word for care, which also translates into cooking with heart and devotion. The chef’s jung sung in making this book is apparent as Kim provides foundational knowledge to make readers aware of Korean culture, beyond just knowing how to cook Korean food. — JP Everyone Can Bake: Simple Recipes to Master and Mix Dominique Ansel Simon & Schuster, April 14 I’ll get this out of the way from the get go: Dominique Ansel’s newest cookbook has nothing at all to do with the Cronut. In fact, rather than simply a book of recipes for the things you’ll find at the Dominique Ansel bakeries and dessert shops stationed around the world, it’s a manual for how to make just about any dessert the reader’s heart desires, whatever their skill level. With Everyone Can Bake, Ansel asserts that armed with the “building blocks of baking” he provides, baking is achievable for even the most intimidated novice. This idea guides the book’s structure. It’s split into three sections of Ansel’s “go-to” recipes: bases (which includes cakes, cookies, brownies, meringue, and other batters and doughs); fillings (pastry cream, ganache, mousse, etc.); and finishings (buttercreams, glazes, and other toppings). A fourth section covers assembly and techniques, such as how to construct a tart or glaze a cake. Charts at the front of the book show how these four sections combine to make complete desserts. For example, almond cake + matcha mousse + white chocolate glaze + how to assemble a mousse cake = matcha passion fruit mousse cake; vanilla sablé tart shell + pastry cream = flan. Although the book’s primary aim is to simplify baking for newcomers, the notion that creativity can arise from working within the boundaries of fundamental building blocks is a helpful lesson for any home baker. And whether they’re after just those fundamentals or the “showstoppers” that come later, they’re in good hands with Ansel’s Everyone Can Bake. — MB Mosquito Supper Club: Cajun Recipes from a Disappearing Bayou Melissa M. Martin Artisan, April 14 At Mosquito Supper Club, a tiny, 24-diners-per-night New Orleans restaurant that’s more like a big dinner party, chef and owner Melissa Martin keeps a shelf of spiral-bound Cajun cookbooks with recipes assembled by women’s church groups. “The cookbooks are timeless poetry and ambassadors for Cajun food,” Martin writes, “a place for women to record a piece of themselves.” Martin’s first cookbook, Mosquito Supper Club: Cajun Recipes from a Disappearing Bayou, belongs alongside them. It’s a well-written personal and regional history of a world literally disappearing before our eyes due to climate change: Every hour, the Gulf of Mexico swallows a football field’s worth of land in Louisiana. But Mosquito Supper Club isn’t an elegy. It’s a celebration of contemporary New Orleans, a timeless glossary of Cajun cookery, and a careful, practical guide to gathering seasonal ingredients and preparing dishes from duck gumbo to classic pecan pie. Martin’s recipes are occasionally difficult and time-consuming — stuffed crawfish heads are a “group project” — but written with gentle encouragement (“Keep stirring!”) and an expert’s precision. And since Martin’s restaurant is essentially a home kitchen, her recipes are easily adapted to the home cook (though not all of us will have the same access to ingredients, like shrimp from her cousin’s boat in her small hometown of Chauvin, Louisiana). Still, Mosquito Supper Club is a cookbook you’re likely to use, and as a powerful reminder of what we’re losing to climate change, it’s a book we could all use, too. — Caleb Pershan Trejo’s Tacos: Recipes & Stories From L.A. Danny Trejo Clarkson Potter, April 21 Anyone not living in Los Angeles will likely still recognize Danny Trejo. Muscular and tattooed, with a mustache dipping down below the corners of his lips and dark hair tied back in a ponytail, he makes an impression in just about every role he’s played in his 300-plus film career, whether it’s as a boxer in Runaway Train, the gadget-loving estranged uncle in Spy Kids, or a machete-wielding vigilante for hire in Machete. But since 2016, Trejo has taken on a role outside of Hollywood: co-owner of a growing fleet of LA taquerias. Trejo’s Tacos, the 75-year-old’s first cookbook, written with Hugh Garvey, is as much a tribute to his restaurant legacy as it is to Los Angeles, his lifelong home. The actor spent his childhood dreaming of opening a restaurant with his mother in their Echo Park kitchen. Years later, film producer Ash Shah would plant the seeds and vision for Trejo’s future taquerias, opened with a culinary team led by consulting chef Daniel Mattern. The cookbook is a reflection of what the actor calls “LA-Mexican food.” Readers will find all the Trejo’s Tacos greatest hits in the collection, including recipes for pepita pesto, mushroom asada burritos, and fried chicken tacos. The recipes are relatively simple and malleable — designed for home cooks who might want chicken tikka bowls one night and chicken tikka tacos the next. There’s even a recipe for nacho donuts. Throughout, Trejo interjects with stories from his life in LA, like the time a security guard on the set of Heat recognized him from the time he used to rob customers at Bob’s Big Boy in Burbank. “I used to rob restaurants,” he writes in his new cookbook. “Today I own eight of them.” — Brenna Houck Falastin: A Cookbook Sami Tamimi and Tara Wigley Ten Speed, April 28 Sami Tamimi and co-author Tara Wigley are probably best known for their proximity to Israeli chef and columnist Yotam Ottolenghi. Tamimi is Ottolenghi’s longtime business partner and co-author of Ottolenghi and Jerusalem: A Cookbook. Wigley has collaborated with Ottolenghi on recipe writing since 2011. With Falastin, the pair are stepping out on their own for the first time as part of a rising chorus of voices celebrating Palestinian cuisine. Falastin is the culmination of Tamimi’s lifelong “obsession” with Palestinian food. The Palestinian chef pays tribute to his mother and the home in East Jerusalem that he left to live in Tel Aviv and London, returning after 17 years. For Wigley, who grew up in Ireland, the book is about falling in love with the region and, particularly, shatta sauce (she’s sometimes referred to by her friends as “shattara”). However, the book isn’t about tradition. Tamimi and Wigley approach Falastin’s 110 recipes as reinterpretations of old favorites — something they acknowledge is an extremely thorny approach everywhere, and particularly given the highly politicized history of Palestine. Food, after all, isn’t just about ingredients and method; it’s also about who’s making it and telling its story. To do this, Wigley and Taminmi instead take readers into Palestine, exploring the regional nuances of everything from the distinctive battiri eggplants, suited to being preserved and filled with walnuts and peppers for makdous, or the green chiles, garlic, and dill seeds used to prepare Gazan stuffed sardines. Along the way, they pause to amplify the voices of Palestinians, such as Vivien Sansour, founder of the Palestinian Seed Library. Keep plenty of olive oil, lemon, and za’atar on hand. It’s a colorful, thoughtful, and delicious journey. — BH Bitter Honey: Recipes and Stories from Sardinia Letitia Clark Hardie Grant, April 28 At first glance, Bitter Honey seems like an outsider’s fantasy of Sardinia. British author Letitia Clark moved to the island with her Sardinian (now ex-) boyfriend, looking to escape Brexit and embrace a slower, more beautiful way of life. The book’s warm photography and indulgent descriptions of olive oil seem the stuff of an Under the Sardinian Sun romp. But then, it suddenly becomes real. In the introduction, she speaks of plastic Tupperware and paper plates and blaring TVs, and in stories throughout the book, she gives a more honest depiction of modern, everyday life in Sardinia. Clark’s recipes are all about achievable fantasy, with some coming directly from her boyfriend’s family and some that are admitted riffs on Nigella Lawson recipes. But all include the island’s staple flavors and ingredients, like pork in anchovy sauce, fried sage leaves, saffron risotto, and culurgionis (essentially Sardinian ravioli) stuffed with potato, mint, cheese, and garlic. Clark describes Sardinian food as a “wilder” version of Italian cooking, something less refined and more visceral. The book is a great way to expand your regional palate, though you’ll have to source your own bottarga and pane carasau. — Jaya Saxena The Vegetarian Silver Spoon: Classic & Contemporary Italian Recipes Phaidon, April 29 The essential, 70-year-old Italian cookbook Il cucchiaio d’argento, known as The Silver Spoon in English, gets a plant-based update in The Vegetarian Silver Spoon, forthcoming from Phaidon. Boasting more than 200 vegetarian and vegan recipes, it’s a welcome addition to the library of Silver Spoon spinoffs in a time when diners are cutting back on meat consumption, whether for health, environmental, or animal welfare reasons. While some patrons of red-sauce Italian-American restaurants may exclusively associate the cuisine with weighty meatballs and rich, meaty sauces, as written in the book’s introduction, “the Italian diet has never centered on meat”; rather, home-style cooking “more often revolves around substantial vegetarian dishes like grains or stews.” Across eight chapters — which are organized by dish, moving from lighter to heavier flavors — classic recipes like pizza bianca mingle with more regional specialties like Genovese minestrone, as well as less traditional fare like vegetable fried rice, demarcated with an icon of “CT” for “contemporary tastes” (other icons distinguish dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan, “30 minutes or less,” and “5 ingredients or fewer”). In this book, the writing is clear, the photos inviting, and above all, the sheer breadth of tasty-sounding dishes encyclopedic enough that any level of cook can find something to make. For fans of Italian cuisine, it’s impossible to flip through the pages without salivating, vegetarian or not. — Jenny G. Zhang Chi Spacca: A New Approach to American Cooking Nancy Silverton Knopf, April 30 For home cooks, restaurant cookbooks usually serve as half archive, half inspiration, but Los Angeles chef Nancy Silverton writes ambitious recipes a home cook looking to grow (or flex) actually wants to try. The Chi Spacca cookbook, written by Silverton, Ryan DeNicola, and Carolyn Carreño, will fuel fantasies of massive slabs of meat seasoned with fennel pollen on the grill, served with salads of thinly shaved vegetables and a butterscotch budino for dessert. Chi Spacca is the newest of Silverton’s three California-Italian restaurants clustered together in what locals call the Mozzaplex, and it’s decidedly meat focused (Chi Spacca means “he or she who cleaves” and is another word for butcher in Italian). One of the restaurant’s most famous dishes is a beef pie with a marrow bone sticking out of the middle, like the tentpole of a carnivorous circus. That recipe is in the book. So is one for the restaurant’s distinctive focaccia di Recco, a round, flaky, cheese-filled focaccia, which, according to a step-by-step photo tutorial, involves stretching the dough from the counter all the way down to the floor before folding it over into a copper pan. There’s a recipe for homemade ’nduja, a section of thorough grilling advice, and more precisely composed salads than 10 trips to the farmers market could possibly support. What’s really wonderful about the book, however, is the way it mixes serious ambition with practical advice and tons of context. Silverton explains the inspiration and authorship of every dish, and in those headnotes reveals the extent to which Chi Spacca, for all its Tuscan butchery pedigree, is a deeply Californian restaurant. Reference points range from Park’s BBQ in Koreatown to trapped-in-amber steakhouse Dal Rae to the traditions of Santa Maria barbecue. And the recipes always consider the cook. My favorite headnote, for a persimmon salad, says, “The recipe for candied pecans makes twice what you need for this salad. My thought is that if you’re going to go to the effort to make them, there should be some for the cook to snack on.” Entirely correct. — Meghan McCarron Eventide: Recipes for Clambakes, Oysters, Lobster Rolls, and More From a Modern Maine Seafood Shack Arlin Smith, Andrew Taylor, Mike Wiley, and Sam Hiersteiner Ten Speed, June 2 Eventide Oyster Co., named one of the best restaurants in New England by restaurant critic Bill Addison, embodies everything a Maine seafood shack should be — a casual place to sit down to slurp shellfish and eat fried seafood with friends and family. Since opening in Portland, Maine, in 2012, and despite accolades and expansion, it’s managed to retain that convivial feel. Now co-owners Arlin Smith, Andrew Taylor, and Mike Wiley, along with writer Sam Hiersteiner, have created a breezy cookbook for easy entertaining and coastal-inspired cooking. With 120 recipes, accompanied by visual how-tos and guides on how to properly prepare seafood and shellfish, Eventide offers enough insight to make any home cook feel comfortable assembling an amazing raw bar or hosting a full New England clambake. The book even gets into less-traditional ways to use seafood as the basis for celebratory meals, with recipes for oysters with kimchi rice, halibut tail bo ssam, and the restaurant’s famed brown butter lobster rolls. And although seafood dominates, the authors of Eventide include alternatives to satisfy anyone, like the restaurant’s burger, a smoked tofu sandwich, potato chips and puffed snacks, plus a blueberry lattice pie for dessert. Whether or not you live by the coast, Eventide is the perfect spring cookbook to help you prepare to turn your kitchen into a New England oyster bar this summer. — Esra Erol Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links. For more information, see our ethics policy. from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3bliuEe
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