#fascist takeover
This has been out in the open but tv/cable news is just now taking an interest. Yes it’s Project 2025 and it is terrifying. Republican Senators Tuberville, Rand, and Cruz have been blocking Biden’s appointments so that Republikkkans can fill nearly every single government position with an army of brainwashed MAGA loyalists on day one of what they hope will be Trump’s return to the White House.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
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Shame about Morrissey.
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oorevitcejda · 2 months
wow people really think i wasnt voting for biden bc hes senile and not bc hes a genocidal warmonger and are *shocked* that i wouldnt vote for harris because SHES a genocidal warmonger.
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abbenai · 4 months
they tore up the preserve to put volley ball courts by the bay… i used to watch ospreys nest there and i’d watch the babies grow up every year :( that nest was there since the 80s or before (i think? the climbing club in the 80s installed the perch) and now its gone
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bisexualpixiebabe · 16 days
Full stop Taylor Swift is being such a shithead because she's said in the past she wants to be more political then has done the bare fucking minimum.
She hasn't spoken at all about this election despite it being A BIG FUCKING DEAL and now is supporting Britanny Mahomes who came under scrutiny for supporting Trump.
Blondie for someone who claims to be a feminist and supporting LGBTQIA rights you're sure not doing a good job. The impact alone of her encouraging people to vote and supporting Harris would be huge but she's staying quiet because now she's hanging around the conservative WAGS.
Like even Chappell Roan before she blew up had voting registration at her shows to make an impact.
Either she's being a coward and refusing to endorse Harris or she doesn't want to admit she's a conservative now and lose all her support.
Either way, Taylor Swift needs to get her shit together.
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idiopathicsmile · 2 years
now accepting suggestions for ways to pass the time during a second bout with covid
if it helps, i have ready access to Netflix and Apple+. i am also willing to invest in an audio book or two but only if it can hold my attention while my brain is mashed turnip soup. podcasts (fiction or nonfiction) are also very much an option. bonus points if there's queer stuff, good dialogue, heists, and/or found family. doesn't need to be 100% fluff but in my current sadsack state i'd hugely prefer stories with a happy ending.
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ancient-reverie · 10 months
does anyone else realize that white supremacy in america has also taken white people culture away from various different white cultures there used to be and made it into one conglomerate white person thing. like I can't look back into my ancestors and find any culture at all. and I can't really say that being american is much of a culture really it's just capitalism, and surviving that capitalism
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hootenanie · 2 years
I've gotta reread 1984 sometime I found it enthralling in high school and am really interested in how many people with widely different worldviews and personal bugbears tie it to their own fears of and experiences with authoritarian power structures. I know a lot of people see that as an indictment of the book, that it can be seen that broadly, but honestly imo that it seems to hit some more common emotional chord than a spefic political ananylis is very intreaging
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ghoul-haunted · 2 years
ngl I wish tumblr's block feature actually kept posts from people I have blocked from showing up if they're reblogged from people I'm following, because I'm not going to message my friends like 'hey I fucking despise this person with every fiber of my being,' because quite frankly. I'm just not going to do that, this is the cartoon clown car site. but I sure would like to never see a blocked url again unless it's in a post telling me that they've shuffled off this mortal coil
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todaviia · 11 months
Hey! I'd really like to learn more about the (recent) history of Israel and wanted to ask if there are any books you can recommend?
Hey I've thought about this ask quite a while and there's just so much stuff about Israel, what exactly do you qualify as "recently"? Like since 1948, since the 1967, since 1990s etc?
There's quite a lot of books and tbh, it also really depends on what you're interested in and if course, you should also read Palestinian stuff along with it. Personally, the Israeli writers/intellectuals I really enjoy are Yehuda Amichai (mostly poetry but really political), Yoram Kaniuk (his book "1948" is, I think, the closest to the true story of the founding of the state from the Israeli POV that you're going to find, even if many people won't admit it, also his book about the Exodus is really really good) and Yeshayahu Leibowitz (who has some really interesting thoughts especially about the relationship between state and religion, which is a super complex issue in Israel). I also remember enjoying Rabbi Sachs' book about the future of the state of Israel and a lot of people say he's very approachable even if you know very little about this whole issue.
From the Palestinian side, of course reading Mahmoud Darwish is just as important as reading Yehuda Amichai is for Israel, Edward Said is also considered important enough that you have to read him even though I honestly am kinda ambivalent about him. There's also currently a lot of debate at least in Germany about the book "A minor detail" (which deals with "the other side" of Kaniuk's 1948) and while I felt like that book left a lot of things out (like the fact that all of the Israeli soldiers involved in the main action of the book faced criminal charges and the whole thing was not just treated as a minor detail but rather a big scandal in the Israeli army) it is an important part of the story.
If you want more recent history, I've read both Pfeiffer's biography of Bibi (which was HILARIOUS because that guy very obviously hated Bibi and was using the weirdest opportunities to be petty about him) as well as Bibi's autobiography and I feel like there is no understanding current Israel without understanding Bibi and while I absolutely have zero love for the guy as a person or a politician, he is also very much a product of his circumstances.
Also this isn't a book but my boyfriend is currently obsessed with a YouTube channel called "The Ask Project" where people can send in questions and he asks Palestinians or Israelis that, and I think a lot of the questions are good and he really makes an effort to be fair.
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lenbryant · 1 year
They write these things down? It’s like saying the silent part out loud.
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ct-hardcase · 2 years
when it becomes mainstream knowledge in sw fandom that rebels and resistance also had things to say about rebellions and politics, and while andor deserves all the praise it’s getting, the previous two shows don’t deserve to be erased >>>
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
So im going to go ahead with making Alex's trading cards part of his magic. Magic is a mental projection which requires some organized imagination so when children are learning it they will use Not Bootleg MTG to help them get a handle of the ropes. However since alex was uuh pulled from his teaching young he never got to the stepping stone out of using them. I guess, we'll go with that for now. "sylv how did you make 'collects cards' quirk a tragic part of his backstory'' nevermind that, does he keep his go-to deck in his hat or in a compartment of his staff?
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ghostzzy · 2 years
woke up entirely convinced i signed up for a calculus class i forgot to attend all semester but then i missed the withdraw date so i just had to fail it
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rated-r-superautist · 2 months
another minor hiatus while it happens lol
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