#fate of Cybertron
dustbunny105 · 2 years
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For a second there, I thought I'd read this fic before.
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Had a thought for your seeker knockout AU:
Knockout sees Bee fall into the Cybermatter and get his voice back. Knockout wonders. "What if..." But sits on the question for too long and now he's trying to make own cybermatter to get his wings back.
There's just enough cybermatter left over from the dump into Cybertron's core for Knockout to take a quick dip... And he becomes a triple changer and has to relearn his t-cog.
YES. This is an excellent idea right here. Time for Knockout to get his wings back.
Previous part here.
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Knockout once called the skies his home. It was his safe haven, his place of purpose and peace. When his wings were taken from him, he was quite frankly sparkbroken. He adored the skies and the ability to soar through them, but he did not allow that pain to show. He needed to stay alive, and the only way to do that amongst Decepticons was to keep composure at all times. He thought the chance to regain what he had was gone...
But seeing Bumblebee emerge restored from the Cybermatter... Knockout wanted to hope. Before he could be stopped, he scooped up a small portion of the Cybermatter in a vial and tucked it away, allowing the Autobots to do with the restored Omega Lock as they wished. At that point, he didn't care what they decided to do, he had more important possibilities to see to. Now he was no scientist, but he didn't need to be to have an idea of what to do with the Cybermatter.
Quietly, as the Autobots directed the Nemesis toward Cybertron, Knockout retreated to his quarters and readied himself for what would either make or break him. He was no fool, he knew this could go horribly wrong or fantastically right. Thus he kept a commlink ready to be activated and call Ratchet. No matter how much he disliked his fellow medic at times, medics stick together. If things got bad, Knockout wanted to have a fellow doctor on hand. As such as he sat down on a medical berth and loaded the vile into a syringe, he could only take a few deep vents and steady himself.
In one swift motion, he jabbed the needle into the crux of his neck where he knew there was a fuel line that once ran directly to his wings. At first, he felt nothing as the cybermatter entered his body. His constant scans revealed nothing out of the ordinary save for hyperactive repair nanites, and so with a heavy spark after a few groons of waiting with no notable results, Knockout retired to his berth. He shouldn't have expected anything, he had been without wings since the height of the war. It was foolish to hope...
At least that's what he told himself up until he woke in the middle of his recharge cycle in agony.
He couldn't scream, he could hardly even move as he rolled onto his side and shook in silent torment as it felt as though his frame were burning, melting, and being reforged all at the same time. He wasn't sure how long he laid there, but at some point someone must have gotten concerned as eventually Ratchet busted down his door and had him moved to the medical bay. Knockout was largely unconscious for the latter half of whatever it was that was happening to him. However when he woke again, his frame felt... different. Flight protocols that hadn't been used in vorns were awakening.
He didn't cry, he didn't even twitch when he sat up, stared straight at the nearest wall, and felt what he knew to be wings. It took Ratchet nearly beating him upset the helm with a wrench for being so careless for him to really comprehend what happened. He could only sit there, flexing his restored appendages with a growing smile and wide optics. It felt like a dream, especially when he looked into the mirror and saw that the Cybermatter had not just restored his wings, but also his frame. He was restored entirely. He wasn't half bad as a grounder, he took care to ensure that. Even still, having his true flight capable frame back was simply put, a miracle.
Ratchet: YOU FOOL! Do you have ANY idea how dangerous using Cybermatter like that was!?
Knockout: I am well aware Doc.
Ratchet: You certainly don't sound like it!
Knockout: ...
Ratchet: ...
Knockout: ...
Ratchet, sighing deeply: Look, it was dangerous, but... I am glad to see you got your wings back. I cannot imagine how difficult it was to manage living as a grounder.
Knockout was largely confined to the medical bay as his wings continued to develop. The bare essentials were there, but the plating and protoform was still taking time to develop. Against the expectations of the entire team once they learned of Knockout's actions, he stayed put. In fact he took his recovery and restoration far more seriously than even his duties as a Doctor. Every waking moment he spent dutifully tending to his precious wings and practicing flexing the cabling and activating the still sputtering thrusters that were making themselves known on his back.
By the time the team arrived on Cybertron, Knockout was more than ready. Fear lingered at the back of his processors, causing him to hesitate as he stood on the deck of the Nemesis, a few flight capable vehicons by his side to catch him if things went south. Optimus himself was also present, keeping a vague optic on the scenario as he worked on something or other. As such with a fearful vent and a prayer to Breakdown to watch over him, Knockout threw himself over the edge, begging his instinctual coding to take control.
He fell like a bag of bolts for a few dozen feet, and then just as he was starting to fear for his life, age old codes activated. However instead of wheels spinning and dirt beneath his frame, he felt the current rushing past his wings as his vision warped and he graced the skies for the first time in millennia. Never before had Knockout laughed so joyfully, nor had he ever stayed in the skies for as long as he did that cycle. He only returned to the Nemesis when his wings burned from the exertion and his spark fluttered with too much emotion to be contained.
The team congratulated him on his restoration, but to Knockout it meant very little as he returned to his quarters, and collected a small picture from his berthside table.
"I did it Breakdown. I promised you I would fly again."
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transformersmr-hq · 2 months
Finished yet another round of brave police j decker
Fuck yeah sentient robot squad story where everyone gets equal character development
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yestoeverything · 2 years
Cybertronians and human relation
Let's talk about the relationships between these two species they interact so much it's insane I can’t help but believe that humans and cybertonians were destined to be together as one because in many variations cybertronians have been on the planet far longer than their present timeline which makes me think that past cybertronians have gained friendships with past humans before.
I feel like relations between the two could be fate or might I add a string of fate intertwining these two
I believe it only makes sense that they add that primus is the withholder of cybertronians and
Humans of Unicron
connecting with them more making sense and why these two interact more than the perusal they resemble us so much it's almost scary and the fact that Unicron a primus are twins would make sense since that would mean that we and cybertronians would technically be cousins in a way of withholder of course which makes the question of why these two aliens resemble each other in more ways than one with a similar body structure and way of life.
making us cybertronian and them humans in more ways than one.
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primus-why · 2 years
Fated Marks
After an alliance is forged and their shared enemy is defeated, the Autobots and Decepticons are still left with a dying planet.
Desperate for a solution, in an attempt to strengthen their truce, both Megatron and Optimus venture into the core of Cybertron to speak with Primus. Perhaps they will stir long enough for a conversation while in the presence of the Matrix; perhaps a certain warlord is determined to will them into awakening just to give them a piece of his processor...
Well, whatever the reason, Primus does speak at them. That is to say, both mechs are pretty sure they're not following the same thread of conversation, but they managed to get their point across. Cybertron is dying, their people have been at war, and everyone wants to come home. Primus understands. They're clearly happy that the Cybertronians have returned-- and they want to help!
After a show of rumbling and shaking and some flashes of light, Primus goes silent once more. Confused, Optimus and Megatron return from the core to find traces of natural resources being replenished!
For the next few days, scientists from both sides study the progress of the planet's healing. Ecosystems are being revitalized, within weeks fuel has become abundant, and soon everyone gets to work repairing the cities and towns in order to settle in.
But one day, everyone starts to notice these weird marks on their bodies. Some have it on their arms or wrist, others have them in more hard-to-reach places, which is partly why they hadn't been noticed right away. The marks appeared at some point, and continued to get darker over time, like a developing ink, and nobody knew what they were! Where did they come from? It seemed like each one was different!
But later it's discovered that's not the case-- each mark matches at least one other Cybertronian's mark. But what could it possibly mean?? Well, after careful scientific research, it was concluded that these marks...
... were pairing you with your ideal conjux.
Turns out, one of Primus' gifts that gave their people a fresh start was meant to encourage happy, healthy bonds-- essentially letting love grow!
But to Megatron, that's utter nonsense. Despite Soundwave's additional efforts, he hasn't spotted a match to his mark, so it's become a rather irritating blemish that refuses to be buffed away...
Optimus doesn't even think he has a mark-- not one he can see after a quick inspection, anyway. He concludes that it's part of his duty as Prime; maybe he's not meant to have a conjux, and instead should focus his attention on serving all of Cybertron and their people. Resigned as he is to his role, he can't help but feel a bit envious of everyone else finding their partners...
(But maybe he should look a bit harder for his mark... or have someone look for him... 👀)
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juicepoxwastaken · 8 months
Silly little wip
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what the FUCK happens in cyberverse
Here's a list just off the top of my head, in no particular order. MASSIVE spoilers ahead.
-Wheeljack keeps making party drugs. This is not only accepted but wholly encouraged by the Autobots. He's made the bot equivalent to cocaine so strong it made grimlock physically unable to stop himself from running around the ship at mach 5. This was the basis for an entire episode. He's also made patches that give you a direct link to the Allspark that he passed out at a party specifically to get everyone as fucked up as physically possible. I cannot overemphasize that Optimus make no effort to stop this until things turn destructive on both occasions.
-Soundwave and Shockwave completely fucking hate each other and have a whole rivalry trying to be a better and more useful follower for Megatron than each other.
-Soundwave is a fucking memelord who will play clown music or dramatic riffs to dunk on people from the soundboard he has built into his hardware.
-theres a sort of liminal dimension referred to as Unspace that you can get stuck in and if you are there for too long you will straight up disintegrate. We see this happen to the entire crew aboard the arc from different timelines several times while the main timeline crew we follow tries to escape this fate, thus dooming dozens of other timelines.
-Cheetor is basically Allspark Jesus, and he's tired of all the fighting, so he tries to have Optimus and Megatron settle their differences once and for all. The chosen method for this was making them both play the Newlywed Game. They were both terrible at it, the MegOp Divorce agenda is alive and well.
-the Quintessons invade Cybertron and stick the entire population into a simulation a la The Matrix, which slowly drains their life force until they die. This kills countless unnamed Cybertronians, both Autobot and Decepticon, as well as Hound, who does not get to appear on screen.
-the Quintessons also catch Starscream, rip his face off, and modify him into an Eldritch tentacle beast with his brain attached to two other aliens, and then appoint that amalgamation as the judge that decides the fate of the universe in regards to whether they exterminate all life within it.
-Shockwave commits suicide for Megatron's approval. He launches his spark straight into the Allspark to taint it specifically as a last desperate fuck you to the autobots.
-Soundwave acquired laserbeak by just kind of grabbing a random bird out of the sky.
-Soundblaster is an ex-decepticon that left out of shame. That shame being Soundwave beating his ass in a beatboxing competition so fuckin hard he couldn't show his face around his faction anymore.
-The autobots keep starscream captive and try to get him to take a therapy session with the Arc's AI, and he starts out willing to actually give it a shot but said AI is kind of Stupid and screamer ends up tricking him into letting him escape through an air vent to go wreak havoc instead.
-Starscream also starts a suicide cult with the other Seekers, gains control of Vector Sigma and the Allspark, has the seekers forfeit their sparks to him, thus resulting in a cosmically powered Starscream. He uses that power to "remake" his followers into scraplets that he refers to as, with nothing but love in his tone, his "children."
-Shockwave and Wheeljack are shown to be ex lab partners. Shockwave has an army of drones that look exactly like his altmode that Wheeljack helped program. They are programmed to be able to break out into a coordinated dance number at any given time. Originally this was just to make Wheeljack laugh. Shockwave kept that function in throughout the entire war and initiates it the second there's a truce and Wheeljack asks to see it again.
-Shockwave kidnaps Wheeljack at one point for Science Under Duress purposes and Wheeljack is too invested in all the sweet fuckin tech Shockwave's been making while they were apart to really care that he's being held against his will, and then proceeds to escape without too much issue because he knows Shockwave well enough to know exactly how to disable everything.
-Bumblebee distracts the Decepticons by running in front of their surveillance cameras and shaking his ass in the most underwhelming way imaginable.
-Grimlock is only stupid when he's in his altmode because it takes a lot of power to sustain and he has to sacrifice some of his higher brain functions to keep it manageable. In robot mode he talks like he went to an Ivy League college and knows what champagne tastes like. He throws upscale parties every chance he gets.
-Grimlock also helped start an anticapitalist revolution with Bumblebee when he found an underground society of insect transformers that had a rigid caste system. This was within moments of finding out that the ultra wealthy were hoarding the limited energon reserves for themselves. Grimlock is a comrade and he does not fuck around.
-Skybyte is here and he sounds like Skeletor.
-Windblade and Slipstream are nemeses and somehow it's even more toxic yuri coded than Arcee and airachnid in tfp.
-speaking of Arcee, she's besties with Grimlock. They at one point have a physical fight over who gets to die to protect the other.
-hot rod and soundwave are forced to share leadership over the team of bots and cons that escaped the quintessons' simulation and it's packed with so much homoerotic tension its unreal.
-Maccadam is some kind of lovecraftian war machine that can unfold himself into a whole armory whenever he feels like it. We have no idea what his whole altmode looks like, all we see are the ominous shadows of the weapons on the walls. He uses this specifically as a threat to keep anyone from fighting in his bar bc he's insistent it remain neutral ground. He also can kinda just. See into the future. And casually drops prophecies that get written off as spoonerisms until they turn out to be relevant.
-Optimus Prime has horrific social anxiety that he can kind of power through when he's in a crisis, but the second things are chill and he has to give a speech at a party or something he simply does not know how to function.
-the entire planet of Velocitron gets taken over by cosmic rust and everyone inhabiting it that couldn't escape in time was killed horrifically.
-cosmos is a girl and she hangs out with a dude named Meteorfire who is, for all intents and purposes, just robot Steve Irwin.
-Astrotrain keeps closing doors in people's faces for the funny
-Megatron is killed by a version of himself from an alternate universe that went nuts and starting creating a master race of perfect Decepticons to inhabit Cybertron. Said perfect Decepticons were carbon copies of idw Tarn in all but personality.
-Acidstorm is canonically genderfluid and keeps switching between male and female seeker frames whenever they feel like it
-Kup, who had not been in the show at all until this point, decides to show up and narrate an entire episode like hes giving a political speech.
And, the infamous one we all know and love
-Megatron is a twitch streamer and he livestreams Starscream's fucking funeral. The chat has custom Decepticon emotes.
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nova--spark · 4 months
AU where the Matrix allows it's bearer to speak to Primes of the past
But also Primes of other worlds, other realities, with wisdom they need or do not have for their own home.
Imagine please, a young Orion who sees visions when the Matrix first binds itself to him, of many different versions of himself.
A version of himself in a world where he was no great warrior, just a humble repair worker, who stumbled onto fate accidentally with his crew, working hard to make something of himself.
A version of himself tutored by the Scribe, who was a friend to his greatest enemy, who's words were his sword.
A version of himself, or at least part of himself, bound to a descendant of his people, or perhaps even ancestor, who's form is that of a beast.
A version of himself, marred by war and betrayals by humanity, but still trying to hold on. Still trying to just keep his family alive.
A version of himself, who is brand new to this planet called 'Earth' still, and beginning to bond with humans. One who accepts that Cybertron cannot be home now, but maybe Earth can.
And each version of himself he sees, he can seek wisdom from.
And they too can seek out his.
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cometchasinglove · 7 months
The TFA Decepticons are fucking vicious, actually.
Megatron only talks about freedom whenever he is manipulating or rallying the Decepticons. (Not to mention: Authorizing the use of chemical warfare, killing anyone who betrays him, etc…I could talk about his evil-doings all day).
Starscream creates sentient clones of himself to kill Megatron, (including hijacking the Lugnut Supremes as an attempt to literally destroy everything and everyone in Detroit, Megatron, most specifically).
Blackarachnia betrays a vulnerable bot (Wasp) into becoming an experiment for her own personal gain.
Shockwave traps and crushes his “fellow agent” (Blurr) into a box, sentencing him to a fate worse than death.
It’s implied that Blitzwing cannibalizes other Cybertronian parts. (Well, Random said it, so who knows with him?)
Lugnut’s P.O.K.E. (Punch of Kill Everything) can literally do exactly that.
And this is excluding their crimes in the AllSpark Almanac.
Yes, the TFA Cybertron Autobots are bad too, but let’s not forget that the Decepticons are Decepticons for a reason.
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devilart2199-aibi · 1 year
Y'know I always smirk when I see your transformers art. Bc well- an 'Etho account' getting into transformers when it's Etho's favourite game franchise. On brand.
Hahaha very true 🤣 It was fate I suppose!
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One of my favorite Etho clips is him freaking out over a call he got, letting him know the Transformers Fall of Cybertron game released a demo ( which this meme is referencing 😂) Here's the clip ⬇️ LOUD ETHO WARNING
This is from OOGE Vinyl Fantasy ep 19 Here at 6:23 roughly :3
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earthstellar · 10 months
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One thing that I really liked in IDW 2 was the concept of Going Immersant.
Given the immensely long average lifespan of Cybertronians, it makes sense:
If nothing kills you, and you live long enough to have experienced all of what you feel you reasonably can in this lifetime, and you feel content with the life that you have had, and it seems time to retire--
--Why not return your knowledge and the entity of your self to the core of your planet, where your energy and your components can be reused and your memories and knowledge can be subsumed into the greater whole?
Plug in with the stray cables that stick out of the cavernous expanses deep beneath the surface of Cybertron, let yourself get situated, and allow yourself to daydream as the crystals grow around you and gradually consume you. It is not painful. It is a process of sharing.
Each daydream then enters the great memory bank of Primus, at the heart of the world, the core of life itself for your species. Your experiences become part of the eternal record of experienced Cybertronian life. You join your God himself, frame and processor, as you combine with him within the physical form of your planet.
Primus created you, and as you are subsumed into the crystalline forms that surround you, you will go on to sustain Primus in some way. An unending cycle.
Perhaps you feel something, leeching up from deep within the crystal mass, some unique energy meeting you halfway, the cables that snake their way into your ports like vines carrying some ancient data, older than yourself, older than the Rust Sea, older than the Hydrax Plateau, older than the Titans.
Maybe you cannot decipher it, yet. But it comforts you. It reminds you that you are not alone, after your visitors have gone. Where there is digital noise, there is something to produce it. You will meet it soon--
--After countless years of a peaceful rest, knowing that at the end of your endlessly long existence, your life will go on to benefit others.
And for as long as you are able, you still remain present, as well. Just not above, on the surface. For some time, others can still come and visit, speak with you, consult with you-- Although as your memory banks purge into the greater whole, you begin to falter in this waking realm.
And that is OK; To rejoin with Primus and re-enter the Well of All Sparks as an ancient elder, a repository of experience and wisdom, is to become a teacher to all. Even in peaceful, gradual death-- And even then, your energy and materials and thoughts remain somewhere, deep within the planet.
Returned. Recycled.
Eternal, in some shape or form.
It's just a really beautiful concept.
Without any natural death, Cybertronians have the option to simply return to Primus, return to the core of the planet, in a half-waking state.
At peace, gracefully and with intent.
All of what they have experienced and all that they are, all of their memories and feelings, all of the metals and compounds that make up their frame and armour and protoform, all of it can be taken in and absorbed.
The option is there, to emerge once more.
But for most, this is the final calling.
To go immersant is to enter peace, to become a living state of meditation until the very end for you as an individual. To have full agency over how you pass on, to make the decision and consciously know. To be happy with that. To relax into your fate, as you see fit.
To make the decision to be recycled, to contribute all that you are, to return your energy to the crystalline matter that fuels your world and your people and your God, who in turn fuelled you and will thus go on to fuel all those subsequently churned out by the Well.
To merge with your living planet on an atomic level, on an esoteric level.
I wonder if the fully immersant aren't dead in the traditional sense. Perhaps they are offline, to those in this world. Perhaps their frame is vacated as their data is absorbed. But that data is not lost, necessarily.
It's just a very beautiful end of life option for Cybertronians, and I do hope the concept is revisited in some form in the future.
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dustbunny105 · 2 years
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I was really worried for Cosmos when he first indicated he was getting in touch with Blast Off, so this all makes me ridiculously happy :,)
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lets-try-some-writing · 3 months
Since you said Jack sometimes does a whistle to purposely get Arcee’s attention and Miko would try to, would these two take advantage of other human things bots don’t yet understand how it works? Like Jack telling Arcee that if Arcee don’t take him on a drive he might start aging much faster from being upset, and Miko telling Bulkhead that her brain will downgrade and go numb if she don’t get enough stimulation.
Oh heck yeah. The kids would absolutely abuse the bots relative lack of education and make the best of it.
Jack is by far one of the nicest in his manipulations and generally keeps it to things such as having Arcee take him to see cool new places with the groundbridge because, quote: "A human adolescent who doesn't travel and experience new things will have their brains begin to rot and turn into creatures we call ghouls."
Arcee has no clue what a human ghoul is, but she knows the stories of ghouls back on Cybertron. Flesh eating creatures that devour not only energon, but also organs and pieces of the frame. The idea that a young human may turn into something like that absolutely terrifies her, at least if that human were to be Jack. She makes it a point to take Jack out once a week with her on patrols around the globe in order to protect him from that fate. Ratchet and Optimus are fully aware of the fact that Jack is full of slag when it comes to that particular tidbit, but they let it be since it gets Arcee out of the base.
Miko abuses the ever loving crap out of the bots ignorance. She has firmly made Bulkhead believe that if she isn't allowed to fight, her instincts will deteriorate and she will become braindead. Bulkhead, terrified of that outcome, has now been forced to set up sparring sessions for Miko to compensate for lack of actual combat. Wheeljack for his part has been roped into believing that if Miko isn't allowed to use weaponry and train with it, she will quite literally become thin as a reed since humans need tools to grow (her words, not the wreckers). Smokescreen has also reached a point of fanaticism when it comes to one of Miko's ploys. She told him one time that if she doesn't get at least one lollipop a day, her blood sugar will drop and she will fall into a coma. Smokescreen carries around a bag of candy just to be safe.
Rafael is a little nicer, but he will fight for more screen time by making it clear to Bumblebee that computer lights actually help improve his vision. The more computer light he gets, the better his vision will be temporarily. Bumblebee doesn't know how that is supposed to work, but humans are weird. So he just kinda... lets Rafael abuse his computer rights in base since it supposedly does good things for his eyes. Ratchet hasn't caught on yet. Ratchet also hasn't figured out that Rafael is totally playing him when he asks Ratchet for stories in order to help him retain his memory. Rafael has woven quite that tale that essentially boils down to him needing stories in order to keep his memory top notch. Ratchet hasn't figured out its a bunch of slag yet.
Optimus is one of the few bots no one can pull any fast ones on...
Except Fowler
Fowler has convinced Optimus that he should be allowed to drive Optimus's alt-mode at least once a month in order to keep his joints from withering away. Optimus has wondered why Fowler can't use another vehicle to work his joints, but Fowler always says its easier with Optimus just because if his joints give out, Optimus will be there to help him out.
Optimus questions this logic more and more when Fowler urges him to drive FAR over the speed limit on back roads.
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demifiendrsa · 5 months
Transformers One | Official Trailer
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TRANSFORMERS ONE is the untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, better known as sworn enemies, but once were friends bonded like brothers who changed the fate of Cybertron forever.
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theangrycomet-art · 2 months
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TFA: Ariel/Elita 1's Squadron, Team Orthia
I fell down the wiki rabbit hole last night and now I have these.
Everyone's heights are off/going to change in the future because I wasn't sure on everyone's alts when I was first drawing out the line up.
I mostly just wanted to get ideas down on paper.
Transcript of my Handwriting Plus Other Lore:
Nothing here’s set in stone I just wrote down ideas/compiled thoughts as they came to me.
edit: Changed Lancer’s Profile Info to match new ideas I have
TFA: Sheild of Solus
Operation: Failsafe
Purpose: To sabotage any and all Decipticon efforts of gaining any headway in this war. First, start off with the infiltrators, next, hit them where it hurts.
After discovering a spy had infiltrated their ranks, Alpha Trion took it upon himself to assemble a team to sabotage any Decipticon efforts to gain a foothold on Cybertron, hoping that they would be able to counter any threats on Cybertron.
Commander and the Leader
High-ranking member of the Elite Guard
Alpha Trion’s inside eyes
Alt Mode: Cybertronian Heavy Duty Truck -> Monster Truck
Special Upgrade: Classified
Good-Morningstar Mace: Morning star with detachable head
Laser Kusarigama: This weighted chain serves Elita well when she needs to tie up the enemy (or retrieve your teammate as her gravity fluctuates again)
Tidbit: One of the few of the Elite Guard to not have gone to the Academy, Elita rose through the ranks through her skill and ingenuity, despite other’s misgivings. A bit rough around the edges, she is always there for her fellow bots. When her former mentor requested her aid in his mission, she had no hesitation joining. (It helped that it got her away from her more tiresome coworkers)  
Second in Command
Recon Specialist, Infiltrator
Former Intelligence Officer; she retired when she was not allowed to investigate Highbrows abrupt disappearance and opened a private investigator business.
Alt Mode: Cybertronian Trike -> Trike (like Harley-Davidson Tri Glide Ultra)
Special Upgrade: Lockpick: with enough time she can pick any lock and hack into any systems with the extensions in her servos. However, this can takes a lot of her processing power and leaves her vulnerable.
Laser Sabre: Good for clashing blades and slipping between the seams of an enemy’s armor
Tidbit: Despite her worrying over her teammates, Chromia has a habit of diving helm first into her work with little disregard for herself, whether that be forgetting to refuel and recharge or tempting fate with more self-sacrificial tendencies. She’s been working on it, but bad habits die hard…
Search and Rescue, Transportation and Retrieval
Served in the tail-end of the Great War
Worked previously in Search and Rescue with her partners Inferno and Red Alert
Through this line of work, she developed extensive connections.
AltMode: Cybertronian Truck -> Narrowbed Truck
Special Upgrade: Furnace: Nova is able to generate massive bursts of flame, and she has refined the practice into an art. The flames on her head are no only an aesthetic choice, but an outlet for the excess heat she generates. These are easily extinguished; a fact Inferno took great joy in abusing the damn firetruck bot.
Blowtorch: During her time in field during the Great War, Nova lost her left servo to a Decpticon when retrieving soldiers from behind enemy lines. She had it replaced with a blowtorch prothesis that allows her to pinpoint flames to temperatures that can cut through even the toughest of materials- temperatures that otherwise would melt her frames
Tidbit: Novastar has been trying to locate Inferno, who has recently gone MIA after responding to an off-planet distress beacon with a new recruit with little to no luck. She is hoping the new job title will grant her greater resources to expand her search.
“The Miracle Worker”
A student of WheelJack’s
Greenlight’s inventions can be brilliantly or devastating (or if she’s lucky) both. She tends to get attached to her devices, however, and gets rather despondent when they are broken or do not work as intended.
Aloof, she doesn’t see the need to waste much time with small talk. It requires a bot with a lot of patience (and ability to pester) to get her to come out of her shell
Alt Mode: Cybertronian Offroader
Special Upgrade: Tasers: Though not a combat bot, Greenlight saw fit to mod herself out with some decent defense. The tasers stored in her arms can generate enough volts of electricity that can through bots thrice her size flat on their backs.
Boom Cannon: A weapon still in its testing phases, she has been building it up from stolen Decepticon specs in her free time.
Tidbit: If asked, Greenlight will say that she agreed to sign up to get out of community service for accidentally demoing a perfectly good lab with one of her inventions. While partly true, a larger part of why she joined was because she didn’t want Lancer doing this alone.
Lancer [Edited]
Unofficial Medic
Student of Perceptor
Alt Mode: n/a, missing T-Cog
Special Upgrade: FlipScreen: her “skirt” doubles as computers, monitor and keyboard included. This grants her access to ALL of her files and more importantly allows her to run any necessary scans, analysis, or algorithms she needs when or wherever she needs. It is also a bold fashion statement
BackPack Variety Hour: She has a variety of “backpacks” each serving different purposes, though if you ask anyone but Lancer they all look identical. Despite their incredible weight, she carries them with ease.
Backup Generator: Via the generator on her back, she could keep a city fully powered without straining her spark. Most of this energy goes into the powering the extra processors she has stored in her “skirt”
Star Splitter: a powerful laser spear, though she more often then not uses it for pole vaulting than actual combat
Tidbit: Lancer has been a researcher for the Autobots for longer than many bots have been alive, mostly regarding projects Ultra Magnus would rather not go public. Despite the JetTwins being by far the most successful of these endeavors, Lancer quit shortly after. When Alpha Trion offered her a more savory research position with Twam Orthia she was quick to accept and get out from Ultra Magnus’ thumb.
“Best in the Whole Galaxy!”
Graduated top of her classes at the Autobot Academy but has struggled to keep a longterm position due to her impulsive behavior, with her last job being messenger-bot for Security.
Alt Mode: Cybertron Compact Car -> Vector W8
Special Upgrade: Internal Gravity Manipulator: As labelled on the tin, she has the ability to shift her gravity, decreasing AND increasing. Typically, she uses this to “float” or “moon walk”. The change in gravity can be extended to objects she comes into direct contact, but maintaining it drains her very quickly.
Velicotron Build: Speedster Though not as fast as the infamous Blurr, Moonracer is incredibly quick both as a bot and her alt form. Combine this with her gravity-defying abilities leads to some devastating results.
Custom Ion Pistols: Dual pistols that can combine into her sniper rifle.
Tidbit: Moonracer is a good bot with a good head on her shoulders. She will always do what she thinks is right- but she tends to jump the gun on things which gets her into trouble. With inexperience comes naivety, but how is she supposed to learn anything if nobody gives her a chance to do anything?  
Individual Shots
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mychlapci · 19 days
Arranged Marriage Asks you say?? I say, TFA Megop coded. Mostly fluff with some smut at the end. (Rozie Anon)
Oppy is chosen to become the bride to Megatron at the behest of Ultra Magnus, the Council, and Megatron himself. This is after the series is over and Megatron escapes confinement (perhaps Optimus broke him out?? The boy has such strong morals and wouldn't let the corrupt council kill a mech so brutally and without justice, even Megatron). Maybe this is for peace treaty reasons, maybe Cybertron is under attack and they need help, even from their greatest enemies. UM and the Council tried to change Megatron's mind about taking their best Prime, but he had his spark set, that feisty little Prime will be his whether he or his Council likes it or not.
Optimus is all dolled up in the finest of dowry, bridal veil and all. Silver and white gold armor pieces that are more ornate than functional, steelsilk dress and drapings embroidered with golden lace, and precious jewels hang from his frame. At least he got to choose how he looked and the Council spared no expense ensuring that this wedding was perfect. Of course they did have to make compromises with Megatron over some aspects of the decorations and ceremony, this wasn't a private affair after all. This would be televised across the galaxy, a union between two empires putting millions of years of war to rest.
The ceremony goes off without a hitch. Optimus is no blushing bride, he stalks down the aisle with a gait of grimm confidence, maybe a little bashful and definitely anxious, but to those watching he looks almost sad.
When the "happily" wedded couple returns home (the Nemesis), Optimus expects that Megatron will ravage him, take his valve and breed him. Why else would a warlord like him want a bride besides producing an heir? It's not like Megatron is actually fond of him. He defeated him, locked him up, and condemned him to a fate that should have killed him. Megatron doesn't like him!
Yes, actually. It takes a while for him to come to terms with it, but Megatron does genuinely like Optimus. Megatron wasn't going to settle for anyone who doesn't meet his standards. Someone daring, strong, iron-willed, and most of all, capable of defeating him in combat. It's a pretty significant turn on for Decepticons to be defeated in a fight by a truly worthy opponent. He's been enamored by the little Prime for years since they fought on earth.
And horrifyingly, Optimus finds he too is falling for Megatron. Sure he's his husband, but it was a political marriage, a marriage of convenience! He wasn't supposed to actually fall in love with him! But the longer he stays on the Nemesis, the more they work together towards a brighter future for Cybertron, the more he learns and grows to appreciate the Decepticon culture... he finds himself genuinely adoring the company of his mighty and powerful husband.
He's well taken care of, having put on a few pounds and filled out, curvy, beefy, and plump. Not at all flabby, strong muscles lay beneath the fat capable of bench pressing his husband. Which also has the very welcome bonus of flustering the warlord. He gets quite a bit more attention now. He's respected, he's noticed, he's revered, and he's loving it. Basking in the adoration their people are showing him. He's starting to like the sound of "Empress of Decepticons."
The way he confesses his love wasn't how he imagined. He wanted it to be this grand gesture, showing his appreciation for everything Megatron has given him and done for him. Instead, it comes out in the most natural way possible. In the comfort of their home, with a beautiful view of reformed Cybertron just beyond the window of their little library, laughing at some obscure tale Megatron embellishes for entertainment between the two of them.
"I love you."
The room goes silent. Until Optimus starts stuttering, but never disputes his claim, just trying to make it sound more elegant. Megatron cuts him off.
"I've been waiting for you to say that for a long time."
"How long?"
"Since the beginning."
Abrupt and accidental as it was, their confession was no less spark-felt. Megatron draws Optimus in for a kiss that quickly becomes heated. Their fields mingling, intwinging, branding and consuming them in burning passion. Megatron lifts Optimus up (not a difficult task, the mech is half his size... could suck his spike standing up-) and briskly makes their way back to Megatron's room.
Months of pent up sexual tension is suddenly released and before he knows it, Optimus is spread out on a massive, luxurious, berth, ready and willing. Wet, clenching, valve around exploratory fingers as Megatron preps him. And soon a spike nearly the size of his forearm is inexorably breaching him, Optimus overloads before the whole thing is seated.
The next few breems are a whirlwind of pleasure. Optimus screams Megatron's name, the most lewd sounds and pleas fall from his lips, begging for more, harder, faster. He's suddenly very glad they live alone. His access ports open, flashing green, ready for connection. Megatron plugs into each one, amplifying the feedback of pleasure between the two. Megatron is one to open his spark chamber first.
"Bond with me, my beloved, forever and always."
"Always, forever!"
Sparkbonded and finally sated after hours of gratuitous fragging, Optimus and Megatron rest.
A few weeks later, Optimus starts feeling sick. A trip to Ratchet's clinic - Deadlock, or rather Drift now, is helping him run it - confirms their suspicions. But it's not just one bittie in the forge.
It's a clutch of five.
Turns out being revived by the Allspark (Optimus) and holding it in one's spark chamber (Megatron) makes for a very potent fertility agent.
YES tfa megop is so good for an arranged marriage scenario. I love how this takes it a different route, without Megatron ravaging Optimus it really feels like a marriage of convenience. They keep their distance at first, rarely butting into each other's daily lives on purpose, but things happen, they get wrapped up in conversations, they spend time together outside of fighting and it's... better than they've expected :)
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