arthur-rex · 2 years
So, a few RPs I’m publishing (with RP partners’ permission) on AO3 tonight:
BROTHERS OF THE SWORD -  Royal Twins AU feat. @fatedestined​
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THE TASTE OF IMMORTALITY - Armor Vampire AU feat. @sorceress-queen​
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Check the warnings on AO3 please. 
The identical twins RP is rated Teen and Up The incestuous vampire RP is Explicit and has very adult elements. 
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andcrsonn · 2 years
fatedestined asked:
“come here. ” | from Kurt
send in “come here. ” for the sender to give the receiver a hug after seeing the receiver either near tears or in tears following a really rough day.
    it’s been a hard day, to say the least. 
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    he’s been trying to hold it together, but the moment he feels kurt’s arms around him, he falls apart. his head fits perfectly between kurt’s head and shoulder. hands grasp at the back of his shirt, squeezing the fabric. it wasn’t just a hard day, really — the past few weeks have been hell for him. he knew NYADA wasn’t going to be a breeze, but it was proving to be a lot more difficult than expected. the insane schedule and long hours, the constant demand for perfection, and now the comments about his body.
    new york wasn’t supposed to be like this. it was supposed to be a place where EVERYONE was accepted for who they were. now he’s being told he needs to change if he’s going to make it, if he wants to pass his classes. he’s been on edge, barely able to sleep, making himself sick with worry and insecurity. he hasn’t felt like this in a long time, since before he transferred to dalton. a part of him is starting to wonder if the school isn’t right for him. but he’d worked so hard to get there, and few were actually accepted. he feels like he’d be letting everyone down if he were to quit — not to mention that a diploma from NYADA is basically an automatic ticket into any job or role you could ever want.
    ❝ i don’t know how much longer i can keep doing this. ❞ voice is muffled through fabric. his grades are starting to suffer, though this isn’t something he’s really shared with kurt, or anyone else. ❝ NYADA, i mean. ❞ blaine clarifies, realizing the words could be taken several different ways. he lifts his head a little to draw in a long, choppy breath. ❝ i just feel sick all the time. ❞
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iinmortales · 2 years
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         ‘ i was thinking that, considering what happened last time, maybe next time we could see a movie just the two of us? ‘
@fatedestined​ charlie for nick
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adveanture · 2 years
    *    @fatedestined​​    —    YOU  WANT  ME  TO  PUNCH  HIM  IN  THE  FACE?    (   charlie  &  nick   ) 
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NICK   CAN’T   HELP   THE   SNORT   OF   LAUGHTER   THAT   ESCAPES   HIM.         he’s   cuddled   up   with   charlie   on   his   bed,   their   arms   tangled   up   around   each   other,   and   that’s   the   last   thing   he   expects   his   boyfriend   to   say.   
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“      that   would   definitely   surprise   him,      ”            he   replies   with   a   sniffle,   though   charlie’s   offer   does   soothe   the   residual   tears.      he   holds   him   a   little   closer      —      a   little   tighter.            “      but   if   punching   my   dad   worked   to   get   him   to   come   ‘round,   mum   would’ve   done   it   already,   i’m   sure.      ”
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affcgato-archived · 2 years
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@fatedestined​ (Alec); ❝  you should have called me.  ❞
there’s a long, remarkably unsubtle pause as Jonathan’s eyebrow raises. he’s sure if he had three more lifetimes to think on this, he wouldn’t be able to connect how right now was the right moment for this conversation, but at the same time, there’s hardly been any right moments between them since Lilith had made it clear she intended to get her hooks into Jace as payment for losing the hold she had over her son. 
... untangling the family dynamics playing out in his life were PROBABLY a higher priority than his dating life, & he hasn’t gotten around to handling those either so really it’s remarkable Lightwood hasn’t shot him yet. he’ll try not to think that too loudly.
the blonde whirls through the alley & brings the seraph blade down clean through one of the demons in his way. ‘ are we going to have this conversation here in the open? because I have a hunch things are GOING TO BE MESSY if these two hatchlings came from a bigger nest. ’ 
there’s a loud screech as he cuts down the second Mantid before it can even clear the corner, & he deactivates his blade with a low growl, waiting until his breathing is under control - a tell that the tell-tale darkness has likely faded from his eyes - before turning to face the other. ‘ thirty seconds before the others catch up to us, if you would rather they never know. ’
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progenyofprongs · 2 years
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@scarchosen​ / @fatedestined​ asked :     “If you need me I’ll be down here on the floor. Dying.”
How Harry had managed himself on the floor Amelia hadn't the slightest idea. The look of defeat on his face was obvious to Amelia, and yet ... the first thing that came to mind - and flying from her mouth - was anything but sibling comfort. "Looks like fun. Can I join?" Amelia didn't wait to hear an answer before she helped herself down beside Harry on the stone floor: laying on her back with a content sigh. Oh, she really had to lay down upon the floors of Hogwarts more often. It was doing wonders for her back!
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pagetorn · 2 years
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          Emma does her best not to show what she’s feeling.   Any time she gives an inch,  people take a mile.   It’s better not to let emotions get in the way.   Being level headed now is all she can do.   So,  when she sees madam mayor approaching,  the sheriff lets out a heavy sigh and adjusts the papers in her hands. 
❝  alright,  here’s your coffee.  are you ready to talk or should i find something to ramble about for a few minutes?  ❞ says @fatedestined​.
          Is she surprised to be handed coffee? Of course. Emma still isn’t used to the idea of Regina doing anything for anyone else other than herself. It’s refreshing... but troubling. W̲h̲a̲t̲ ̲d̲o̲e̲s̲ ̲s̲h̲e̲ ̲w̲a̲n̲t̲?̲ 
          She brings the cup to her nose and gives a good sniff before taking a sip. Brows rise, impressed. Not a bad cup. ❝ I guess I have a few minutes to spare. ❞
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tnott · 3 years
“ i’m tired, and i want to go to bed, and i’ve been sitting here, trying to figure it out for like an hour, save me: what has a head but no body, but does have a tail? ” | from Harry because he's clueless
@fatedestined || hogwarts starters || accepting
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For a moment Theo simply stared at Potter, partially in surprise at having been addressed and partly because she was beginning to wonder if Potter had pulled off the frankly impressive achievement of being even dumber than he looked.
“Come off it, Potter,” she said after a moment. “You probably have one in your pocket right now.” When he continued to look at her blankly, she said, in tones of great exasperation, “A coin, yeah? Flipping a coin? Heads or tails?”
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@fatedestined (For Emma Swan)
It took a second! One hand on the Mirror in the Ramshackle Dorm and instead of leaning against the hard glass. He slipped through and fell. The last thing he was able to hear was Grim’s freaked out cries as his body fully past through and the image of Grim quickly disappeared. 
Yu couldn’t scream or call out for the darkness of the void swallowed his cries whole. It felt as if he fell for a long time before being surrounded in a mass of purple smoke. Not like he could see what was below him, but as soon as he thought when will this fall end it did and with a harsh thud he found himself to be what looked like a town.
The portal the sent him here was slowly closing and Yu had no way of getting there.
“No! Wait!” He cried as the portal faded away
His heart racing and his mind in a state of shock. He was taken to another world again. The poor young man looked so panicked. For one moment he was in Twisted Wonderland, but now he found himself in a small town.
“T-This can’t be happening! What do I do” He mumbled to himself still in a distressed state.
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arthur-rex · 2 years
MBTI + Arthur / Artorius / Artemis Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon - ESFP
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ESFP stands for Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving personality type. Being extroverts, they are social, outgoing, and spontaneous. Their cordial and affable nature makes them delightful and lively in social circles. They live in the moment and never think much about the future.
Arthur Pendragon is the son and heir of Uther and Ygraine. Extroverted, with a thrill for adventure and the hunt, he makes allies of others quickly, and maintains strong friendships among his knights and the people of Camelot. Not much of a planner, he says rather what he feels is right in the moment. Very cavalier with his life, he is bound to no man’s rules, committed instead to peace and true equality between friends and neighbours. He is a king wedded to Camelot and the ideals exemplified in the concept of the Round Table. Yet he also loves deeply and forms strong attachments to his loved ones. He is Ygraine’s son.
Artorius Pendragon - INFJ
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INFJ stands for Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging personality type. They are reserved and discerning, thoughtful and imaginative, prefer planning and structure, and can precisely wade through the emotions of others.
Duality of Fate Verse Only: Artorius is Arthur’s identical twin brother, the elder by 7 minutes. More withdrawn than his outgoing twin, he nevertheless shares Arthur’s core values of peace, forgiveness, unity and justice. Better at hiding his feelings and true goals during negotiation with rival lords and kings, Artorius was able to successfully plan and execute a bloodless coup against Uther following the return of Arthur to Camelot after a long period of exile. His personality gives him the strategic edge when it comes to building alliances over the longer term than Arthur, however, lacking the more open-hearted nature of his brother means that some will never trust him as fully or readily as Arthur. He is nevertheless, a man of his word, caring much for his family. He is Uther’s son, though demonstrably less narrow-minded, thanks to Arthur’s influence.
Artemis Pendragon - ENTP
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ENTP stands for Extraverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving personality type. They are resourceful, intuitive, and open-minded. At the same time, they are creative, spontaneous, and insightful. Possessing a fast-track mind that thinks quickly and delivers early.
The People’s Princess Verse Only: Artemis is the daughter of Uther and Ygraine. From the moment of her birth and the revelation of her sex, she was considered a disappointment. A dead mother and a father that shunned her, meant she grew up less in tune with her own emotions as her male counterparts, yet more empathic and visionary in her concept of a united Albion as a result. Still an extrovert, like Arthur, she enjoys the company of others and learning from them. As far as taking lovers is concerned, she decides when and how her relationships will both start and end. She does her best to ensure any breakups end on equitable terms. Her thinking mind is constantly evolving to find a unique pathway to peace. She will be remembered as neither her father or mother’s child, and will strike her own path instead. 
( Personality types based on personal interpretation of Arthur and OCs only )
Tagging:  @fatedestined​ @guinedear @magicitselftm @sorceress-queen @miladys-servant-gwen @thewritcrinme @thelonewendwater @ultimusdracodominus @promisedconfessor @forceawakend @shireentheunburnt @thewonderingsorceress @time-travel-muses
You’re already RPing with these characters, so this is just for reference.
Happy to RP these muses with others too, both female, male, canon or OC - you are welcome to apply :)
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mr-nott · 2 years
what season are you?
The first word that comes to mind: cherished. you are probably the most parent-like out of all of your friends. you know exactly how to make those around you feel loved, but also aren’t afraid to call people out on their bullshit. you know exactly what you stand for. brave and honest. you remind me of the emerald green and icy blue of spruce trees standing tall along the sky on a clear December afternoon, the sound of freshly fallen snow under winter boots, and the smell of peppermint candies.
stolen from: myself tagging: @bokketo​ (Snape and/or Hermione), @tmvoldemort​, @grindelwld​, @clumsyherbologist​, @mayhemxmugglesxmagic​ (Pansy and/or Draco and/or Greg), @mcsaiccfmuses​ (Ron and/or Slytherin!Harry), @candere​ (Hermione and/or Harry and/or Lupin), @magickedsouls​ (Ron), @fatedestined​ (Hermione and/or Harry), @corda-comminuta​ (Cho and/or Pansy and/or Vinda), @tainted-prodigy​, @ofblackskies​ (Astoria and/or Daphne)
(Hi guys! It’s @tnott​​, doing this over here because once again Theo’s result didn’t fit her at all.)
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brothershardy · 2 years
Which Planet Are You
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You’ve got an intimate relationship with the things that can hurt you - they’re familiar in the same way putting away laundry is. You don’t know when to cut people out of your life and you don’t know when you’re angry. In fact, you’re burning with resentment, anger, but you can’t figure out why and it’s on the backburner so often you forget that you’re even angry. Everyone tends to look past you and the more you think about it, the more you don’t care. You know you can’t be a burning star in everyone’s life but you hate the idea that other people can be. Sometimes, it’s easier to put your phone down and pretend you don't exist, pretend that staring at the wall will make it all better. It doesn’t.
Tagged by: @bessmrvin​ Tagging: @seesgood​ @shesdaylight​ @minxchester​ @fatedestined​
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incredibly-loyal · 2 years
soft fresh green 🌿
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Nice breeze, bare feet and freshly cut grass. Your love is a light-hearted hope for the future. It's protecting your eyes from the sun but enjoying the light rays still, it's laying on the grass and feeling it tickle your neck. You look to the side and they look back at you, full of hope and plans too. You plan together and laugh all day and your sunburn will feel like them. Your love is delicate, hesitant. A well curated binder full of collages for a future you can't be sure will come, but you keep going, you keep planning, you keep squinting at the sun and smiling, and running your hands through the grass so it will smell better. You keep holding onto the bright sky even as the sunsets, even as the starry night stares back. But you keep on holding, you keep on dreaming, you close your eyes and feel the sun on your skin and convince yourself that the sunburn is good, it's something to hold on to, just makes it linger a bit longer. Your love is a light-hearted hope for the future. It's sweet and wonderful and it keeps love alive, makes the world a better place. You run your hands through the grass, clench your fingers tighter and keep making plans. And I can only thank you and hope I can learn to love like you someday.
Tagged: @arthur-rex​ 👑
Tagging: @legowolas @fatedtragedie @theonceandfuture @shireentheunburnt​ @fatedestined​ (Cassandra) & anyone else who wants a go 💚
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thewrongsorts · 2 years
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mun vs. muse // tagged by @prioriincantatem + tagging @goeticapothicaire @vancedguard @fatedestined (ginny) @originalwizkid @circeschild (marlene)
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progenyofprongs · 2 years
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@fatedestined​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ asked :   “ do you know anything about the wizarding community in America? “ | from Draco
                   "There's a wizard community in America?" It was clear Amelia didn't think twice over the blunt question that fell from her mouth. Even her expression lacked the comprehension of what she was asking: staring at Draco with an oblivious look, green eyes wide and staring. In truth, Amelia had never thought about all the other witches and wizards in the world. Trying to get used to Hogwarts alone was a struggle in itself for her. "Do they have a school there also?" She asked, eyebrows furrowing.
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siderealxmelody · 3 years
aww I love when my mutuals interact with each other!!
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