#faraday fo4
europium063 · 3 months
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Okay new headcanon DiMA has to sit and hunch down to even get at semi eyelevel w Faraday
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arthurmorganmcgill · 1 year
FaraDiMA truthers RISE!!!!!!!!
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Fallout Smash Cake for my good friend @stag-with-swag
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beepyscircus · 3 months
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The polycule is very functional and definitely not abnormal in anyway
(They’re doing their best and that’s all that matters)
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Bonus dysfunctional uncles and pretty normal older sister doodles
I apologize for how sloppy these are- their dynamics are just very funny
More fun facts idk lol:
- Mostly everyone can cook, some just- aren’t good at it (Danse and Fahrenheit specifically aren’t allowed near a grill)
- Fahrenheit gets comfortable calling the others her parents when Shaun comes around
- DiMA wants kids bc of Shaun and the others (Faraday shuts down this idea bc he gives children too much leeway)
- Nick and Hancock love telling stories of their adventures to the kids and they eat that shit up
- Ellie doesn’t know how she ended up this normal with how the kids are raised tbh
- Nick and Hancock don’t smoke around the kids (Fahrenheit does rarely)
Piper also babysits but I need to make separate stuff for family friends rather than family themselves- anyway
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selfish-solace · 9 months
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LIBERAL fallout four be like Acadia
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acadianideals · 2 years
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i'm not fucking putting effort into this
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mirelurkmoment · 1 year
Concept of DiMA doing the thing Harry Truman did where he just sneaks out without anyone knowing so he can take a walk. Faraday is so concerned when he sees he's gone. Him and Chase go look for him and they find DiMA petting a wolf or something in the middle of the woods.
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rad-roche · 11 months
i like to think that faraday is in the observatory, getting a tiny kick out of all the Dark and Necessary Secrets that go into keeping a place like acadia running. not the secrets themselves, i think they weigh pretty heavily on him, but that he's trusted to be a part of them. it's him, beloved DiMA. maybe chase. maybe. and when he's nursing that thought he sees a robot in a trenchcoat and the world's maddest, nosiest woman walk up the path and is like
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Jasmine: (Walks into Acadia on her own after a long day. She still hasn’t uttered at word out loud to anyone other than Nick, Kasumi, or Jules)
DiMA: (Stands from his chair to greet the teen) “Hello there, Jasmine! I hear you and Nick have had quite an adventure here on the Island.”
Jasmine: (Stops and slowly blinks at her new uncle, still very wary of him because of what he’s done to Jules who was her only friend at Acadia)
DiMA: (Smiles warmly and approaches) “Is there anything you want to know about the Island and its inhabitants? I have had my own fair share of adventures, I could recount a few to you if that’s something you’d like.”
Jasmine: (Blinks some more, then rubs her eyes) “Desculpe me.” (Yawns sleepily as she stretches out) “Estoy muy cansada porque anoche yo no dormí.”
DiMA: (Rubs his chin) “Hrm, that’s a foreign language that I am not familiar with. Though, so far there hadn't been much need for any other language other than English.”
Jasmine: (Straightens up then shakes her head) “No entiendo, señor.” (Makes a motion with her hand) “Más despacio, por favor.”
DiMA: “I think I have a better idea.” (Stares off for a few seconds) “………” (Starts sizzling like an old overworked computer as he installs Google Translate)
Jasmine: (Under her breath) “Oh fuck….”
Faraday: (Comes running in) “NOOOOOO! He can’t run a translator anymore! He’s too old and fragile!”
Chase: (Also comes flying in) “Get him to stop!”
Faraday: (Rushes over to a terminal) “I’m trying!”
Jasmine: (Steps back and tilts her head at the two) “No entiendo qué es lo que quieres.”
Chase: (Sternly) “Stop that! Stop talking!”
Jasmine: (Folds her hands and smiles innocently and politely) “Perdón señorita, no hablo inglés.”
Faraday: (Swears and grumbles like he’s a crazy person on drugs)
DiMA: (Sizzling and steaming to the point you could cook an egg on him)
Jasmine: (Motions to DiMA) “¿Están bien?”
Faraday: (Desperately mashing buttons) “VALENTINE! PLEASE COME GET BABY VALENTINE BEFORE SHE BLOWS UP THE WHOLE DAMN OBSERVATORY!!” (Screams at the terminal as it crashes and reboots)
Jasmine: (Crosses her arms) “Usted es un hombre muy estresado. ¿Está bien? ¡Necesitas ayuda para los locos!”
Faraday: (Smacks the terminal multiple times as he yells over his shoulder) “I DO NOT UNDERSTAND A WORD YOU ARE SAYING!!!”
Jasmine: (Mumbling to herself) “El gringo es un loco hombre y estúpido.” (Thinks it obvious she was joking from the start, they are all just too dense to notice)
Jasmine: “Ustedes cállense la boca!!!” (Throws up her hands) “¡No estoy haciendo nada!” (Jabs a finger at DiMA) “¡Es su culpa!” (She didn’t tell the synth to download a translator, just to talk more slowly)
Nick: (Appears from the stairway) “Alright missy, that’s enough outta you for one day.” (Snatches his daughter’s hand and starts dragging her away)
Faraday: (Squawking like a distressed and disturbed parrot as he shakes and bangs the terminal)
Jasmine: (Follows along without any complaints) “Papá, tú familia está MUY loca. ¿Por qué es eso?”
Nick: (Tired Dad sigh) “Let’s just get you to bed before ya blow your uncles fuse too….”
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inthelittlegenny · 1 year
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needed to get some portraits out of my system
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europium063 · 3 months
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I know I'm spamming the Far Harbor tags but I love this guy
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anuspastor · 2 years
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ehe eheheheheheheheje
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ghoulschooldropout · 2 years
character bingo yes! very curious about DiMA and Faraday!
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confession... I haven't finished far harbor yet... I finished the horrible memory cube quest and immediately said wow that sucked I need a break from this.. and then I never went back haha whoops
anyway DiMA is very cool and nuanced but honestly I don't know him that well to have a whole lot of opinions on him... Faraday I couldn't even remember what he looked like all I know is they are in love and he probably excuses the war crimes bc DiMA is his poor little meow meow
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I am so predictable
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fallthefalled · 1 year
I WAS going to draw DiMA with Faraday… but then I was thinking about raccoons-
Anyways I may draw DiMA later idk-🤷‍♀️
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PS: The raccoon thing is just for fun😋👍
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acadianideals · 2 years
alrighty! so this right here is a bunch of unfinished, unused dima lines, found in the files by yours truly. i have no doubt someone's beaten me to this before, but hey! it's here now! a small handful of text-to-speech generations, plus that one actual guy at the end. this is anything i deem as 'interesting'. things that didn't make the cut as 'interesting' are basically just versions of final dialogue that are only different by a word or two.
everything is in this audio file, if you'd rather listen:
or here's everything transcribed!
"Leave this island and don't ever come back. You are not welcomed here."
"I did it alone. Out of shame, and hoping my students would set a better example than their teacher."
"But now, I built this system because I assumed that someday I might not be able to trust the citizens of Far Harbor. But it raises the question-- why do I presume I can't trust myself? So I'm going to remove the command code from my memories, and hide it. Bury it. Actually, deep inside the recesses of Pine Crest Cavern. If I want to use it, it'll force me to think about the consequences during the journey."
"Good. Not everyone is so eager to talk to us. So, how can we help you? What brings you out all this way?"
"Ah. That explains a lot. It always warms me to hear that a Synth had people who cared about them in their old life, even if it… complicates things."
"The study was to implant a series of memories into one of the prototypes. A matrix of thoughts, feelings… history."
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