#faux floral arrangement
Wreaths & Artificial Flower Arrangements Near Me
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Nearby, you may find our Artificial Flower Arrangements and wreaths at Faux Real Florals by Yasmin. Enjoy realistic flowers that give any place an appealing touch.
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chaxnelles · 9 months
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Transitional Entry New York Example of a large transitional travertine floor and beige floor entryway design with beige walls and a dark wood front door
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celestialspecial · 1 year
I Still Do
Thank you for 700 followers!!!! You guys rock- thank you for making me realize how much I love writing and being so loving and supportive of my work.
*places a kiss on each of your foreheads*
18+/Sexy timesss
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The book lay heavily in your hands. Thick cardstock and glossy full color pages bursting to life with each page turned.
You’d sprung for the fancy package, because why not? A matte black hard cover with gold embossing delicately scribbled across the front in some fancy schmancy font that one would usually associate with wedding invitations.
Those days had passed and they’d been fun enough. The planning, the excitement but while your friends had ooed and awwed over floral arrangements and cake choices you instead looked forward to other things.
A future with the man of your dreams. While you did find yourself giggling and joking with them about the trials and tribulations of marriage, it felt different. It felt right. 
A lightness and a rightness in saying ‘yes’ to him.
That had been years ago and while, yes, there were some rough days. Some highs and lows. It still felt easy. Even those winding roads and unexpected things felt easy to navigate by his side.
Lately work had been consuming Billy’s every waking moment. Days chock full of meeting after meeting. Paperwork, spreadsheets, traveling, the whole gamut.
Even now as you peered around the corner into your bedroom he sat on the edge of the bed, laptop opened and furious typing filled the room.
His eyes roamed over the screen and a small wrinkle formed between his brows as he scowled at what was before him. You stood there peeking in on him, the book now behind your back, as you watched him.
His eyes never left the screen as he continued typing but his voice rang out, startling you a bit.
“Are you gonna stand there and hide or are you gonna come and save me from writing out another god forsaken email?” 
You couldn’t help the chuckle that rushed past your lips.
“I’m out of view! How the heck did you see me?” His eyes still remained on the laptop but you noticed the way the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“I can hear you.”
“I was being quiet.”
“Quiet as a bulldozer.” You made a huff in faux anger as you walked over to the edge where he sat.
“That’s what I get for marrying a marine I guess.” 
At that Billy’s eyes did leave the email he was angrily pounding out to look up at you. Hand reaching out and softly running the back along your jaw.
The sensation tickled and sparked something in the pit of your stomach. His dark eyes darted to the side then back to you.
“What’s behind your back.”
“Put away the laptop and I might show you.” 
You’d never seen a work device shut and tossed aside so quickly. He grinned up at you, patting the bed next to him, smoothing a few wrinkles out of the duvet cover.
Coaxing yourself onto the mattress and pulling one leg to cross the other you quickly pulled the book around, holding it tight to your chest. Only the blank back cover showing.
He raised a brow, curiously inspecting the mysterious item. Waiting for you to proceed.
“I hate to the be the person on the receiving end of what sounded like a scathing email you were typing out.”
“Some people don’t understand gentle nudges.”
“You’ve been working really hard recently.” At that his interest in the book cooled as he looked briefly away, running his fingers through the dark locks on his head.
His hair had grown out longer, and his usual scruff was slowly morphing into a full beard. He’d barely had any time to eat let alone go to the barber.
It was unlike him. You joked that he was vain, but was there really anything wrong with wanting to keep up one’s appearance? Especially when one was the CEO of a booming corporation.
“I have, but I promise I’m going to start delegating more. It’s just these new recruits are all green and I can’t afford to have any mistakes. And I-“ he paused taking in your sympathetic face.
“And I don’t want to talk about. I’m here with you right now.” The grin returned to his face as a finger reached out and he tapped against the back of the book. “And I want to know what this is.”
Your grin turned feline, allowing the top of the book to drop down so he could grasp one end.
Billy’s eyes ran over the front cover, zipping back and forth before darting up to yours. His lips had parted ever so slightly and you could practically hear the gears turning in his head.
“Is this…what I think it is?” 
“Well if you already know I guess you don’t have to look at it then.” You moved to take the book back but his grip held firm, tightening against the spine.
He pulled it another inch closer to him.
“You’re gonna be in big trouble if you don’t let me look.”
“Why do I feel like I’m already in big trouble?” 
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and you could see his resolve starting to melt away. A hungry look began to grow in his eyes, fixated on the cover.
It was too good and part of you wanted to drag it out longer but your poor husband. He was practically aching to look, so you let your hand drop and he immediately pulled the book into his lap and flipped open to the first page.
Then the second. The third. The fourth. With each page turning you could watch the lust seem to grow brighter and brighter in his eyes. 
His breathing turned shallow and the tips of his ears had begun to turn the slightest shade of pink. After a long drawn out moment he spoke,
“When did you have this done?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” His hand shot out and grabbed ahold of your wrist. Tight and unyielding, until his thumb began to brush over your own heated skin.
“I think…you’d better tell me.” 
He flipped to another page, then another. 
“This one….this…God-“ he cut off, fingers drifting over the paper before him, twitching as they held the page between his thumb and forefinger. 
Of course he’d focused in on that one. Not that you weren’t watching him now slowly losing it as he took in photo after photo of you.
A girlfriend had mentioned getting boudoir photos done before her wedding and there sparked an idea in your head.
Sure you two weren’t newly married, the honeymoon phase gone years ago. And yet the flame burned just as bright between the two of you. 
There wasn’t a freckle, divet, or curve on you he hadn’t seen. Not a crease or mole he couldn’t place and yet as he devoured the photos from your own boudoir shoot it was as if it was all brand new.
The traditional lingerie shots had been fun, Lacey numbers that had way too many straps but looked gorgeous on camera.
A few of you surrounded by books, a white button up haphazardly falling off your shoulder as you held a book in your hands, a steamy romance novel. Eyeglasses dangling from your mouth.
The one he stopped on had been you, on your bed, Billy’s suit jacket draped over your shoulders. Covering enough, a satin thong sat on your thighs and you had one of his work ties pulled between your legs.
Your face, one of ecstasy, and you remember taking the shot and half telling the photographer not to leave it in. It had felt so raw and your cheeks turned pink when you’d seen it on their camera.
You remembered the thoughts you’d had to conjure up to make that face. Billy’s face pressed between your thighs, his moans drowning out your cries. 
Billy beside you now, seemed to be humming with energy. He wasn’t physically shaking but you could see him nearly hanging on as his eyes scanned over each and every page.
After he’d consumed the entire book, and gone back about three times, he landed again on the tie picture. 
Before you could ask if he liked it, a thought that felt silly and yet you’d never given a gift like this before. He was up and at the dresser, rifling through one of the drawers until he came away with a dark navy tie in hand.
“Was this it?” He asked, holding the swath of fabric. How he’d examined the image with the accuracy and precision only a marine could, of course he knew exactly which tie you’d used. 
Your mouth barely open as you nodded. Not a split second and he was before you, knees bumping against yours as he held the item of clothing out, draping it around your neck and leaning in.
Fingers grasped your chin holding it in place as he lowered his eyes to meet yours.
“Recreate it.”
“W-what?” You couldn’t help the stammer that had escaped you.
“This picture. I want to see what it looked like, in real life.” You laughed at that.
“Billy-“ but you could tell from the way he was looking at you, a hunger so divine and untainted that you felt a shiver slither its way up your back. Heat pooling between your legs as his grip tightened ever so slightly on your chin.
Realizing you were the instigator of this situation your hands pulled the loose t shirt you were wearing off, tossing it to the side. Followed by your pajama shorts and socks.
You turned away from him to unclasp your bralette, “I’m gonna need your suit-“ but as you looked back around he was standing there holding one of his dark suit jackets out to you.
One hand over your chest and sticking your tongue out at him before pulling it over your shoulders. Glancing at the lining you realized this was the very same jacket from the photo.
“How did you..”
“It’s one of my custom tailored pieces.” You were still facing away from him but you felt his hot breath by your ear as his hand slid down the back of the fine material, giving your rear a squeeze in the process.
You squeaked at that before realizing. The underwear. You didn’t have them anymore. The dryer decided to eat them, tearing the satin fabric and creating quiet a mess to clean from the filter for you.
“I don’t have the thong anymore.”
His hands roamed over your back and along your waist, kneading at your sides as he let his head rest in the crook of your shoulder. 
“That’s ok, do it without them.” You felt the heat bristling under your skin. Pinpricks of pleasure running just under the surface. You wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words.
Instead you pushed away from him, letting his jacket cover your butt as you squatted down enough to get your much less sexy underwear off. 
In your last attempt at a playful jest you tossed them over your shoulder at Billy who caught them effortlessly. A shit eating grin plastered across his face.
Letting one of the leg holes swing around his index finger playfully.
“Encore!” You shook your head at that before resuming your place on the bed as you had been on the photo shoot. 
You could feel his gaze resting heavily on you. Every part of you.
Removing the tie from around your neck, wrapping slightly around your knuckles once then on the other hand letting the silky fabric come to rest between your legs.
The cool touch of the fabric grazing against the sensitive spot between your legs made you shudder softly.
“How’s this?” You asked, begging for the silence to be broken as you watched Billy, his whole attention focused on you. 
“And make the face.” He said. A little to casually for your liking. Because of course, he wanted to see the whole scene played out.
You tried imagining the scenario again but being out on the spot, it felt so inorganic, so forced. He could tell.
“What if I helped you out?” The saliva in your mouth had fully dried up at this point. Help? “Close your eyes.”
You couldn’t stifle the halfhearted giggle you made as you said his name.
You did as he said. Eyelids drifting shut, licking your lips in anticipation. Not quite sure what his intention was.
You felt the warmth of his hand closing over your ankle, rubbing soft circles on your skin.
“Do you remember when we went to the beach up in Michigan?” 
You nodded, licking your lips nervously.
“The way the breeze was..warm and inviting. And we had a cabin with our own private beach?” His hand moved up your leg to rest on the inside of your knee that was planted on the mattress.
“And when we got tired there was a patio with a hot tub overlooking the water as the sun set.” You could feel where this was going.
“And I seem to recall a few days where we didn’t even leave the bed.” He ran a finger up and down your thigh, depthless eyes looking up at you. Oh he was wicked.
“The way the sheets would get all tangled up and I could smell the fresh air in your hair. Feel the heat on your skin where the sun kissed you a little too much. How your lips tasted-“
The need swirling around in your stomach and that desperate desire to feel him inside you started to fire within every nerve. 
“How did my lips taste, Billy?”
“Which ones?” His hand didn’t rise higher to where you needed him, but you were dying for contact, friction, anything.
Two could play at this game. Pulling the tie up tighter between your legs, not even feeling guilty for the gasp that left your lips at the soft drag of it against your body.
Billy’s eyes watched with rapt attention. You could feel the tell tale signs of pleasure building with each glide of his tie, certain you’d need to toss the thing aside before you soaked through it.
“And when we did finally leave the bed it was only so I could bury myself so deep into you on the beach that not even the waves and wind could drown out your screams.” 
Your mouth opened in a silent moan, begging for release.
“That’s it, that’s my girl.” You didn’t need him to say it outright to know your face matched the picture. The same feelings coursing through you now were the ones you’d envisioned when taking the shot.
“Why don’t you make a mess on my tie, sweetheart?” The words had you grinding  onto the fabric, but that wasn’t what you wanted. 
It took more willpower than you’d care to admit to toss the tie aside, grabbing Billy by the shoulders and pulling him onto you as you both dropped onto the duvet and pillows.
Your mouths collide in a kiss only described as feral. Desperate to touch and taste each and every part of each others mouth. His tongue sliding against your own and you hear him groan loudly.
His hands brushing your hair away from your face, pieces caught up in the crossfire of your kiss. His palms coaxing the jacket open and running along your breasts.
Chest heaving you arch up into him to show your displeasure at his continued teasing. You can feel the hardness pressing into your thigh and you line up to grind against him fully.
The hiss he makes thrills you and is only amplified when you feel him grab a fistful of your hair, tugging your head back to expose your neck to him.
He licks a line up the column of your neck before pressing a scalding kiss to your jaw before working his way back down. 
“Torturing me with those photos.” He murmured as his lips continued to lavish along your collar bones then along the swell of your breasts.
His body settling into the cradle of your thighs and you pushed up again dying to feel his cock, hot and pulsing against you. 
“Someone is eager.” He huffed out, a smile playing across his face as his mouth continued its devilish work sucking on one of your nipples. The other under the palm of his hand. 
“Billy, I swear to god…please.” A weak plea answered with a roll of his hips against you and you felt dizzy with desire.
Your mind felt fuzzy and in that haziness you managed to free one of your arms, letting it drift between your bodies. Pressing firmly to where his pants had become unbearably tight.
The sound he made as you stroked the front of his pants sent electricity shooting up your spine. All these clothes needed off. Now. 
Any other day Billy would be even more tortuous, drawing out your pleasure but tonight after viewing that picture book he seemed in just as much a rush as you.
Fumbling over remaining clothing, ripping open buttons, unzipping and sliding out of his suit jacket eventually he was just as bare as you.
Capturing your lips in another toe curling kiss. His scent filling your nostrils and your own hands tangled up in his hair and the sheets. 
“Please please-“ you could feel him pressed against your thigh, the silky hardness so close to where you needed him.
You feel his hand caress the side of your face once more, turning your face so your eyes meet his fully. His expression is enough to undo you. Passion mixed with awe, tenderness and thrill.
And people say married life is boring.
No words need exchanged as you feel him slide home, stretching you slowly. You swear you can feel each ridge and vein on him. Forcing air into your lungs as you feel him fill you up completely.
“How’s my girl?” He asked placing a gently kiss on your temple. His body hovering just above yours.
“Good.” You say rather breathless. Mind unable to focus on anything beyond him within you. How his body seemed to melt into yours perfectly.
His hips slotted against yours and then a gentle rocking. Your eyes squeezed shut, relishing the push and pull, hips rising up to meet each arc and rock.
It’s delicious, but not enough. Faster, deeper. Your ankles cross behind his lower back, pulling him even closer to you as he grinds into you. 
Billy grunts as he begins to pick up the pace. Your body feels heated, his hot breath next to your ear, then a few open mouthed kisses to your pulse point on your neck.
Filling you up deeper and deeper. Your moans match alongside the noises he’s making. You can tell he’s close the louder he gets.
Your mouths move against one another, desperate longing. He rocks faster and faster. Claiming your mouth and body all at once.
Your orgasm snuck up on you, slowly swirling through your entire essence then you lost it all at once. 
Sweating, breathless, holding onto Billy for dear life as you said his name over and over. His hips continued their relentless sway carrying you through your bliss.
Then it was his turn to join you. Pushing off from the bed, holding you tight against his chest as he emptied himself into you. A loud groan followed by expletives and final few thrusts.
Both of you toppling off to the side, panting heavily. You moved to wipe a few pieces of sweat soaked hair from his forehead, then placing a kiss to the now clear spot.
You found yourself mesmerized by his dark lashes, watching them flutter as he took in a full breath. Cheeks no longer ruddy and red but fading to a softer pink.
The two of you laid there in silence, coming down from the post climax high. Basking in the afterglow, the only sound your breathing coming back to center.
After a moment Billy turned to you, his fingers brushing up the length of your arm.
“Thank you.”
“I’d say I got a little something out of it too.” You chuckled, running the back of your buckles over his cheek. He laughed in response.
“I meant for the book, but yes also this.” You snuggled closer to him, just enjoying being in his arms. Yes, married life was bliss.
The next morning you rolled over still groggy from sleep, a satisfied ache between your legs. Billy’s side of the bed was empty but you could hear him moving about getting ready for work.
Sounds of the coffee pot being turned on and that delicious aroma wafted in from the kitchen. A moment later you saw him standing in the doorway, anvil mug in hand as he took a sip of the fresh brew.
“I’m heading out. Coffees on. I promise not to be too late tonight” he grinned as you sleepily nodded, bed head and all. He lowered the mug and with a wave turned on his heel, the front door closing behind him.
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thatanimewriter · 6 months
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➳ synopsis: v. to meet again, especially after a long time apart
➳ character/s: hayama akira, tsukasa eishi, riku dola, morinozuka takashi, lie ren, winter schnee, qrow branwen, midoriya izuku, todoroki shouto, jirou kyoka, shinsou hitoshi, togata mirio, dedue molinaro, felix fraldarius, shamir nevrand, vi, ekko, dan heng, blade, gepard landau, fushiguro megumi, zen'in maki, nanami kento + any of your faves
➳ warnings: fantasy!au (character is a knight, you are the royal they serve), medieval shit, major character death, descriptions of blood, descriptions of injury, childhood friends to almost lovers, accidental murder lol, intentional murder, reader described as beautiful, hurt/no comfort, angst, gn!reader (as always)
➳ word count: 2k
➳ notes: the thing got graded finally, so you can now have it. sorry for any hurt feelings (not really, that was the whole point of the story-). character list is just some characters i DO write for that i think work for this story. also this won't be tagged properly, but it's fine
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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to them, the weight of their golden armour is equal to that of guilt and grief. the castle they swore to protect is a permanent reminder of their shortcomings, though they never expected to return so soon. their metal-clad figure decorates the deteriorating structure in flecks of fragmented sunshine along the sandstone hallways. the kaleidoscope of light is no longer disrupted by the servants’ shadows. instead, the faux sun lurks on the walls as they drag their feet along the floor. the scraping of metal along stone replaces the low murmurs of maids and the light footsteps of staff as they flitted around the castle. the echo is deafening, and they realise they despises silence. it isn’t true silence with the clanking of their armour, but it makes them painfully aware that they are a survivor. the rattling of metal causes them to be uncomfortably conscious of their isolated existence. glancing through ajar doors that line the walls, they longs for a semblance of home, yet they are met by blood-stained tile and mangled corpses littering the floor in unappealing heaps of sunken cheeks and open wounds. 
anita yasmine rosie luka penny william-
they step around them, gaze flickering to each of the faces paralysed by a still heart and wishes to lay with them, to feel the sticky black blood seep through their clothes and be held by the icy arms of death. they steel themselves against the pungent scent of rotting flesh, waving off the flies lingering around their head but failing to break through the helmet that conceals their shame and anguish.
the squeal of rusty hinges makes them close his eyes as they shakily exhale. their eyes flutter open at the quiet groan of the floorboards, and their breath hitches in their throat. it is as if colour returns to their vision, and they are several years younger, free of the faint crow’s feet stemming from the corners of their eyes and the dull ache in their chest.
it’s… the same. but you're not here.
silk sheets lay neatly atop the mattress, and the pillows remain meticulously arranged. they think if they sleep under the covers, they might smell your floral perfume on the pillowcases. they don’t entertain that idea. the sunlight filters through the translucent curtains, highlighting the blanket of dust that settles on the furniture and floor. the room hasn’t changed much since childhood; though it was sporadic, they were permitted inside. nonetheless, it was timeless. throughout all the phases of your life, it still felt like you.
they eye the vanity, clear of clutter but filled with nostalgia. the hairbrush is likely unusable – at least not without lacing dust and bugs through one’s hair – but it looked the same as when they originally gifted it. strands of hair weave between the bristles, and they wonder if their own locks are hidden away in the forest of DNA. 
the maids would have cleaned the hairbrush since I was a child.
they don’t touch anything; they knows what is tucked away in the drawers and boxes. there is one thing they allows themselves to taint with their touch. they pry a brick from the wall, reaching into the pocket of secrecy they’d made with you. a matted velvet box graces their armoured fingertips. they don’t feel the texture, but the box size is familiar. they carefully pluck it from the treasure trove of memories and broken promises, sliding the brick back into place. gently unclasping the box, they smile softly at the two rings that lay side by side. 
“one day, i’ll marry you!” they proclaim as you sit on the floor of your balcony. you giggle at their proposal and inquire about the rings you would wear if you married. “rings?” “you have to give me a ring to tell everyone that we’re getting married.” their little shoulders slump, and a pout forms on their lips. they sheepishly scuff their foot along the ground and tries to ignore the tears in their eyes. “...i don’t have one.” you sigh but give them a hopeful look. “but eventually you will?” they quickly brighten and grin through their tears as they lift their head to look at you. “yes! it’s gonna be like no other ring in the whole kingdom!”
they pocket the box and glance at the balcony. they kneel and bow their head, resting their right hand on their heart. when they rise, they look at the room before gently closing the door behind them as if you has retired for the night, and they don’t want to wake you. a practised method that hasn’t entirely left their bones.
as they descend the stairs to the ballroom, they nearly smile at the memory of the ball before the tragedy that befell the castle. they don't let it break through the perfectly crafted mask of neutrality. not when the ballroom floor is occupied by more lifeless bodies and darkened blood smears. they look to their side, wishing they could relive the memory of the ball and hoping they can look into your eyes as they escort you down the stairs, hoping you can share one last dance. 
but you're not here…
they raise their arms, supporting the memory of everything they long to return to, and waltz. there is no music, yet their timing is precise, and despite having no dance partner, their form persists. they ponder the events of the tragedy as they glide along the bloody floor and skirt around the dozens of corpses, each bearing a face they'd seen a million times and maybe even a little more. 
they can almost feel the weight of the spear they carried that day as they dance. they could hear your deafening scream as you were pulled into the crossfire. the sound follows them into their unconscious, a horrifying alarm. they never forgot the ache in their heart as their spear pierced through you. a human shield is a cowardly move in their mind, but the culprit had succeeded if the goal was to leave them with insurmountable guilt.
they come to a halt, bowing to the ghost of you. recalling your morning together beneath the gazebo, they gravitate to the imaginary scent of tea and pastries. the winter sun doesn’t fully reach them through the armour, and they attempt to resist the welcoming rays of warmth that beckon them to stay longer. they sit on the concrete bench they had called dibs on when they were twelve, ignoring the dull pain in their chest. slowly, they remove their armour. the metal feels warm despite the thin layer of ice along the lake the gazebo resided by. 
the metal plates rest neatly on the bench, and they shiver at the fresh, cool air that tickles their skin. they sigh and roll their shoulders free of lingering tension, allowing themselves a moment of tranquility. their eyes – drops of sunshine that had fallen from the heavens according to you – scanned the garden that built their childhood and adolescence. the twitch of their fingers goes unnoticed as they reminisce about their training to become a knight. the tightness in their throat is unacknowledged when they see the statue of you standing tall, proud and beautiful atop a marble pedestal. they wonder if the sculptor had taken a cast of you rather than building beauty with a reference. they clench their fist, imagining your fingers laced between theirs. they've memorised the sensation, embedding it into their brain each time your hands embraced over the years. flicking the box open, they let the rings fall into the palm of their hand.
“like no other in the kingdom”. heh… what an understatement.
they chuckle at their craftsmanship. it is what is expected when an eight-year-old finds wire to make a ring. they observe the jagged circle – if you could even call it that – and the haphazardly hidden wire ends that made them feel like an ant had bitten them. it was irritating beneath their little armoured hand, often coated in a thin layer of sweat, but now they crave the sharp sting that fades to a dull ache. perhaps the discomfort has travelled from their calloused and scarred skin to their weary bones and heavy heart.
they mindlessly hum a tune from their childhood as they unwind the wires, straightening them as best they can. their nimble fingers falter as their vision blurs, but they intertwine the wire into a band of love as the soft melody cracks and fades away. in their tunic, they shed responsibility and don youth while they recraft the rings as if they could rewrite history. the art of creating jewellery didn’t embed itself in their flesh and bones like combat did, despite their parents teaching them before they left the village.
a cold wind kisses their skin, and they wet their lips, gazing at their workshopped rings with a smile you claimed could warm even the most hostile souls. they rise with a newfound energy, standing before the ethereal marble effigy. their breath crystallises as they stare into the stony eyes of the statue, slipping a halo onto their ring finger. they don’t dare to tear their gaze away and finds their vision joining the misty gardens again. a short apology escapes them as they climb onto the plinth, slide the accompanying token onto your marble finger, and lay a chaste kiss on your icy forehead. they dismount the pedestal at the sound of shouting and is struck with a familiar paralysing experience. they can hear their pulse in their eardrums over the voices, and their limbs itch with the desire to escape.
no. i stay.
the faces that emerge from the tall grass aren’t familiar, but the old, blood-stained uniform brings ease. they don’t hear what the intruders declare over their heartbeat, but they focus on the sword shared between the looters. a sudden movement breaks their concentration, followed by a new ache in their abdomen, and they are acutely aware of the sword skewering their organs and poking through their tunic. the sturdy marble pedestal makes an ugly screech against the metal before meeting their back. they hiss when it’s pulled from its temporary sheath, dripping with red and shreds of tissue. the blood that coats the blade slides down the statue’s base, gathering in their hair and absorbing into their shirt. as they slump against the surface, they let their eyes flutter shut, and they faintly hear the footsteps of the intruders grow distant.
they frown as they lay on the lawn, ripping dry skin from their lips with their teeth. “can i ask you a question?” “you just did,” you respond with an ounce of playfulness.  “what if i fail?” you turn to face them with narrow eyes as if you dared them to elaborate. “what if i can’t protect you?” you stare for a moment as you debate your answer. they gaze into your eyes and look for a hint of uncertainty but is met with their insecurities as they reflect their image.  you flash a gentle smile and pick a blade of grass from their messy mop of hair. “i’ll see you soon, won’t i?”
a final smile tugs at their lips, and they exhale, weakly lifting their hand to look at the ring that failed to shine in the sliver of sunset light. the warmth disappears beneath the horizon, permitting the stars to adorn the navy skies, and their hand falls to the ground.
see you soon. i missed you. in our next life, maybe…
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queenofsquids · 10 months
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The At Home store had spring and summer garlands 75% off so I got four different ones, mostly "wisteria". I thought I would somehow arrange them on the Ikea Detolfs. But the dangly bits that LOOK so good danglin, get in the way of the doors an awful lot.
Maybe I could make a faux top panel box out of foam board and drape them over that?
I don't know what I'm doing and am fast discovering that floral arrangement is an art way harder than it looks AND more expensive than it looks because you could always use more sprigs n stems n whatnot and they AREN'T CHEAP!! Even these at such a good sale were almost $20 total and that did not include foam. 😵‍💫
(Open to ideas as always 🙂 )
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three--rings · 1 year
The second project I did for the Renegade Bindery Holiday Exchange is Against Expectations by @summerofspock​  illustrations by Blue Sparkle aka @asparklethatisblue​
This is a Regency era human AU Good Omens fic in which Aziraphale is female and Crowley is genderqueer and they enter an arranged marriage.  It’s really delightful and so is the EXTENSIVE (multiple per chapter) art that accompanies it.
I wanted to keep the look of this one classic and pseudo-period looking.
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 As gardening and flowers are a big theme in the fic I used floral flourishes in the text and the binding itself.  The covers are Italian print with a classic looking plants and birds design, while the endpages are Italian print of horticultural illustration. 
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 Originally I intended to use faux leather bookcloth for the spine, but then realized I had JUST enough real leather left from my previous leather bound project to use it.  Which means I only had one shot at doing the title with my heat foil quill pen and thank god ended up happy with it.  I didn’t leave quite enough gap between spine and boards so it’s a little stiff but couldn’t redo it.
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 In fact, this whole project was a one shot deal because I had to print the color pages at a copy shop so any flaws in the textblock I just had to live with. (and there are definitely flaws!)
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Overall, despite a few flaws (moisture! woes) I’m fairly happy with it. 
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thestalwartheart · 1 year
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Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Warnings: None Relationships: James Bond/Q, James Bond/Madeleine Swann Word Count: 1,270 Summary:
A wedding and a present. Features unrequited James/Q and James/Madeleine.
Read below or on AO3.
It’s a perfect summer afternoon when James Bond marries Madeleine Swann in an English country garden. It’s a small wedding because neither of them have many friends in the living world, and trustworthy espionage circles are always small. Throughout the ceremony, Q can feel the sun burning the back of his neck. The heavy scent of jasmine tickles his nose.
“Do you, James—”
“I do.”
The celebrant sighs with faux irritation. “You might let me finish, Mr Bond.”
Bond winks at Madeleine, and the other guests laugh good-naturedly. Q manages a thin smile. He wouldn’t bother at all, but he seems to have ended up sitting in the front row in prime position to be photographed behind the happy couple.
And, Christ, they are happy. Q doesn’t think he’s seen two people happier or more beautiful. Admittedly, he doesn’t get out to many weddings, but no one at this one can stop talking about how lovely Bond and Dr Swann look together. Even during the ceremony, the praise moves around the crowd in a hush. Everything is gorgeous, they whisper. So pretty. Charmant. Magnifique. A perfect day for two perfect-looking people.
Q should not be here. The only reason he’s here is because he’d been reliably informed (or sternly warned, depending on who one asked) that he would break Bond’s heart if he missed it.
The intel seems decidedly dodgy. As Q watches Bond sweep Madeleine into a kiss for the ages, he knows the man’s heart is impervious to any fractures today.
That belief only strengthens when he catches Bond and Dr Swann making the rounds during the cocktail hour. Q watches them move amongst the crowd in a united front, accepting drinks and charming the metaphorical pants off everyone. There’s one particular couple they very nearly charm the literal pants off of if Q can draw any conclusions from all the touching, smiling, and slightly too-loud laughter.
As for himself, he loiters at the edges of the party. That means he’s the last in a line of people, but both Bond and Dr Swann look delighted to see him. Bond even goes so far as to say it.
“Q. They always do say to leave the best for last.”
“Congratulations, 007. Dr Swann,” he says with a smile, sidestepping Bond’s compliment. “It was a beautiful ceremony. Just lovely.”
He directs the latter to the new bride since he very much doubts that James Bond has been knee-deep in floral arrangements and seating charts in the last few months. Though, who knows, really? Bond might have replaced his hours at the gun range for examining fabric samples. One had to have a hobby after all, and when killing and resurrection were out, well…
“Q, please,” Dr Swann demurs.
“Right, yes. Madeleine. My apologies.” He raises his glass to her. “You look utterly enchanting. Your dress…I mean, my goodness. You’ve rendered us all speechless.”
He’s surprised to find there isn’t a hint of bitterness in that compliment. In her understated, figure-hugging silk gown, she looks exquisite and radiant in the way all happy brides are.
Bond hums. “How come she gets to first name basis within a year, and I’m still 007?”
Ah, and there’s the bitterness. You weren’t always, comes the ill-advised thought. You know it and I know it.
Q clears his throat.
“I’m afraid it’s only people who don’t make a point of destroying my equipment who get to first name basis.” Q turns to Dr Swann. “Has he been treating the car well?”
“Perfectly.” She aims a smile at him that travels and ends in a soft look at Bond. Q isn’t sure how much more he can take of this. “He’s been ever so responsible.”
“You’re sure you’ve married the right man? That seems completely incongruous with his personality.”
She laughs. “It does, doesn’t it? And yet, he’s been very good.”
They’ve become momentarily distracted, as is the custom of newlyweds everywhere. Q looks away while they kiss, twisting his fingers around his glass of bubbly. He’s never quite gotten the hang of delicate champagne flutes like this. They always seem far too breakable, the stems especially. All afternoon he’s been expecting his to snap.
It is a very long kiss.
From the other side of the garden, over Bond’s shoulder, Moneypenny sends him a sympathetic look and makes a show of pouring him a shot of one lethal spirit or another. Tequila, most likely. Never in his life has Q longed quite so much for the taste of strong alcohol followed by a blackout.
He returns to earth when he hears Dr Swann address him again. “I’ll give you two a moment. I need to talk to the photographer.”
“Ah, of course. I’ll let you—”
But Madeleine has swanned off (Q pardons himself for the pun), and Bond suddenly has a hand on his arm. It feels as warm as the sunburn on the back of his neck. Warmer, even. And terribly familiar.
“Thank you for coming,” says Bond with quiet solemnity. “I know it’s hard for you to get away these days.”
“Oh, nonsense. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” Fortunately, just as Q is on the edge of saying anything more sentimental, he remembers why he’d waited to catch up with Bond in the first place. He reaches into his pocket. “Here. Thought I’d best not leave this with the other gifts.”
He holds out a little black box, and Bond takes it, his lips already curling in a smile. Somewhere in a tree nearby, a pair of robins sing.
“Is this what I think it is?” Bond doesn’t wait for an answer. With barely-suppressed excitement, he opens the lid to reveal a fountain pen — an engraved dark blue and silver Montegrappa.
Q tries not to grimace as Bond reads the description. In hindsight, Yours, Q, may have been a little on the nose.
If Bond thinks so, he doesn’t show it. When he looks up, those bright blue eyes are filled with cheeky wonder, the sort he used to aim at Q over blink-and-you’ll-miss-it weaponry and hacking jobs that shredded the software systems of rogue governments.
“Does it do anything?” Bond asks.
“It writes a lovely letter. If that doesn’t attract enough attention, try twisting the nib ninety degrees and clicking down twice.” More seriously, Q continues. “I do hope you won’t need it for a purpose beyond letter writing, but on the off-chance you do…if there’s anything you need, anything at all...”
He trails off. No ending to that sentence seems quite right. Call me seems too trite, and he doesn’t actually want Bond calling for the odd favour, not when the mere thought of the man has Q feeling like glass about to shatter. I’ll be here really is far too on the nose. Of course he will. Q will forever be in England, in London, at MI6. Bond will not. I’ll provide it is shockingly redundant. Bond has always known Q would give him whatever he asked.
After a moment, Bond looks over at Madeleine. His thumb repeatedly strokes over the pen's engraving. Q suspects he's completely unaware he's even doing it.
“I think I have everything I need.”
All of a sudden, Q can taste salt and phlegm. He swallows it, hoping his useless, mundane, selfish heartache isn’t audible.
“Yes. Yes, I suppose you do. Excuse me.”
On the way to the bar, Q downs his glass of champagne in one gulp and looks directly into the sun. When Moneypenny asks if he’s all right, he pretends that’s why his eyes are watering.
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kptssecretsanta · 5 months
Merry Christmas, @monochrome-crisis!
Dear @monochrome-crisis, I have really enjoyed writing this for you, and I hope you like it. Your prompts were delightful and it was a lot fun playing around with these two. Happy Holidays if you observe, and happy fic-gift-day to you if you don’t! Best, your anon gifter. 
TAGS: established relationship, secret relationship, arranged marriage, road trip, sort of, running away, 
SUMMARY: Chay stands quite still and watches him for several seconds, but it doesn’t help to make the jumble of nonsense words rearrange themselves into useful sentences in his head. 
“I’m sorry,” he says slowly. “An inauspicious start to what, precisely?”
“Why, to your marriage, of course!”
can’t let this wait one more day
It’s Tankhun who accidentally breaks the news to Chay, on a rainy October afternoon when he’d expected to face nothing more challenging than a couple of hours playing the new Spider-Man game. A problem with his XBox has him venturing down to Arm’s office-cum-armoury-cum-tech lab, where he finds Tankhun sitting cross-legged on the floor, cutting pictures of floral arrangements and men in alarmingly colourful suits out of a vertiginously tall stack of bridal magazines. He snips some of them out with painstaking precision, and scratches the scissors angrily across others, his choices made according to some arcane and unknowable criteria. The images that survive his process are passed to Arm, who dutifully and efficiently pastes them down into a pastel pink, faux-fur-covered scrapbook.
“Khun? Is everything… Are you ok?”
“Auhhh! My favourite brother-in-law!” Tankhun cries at a volume that isn’t quite ear-piercing, but is certainly louder than required given the three of them are alone in an echo-y room, and Chay’s ears are less than thirty centimetres away from his mouth. “Everything is so much more than fine! It’s all wonderful! Practically perfect, in fact! Only do say you’ll let me dress you, nong, it would kill me to see you walk down the aisle in someone else’s shoes! And you wouldn’t break my heart like that, hmm, not on your wedding day? It would be a harbinger of so, so much bad luck! Such an inauspicious start, no?!”
Chay stands quite still and watches him for several seconds, but it doesn’t help to make the jumble of nonsense words rearrange themselves into useful sentences in his head. 
“I’m sorry,” he says slowly. “An inauspicious start to what, precisely?”
“Why, to your marriage, of course!”
“Nothing is set in stone,” Arm promises him, trying to calm him down while Tankhun flaps off to find Porsche. “It’s just an idea, at this stage, that’s all. Just something that was suggested - really, it’s more like it was vaguely alluded to - at the last family meeting. It doesn’t mean you have to marry anyone you don’t want to.”
The atmosphere in Arm’s little misery-bunker has always been a bit sad, but it’s never felt quite as overwhelmingly damp and awful as this moment in time. 
“I know you mean well, but ‘we might not marry you off against your will’ isn’t actually as reassuring as you seem to think it is,” Chay points out. He’s just pleased he can still form coherent words; that must mean the worst of the panic attack is subsiding.
“Yeah, that’s fair,” Arm says, and Chay tries very hard to find the deeply sympathetic look on his face comforting instead of terrifying. 
Chay: hey 
Chay: u busy?
Chay: i need to see u its urgent
Chay: ive run away im at the boba place 
Chay: the one with the cute plants inside where you kissed me that time 
Chay: pls don’t take long they’re cutting me off
not my secret bf: be there in ten
Macau picks Chay up in his older brother’s convertible, stolen for the occasion, and drives off without any questions. The extent to which he’s ride-or-die is, in Chay’s opinion, one of his absolute top-ten best traits. At Chay’s request, he heads out of the city, no particular destination in mind. He doesn’t say anything until they’re far enough out they’re relying on headlights, and the sound of rain on the windscreen is louder than the traffic. 
“Whatever happened, it’s ok, babe. I promise.”
“You won’t say that when you know!” Chay cries. “Hia wants me to get married, Cau, it’s really serious!” 
“That’s what Arm said. And Khun! I’m sorry, babe, I know he’s your cousin, but also. What the fuck? How could he know something like that and not tell me!” Chay’s voice rises frantically, reaching a fever pitch as he vents his frustration at once again being the last one to find out important information about his life. “Oh my god, what if it’s to some disgusting greasy old man who wants a good little wifey, that Kinn needs to sign some business deal with?” Chay says suddenly, face awash with horror. 
“Ok, first of all,” Macau says, glancing over at Chay from the driver’s seat of with a grin of a distinctly gremlin-y variety creeping across his face, “if Kinn needed someone to sign a contract that badly, he’d just break their fingers until they signed it.”
“That’s not reassuring, Cau.”
“And second of all,” Macau presses on, ignoring Chay’s point completely, “I’m not gonna let you marry anyone else, so it doesn’t matter anyway, hmm?”
“You really think they’ll listen to you?”
Macau frowns, impish grin fading as quickly as it had appeared, and clicks his fingernails on the wheel, the way Vegas really hates. “I dunno. Maybe? And if they don’t, we could just… leave, I guess.”
“I’m not - listen, babe, I love you, but your uncle kept my mum locked away in an attic for eighteen years because she married the wrong guy, so like. I don’t have that much faith in Kinn or Korn or Vegas to be super chill about someone trying to leave the family.” 
Macau shoots him a quick glance, eyes slicking sideways before snapping back to the road. “Well, if you put it like that…”
“Look, you don’t have to come with me,” Chay says, voice laced with grim determination. “I know you – all your family are here, your whole life is here. But I think I have to leave.”
“Ok, ok. But you don’t have to go now,” Macau says. “We can come up with a real plan, take a little time.”
“I can’t go back. I can’t walk back in there. I can’t spend another second there.”
Macau swerves suddenly and pulls up on the side of the road, switching the engine off but leaving the headlights on, so the curtains of thick rain ahead of them are illuminated in their glow. Turning to face Chay, he reaches over and takes his hand, linking their fingers together and squeezing gently. 
“Hey,” Macau says softly, which catches Chay’s attention more than any amount of screaming would have. “I’m sorry my family is such a fucking nightmare. I’m not - of course I’m not gonna make you go back. If you wanna leave tonight and never come back, we can do that.”
“But?” Chay asks nervously. Macau lifts a questioning eyebrow. “It sounded like there was a ‘but’ coming next.”
“Nope,” Macau says easily, shaking his head and letting Chay see the truth shining bright in his eyes. “No ‘but.’ I’d follow you anywhere, Porchay.”
“Cau…” Chay says, releasing the name like an invocation into the night air. 
Macau stares at him, gaze far too intense to bear for long, and then he turns to look out at the road spilling away into the darkness ahead of them. “Chay, you know, we could - if you want - they can’t make you marry anyone if you’re already married.”
“Fuck.” Chay lets out a breath, a long, deep exhalation that carries away half the tension in his whole frame. “How are you so perfect when your family is so…”
“Shit, no idea.” Macau laughs and it’s not pleasant. “This is why I didn’t want to tell them about us. They ruin everything they touch, and I wanted to try and keep you whole as long as possible. So I’d get it, you know, if you don’t want - augh!”
Macau shrieks a little, very bravely, as Chay throws himself across the centre console and clambers eagerly if awkwardly into his lap, winding long slender brown arms around his neck and kissing him fiercely until one of them accidentally jams a knee into the horn. 
The hotel is not quite clean enough to be boring, and just a little too rundown to be charming. It’s the last place anyone would ever think to look for them, which means it’s Macau’s new favourite spot. He pays for one room, daring the older man behind the desk to say something about the way he has his arm wrapped around Chay’s waist, fingers tapping out a gentle rhythm on his hips. Chay’s arm is draped over his shoulder in turn, so he can lean easily into his side, soaking up his warmth. 
There’s a horrible pause where the guy hangs on to the key a little too long, and then Macau tips his chin up defiantly. His hand closes around the key and whisks it away from him. 
“We can find it ourselves,” he says. It’s not until they’re halfway down the hallway to their room that he realises the guy had absolutely no intention of helping them with their bags. 
Not that they have bags, per se. Chay has his old school backpack with him, which he’d hurriedly stuffed with a couple of pairs of underwear and some clean socks, a spare power bank for his phone and laptop, and more snacks than Macau’s seen in one place outside of a child’s birthday party. 
Macau, on the other hand, has his phone, battery currently hovering around 19%, and his wallet. 
“I thought,” Chay says defensively, when he catches Macau eyeing his stash, “that I might have to get the bus somewhere.”
Macau shrugs out of his bomber jacket and tosses it haphazardly across the room. “You shut your mouth. My fiancé doesn’t take the fucking bus.” 
“Fiancé,” Chay murmurs to himself, rolling the word around his mouth. “Shit, Cau. Are you sure?”
“I am if you are.” Macau swallows and ignores the too-fast beat of his heart. Chay’s hand wraps around his wrist, fingertips pressing gently against his pulse point. Macau loves his touch so much; he hates why they’re here, but he’d be lying if he said he hates getting this much attention from Chay all at once, after months of existing from one stolen moment to the next.
Macau’s vague idea of showering and then planning the rest of his life is quickly shelved. He’s too busy letting Chay tumble them into bed, rolling over so Chay can pin his wrists and grind his hips down. Chay licks into his mouth and then laughs at the dramatic whine he lets out when he pulls away again too soon. It’s just for show; they both know Chay would never leave him so unsatisfied. 
They make love on scratchy sheets in a cheap hotel on the outskirts of the city, because neither of them could bear to drive any further, because they both need to get their hands on each other, because Chay doesn’t mind being Macau’s dirty little secret but he’s damned if he’ll be anyone else’s husband, and because Macau has had a lifetime of watching his family destroy every good thing that wanders into its path, and he’ll be damned if he lets Chay be their next target. 
As they fall asleep curled into each other, all warm skin and slow breathing, soft lips and steady heartbeats, Chay gives Macau the other reason he couldn’t marry anyone his hia chose for him. “I want to wake up next to you. Tomorrow. All my tomorrows.”
Arm wakes Chay gently, shaking his shoulder and stepping back discreetly as his eyes flutter open. Years of practice avoiding the flailing arms of a recently-roused Tankhun, Chay assumes. 
“Shit. How did you find us?” he mumbles, pulling the sheets over his head. 
“I don’t know where to start. You and Khun Macau have about twelve trackers between you, not counting your phones and his credit card.” Arm tugs the sheet away and turns his tablet around; it’s a mass of blinking dots concentrated in a small cluster. 
“Where’s Macau? What have you done to him?” Chay cries when he realises he’s alone in bed. 
“It’s ok, Khun Chay, he’s just getting coffee,” Arm says. He sounds calm, but Chay’s seen him like this before and knows it doesn’t mean he’s not alert.  
“If you try and keep us apart, I’ll scream so loudly that everyone in the hotel’s gonna think you’re murdering me,” Chay says. “I’m a singer, I can do it, phi. My lungs can do things you wouldn’t believe!” He’s aware that he doesn’t look all that threatening, probably, sleep-dopey and with his hair all mussed up, but it’s worth a try. His hia raised Chay very carefully, though, and the second most important lesson he ever taught Chay was not to back down from a fight he believed in.
(The first lesson was not to start fights you can’t win, but Chay is deliberately choosing to ignore that.)
“Ah, no, it’s ok, nong,” Arm says quickly. “Look, here’s Khun Porsche, I’m sure he can explain it all better than I can.”
As the door opens, Chay snorts the snort of a man who has a deep fraternal understanding of Porsche’s ability to explain anything at all. 
“Hia!” Chay leaps off the bed and strides angrily across the room, shoving at Porsche’s shoulder before the door has even swung closed behind him. “You son-of-a-bitch! You couldn’t even tell me to my face, what the fuck!” 
“Chay – ” 
“No! NO!” Chay pushes him again, hot tears of frustration welling in his eyes and making his brother’s face mercifully blurry. “How dare you? I had to find out from Tankhun, of all people?! And it’s not until I leave that you suddenly give a damn what happens to me? Get out of my way, I’m going to find Cau and if you try to stop me, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll. I’ll fucking bite you, I don’t know!” He’s properly crying now, beating his fists uselessly against Porsche’s chest. 
“Chay,” Porsche says again, far more gently this time, and he catches Chay’s wrists before pulling him into a tight hug. “Chay, it’s ok, it’s all ok, I promise.”
“Hia!” Chay squeezes out between loud sobs. “Hia, please.”
“Arm,” Porsche says, craning to speak over Chay’s head. “Arm, I think you need to go fetch Macau now.”
“The thing is, Khun Chay, that while the relationship between the major and minor families is much closer these days – ”
“You mean because hia and Khun Kinn can’t keep their hands off each other,” Chay asks. He knows that’s not really why, but it’s funny to see Arm trying to work out how to answer the question in front of Porsche. He’s currently sitting on Macau’s lap, arms wound around his neck, and while he hasn’t actually growled or snapped his teeth at anyone who comes near them, his demeanour is carefully cultivated to suggest that he might.
“Uh, yeah. Yes. That’s not how I’d – but yes, I suppose Khun Kinn and Khun Porsche do have quite a noticeable physical connection,” Arm admits reluctantly. “And it’s good that they’re married. That’s great! But obviously there’s the deposed remnants of the former minor family to consider – oh. Umm. Sorry for your loss, Khun Macau – but the point is that now we all have some distance from the attempted coup, Khuns Kinn and Porsche thought that, uh.”
“They thought it would be convenient to get me married off, I know.”
“No, hang on, it wasn’t - it was just a silly thing Khun suggested, and Kinn said it - ok, yeah, he said it would be convenient, yeah, but we weren’t going to actually do anything about it!” Porsche throws his hands up in exasperation, nearly knocking the tablet out of Arm’s hands. “You didn’t have to run away on a whim, Chay!”
“Hang on, what does this have to do with Vegas and I?” Macau asks, at the same time as Chay mutters ‘It wasn’t a whim!’
“What do you mean?” Porsche asks him, leaning forward with genuine confusion on his face. (Chay recognises it from the days when he used to ask Porsche for help with his algebra homework.) “It was – the plan was – well, no, it wasn’t a plan, but Khun’s idea was that you two should marry each other.”
“Oh shit,” Macau says, squeezing Chay’s waist tightly. “Oh, shit, babe! Do you know what this means?!”
Chay wriggles around in his lap to face him, disbelief and hope warring on his face. “Is he saying what I think he’s saying?”
“I think he’s saying that they’re not gonna stop us being together, actually,” Macau says. He reaches up to stroke Chay’s face gently, running the back of his knuckles reverently along his cheekbones. 
“Hang on,” Porsche says. “Hang on, are you two – is that why you shared a room?!” He turns to stare at Arm accusingly; Arm quickly buries his head in his tablet and starts tapping away furiously. Porsche tuts and turns back to the disgraced runaways. “Macau! Did you fuck my brother last night?”
“Of course not!” Macau says quickly, and then his little gremlin grin returns. “Fun fact, phi, your baby brother is a very talented top.”
“Gah, shut up, shut the fuck up,” Porsche shouts, then covers his ears and starts humming when Macau opens his mouth to elaborate. 
“Stop antagonising him, and I’ll stop Tankhun from dressing you in cerise on our wedding day,” Chay murmurs to Macau, slapping a hand over his open mouth. Macau licks his palm, mostly out of habit, but nods his agreement. 
“It’s ok, hia, you can listen again,” Chay says. Arm leans over without looking up from his tablet and taps him on the shoulder. “I said, it’s ok. We’ve decided to take a rain check on the eloping plan today.”
“Oh, Khun Nu will be so relieved,” Arm says. “He was so worried.”
“Aww,” Chay says, willing to be far more lenient now things are going his way. “He was worried about Cau and I? That’s so sweet.”
“Oh, yes.” Arm pauses briefly. “Well. That, and he was worried he’d ordered a custom Armani for nothing.”
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gingersnappe-9 · 1 year
In a Crowd of Thousands: Star Crossed (12)
Din Djarin/Mando X Fem!OC || Star Wars/The Mandalorian Universe 
Series List || #star wars anastasia || PREVIOUS || NEXT
3.7K words
Warnings: mild physical abuse, angst, emotional distress
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image created by @followwhereshegoes​ 
A/N: This is the last post I will be using a taglist. If you’d like to remain updated follow #star wars anastasia
The day had finally given way to night. The moons had risen to their rightful place in the dark sky signaling to all of Canto Bight that the night life could commence. All across the city drinks sloshed in overfilled, overpriced glassware. People cheered and roared at the race tracks and lovers took to their nightly praises under the cover of soft linen sheets. The air was perfect for those wayward souls to slump peacefully against cool stone as they waited for their stupors to wear off. More importantly, it was a perfect night to see an aria.
The Crystal Opera House’s grand walls and domed ceilings were made entirely of glass. Intricate stone archways made up the supports and thin lines of wrought iron laced their way in between the panes like ivy plants. Hand-painted tiles laid out in delicate mosaic patterns were plastered across nearly every available surface. The entire building seemed to glow for the warm lamp light coming from within. Long cloth drapings hung around the entryway and a preposterously large and plush red carpet spilled across the stone steps. Din arrived ahead of time to make sure Leia would be in attendance. He scouted out the location of her viewing box; he counted the number of ushers; Din made sure he knew the location of every emergency exit and the entrance for the musicians and performers. After fulfilling every instinct he could think of, Din found himself standing outside the grand building with nothing to do but wait for Ava to arrive. People of all walks of life made their way into the theater. The combined extravagance of the outfits, jewelry, floral arrangement everywhere, and even the building itself thankfully overshadowed Din’s somewhat covered Mandalorian gear.
As he looked out at the pond just on the other side of the parkway, Din made note of the time. It was getting close to the start of the ballet and Ava still had yet to arrive. 
Din hadn’t seen her since they’d said goodnight to one another the evening prior. He swore he could still feel the plush heat from her lips against his own, and immediately tamped his feelings down. Tonight was the night it would end, one way or another. He found it irksome that he had to keep reminding himself of such an ineffable fact. Din knew it to be true, but deep down came a quiet voice that whispered over and over again not to let her go. It reminded him of the fact that having someone else leave his life would hurt. He wanted to drown that voice in the pond before him. Beat it into submission. Cast it out and return to how he used to be, before her. Yet that was as unalterable as his situation now. So instead of killing himself slowly, he ventured into the opera house to grab their tickets, with the intention of meeting her outside once she arrived. 
The interior was just as impressive. The hall seemed to ooze poise and sophistication. Warm with the faux candlelight. Intricate glass sculptures hung from the ceiling like bursts of color, frozen in time. They reminded Din of stars, their varying sizes and slight flickering no different than the night sky just beyond the atmosphere. The hall echoed with chatter and anticipation. Large stone columns with vines and branch motifs etched into the rock by the hands of a true stonemason. Even the ticket booth was lined with a similar rich, red velvet material as the carpet leading up the outside steps. The attendant seemed hesitant to hand over the tickets, but when Din repeated the name Skywalker, there was no further issue. 
As Din turned back to make his way back to the outer steps, he heard the voice. 
And there she was, wrapped in a deep sapphire dress that glittered like the surface of water when the sun hit it; strapless and form fitted with a flare that started only below her knee. A circle of impossibly brilliant and precious stones adored her neck with matching earrings. Long white gloves that went up to her elbows. She reminded Din of the night sky. He never wanted to look away, the same way a little kid stares out their window night after night waiting for a shooting star – one blink and you could miss it forever – Ava only stood at the top of the stairs yet she looked as gorgeous as a goddess out of an old myth. 
“Mando.” She said again with a slightly embarrassed smile. Din had just been standing there gawking at her. Grateful once again that she couldn’t see his slack jawed expression. 
Finally shaken out of his stupor, Din strode up the stairs with haste and took her arm the same way he’d seen the other gentlemen offer to ladies. 
“Do I look funny?”
“What?” He said, rather confused. 
“Is the dress okay? Luke helped me, but I wasn’t sure if something like this was alright. Everyone seems so high class here. I just feel like I stick out.” Ava’s words came out fast and clipped. And while she did a good job at keeping her voice low enough for only Din to hear, the worry was evident. So he gently led her behind one of the grand columns, brought her hand to the lip of his helmet and ever so carefully tipped his helm up so that he could kiss her gloved hand. Even through the satin material, Din could feel the heat from her skin. He could smell the delicate perfume more clearly – something like a deep syrup, but not too sweet, with a finish of fresh flowers after it rained – and it drove him wild. 
“Everything’s going to be fine.” He kept his voice low and soothing – a sound Ava had become accustomed, and damn near addicted to.
Din noticed the sweet shade of blush that spread across Ava’s cheeks. Her body had stopped humming with anxiety and her eyes seemed more focused. Once Din had settled his helmet back into place, he realized the severity of his actions, but couldn’t bring himself to care. Ava needed him, maybe that was the unspoken rule of The Way. Maybe it wasn’t a set of changless rules, but a living thing that could grow? No. 
No. The Way was created as it was for a reason. If change were to come, it would not be from the rules, but from the man behind the helm who suddenly felt the deepest confliction with the very foundation of his religion. Shaking the thoughts from his mind he reset his focus back onto Ava. 
They made their way through the hallways to their box seats, directly across from where Leia would be sitting. Once they’d taken their seats, Din continued to keep her calm. 
“I don’t think I’ve asked you what you’ve thought of this place.” 
“Canto Bight?” Ava asked for clarification, and as she did, her eyes seemed to shimmer with an inner glow under the bounced candle light, “It’s amazing. I’ve never seen anything prettier in my life. What about you?” 
Din had to smile beneath his helm. Of course he answered with, “I don’t think I’ve seen a grander sight than the one I’m seeing right now.” His eyes never left Ava. She, of course, smiled in such a way it led Din to believe she knew the not so subtle meaning of his words. 
As she looked out over the theater, Din observed something else. There was another thought behind her eyes. “What’re you thinking about?” 
She looked at him once more with those deep brown eyes, “Ever since we arrived here, ever since meeting Luke, I’ve been having the strangest dreams. They seem so real, this place just reminded me of some of them.”
“How so?”
“Well, it’s just… odd. I can’t remember anything except living in Mos Eisley but in my dreams I see places like this. And I keep having this one dream. There’s a big crowd of people. There were colors everywhere and the sky was so clear. And there’s always a boy who tells me something,” Her face grew soft, “But then it changes. It goes dark. I can’t see anything but far off stars.” 
It reminded him of a day long ago. One he did not care to remember if he could help it.  It triggered Din: the day Alderaan ended, and the day he saw one of the prettiest stars fade into the night sky, never to be seen again. Trying his damndest to keep his voice level without alerting her to the urgency of his question, Din asked, “Do you remember what the boy says in your dream?” 
The orchestra thrums to life and begins tuning their instruments, alerting the audience that the ballet is about to commence. The lights dim even more to bring full attention to the thick curtain slowly rising. But before the first note is struck, Ava leaned in and quietly answered, “I will find you.” 
The first chords struck like a tidal wave. As powerful and all consuming as the fact that this supposed nobody from the outer rim was in fact the star Din had been longing to find since he was a boy. 
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What a night it was turning into. Ava was entranced by the music the most. She’d only ever heard outdated bandstand music from the impossibly old and beat up transmitter box in the cantina back home. The frequency never came in clear enough to hear each individual note and the static always washed out the voices. But in the Crystal Opera House, with the perfectly structured auditorium to carry sound in just the right way, the music was as clear as her thoughts; if not, more so. 
The crescendo from the instruments was so loud Ava could practically feel the music in her bones. Then they would somehow manage to achieve the softest whisper of a note. The dancers were positively enchanting. Delicate and lithe bodies somehow managing to leap simply by tip toeing on the very point of their shoes. Their partners caressed their bodies with such adoration one wanted to truly believe they were more than just performers. Ava wanted to be swept up in the trance of their actions and longing facial expressions alluding to the fact that they truly were lovers. 
Though there were no words, Ava gathered that the two primary dancers were destined to cross paths, but never allowed to travel the same one together. This did not deter the young couple. They would delicately dance across the stage together, embracing as the orchestra articulated the sincerity of their intentions, their determination. It was absolutely beautiful. For a few moments at a time, she would close her eyes and escape into the sounds. Visions of a grand ballroom filtered through her mind. People dressed similarly to those at the opera twirled around in washes of color and fine fabrics. Everything about the experience was magical. 
The more she focused on the sensation of the music filling her mind, Ava tried some of the techniques Luke had taught her. She leaned into the vibrations circulating through the air. She honed in on the sound of her heartbeat. Ava could feel the energy in the room, the essence of those around her like specks of light and warmth – Suns and stars with their own galaxies twirling and blooming in the expanse of their own minds. There were more universes out beyond the bounds of her horizons. Far off and getting closer – But there were those in the immediate atmosphere who seemed to glow brighter. Of course, there was Mando beside her. Ava had been very aware of his presence the moment they met. The magnetism of his company had grown ever stronger and solidified a place in her own consciousness. Ava couldn’t help but smile at the connection they had created together, even if it was still rather mysterious. But there was another nearby. Strong and steady. Teetering on the edge of this particular plain of consciousness, aware but not fully invested. Ava allowed the feeling to guide her line of sight to a woman. She couldn’t see her well in the low light but she wore finery and sat with such a regal air about her. 
Before Ava could move her consciousness closer, the orchestra blared out a set of powerful notes and snapped her out of her concentration. There appeared to be a disturbance going on in the story. People moved aggressively and wore angry expressions. The young couple at the center of it all. They were being forced to choose sides, pulled apart, and it so clearly pained them. 
Final poses were struck, the conductor had stilled as the last notes from the orchestra pit echoed as the crowd broke out into thunderous applause. The first act had commenced and the lights were illuminated once more. 
“Ava.” Mando spoke softly. She turned to him. “It’s time.” 
It felt like the air had gotten stuck in her lungs. She was suddenly sucked into the vacuum of space with not so much as a warning. The whole point of her venture was coming to fruition, and Ava wasn’t prepared for how much it scared her. Sensing her fear, Mando extended his hand. Ava graciously took it. He gave it a gentle squeeze before helping her out of her seat and leading her out of their box. 
The entire way her heart seemed to hammer inside her chest. The energy she felt from before seemed to swim inside her mind making her just a touch dizzy. Ava clung to Mando’s arm as he led her closer and closer to her fate. The grandeur of the building was no longer a suitable distraction to her rising nerves. The pamphlet she held in her hands had somehow been worn down to a wrinkled and illegible state by the time they reached the entrance to the Grand Box. 
Ava couldn’t think of a single thing to say. Her thoughts were running wild as the blood pounded like thunder in her ears. Just behind a simple, unassuming looking door was her future. Good or bad. Then, Mando did something that tuned the whole universe out. He pulled one of his gloves off one hand and gently ran it up Ava’s arm till he reached the hem of her own. When he reached her elbow, he gently pressed the pads of his fingertips to the skin just beneath the edge of the satin material, then pulled. As the glove descended her arm, Ava watched as those calloused hands slipped down at a painstakingly slow pace. The sensation of his skin over hers made her mind go quiet. The only thing she could think or feel was Mando touching her. It felt as if he was everywhere, around her, in her, with her completely. When his palm finally reached hers, Mando held her bare hand in his. 
The pair stood in front of the door for a moment just holding hands. Only after a few seconds did Mando quietly say, “I’ll go in ahead and introduce you.” Their hands separated with Mando still holding Ava’s glove. 
As he turned away, Ava reached her arm out and quickly grabbed his shoulder, “Mando,” 
He just as quickly turned so that he fully faced her once more. Though she couldn’t see his face, from his posture alone she could tell he was full of anticipation. She sensed his need as easily as her own. Feelings flooding and surging just below their surfaces. 
But Ava found herself at a loss for words, “I just…” She just continued to stare at his T-visor for a breath, “I just…wanted to say…” 
He stepped forward into her space and spoke with a low timber to his voice, “Yes?” 
“I just wanted to say… thank you.” It felt like the wrong thing to say but Ava’s mind couldn’t think of a single other logical thing to tell him. 
His helm tilted to the side ever so slightly. He gently placed the glove in her hand. “It’s been my pleasure, Ava.” 
It was one of the few times she’d heard Mando actually say her name, and it sent a small chill down her spine. He turned to face the door again, pulling his own glove back on before stepping in. With a dreamy and soft smile on her face, Ava also pulled the satin back over her hand, relishing in the easy intimacy she found herself sharing with Mando more and more. 
She then heard Mando’s voice, he was speaking to someone – which Ava could only assume was an attendant – She looked over and saw that the door hadn’t been closed all the way. 
Curiosity got the better of her, and Ava leaned in to hear Mando say, “Please tell her Royal Highness, Senator Leia Organa, that I have found the Lost Princess of Alderaan.” There was a pause. No one responded. The silence seemed to linger on to the point of awkwardness. “Your Highness, please. I need only a moment of your time.” 
Ava heard someone new speak. A woman. “Tell this impertinent man that I’ve spared more than a lifetime of moments for countless lost princesses.” Her voice dripped with disdain, and what Ava could only describe as deep sadness. 
“Your Grace, please.”
“Sir, I must insist that you leave.”
“We’ve come all this way.” 
Suddenly Ava heard a chair skitter back – the woman must’ve stood up abruptly – “Others have come from the deep core, the outer rims, and the unknown regions.” 
“Your Highness, please. I have a puck,” 
“Oh those things mean nothing. The New Alderaanian council had a ridiculous number of those pucks made, clinging to a false hope that somehow my sister would be found and the legacy of the throne secured.” The woman’s voice was tense and rising with barely checked anger, “People like you parade these girls around in hopes of collecting the reward with no regard for what it is you’re actually doing. And in the end, it never is her. All you ever want is the money.”
Ava’s heart stopped. No one ever said there was money involved? And what did she mean about bounty pucks? Did the Mandalorians have one all this time? Am I just a means to an end?... Do I mean nothing more than the promise of credits? Stars… am I nothing more than a quarry?  
“Your Highness, please. It’s not like that. This time it’s different,” Ava barely registered the strain in his voice – the attendant had to hold Mando back from getting closer to the Senator. 
“Spare me. Leave now or I’ll have you arrested.” 
Even though Mando was yelling Ava could barely hear him. There was a terrible ringing in her ears. The world seemed to tilt off its axis as Ava’s head began to surge like the sand being tossed about in a storm. It was hitting her that everything was a lie. One great, big, terrible lie. They never really wanted to help her find her family, they just wanted money. She was nothing. 
“You have to listen to me! She’s the real princess! I was there that day! I was there!” 
Ava stumbled forward a bit as she held her head oblivious to the looks of concern from passersby. Mando then came out abruptly, appearing strung out and distressed. They made eye contact. Ava just knew by the way he quickly averted the angle of his visor. Her sadness quickly gave way to anger. Fury. Rage. There weren’t even words to describe the immeasurable agony she was experiencing. It felt like an implosion, being ripped apart. 
Her hands shook as she horsley whispered, “It was all a lie.” Her tongue felt like it was made of metal, the words tasted foul and turgid. “You were just using me to get her money?” 
Mando began to step into her space and attempted to grasp her hands, “Ava, you have to listen to me. Those dreams you’ve been having? They’re not dreams. They’re memories. See, I should’ve told you sooner but I was,” 
“No! You lied to me. And I honestly believed you.” The closer he got, the more his presence began to feel like an invasion. It turned vile and dirty. “Oh, stars. We… I let you…” Hot tears welled in her eyes at the memories of what it took to get to that very moment. Every word, every action was stained. Tainted with the rot of deception. Maker, it hurt.  
“Jate'kara, please. I know I was wrong. I wish I could take it back but you have to believe me. I was there that day. I know it’s you. You are the princess.” He took hold of her shoulders firmly. Trying to get her to listen and understand the words he was saying, but it all sounded like noise in her ears. The lights were too bright. The clacking of women’s heels against the stone floors was far too loud. He was too close. He was too much. Everything was too much. Tears stained her face as she fought to bring air into her lungs. “Oh, Jate'kara, please, please don’t cry.”
“No,” Ava began to try and push his strong hands from her shoulders, “You don’t get to call me that. You don’t get to call me anything.”
“You have to believe me. You’re the princess. You have to remember. Remember your dreams. Your memories. You have to trust yourself to realize the truth.” 
“NO!” The implosion had shifted and turned its direction outward. Ava didn’t realize she had squeezed her eyes shut, but when she opened them again, Mando was laying on the floor a short distance away from her. People standing to the sides gave side-eyed glances. It wasn’t the looks of strangers that hurt her. She only stood there looking down at the man she thought she… Ava thought he might have… 
No. It was a lie. Everything. Ava felt like a livewire strung out to beyond the breaking point. 
“Ava,” His voice was so quiet. Her response spoke volumes. 
“I don’t ever want to hear my name come out of your mouth again. I don’t ever want to hear anything about what I said or remembered. I don’t ever want to hear or speak to you again. Just… leave me alone.” 
Her heart was breaking. It was a quieter feeling than she imagined and hauntingly familiar; like the light fading from the horizon, and her, just left floating off waiting to succumb to the darkness fast approaching. 
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A/N: This is the last post I will be using a taglist. If you’d like to remain updated follow #star wars anastasia 
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merrybrides · 1 year
Dollar Store Wedding Decor Hacks to Decorate Your Reception for Less
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Throwing a wedding ceremony and reception can be an expensive proposition due to the long list of expenses. There are so many items to buy, from the attire to the catering to the decorations, of course!
Your decorations are one of the main expenses that can add up quickly because there are so many ways you can decorate a wedding venue. From flowers, a backdrop, lights, balloons, ceiling decor, and more– the list of potential wedding decoration ideas is endless!
Regardless of your budget, you can start saving money by creating some of your wedding decorations yourself. And to save even more, you should try DIYing your decorations with products from the Dollar Store! Why spend all your money on decorations when you can easily buy and make them yourself?
When you make your own wedding decorations, you get to show your guests your creativity and talent. Your decor will be original, unique, and extra personal since you made it with your own two hands. Plus, all the money you save can be spent on the things you care more about, like a talented photographer, elevated catering, or even an extra fab honeymoon!
Dollar Store Wedding Decor Projects: DIY Hacks for Budget-Friendly Decorations
If you’re on board with creating your own wedding decorations using Dollar Store products, you’ll definitely want to peruse this list of ideas. Below are some dollar store wedding hacks you can use to cut your wedding expenses!
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Vases with Submerged Flowers or Floating Candles
If you’ve been to a few weddings, you’ve probably seen many flower decorations. Submerged flowers might be one style you’ve seen before. They make a wedding look more luxurious and grand. Creating submerged flower centerpieces is a super easy DIY project you can make yourself with these Dollar Store items!
You don’t need many materials when making your submerged flower centerpieces. The main pieces you need are vases and flowers. Depending on your desired look, you can add glass stones, rocks, or glass beads to the bottom. Include floating candles on the top if you want to make it look fancier. Different types of flowers will help to further personalize the effect. The great thing about this project is that it’s super simple and doesn’t require much time.
Tall vase or bubble bowl
Faux flowers or fresh flowers
Beads, pebbles, rocks, or glass stones
Floating candles (optional)
Wire cutter
Arrange your flowers in your vase to see if you need to trim the stems. Use a wire cutter to snip the stems to a length that allows them to display fully in the vase without sticking out of the top.
Once you measure and cut the flowers to fit, you can pour the beads or rocks into the vase.
Place the flowers in and arrange them to your liking.
Fill the vase with water.
If you want, add a floating candle to the top to give off a luxurious effect.
Last but not least, clean the vase to remove any fingerprints on the glass.
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Mason Jar Luminaries
How about turning your reception into a starlight theme by lighting up the wedding venue with some mason jar lights? It makes any setting feel more romantic and magical. These Dollar Store mason jars can be set up on tables or decorated on the dance floor. Your guests will love the atmosphere created by these sweet little luminaries.
Mason jars
Fairy wire lights
Flowers, glass beads, or anything else you want to put inside
Remove the mason jar lid and place the fairy wire lights into the jar.
Turn on the lights and reseal the lid.
Optional: you can fill the bottom of the jar with pebbles or flowers to make it look more festive.
Voila! Super simple fairy light luminaries that cost around $2.50 each!
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Beautiful DIY Floral Wreaths
Floral wreaths are quite the trend. You can use a wreath as a wall decoration or even as a centerpiece. A DIY wreath is easy to make with only a few materials, yet it makes a noticeable impact in any room.
In pictures, floral wreaths might look complicated to create, but in reality, they are quite simple. You can find tons of tutorials on Youtube to assist you in making these stunning decorations, or check out the floral wreath tutorial from Alison of Bloom Culture Flowers. Using faux flowers allows you to make as many of these as you need ahead of time. Plus, they can easily be stored until you need to use them for the big day!
Faux flowers
Foam ring or metal hoop
Twine and ribbons
Wire cutter
Hot glue
Arrange the flowers on the metal hoop or foam ring.
Trim the flowers with a wire cutter if needed.
If you are using a metal hoop, use a ribbon, raffia, or twine to tie the flowers to the hoop.
If you use a foam ring, you can use a hot glue gun to attach them to the ring.
Once done, you can add ribbons as tassels to give it more details.
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DIY Picture Frame Lanterns
Did you know you can make a lantern out of picture frames? You just need picture frames to glue together. Four frames can be used to make a simple box which you can use to add flowers or candles inside.
When it comes to dollar store wedding decor, this is one example of something that can yield a high end look on a budget! It’s an innovative piece that you and your partner can personalize. With beautiful centerpieces like this, you’ll surely get many compliments for these extravagant, picture-perfect lanterns.
4 picture frames
Spray paint or paint (optional)
Hot glue
Candles, moss, flowers, lights, or any decor you want to put inside (optional)
Take the backing off each frame
Optional: paint or spray paint the frames
Glue each side of the frame to create a cube with the four frames
Place any decorative elements inside!
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Chalkboard Signs
Who needs a fancy sign when you can make a simple DIY sign? Whether displaying a message, using it as a table number or food signs, you can use a chalkboard sign instead of an elaborately printed one. The best part about a chalkboard sign is that when you mess up a word, you can erase and rewrite it. It’s also minimal and goes with every type of surface.
Chalkboard signs
Chalk or Chalk Pens
Decide what signs you need, and then personalize your signs by writing a message or label in Chalk or Chalk Pen! Easy peasy.
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Floral Covered Paper Lanterns
If you want to wow your guests, these flower lanterns might do the trick! You can make them as centerpieces or hang them from the ceiling to give the space a magical atmosphere. This project can be completely personalized to suit any wedding theme, color scheme, or vibe. Select the flowers or accents that work with your vision and personalize your lanterns to your heart’s content!
Paper lanterns
Faux flowers
Hot glue gun and glue
Tassels or ribbons (optional)
Glue the flowers on the lantern using a hot glue gun.
Place your lanterns on tables as centerpieces, or hang them for a floating look.
Optional: if you plan on hanging the lanterns, you can add tassels or ribbons to the bottom of the lanterns for further embellishment!
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Color Dipped Flower Vase
You don’t need a big extravagant flower vase to set the mood for your wedding. Instead of a huge vase, why not make multiple small ones that take your wedding to the next level? Simply purchase small glass vases and spray paint or dip the bottoms of the vases into the paint color of your choice.
Add glitter to the paint while wet for a dash of sparkle! Place single stems of your favorite flower into the finished vases for a decoration that is super simple and looks great. The is one dollar store wedding decor project that’s low effort but high impact!
Glass vases
Paint (color of choice)
Glitter (optional)
Gemstones (optional)
Painter tape
Decide where to add paint and use the painter’s tape to section off the part you want to paint.
Paint the part that you section off and wait for it to dry          
Add other decorative elements you want to add to the vase, such as glitter or gemstones.
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Table Numbers
If you have many guests, you might need to have table numbers for all of them. You don’t need to make fancy table numbers to help your guests navigate the space. You can make a lovely table number within minutes with only a few things.
Picture frames
Paper to print
Print all your table numbers to the size of the picture frame
Cut them out and place the sheet into the picture frames
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DIY Fringe Balloons
Backdrops for photo shoots often include flowers or balloons, but having a backdrop custom-made can be extremely expensive. Ballons with tassel fringe are super easy to make with supplies that are inexpensive to buy. All you have to do is blow up the balloons and tie strings and tassels to them. It’s as easy as counting 1, 2, 3! Once you have multiple balloons done, you can arrange them to fit your aesthetic.
Tissue paper
Blow up the balloons and attach them with a string. Anchor them so they don’t float away.
Fold the tissue paper in half and into an accordion fold. Then cut the tissue paper, but not all the way. About halfway through!
Open up, and you’ll see the fringe you created.
Roll the fringe up and tie it with a ribbon at the end. Add fringe all the way down the string of the balloon.
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Tissue Paper Flowers
If getting real flowers is out of your budget, you can substitute them for fake flowers or make them out of tissue paper. Tissue paper flowers are very easy to make and add a touch of color or visual detail to any space. The best part is you can get tissue paper very affordably and in a wide variety of colors, so you can easily customize this project to fit your wedding theme!
Make tissue paper flowers for a photobooth backdrop, as pomanders to use as aisle decor, or even to create a wreath or centerpiece! The options are truly endless, and since tissue paper flowers are so affordable to make, you can really create a big impact without a big expense.
Tissue paper
Floral Wire
Hot Glue
Styrofoam balls
Stack multiple sheets of tissue paper in front of you and accordion fold 1-inch sections of the tissue paper.
Secure the center with floral wire.
Use your scissors to cut a round edge at the ends
Fan out the folds and start separating the layers until it looks gorgeous!
Attach multiple flowers to styrofoam balls to make pomanders, adhere them to a wall as a backdrop, or any other creative use you can think of!
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Hurricane Candle Holders
Decorations like candle holders can be more expensive than you think. You could scour thrift stores for various styles if you’re after an eclectic look. Or, if you’re looking for something more uniform, the easiest way to save money is to make them yourself. You not only get to save money, but you get to personalize the way you like it to match your wedding theme.
Using affordable glass candle sticks from the Dollar Tree, you can make elevated hurricane vases like the ones pictured above, or even faux flower topiaries! Leave them clear glass, or finish with paint, or attach ribbons or gemstones with hot glue to further customize.
Glass candleholders
E600 glue or hot glue
Glass vases
Ribbons or gems (optional)
Paint (optional)
Optional: paint or spray paint your glass candleholder if you don’t like the clear glass look
Stack your glass candleholders (alternate them) and glue them with the E600
Optional: you can tie a ribbon or glue some gemstones if you want to glam it up a bit.
More DIY Dollar Store Wedding Decor Projects
Getting crafty and making DIY wedding decor from dollar store products can significantly lower the cost of your wedding! Save money, express yourself creatively, and personalize your wedding by creating some of your decorations yourself.
A wedding doesn’t have to be expensive if you know how to be resourceful and put together a luxe look, even on a budget. Sometimes you need to be creative and think outside the box to cut back on your wedding expenses. By using the dollar store hacks above, you’ll surely save tons of money that can be put somewhere else, like your honeymoon!
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fireflymoonwitch · 2 years
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Callista “Calli” Duskleaf for the Monster Prom BC by @bumblingbunny!
Occult: Faerie Shapeshifter (Faux; using Werewolf lifestate in-game)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual, but has a stronger preference for women romantically
Age: 180 (Fae age much more slowly, so she’s the equivalent of 17-18)
Traits: Outgoing, Dance Machine
Aspiration: Party Animal
Skills: Charisma 3, Dancing 3, Guitar 4, Fitness 4, Flower Arranging 1
Abilities and Temperaments: Transformation Mastery, Wolf Nap, Easily Excitable
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Callista comes from a noble Faerie family of shapeshifters who forced her to attend the incredibly dull prestigious Ivy Grove Boarding School for extensive education in Faewood’s history and etiquette. But who wants to sit around making floral arrangements and courting nobles for the sake of political alliances when there are epic parties to throw and hot monsters to date?!  
Bored out of her mind, Calli dyed a doe blue and left it in her dorm room as a decoy before escaping into the night. She enrolled herself at the infamously chaotic Spooky High, determined her last year of high school will be the best ever!
Calli very quickly became the de-facto party planner for any event because she does nothing by halves. She is the driving force behind the Prom Committee and her Recess Raves are the stuff of legend! She hopes the experiences and connections she makes at Spooky High will provide a spring-board into professional party/event planning after graduation. Maybe all those courtly networking classes paid off after all...
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If she is chosen to participate in the challenge, Callista will be available for download on the gallery and I will do a lookbook post for all her cc :)
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Patriotic Collection – Faux Real Florals by Yasmin
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At Faux Real Florals by Yasmin, we take pride in our patriotic collection, which features a wide range of products that reflect the colors and symbols of the American flag. From Patriotic Floral Arrangement to wreaths and hair accessories, our collection expresses patriotism. The silk florals, gems, and bows create stunning designs that evoke a sense of national pride and unity. If you have something specific in mind, we also offer custom orders, allowing you to create a truly unique and personalized piece. Whether you're celebrating Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Veteran’s Day or simply showing your patriotism year-round, our collection is the perfect way to add a touch of Americana to your home or outfit.
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ferrishrtsloane · 1 year
We all love to bring home freshly cut flowers now and then, but regularly buying and maintaining real florals year round can be a big commitment, and that’s without even mentioning the cost.
With the range and quality of faux florals ever increasing, plastic or paper flowers offer a range of benefits compared to fresh flowers, including longer lasting beauty, little to no maintenance, and cost-effectiveness.
In this article, we’ll explore two different ways that anyone can brighten up their home with faux florals: centrepieces and garlands. Whether you’re looking for a pop of colour in your living room or a festive touch for a special occasion, we have ideas and inspiration for you to bring the beauty of flowers into your home for years to come.
Why not add some colour to your bannisters or mantelpieces? Garlands are often overlooked as a way of adding some botanical beauty to the home. And creating them isn’t as hard as you’d think.
Firstly, a good garland should include a strong foundation of grapevine or other trailing elements – enough so that your feature flowers have something to cling on to. You can tie bundles of faux vines together with twine until you’ve achieved your desired thickness or length.
Once you’ve created your base, it’s time to add some greenery. Artificial ivy and ficus offer a base layer that helps the colour of your feature flowers to pop. Try to get some good coverage here – tie enough on so that most of the grapevine you added to your base is hidden.
Last but not least, add your feature flowers. These can be anything you like. Want cherry blossoms that last all year round? Or perhaps you want to bring a taste of Italy to your home with Sicilian lemon picks. Anything goes here, and you can be as neat or as wild as you like. Try spacing your flowers out irregularly throughout the length of your garland to achieve a more natural look. Longer stems like bougainvillea are also great if you want some of your flowers to hang down. These can look especially beautiful draped over the tops of windows or doorways.
Why not check out the pre-made garlands we offer on our Etsy store? We use only the highest quality faux florals, so you can rest assured that you’ll have a garland that looks just like the real thing, but without the short lifespan of real florals!
Table centrepieces
Faux florals can help you to create beautiful low-maintenance table centrepieces that add a touch of class to the dinner table. Whether you fancy yourself as a bit of a florist, or whether you’re making your first foray into flower arranging, the process is surprisingly easy.
First, choose a container – a vase, a bowl, or even a hamper basket left over from Christmas will do. Next, select your florals and foliage. Choose something that complements the colour scheme of your home. You’re spoilt for choice with the faux flowers available on the market – even metallic or neon colours are available if you’re looking for something a bit more ‘out there’ that will really grab the attention of your guests. Make sure you also gather some secondary foliage elements to make your feature flowers pop. Plants like ivy and eucalyptus make particularly great companions to your feature flowers, as they offer some beauty without stealing the show from your dahlias, daisies and daffodils!
To begin making your arrangement, start by placing taller flowers in the centre of your container, and arrange shorter flowers around the outside. Any empty space can be filled with your more leafy secondary foliage. Adjust the arrangement until you’re satisfied with the look. Don’t be afraid to experiment here – the longevity of fresh flowers means that you can tweak your arrangement periodically throughout the year. Nothing is permanent, so… go wild!
Last but not least, add any decorative items and accents to your heart’s content. Think ribbons, candles and other decorative ornaments. With Easter fast approaching, why not create an arrangement with miniature decorative baskets and eggs?
So there you have it – two easy ways that artificial flowers really excel in bringing life to your home. Why not check out our range of garlands on Etsy? They’re made from the highest quality faux flowers and look just like the real thing!
Have you put your skills to the test and beautified your home with any of our tips? Post your photo to Instagram and tag @ferrisheartsloane_ to let us know!
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gothicwidowsworld · 2 years
Flowers J.H
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Y/N L/N’s nights used to be her opportunity to destress from the day, perhaps nurse a cheeky glass of chardonnay as she prepared dinner before eventually winding down to do it all again tomorrow. Then James Hathaway entered her life, the start of their relationship wasn’t quite a whirlwind romance. In fact the Policeman had been rather brash upon their first meeting practically interrogating her on the simplest of things. Eventually the stoic harsh exterior dissolved and James allowed himself to come out of his shell a bit. But now that meant Y/N couldn’t properly relax after a day of work until the familiar heavy footsteps crossed their shared threshold. Oxford had never seemed like a dangerous place until James, waiting every night to see if he’d actually make it home in one piece. 
Stirring the pasta the y/h/c woman couldn’t help but smile at the small curse that flowed in from the hallway. No doubt James had once again failed to kick his work shoes off smoothly. Since injuring his neck and being imprisoned in a neck brace he was no longer able to undo his shoelaces… and even more unable to accept help. “Survived another day then” Y/N called out loudly before jumping slightly at the crisp shirt covered limbs wrapped around her. “Barely.” the tall man replied quietly, placing soft butterfly-like kisses on the young woman's exposed neck. Y/N held the distinct smell of home, a combination of honeysuckle perfume and slight lavender laundry detergent. James had originally hated the floral scents slowly taking over his life. The DS having previously wrinkled his nose and moodily claimed it made him smell like a girl. Somehow months later he’d complain if they were running low. It felt nice to have someone to come home to, someone to share his life with. 
“Got a surprise for you.” James announced reluctantly removing himself from the y/h/c woman. Reaching for the arrangement of hyacinths, hydrangeas and baby’s breath. The shades of blue with bursts of white had certainly been eye-catching and perhaps he would have bought them for Y/N himself without the upset florists demand of reimbursement. 
“They're beautiful… what’s the occasion?” Y/N began before suspicion dampened her original excitement. Narrowing her y/e/c orbs slightly taking in every inch of the Detective Sergeant's face. “What have you done James?” Y/N asked a faux sternness finding its home on her y/s/c features.  “Nothing… just a work incident.” James replied, shooting the woman in an attempt at a reassuring smile.  
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jardaddy-a · 1 year
╰┈➺ ♡  ┊  For Rosered, there is a tea set themed with rabbits and florals. There seems to be a tea and saucer with a flower of each of her friends and siblings on it so she can have lots of tea parties with her friends and family. There is also a small charm bracelet with a rabbit, rose, a paint brush, and a violin. Additionally, there is a small rabbit plushie with a red scarf that says Rosered on it.
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       ˗ˏˋ🌹❀┊ ( * THE LOVELY ROSERED ) ━  RUBICUND POOLS sparkle in wonder , her pale canvas flourishes with shades of rose tinting milky cheeks . THE YOUNG PAINTER happily arranges the tea set over her table , inspecting each ceramic detail with artistic scrutiny . THE BRACELET is slid over her right wrist , although the charms were mostly obscured by the white sleeves of her dress . MEANWHILE , the rabbit plush finds a new home in nestled the sea of toy rabbits in her bed . HER PET BUNNY seems to be envious of the new toy , the tawny ball of fluff merely toppled the gift to its side &&. hopping above it , as if to exhibit its dominance over the collection of fauxes .
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       ˗ˏˋ🌹❀┊ ( * ROSERED ) ━ ROSERED laughed at the display , before removing Crumpet from Envy's present &&. setting the plushy back upright . ❝ thank you , frère envy ! i'll take good care of these . ❞
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euphoriainteriors · 2 days
Wall Design For Home: Transforming Spaces Around You
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Imagine stepping into a room that exudes charm, elegance, and personality. The walls, often overlooked, hold the potential to transform spaces into something truly magical. As an Interior Design Company in Dubai, the design of your walls is essential for creating the perfect atmosphere and style in your home. Let's embark on a journey to explore how thoughtful wall design can elevate your living spaces.
The Power of Wall Design
Wall design is more than paint or wallpaper; it's an art form that can redefine your home. From establishing a focal point to crafting the ambiance of a space, walls can transform spaces around you. Whether in a contemporary apartment or a traditional villa, the right wall design can reflect your style and enhance the overall atmosphere.
Choosing the Right Colors
Colour is a fundamental element of wall design. It influences mood, creates illusions of space, and sets the tone for your interiors. As an Interior Designer in Dubai, understanding colour psychology is crucial. For instance, light colours like white, beige, and pastels can make a room feel larger and more open, while dark shades like navy blue or charcoal can add depth and sophistication.
Texture and Patterns
Incorporating textures and patterns adds dimension and interest to your walls. Textured wallpapers, 3D wall panels, and faux finishes can create stunning visual effects. Geometric, floral, or abstract patterns can inject personality into your space. As the Best Interior Designer in Dubai, we recommend balancing bold patterns with subtle textures to avoid overwhelming the room.
Accent Walls
Accent walls have become a popular trend in modern interior design. Make a statement with your room by painting one wall in a bold, create a focal point by using a bold, contrasting color or incorporating distinctive materials like stone or wood has surged in popularity. This technique works wonders in living rooms, bedrooms, and even bathrooms. It's a perfect way for a Home Interior Designer in Dubai to showcase creativity without a complete room makeover.
Wall Art and Decor
Art and decor are essential components of wall design. Whether it's paintings, photographs, sculptures or tapestries, the possibilities are endless. As a Residential Interior Design Company in Dubai, we encourage incorporating pieces that reflect your taste and interests. Gallery walls, where multiple frames are arranged artistically, are an excellent way to personalize your space.
Mirrors and Lighting
Mirrors and lighting can dramatically impact wall design. Strategic lighting, such as wall sconces or backlit panels, highlights architectural features and adds warmth. These elements are crucial in both residential and Commercial Interior Design in Dubai.
Sustainable Wall Design
Sustainability is becoming an increasingly popular trend in interior design. Eco-friendly materials like reclaimed wood, bamboo, and low-VOC paints are good for the environment and add a unique charm to your walls. As a responsible Interior Design Company in Dubai, we prioritize sustainable practices to create healthy and beautiful living spaces.
The Role of Technology
Technology has revolutionized wall design. The future of interior design is exciting, from bright walls with built-in screens to interactive surfaces. Digital murals, LED installations, and projection mapping are some innovations that can transform your walls into dynamic and interactive elements. As an Interior Designer in Dubai, by embracing technology, we can deliver cutting-edge solutions to our clients.
Custom Wall Design
Every home is unique, and so should its wall design. Custom wall treatments tailored to your preferences and lifestyle can make your space unique. Whether it's a hand-painted mural, a bespoke wallpaper, or a personalized photo wall, custom designs reflect your individuality. Working with the Best Interior Designer in Dubai ensures your vision is brought to life with precision and creativity.
Wall design is an integral part of transforming your home. It goes beyond aesthetics, influencing your living spaces' mood, functionality, and overall experience. As a Home Interior Designer in Dubai, we aim to create walls that tell your story and enhance your everyday life. From colours and textures to art and technology, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the potential of your walls and let them inspire you every day.
Q1. What are the latest trends in wall design for homes?
The latest trends in wall design include accent walls, textured finishes, sustainable materials, and the use of technology. Accent walls with bold colours or unique materials like stone and wood are famous. Textured finishes such as 3D panels and faux finishes add depth. In today's market, there is a strong demand for sustainable materials like reclaimed wood and low-VOC paints. Technology, including intelligent walls and digital murals, is also gaining traction.
Q2. How can I choose the right colour for my walls?
Choosing the right colour depends on the room's purpose, size, and natural light. Light colours like white and pastels make a room feel larger and more open, while dark shades add depth and sophistication. Consider the mood you want to create; for example, blue is calming, yellow is energizing, and green is refreshing. Consulting with an Interior Designer in Dubai can help you make the best choice.
Q3. What are some tips for incorporating wall art and decor?
Start with pieces that reflect your taste and interests when incorporating wall art and decor. Transform your wall into a stunning gallery by creatively arranging multiple frames in an artistic layout. Create a dynamic look by mixing different sizes and styles. Use shelves to display sculptures and collectables. Consider the room's colour scheme and choose art that complements it. Balance is critical; avoid overcrowding and ensure each piece has its own space.
Q4. How can I make my walls eco-friendly?
Choose sustainable materials like reclaimed wood, bamboo, and low-VOC paints to transform your walls into an eco-friendly masterpiece. Opt for wallpapers made from natural fibres or recycled content. Consider natural finishes such as lime wash or clay plaster. Incorporate plants and living walls to enhance indoor air quality. As a Residential Interior Design Company in Dubai, we prioritize sustainable practices to create healthy and beautiful living spaces.
Q5. What role does lighting play in wall design?
Lighting is crucial in wall design, highlighting architectural features and creating ambience. Wall sconces, backlit panels, and LED strips can enhance the visual appeal of your walls. Use directional lighting to emphasize textures and art. Mirrors can reflect light and make rooms feel brighter. Incorporating innovative lighting systems allows you to adjust your space's mood and functionality quickly.
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