#fanservice o’ clock
tekkenenjoyerblue · 5 months
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Join Shadaloo today folks! (Put me in charge of their PR)
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mutsky · 1 month
battle of the writers ep 3
-am i on the clock? yes!
-so are we gonna start every episode with the past lives (idk their names)
-wittol baby demon
-not baby gems looking it up
-shen an and duan ru xing are the back story couple
-oh this did not save for parts 2&3 basically i am enjoying the novel/backstory but i do think they are making it too complicated i think enemies to lovers righteous man and demon who solve mysteries together is enough
-pieozone is cute too
-i dont understand the point of this fanservice section where the play games they can do that on tour
-is it so they can blindfold shan again like in the past?
-thats exactly what he wants them to think obaun
- not mark as tutoryims child
nice looking forward to more
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vlovers19 · 4 years
I really didnt wanna make thus a big deal but seeing ur recent post. Yes vmin have gotten close tgt but also somethings still dont make sense. Like the vlive they promised to do tgt and now tae saying he wants to sleep next to jm in the soop but so far it doesnt seem like they shared a room. I wouldnt mind at all if they hadnt mentioned both things specifically but then went ahead and dix not folloe through. What do u think?
To be honest, it's so confusing. But then I ask myself, why would two people say something and yet do a totally different thing?
Now, they aren't the owners of Big Hit. They are just artists working with the company under a stupilated contract which means that there is a limit to what they can do. They might have some influence but not all. In the end, the entire decision making lies in the hands of the company. However, i noticed that the come back vlives they had were structured between members where they were made to cook, play games, sing karaoke in other to entertain the fans. Before then, I was always of the belief that Vmin were always avoiding vlives with each other especially since 2016 due to personal reasons. I still stand by that. Taehyung mostly seems to be the one avoiding doing the vlive every time Jimin invites him due to some suspicious reasons I have talked about in a previous ask. But now, i feel there's something more to it. (We learn something new everyday)
Anyway, during his Vlive, Jimin seemed really eager to do a vlive with Taehyung and even called Taehyung under the awareness of thousands of people and made him promise to do the vlive with him to which Taehyung promised.
Now, his fans, Taehyung's fans, haters, antis.... shippers. All sorts of people would have seen that vlive. We all waited, the other units had vlives together. Jimin, Yoongi and Jin. Jimin and Jungkook. Jungkook and Taehyung. Others had theirs even repeatedly switching between themselves, all except Vmin
What happened to the most awaited vmin vlive? Why were other members vlive arranged except the most awaited one despite the promise that was made during live. Why was it such a difficult thing to do? It's like the company is willing to risk the outbursts from fans than let Vmin have their vlive together but they are best friends so what is the big deal?
Is it that they are afraid Vmin would slip up and say things they shouldn't or are they afraid they might behave in a suspicious manner and expose some rather eye raising things that could put them in the spot light? With Vlive, one can't undo what they've said because nothing can be edited
Instead, Big hit prepared a scheduled interview where every bts unit was interviewed with questions. Vmin was of course included in this one. They answered questions but still they were weird. Taehyung managed to slip up. It was in this interview that Taehyung unexpectedly revealed that his song 4'O clock was inspired by the time he was waiting for Jimin in the park.
Imagine if he could expose this kind of information during a scheduled interview. What wouldn't he say during a vlive? At least, they saved themselves from suspicions by reminding us that they were just friends, keeping our minds from straying too far. It's almost like we should satisfy ourselves with that interview because they had already said all they wanted to say about their song friends except why the hell they called each other soulmates? But till now, they both don't even talk about the vlive or apologize for not doing what they promised?
Now, do you think they did it on purpose? I don't think so. I don't know about Taehyung but one thing I'm sure of is that Jimin doesn't like to disappoint his fans. He probably knew Taehyung's stance when it comes to doing vlive together with him which could be why he made Taehyung promise to do it in front of everyone. Even if it was fanservice, nothing would have stopped Jimin from dragging Taehyung to do that vlive with him despite the other's hesitation. if not for anything but at least to satisfy his fans after making a promise with them.
so what stopped him? Probably something higher than Jimin himself.
It could be the same with Bts the soop. Taehyung announced his intentions to sleep with Jimin in the game room. He even kept his luggage there and everyone thougt they would end up sharing the room together but instead, without any explanation whatsoever, we see Taehyung sharing a room with J hope. However, it's a single bed and doesn't seem more comfortable than the giant bed left just for Jimin.
One noticeable thing was at first, the game room had only one pillow on the bed in that room. Jimin was the only one sharing the bed. So what was the need for the second pillow. He could have needed it to cuddle but the thing is, while cuddling a pillow, normally, it would be left on the center of the bed or tussled about but instead, it remained at the head of the bed like he didn't touch it at all. (Suspicious) It's highly likely, the extra pillow wasn't for cuddling because someone slept on it. However, how would I know? I wasn't there so I'm just speculating.
Vmin have shared rooms before but why not now despite them wanting to do so? I've also noticed that they only share rooms when they personally want it to happen. Sometimes, they even beg for it and someone has to give them permission to share the room together. So it's fishy because for people who even once had to beg Hoseok to let them share a room together, what could be the reason why they couldn't do so now but I'm once again reminded that they aren't the owners of Big Hit. Just like they need Big Hit's permission to go on an official Japan trip together, they might also need their permission in other aspects as well. Well, this is just what I think. Thank you
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prompt-master · 4 years
Is it ‘send prom weird anons’ o clock or something? Smh send anons abt dr men’s curves instead
Please lord give me male fanservice 🙏😳🙏😳🙏💦💦
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ober-affen-geil · 5 years
This is an appreciation post for the women of Roswell in slouchy, at-home looks. Because it’s yet another thing Roswell has done better with than I usually see, consistently, and it is screech o’ clock.
We start with Liz in the pilot, when she finds a scar that shouldn’t be there. Normally this would be a perfect opportunity for some gratuitous underwear fanservice. And yeah, we do see her in a bra. But she’s also in an old robe and leggings.
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[ID: Liz stands facing a full-length mirror, her back to the camera. She is wearing a old robe that we see in the reflection is open at the front. Under it, she has on a simple t-shirt bra and leggings. Her hair is in a messy bun.]
When she discovers the scar, we don’t have long shots of her chest and she never actually takes off the robe. Basically, she looks and acts like someone getting ready for bed and relaxing in the privacy of their own space.
We are treated to this Liz again in the second episode when Michael and Isobel come over to “talk” and get her down from her room in her pjs.
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[ID: Liz stands in the doorway of the Crashdown wearing a loose tanktop, leggings, and an oversized sweater that hangs open in the front. She is barefoot.]
We don’t get her in slinky lingerie, we get her in slouchy, comfy-looking pjs that actually look like something a human woman might sleep in. She’s not even wearing shoes which is extraordinary considering we rarely see Liz in anything but heels.
We see the same thing with Cam at the end of the episode when Max shows up at her house; in our first glimpse of her she’s not wearing any earrings.
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[ID: A closeup of Cam in the doorway of her house. She is wearing a large, open cardigan and a simple chain necklace, no earrings. Her hair is in a messy bun.]
It’s a small detail, but it’s a major indicator that Cam is at home relaxing. We don’t see it all that much in this shot, but she’s wearing comfortable clothing and she’s taken her major jewelry off. Just like anyone would do after coming home from work.
We see more of her comfy wear in the kitchen:
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[ID: Cam is sitting on her kitchen counter, kissing Max. She is wearing an off-the-shoulder slouch shirt and stocking-slippers.]
And for me it’s the slippers that really do it. Those are not sexy. Those are “I’m walking around my house and I’m not going anywhere for anyone because I am RELAXING”. And we see her be sexy in them anyway because sometimes the socks stay on, deal with it.
But my personal favorite is Isobel. Not just the instantly iconic blanket burrito that we can all relate to:
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[ID: Isobel is laying in Michael’s bunk in his trailer. She has one blanket over her body and one wrapped around her shoulders and head, all we see is her face.]
Because who hasn’t done that when they’re sad and feeling like they don’t want to face the world.
No, it’s also when we see her later when she’s telling off the boys.
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[ID: Isobel stands in the doorway of Michael’s airstream. She is wearing an oversized long-sleeve t-shirt, leggings, and socks.]
This is Isobel Evans. Every single other time in the show when we see her wearing something she has chosen to dress herself in, she is impeccable. She is polished, pristine, and put together. But not here, because here she is in the middle of a junk yard with only her brothers for company. The only two people on the planet that she can actually relax in front of. The only two people in the world she feels like she doesn’t have to wear a mask for.
THAT is how you effectively use costuming to give character-informing information while also presenting your leads as actually relatable people you might find in the real world. And I’m really, really happy we get to see it more than once.
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legalist217 · 6 years
5, 9 and 15 for the asks
5. Do you think Yui is good or evil?
Hmm. tbh neither. Honestly I think she’s selfish and borderline childish. Like her elaborate plan to prove Humanity Existed(tm) is to shove her soul into a monstrosity that does not really resemble humanity as it actually existed and then go floating about the cosmos forevermore. She doesn’t give a shit about the short view, only caring about this ultimate goal... which means pretty much throwing her family to the wayside and only worrying about them when they’re in direct line of sight. But I still get less a sense of evil and more that her sense of empathy is underdeveloped much like that of a toddler.
9. Is there anyone you think the fandom gives too much flack? Why?
Literally every character that has ever been in the whipping-boy seat. Every single one. Yes, even Gendo, and since that’s a spicy take, let’s discuss why.
Going off what I said about Yui, she selfishly abandoned her family to go do her endgame. And she very deliberately did not discuss this with her husband and probably just figured he would puzzle out the whole dad thing. Or maybe not? Not her problem! She’s a robot now yay. 
Gendo came from what’s implied to be a really screwed up backstory. I haven’t read the entire manga, so I dunno if we get deeper insight into him the way we did for Kaji, but I really do feel for him... in part because of my own family history with my own Dadliest Catch. You can only progress so far beyond your parental template, and progress is gonna be relative. For all we know, Gendo thinks he’s doing pretty okay because he’s only manipulating Shinji and not beating the tar out of him to get what he wants.
(See, my home life is a lot better than Shinji’s and I think that’s got a lot to do with my mother not peacing out to go be a giant robot. Imagine if Yui was still around to say “hey Gen, knock it tf off” when he’s being a controlling bastard. Completely different show, much less engaging, but MUCH HEALTHIER for everyone involved, Gendo included.)
But even without projecting my own father onto him? Gendo canonically doesn’t really enjoy the choices he’s making. And it’s all means to his Ultimate End, which is to reunite with his wife. It’s almost like that’s a theme of the show, that ignoring the short term consequences is going to HAVE long term consequences and maybe you should incorporate those INTO your long view. But it’s extremely human, is the thing. All the cast are extremely human... even when we wish they were easily dismissable monsters. 
15. Does the fanservice make you uncomfortable?
Ah, no, honestly. But I’m an odd duck who’s desensitized to the male gaze, or at least is comfortable ignoring it up to a very high threshold which Evangelion does not hit. (If you’re looking for my threshold, the show that most recently came within spitting distance of that line was Elfen Lied. And it took me like four separate tries to get through Nisemonogatari because the parts that I had shown up for had been abandoned in favor of more incest baiting. Haha no thank you.)
This desensitization is due to enjoying narrative themes that tend to be assumed are only going to interest men. So, at a young age, I decided I was just not gonna give a shit about bouncy titties. Let’s be very clear that this was a decision I made for myself, and it may not have been the ‘right’ one, but it’s made it much easier for me to enjoy the sorts of surreal/cyberpunk/psychological/whatever stories that end up in otaku-o-clock shows. 
Ask me about Evangelion!
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delta-chan · 6 years
I swear, people are out there acting like anime is integral to Japanese culture. It sure as hell is NOT my dude, and even the Japanese see most of it in a fairly poor light. There are anime you can mention to people and not have them weirded out by--stuff like Fist of the North Star, Sailor Moon, Anpanman or Gundam, really famous things like that--but as soon as you come out with “Oh yeah, I love that show, My Little Sister and Her Busty Friends Just Have no Shame!” or whatever people are gonna hold you at more than an arm’s length. Anything that airs at good ol’ otaku-o-clock you’re definitely not gonna want to mention. This is something every single one of my Japanese teachers have given their classes a good talking-to about, and something exchange students have pointed out since loads of them didn’t even watch anime, and if they did it was very little.
Me? I’m so fed up with fanservice and grossness in general that I rarely even peep fiction anymore. I’m all about documentaries now. I just learned a fuckload about Stephen Hawking, I’ll probably forget all about it tomorrow because my memory is total bullshit but it was rad and I didn’t even need to see anyone’s naked butt in the process. I even saw a show earlier about a dude who stuffs dead animals for a museum and how he likes udon for lunch. Earth really is full of things
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updatedphan · 7 years
🛩 dan’s younow april 4, 2017 🛩
I don't hate you all!
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read on google drive with links
-he's using his phone bc his mouse died -he feels like it looks better tbh -welcome to the chatterino -did u enjoy his vid -he does not hate us. Chillax friendos -phil is not a very rude person -they have Reciprocal Bants -they're doing a lotta traveling soon -should dan upload more dumb casual videos -did u like the craft vid -how us it been 3 years -"good things come in 3s" -it's the end of the craft channel rest in peace -they felt like the 3rd vid was the Natural Progression of the craft channel -don't talk to him about food -if u got Anything out of tht shirtless phil scene. he doesn't know what to say tbh ur worse than them -thx for spamming even after he said Don't Spam -we are completely out of his control -let's do a bit of the show upside down -nvm he can't read the chat -upside-DAN -he'll talk about dapg... -u exist to please urself. no pressure. -so many of his videos just have him having a Breakdown in them now tbh -he should put some Intellectual and Deep content up in the future -his sunday school teacher messaging him made him aware of how anyone can see what he says -sunday school had jams and biscuits that's what he was there for tbh -he left the message unread he can't deal with that tbh -should he stop giving us actual content and just make videos about who's on his Daddy List -they've been Busy Bees -filming lots of gaming videos -woo -he's so good at mario kart -the craft video and illuminati yt meeting weren't planned but he'll take credit anyway -shittywatercolour has no shame -dan is dragging everyone around him into depravity -he heard he was in the bg of 13 reasons -he had to cut the quiz vid down from 25 min -but it was mostly him having a breakdown -yt is aware of the community's opinion on everything they just should try to work faster -Susan Waluigi, CEO of YouTube -nose angle -Hair Cam -he's Relocating his wirrow painting you could say -the next dil video is Dramatic -do u want some Fanservice -ur not ready for this -they were out having lunch -then dan had to meet up with his mum to get his jacket he left at his house -but he was cold so he had to borrow phil's jacket -he was wearing phil's coat for 20 minutes today -holy moly -don't say he doesn't give us what we want tbh -why is anyone even here -baby weasels -give him an app where he can buy a weasel to nibble his hand -his wirrow painting is like damocles' sword rn -did he rly use tht as a reference -club penguin -the vid was just like 20 min of them getting rejected -he wants our input on his ugly video background -let's talk about this in 2 weeks when they're back from australia -when he gets into it send him Palettes -he was so traumatized by his last terrarium experience does he really want to do it again -phil isn't doing a liveshow this week but he may be uploading a video that day instead -he doesn't speak for phil. phil jus told him this -they'll try to upload on liveshow days -prob no liveshows til the 25th (?) -window seats on planes > aisle seats -what's the gender neutral equivalent of BallAche -AssAche -playing with keys ASMR -lookin Fresh -it takes like 30 min to edit craft vids -they were all completely improvised -other than the craft itself ofc -his Weed Jumper is scratchy and leaves fluff all over him -why does he keep it -"phil and i........        [whisper ] i'll break your legs" -forehead 5 o clock shadow -beep beep i'm a sheep -frosty nips -beluga whale -slow puberty -no beard -slow aging boi -sorry if it's laggy -he was betrayed by food yesterday -it didn't come for an hour -their order didn't get processed -so they just ordered domino's -bc it was like. 11 pm and nothing else was open. -a fresh pizza though -the next gaming vid is a Hoot -love/hate with twd -chin fluff -he has tense shoulders -could do with a massage tbh -he used to roleplay sonic with his friends when he was little -his sonic oc was named silver -what is it about sonic the hedgehog that makes children go Nuts -it's a gateway to the furry fandom -the furry fandom is Out There on twitter -it's a whole world for u to get lost in -he almost just ended the show by accident -that's what he's been up to recently -thanks for watching -he's always Semi-Joking -only ever 80% having a breakdown -ty everyone who made quizzes about him -hope u enjoyed the vid -they're off to aus -no liveshows for a bit -maybe next one will be more productive -hope it's been fun -look forward to phil's video and the rearrangement of dan's possessions -Bye
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tokupedia · 8 years
Kamen Rider 45th Anniversary File: Kabuto
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Magical Source! Mystic Force! Power Rangers Mystic Force premieres on ABC and Jetix in the west.
After two seasons of the same lead cast, the Pretty Cure franchise introduces fans to a pair of brand new Cures, Cure Bloom and Cure Egret, in Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star. The series airs alongside the new Sentai and Rider series. Super super spark, Splash Star!
After the mild success of creating Garo, Keita Amemiya takes a break from the directors chair to be a character designer on a TV series called Madan Senki Ryukendo. The show was sponsored by Capcom and created by Takara Tomy and We’ve Inc. Ryukendo revolves around a trio of magical heroes who use special keys and talking weapons to defeat an army of demons terrorizing a small city. It also serves as a sort-of-prequel to the Tomica Hero Series as that series is set in the same universe.
Meanwhile, some of the staff of Garo worked on a short adult revival of the 1970s P-Productions TV show Lion Maru, Lion Maru G.
Endless Bouken Spirits! Super Sentai celebrated its 30th anniversary/season with GoGo Sentai Boukenger, a treasure hunting themed Sentai that features special segments at the end of the show highlighting the important milestones and tropes of the franchise as well as teams from each season.
Ultraman celebrates its 40th anniversary year with Ultraman Mebius, a show that pays homage to the entirety of the franchise with some classic monsters reappearing to fight the rookie Ultra and guest appearances by previous Ultramen.
Gamera returns for one last film: Gamera the Brave  (Coke products not included.)
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2006 was the 35th anniversary of Kamen Rider.
Since this momentous occasion was so special, the staff of Toei decided to go back to basics with the next series (especially given the staff/writing debacle with Hibiki the previous year). No extreme excess amounts of gimmicks, no strange mashups of motifs, just good old fashioned fightin’ bugmen.
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Early Kabuto concept art
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A later concept sketch showcasing the overall final look of the main hero. Note that one of these designs would be used for a future Rider in the show. Copyright to PLEX and Ishimori Pro.
One interesting thing about Kabuto is the allusion to the franchise’s roots. The Masked Rider Project began on April 3, 1971 after the Natives landed on Earth. This leads to fan theory that the Kamen Riders, at least the tech-based ones, have their belts, cybernetics (in the case of Showa Riders) and equipment made from reverse engineered alien technology. A bit of expanded universe lore leaned a bit factual weight to that theory outside normal canon, as Kamen Rider Stronger’s Final Form Ride by Decade was a Zecter.
But this was just a date, a fanservice nod in terms of the show.
The insect motif designs for most of the Riders in the series were essentially modernized variants of the Showa Riders: A Japanese Rhino Beetle (Stronger/Kabuto), A member of the Vespa family of insects (Super-1/TheBee), a Dragonfly (V3/Drake) and two Grasshopper themed Riders (1 and 2/Kickhopper and Punchhopper). It also payed homage to the more recent motif of a Stag Beetle (Kuuga/Gatack) for the main supporting Rider.
There were also new additions, including a Scorpion Rider and a trio of new Beetle motif Riders as the annual movie exclusive Riders. (Hercules, Caucasus and Centaurus).
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The reboot Takeshi Hongo makes a cameo in one episode (made even stranger since there was no other reboot film in theaters at the time, as The Next was still being filmed.) Given the real Kamen Rider 1 exists as does Kabuto in later continuity, this is best hand waved as just a promotion plug for Kamen Rider: The First’s DVD.
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There were also 35th anniversary files building up to the summer movie God Speed Love, which essentially functioned similar to the ones Boukenger showed for Super Sentai’s 30th. (These 45th anniversary files are the unofficial, fanmade sort of successor to this bit.)
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During a few of the Super Hero Time closing segments, Souji would interact with Satoru aka BoukenRed. This was no surprise since the two sibling shows were celebrating an anniversary year together, but it was historic as nobody had seen the actors of a main Rider and a Red Ranger interact with one another before in conversations.
Most Super Hero Time segments kept the heroes separate and interacted only with their show’s cast onscreen aside from transformations and dialogue, so this was unheard of at the time. This event would sow the seeds of future crossovers in the Heisei era such as Den-O and Kiva, the Decade crossover with Shinkenger and eventually lead up to the Taisen films and spring crossover specials.
A media trend happening during the mid aughts was The Matrix film franchise, whose “bullet time” visual effect was often duplicated and/or parodied. Kamen Rider was no exception, as the staff and SFX team at Toei decided to experiment with variants of the visual mechanic by giving the heroes of the show a unique form of super speed to counter equally fast enemies.
Another achievement this installment made was Kamen Rider Kabuto has the distinction of being the first main Kamen Rider to go into space!
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(Space, the final path of heaven... these are the Hyper Clock Ups of the superhero Kabuto. His continuing mission, to destroy strange new monsters, to seek out new recipes and quote his Grandmother. To boldly kick where no (Rider)man has kicked before! *TNG theme plays*)
Let’s not waste any time, we must talk of the path of Heaven who rules over all!
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Mr. Tendou circa 2007 in Paris, France, traveling as the greatest chef humanity has ever been graced with.
Real Name: Souji Tendou (formerly Souji Kusakabe)
In 1971, Earth was visited by aliens called the Natives, who offered to protect humans in secret from the more hostile members of their race: The Worm. They did so by developing and creating the Masked Rider System and ZECT, a tech company/defense force designed to hunt down the Worms. They assume human forms in an attempt to blend in and live peaceful lives among the humans.
In 1998, a shower of meteorites hit the Japanese district of Shibuya, killing countless people and causing massive property damage. Among those killed were the Kusakabes, save for the youngest son, Souji and his cousin Jyuka. While this disaster was tragic, something even worse came with the meteorites: The Worm.
Young Souji received a belt from someone to one day help humanity. Jump ahead to 2006 and he gets his chance after seeing a Worm attacking and a Zecter appears, which comes to him and he transforms into Kabuto to destroy it.  Having lived with his grandmother after the death of his parents, Souji upon first impression comes off as egotistical and eccentric. But he is a caring soul and has a Buddhist monk-like sense of peace. He also really loves his grandmother and both he and Jyuka quote her philosophies often.
Kabuto does not align himself with ZECT and does hero work on his own whims, as he rightfully does not trust them. He investigates the mystery of ZECT and the Worms and sometimes makes hard decisions that make the hero come off as cruel or questionable in motive.
After defeating the rouge members of ZECT and the Worms, Souji becomes a famous world-traveling chef. But should the need arise, he will call upon his Zecter once more to fight evil wherever it may be.
As his insert song lyrically describes him, Kabuto is the Lord of Speed. Able to travel faster than the speed of light itself in Hyper Form, Kabuto is one of the fastest Kamen Riders around.
His Clock Up power gives him the ability to move at super speed to the point where everything around him is at a standstill or slowed down considerably. In addition, Kabuto’s armor grants him enhanced defense and the tachyon energy it or combined Zecters absorb can be channeled to execute a finisher or weapon attack. The belt and its systems, being alien tech. have a self repair function that allows Kabuto to restore the Armor or Belt even after heavy damage, the extent of time to repair depends on the damage. (Ex. The ability to use Clock Up again in mere seconds after his Clock Up system was electrocuted by Stronger. )
Kabuto’s Hyper Form can also allow the Rider to break the time barrier and alter history however he sees fit to save someone or immobilize his target for a quick finisher. The exact limit of the length he can go back in time is unknown, but it has been shown he can go back at least 7 years into the past. This also results in some timey-wimey scenarios where Kabutos from alternate timelines can appear and disappear. It also means that the Hyper Zecter cannot be destroyed on a permanent basis, as another can be called upon from a different point in time or an alternate timeline. In Hyper form, Kabuto can fly or jump higher using a tachyon energy powered jetpack which can also be used for space travel. Kabuto also has immense super strength in Hyper form, able to do Superman-like feats with the help of his jetpack such as push a giant meteorite.
Souji is a very skilled combatant, as part of his fighting style utilizes evading his opponent to read their movement before finding tells and countering with rapid punches or slashes. He also utilizes his super speed and surroundings to his advantage. Souji is also very skilled at many things with examples including cooking, martial arts, and remaining cool under pressure even in the most tense of situations.
Kabuto is a difficult opponent to defeat, as he can simply time jump to take his foes out before they can even plan an attack or just mow them down with Clock Up/Hyper Clock Up. But there are ways to defeat him, some superheroes such as Kamen Rider Faiz Axel form or Red Buster from Go-Busters can match regular Kabuto’s speed. So it stands to reason a foe with powerful super speed and attack power could defeat him.
Another way is to create a “Clock Down” wave, creating a subspace field of energy that disrupts Kabuto’s tachyon absorption and thus forces him out of Clock Up. Without his signature ability, a more skilled combatant could overpower him.
Decade is shown to be more than a match for Kabuto by copying his Clock Up  and utilizing other Rider powers in tandem with that ability to crush him. If another ZECT Rider gains a Hyper Zecter, such as Kamen Rider Caucasus in God Speed Love, Kabuto would have trouble defeating them unless he used his own or formed a strategy to take them down.
Signature Finishers
Rider Kick: By pressing the three buttons on his Zecter and flipping the horn lever back and forth, Kabuto charges tachyon energy into his feet to execute a powerful kick. Kabuto’s kick comes in three variations: A normal 180 degree roundhouse kick, a counter kick (360 degree roundhouse kick, which is used to surprise opponents who attempt to attack him from behind), and a flying side kick. The Hyper Version is way more powerful and utilizes the tachyon jetpack to rocket jump higher to land the kick with even greater force.
Avalanche attacks (Kunai Gun): The Kunai Gun multipurpose weapon can execute a Rider Shooting attack, a Rider Thrust stab or a Rider Slash.
Maximum Hyper Cyclone: Kabuto’s most powerful attack. By summoning the Drake, TheBee, Sasword and Perfect Zecter in Gun Mode and combining them, Kabuto channels the maximum output of tachyons into a powerful energy burst that annihilates anything in its path. The recoil from this powerful gun blast is so rough that Kabuto either needs to use his jetpack to keep himself steady or use Hyper Clock Up to stop time to slow his inertia from the recoil or do both.
Maximum Hyper Typhoon: A powerful Rider Slash that channels the maximum output of tachyons into either an enhanced sword cut to kill one foe or a powerful swordbeam that destroys multiple targets.
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A tech/defense organization founded by the Natives and humanity, ZECT itself is kind of dubious at times. This is not helped by the fact that Worms who are not Natives and harbor schemes of their own are lurking in ZECT. ZECT often has problems among its ranks, so it is hard to trust some of the personnel as some of them could backstab, be a Worm or go under orders to kill or detain a Rider. Things get worse in an alternate timeline where infighting causes ZECT to split into two warring factions with the main version of ZECT’s leader plotting to end Humanity by bringing more of....
The Worm
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Worms are a mimetic humanoid insect alien species from an unknown region of space who arrived on Earth on a Meteorite that crashed in Shibuya back in 1998. They commonly possesses the ability to move at unbelievable speed after shedding their pupa stage, fire energy blasts and can mimic a human right down to their memories ala Invasion of the Body Snatchers, usually killing the original or mimicking a recently dead person.  Worms have a variety of insectoid or arthropod forms they can take on and powers, ranging from the ability to stop time completely to attack unseen to shooting webs covered in acid.
There are good Worms called the Natives who wish to help humans and some who are even close to the main characters and get a happy ending. But I’ll leave that as a surprise....
Kabuto was a good series as it remembered the franchise’s roots and tried to honor them one last time before heading out into a new era of change and progress in motifs and innovations for the Kamen Rider series. And that path is the one we still walk now...
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tekkenenjoyerblue · 5 months
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Good googly moogly…
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