agent-murica · 4 years
Ok please take your time I know you are super busy! Do you think Church would have joined the Blues and Reds if Wyoming had killed Tucker and the others? On one hand I can’t see him wanting to kill EVERYONE (Tex) because of that but on the other hand I can see him wanting to do that Please take your time but the question has been bothering me for a while and I have no idea who to ask! Stay safe, healthy and sane please!!! I’m sorry for being a bother!!!!
Don’t worry you’re not being a bother! And ooh this is actually a really interesting question. Honestly, unless the Blues and Reds actively sought out Alpha Church I don’t think he would have joined them. Had Wyoming killed the BGC I’m sure the project would have relocated the Alpha elsewhere and would keep him isolated like they did in s6. He’d be devasted though, but definitely would hide it under seething anger.
I think he’d be less motivated to kill ALL Freelancers, and would probably just gun for Wyoming’s head alone. I can also see the Blues and Reds pissing him off because of their similarities.
This is honestly a really interesting scenario that I hadn’t considered before, I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts on this too.
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agent-murica · 4 years
Is there a magic phrase I can send you to ask your updated thoughts about season 15? I read through all of your season 15 tags and I wanna know more of your thoughts on it? If it’s too much trouble for you I completely understand season 15 was a long time ago and if you don’t want to do it I don’t want to make you. I just really like heading your thoughts. Thank you!
Oh man, my updated thoughts? I’m always down to talk about s15 no worries!
Well for starters, I can still confidently say that it’s still one of my favorite seasons. I just really loved the new characters introduced. Dylan Andrews is, I think, in my Top 3 of my favorite woman in RvB, right behind Kaikaina and Shiela. I also still like Jax, since I know people didn’t really like him cause he was constantly making movie references and was annoying, but I liked him! I thought he was funny. And of course, my favorite villain in all of RvB- Temple.
I have many, many thoughts about Temple as a character. For starters, I love Joe for even attempting to address the fact that SIM Troopers and the SIM Trooper program was a MASSIVE unethical operation and was very fucked up. Since RvB is a comedy driven show, I never thought that it would get pointed out, so since Temple did that, I automatically loved him. Plus, I like that they didn’t change that he was a SIM- he’s stupid, he looks up quotes and monologues to sound more intimidating, he has no strength to go against Freelancers so he circumvents that by freezing them. He’s so creative! And I know a lot of people are skeptical about the validity of the cause of Biff’s death, and I personally flip-flop depending on the AU or fic that I’m writing, mainly because this is RvB. I didn’t even think twice about a SIM dying by a flagpole, I just went ‘yeah that checks.’ But I can also vibe with other interpretations of Biff’s death.
Now, I’m not above having some criticisms of the season. For one, my biggest gripe has GOT to be the fact that in the last few episodes when they’re on their way to stop Temple, they made the other Red and Blue SIMs like... that. Seriously, I hated that when it first aired and I hate it now. Like, I’m not even going to get into the implications of when writers have a villain with a reasonable and justifiable ideology but then go forward to make it impossible to sympathize with said villain by making them do a bunch of evil shit, there’s a really good post I saw earlier that discussed this in a broader sense. Like, the Blues and Reds were used for human testing unknowingly and thus without their consent, and thus have had their rights violated. Also, they apparently club baby seals so you definitely shouldn’t feel bad when the Reds and Blues kick their asses. Like, I get that you’re supposed to root for the BGC, but they could have done that in literally any other way.
Also, quite a few of the jokes were distasteful. I won’t go into which ones, because I’m pretty sure we all know which ones by now (the ones with Tucker and Kai...). In a similar sense, I feel like it had the build-up to be a somewhat Red Team focus, with Grif leaving, Simmons dealing with this, Sarge switching sides, and then Lopez being the one to get help. But after Wash, it switches focuses kinda jarringly. And I think both Red and Blue fans can agree that Wash has been hurt enough by now, let the man rest he deserves it.
On a more positive note, I know the fight scene between Carolina and Texas was weirdly paced, yeah whatever who cares about fighting when the character emotes were so GOOD!! I would gladly give up all fight scenes in favor of having the characters move around casually more. Any day. It just added so much character and more emotion than the fight scenes do. (I am ALWAYS thinking about Caboose hugging Locus).
Uhm, I think this is everything at the top of my head right now. I’m sure if I go back and rewatch the season (I’m due for a rewatch anyhow) I could say so much more.
TL,DR; I love s15, and can also recognize it’s flawed, and it still holds up as my favorite season of RvB so far!
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agent-murica · 4 years
If it hurts you then maybe it is best you aren’t there. If she hurts you like that then she isn’t worth the effort. Holidays are hard enough without a pandemic around. If your family doesn’t value your health then they don’t deserve your presence. You are doing the right thing by not leaving. You are keeping your loved ones safe. Nobody has a right to harass you over keeping them safe. Please remember this during the hard times ahead. We are with you all the way. Good luck and happy thanksgiving
Thank you, this means a lot. Although it is also a bit more when combined with the pandemic- which does concern me greatly since I live with my grandmother who is high-risk, as technically by way of the divorce agreement I am meant to spend Thanksgiving with my mother. Which oh geeze now that I'm thinking about it is definitely going to be brought up in court when my father tries to sell the house, another stipulation in the divorce. Things are such a big mess right now. But your words are greatly appreciated thank you again.
(Edit: I just realized that I should mention that the divorce was finalized in 2011, it kinda sounded like the divorce was a recent thing my bad)
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