#fantasies of gore and cannibalism (doesn't actually happen)
whumpshaped · 1 year
whumptober 4
prompt list masterlist
tw possession? more just two souls sharing the same body but in a werewolfier sense... but it's not a werewolf- nonhuman whumpee, dehumanisation, captivity, fantasies of gore and cannibalism (doesn't actually happen), manipulation, conditioning
"You in there?"
Whumpee threw themself agaisnt the bars of their cage, feral as can be. There didn't seem to be a single coherent thought behind their eyes, only the bloodlust and hunger of the beast within them. Whumper sighed, exasperated.
"That's no good. I don't want an animal. Not right now." They turned around to look at the guards by the door, silently contemplating which one they needed less. "Hey, you. C'mere."
The chosen guard was visibly anxious as they followed the order, standing beside Whumper. "Yes, sir."
"I need Whumpee a little calmer. More... clear-headed. Docile." They put a hand on the back of the guard's neck, slowly guiding them towards the cage in which Whumpee was still wreaking havoc. "You think you can do that for me?"
"What exactly is my job here, sir?"
"Whatever you need to do to beat some sense into them." Whumper tilted their head to the side with a wicked grin on their face. "Or feed them. Both works for me."
The guard swallowed. Clearly, Whumper didn't actually expect them to be anything more than pet food. "If I may, sir, I think I have a better person for this sort of thing."
Whumper laughed. "Oh, I bet you do."
"One of the medical staff–"
"I'm not putting my doctors and nurses in danger."
"No, that's not it– one of them seems to be well-liked by... this thing, sir. Very well-liked. I think it would be beneficial to bring them in so they could attempt to calm the beast from the outside. Of course, I would never suggest sending them inside, sir."
"You're so desperate to get out doing anything, huh?" Whumper shrugged. "Fine. Who is it?"
The scent of blood. The scent of flesh. The scent of living humans walking around in the room. Whumpee was hardly conscious of any of that, but the beast was. And it wanted to rip into those things, tear people apart and lap at their blood.
The world always seemed so small whenever the beast was in control. It was always hyperfocused on a single little thing, a single sensation like hunger, and it wouldn't let any other thought disrupt that focus. Whumpee could never rationalise with it. Logic didn't exist to the beast, nor did requests, or even orders. The beast didn't have friends or loved ones to listen to.
Except one.
"Um... hello."
Whumpee immediately recognised the voice. They wanted to scream at them to leave, to get away and not look back. They couldn't be trusted right now.
But strangely... it wasn't only them who recognised Caretaker. The beast stopped its violent protest against the confinement for a moment to sniff the air, pupils dilating as it realised who was standing on the other side of the bars.
"Remember me?" Caretaker asked with a gentle smile. Whumpee felt themself nod in unison with the monster trapped inside of their body. It was still pressing its whole body against the bars of their prison, — both the iron and flesh one, — but it wasn't as malicious anymore. "Good. Good... Um... You're not... supposed to be out right now."
The beast whined, and Whumpee suddenly felt a deep sorrow for it. They could feel the pain radiating from its soul, fusing nicely with their own sense of unwantedness.
"I know. I know. I'm sorry." Caretaker came closer, and the beast made no move to hurt them. It didn't try to reach through the bars and grab them by the throat. It just stood there, hurt, lost, and confused, wanting so desperately for Caretaker to say something that would've made it better. "If... if you don't let Whumpee take the reigns for a while, I... I'm inclined to believe they will hurt you."
Whumpee knew that very well. They doubted that the beast cared much, though. It wasn't the beast who had to be conscious for the recovery. It took the wheel to cause chaos and destruction, then left Whumpee to pick up the pieces.
Sure enough, it wasn't very convinced. Its attention shifted to the other people in the room and growled threateningly, only getting more riled up when it got no response from Whumper.
"Hey. Don't do that," Caretaker asked softly. It didn't listen. "Hey..." The bars weren't far enough away from each other to allow Whumpee to reach through, but Caretaker was able to get a thin arm in between them. Multiple people tried to step forward and stop them, but Whumper simply told them to stay back. Whumpee wanted to step back and get away... but they weren't in a position to do so, even though they shared a body with the vicious thing.
But the beast didn't attack. It let Caretaker cup its cheek and direct its attention back to them, and the growling died off quickly.
"Getting hurt and getting yourself sent to the medical ward isn't the only way to see me," they whispered. "I promise. So please, stop this for now. I will come back on a day that's a bit less busy, and when the boss doesn't need to talk to Whumpee specifically. Don't get yourself hurt for no reason."
It rubbed its face against their hand like a housecat, whining pitifully. Clearly, it didn't want to let Caretaker go. It was painfully lonely, Whumpee realised with a wave of guilt.
"I will come back," they repeated. "I will."
Usually, the beast would just disappear from one moment to the other, leaving Whumpee to jolt awake as if they'd just had a nightmare, but in the middle of an unfamiliar situation. But this time, it handed over the reigns in a controlled manner Whumpee didn't even think was possible.
They slowly gained control over each muscle in their body one by one, until they had the clarity to stop nuzzling against a nurse's hand like an animal. They pulled away feeling quite embarrassed. "Sorry," they muttered.
"No need to apologise." Caretaker pulled their hand back through the bars. "I wish I didn't have to tell it to go away. I'm sorry."
The tender moment was instantly interrupted by Whumper's shrill laugh. "That's amazing! That's perfect! We've got a monster-tamer in our ranks, huh?"
Caretaker flinched away from the noise, and Whumpee found themself grateful that there were bars separating them from the source. They could feel the beast growling from inside of them again, eager to defend its only friend, but all they could do was tell it to quiet down; though they couldn't deny the uncomfortable feeling in their own stomach when they saw Whumper throw an arm around Caretaker's shoulder.
"I wonder how else we can utilise this little friendship of yours."
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @whumpkinpie @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @whump-em @cyborg0109 @morning-star-whump @justanotherlokifan @2in1whump @lthrboy @justletmereadmywhump @florissimps
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whumpitisthen · 1 year
Auden's Story
Main Masterlist
Hell has consumed Earth as we know it. The Fallen are highly sought after as they are defenceless, weak and precious. They aren't meant to survive, and Auden doesn't expect his life to go on for much longer either. Fortunately — or rather unfortunately, — it seems someone special will not let him go that easily...
Character refs: 1 2
Grim: 1
General cw: creepy/intimate whumper, sadistic whumper, carewhumper, angel whumpee, demon whumper, nonhuman whumpee, nonhuman whumper, gore, torture, abuse, blood, manipulation, death, power dynamics, cannibalism (?), religious undertones and fucky headspaces related to god and such, (fantasy) medwhump, tiny whump, collars, slavery, dehumanisation, I'll add more as we go i guess
0. The Prelude - Auden's fall
1. Mercy - Auden arrives in rather rough shape to the Dragon Queen's manor, where he finds himself being taken care of by a seemingly gentle enough demon healer :3
2. Thoughts of Resentment - direct continuation of Mercy, we meet Miss Thu'lin
2.5 Chess - written after Foreboding Intermezzo, but happens right before Grim shows up at Miss Thu'lin's. tiny whump, gore :)
3. Death Comes Knocking - cont. from Thoughts of Resentment, Grim introduces himself in a rather dramatic fashion, the Doctor dips
4. The Shepherd Wolf - cont. from Death Comes Knocking, Grim takes a basically catatonic Auden 'home' as the angel boy tries his damnedest not to have a meltdown, and fails!
5. Mori - cont. from The Shepherd Wolf, Auden meets a friend :)
6. A Lesson in Selfishness - cont. from Mori, Auden learns how to eat things! :)
7. Bloodhound - after A Lesson in Selfishness, Grim's pov, introducing His Majesty
8. Brazen Arrogance - direct cont of Bloodhound, we finally meet some humans, His Majesty is not happy
9. Foreboding Intermezzo - Mori and Auden get some time to themselves while Grim is away
Sickeningly Sweet Ichor - an angel boy with a demon owner, very eerie and more horror than whump but i think thats a plus actually [this is older, but moved to auden’s horribly hurty adventures, im sure theres no reason for that dont worry about it]
Pearls of Maroon - oneshot, his majesty punishes some poor servant in front of an audience
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Taglist: @whumpsday @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpifi @sordayciega @a-miscellaneous-number-of-rats
@letitbehurt @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees
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