#fao is suffering (tm)
faofinn · 2 years
20. Cold Sweat
Fao’s wisdom teeth were driving him absolutely crazy. He’d had on and off pain for months, which he’d been ignoring, of course. It was just like everything else. It would hurt for a bit, and eventually it would go away. Half the time, something else hurt more, and he’d forget about the ache in his teeth. But right now, they were the worst of it, and they were absolutely killing him. They’d flared his jaw, which was giving him a pounding headache, and he’d barely made it through work on his last shift, the theatre lights just making it worse. He tensed his jaw when he concentrated, he always had done, and that meant by the time he’d finished his shift, he was in agony. 
He made it home that night somehow, exhausted and in pain, and swallowed some painkillers with his dinner before he headed to bed. He felt shocking, like he was brewing something, and he absently wondered if the damn troublesome teeth were getting infected. Probably, just his luck. 
Harrison was on his last night of the week, so he had the bed to himself. He missed his boyfriend, but the dog was some company, at least, and he all but passed out in bed, despite the pain. 
He’d tossed and turned all night, flicking between too hot and too cold. At some point, the dog had given up with his fidgeting and jumped off of the bed, choosing to lie on the floor next to Fao. He woke again for some more painkillers, feeling infinitely worse, and freezing cold, and curled up under the duvet again. 
The dog woke just before eight, running downstairs barking his head off. Harrison must be home, then. With a groan, Fao buried himself deeper under the duvet, feeling miserable. He was freezing, but drenched in sweat, and he just couldn’t get warm. His painkillers had done absolutely fuck all, and he was fed up. At least he didn’t have to work today, because he doubted he’d have even been able to get himself up and dressed. 
Harrison always enjoyed Arrows greeting, though he was sure Fao was meant to be off work. He was usually when Harrison got in, and the fact he wasn't downstairs was slightly concerning. 
Snacks forgotten, he headed upstairs, calling out for Fao as he went. "Fao? You home? You alright?"
Fao groaned. “Upstairs!”
He pushed open the bedroom door, and frowned. "What's happened?"
“Feel like crap.” He mumbled, his voice muffled by the pillows.
Harrison sat on the bed and reached over to stroke through Fao's hair. "Pain? Being sick? Head being a dick?"
“Pain.” He mumbled, rolling onto his side. “An’ all hot an’ cold.”
"You're all sweaty."
He hummed. "The pain won't be helping either, will it? Where is it? Have you had anything?"
Fao nodded. “Co-codamol. My wisdom teeth an’ jaw.”
"And it's not working?"
Fao shook his head. “Still feel crap.”
"Let me get my kit."
“No, c’mon. I’m fine.” He whined. “Jus’ come cuddle.”
"You look like shit. Let me at least see if you've got a temperature?" 
“Fine. An’ then come to bed.”
He stretched to press a kiss to his forehead. "Of course."
Fao hummed. “Good.” He said thickly. 
Harrison slipped off the bed, disappearing to grab his bag. He returned with more painkillers and water, too, as well as some snacks for later.
"Here, sit up?"
“Do I have to?” He grumbled. 
"Probably, yeah. I wanna check your jaw over."
Fao huffed and forced himself to sit up. “Fine, ‘m up.”
"Thank you." Harrison sat in front of Fao, and gave his boyfriend an encouraging smile. "I won't be long."
“Better not be.”
Harrison checked Fao over quickly, ignoring his boyfriend’s protests and complaints. There wasn't anything horrific standing out, but that didn't stop Fao from feeling so rough. Harrison forced some more painkillers down him, chastising him for leaving it so long between doses, and made sure Fao was as comfy as he could be in bed.
He promised he'd be back soon, but he had to shower after his shift. He didn't bother to wash his hair, just rinsing it under the water. With the towel wrapped around his waist, he reappeared to put his pjs on. It was his bedtime, after all. An old top and some shorts later, he lay beside Fao, his arm wrapped around his boyfriend. 
"There we go. Better?"
He snuggled into his boyfriend. “Much better. But still really hurts, Hars.”
"I bet. You know we're going to have to call the doctors and the dentists?"
“No, I’ll be alright.”
"No, you don't have a choice."
“C’mon. I’m an adult, I can say no.”
He huffed. “Call them now? Or can it wait?”
"You can have a nap first. I need a rest after last night. "
Fao happily snuggled closer, cold despite the sheen of sweat that clung to him. He shivered, trying to get warm. He was still in pain, too, despite the painkillers his boyfriend had insisted he took.
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