#fanfiction is a goddamn miserable bastard
morgana-ren · 2 years
Just checked fanfiction net for the first time in years and found my favorite story— literally a story I think about constantly that stuck with me for years and years and was a huge inspiration and love to me— is fucking gone.
Just gone. Not a trace of it except a 404 not available.
I went there with the sole purpose to back it up so I wouldn't lose it.
I am devastated. The account is abandoned and the revision of said story is also abandoned. Fuck me. Wretched. Horrid. Miserable.
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litwitlady · 7 years
Game of Thrones character endgame desires: Not just for season seven but the whole shebang. There are very slight nods to the season seven leaks. 
Sansa Stark. I am devoted to her. Even though she pissed me off last season by not telling Jon about Littlefinger and the Nights of the Vale. That decision got many, many men slaughtered. And Jon could have easily been among them. So all I can think is that she was not only willing to risk Rickon but also Jon. I can’t let that go. But I also think she’s been on an incredible journey from season one. I hate that she had to spend a single moment with Ramsey (I truly believe she could have grown without all that), but I’m glad she’s home now. And I desperately want her to be Queen of the North. And I want her to marry well and be happy. My truest Sansa ship is Jon. But I doubt the show will give me that. So my second choice is Gendry. Don’t @ me. I also wanted her to be the one to kill Littlefinger. NOT ARYA.
Arya Stark. I don’t cheer for Arya the way others do. I think she’s become a deeply lost character. And I worry that she’ll never find her way back from the darkness. She doesn’t just kill for revenge. Arya enjoys the kill. She reminds me of The Hound that way. And I think there’s a reason she spent so much time with him – he’s a good parallel for her. He was traumatized in childhood just as she has been. Both are irrevocably changed as a result. But both still have some goodness in them. I worry for her future. And I just don’t ever see her wanting to marry. (Sorry, Gendry x Arya shippers.) Obviously, I want an Arya x Jon reunion. I suspect he’ll see straight through to her darkness.
Bran Stark. I don’t know. There are so many theories about Bran. I loved the little lord at the beginning, but now I’m bored. Really, really bored. I’d like to see him reunite with his siblings. That’s about it.
Dany. I’m not a huge Dany fan. Sorry. I’ve found her journey longwinded with very little payoff thus far. I also think she leans too heavily on her dragons/magic. She’s not the world’s best leader. And I hate that every man who comes into contact with her swoons and devotes his life to her. Which is one of the biggest reasons I cannot ship her and Jon romantically. For goddamn once, I wish a man wouldn’t fall victim to her charms. Even Jimmy looked at me when she crawled out of that fire with dragons and claimed, “I’D FOLLOW HER ANYWHERE.” Plus, I do think the Targaryen madness has touched her. And I think an exploration of that madness would be far more interesting than Dany easily takes the Seven Kingdoms and marries her nephew, the prince that was promised. BLAH.
Tyrion Lannister. Please give him something to do. Something that’s not drinking and telling bad jokes. Tyrion is a great choice to serve as Hand, and I hope we get to see his political genius again. I hope we also get to see him constantly pulling Dany back from the edge of burning everyone alive. I am looking forward to seeing Jon Snow and Tyrion interact again as well. But I really, really want to see him reunited with his siblings and whatever craziness will come from that. I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing Tyrion ride a dragon at some point. I know that’s a theory lots have considered.
Jamie Lannister. My lion. Y’all don’t even understand how much I adore Jamie Lannister. He’s my perfect kind of character. The one whose soul is up for grabs. Under Cersei’s clutches Jamie has done so many dishonorable things. Which weigh heavily on him, I believe, because the core of him seems to be honorable. I look forward to seeing how he responds to Cersei now that Tommen is dead. My truest dream is to have Jamie slay Cersei. I do not want it to be Arya. I also want a Jamie x Brienne endgame. But I know there will be very, very few romantic endgames. That’s just not what this show does.
Cersei Lannister. Here’s what I’ll say. She’s an amazing character and I want her to last until near the very end. I don’t want her downfall to be swift and easy. I want Dany and the others to struggle against her. Cersei has earned her place as a worthy foe. I know she still has so much fight left in her. Plus, the crazy is sure to be unleashed now that all of her children have died. She has nothing left. NOTHING. LEFT. Except Westeros. Also: SHE DESERVES BETTER THAN A MISCARRIAGE.
And finally, Jon Snow. Listen, Jon is my favorite. I know that makes me a basic bitch. But there it is. I know that he can be the most boring character on this show. And yet, my whole heart belongs to him. I’ve thought long and hard about his ending. Maybe he does rule beside Dany to protect the Realm and maybe that makes him miserable the rest of his life. Because in no world can I imagine Jon wanting to sit on a throne. His quest has never been for power. He’s always just wanted to serve and to be useful and honorable. And that’s super fucking dull, I know. But he’s The Chosen One. The Christ Figure. The Prince Who Was Promised. And maybe that means his life can never be his own. The weight of fate and destiny and responsibility loom large.
I’d rather he had another ending. Death, perhaps. Jon has done so much. He’s risen from bastard to king. He’s fallen in love. He’s become a legend on the battlefield. He’s died and come back to life. And HE’S SO GODSDAMN TIRED. I think once the Night King has been defeated a Jon Snow death wouldn’t be an unwelcome end. I’ll be honest and tell you if he was to marry anyone I’d wish it were Sansa. But ultimately, I can’t see Jon wanting to marry a relative – Dany or Sansa. I know incest is A THING in this world. In our own world, honestly. But we’ve also been shown how many people find it abhorrent. I think Jon would find it abhorrent. And maybe he’d do it to serve the people, the kingdom – if it meant saving lives. But I don’t believe it would ever sit right with him. So no matter how much I love the idea of Jonsa, it doesn’t make sense to me at the end of the day.
If this were fanfiction, perhaps I’d have written him another love interest to build a little house with and settle down. Or maybe I’d just have him turn Castle Black into an orphanage for all the cripples, bastards, and broken things. And I’d end the series with Jon on horseback talking to someone – maybe even Ghost – looking at the sky and asking, “D’ya feel that? Summer is coming.”
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psychicdan · 7 years
As Jack and Ashi take refuge with victims of this broken world, Jack discovers that his actions have put everyone in danger. Now, he and Ashi go to confront the forces of the Magnus Protectorate, even if it means Jack must continue to face his fellow mortal man. The start of Samurai Jack's blood soaked crusade against Magnus begins here.
Samurai Jack: Renegade Samurai Rating M for graphic depictions, language, violence and suggestive themes Warning: The following is a work of fanfiction and is not intentionally connected to real word places, events, or people, nor intended to copy others’ work. Samurai Jack is the work of Genndy Tartakovsky, his team and affiliated studios and companies. This is solely fanfiction for fun and not profit. Chapter III: Defying the Power Jack ran through a dark lane, unable to see what was around him. He was panicked and tense, unable to think straight as his heart beat the faster he ran. He didn’t know where he was going, only that he needed to run and get away. That was immediately ruined when he came into contact with bright lights shined straight at him. The many dozen shadows within those lights were Cyber Troopers, armed with their sights set on Jack. Jack knew turning his back wasn’t an option, as that was an invitation to be shot in the back, no matter how much survival instinct screamed at him to keep running. In desperation, he ran towards the Cyber Troopers, in slim hope of breaking through their fire and position. “FIRE!” screamed a trooper, and an insurmountable hail of bolts ran from the line of guns towards Jack. As usual he outpaced as many as he could and deflected what he couldn’t that headed straight for him. But, try as he might, several shots got through his defenses, the first shots grazing him and later ones getting direct hits, puncturing his side and one of his arms. Jack fought through the pain, but it made harder to run and fight through the hail of shots. Soon, the hail intensified and he couldn’t block any more as his sword arm took a shot, and Jack was riddled with pain all over as he blown back in the air from the direct impact force of so many bolts, blood trailing in the air from his countless bullet wounds. As he fell dying, he heard a vague voice, saying “…Jack?”. … “Jack.”, “AHHH!”, Jack screamed as he got up in a cold sweat, looking around panicked for any sign of danger. As he looked around, he saw Ashi, who was just a little alarmed by his sudden outburst and giving him a worried look. As he took a few deep breathes and calmed his racing thoughts, he understood what happened wasn’t real. “A-are you okay Jack? I woke up and saw that you were all tense and shaking. You looked like you were in trouble or something.” Ashi said with a worried expression, understanding slumber wasn’t peaceful. Jack held his hand to his forehead, wiping away the cold sweat and relaxing his facial muscles. “It’s all right Ashi, it was just some nightmare is all” he tried to say in a relaxed tone to dismiss her anxiety. He still wasn’t quite alleviated though, as he felt around his arm, the feeling of gunfire tearing up his body still lingering in his mind. “Well, that’s not surprising. You did kind of have a bad day, to say the least. Guess with everything that happened, you would be stressed from it all.” Ashi said, knowing the assault on his father, being dropped into another world, and being chased and assaulted had given him no peace of mind. “It is a bit much, but I am holding up. Besides, it wasn’t all bad. I met you again, after all.” Jack said with a tender, genuine smile. It was an unexpected but happy occurrence to meet Ashi again when he thought her lost forever, willing to go through everything to have such a chance. It wasn’t under pleasant circumstances, given they met again through a fight and were running from the law everywhere, but being with her made him somehow feel he could persevere in this world. Ashi said nothing, but smiled back, knowing he was bouncing back from what just happened. She was happy to meet him again too, and with her mindset back to how it was, was prepared to leave her life as an assassin again to be with him and make her own decisions. She didn’t know a whole lot about this world either, but remembering the harshness in the Inner Sanctum and how her previous journey with Jack had shown her what was clearly wrong, she wasn’t going back. The two got up and left the small enclosed area. The beds afforded to them were decrepit old mattresses, and looked better than their surroundings. That made sense when they reentered the larger section of the tunnel their hosts had called “home”. It was no home by choice, they knew that. Boy and girl in their early 20s, Jay and Sandra, had led them hear into some tunnels below the ghetto. They clearly weren’t used in a long while, and some parts looked like they threatened to collapse. The structures and furniture piled up in this place were all mix matched together, appearing to be garbage and refuse from above. Some had to sleep in cardboard boxes, and some of the seats and tables were just tires and wooden planks. There were others too, about three dozen around Jay and Sandra’s age, ranging from teenagers to young adults in their early 20s. Everyone appeared miserable, dirty, and tired, some sick as well, as their clothing was tattered, patched and mix matched just like their home. It was clear to Jack and Ashi that this community was mired in poverty. Jack had seen similar sights in Aku’s future, and he didn’t like it any more than now how people had to live like this. It was late when they had arrived, so Jack and Ashi had no time for questions when they retired to rest, so now they looked for Jay and Sandra for some answers. They saw the impoverished community centered around a pot cooking over a fire, inside the pot being some form of gruel, Jack and Ashi not wanting to know the ingredients. The other youths looked up, as they were still a little cautious of their new arrivals. Jay and Sandra looked up and saw them. “Hey, you’re awake just in time for breakfast. Better get it while you can.” Jay said. “Just be careful how much you take, it's easy for people to get hungry here.” Sandra said. Jack and Ashi, haven’t had eaten since the other day, complied with and thanked them for their generosity. Try as they might to eat it in gratitude though, the gruel lived up its name, as the hard, contrasting tastes made their tongues revolt and they swallowed hard, and they swore the chunky liquid was giving their stomachs a hard time as they both groaned from the experienced. Sandra chuckled. “Yeah, our specialty dish tastes like shit, huh? It takes some getting used to, but you learn to hold it down” she said to ease the situation. “We could have scored something that wasn’t total crap if those cyber bastards hadn’t caught us.” Jay grumbled, still sore from that experience both physically and emotionally. Jack and Ashi understood then that those two were up there scavenging for food when they found them held up by Cyber Troopers. “Last night, why were you being dragged by those soldiers? You said something about dead-enders?” Ashi asked. “Yeah, that’s what we are. The dregs of society, forgotten trash, wasted resources, blahblahblah. Surprised you don’t know that. Basically, the name means we’re people who don’t have the skills or opportunities for futures, and our high and mighty Protectorate isn’t too keen on that. So they come and drag us out of poverty to get us back on our feet, even though they let stuff like the poverty and disparity happen in the first place.” Jay grumbled again, his words filled with contempt. Sandra looked uncomfortable with her face turned down as she explained, “That means being taken to a Potential Attainment Center, where the workless, in name, are given work and training for the most available jobs. But-but those places are basically prisons. All the jobs are worthless labor, they don’t teach anything real jobs want, and they work you till you drop! It’s like they want to punish us for being poor!”. Jack and Ashi were shocked by this. What kind of society punishes the poor themselves for being trapped in such squalor? Couldn’t they use resources to improve their standards? Jack asked these questions, and Jay got fed up then. “Don’t you get it, they don’t care! We’re just trash, trash to be swept under the goddamn rug and forgotten! They don’t want anything to do with us, they’re only looking out for themselves!” Jay screamed, his face raw with emotions as he spat his bitter beliefs. “But, then, why do people follow Magnus if he treats his people in such a way?” Jack asked. Both Jay and Sandra looked dumbfounded now. “Okay, you’ve got to be shitting me now. You’re telling me you don’t know why the guy’s in charge? Even people down here knows the stories, he’s pretty much a fact of life.” Jay replied. “Well, uh, like everyone knows, they say a horrible war happened over 50 years ago, and Magnus stopped the war and saved everyone. He formed the Protectorate and rebuilt world society, well, some of it.” Sandra said as she looked at the not too pleasing surroundings. “Wait, what war? What happened, and did Magnus do?” Jack asked. “I don’t know, it was ages ago, you think I was well enough off to attend those Protectorate school classes? Anyway, enough about that who are you two exactly? You told us your names, but why did you off those guys to save us? Cause if it was for money, we ain’t got shit. You dissidents or something, cause you look like the kind who like to piss off the Protectorate?” Jay inquired. Jack and Ashi looked at each other a bit uncertainly. A time travelling samurai and a rogue Protectorate assassin on the run from said Protectorate, it sounded like a raving mad dream. Jay caught and decided to drop it. “Well, not like it matters. We can’t even be seen by those bucket heads, so anyone who gives them a hard time is good to me. So, uh, thanks for the other day.” he said. “No, no, thank you for giving us shelter and food. You’ve done us a great deal already.” Jack said humbly. As some time passed after they ate, Jack and Ashi were about to go to the dead-enders to give their thanks and goodbye when someone came running through from another tunnel. By his rugged look, he was another dead-ender, and he was running with panic. “J-Jay, we got trouble! There was some crazy accident in the Middle District yesterday, and now Cyber Troopers are combing the city looking for that Jack guy you brought in. A whole platoon is coming to the Lower District to flood out the ghetto and tunnels!” said the panting dead-ender. Jack became apprehensive than, realizing his actions the other day now put these young people in danger. “Do they already have the exit tunnels blocked?” Jay asked. “Yeah, there are patrols everywhere now, and soon they’ll be sending people down into the tunnels, what do we do?” asked the dead-ender. Jay’s expression warped in frustration, rambling off and rejecting ideas. They couldn’t sneak past, too many of their people and too many guards, shuffling through the tunnels and avoiding patrols with a group their size wouldn’t work either, and trying to hide within the tunnels would get them flushed out by the search parties. They were trapped like rats. Jack furrowed his eyebrows, knowing he had to take action. Ashi could tell what that expression meant and wordlessly joined him in expression and thought. “I greatly apologize, I did not mean for this to happen. But if you cannot avoid confrontation, then the only choice is to fight. I will go and deal with the soldiers. All of you go and run while they are distracted.” Jack said without a hint of hesitation. “Are you crazy?! That’s a whole platoon sitting out there, maybe 50 of those Cyber Troopers. You got skills, but you think you can take down that many?” Jay said in disbelief. Jack was already calculating approaches. He had already defeated groups of 10 with tact, though their overconfidence and lack of preparation helped then. These soldiers were prepared to shoot and kill on sight. Taking on that many at once was definitely suicide as well. But, they were still patrolling in groups. If he could take each one by surprise and eliminate them before they regroup, he might have a chance, or rather they had a chance. He knew Ashi wasn’t letting him take on all of this by himself. He wasn’t found of using guerilla tactics, as his warrior code was usually to face his enemies with an unspoken but clear message to either walk away or fight. They didn’t have that luxury though, as they needed to persevere and hep these youths escape the mess he caused. There may be a way to deal with the Troopers, but I will need to know everything you do about the area.” Jack, Ashi, and the dead-enders sat together and discussed their strategy. Hack asked the dead-enders about the tunnel layouts, the streets, buildings, anything that could be used as a vantage point or obstacles against them. Jack smiled a bit during the meeting, remembering how this was similar to his first escapade in the future saving talking canine archaeologists from Aku’s forces. He then frowned at a somber fact from that. This wasn’t going to be like then, where he fought soulless robots who couldn’t react to save themselves. These were human beings, altered as they were, each fighting with everything they got. That made them dangerous, as they would use combined tactics and teamwork to take him out, and no matter how good he was, that was still a threat to his own survival. That wasn’t the hardest part. What was the hardest part being that Jack was now resolving himself to kill up to maybe 50 people now. He had to kill in self-defense against Ashi’s sisters before, and that thought brought the painful reality that each was a person as much as he or she was. No matter how many times he did so or his reasons, it never felt easier, but maybe that was a good thing. He knew of tales of the samurai of his home killing when needed, but he never knew that burden till recently. The way of the Samurai was a hard road, he knew now, and that steeled his resolve. After planning where he and Ashi would emerge and what advantages they would use, they set out to work. While Jay, Sandra, and the other dead-enders hid in the deepest part of the tunnels, they made their way to two different entrances leading to different part. of the ghetto. Jack took the north, Ashi went south. The plan was to isolate each squad using the best advantages available, and meet towards the center of the ghetto to deal with the rest. As Jack saw the daylight, he took one deep breath and headed out, gripping his sword with killing intent. … It didn’t take Jack long to find the first patrol combing through the streets. They were somehow making more of a mess out of the ghetto than it already was. They were adamant on finding him, as they raided all the local stores and homes, terrorizing the citizens as they couldn’t stop this “lawful” vandalism. Jack saw them ransacking one such store, and prepared himself as he climbed to the store roof and waited for them to leave, no wanting the bystanders to be caught in the ensuing violence. As they left without a hint of remorse, Jack leaped down with his sword, slashing two of the seven guards from the initial midair attack and followed up with a third slash on another soldier. “It’s him, fire!” shouted the sergeant to his remaining three subordinates. They responded to the order with fire, but Jack expected that he rolled from the spot the fired at and jumped from his crouched position as they fired again, taking advantage of their miss then to slash from the air again. Blood sprayed as his blade cut well into the soldier’s chest, staining Jack and his gi as well as blinding the other two who did not anticipate such a gruesome outcome. It was a fatal misfortune, as Jack stabbed one of them and followed up with a grab on the other one as the sergeant tried to shoot him, but instead shot his last subordinate instead. “OH SHIT!” the sergeant screamed as he fired again at Jack. Jack deflected the bullets with grace, one such deflected bullet striking the soldier through the left side of his chest, crying out as he fell. Even in his groans of pain, he tried to ready his gun to fire again, but Jack walked over with his eyes steeled like a wolf’s and the sergeant, under his helmet, had fear plastered on his face as the blade came down his throat, his life ebbing away as quickly and painlessly as Jack could manage. … As Ashi made her own way through the south area, she saw up ahead a squad coming down road as well as noticing an old abandoned car not too far. She remembered during the meeting how Jack asked if there were anything like these around that could be used, and Sandra said the ghetto was littered with junk that could be used. Ashi knew she could the on the squad in regular combat, but she knew she needed to pace herself well as there would be more troops. Ashi went to look under the hood, pleased to find that there were still parts like the sparklers and engine. She was no tech expert, but enough training like gun maintenance taught here that mixing this and that together was not a good result. After some hard wiring, she waited until the squad got close enough, then lit a match and left it in the engines exhaust as she ran as fast as possible. The squad barely even noticed her as they got caught in a rupture of force and flames. It wasn’t a total win though. 7 of the 10 soldiers lied in charred death, as their three surviving comrades, who survived their explosion by being the rear guard, got up in with effort in their shock. “S-Sergeant is dead, we need back…” he said unfinished as a blade attached to an energy arcing chain came aimed at his throat came, pulling him along in painful death. Ashi doubled on this as she grabbed his body and used it to shield herself from further fire as she charged, disabling one trooper as she threw the corps on him, then kicked the other one in the side as finished with another lethal stab. She turned to the last one that had just recovered. He tried to ready his rifle, but Ashi was faster, as she used her SMG to gun him down. Ashi just nonchalantly sighed, thinking maybe the explosion tactic made things a little too easy. She readied her gear and headed for her rendezvous point with Jack. …Jack looked over from the building rises to see the remaining squads of the platoon of Cyber Troopers holding down the central area. He turned as he heard footsteps, seeing Ashi from behind. “Well, you’ve been busy” Ashi said, not really bothered by the sight of blood itself, but a bit concerned about what Jack had went through. “Ah, don’t worry. Right now, we have a problem down there.” Said Jack as he pointed out the remaining platoon. Ashi surveyed the area below, stating “Not very good for us. Still three dozen Cyber Troopers, and the area is a wide-open field. They got the advantage this time.” Jack nodded in affirmation. If they were going to assault the group, they would need an opening to take them by surprise. Below, he had identified who appeared to be the platoon leader, the First Lieutenant. Some distance away from there was an armored road vehicle, with what he identified as a minigun on top. He was glad he had familiarized himself well enough with guns in the last timeline, he could now identify them and assess their capabilities, and he knew that could turn the odds in their favor. As for an opening, saw a derelict old water tower on one of the building roofs, long dried up. He and Ashi went towards there, and sure enough, the supports were weak enough to be cut. Jack completely cut the two back supports and partially cut the remaining ones, causing the water tower to tip towards the central area as the metal snapped. The soldiers only noticed something odd as the hulking shadow passed over them, followed by screaming as they were crushed beneath the mass of steel. More than half of that squad suffered confirmed deaths, bringing the platoon down to 27. As the dust was still in the air and the platoon was scrambled from what just happened. Jack and Ashi made a run for it. They slashed, punched, and kicked at the guards who gathered enough sense to notice them, as they made a straight line for the minigun. As it was close, they faced a line of Cyber Troopers forming a firing line. “Go, I can handle it!” Ashi told him, and Jack replied with a nod. Ashi charged first, firing her SMG as she did so to break the troops concentration. Two got taken out, and as they retrained their sights, she charged into their formation, slashing at one troops and yanking another one with her chain towards a cluster to break their fire again. As they tried to get up, she fired her SMG, taking out another two, but then it made a clicking sound. Ashi grunted then, holstering her gun as she used her chain to disarm one of troops, then used his gun right back at them. She had nearly eliminated the enemy line, but by now the other troops were closing in. Some had gotten close, and all she could do to stop the fire was by charging at the new firing line, punching and firing at the stunned troops, taking advantage of the fact the soldiers wouldn’t shoot at their comrades. But it was risky, as she took several slashes and punches herself, as well as a few grazed shots when the soldiers saw enough of an opening, her assassin uniform torn and soaked in blood in some places. “ASHI, GET DOWN!” shouted Jack. Out of both trust in Jack and compelling survival instinct, Ashi complied, as the air filled with gunfire. Jack had been busy dealing with some soldiers guarding the minigun, understanding what he intended and tried to reach it themselves. This time, the soldiers used sword arms, and in sheer desperation, managed to slash through his gi and leave a glaring, bleeding cut. It wasn’t deep though, and Jack fought through the injuries and broke through their mad act with refined sword technique. Still, Jack would not allow for that again, understanding how everyone fought to the fullest to stay alive, him and Ashi included. He fired off the minigun, the sound of endless fire and falling gun shells drowning out all else as he mowed down soldiers desperate for cover and counterattacks. It was trickier to mow them down when they saw a lethal attack coming and acted in response. Jack really couldn’t believe he was missing the beetle drones right now. A few bullets came from the other side, and Jack winced in pain as one shot got to his left shoulder. He did not let up though, but then the gunfire stopped with a clicking sound, the minigun red hot. It appeared this was the limit. Jack tore a clean piece from the bottom of his gi, since the top got destroyed earlier, and wrapped it around his shot shoulder. He peered into the storm of dust and smoke, confirming Ashi was all right, and then glimpsing the remaining figures as the smoke lifted. Including the First Lieutenant, there were 10, well, 8 now, as 2 screamed and ran away as though they saw a thing from hell. The First Lieutenant, though also wearing a helmet, seemed vexed by this. “Men, form up! There’s only 2 of them and they’re out of tricks! So stop letting those bleeding animals show you up and fight for our Lord Protector!” the Lieutenant shouted. “Yes sir!” the soldiers shouted, their morale partly restored. Jack sighed at this, dismayed at how these people weren’t motivated for their own lives or comrades, but for some distant ruler somewhere. It seems Magnus expected his soldiers to either succeed or die in service to him. He might have come from a feudal land, but at least then the rulers were supposed to honor their soldiers and people in turn. All Jack saw in the Cyber Troopers was blind faith leading to death. Jack forced himself through the pain and walked towards Ashi, and they wordlessly looked at each other with affirmation, prepared to finish this. They both charged, Jack deflecting the incoming gunfire while Ashi from behind fired the commandeered gun disrupting the line a bit and lessening the fire. In seconds, they reached the soldiers who were surprised they broke through, then even more surprised as Jack cut two of them down, then grabbed the firing arm of a soldier about to fire and pointing at the next soldier, killing him as Jack stabbed his sword into the soldier whose arm he grabbed. “Combat blades, now!” shouted the Lieutenant. As the Lieutenant pulled a blade with glowing geometric lines and charged at Jack. The remaining troops grabbed their combat blades and tried to do the same, but Ashi wasn’t letting that happen. She charged at them as they swung at her in close quarters combat, but it was as though she were air itself, too nimble for them to even graze. She parried several of their incoming blows, followed by a slashing movement across one soldier’s sword arm as she stabbed him in his agony. She wrapped her chain around one soldier, but the other one responded with a slash that broke through the chain. Ashi didn’t let this get the better of her, as she swung the blade of her weapon at the unrestrained one, crashing through his helmet as blood spilled. Shen the turned to the other soldier trying to free himself, as she grabbed the chain and slung it around his throat, he was wordlessly gasping for air as she held him down, until finally his muscles loosened and he breathed no more. She turned to Jack’s fight with the Lieutenant, who must have been a half competent swordsman to be fighting this long with Jack, even if he was wounded. Jack would have been done sooner, but his wounds and pain were taking their toll, as was the whole battle in general. He got several cuts on the Lieutenant, who was angered by this and pressed his attack. Jack defended and countered as best he could, but now his shoulder wound was crippling and it was hard to focus. But then, Ashi came into the fight, grabbing the Lieutenant’s sword arm and breaking it with a well-placed punch. Jack looked down at his enemy, expecting him to give up, but then he realized his movements suggested otherwise, as he reached for a combat pistol, only for Jack to slice it to rubbish. The Lieutenant screamed in rage. “You renegade filth! The Lord Protector will not, AAHH!” the Lieutenant screamed dying as Jack screamed himself, plunging his sword straight through the enemy and into the ground. After a moment, Jack lifted his sword from the corpse, then fell to his knees as the pain shot through his arm again. Ashi, though exhausted herself, ran to him. “Jack, are you okay?! She said, and noticed the bandaged area around his shoulder running thick with blood. “I’ll be fine, just need to get away from here and treat it.” Jack said, gritting and gasping through it all. “Thank you Ashi, it was reckless of me to go into that fight like this. I do not want to know what would have happened if it wasn’t for you.” Jack said in his humble manner. Ashi smiled, pleased that he at least acknowledged that he was an idiot. “Yeah, story of my life. Keeping you alive is turning into a full-time job.” Ashi said in good spirits. They both chuckled as Ashi helped carry Jack from the battlefield to their refuge. … “HOLY SHIT, REALLY?!” Jay shouted as if he wanted to bring down the tunnels. “Yes, really. You can leave now without being caught anytime soon. It’s safe.” Ashi assured them, while at the same time tending to her own wounds and Jack’s, with Jack reciprocating the care. “Wow, a whole platoon, and just you too. No wonder the Protectorate was so desperate to find you. No one’s ever done something like this. We want to thank you, but I’m afraid we have nothing” said Sandra solemnly, sad they couldn’t do anything to help their new friends. “Actually, maybe there is something you can do, if it’s not too much trouble.” Jack said. The dead-enders looked at Jack expectantly. “I-uh-we, plan to be leaving the city soon, but we need money and provisions. I know you don’t have money, but I think we have the means to resolve that. What we do need is a place that will take what we have to offer and give us what we need. Do you know of any such services?” Jack asked. “Oh, I get what your planning. You’re going to sell all that gear from the platoon and buy the stuff you want right. Well, the Lower Area is rife with crime, so if you want to get services the Protectorate doesn’t like, you’re in the right place. Come on, looks like we’ll be looting some gear and taking a trip to the black market.” Jay said. Jack wasn’t enthusiastic about dealing with the criminal element, but after what happened today, he was anything but a law-abiding citizen. “It seems I really am a renegade.” he sighed. … After a visit to a not too reputable but reliable place in the ghetto, Jack and Ashi were able get quite a considerable amount of Protectorate credits as well as some good supplies. It seems when the Protectorate took charge, they established a credit based economic system world-wide, not willing to deal with the hassle of so many differing forms of currency at once. It was kind of redundant, but simple enough. The credit amount, even with the cost of supplies, was still rather vast. Even after that punishment, the minigun Jack hauled really got that dealer’s eyes shining. So, they decided on an amount that was practical and gave the rest to the dead-enders. At first, they tried to refuse, but both Jack and Ashi insisted, telling them to spend it wisely on food and medicine they would need. As they parted, they only ill feelings were having to say goodbye and not being able to do more for their situation. The supplies Jack and Ashi got weren’t just food, water and medicine though. After that battle, their gear took a heavy toll, and they decided some new gear would help. Jack was used to repairing his gi after battle, but if things were going to be like this in the new future, extra protection would help. After ordering the requests, Jack got his white gi back, but modified for a few additions. It was now sleeveless on the right side, and the bottom was shortened just a bit, showing metal footwear similar to what he wore with his black samurai armor. Over both his sleeveless right shoulder and clothed left shoulder were a set of metal pauldrons for shoulder protection, learning a lesson since last time. They were interlinked and strapped to a metal chest guard. To help make this armor feel more welcoming, as well as to ease some longings for his home, Jack later inscribed the symbol of his people onto it, so that he could feel close to them. He also bought a combat pistol, much to his reluctance. He was none too keen on having a reminder of that dark time, but while Ashi understood that, she argued that they should take what advantages they can, and Jack couldn’t argue with that. Ashi went for a different set in mind. Instead of extra protection, she now wore a black, sleeveless shirt, a harness for her now reloaded SMG, blue jeans, and a pair of tight fitted running shoes, as quiet as she could get them. The only thing of armor were a pair of knee guards and shoulder guards. She stated that it was better this way, as she was trained to be fast, agile, and precise, and armor would just get in the way of that. Her new weapon was now a combat knife, a bit different from the ones used by Cyber Troopers, as this one was for quick and precise attacks. But the most-costly of their purchases was where they were heading now. “Are you sure about this? I am okay with walking.” Jack said awkwardly. “Wander who knows where until we find Magnus? Yeah, I like the scenic route too Jack, but we are seriously on the run. No way we’re outrunning the Protectorate on foot. Besides, you’ve driven one of these before, remember?” Ashi persuaded with him. Jack sighed in response. Yes, he had driven such a vehicle, a motorcycle, much like the one before them. He was really just getting by back then when he bothered to learn to drive, but that was a painful and rather embarrassing set of experiences. It was the primary reason why he preferred to walk, not just for scenic pleasure. The motorcycle before them, while a little worse for wear and looking a bit mismatched, looked reliable enough, and they were going to begin their new journey in this. Jack and Ashi got their headgear on and mounted the motorcycle. As they both got on, Jack felt somewhat pleasant, if a little awkward, with Ashi right behind him. He had ridden alone before, in a darker time, so this was a new and far more pleasant experience than then. “I guess this makes you happy, huh.” Ashi teased as closed in from behind. “Ah, well, I don’t dislike it, um, are you ok back there?” he asked in a flustered tone. Ashi nodded, ready to get moving on the road. “Mind teaching me to drive sometime?” she asked as the ignition started. “Ah, well, uh, we’ll see.” Jack said to dodge the question. If it would be anything like his first-time driving, it couldn’t be good. So, they finally left the city and journeyed on the paved road stretching to the horizon, braving this new future. … Magnus felt like he was having a migraine. It was just more bad news after the next. He founded the Protectorate to maintain peace and stability, control and preservation. World society was dependent on it for the protection and support they provided, so maintaining a strong grip everywhere was paramount not only to prosperity, but also well-being. So why was he getting bad news almost regularly now? “I’m sorry, explain this to me again Xander. It sounded like everything just got screwed up, but we know that doesn’t happen, right.” Magnus said in a strained voice that was failing to feign peace and calm. A uniformed man in his older years, Xander, who had known the Lord Protector since his youth, sighed. “Sorry, my Lord Protector, but it’s true. The platoon sent to kill the wanted samurai has been reported killed in action. Only two troopers returned. By their accounts, he wasn’t alone either. I’m afraid that the profile description matches that of the experimental soldier from the Special Assassination Force, given name Ashi. It seems that instead eliminating the Samurai, she aided and abetted the Samurai in his crimes. They decimated the platoon there and have likely left the city.” Xander responded, knowing the likely result. Magnus, with his gaze downward and his teeth gritted, screamed in frustration as he slammed his fist into the thick metal wall, leaving a large, deep impression. He would kill the Lieutenant in charge himself if he wasn’t already dead. "So then, you’re telling me this… this… this Renegade Samurai is still loose in our jurisdiction, he’s inflicted fatalities on our personnel, and now he has escaped with invaluable Protectorate property?! How could this happen I, ugh, no, it’s not worth it.” Magnus said, calming himself as he relaxed into a more lucid state. “In the end, I know what this scum wants, and he will regret it. He came into my world, challenged my law, for personal grudges, when there are things bigger than him and his feelings out there. He’ll be looking for me, and we all know it’s suicide. This world tear apart the fool’s soul if it doesn’t kill him first. I saw it in his eyes. He can’t understand what must be done in this world. Only I do. Yet he and others like him would see my work undone send us back to the jaws of the war. That is why I can’t accept this. Do we have a name?” Magnus inquired. “According to inquiries into the public, the citizens from the Lower Area of that city call him, uh, Samurai Jack.” Xander reported. Magnus turned back a little baffled, “A samurai from some bygone era called Jack? Where the hell did he get that? Ah well, simple enough. Have him and the traitor blacklisted immediately, I want to make examples out of them. This Renegade Samurai will be put down by any and all means necessary. So, let’s see how this “Samurai Jack” breaks in this world” stated Magnus without a doubt. Author’s Note: Man, another word dump, huh. Sorry, but I think of Renegade Samurai chapters in the same frame as Samurai Jack episodes. This got read bloody and dark, huh. I didn’t imagine it this way initially, but as I pictured Jack and Ashi fighting people, going all out, there was no way it couldn’t be graphic, and I wasn’t going to go censor myself. Also, the language. I know even Season 5 didn’t have strong language, only mild, and to be fair, I’m not going to break character by having things like Jack swearing. The Scotsman is another story. It’s just that in a world as dark and graphic as Renegade Samurai, some of the people in it let loose through language, because that’s what people do in real life. I might even include, uh, sexually suggestive stuff, but that’s not my strong suite, so don’t expect raw sexual fantasies, I just wouldn’t be able to pull it off right, so I’ll just leave things suggest it enough. Still, with how intense it’s getting, I’ve decided to confirm this story for an M rating, you’ve been warned. I intend to span this for a few arcs, partly because I feel there wasn’t enough Samurai Jack in the end. So, for those of you following let’s see where Jack will end up in this new future.
0 notes
psychicdan · 7 years
Samurai Jack: Renegade Samurai Rating M for graphic depictions, language, violence and suggestive themes Warning: The following is a work of fanfiction and is not intentionally connected to real word places, events, or people, nor intended to copy others’ work. Samurai Jack is the work of Genndy Tartakovsky, his team and affiliated studios and companies. This is solely fanfiction for fun and not profit. Chapter III: Defying the Power Jack ran through a dark lane, unable to see what was around him. He was panicked and tense, unable to think straight as his heart beat the faster he ran. He didn’t know where he was going, only that he needed to run and get away. That was immediately ruined when he came into contact with bright lights shined straight at him. The many dozen shadows within those lights were Cyber Troopers, armed with their sights set on Jack. Jack knew turning his back wasn’t an option, as that was an invitation to be shot in the back, no matter how much survival instinct screamed at him to keep running. In desperation, he ran towards the Cyber Troopers, in slim hope of breaking through their fire and position. “FIRE!” screamed a trooper, and an insurmountable hail of bolts ran from the line of guns towards Jack. As usual he outpaced as many as he could and deflected what he couldn’t that headed straight for him. But, try as he might, several shots got through his defenses, the first shots grazing him and later ones getting direct hits, puncturing his side and one of his arms. Jack fought through the pain, but it made harder to run and fight through the hail of shots. Soon, the hail intensified and he couldn’t block any more as his sword arm took a shot, and Jack was riddled with pain all over as he blown back in the air from the direct impact force of so many bolts, blood trailing in the air from his countless bullet wounds. As he fell dying, he heard a vague voice, saying “…Jack?”. … “Jack.”, “AHHH!”, Jack screamed as he got up in a cold sweat, looking around panicked for any sign of danger. As he looked around, he saw Ashi, who was just a little alarmed by his sudden outburst and giving him a worried look. As he took a few deep breathes and calmed his racing thoughts, he understood what happened wasn’t real. “A-are you okay Jack? I woke up and saw that you were all tense and shaking. You looked like you were in trouble or something.” Ashi said with a worried expression, understanding slumber wasn’t peaceful. Jack held his hand to his forehead, wiping away the cold sweat and relaxing his facial muscles. “It’s all right Ashi, it was just some nightmare is all” he tried to say in a relaxed tone to dismiss her anxiety. He still wasn’t quite alleviated though, as he felt around his arm, the feeling of gunfire tearing up his body still lingering in his mind. “Well, that’s not surprising. You did kind of have a bad day, to say the least. Guess with everything that happened, you would be stressed from it all.” Ashi said, knowing the assault on his father, being dropped into another world, and being chased and assaulted had given him no peace of mind. “It is a bit much, but I am holding up. Besides, it wasn’t all bad. I met you again, after all.” Jack said with a tender, genuine smile. It was an unexpected but happy occurrence to meet Ashi again when he thought her lost forever, willing to go through everything to have such a chance. It wasn’t under pleasant circumstances, given they met again through a fight and were running from the law everywhere, but being with her made him somehow feel he could persevere in this world. Ashi said nothing, but smiled back, knowing he was bouncing back from what just happened. She was happy to meet him again too, and with her mindset back to how it was, was prepared to leave her life as an assassin again to be with him and make her own decisions. She didn’t know a whole lot about this world either, but remembering the harshness in the Inner Sanctum and how her previous journey with Jack had shown her what was clearly wrong, she wasn’t going back. The two got up and left the small enclosed area. The beds afforded to them were decrepit old mattresses, and looked better than their surroundings. That made sense when they reentered the larger section of the tunnel their hosts had called “home”. It was no home by choice, they knew that. Boy and girl in their early 20s, Jay and Sandra, had led them hear into some tunnels below the ghetto. They clearly weren’t used in a long while, and some parts looked like they threatened to collapse. The structures and furniture piled up in this place were all mix matched together, appearing to be garbage and refuse from above. Some had to sleep in cardboard boxes, and some of the seats and tables were just tires and wooden planks. There were others too, about three dozen around Jay and Sandra’s age, ranging from teenagers to young adults in their early 20s. Everyone appeared miserable, dirty, and tired, some sick as well, as their clothing was tattered, patched and mix matched just like their home. It was clear to Jack and Ashi that this community was mired in poverty. Jack had seen similar sights in Aku’s future, and he didn’t like it any more than now how people had to live like this. It was late when they had arrived, so Jack and Ashi had no time for questions when they retired to rest, so now they looked for Jay and Sandra for some answers. They saw the impoverished community centered around a pot cooking over a fire, inside the pot being some form of gruel, Jack and Ashi not wanting to know the ingredients. The other youths looked up, as they were still a little cautious of their new arrivals. Jay and Sandra looked up and saw them. “Hey, you’re awake just in time for breakfast. Better get it while you can.” Jay said. “Just be careful how much you take, it's easy for people to get hungry here.” Sandra said. Jack and Ashi, haven’t had eaten since the other day, complied with and thanked them for their generosity. Try as they might to eat it in gratitude though, the gruel lived up its name, as the hard, contrasting tastes made their tongues revolt and they swallowed hard, and they swore the chunky liquid was giving their stomachs a hard time as they both groaned from the experienced. Sandra chuckled. “Yeah, our specialty dish tastes like shit, huh? It takes some getting used to, but you learn to hold it down” she said to ease the situation. “We could have scored something that wasn’t total crap if those cyber bastards hadn’t caught us.” Jay grumbled, still sore from that experience both physically and emotionally. Jack and Ashi understood then that those two were up there scavenging for food when they found them held up by Cyber Troopers. “Last night, why were you being dragged by those soldiers? You said something about dead-enders?” Ashi asked. “Yeah, that’s what we are. The dregs of society, forgotten trash, wasted resources, blahblahblah. Surprised you don’t know that. Basically, the name means we’re people who don’t have the skills or opportunities for futures, and our high and mighty Protectorate isn’t too keen on that. So they come and drag us out of poverty to get us back on our feet, even though they let stuff like the poverty and disparity happen in the first place.” Jay grumbled again, his words filled with contempt. Sandra looked uncomfortable with her face turned down as she explained, “That means being taken to a Potential Attainment Center, where the workless, in name, are given work and training for the most available jobs. But-but those places are basically prisons. All the jobs are worthless labor, they don’t teach anything real jobs want, and they work you till you drop! It’s like they want to punish us for being poor!”. Jack and Ashi were shocked by this. What kind of society punishes the poor themselves for being trapped in such squalor? Couldn’t they use resources to improve their standards? Jack asked these questions, and Jay got fed up then. “Don’t you get it, they don’t care! We’re just trash, trash to be swept under the goddamn rug and forgotten! They don’t want anything to do with us, they’re only looking out for themselves!” Jay screamed, his face raw with emotions as he spat his bitter beliefs. “But, then, why do people follow Magnus if he treats his people in such a way?” Jack asked. Both Jay and Sandra looked dumbfounded now. “Okay, you’ve got to be shitting me now. You’re telling me you don’t know why the guy’s in charge? Even people down here knows the stories, he’s pretty much a fact of life.” Jay replied. “Well, uh, like everyone knows, they say a horrible war happened over 50 years ago, and Magnus stopped the war and saved everyone. He formed the Protectorate and rebuilt world society, well, some of it.” Sandra said as she looked at the not too pleasing surroundings. “Wait, what war? What happened, and did Magnus do?” Jack asked. “I don’t know, it was ages ago, you think I was well enough off to attend those Protectorate school classes? Anyway, enough about that who are you two exactly? You told us your names, but why did you off those guys to save us? Cause if it was for money, we ain’t got shit. You dissidents or something, cause you look like the kind who like to piss off the Protectorate?” Jay inquired. Jack and Ashi looked at each other a bit uncertainly. A time travelling samurai and a rogue Protectorate assassin on the run from said Protectorate, it sounded like a raving mad dream. Jay caught and decided to drop it. “Well, not like it matters. We can’t even be seen by those bucket heads, so anyone who gives them a hard time is good to me. So, uh, thanks for the other day.” he said. “No, no, thank you for giving us shelter and food. You’ve done us a great deal already.” Jack said humbly. As some time passed after they ate, Jack and Ashi were about to go to the dead-enders to give their thanks and goodbye when someone came running through from another tunnel. By his rugged look, he was another dead-ender, and he was running with panic. “J-Jay, we got trouble! There was some crazy accident in the Middle District yesterday, and now Cyber Troopers are combing the city looking for that Jack guy you brought in. A whole platoon is coming to the Lower District to flood out the ghetto and tunnels!” said the panting dead-ender. Jack became apprehensive than, realizing his actions the other day now put these young people in danger. “Do they already have the exit tunnels blocked?” Jay asked. “Yeah, there are patrols everywhere now, and soon they’ll be sending people down into the tunnels, what do we do?” asked the dead-ender. Jay’s expression warped in frustration, rambling off and rejecting ideas. They couldn’t sneak past, too many of their people and too many guards, shuffling through the tunnels and avoiding patrols with a group their size wouldn’t work either, and trying to hide within the tunnels would get them flushed out by the search parties. They were trapped like rats. Jack furrowed his eyebrows, knowing he had to take action. Ashi could tell what that expression meant and wordlessly joined him in expression and thought. “I greatly apologize, I did not mean for this to happen. But if you cannot avoid confrontation, then the only choice is to fight. I will go and deal with the soldiers. All of you go and run while they are distracted.” Jack said without a hint of hesitation. “Are you crazy?! That’s a whole platoon sitting out there, maybe 50 of those Cyber Troopers. You got skills, but you think you can take down that many?” Jay said in disbelief. Jack was already calculating approaches. He had already defeated groups of 10 with tact, though their overconfidence and lack of preparation helped then. These soldiers were prepared to shoot and kill on sight. Taking on that many at once was definitely suicide as well. But, they were still patrolling in groups. If he could take each one by surprise and eliminate them before they regroup, he might have a chance, or rather they had a chance. He knew Ashi wasn’t letting him take on all of this by himself. He wasn’t found of using guerilla tactics, as his warrior code was usually to face his enemies with an unspoken but clear message to either walk away or fight. They didn’t have that luxury though, as they needed to persevere and hep these youths escape the mess he caused. There may be a way to deal with the Troopers, but I will need to know everything you do about the area.” Jack, Ashi, and the dead-enders sat together and discussed their strategy. Hack asked the dead-enders about the tunnel layouts, the streets, buildings, anything that could be used as a vantage point or obstacles against them. Jack smiled a bit during the meeting, remembering how this was similar to his first escapade in the future saving talking canine archaeologists from Aku’s forces. He then frowned at a somber fact from that. This wasn’t going to be like then, where he fought soulless robots who couldn’t react to save themselves. These were human beings, altered as they were, each fighting with everything they got. That made them dangerous, as they would use combined tactics and teamwork to take him out, and no matter how good he was, that was still a threat to his own survival. That wasn’t the hardest part. What was the hardest part being that Jack was now resolving himself to kill up to maybe 50 people now. He had to kill in self-defense against Ashi’s sisters before, and that thought brought the painful reality that each was a person as much as he or she was. No matter how many times he did so or his reasons, it never felt easier, but maybe that was a good thing. He knew of tales of the samurai of his home killing when needed, but he never knew that burden till recently. The way of the Samurai was a hard road, he knew now, and that steeled his resolve. After planning where he and Ashi would emerge and what advantages they would use, they set out to work. While Jay, Sandra, and the other dead-enders hid in the deepest part of the tunnels, they made their way to two different entrances leading to different part. of the ghetto. Jack took the north, Ashi went south. The plan was to isolate each squad using the best advantages available, and meet towards the center of the ghetto to deal with the rest. As Jack saw the daylight, he took one deep breath and headed out, gripping his sword with killing intent. … It didn’t take Jack long to find the first patrol combing through the streets. They were somehow making more of a mess out of the ghetto than it already was. They were adamant on finding him, as they raided all the local stores and homes, terrorizing the citizens as they couldn’t stop this “lawful” vandalism. Jack saw them ransacking one such store, and prepared himself as he climbed to the store roof and waited for them to leave, no wanting the bystanders to be caught in the ensuing violence. As they left without a hint of remorse, Jack leaped down with his sword, slashing two of the seven guards from the initial midair attack and followed up with a third slash on another soldier. “It’s him, fire!” shouted the sergeant to his remaining three subordinates. They responded to the order with fire, but Jack expected that he rolled from the spot the fired at and jumped from his crouched position as they fired again, taking advantage of their miss then to slash from the air again. Blood sprayed as his blade cut well into the soldier’s chest, staining Jack and his gi as well as blinding the other two who did not anticipate such a gruesome outcome. It was a fatal misfortune, as Jack stabbed one of them and followed up with a grab on the other one as the sergeant tried to shoot him, but instead shot his last subordinate instead. “OH SHIT!” the sergeant screamed as he fired again at Jack. Jack deflected the bullets with grace, one such deflected bullet striking the soldier through the left side of his chest, crying out as he fell. Even in his groans of pain, he tried to ready his gun to fire again, but Jack walked over with his eyes steeled like a wolf’s and the sergeant, under his helmet, had fear plastered on his face as the blade came down his throat, his life ebbing away as quickly and painlessly as Jack could manage. … As Ashi made her own way through the south area, she saw up ahead a squad coming down road as well as noticing an old abandoned car not too far. She remembered during the meeting how Jack asked if there were anything like these around that could be used, and Sandra said the ghetto was littered with junk that could be used. Ashi knew she could the on the squad in regular combat, but she knew she needed to pace herself well as there would be more troops. Ashi went to look under the hood, pleased to find that there were still parts like the sparklers and engine. She was no tech expert, but enough training like gun maintenance taught here that mixing this and that together was not a good result. After some hard wiring, she waited until the squad got close enough, then lit a match and left it in the engines exhaust as she ran as fast as possible. The squad barely even noticed her as they got caught in a rupture of force and flames. It wasn’t a total win though. 7 of the 10 soldiers lied in charred death, as their three surviving comrades, who survived their explosion by being the rear guard, got up in with effort in their shock. “S-Sergeant is dead, we need back…” he said unfinished as a blade attached to an energy arcing chain came aimed at his throat came, pulling him along in painful death. Ashi doubled on this as she grabbed his body and used it to shield herself from further fire as she charged, disabling one trooper as she threw the corps on him, then kicked the other one in the side as finished with another lethal stab. She turned to the last one that had just recovered. He tried to ready his rifle, but Ashi was faster, as she used her SMG to gun him down. Ashi just nonchalantly sighed, thinking maybe the explosion tactic made things a little too easy. She readied her gear and headed for her rendezvous point with Jack. …Jack looked over from the building rises to see the remaining squads of the platoon of Cyber Troopers holding down the central area. He turned as he heard footsteps, seeing Ashi from behind. “Well, you’ve been busy” Ashi said, not really bothered by the sight of blood itself, but a bit concerned about what Jack had went through. “Ah, don’t worry. Right now, we have a problem down there.” Said Jack as he pointed out the remaining platoon. Ashi surveyed the area below, stating “Not very good for us. Still three dozen Cyber Troopers, and the area is a wide-open field. They got the advantage this time.” Jack nodded in affirmation. If they were going to assault the group, they would need an opening to take them by surprise. Below, he had identified who appeared to be the platoon leader, the First Lieutenant. Some distance away from there was an armored road vehicle, with what he identified as a minigun on top. He was glad he had familiarized himself well enough with guns in the last timeline, he could now identify them and assess their capabilities, and he knew that could turn the odds in their favor. As for an opening, saw a derelict old water tower on one of the building roofs, long dried up. He and Ashi went towards there, and sure enough, the supports were weak enough to be cut. Jack completely cut the two back supports and partially cut the remaining ones, causing the water tower to tip towards the central area as the metal snapped. The soldiers only noticed something odd as the hulking shadow passed over them, followed by screaming as they were crushed beneath the mass of steel. More than half of that squad suffered confirmed deaths, bringing the platoon down to 27. As the dust was still in the air and the platoon was scrambled from what just happened. Jack and Ashi made a run for it. They slashed, punched, and kicked at the guards who gathered enough sense to notice them, as they made a straight line for the minigun. As it was close, they faced a line of Cyber Troopers forming a firing line. “Go, I can handle it!” Ashi told him, and Jack replied with a nod. Ashi charged first, firing her SMG as she did so to break the troops concentration. Two got taken out, and as they retrained their sights, she charged into their formation, slashing at one troops and yanking another one with her chain towards a cluster to break their fire again. As they tried to get up, she fired her SMG, taking out another two, but then it made a clicking sound. Ashi grunted then, holstering her gun as she used her chain to disarm one of troops, then used his gun right back at them. She had nearly eliminated the enemy line, but by now the other troops were closing in. Some had gotten close, and all she could do to stop the fire was by charging at the new firing line, punching and firing at the stunned troops, taking advantage of the fact the soldiers wouldn’t shoot at their comrades. But it was risky, as she took several slashes and punches herself, as well as a few grazed shots when the soldiers saw enough of an opening, her assassin uniform torn and soaked in blood in some places. “ASHI, GET DOWN!” shouted Jack. Out of both trust in Jack and compelling survival instinct, Ashi complied, as the air filled with gunfire. Jack had been busy dealing with some soldiers guarding the minigun, understanding what he intended and tried to reach it themselves. This time, the soldiers used sword arms, and in sheer desperation, managed to slash through his gi and leave a glaring, bleeding cut. It wasn’t deep though, and Jack fought through the injuries and broke through their mad act with refined sword technique. Still, Jack would not allow for that again, understanding how everyone fought to the fullest to stay alive, him and Ashi included. He fired off the minigun, the sound of endless fire and falling gun shells drowning out all else as he mowed down soldiers desperate for cover and counterattacks. It was trickier to mow them down when they saw a lethal attack coming and acted in response. Jack really couldn’t believe he was missing the beetle drones right now. A few bullets came from the other side, and Jack winced in pain as one shot got to his left shoulder. He did not let up though, but then the gunfire stopped with a clicking sound, the minigun red hot. It appeared this was the limit. Jack tore a clean piece from the bottom of his gi, since the top got destroyed earlier, and wrapped it around his shot shoulder. He peered into the storm of dust and smoke, confirming Ashi was all right, and then glimpsing the remaining figures as the smoke lifted. Including the First Lieutenant, there were 10, well, 8 now, as 2 screamed and ran away as though they saw a thing from hell. The First Lieutenant, though also wearing a helmet, seemed vexed by this. “Men, form up! There’s only 2 of them and they’re out of tricks! So stop letting those bleeding animals show you up and fight for our Lord Protector!” the Lieutenant shouted. “Yes sir!” the soldiers shouted, their morale partly restored. Jack sighed at this, dismayed at how these people weren’t motivated for their own lives or comrades, but for some distant ruler somewhere. It seems Magnus expected his soldiers to either succeed or die in service to him. He might have come from a feudal land, but at least then the rulers were supposed to honor their soldiers and people in turn. All Jack saw in the Cyber Troopers was blind faith leading to death. Jack forced himself through the pain and walked towards Ashi, and they wordlessly looked at each other with affirmation, prepared to finish this. They both charged, Jack deflecting the incoming gunfire while Ashi from behind fired the commandeered gun disrupting the line a bit and lessening the fire. In seconds, they reached the soldiers who were surprised they broke through, then even more surprised as Jack cut two of them down, then grabbed the firing arm of a soldier about to fire and pointing at the next soldier, killing him as Jack stabbed his sword into the soldier whose arm he grabbed. “Combat blades, now!” shouted the Lieutenant. As the Lieutenant pulled a blade with glowing geometric lines and charged at Jack. The remaining troops grabbed their combat blades and tried to do the same, but Ashi wasn’t letting that happen. She charged at them as they swung at her in close quarters combat, but it was as though she were air itself, too nimble for them to even graze. She parried several of their incoming blows, followed by a slashing movement across one soldier’s sword arm as she stabbed him in his agony. She wrapped her chain around one soldier, but the other one responded with a slash that broke through the chain. Ashi didn’t let this get the better of her, as she swung the blade of her weapon at the unrestrained one, crashing through his helmet as blood spilled. Shen the turned to the other soldier trying to free himself, as she grabbed the chain and slung it around his throat, he was wordlessly gasping for air as she held him down, until finally his muscles loosened and he breathed no more. She turned to Jack’s fight with the Lieutenant, who must have been a half competent swordsman to be fighting this long with Jack, even if he was wounded. Jack would have been done sooner, but his wounds and pain were taking their toll, as was the whole battle in general. He got several cuts on the Lieutenant, who was angered by this and pressed his attack. Jack defended and countered as best he could, but now his shoulder wound was crippling and it was hard to focus. But then, Ashi came into the fight, grabbing the Lieutenant’s sword arm and breaking it with a well-placed punch. Jack looked down at his enemy, expecting him to give up, but then he realized his movements suggested otherwise, as he reached for a combat pistol, only for Jack to slice it to rubbish. The Lieutenant screamed in rage. “You renegade filth! The Lord Protector will not, AAHH!” the Lieutenant screamed dying as Jack screamed himself, plunging his sword straight through the enemy and into the ground. After a moment, Jack lifted his sword from the corpse, then fell to his knees as the pain shot through his arm again. Ashi, though exhausted herself, ran to him. “Jack, are you okay?! She said, and noticed the bandaged area around his shoulder running thick with blood. “I’ll be fine, just need to get away from here and treat it.” Jack said, gritting and gasping through it all. “Thank you Ashi, it was reckless of me to go into that fight like this. I do not want to know what would have happened if it wasn’t for you.” Jack said in his humble manner. Ashi smiled, pleased that he at least acknowledged that he was an idiot. “Yeah, story of my life. Keeping you alive is turning into a full-time job.” Ashi said in good spirits. They both chuckled as Ashi helped carry Jack from the battlefield to their refuge. … “HOLY SHIT, REALLY?!” Jay shouted as if he wanted to bring down the tunnels. “Yes, really. You can leave now without being caught anytime soon. It’s safe.” Ashi assured them, while at the same time tending to her own wounds and Jack’s, with Jack reciprocating the care. “Wow, a whole platoon, and just you too. No wonder the Protectorate was so desperate to find you. No one’s ever done something like this. We want to thank you, but I’m afraid we have nothing” said Sandra solemnly, sad they couldn’t do anything to help their new friends. “Actually, maybe there is something you can do, if it’s not too much trouble.” Jack said. The dead-enders looked at Jack expectantly. “I-uh-we, plan to be leaving the city soon, but we need money and provisions. I know you don’t have money, but I think we have the means to resolve that. What we do need is a place that will take what we have to offer and give us what we need. Do you know of any such services?” Jack asked. “Oh, I get what your planning. You’re going to sell all that gear from the platoon and buy the stuff you want right. Well, the Lower Area is rife with crime, so if you want to get services the Protectorate doesn’t like, you’re in the right place. Come on, looks like we’ll be looting some gear and taking a trip to the black market.” Jay said. Jack wasn’t enthusiastic about dealing with the criminal element, but after what happened today, he was anything but a law-abiding citizen. “It seems I really am a renegade.” he sighed. … After a visit to a not too reputable but reliable place in the ghetto, Jack and Ashi were able get quite a considerable amount of Protectorate credits as well as some good supplies. It seems when the Protectorate took charge, they established a credit based economic system world-wide, not willing to deal with the hassle of so many differing forms of currency at once. It was kind of redundant, but simple enough. The credit amount, even with the cost of supplies, was still rather vast. Even after that punishment, the minigun Jack hauled really got that dealer’s eyes shining. So, they decided on an amount that was practical and gave the rest to the dead-enders. At first, they tried to refuse, but both Jack and Ashi insisted, telling them to spend it wisely on food and medicine they would need. As they parted, they only ill feelings were having to say goodbye and not being able to do more for their situation. The supplies Jack and Ashi got weren’t just food, water and medicine though. After that battle, their gear took a heavy toll, and they decided some new gear would help. Jack was used to repairing his gi after battle, but if things were going to be like this in the new future, extra protection would help. After ordering the requests, Jack got his white gi back, but modified for a few additions. It was now sleeveless on the right side, and the bottom was shortened just a bit, showing metal footwear similar to what he wore with his black samurai armor. Over both his sleeveless right shoulder and clothed left shoulder were a set of metal pauldrons for shoulder protection, learning a lesson since last time. They were interlinked and strapped to a metal chest guard. To help make this armor feel more welcoming, as well as to ease some longings for his home, Jack later inscribed the symbol of his people onto it, so that he could feel close to them. He also bought a combat pistol, much to his reluctance. He was none too keen on having a reminder of that dark time, but while Ashi understood that, she argued that they should take what advantages they can, and Jack couldn’t argue with that. Ashi went for a different set in mind. Instead of extra protection, she now wore a black, sleeveless shirt, a harness for her now reloaded SMG, blue jeans, and a pair of tight fitted running shoes, as quiet as she could get them. The only thing of armor were a pair of knee guards and shoulder guards. She stated that it was better this way, as she was trained to be fast, agile, and precise, and armor would just get in the way of that. Her new weapon was now a combat knife, a bit different from the ones used by Cyber Troopers, as this one was for quick and precise attacks. But the most-costly of their purchases was where they were heading now. “Are you sure about this? I am okay with walking.” Jack said awkwardly. “Wander who knows where until we find Magnus? Yeah, I like the scenic route too Jack, but we are seriously on the run. No way we’re outrunning the Protectorate on foot. Besides, you’ve driven one of these before, remember?” Ashi persuaded with him. Jack sighed in response. Yes, he had driven such a vehicle, a motorcycle, much like the one before them. He was really just getting by back then when he bothered to learn to drive, but that was a painful and rather embarrassing set of experiences. It was the primary reason why he preferred to walk, not just for scenic pleasure. The motorcycle before them, while a little worse for wear and looking a bit mismatched, looked reliable enough, and they were going to begin their new journey in this. Jack and Ashi got their headgear on and mounted the motorcycle. As they both got on, Jack felt somewhat pleasant, if a little awkward, with Ashi right behind him. He had ridden alone before, in a darker time, so this was a new and far more pleasant experience than then. “I guess this makes you happy, huh.” Ashi teased as closed in from behind. “Ah, well, I don’t dislike it, um, are you ok back there?” he asked in a flustered tone. Ashi nodded, ready to get moving on the road. “Mind teaching me to drive sometime?” she asked as the ignition started. “Ah, well, uh, we’ll see.” Jack said to dodge the question. If it would be anything like his first-time driving, it couldn’t be good. So, they finally left the city and journeyed on the paved road stretching to the horizon, braving this new future. … Magnus felt like he was having a migraine. It was just more bad news after the next. He founded the Protectorate to maintain peace and stability, control and preservation. World society was dependent on it for the protection and support they provided, so maintaining a strong grip everywhere was paramount not only to prosperity, but also well-being. So why was he getting bad news almost regularly now? “I’m sorry, explain this to me again Xander. It sounded like everything just got screwed up, but we know that doesn’t happen, right.” Magnus said in a strained voice that was failing to feign peace and calm. A uniformed man in his older years, Xander, who had known the Lord Protector since his youth, sighed. “Sorry, my Lord Protector, but it’s true. The platoon sent to kill the wanted samurai has been reported killed in action. Only two troopers returned. By their accounts, he wasn’t alone either. I’m afraid that the profile description matches that of the experimental soldier from the Special Assassination Force, given name Ashi. It seems that instead eliminating the Samurai, she aided and abetted the Samurai in his crimes. They decimated the platoon there and have likely left the city.” Xander responded, knowing the likely result. Magnus, with his gaze downward and his teeth gritted, screamed in frustration as he slammed his fist into the thick metal wall, leaving a large, deep impression. He would kill the Lieutenant in charge himself if he wasn’t already dead. "So then, you’re telling me this… this… this Renegade Samurai is still loose in our jurisdiction, he’s inflicted fatalities on our personnel, and now he has escaped with invaluable Protectorate property?! How could this happen I, ugh, no, it’s not worth it.” Magnus said, calming himself as he relaxed into a more lucid state. “In the end, I know what this scum wants, and he will regret it. He came into my world, challenged my law, for personal grudges, when there are things bigger than him and his feelings out there. He’ll be looking for me, and we all know it’s suicide. This world tear apart the fool’s soul if it doesn’t kill him first. I saw it in his eyes. He can’t understand what must be done in this world. Only I do. Yet he and others like him would see my work undone send us back to the jaws of the war. That is why I can’t accept this. Do we have a name?” Magnus inquired. “According to inquiries into the public, the citizens from the Lower Area of that city call him, uh, Samurai Jack.” Xander reported. Magnus turned back a little baffled, “A samurai from some bygone era called Jack? Where the hell did he get that? Ah well, simple enough. Have him and the traitor blacklisted immediately, I want to make examples out of them. This Renegade Samurai will be put down by any and all means necessary. So, let’s see how this “Samurai Jack” breaks in this world” stated Magnus without a doubt. Author’s Note: Man, another word dump, huh. Sorry, but I think of Renegade Samurai chapters in the same frame as Samurai Jack episodes. This got read bloody and dark, huh. I didn’t imagine it this way initially, but as I pictured Jack and Ashi fighting people, going all out, there was no way it couldn’t be graphic, and I wasn’t going to go censor myself. Also, the language. I know even Season 5 didn’t have strong language, only mild, and to be fair, I’m not going to break character by having things like Jack swearing. The Scotsman is another story. It’s just that in a world as dark and graphic as Renegade Samurai, some of the people in it let loose through language, because that’s what people do in real life. I might even include, uh, sexually suggestive stuff, but that’s not my strong suite, so don’t expect raw sexual fantasies, I just wouldn’t be able to pull it off right, so I’ll just leave things suggest it enough. Still, with how intense it’s getting, I’ve decided to confirm this story for an M rating, you’ve been warned. I intend to span this for a few arcs, partly because I feel there wasn’t enough Samurai Jack in the end. So, for those of you following let’s see where Jack will end up in this new future.
0 notes
psychicdan · 7 years
Samurai Jack: Renegade Samurai
Rating M for graphic depictions, language, violence and suggestive themes
The following is a work of fanfiction and is not intentionally connected to real word places, events, or people, nor intended to copy others’ work. Samurai Jack is the work of Genndy Tartakovsky, his team and affiliated studios and companies. This is solely fanfiction for fun and not profit.
Chapter III: Defying the Power
           Jack ran through a dark lane, unable to see what was around him. He was panicked and tense, unable to think straight as his heart beat the faster he ran. He didn’t know where he was going, only that he needed to run and get away. That was immediately ruined when he came into contact with bright lights shined straight at him. The many dozen shadows within those lights were Cyber Troopers, armed with their sights set on Jack. Jack knew turning his back wasn’t an option, as that was an invitation to be shot in the back, no matter how much survival instinct screamed at him to keep running. In desperation, he ran towards the Cyber Troopers, in slim hope of breaking through their fire and position. “FIRE!” screamed a trooper, and an insurmountable hail of bolts ran from the line of guns towards Jack. As usual he outpaced as many as he could and deflected what he couldn’t that headed straight for him. But, try as he might, several shots got through his defenses, the first shots grazing him and later ones getting direct hits, puncturing his side and one of his arms. Jack fought through the pain, but it made harder to run and fight through the hail of shots. Soon, the hail intensified and he couldn’t block any more as his sword arm took a shot, and Jack was riddled with pain all over as he blown back in the air from the direct impact force of so many bolts, blood trailing in the air from his countless bullet wounds. As he fell dying, he heard a vague voice, saying “…Jack?”.
           “Jack.”, “AHHH!”, Jack screamed as he got up in a cold sweat, looking around panicked for any sign of danger. As he looked around, he saw Ashi, who was just a little alarmed by his sudden outburst and giving him a worried look. As he took a few deep breathes and calmed his racing thoughts, he understood what happened wasn’t real. “A-are you okay Jack? I woke up and saw that you were all tense and shaking. You looked like you were in trouble or something.” Ashi said with a worried expression, understanding slumber wasn’t peaceful. Jack held his hand to his forehead, wiping away the cold sweat and relaxing his facial muscles. “It’s all right Ashi, it was just some nightmare is all” he tried to say in a relaxed tone to dismiss her anxiety. He still wasn’t quite alleviated though, as he felt around his arm, the feeling of gunfire tearing up his body still lingering in his mind. “Well, that’s not surprising. You did kind of have a bad day, to say the least. Guess with everything that happened, you would be stressed from it all.” Ashi said, knowing the assault on his father, being dropped into another world, and being chased and assaulted had given him no peace of mind. “It is a bit much, but I am holding up. Besides, it wasn’t all bad. I met you again, after all.” Jack said with a tender, genuine smile. It was an unexpected but happy occurrence to meet Ashi again when he thought her lost forever, willing to go through everything to have such a chance. It wasn’t under pleasant circumstances, given they met again through a fight and were running from the law everywhere, but being with her made him somehow feel he could persevere in this world. Ashi said nothing, but smiled back, knowing he was bouncing back from what just happened. She was happy to meet him again too, and with her mindset back to how it was, was prepared to leave her life as an assassin again to be with him and make her own decisions. She didn’t know a whole lot about this world either, but remembering the harshness in the Inner Sanctum and how her previous journey with Jack had shown her what was clearly wrong, she wasn’t going back. The two got up and left the small enclosed area. The beds afforded to them were decrepit old mattresses, and looked better than their surroundings. That made sense when they reentered the larger section of the tunnel their hosts had called “home”. It was no home by choice, they knew that. Boy and girl in their early 20s, Jay and Sandra, had led them hear into some tunnels below the ghetto. They clearly weren’t used in a long while, and some parts looked like they threatened to collapse. The structures and furniture piled up in this place were all mix matched together, appearing to be garbage and refuse from above. Some had to sleep in cardboard boxes, and some of the seats and tables were just tires and wooden planks. There were others too, about three dozen around Jay and Sandra’s age, ranging from teenagers to young adults in their early 20s. Everyone appeared miserable, dirty, and tired, some sick as well, as their clothing was tattered, patched and mix matched just like their home. It was clear to Jack and Ashi that this community was mired in poverty. Jack had seen similar sights in Aku’s future, and he didn’t like it any more than now how people had to live like this. It was late when they had arrived, so Jack and Ashi had no time for questions when they retired to rest, so now they looked for Jay and Sandra for some answers. They saw the impoverished community centered around a pot cooking over a fire, inside the pot being some form of gruel, Jack and Ashi not wanting to know the ingredients. The other youths looked up, as they were still a little cautious of their new arrivals. Jay and Sandra looked up and saw them. “Hey, you’re awake just in time for breakfast. Better get it while you can.” Jay said. “Just be careful how much you take, it's easy for people to get hungry here.” Sandra said. Jack and Ashi, haven’t had eaten since the other day, complied with and thanked them for their generosity. Try as they might to eat it in gratitude though, the gruel lived up its name, as the hard, contrasting tastes made their tongues revolt and they swallowed hard, and they swore the chunky liquid was giving their stomachs a hard time as they both groaned from the experienced. Sandra chuckled. “Yeah, our specialty dish tastes like shit, huh? It takes some getting used to, but you learn to hold it down” she said to ease the situation. “We could have scored something that wasn’t total crap if those cyber bastards hadn’t caught us.” Jay grumbled, still sore from that experience both physically and emotionally. Jack and Ashi understood then that those two were up there scavenging for food when they found them held up by Cyber Troopers. “Last night, why were you being dragged by those soldiers? You said something about dead-enders?” Ashi asked. “Yeah, that’s what we are. The dregs of society, forgotten trash, wasted resources, blahblahblah. Surprised you don’t know that. Basically, the name means we’re people who don’t have the skills or opportunities for futures, and our high and mighty Protectorate isn’t too keen on that. So they come and drag us out of poverty to get us back on our feet, even though they let stuff like the poverty and disparity happen in the first place.” Jay grumbled again, his words filled with contempt. Sandra looked uncomfortable with her face turned down as she explained, “That means being taken to a Potential Attainment Center, where the workless, in name, are given work and training for the most available jobs. But-but those places are basically prisons. All the jobs are worthless labor, they don’t teach anything real jobs want, and they work you till you drop! It’s like they want to punish us for being poor!”. Jack and Ashi were shocked by this. What kind of society punishes the poor themselves for being trapped in such squalor? Couldn’t they use resources to improve their standards? Jack asked these questions, and Jay got fed up then. “Don’t you get it, they don’t care! We’re just trash, trash to be swept under the goddamn rug and forgotten! They don’t want anything to do with us, they’re only looking out for themselves!” Jay screamed, his face raw with emotions as he spat his bitter beliefs. “But, then, why do people follow Magnus if he treats his people in such a way?” Jack asked. Both Jay and Sandra looked dumbfounded now. “Okay, you’ve got to be shitting me now. You’re telling me you don’t know why the guy’s in charge? Even people down here knows the stories, he’s pretty much a fact of life.” Jay replied. “Well, uh, like everyone knows, they say a horrible war happened over 50 years ago, and Magnus stopped the war and saved everyone. He formed the Protectorate and rebuilt world society, well, some of it.” Sandra said as she looked at the not too pleasing surroundings. “Wait, what war? What happened, and did Magnus do?” Jack asked. “I don’t know, it was ages ago, you think I was well enough off to attend those Protectorate school classes? Anyway, enough about that who are you two exactly? You told us your names, but why did you off those guys to save us? Cause if it was for money, we ain’t got shit. You dissidents or something, cause you look like the kind who like to piss off the Protectorate?” Jay inquired. Jack and Ashi looked at each other a bit uncertainly. A time travelling samurai and a rogue Protectorate assassin on the run from said Protectorate, it sounded like a raving mad dream. Jay caught and decided to drop it. “Well, not like it matters. We can’t even be seen by those bucket heads, so anyone who gives them a hard time is good to me. So, uh, thanks for the other day.” he said. “No, no, thank you for giving us shelter and food. You’ve done us a great deal already.” Jack said humbly. As some time passed after they ate, Jack and Ashi were about to go to the dead-enders to give their thanks and goodbye when someone came running through from another tunnel. By his rugged look, he was another dead-ender, and he was running with panic. “J-Jay, we got trouble! There was some crazy accident in the Middle District yesterday, and now Cyber Troopers are combing the city looking for that Jack guy you brought in. A whole platoon is coming to the Lower District to flood out the ghetto and tunnels!” said the panting dead-ender. Jack became apprehensive than, realizing his actions the other day now put these young people in danger. “Do they already have the exit tunnels blocked?” Jay asked. “Yeah, there are patrols everywhere now, and soon they’ll be sending people down into the tunnels, what do we do?” asked the dead-ender. Jay’s expression warped in frustration, rambling off and rejecting ideas. They couldn’t sneak past, too many of their people and too many guards, shuffling through the tunnels and avoiding patrols with a group their size wouldn’t work either, and trying to hide within the tunnels would get them flushed out by the search parties. They were trapped like rats. Jack furrowed his eyebrows, knowing he had to take action. Ashi could tell what that expression meant and wordlessly joined him in expression and thought. “I greatly apologize, I did not mean for this to happen. But if you cannot avoid confrontation, then the only choice is to fight. I will go and deal with the soldiers. All of you go and run while they are distracted.” Jack said without a hint of hesitation. “Are you crazy?! That’s a whole platoon sitting out there, maybe 50 of those Cyber Troopers. You got skills, but you think you can take down that many?” Jay said in disbelief. Jack was already calculating approaches. He had already defeated groups of 10 with tact, though their overconfidence and lack of preparation helped then. These soldiers were prepared to shoot and kill on sight. Taking on that many at once was definitely suicide as well. But, they were still patrolling in groups. If he could take each one by surprise and eliminate them before they regroup, he might have a chance, or rather they had a chance. He knew Ashi wasn’t letting him take on all of this by himself. He wasn’t found of using guerilla tactics, as his warrior code was usually to face his enemies with an unspoken but clear message to either walk away or fight. They didn’t have that luxury though, as they needed to persevere and hep these youths escape the mess he caused. There may be a way to deal with the Troopers, but I will need to know everything you do about the area.” Jack, Ashi, and the dead-enders sat together and discussed their strategy. Hack asked the dead-enders about the tunnel layouts, the streets, buildings, anything that could be used as a vantage point or obstacles against them. Jack smiled a bit during the meeting, remembering how this was similar to his first escapade in the future saving talking canine archaeologists from Aku’s forces. He then frowned at a somber fact from that. This wasn’t going to be like then, where he fought soulless robots who couldn’t react to save themselves. These were human beings, altered as they were, each fighting with everything they got. That made them dangerous, as they would use combined tactics and teamwork to take him out, and no matter how good he was, that was still a threat to his own survival. That wasn’t the hardest part. What was the hardest part being that Jack was now resolving himself to kill up to maybe 50 people now. He had to kill in self-defense against Ashi’s sisters before, and that thought brought the painful reality that each was a person as much as he or she was. No matter how many times he did so or his reasons, it never felt easier, but maybe that was a good thing. He knew of tales of the samurai of his home killing when needed, but he never knew that burden till recently. The way of the Samurai was a hard road, he knew now, and that steeled his resolve. After planning where he and Ashi would emerge and what advantages they would use, they set out to work. While Jay, Sandra, and the other dead-enders hid in the deepest part of the tunnels, they made their way to two different entrances leading to different part. of the ghetto. Jack took the north, Ashi went south. The plan was to isolate each squad using the best advantages available, and meet towards the center of the ghetto to deal with the rest. As Jack saw the daylight, took one deep breath and headed out, as he gripped his sword with killing intent.
           It didn’t take Jack long to find the first patrol combing through the streets. They were somehow making more of a mess out of the ghetto than it already was. They were adamant on finding him, as they raided all the local stores and homes, terrorizing the citizens as they couldn’t stop this “lawful” vandalism. Jack saw them ransacking one such store, and prepared himself as he climbed to the store roof and waited for them to leave, no wanting the bystanders to be caught in the ensuing violence. As they left without a hint of remorse, Jack leaped down with his sword, slashing two of the seven guards from the initial midair attack and followed up with a third slash on another soldier. “It’s him, fire!” shouted the sergeant to his remaining three subordinates. They responded to the order with fire, but Jack expected that he rolled from the spot the fired at and jumped from his crouched position as they fired again, taking advantage of their miss then to slash from the air again. Blood sprayed as his blade cut well into the soldier’s chest, staining Jack and his gi as well as blinding the other two who did not anticipate such a gruesome outcome. It was a fatal misfortune, as Jack stabbed one of them and followed up with a grab on the other one as the sergeant tried to shoot him, but instead shot his last subordinate instead. “OH SHIT!” the sergeant screamed as he fired again at Jack. Jack deflected the bullets with grace, one such deflected bullet striking the soldier through the left side of his chest, crying out as he fell. Even in his groans of pain, he tried to ready his gun to fire again, but Jack walked over with his eyes steeled like a wolf’s and the sergeant, under his helmet, had fear plastered on his face as the blade came down his throat, his life ebbing away as quickly and painlessly as Jack could manage.
           As Ashi made her own way through the south area, she saw up ahead a squad coming down road as well as noticing an old abandoned car not too far. She remembered during the meeting how Jack asked if there were anything like these around that could be used, and Sandra said the ghetto was littered with junk that could be used. Ashi knew she could the on the squad in regular combat, but she knew she needed to pace herself well as there would be more troops. Ashi went to look under the hood, pleased to find that there were still parts like the sparkers and engine. She was no tech expert, but enough training like gun maintenance taught here that mixing this and that together was not a good result. After some hard wiring, she waited until the squad got close enough, then lit a match and left it in the engines exhaust as she ran as fast as possible. The squad barely even noticed her as they got caught in a rupture of force and flames. It wasn’t a total win though. 7 of the 10 soldiers lied in charred death, as their three surviving comrades, who survived their explosion by being the rear guard, got up in with effort in their shock. “S-Sergeant is dead, we need back…” he said unfinished as a blade attached to an energy arcing chain came aimed at his throat came, pulling him along in painful death. Ashi doubled on this as she grabbed his body and used it to shield herself from further fire as she charged, disabling one trooper as she threw the corps on him, then kicked the other one in the side as finished with another lethal stab. She turned to the last one that had just recovered. He tried to ready his rifle, but Ashi was faster, as she used her SMG to gun him down. Ashi just nonchalantly sighed, thinking maybe the explosion tactic made things a little too easy. She readied her gear and headed for her rendezvous point with Jack.
…Jack looked over from the building rises to see the remaining squads of the platoon of Cyber Troopers holding down the central area. He turned as he heard footsteps, seeing Ashi from behind. “Well, you’ve been busy” Ashi said, not really bothered by the sight of blood itself, but a bit concerned about what Jack had went through. “Ah, don’t worry. Right now, we have a problem down there.” Said Jack as he pointed out the remaining platoon. Ashi surveyed the area below, stating “Not very good for us. Still three dozen Cyber Troopers, and the area is a wide-open field. They got the advantage this time.” Jack nodded in affirmation. If they were going to assault the group, they would need an opening to take them by surprise. Below, he had identified who appeared to be the platoon leader, the First Lieutenant. Some distance away from there was an armored road vehicle, with what he identified as a minigun on top. He was glad he had familiarized himself well enough with guns in the last timeline, he could now identify them and assess their capabilities, and he knew that could turn the odds in their favor. As for an opening, saw a derelict old water tower on one of the building roofs, long dried up. He and Ashi went towards there, and sure enough, the supports were weak enough to be cut. Jack completely cut the two back supports and partially cut the remaining ones, causing the water tower to tip towards the central area as the metal snapped. The soldiers only noticed something odd as the hulking shadow passed over them, followed by screaming as they were crushed beneath the mass of steel. More than half of that squad suffered confirmed deaths, bringing the platoon down to 27. As the dust was still in the air and the platoon was scrambled from what just happened. Jack and Ashi made a run for it. They slashed, punched, and kicked at the guards who gathered enough sense to notice them, as they made a straight line for the minigun. As it was close, they faced a line of Cyber Troopers forming a firing line. “Go, I can handle it!” Ashi told him, and Jack replied with a nod. Ashi charged first, firing her SMG as she did so to break the troops concentration. Two got taken out, and as they retrained their sights, she charged into their formation, slashing at one troops and yanking another one with her chain towards a cluster to break their fire again. As they tried to get up, she fired her SMG, taking out another two, but then it made a clicking sound. Ashi grunted then, holstering her gun as she used her chain to disarm one of troops, then used his gun right back at them. She had nearly eliminated the enemy line, but by now the other troops were closing in. Some had gotten close, and all she could do to stop the fire was by charging at the new firing line, punching and firing at the stunned troops, taking advantage of the fact the soldiers wouldn’t shoot at their comrades. But it was risky, as she took several slashes and punches herself, as well as a few grazed shots when the soldiers saw enough of an opening, her assassin uniform torn and soaked in blood in some places. “ASHI, GET DOWN!” shouted Jack. Out of both trust in Jack and compelling survival instinct, Ashi complied, as the air filled with gunfire. Jack had been busy dealing with some soldiers guarding the minigun, understanding what he intended and tried to reach it themselves. This time, the soldiers used sword arms, and in sheer desperation, managed to slash through his gi and leave a glaring, bleeding cut. It wasn’t deep though, and Jack fought through the injuries and broke through their mad act with refined sword technique. Still, Jack would not allow for that again, understanding how everyone fought to the fullest to stay alive, him and Ashi included. He fired off the minigun, the sound of endless fire and falling gun shells drowning out all else as he mowed down soldiers desperate for cover and counterattacks. It was trickier to mow them down when they saw a lethal attack coming and acted in response. Jack really couldn’t believe he was missing the beetle drones right now. A few bullets came from the other side, and Jack winced in pain as one shot got to his left shoulder. He did not let up though, but then the gunfire stopped with a clicking sound, the minigun red hot. It appeared this was the limit. Jack tore a clean piece from the bottom of his gi, since the top got destroyed earlier, and wrapped it around his shot shoulder. He peered into the storm of dust and smoke, confirming Ashi was all right, and then glimpsing the remaining figures as the smoke lifted. Including the First Lieutenant, there were 10, well, 8 now, as 2 screamed and ran away as though they saw a thing from hell. The First Lieutenant, though also wearing a helmet, seemed vexed by this. “Men, form up! There’s only 2 of them and they’re out of tricks! So stop letting those bleeding animals show you up and fight for our Lord Protector!” the Lieutenant shouted. “Yes sir!” the soldiers shouted, their morale partly restored. Jack sighed at this, dismayed at how these people weren’t motivated for their own lives or comrades, but for some distant ruler somewhere. It seems Magnus expected his soldiers to either succeed or die in service to him. He might have come from a feudal land, but at least then the rulers were supposed to honor their soldiers and people in turn. All Jack saw in the Cyber Troopers was blind faith leading to death. Jack forced himself through the pain and walked towards Ashi, and they wordlessly looked at each other with affirmation, prepared to finish this. They both charged, Jack deflecting the incoming gunfire while Ashi from behind fired the commandeered gun disrupting the line a bit and lessening the fire. In seconds, they reached the soldiers who were surprised they broke through, then even more surprised as Jack cut two of them down, then grabbed the firing arm of a soldier about to fire and pointing at the next soldier, killing him as Jack stabbed his sword into the soldier whose arm he grabbed. “Combat blades, now!” shouted the Lieutenant. As the Lieutenant pulled a blade with glowing geometric lines and charged at Jack. The remaining troops grabbed their combat blades and tried to do the same, but Ashi wasn’t letting that happen. She charged at them as they swung at her in close quarters combat, but it was as though she were air itself, too nimble for them to even graze. She parried several of their incoming blows, followed by a slashing movement across one soldier’s sword arm as she stabbed him in his agony. She wrapped her chain around one soldier, but the other one responded with a slash that broke through the chain. Ashi didn’t let this get the better of her, as she swung the blade of her weapon at the unrestrained one, crashing through his helmet as blood spilled. Shen the turned to the other soldier trying to free himself, as she grabbed the chain and slung it around his throat, he was wordlessly gasping for air as she held him down, until finally his muscles loosened and he breathed no more. She turned to Jack’s fight with the Lieutenant, who must have been a half competent swordsman to be fighting this long with Jack, even if he was wounded. Jack would have been done sooner, but his wounds and pain were taking their toll, as was the whole battle in general. He got several cuts on the Lieutenant, who was angered by this and pressed his attack. Jack defended and countered as best he could, but now his shoulder wound was crippling and it was hard to focus. But then, Ashi came into the fight, grabbling the Lieutenant’s sword arm and breaking it with a well-placed punch. Jack looked down at his enemy, expecting him to give up, but then he realized his movements suggested otherwise, as he reached for a combat pistol, only for Jack to slice it to rubbish. The Lieutenant screamed in rage. “You renegade filth! The Lord Protector will not, AAHH!” the Lieutenant screamed dying as Jack screamed himself, plunging his sword straight through the enemy and into the ground. After a moment, Jack lifted his sword from the corpse, then fell to his knees as the pain shot through his arm again. Ashi, though exhausted herself, ran to him. “Jack, are you okay?! She said, and noticed the bandaged area around his shoulder running thick with blood. “I’ll be fine, just need to get away from here and treat it.” Jack said, gritting and gasping through it all. “Thank you Ashi, it was reckless of me to go into that fight like this. I do not want to know what would have happened if it wasn’t for you.” Jack said in his humble manner. Ashi smiled, pleased that he at least acknowledged that he was an idiot. “Yeah, story of my life. Keeping you alive is turning into a full--time job.” Ashi said in good spirits. They both chuckled as Ashi helped carry Jack from the battlefield to their refuge.
           “HOLY SHIT, REALLY?!” Jay shouted as if he wanted to bring down the tunnels. “Yes, really. You can leave now without being caught anytime soon. It’s safe.” Ashi assured them, while at the same time tending to her own wounds and Jack’s, with Jack reciprocating the care. “Wow, a whole platoon, and just you too. No wonder the Protectorate was so desperate to find you. No one’s ever done something like this. We want to thank you, but I’m afraid we have nothing” said Sandra solemnly, sad they couldn’t do anything to help their new friends. “Actually, maybe there is something you can do, if it’s not too much trouble.” Jack said. The dead-enders looked at Jack expectantly. “I-uh-we, plan to be leaving the city soon, but we need money and provisions. I know you don’t have money, but I think we have the means to resolve that. What we do need is a place that will take what we have to offer and give us what we need. Do you know of any such services?” Jack asked. “Oh, I get what your planning. You’re going to sell all that gear from the platoon and buy the stuff you want right. Well, the Lower Area is rife with crime, so if you want to get services the Protectorate doesn’t like, you’re in the right place. Come on, looks like we’ll be looting some gear and taking a trip to the black market.” Jay said. Jack wasn’t enthusiastic about dealing with the criminal element, but after what happened today, he was anything but a law-abiding citizen. “It seems I really am a renegade.” he sighed.
After a visit to a not too reputable but reliable place in the ghetto, Jack and Ashi were able get quite a considerable amount of Protectorate credits as well as some good supplies. It seems when the Protectorate took charge, they established a credit based economic system world-wide, not willing to deal with the hassle of so many differing forms of currency at once. It was kind of redundant, but simple enough. The credit amount, even with the cost of supplies, was still rather vast. Even after that punishment, the minigun Jack hauled really got that dealer’s eyes shining. So, they decided on an amount that was practical and gave the rest to the dead-enders. At first, they tried to refuse, but both Jack and Ashi insisted, telling them to spend it wisely on food and medicine they would need. As they parted, they only ill feelings were having to say goodbye and not being able to do more for their situation. The supplies Jack and Ashi got weren’t just food, water and medicine though. After that battle, their gear took a heavy toll, and they decided some new gear would help. Jack was used to repairing his gi after battle, but if things were going to be like this in the new future, extra protection would help. After ordering the requests, Jack got his white gi back, but modified for a few additions. It was now sleeveless on the right side, and the bottom was shortened just a bit, showing metal footwear similar to wo what he wore with his black samurai armor. Over both his sleeveless right shoulder and clothed left shoulder were a set of metal pauldrons for shoulder protection, learning a lesson since last time. They were interlinked and strapped to a metal chest guard. To help make this armor feel more welcoming, as well as to ease some longings for his home, Jack later inscribed the symbol of his people onto it, so that he could feel close to them. He also bought a combat pistol, much to his reluctance. He was none too keen on having a reminder of that dark time, but while Ashi understood that, she argued that they should take what advantages they can, and Jack couldn’t argue with that. Ashi went for a different set in mind. Instead of extra protection, she now wore a black, sleeveless shirt, a harness for her now reloaded SMG, blue jeans, and a pair of tight fitted running shoes, as quiet as she could get them. The only thing of armor were a pair of knee guards and shoulder guards. She stated that it was better this way, as she was trained to be fast, agile, and precise, and armor would just get in the way of that. Her new weapon was now a combat knife, a bit different from the ones used by Cyber Troopers, as this one was for quick and precise attacks. But the most-costly of their purchases was where they were heading now. “Are you sure about this? I am okay with walking.” Jack said awkwardly. “Wander who knows where until we find Magnus? Yeah, I like the scenic route too Jack, but we are seriously on the run. No way we’re outrunning the Protectorate on foot. Besides, you’ve driven one of these before, remember?” Ashi persuaded with him. Jack sighed in response. Yes, he had driven such a vehicle, a motorcycle, much like the one before them. He was really just getting by back then when he bothered to learn to drive, but that was a painful and rather embarrassing set of experiences. It was the primary reason why he preferred to walk, not just for scenic pleasure. The motorcycle before them, while a little worse for wear and looking a bit mismatched, looked reliable enough, and they were going to begin their new journey in this. Jack and Ashi got their headgear on and mounted the motorcycle. As they both got on, Jack felt somewhat pleasant, if a little awkward, with Ashi right behind him. He had ridden alone before, in a darker time, so this was a new and far more pleasant experience than then. “I guess this makes you happy, huh.” Ashi teased as closed in from behind. “Ah, well, I don’t dislike it, um, are you ok back there.” he asked in a flustered tone. Ashi nodded, ready to get moving on the road. “Mind teaching me to drive sometime?” she asked as the ignition started. “Ah, well, uh, we’ll see.” Jack said to dodge the question. If it would be anything like his first-time driving, it couldn’t be good. So, they finally left the city and journeyed on the paved road stretching to the horizon, braving this new future.
Magnus felt like he was having a migraine. It was just more bad news after the next. He founded the Protectorate to maintain peace and stability, control and preservation. World society was dependent on it for the protection and support they provided, so maintaining a strong grip everywhere was paramount not only to prosperity, but also well-being. So why was he getting bad news almost regularly now. “I’m sorry, explain this to me again Xander. It sounded like everything just got screwed up, but we know that doesn’t happen, right.” Magnus said in a strained voice that was failing to feign peace and calm. A uniformed man in his older years, Xander, who had known the Lord Protector since his youth, sighed. “Sorry, my Lord Protector, but it’s true. The platoon sent to kill the wanted samurai has been reported killed in action. Only two troopers returned. By their accounts, he wasn’t alone either. I’m afraid that the profile description matches that of the experimental soldier from the Special Assassination Force, given name Ashi. It seems that instead eliminating the Samurai, she aided and abetted the Samurai in his crimes. They decimated the platoon there and have likely left the city.” Xander responded, knowing the likely result. Magnus, with his gaze downward and his teeth gritted, screamed in frustration as he slammed his fist into the thick metal wall, leaving a large, deep impression. He would kill the Lieutenant in charge himself if he wasn’t already dead. So then, you’re telling me this… this… this Renegade Samurai is still loose in our jurisdiction, he’s inflicted fatalities on our personnel, and now he has escaped with invaluable Protectorate property?! How could this happen I, ugh, no, it’s not worth it.” Magnus said, calming himself as he asked into a more lucid state. “In the end, I know what this scum wants, and he will regret it. He came into my world, challenged my law, for personal grudges, there are things bigger than him and his feelings out there. He’ll be looking for me, and we all know it’s suicide. This world tear apart either the fool’s soul if it doesn’t kill him first. I saw it in his eyes. He can’t understand what must be done in this world. Only I do. Yet he and others like him would see my work undone send us back to the jaws of the war. That is why I can’t accept this. Do we have a name?” Magnus inquired. “According to inquiries into the public, the citizens from the Lower Area of that city call him, uh, Samurai Jack.” Xander reported. Magnus turned back a little baffled, “A samurai from some bygone era called Jack? Where the hell did he get that? Ah well, simple enough. Have him and the traitor blacklisted immediately, I want to make examples out of them. This Renegade Samurai will be put down by any and all means necessary. So, let’s see how this “Samurai Jack” breaks in this world” stated Magnus without a doubt.
Author’s Note: Man, another word dump, huh. Sorry, but I think of Renegade Samurai chapters in the same frame as Samurai Jack episodes. This got read bloody and dark, huh. I didn’t imagine it this way initially, but as I pictured Jack and Ashi fighting people, going all out, there was no way it couldn’t be graphic, and I wasn’t going to go censor myself. Also, the language. I know even Season 5 didn’t have strong language, only mild, and to be fair, I’m not going to break character by having things like Jack swearing. The Scotsman is another story. It’s just that in a world as dark and graphic as Renegade Samurai, some of the people in it let loose through language, because that’s what people do in real life. I might even include, uh, sexually suggestive stuff, but that’s not my strong suite, so don’t expect raw sexual fantasies, I just wouldn’t be able to pull it off right, so I’ll just leave things suggest it enough. Still, with how intense it’s getting, I’ve decided to confirm this story for an M rating, you’ve been warned. I intend to span this for a few arcs, partly because I feel there wasn’t enough Samurai Jack in the end. So, for those of you following let’s see where Jack will end up in this new future.
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