#faust's route
plsss I can't use Faust first name. He is not Johann, just Faust.
I think Johann is a lovely name, but I'm used to call him Faust. Just like Comte is Comte and Dazai is Dazai XDDD
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ambrosiallkiss · 1 year
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A Comte interlude 😭
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lucyw260 · 1 year
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Had a pretty good laugh over this mistake in Faust's route😂😂 I'm pretty sure they meant to say 'shot'😂
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duckyfann9871 · 3 months
Bitches be like “I hate drama” and then their romantic vs Dramatic points is like
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It’s me, I’m bitches
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kreachvera · 7 months
my son he has 73 diseases and turned evil .
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pwab au zappa. pwabba if you will
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koco-coko · 6 months
Charles: I hate that I killed all those people
Also Charles:
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So was anyone going to tell me Faust is a bigger menace than EVERYONE in the game put together or like. Was I supposed to play the Impossible Choices event (Vincent and Charles ver) myself. I LOVE that he's the definition of: 'being smarter doesn't make me more mature or helpful, it just makes my inherent lust for chaos/entropy all the more unstoppable' This shit FUCKS
I think this is the first time I've ever seen a character make Shakespeare's life a living hell and the latter didn't expect/see it coming, that was AMAZING. Mf was out here like "What the hell??? You lot don't make me suffer I make YOU suffer. Let a man obsess IN PRIVACY" and then nobody cared. Peak comedic interaction, no notes everyone pack it up
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leapin-b · 2 years
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Same Faust. Same. 💦💦
More context, but still Vlad being Vlad
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lemoiin · 1 year
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anamizuiro · 5 months
Thinking about IkeVamp Self Aware AU brainrot where you stayed up late just to finish a love trial and grinding, so the suitors have to persuade you to go to sleep.
But because you are so persistent and going "just one more and then i'll sleep" and STILL not quitting the game and actually go to bed, they decided to be as persistent as you are.
At first, they will be like "don't you think you should sleep? I'm sure you are busy tomorrow" or "it's quite late, ma cherie. I advice you to take a break"
And when you won't listen to them, they become aggressive like "please go to sleep" or straight up popping out fake connection error pop up message even though your internet is perfectly fine. And when you click retry, the next pop up says "Go back to sleep. Please. (or varied ways to word it depending on who says it) " With (insert suitor name here) signed below like it's a formal letter.
Either you are intrigued by this or start to cover yourself in your blanket as you wondered what just happened.
And the next day, everything seems fine as you continue to play normally. You thought it was all just a dream for staying up so late, until one of the suitors in the check-in screen says something like "did you know? Staying up late can cause you health problems".
That's when you know you're not dreaming.
Omake under the cut (didn't include Galileo and Drake because I didn't know much about their characters yet. I stopped playing the game and mostly check on updates and spoiling myself on the posts i found on tumblr.)
[Omake: ways the suitors begs you to go to sleep]
Napoleon: "You need to rest. As much as I appreciate the effort you made to satisfy me, I'd rather have you not tire yourself."
Isaac: "For the love of God, please go to sleep. I don't want you to feel sick the next day!"
Arthur: "My dear, as much as I love all these gestures of affection and attention you have been giving me as of late, it's time for you to take a break."
Vincent: "Please get some rest. You can't force yourself beyond your capabilities. If you have trouble sleeping, please drink a cup of water."
Theo: "I'm going to ask you to stop right there and get yourself some sleep. Even mutts need some rest after giving their owners attention."
Dazai: "A beautiful flower blooms from a good soil, a fair amount of water droplets, and a fair amount of sunlight. Like that flower, you need and deserve some rest."
Leonardo: "Dios mio, I don't think you're supposed to be here this late. Tuck yourself in a comfortable and find something comfortable to hug. I learned from experience, it can help you relax.
William: "My dearest Juliet and Muse, it is late in the night. The sun have slumbered and the stars and moon have awakened. However, you should not be awake like them, for your place is in the garden of dreams and the comfort of sheets and pillows." (I'm sorry, i can't write shakespearean)
Jean: "Sleep. You need it more than I do."
Vlad: "Oh, you're still awake? Ahaha... I think it will be best if there's only one of us awake. And it's not going to be you, I'm afraid."
Le Comte: "Ma Cherie, what are you doing up so late? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"
Sebastian: "here you are, the fool. Staying up so late. Stop whatever it is you want to do next and go to sleep."
Charles: "No, no, no, you're not going to pamper me until you're tired are you? We can continue after you get enough rest! I can wait."
Faust: "You're a stubborn one. I'd rather be the one who stay up late. Not you."
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Ikevamp - Faust's route - random spoilers 3
chapter 25
pls these boys are so crazy hahahah. I just wanted some nasty villain but these vampires are all so friendly AHAHAH
vincent just offered pancakes for some vampires he has never seen before and who kidnapped MC 🙃🙃🙃
Plus they are all okay with the fact MC fall in love with the kidnapper. They are so silly XDDD
Comte even invited Faust to drink some tea. And shakespeare was also there lol. What do I do with them? 😂😂
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ambrosiallkiss · 1 year
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I'm sorry too, Comte 🥲
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lucyw260 · 1 year
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Umm... excuse me. WHAT!?
This line is deeply disturbing and unexpected
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mjart12699 · 1 year
If Asra has their dads eyes it’s safe to say they’ve never gotten their eyes checked and just think that everything is really blurry
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aiburr · 1 year
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would you trust a gemini? what about TWO geminis??
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