#faye quindoy
boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
In the years since Michael Jackson lived at Neverland, employees - most of whom were no longer working at Neverland - reported that dozens of young boys were dropped off at the guarded front gate and handed over to Michael's "security force." One of Michael's special policemen would then assist the boy into a fanciful carriage pulled by a Clydesdale. After he had been escorted to the main hall of Neverland, the boy of the day was taken to Michael's bedroom. After securing clearance, the boy was allowed to enter the room.
Michael often invited young boys, including some young girls, to Neverland to enjoy its Disney-like attractions. Once the children were at play, he would select those boys whom he'd like to get to know better. Often he made this selection when the kids were playing shirtless or in swimming attire.
Another method of contact was through dozens of model agencies in Los Angeles, many of whom specialized in child models for both TV and print advertising. Michael would order publicity photographs of these boys sent to Neverland. Staff members reported that he would spend the good part of many a day studying each photograph carefully and evaluating it. His excuse to the agencies was that he was planning to make musical videos involving child actors, as he'd done in the past.
Johnny Ciao was employed as a chef at Neverland during the greater part of 1988. During that time, he witnessed a parade of boys being entertained by Michael.
Replacing Johnny Ciao was Faye Quindoy, a Filipino woman. She and her husband would also manage manage his Neverland estate. Michael would regret hiring them when they spilled Michael's secrets to the world on such shows as Geraldo Rivera's Now It Can Be Told.
When Michael and his special friend of the moment tired of his own Disneyland at the ranch, he'd asked Mark Quindoy to drive them to Solvang, which, like Neverland, lay in the Santa Ynez Valley. Because of its association with early Danish settlers, the town offered a taste Scandinavia in California. The architecture is Danish, and even the most famous statue of Copenhagen, The Little Mermaid, was there. Mark accompanied Michael and the boy into Solvang, where they stopped at a mammoth dollhouse Michael was considering duplicating at a Neverland.
On the way back to the ranch, Quindoy later reported that he was shocked to witness Michael embracing the boy, kissing him "like a boy kissing a girl in the backseat." He claimed the boy put up no protest, but just sat there. "Michael began kissing him everywhere. I was utterly stunned - appalled that he could do that to a seven year old boy. The kid stayed for another three weeks at Neverland before departing with his mother, who had been staying in Michael's guest house, unaware. The next day a nine year old boy showed up and began having sleepovers in Michael's bedroom." Quindoy admitted, "He chose one boy at a time. Lewd things went on right under the noses of the parents." The couple claimed they did not go to the police because, "we were just witnesses, not victims."
Michael had a playroom constructed next to the manor which was strictly off-limits to other employees. Sometimes Michael would spend all day in this playroom with another kid.
Said sister La Toya, "He would stay in his room at Hayvenhurst for days on end with young boys." Hayvenhurst was the home he lived in before he moved to Neverland.
In Neverland, he also had his private zoo, with various animals including a llama called "Puddin' Pie." There were many pink flamingos, a "Lawrence of Arabia" camel, and elephant. He also had a cage of chimps, not just Bubbles. Throughout the park were waterproof pictures of Michael holding hands with children.
Security guards from the Nation of Islam required each guest to sign a waiver agreeing not to carry cameras. Later cellphones were added. One of these guards claimed, "I can't count the number of young boys who rode with Michael on that Ferris wheel, his arm locked possessively around them. All the young kids were instructed to call Michael 'Daddy.'"
He installed a water pistol range for Macaulay Culkin.
When the builders of Neverland thought they were finished with the project, Michael demanded more - his own steam railway, a fun fair, a cinema, and a make-believe Indian village. When everything was finished, Michael hired a Charlie Chaplin impersonator to wander the grounds, amusing the children, who usually didn't know anything about the silent screen star.
Michael also had a Shirley Temple Room at Neverland. He had seen all of Shirley Temple's films countless times, and had decorated the room with film posters of her. He collected Temple memorabilia, including a pair of patent-leather Mary Jane shoes that she'd worn in one of her movies. He purchased curly haired wigs sold in the 30s to young girls whose mothers wanted them to look like the chubby-cheeked toddler. Michael was especially intrigued with a series of shorts Temple had made in the early 1930s. Called Baby Burlesks, these films starring young kids spoofed movies and stars of the early Talkies. Viewed today, these seemingly innocent films have been called by some as, "baby porn." Michael even ordered a Shirley Temple mannequin, dressing it in baby pink with a pink bow holding up her curly coiffure. He also had a shrine to Elizabeth Taylor, seen in some archival Moonwalker footage.
When Michael truly wanted privacy, he had the so-called bachelor pad he rented in 1989 called "The Hideout." It was a condo on the 14th floor of The Westford, a luxury housing unit at 10750 Wilshire Boulevard. It didn't have a bed, only a sleeping bag and a large-screen TV. Often parents, usually a mother, delivered her son to Neverland, and later in the night, Michael would take the kid to the condo.
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rebeleden · 6 years
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