tell-it-to-thefrogs · 3 years
Okay, okay I know, Everyone under the sun has analyzed this classic Daryl Dixon scene. The first time he is ever shot on camera. His first big reveal with a string of squirrels around his neck. That redneck heart throb in the making. 
But can we just take a minute and smirk, at all the energy these men put into taking down just one walker? Lets appreciate the beginnings of the bad assery to come, and the shocked looks of bewilderment, that one of those “things” Could wander so far up the mountain side right into camp. This encounter when I was watching for the first time, back in 2010 had me on the edge of my seat. Gnawed on fingernails, as they beat the thing mercilessly, and it kept getting up. Until finally, Dale, the old wise man, takes its head off with an axe. 
It’s priceless. It’s a brilliant shot, as they all quietly flinch at the sound of the soft footed brother, marching his way to what he thinks is his meal. The suspense in those crunched branches, and rustles of leaves, Such a sigh of relief, when finally the younger Dixon brother rounded those leaves. 
I tell ya what. 
All of them, blood pumping, raring up for a fight, and here he comes through the brush not even batting and eye at the rifle pointed in his face. He’s more worried about the deer. 
I knew then, that Daryl Dixon, would be one of my favorites. 
I want you to take a minute to just sit with it. Sit with this scene and take it in. 
Then I want you to look at the pure optimism in his face. That feeling like he is doing something for the good of these people. Strangers as they are, yet he’s happy to be of some good use. How much his nonchalance reveals about that person inside of him. 
Even when he is shouting insults to Dale, they aren’t really insults are they? 
“Why don’t you take that stupid hat and go back to on golden pond.“
I mean seriously. Is that not just the cutest insult you ever heard? 
That line has been the source of inspiration for my writing partner and I, many a times, when writing Caryl fics to make our shipper hearts happy. 
The significance it can carry in a Daryl muse, is phenomenally rich. 
Can we talk about the squirrels? How he is so willing to share his only spoils with the rest of the group? That’s not something Merle would do. Daryl is just different. And it’s clear, in this precious scene just how much. 
The lead up to this introduction of character. All the whispers around the fire. The planning to do the best to save their ass, and “handle him” when he got back. When he came round that corner, Crossbow slung, his innocence drew me like a moth to a flame, and I raised a brow. 
On my watch list he went. Much like Carol in the previous scene I posted.
This scene is golden. More Golden than Dales Bucket hat. 
Remember to give my writing partner @daryl-and-carol-oh-my a follow. And a sub to their youtube. They upload scenes from TWD just like these. 
To those of you who made it to the end if this long winded drabble, thank you. 
And as always, Caryl on my friends. 
Caryl on <3333333333333333333
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tell-it-to-thefrogs · 3 years
First post
Let me start by saying, hello and welcome to my blog. I am a Caryl Whore and this ship consumes my thoughts through so many parts of my day. Not a thing has ever deterred me to endure all that this ship has thrown at me. I will forever be grateful for the life long love in which will consume me forever. Nothing but Caryl positivity here. Every single bump it has rained down on me I have watched, protected by my Caryl goggles. I have yet to find a reason to stop loving everything to do with this ship. I am going to start with season one. Baring my soul to this this site, and all who choose to follow me, each and every Carol, Daryl, and Caryl scene that has impacted me and made my love for these characters grow over the years. I am happy to do so, and to say that I have a Fully developed Caryl muse, ready and locked and loaded for this page. Sometimes, it might just be me rambling, about nothing and everything at all. Thanks for coming on the ride 
Caryl on my friends Caryl on!<333
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tell-it-to-thefrogs · 3 years
Let me start with this baby. I don’t know about you, but this scene to me signifies the beginning of one of my favorite dynamics. This friendship is a bumpy yet strong one, that develops into such a strong bond of trust over the years. Until Rick’s untimely departure. Carol is quiet. Sweet as sin, here in this, and I can’t help but fawn over that voice of her. Season one her, where her voice is barely heard. 
Yet she says good morning first. 
She says it first. This quiet broken woman reached out to a man who you can see, she is looking to to trust. Yet still, scoping him out. Ever the skeptic. Playing this part that she has lived since she met Ed. 
That’s what she does best. Hides her true potential. Skirts by unnoticed. This is why she is my favorite. Here, she looks like a housewife, just trying to be kind. Rick see’s that. See’s her, and gives her the respect she deserves by looking her in the eye as he thanks her. When we all know what she is capable of now. I rewatch it knowing that sense of change, already afoot in her. 
My muse says in this moment, Carol can see Rick is a good man. She feels a little safer. However little that may be in such unsafe circumstances. 
This episode was the beginning for me. My careful eyes on this woman, 
Character or not. 
She represents so many. 
A small insight into her strategy. There is no small Carol scene ever. There is always significance. 
Anyway. That’s my thoughts. Hope you have fun, Caryl on<333333333
PS, thank you @daryl-and-carol-oh-my for letting me use your videos. They make these diatribes so much easier. <33333333333333333333333333
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