#fc: andrea bordeaux
dear-indies · 1 year
Hi 😊 could you please recommend me an fc. Im looking for a woman (non white), with short hair. Has a very playful and friendly energy. I dont really mind about age as long as she has short hair and gives the vibe haha. Thank you and hope you have a nice day!
Joan Chen (1961) Chinese.
Elena Kong (1971) Hongkonger.
Monica Galetti (1975) Samoan.
Aisha Hinds (1975) African-American.
Florence Kasumba (1976) Ugandan.
Lupita Nyong'o (1983) Mexican Luo Kenyan.
T'Nia Miller (1985) Afro Jamaican - is a lesbian.
Go Joon Hee (1985) Korean.
Tracy Ifeachor (1985) Igbo Nigerian.
Cush Jumbo (1985) Nigerian / English.
Wunmi Mosaku (1986) Yoruba Nigerian.
Lauren ‘Lolo’ Spencer (1987) African-American - has Lou-Gehrig’s disease (ALS).
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic.
Andrea Bordeaux (1987) African-American.
Samira Wiley (1987) African-American - hasn't chosen to publicly label her sexuality but is openly married to a woman.
Ryu Abel (1988) Korean - @zoyasgifs recently made a gif pack of her!
Anjelika Washington (1988) African-American.
Danielle Brooks (1989) African-American - hasn't chosen to publicly label her sexuality but has openly dated a woman.
Jazzmyne (1990) African-American / White - is a lesbian.
Lolly Adefope (1990) Yoruba Nigerian.
Park Eun Bin (1992) Korean.
Kim Ji An (1992) Korean - @minideegifs recently made a gif pack of her!
Britne Oldford (1992) African-American, Unspecified Native American, Irish, English, French.
Park Gyu Young (1993) Korean.
Ito Sairi (1994) Japanese.
Patricia Allison (1994) Kenyan.
Kim Da Mi (1995) Korean.
Eva Noblezada (1996) Filipino / Mexican.
Kuroshima Yuina (1997) Japanese.
Brianne Tju (1998) Chinese / Indonesian.
Auliʻi Cravalho (2000) Puerto Rican, Kānaka Maoli, Portuguese, Chinese, White - is bisexual.
Brittany Leborgne (?) Mohawk and French.
All of these have short hair or have had short hair for a notable period of time!
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artemiseamoon · 4 years
Chapter 1 “A bad harvest”
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Summary: Despite the feeling in her gut, Daya Zeji joins a fellow Harvester to fulfill a contract dig on an Alien Moon. Once there, the already troubled trip continues to intensify as they meet a man named Ezra in the forest.
Words this chapter: 5,470 | Fandom: Prospect (Ezra x OC)
Warnings: Mature content. This is an AU version, not exact, but i am keeping the major things. OC is in her 30’s! An anxiety attack, a stand off with weapons. 
GIF credits this chapter: I do not own the Gifs. Credit to owners GIF owners. | moodboards are mine
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There’s something to be said about resisting your gut feeling, only to have things turn out as feared; or worse. As Daya sat in the crashed pod, she couldn’t help but review the day she agreed to this.
Before the draw of the Queen's Lair, Daya already had an impressive career under her belt, especially for her age. Prospecting wasn’t a trade of great pleasure for Daya Zeji, but she did have her reasons.
All the same, talk of the Queen's Lair died down over the years, the myth of the largest haul known to man went quiet. Despite never stepping foot on the moon herself, Daya was already familiar with its stories.
All the prospectors had a general idea of each other; some were closer than others. After rotations the Tavern was a popular hang out, a place they could drink and rest. Or, depending on the type, squander money away on drinks and affection.
This particular tavern was the largest on this planet,  a sprawling property, three stories high. The owner had a number of properties across the town, including rentals; homes and rooms traveling prospectors could rent and retire post-trip.
Daya had a handful of preferred work partners, one of them, a guy named Keth, sat at a table with a man named Damon. The latter speaking of a contract he took, and that he needed a partner.
Daya planned to just walk by, as she only came in for a drink and kept her time here to a minimum. Women prospectors were extremely rare, so being in a cramped place with a bunch of drunk men was not her ideal passtime.
Before Daya could fully pass them, her small nod of acknowledgment to Keth leads to an invitation to the table. Reluctantly, she does. It was hard to deny she wanted to hear a little more about this contract. No one had mentioned this spot in years. She would be lying if she said her ears didn’t perk up a little at the sound of the Queen's lair.
Daya didn’t know Damon personally, but was well aware of his reputation. This profession was filled with assholes, and Damon was one of them. Daya was a bit surprised to find a good-natured (this was rare), yet tough man like Keth talking to someone like Damon.
“Let me buy you a drink.” Keth offered.
“No, next time. I already had one.” Daya replies.
“Pod not fixed yet?”
She sighs, “No, waiting for a part,”
The part was a real pain in the ass, and if she could, Daya would throw the whole pod in the trash. Her transportation wasn't the worst of the lot, it was just older and needed harder to find parts.
Damon's eyes shifted to her, then back to Keth, some sort of tired desperation in them, “Hear me out, I signed on to do it. We leave tomorrow. I just need a partner.”
“I don’t know,  Daya, what do you think? The Infamous Queen's Lair?”
“It could be fake. Could be real.” She shrugs.
Keth laughed, pointing to Damon, “you won’t believe who this contract is with. Sure. I’m curious and who doesn’t want to be rich. But, fuck...tell her, you gotta tell her.” Keth shakes his head and finishes his drink, “ you are as crazy as they say man.”
“A group of Mercs found it,” he leaned in, attempting a hushed tone, “Karoclan.”
Keth and Daya look at each other sharing a knowing look.
“You’re crazy.” Keth laughed again. “Those guys will kill you on the spot, if this phantom deposit of aurillac is there, best bet they’ll let you dig, then kill you. They’re the worst out there. This is a fool's job.”
“I can handle them.” Damon replies defensively.
Keith put the glass down and slipped out from the other side of the table booth.
“I must bow out of that one, Man.. As rough of a life we live, I don’t want it to end just yet. Daya, nice to see you. I have a date.” Keth looked toward the stairs smiling as the red-headed woman he frequently saw waited for him; batting her eyes at him from across the room.
Daya waved to him as Keth vanished into the crowd. A second later, she shifts her focus to Damon,“ How many people have you asked?”
“Just him so far. He’s a solid protector, one of the best.”
“That he is.” She agrees.
“And you? I heard about you. Are you in?”
Daya sat back mulling it over. From her little interactions with Damon, she already didn’t like him. But if the Queen's Lair was real, it would be the opportunity of a lifetime. Besides, she had nothing better to do at the moment, her pod repairs were taking forever.
“I’m in, but I have hard and fast ground rules if we work together.”
Her talk with Damon was brief. She encouraged him to keep his mouth shut and sober up since they were leaving in the morning. If word spreads any further, they may have uninvited guests waiting to hijack their harvest. Daya didn’t stay for his reply; she left him with her wishes and a place to meet tomorrow.
On her walk back to her rental, Daya contemplated her future and what a haul like this could mean. It would mean she could finally stop prospecting and live the life of her dreams.
Most of her savings went into ship repairs these days and staying in nice digs when she needed some rest. Daya didn’t have much left at this point. In all reality, despite the risk, she needed the Queen's Lair to be true.
To hit the jackpot would change everything; she could finally make it to Opia.  A utopia of a planet, Opia was a far fetched dream for most. Filled with artists, music, sustainable life, lush gardens, institutes, and universities. It was one of the first planets to master solar power and sustainability; making it one of the richest and most ethical places. Sure, there were other rich planets in the galaxy, but those riches were won in terrible ways.
Opia was a dream; one this trip could get her a step closer to. To miss the opportunity of a lifetime would be a shame. If the price to pay was catching a ride with Damon and maybe having to fight some Mercs, it was a price she was willing to pay.
Despite being at ease with her decision, sleep came hard that night. The anxious feeling stirring in her gut continued well into the next day.
Even when she reached Damons pod, the feeling didnt calm. But she shoved it aside as she did the final check for her things; her emergency pack, some food, water, and her trusty blaster and knives.
Damon's pod was a piece of shit.
It was like he picked the cheapest one possible. Part of her wondered if they’d even make it in the metal death trap, but Damon tried to assure her it was fine.
Damon didn’t have many weapons, which seemed foolish; there was only one thrower resting against the wall. If this man went alone, he would surely be overpowered and killed, no matter how experienced he was. Personality aside, he was good at his job, but, to Daya, it seemed he could have been better prepared.
En route, her worry wasn't so much about Damon; more so if anyone else heard him and was waiting for them. It was common to be on a job with someone you didn’t like, that was nothing. But inner team disputes, and worst, murder was common. In short, this was not a job for the spineless or faint of heart.
One of the few times they spoke in the pod, Damon made a stupid comment she heard all too often, “I’m impressed you have the stomach for this, as a woman.”
If he wasn't busy piloting, he would have seen the look in her eyes, the one that warned don’t go there.
He continued, “Is it true, Otto was your father? “
Daya did learn from the best, her father, Otto Zeji was a legend in the field. A fact that did help to some extent; those who respected him respected her as well. But it was something she didn’t divulge to everyone. Not out of shame, she idealized her father. More so to make a name for herself outside of her fathers large shadow.
Not much more conversation happened that night. Soon it was time to switch, and Damon went to rest as she took over the wheel.
As the day came, so did another switch. Daya only napped lightly in the co-pilot seat. Soon, she was thankful she chose not to rest, as the pod suddenly spun off course, setting the alarms off. When they hit the ground, the seatbelts held up. It wasn’t in Kevvas plan to have them die just yet.
Damon, still a bit drugged out from the drops, jumped up first, frantically trying to do something. Daya’s heart was in her chest, she couldn't swallow, and now she had a map nearly tossed at her.
“Figure out where we are,” He barked.
Lifting the map, Daya moved to the computer screen to compare the coordinates and geography, quickly pinpointing their location. They were off-course, but it could have been worse.
After suiting up, they started on foot to the destination. Damon grabbed the thrower, leaving her to navigate the way via the map. This alien moon was just as her father described, in a way, the dance of the poisonous pollen was beautiful.
The air was noxious and she was thankful one thing she never ignored was the importance of quality filters. That would come in handy here.
Daya wondered if she walked the same steps as her father. Did he take this path? Somewhere, on this vast surface, did a footprint of his still remain? With Otto heavy on her mind, she was distracted when Damon stopped suddenly. They came upon a small clearing, an abandoned dig site.
Damon wasted no time stripping off his pack and preparing to evaluate their work. He muttered something about seeing what they left behind, and she knew he was set on doing this. Still, she didn’t think it was a good idea as they were running out of time due to the long trek.
“This is a waste of time, Damon.”
Damon didn’t reply, only blurted out another order, “Hand me the kit.” Begrudgingly, she does.  
A second later, Damon started rambling on about the last time he was here and how much of a half-assed job so many teams did. Daya doesn’t respond verbally, but she lends him a hand as he digs up missed aurillac. As he does, he takes it upon himself to explain how the job was done.
Damon only saw the total disinterest and annoyance on her face once he held up the now exposed gem, “What’s your problem?”
“This pit stop, it’s not worth it.”
“The Queen's lair is special, Daya. You of all people know that. You don’t believe it's total bullshit. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come.”
“Still,” she takes stock of their surroundings. The forest was so condensed they could be being watched and wouldn't know it until the person made themselves known.  “We don’t know who else is here. You weren’t necessarily quiet at the tavern. We should go.”
“We’ve been here too long anyway, “ he replies sharply, putting the kit back together. “I’ll start ahead that way, fill the bladders, catch up.”
Daya was sure he was deciding to be an asshole because she was so disinterested in anything he had to say. The faster this went the better, she was completely through with his presence.
After filling the bladders, Daya made her way back to the trail. The brief moment away from him was welcomed, she could better appreciate the odd beauty of this place and sort her thoughts. I’m actually here dad, she thought, as she glanced up at the sky to send her blessing to her father.
Moments later, her microphone crackles as Damon's voice came through, “Two men approaching…” he went on to tell her to stay hidden, he would contact her on channel 3.
Daya hid behind a large tree, listening as a man with an accent approached Damon. To hear his voice alone, one would think it was a friendly encounter. But, if you were around long enough, you could detect trouble and danger in the most pleasant of greetings and accents. This man had a danger in his voice.
Once Daya felt confident enough to peek, she could see two men.
One, standing very close to Damon, the other one very tall, looming a few steps away from them. His large square helmet added to his menacing appearance.
Seconds later, the large one stripped Damon of his pack forcibly, tearing his thrower from his hand as well. As if that wasn't enough, he wasted no time opening the pack, and going through Damons belongings.
The chatty one introduced himself as Ezra, what a name she thought, fitting to such an odd yet alluring accent. The second one was only introduced as his partner.
The tense conversation between Damon and Ezra seemed to go on forever. Eventually, the back and forth led to Damon getting knocked to the ground; Ezra pressing his heavy boot into his chest, affecting his breathing.
Daya’s eyes moved over the scene before her, taking in every detail she could, as her left hand moved back to the handle of her blaster. She could tell the two men had been here for too long. They had the sort of desperation stranded people had.
As this thought danced through her head, Damon was helped to his feet by Ezra; they accepted his counteroffer to lead them to the Mercs and take it all for themselves.  While they worked out the final details about thirds, Daya noticed Damons thrower was still on the ground, abandoned. The silent one didn't retrieve it.
Before long, Damon's voice met her ears again as he gathered his things. He whispers directions to her; when they took off, she was to follow, taking the thrower with her. Then, taking a shot at the larger one once he gave her the signal.
After retrieving the thrower and placing it on her back, she follows carefully, paying close attention to the conversation. Soon the men stop in a clearing; Damon turns in her direction and gives her the signal.
Daya stepped forward, the thrower aimed at the large one. In response, a mix of surprise and annoyance washes over Ezra's tired face. Damon uses the opportunity to gain control by taking Ezra's weapon. Ordering both the men to remove their packs and sit on the fallen tree trunk.
Ezra, with a fool's grin, sinks slowly into a seated position, hands raised in the air; so does the silent one.
Ezra’s dark down eyes meet Daya’s across the clearing, “Well, this is something I have never seen in all my time in the Green.” His amusement was almost distracting.
Ezra continues, “Damon, I have clearly underestimated you. I must stop doing that.”  
Damon was now rummaging through Ezra's pack, It seemed to last forever. Ezra took the opportunity to continue his monologue,
“Does this mean that the plan is off? You had me all up and bothered over the Queen’s Lair, Damon.”
Damon, now chuckling to himself, pulls out a worn white case, enclosed with a combination lock. Fuck, Daya thought, this was about to get even worst. Getting their shit back and away from these two was hard enough, but stealing their dig, that could lead to truly unfortunate events.
“Open it,” Damon demanded, holding the case before Ezra, who was not amused despite the grin on his lips.
“Alright,” Ezra started, “ you can have your fabled spoils all to yourself. But if your talk of the queen's lair is true, this is just a scratch.”
“Damon, we need to go.”  Daya urges.
Ezra's eyes shifted back to her, “Your bewitching associate is scared, you should listen to her.”
“I’m not scared, this is just unnecessary. Damon, now!” Daya yells.
Ezra's words ring in her ears.
Truth be told she was a little scared. Despite not telling anyone, she intended this to be her last Harvest, ever. The idea she might not get out of it? That scared her despite her poker face. A poker face that meant nothing, as Ezra was still able to discern her fear. Was it something in her voice?
“No harm done yet,” Ezra warned.
Damon shoves the pack in Ezra’s chest aggressively, “I said, open it!” In response, darkness washed over Ezra's face; one that made him, for the first time, look truly dangerous. A look that hinted at all this man had seen and done to still be alive today.
Unsurprisingly, Damon ignored her pleas; instead, he remains locked in a death stare with the now eerily silent Ezra.
Seemingly defeated, Ezra drops his gaze to the white case. It’s clear he worked hard for its contents. He slowly and broodingly starts to unlock it, “It’s a shame Damon,” he takes a deep exhale, “ we could have been rich together.”
Ezra hands him the unlocked case; Damon kneels down to open it, eyes, and barrel still on Ezra as he does. When the smile draws on Damons lips, Daya knows the greedy bastard found just what he hoped for. This fucker is going to get us killed over a case of gems.
“Damon, this is not worth it. We need to go, now!”
The bad feeling is now in her throat, well past her gut and she could taste it on her tongue. Daya was realistic, two against two was good odds, still, their window of opportunity for success was slim and fading fast. Damon, being the greedy bastard he was, was wasting on some kind of show of dominance.
Before she could think another thought, the tide turned just as quickly as she feared. As if her body knew before she did, Daya shifted her weight, better aiming at the large one as he jumped to his feet. Ezra picked up his rail gun and took a shot at Damon, who fired at him in return, the bullet bouncing off the helmet.
Daya’s quick reflexes kick in, shooting one shot at the large one and hitting him dead on. As he fell back, so did Damon, it seemed he was shot once more by Ezra.
As two bodies hit the ground, only Daya and Ezra were left standing, both pointing their barrels at the other, a good old fashion standoff.
To her surprise, Ezra didn’t shoot, he only aimed at her. Her brain told her to shoot, but for some reason, she couldn’t. As the tense moment grew, and neither shot, Daya did something she would never do; she turned on her heels and ran.
Running through the densest trees for cover.
Daya ran for so long she lost any concept of time; eventually stopping when the panic in her body became so bad she couldn't run any longer. Resting against a heavy tree she took sharp almost painful breaths in, attempting to gain more oxygen in her lungs. Sinking down into the grass, she took off the thrower and placed it near her feet with her blaster.
The green moon was spinning; an unwelcome yet familiar sensation washing over her, one she hadn’t felt in many years. All she had to do was catch her breath, and find the strength to keep moving.
It wouldn't stop it, but it would keep her moving until she returned to the pod at least. The last time Daya had an anxiety attack was years ago, she believed she had a handle on it, this proved otherwise.
Calling on her deepest reserves of strength, she stood up again, strapped in her weapons, and shakingly continued on her way.
Once inside, the hatch safely down, the panic washes in full force. After stripping off the exosuit and all the things attached to it, Daya laid down on the ground.
Shutting her eyes and letting it move through her. Daya had to come up with a plan, she had to get out of here. But, until this passed, she was nearly debilitated. It had to ride out on its own before she could come up with an exit strategy.  Eventually, the shaking stopped and the wave passed.
Able to move freely again, Daya makes her way around the ship to troubleshoot the damage post crash. After her third attempt at the radio, things seem real grim. She makes an adjustment to the station, only resulting in smoke coming from the pod.
The pod was done. Unless she could figure out which parts needed to be replaced, and Kevva blessed her with finding such parts abandoned from once used ships, this pod wasnt going anywhere .
After suiting up again, Daya steps outside to take stock of the pod; she finds three parts completely burned out. Feeling discouraged, she reminds herself at least they were common parts. Maybe this wasn’t the end, maybe she could scavenge for them? If an unstripped ship even existed here.
Back inside, Daya rummaged around for some food. There was barely anything left, except for some paste and dry packets. Not wanting to dip into her own reserves, she settled on Damon's grim selection and made a small meal.
As she ate, she couldn’t help but wonder; if Ezra and his partner were here, exactly who else was? She was also upset that she didn't make a run for Damons backpack. Hoping for the best was nice, but seeing as she didn’t know how long she’d be here, she needed all the supplies she could get.
As for Ezra, she did have a clear shot at him, her inability to shoot him still bothered her. All the same, he could have taken a shot too, but didn’t.
It was only moments later when the sound of footsteps neared the pod. Sounding closer with each step, whoever it was didn’t expect her to be there.
Daya was grateful she didn't put on her headphones as planned, otherwise, she wouldn't hear them coming.
Grabbing the thrower, Daya slipped behind one of the seats; low to the ground and aimed at the door. The hatch opened as Ezra made his way inside.
Without a second thought, Daya shoots him. Grazing him in the shoulder before he can orient himself. The hatch closes completely as he jumps toward her, taking the thrower from her hands and tossing it aside.
Ezra sinks back, sitting with his weight resting against the wall as groans of pain rise in his throat. Gripping his blaster tight in his left hand, Ezra tears his helmet off with the right.
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Heavy breathing filled the pod as Daya remained in her crouched and alert position. She may have lost the weapon, for now, but she was going to get it back.
To the left of Ezra rested her pack, her blaster beside it. At this moment, he had the advantage; until she could get the blaster or her bag, she would watch him like a hawk.
“You got a field kit?”
The pain in his voice was evident, although she only grazed him, it obviously hurt like hell. Then, there was the other problem, the poisons pollen from his suit seeping into the wound. That was the real threat.
Ezra waited for an answer that never came.
The two of them stare off; wild animals stalking each other's moves. Ezra grew impatient first, raising his voice as anger overtook his expression,
“Hey! Field kit.”
Taking her chance, Daya lunged forward, retrieving his blaster and kicking hers further away from him; closer to where she could reach it. Now, the ball was in her court as she aimed two barrels at him.
Ezra’s laugh turned into a groan, followed by a weathered breath, “You gonna shoot?”
Daya says nothing.
“Kevva waits! “ his tone raised as he grips his wounded arm, “just, make a move.”
“You and your partner robbed us, then you killed my partner.”
“That is technically true...” his voice fading as he looked down at his arm, pain in his brows.
“You stole from us!”
“That's the fringe. Look,” he leans forward, “ in regards to Damon. I'm apt to say he killed himself; a fact deep down, I know you are in agreement with based on your reactions. He was trying to steal my trophy case. A man's work is no petty thing, I truly apologize for my contribution to his passing. But he was stealing my entire harvest. And actions like these foment the threat of appropriate reactions. Damon knew that, and if he didn't, then he had no business in the Green.”
Ezra was right, Daya knew that. Still, she didn’t trust him.
Ezra speaks up, “Frankly, I unequivocally believe you were not fond of your associate. Ordinarily, if a person sees their partner killed, there is some element of shock or dejection in their eyes. Do you want to know what I saw in yours? Relief.”
“And, what does that say for you? You barely blinked when that tower of a partner of yours went down by my hand.”
Ezra shrugged and leaned back into the wall again, “Number two was merely a means to an end. Do not grieve his loss, Birdie.”
“Who said I was?”
“I doubt you are,” Ezra shifted, the smile returned to his lips. His brown eyes focused on her in a new way, it was like he was studying her, “Kevva above,” he sang, “ how appearances can deceive. I find it safe to wager you have seen far more ugliness of the world than your striking visage portrays. The variety rests in your eyes.”
Unsure of how to take his words or deal with the odd stirring his presence caused in her, Daya opted to stay silent. Instead, holding steady to the blasters, ready to shoot him again, if need be.
Daya watches the discomfort distort his features, she moves closer
“Ideally, at this point of our unfortunate meeting, I’d make you lead me to your ship so I can get the fuck off this moon and gift you with your life. However, seeing how desperate you were to take from us and locate this pod; I take it you don’t have transportation of your own, do you?”
Ezra's expression softens, so does his voice as it drops an octave, “get me a kit and we can talk.” The little smirk on his lips indicates he’s impressed.
Making her decision, Daya tucks one blaster in her belt and retrieves the kit. She shoves it his way before returning to her position.
Ezra hurriedly pulls what he needs from the kit. Proceeding to disinfect and seal the wound with healing foam, Ezra pushes through the process with a very understandable urgency.
All the while, a string of moans, winches, and grunts fell out of him. Once he was done, he pushed himself back into the wall; swallowing as many painkillers as he could take, choking them down.
After a moment with his eyes closed, Ezra clears his throat and speaks up, his voice more scratchy now,
“That offer would have been more than generous. One I'd be happy to sign and seal save for one glaring slip. One you have discerned from my actions today. I did have a ship. Then there was an event with my crew concerning a bit of aurualac, and words and metal flew. And now I don’t.”
Biting the inside of her cheek, Daya shakes her head. Although she suspected as much, it was still disappointing to hear.
Ezra continues, “We're in the same trough, you and I. can’t say I was pleased to find your mare all black and cockways, as she was supposed to be my redemption as well.” His eyes travel the extent of the pod, taking stock of it.
Daya inches closer with the gun, causing Ezra to jump slightly and raise his hands in defense,
“Whoa whoa...just slow down a beat there, little bird. Look, at least wait for the counter offer.”  
“I'm only listening because we’re both stuck here, but I will kill you if you try anything. Speak.”
“The mercs, they’re real, aren't they? And the queen's lair?” Daya didn’t respond to his questions, but Ezra could tell from her eyes, “ mmhmm... listen, I well know the allure of vengeance. I have frequently indulged, and I have not often found regret. But in this moment, right here, I'm afraid for both our sakes I must riposte. I say we go to your mercs, I play the prospector, and together we ravage the Queen. Let me help you. I can harvest, I can offer protection.”
“I don’t need protection.”
“I hold no doubts you can hold our own and vanquish the strongest of men. We tend to underestimate the force of the fairer species. A woman prospector, well, that ought to be one of the toughest around; A rare soul indeed. In spite of that, a seraphic sight as yourself, wandering into a camp of Frigeling mercs, raw at the end of tour. What happens? You appeal to their sympathies?” Shaking his head, “ Certainly, you are aware they have none. They are ruthless profiteers. You must have something to offer if not they will find a way to take from you.”
“You sure do talk a lot, all that to tell me what I already know.”
“I am of a loquacious nature,” he smiles and checks on his arm, it looks better, but not completely healed, they may have waited too long to treat it.
In a way, Daya felt bad for him, perhaps that led to her final decision,
“Even split.” She says.
Ezra’s smile returns, so does the light in his eyes despite the obvious battle with discomfort and pain, “Of course.”
Daya lowers the gun and moves closer.
Ezra stays still as she looks at his wound. “Look, Ezra, if we’re doing this I need you in one piece and by the looks of this, we need to get this torn fabric off your wound and completely close it. Only then are you useful to me out there.”
“Is that all you have?” He motions to the open kit, its contents scattered about the floor.
“For that, yeah but I may have something that helps. It counteracts most poisons, but seeing as this is my first time here, I can't make you any promises about the death-dealing pollen out there.”
“I’m in your hands. “ There’s a softness in his voice she had yet to hear until now.
Meeting his eyes she could more clearly see him now. The scar on his left cheek, the spottiness of his beard, the hawk-like shape of his nose, the unexpected blonde tuft of hair above his right temple.
Daya suspects she held his face in regard for too long and pulls her eyes away. She leaves him briefly to recover a small kit and extra suit.
“I need you to change suits, this is a backup Damon kept, it’s acceptable. The filters are okay. Better than the compromised one you're currently wearing.”
As she speaks, a grin teases his lips. Ezra stands and tries to get out of the suit himself. Feeling bad as he struggles, Daya helps him.
Once the suit safely removed, and he’s redressed, they returned to their seated positions.
Daya to the right of Ezra as she cleans his wound. Once she’s done, Daya covers it with a green salve that smells of the earth, then closes it off with a wide bandage.
The whole time Daya avoided his gaze, but she couldn't escape the feeling of Ezra’s eyes burning into her. The talkative man was oddly silent as she patched him up; this only added to the tension between them.
When the silence finally broke, Daya spoke,
“If your arm goes bad, you are no longer of use to me. At that point, I will kill you.”
Ezra chuckles, “Cryptic threats from such a delicate face. What a dance we find ourselves in. birdie.”
Ezra had called her twice now, and each time it caused a weird mix of feelings in her, “Don’t call me that.”
“What shall I call you then? Your name remains a mystery to me, as you’ve yet to reveal it.”
“Daya,” he repeats like an old song lyric, “...like the hawk, it means, the bird of prey,”
A man with such a big vocabulary was likely in the habit of reading any book he found. Or course, he’d know some random facts such as this.
He continues, “Daya, it is my privilege to properly make your acquaintance.”  
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chapter revised 7/21/2021! This fic turned 1 year on the 6th of this month! :)
Requested tags: (you all are the best, thank you for you support w/ the preview. I hope you enjoy this as well)
@rzrcrst @buckstaposition @holographic-carmen @scarlettvonsass @engineeredfiction @readsalot73 @voteforpedropascal​
New Ezra list:   @charming-merlin​ @readsalot73​ @cinewhore @waywardimpalawriter​  @phoenixhalliwell​ @tobealostwanderer​ @meanperegrine​ @over300books​ @silverwolf319​ @anaaaispunk​
New PP list: @idreamofboobear​ @anxiousandboujee​ @evyiione​ @mummifymecaptain​ @seasonschange-butpeopledont​ @agirllovespancakes​ @justanotherblonde23​  @bumblebee-moreno​ (GN) @salome-c​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @absurdthirst​ @dihra-vesa​ @mrsparknuts​ @absurdthirst
new everything list: @ladylothlorien​ @castiellawolfkissed​ @imaginesthatmakemehappy @itsnottilly​
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serotoninhq · 3 years
this looks amazing, however, i do feel a bit intimidated to disrupt a big group. i'm wondering if anyone is wanting a connection with a anne hathaway fc ? or if there is any major mw faces you'd like to see around, i'd really appreciate the help < 3
Awe, thank you, anon! I definitely can understand how it comes off as intimidating, though, as I too would likely be intimidated if I came across a group with this many characters! But, I assure you it's not as busy as you'd think with so many muses! That said, if you're interested in testing things out and joining the server before committing to the group, that's something we're more than open to ( though the discord server isn't a requirement, as we do have a few people that aren't in it )! Not to toot our own horn, but I think we have one of the most welcoming and inclusive group of members and I'm so blessed to be apart of a group with them all!
I'm sure that Anne Hathaway would be loved, I'm going to throw this into our server, but the plus of having so many muses is there's ALWAYS a major wanted connection to be filled. I can think of a couple, though I don't want to snag everything up! As for most wanted face claims, here's a couple that have been shared on the server most recently:
Lana Parrilla, MJ Rodriguez, Ian Anthony Dale, Kekoa Kekumano , Jordi Webber, Emmy Raver Lampman, Tom Hopper, Ritu Arya, Kate Walsh, Hale Appleman, Harvey Guillen, Andrea Bordeaux, Peter Gallagher, Gina Torres, Jim Parrack, Sierra McClain, Angela Bassett, Peter Krause, Aisha Hinds, Kenneth Choi, Jonny Beauchamp, Luke Cook, Octavia Spencer, Nicole Kidman, Robin Wright, Mads Mikkelsen, Halle Berry, Marisa Tomei, Dustin Milligan, Jacob Batalon, Andy Allo and SO many more!!
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germanischer-junge · 3 years
☠️Herzstillstand und Herzprobleme, nur Fußball, eine unvollständige Liste von Meldungen nur aus den vergangenen ca. sieben Wochen (in diesem Kanal, mit SuFu leicht zu finden):☠️
🏐 Spielabbruch wegen Herzstillstand des Schiedsrichters in einer Partie des Lauber SV (Kreis Donauwörth)
🏐 17-jähriger Fußballspieler der JSG Hoher Hagen muss in Hannoversch Münden während Partie reanimiert werden
🏐 Spieler des ASV Baden (Niederösterreich) bricht auf dem Spielfeld zusammen und muss reanimiert werden
🏐 Gifhorner Amateuerspieler Marvin Schumann muss nach Herzstillstand reanimiert werden
🏐Schiedsrichter-Assistentin einer Kreisliga-Augsburg-Partie in Emersacker bricht mit Herzproblemen zusammen
🏐 Kreisliga-Spieler der SpVgg. Oelde II muss von seinem Gegenspieler wiederbelebt werden
🏐 Spieler vom Birati Club Münster erleidet in einem Kreisliga Spiel gegen den FC Nordkirchen II Eriksen-Schicksal: Zusammenbruch mit Herzstillstand. Spiel wird abgebrochen
🏐 17jähriger Fußballspieler Dylan Rich stribt in England während eines Spiels an Herzinfarkt
🏐Torwarttrainer des SV Niederpöring erleidet nach Training Herzinfarkt.
🏐 Lucas Surek (24) von BFC Chemie Leipzig an Myokarditis erkrankt
🏐 Kingsley Coman (25) vom FC Bayern München nach Herzrhythmusstörungen am Herzen operiert
🏐 19-jähriger Fußballspieler des FC Nantes erleidet am 16.9.21 Herzstillstand im Training
🏐 Trainer Dirk Splitsteser von der SG Traktor Divitz bricht am Spielfeldrand tot zusammen
🏐 Rune Coghe (18) von Eendracht Hoglede (Belgien) erleidet Herzinfarkt während Spiel
🏐 Beim WM-Qualifikationsspiel der Frauen Deutschland-Serbien in Chemnitz muss eine englische Linienrichterin mit Herzproblemen vom Platz getragen werden
🏐 16-jähriger ungenannter Fußballspieler in Bergamo erleidet Herzstillstand (6.9.2021)
🏐 Teamleiter Dietmar Gladow aus Thalheim (Bitterfeld) erleidet vor dem Spiel tödlichen Herzinfarkt
🏐 53jähriger Fußballtrainer Antonello Campus bricht in Sizilien beim Training mit seiner Jugendmannschaft tot zusammen
🏐 Anil Usta vom VfB Schwelm (Ennepetal) bricht mit Herzproblemen auf dem Spielfeld zusammen
🏐 Dimitri Liénard vom FC Strasbourg bricht in einer Partie der Ligue 1 mit Herzproblemen zusammen
🏐 Diego Ferchaud (16 Jahre) vom ASPTT Caen erleidet in einem U-18-Ligaspiel in Saint-Lô einen Herzstillstand.
🏐 Ain/Frankreich: Frédéric Lartillot erliegt nach einem Freundschaftsspiel in der Umkleidekabine einem Herzinfarkt
🏐 Belgischer Fußballspieler Jente Van Genechten (25) erleidet in der Anfangsphase eines Pokalspiels einen Herzstillstand.
🏐 Belgischer Hobby-Fußballer Jens De Smet (27) aus Maldegem erleidet während des Spiels Herzanfall und stirbt im Krankenhaus.
🏐 13-jähriger Fußballspieler des Vereins Janus Nova aus Saccolongo (Italien) bricht auf dem Spielfeld mit Herzstillstand zusammen
🏐 Andrea Astolfi, sportlicher Leiter von Calcio Orsago (Italien) erleidet nach der Rückkehr vom Training einen fulminanten Herzinfarkt und verstirbt ohne Vorerkrankung mit 45 Jahren
🏐 Abou Ali (22) bricht während eines Zweiligaspiels in Dänemark mit Herzstillstand zusammen
🏐 Bordeaux-Profi Samuel Kalu bricht während eines Ligue 1- Spiels mit Herzstillstand zusammen
🏐 Fabrice N'Sakala (31) von Besiktas Istanbul kollabiert ohne Einwirkung des Gegners auf dem Feld und muss ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden
0 notes
slayershq · 3 years
mw woc
Andrea Bordeaux, Hannah John-Kamen, Ashleigh Murray, Laura Harrier, Ryan Destiny, Nathalie Emmanuel, Zoe Kravitz, Summer Bishil, Lesley-Ann Brandt, and Amita Suman would all be amazing choices. Don't let these suggestions stop you from applying with another fc if you have one in mind, though!
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gunungpoker88-blog · 5 years
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Prediksi Espanyol vs Sevilla 19 Agustus 2019 La Liga yang akan berlangsung pada hari Senin (19/8/2019) pukul 00:00 WIB, bertempat di Stadion Cornella-El Prat, Barcelona. Laga ini merupakan pertandingan perdana bagi kedua tim di ajang La Liga musim 2019-2020.
Kedua tim merupakan rival di papan tengah, yang saling kejar-kejaran poin di musim lalu. Sevilla berhasil finis di peringkat ke-6 dan meraih tiket Liga Eropa fase grup, sedangkan Espanyol finis di peringkat ke-7 dan mendapatkan tiket Liga Eropa fase kualifikasi.
Kedua tim pun merombak timnya demi memperbesar kans untuk menembus empat besar dan meraih tiket Liga Champions. Terlebih ada beberapa pemain pilar mereka yang diminati tim besar dan dijual.
Dari kubu Sevilla beberapa nama yang tampil secara reguler di tingkat nasional maupun Eropa seperti Wissam Ben Yedder, Pablo Sarabia, Quincy Promes, dan Maximilian Wober yang keluar pada bursa transfer kali ini.
Hal itu membuat lini serang Los Palanganas tampak lemah. untuk mengatasinya Julen Lopetegui mendatangkan beberapa pemain muda. Beberapa nama diantaranya adalah Rony Lopes, Lucas Ocampos, Joan Jordan, Luuk de Jong, Oliver Torres, dan Munas Dabbur. Sedangkan dilini belakang ada Jules Kounde yang datang dari Bordeaux dan Diego Carlos dari Nantes FC.
Julen yang baru menjadi nahkoda tim Sevilla musim ini juga merupakan pelatih berpengalaman dengan teknik tingkat tinggi. Ia pernah melatih timnas Spanyol semasa 2016-2018, dan juga pernah melatih Real Madrid pada 2018 lalu. Diharapkan dengan racikan formulanya bisa membawa Sevilla menembus target mereka musim ini di empat besar.
Mereka telah unjuk gigi pada laga pramusim lalu dengan mengikuti Piala OPEL di Mainz, Jerman. Kejuaraan yang juga diikuti klub Everton dan Mainz 05 itu berhasil dimenangkan oleh Sevilla. Target mereka musim ini pun tetap sama, yakni menembus Liga Champions dan menjuarai Liga Eropa lagi.
Setelah Lolos Kualifikasi Eropa Kini Fokus ke La Liga
Di sisi lain Espanyol baru saja memenangi laga mereka musim ini di ranah Liga Eropa melawan Luzern FC asal Liga Super Swiss dengan agregat 6-0. Di leg pertama mereka melibas Luzern dengan skor 3-0, dan dilanjutkan di leg kedua di kandang Espanyol dengan skor 3-0.
Tim berjulukan Periquitos ini pun baru saja mengganti kepala pelatih mereka Rubi dengan David Gallego yang sebelumnya melatih tim Espanyol B. Rubi sebelumnya berhasil membawa Huesca promosi ke La Liga pada musim 2017-2018, dan juga Espanyol finis di peringkat ke-7 pada musim lalu.
David dengan cepat berbenah skuatnya karena beberapa pemain inti mereka yang hengkang, seperti Borja Iglesias yang juga bergabung ke Real Betis bersama Rubi, dan Mario Hermoso yang kini direkrut Atletico Madrid. Juga ada beberapa nama pemain yang dilepas karena telah habis masa kontraknya diantaranya Roberto, Alvaro Vazquez, Oscar Duarte, Hernan Perez dan Sergio Garcia.
Beberapa nama yang direkrut sejak kepemimpinan David adalah Matias Vargas, Fernando Calero, dan Andreas Prieto. Ia lebih memilih opsi pemain-pemain muda yang akan diprediksi akan berkembang dengan cepat, dan juga beberapa pemain dari tim B yang diasuhnya dahulu. Pemain yang mendapatkan promosi dari tim B adalah Adria Pedrosa, Pol Lozano, dan Lluis Lopez.
Walaupun terlihat sangat beresiko tinggi memainkan pemain muda yang kurang berpengalaman dalam menghadapi padatnya jadwal pertandingan kedepan, ia yakin akan mampu memberikan hasil maksimal. Memang hal tersebut terlihat dari laga pramusim mereka, dan juga hasil Liga Eropa mereka yang lalu.
Akan sulit memprediksi formasi yang akan dimainkan oleh Espanyol untuk menghadapi Sevilla nanti, terlebih para pemain senior maupun yang baru harus beradaptasi dengan racikan gaya permainan David.
Berikut Prediksi Espanyol vs Sevilla dan Statistik Kedua Tim :
Head to Head Terakhir :
03/17/19 Espanyol 0-1 Sevilla
11/12/18 Sevilla 2-1 Espanyol
01/20/18 Espanyol 0-3 Sevilla
Pertandingan Terakhir Kedua Tim :
Pertandingan Terakhir Espanyol :
08/16/19 Espanyol 3-0 Luzerm
08/09/19 Luzern 0-3 Espanyol
08/02/19 Stjarnan G 1-3 Espanyol
07/28/19 Sheffield Wednesday 2-2 Espanyol
07/26/19 Espanyol 4-0 Stjarnan Garoabaer
Pertandingan Terakhir Sevilla :
08/11/19 Extremadura 2-2 Sevilla 08/10/19 Granada 2-1 Sevilla 08/03/19 Hoffenheim 1-2 Sevilla 07/27/19 Mainz 05 0-5 Sevilla 07/27/19 Everton 0-1 Sevilla
Prediksi Susunan Pemain :
Sevilla : S.Rico – J.Navas – D.Carlos – D.Carrico – Reguilon – J.Jordan – Fernando – E.Banega – L.Ocampos – L.De Jong – Nolito
Espanyol : D.Lopez – Didac – Bernando – LLuis L – Pipa – M.Vargas – S.Darder – Iturraspe – Granero – Wu lei – V.Campuzano
Prediksi Espanyol vs Sevilla 19 Agustus 2019 :
Handicap : Espanyol 1/4 – 0 Sevilla O/U : 2 1/2 Prediksi Skor : Espanyol 1 – 0 Sevilla
0 notes
torentialtribute · 5 years
LIGUE 1 REVIEW: The lowdown on every team ahead of the action
From the manager of Nantes who just a few days before the season begins to stop physically removing Kylian Mbappe Neymar from Celebrations of the Coupe des Champions of Paris Saint-Germain French football has announced its return in a certain style.
Strasbourg is already back in the groove after a fleeting 40-day break between their last day victory over Nantes and their first friendly match against Zurich, while – according to their manager at least – Nimes can't even take a team. Oh, and Patrick Vieira saw his Nice side banging both 8-1 and 6-1 in the kickabouts for the season.
It has been far from silent, and it will only become more chaotic, with the transfer window only closing on 2 September and many teams still closing gaps created by the temptation of the Premier League.
Prior to the Ligue 1 season that starts Friday night, when Monaco takes on Lyon, here is an in-depth look at how each of the 20 sides of the top flight is set up and all you need to know for the new campaign.
Ligue 1 returns on Friday – Will Paris Saint-Germain be able to maintain its dominance?
Head coach: Luka Elsner
Transfers in: Serhou Guirassy (FC Koln, £ 5,4 m), Eddy Gnahore (Palermo, £ 2.25 m), Emil Krafth (Bologna £ 1.8) m), Alexis Blin (Toulouse, £ 1.5 million), Chadrac Akolo (Stuttgart, loan), Ulrick Eneme Ella (FC Liefering, £ 250k), Christophe Jallet (Nice, free), Jayson Papeau (Genevieve, free), Haitam Aleesami (Palermo, free)
Transfers from: Brighton Labeau (Rapid Bucharest, free), Khaled Adenon (Al-Whada, free), Reda Rabei (Fremad Amager, free), Gauthier Banaziak (AC Amiens, free)
Last season: 15th
Amiens is part of their third season in the top flight and thanks to the transfer market is one of a number of teams that is still in limbo. ]
Such s from Emil Krafth, a left back who only completed his final move this summer after making an impression on the loan but has just signed with Newcastle, striker Moussa Konate and Colombian Steven Mendoza are still expected to leave.
That gives Slovak coach Luka Elsner – the youngest in the competition – a real challenge when it comes to preparing his team for the opening weeks of the season, with probably four or five new faces needed before the French window closes on 2 September.
Keyman: Bongani Zungu
Missed most of last season with a torn ACL in his right knee, the midfielder showed what he had missed during the Africa Cup of Nations while he played for South Africa and Amiens are desperate to hold him, warding off interest from Besiktas.
Bongani Zungu showed Amiens what they missed when he played in Africa Cup of Nations
Head coach: Stephane Moulin
Transfers In: Sada Thioub (Nimes, 3,1 m), Mathias Pereira Lage (Clermont Foot, £ 1.3 million), Rachid Alioui (Nimes, free), Danijel Petkovic (Lorient, not disclosed)
Transfers from: Flavien Tait (Rennes, 8.1 m), Alexandre Letellier (Sarpsborg, loan), Harisson Manzala (loan from Le Mans), Thomas Toure (loan from Sochaux), Pape Djibril Diaw (loan from Caen) , Baptiste Guillaume (loan from Valenciennes), Dorian Bertrand (Nancy und undclosed) Loic Puyo (released)
Last season: 13th
Angers head coach Stephane Moulin enters his ninth season for leadership
As happened when last year Karl Toko Ekambi lost to Villarreal, Angers got a job again to rebuild after losing one of their best players this summer.
Flavien Tait was their founder because they finished a respectable 13th, but he joined colleague Call 1 outfit Rennes at Stephane Moulin with another repair shop.
You would have thought he would be used to it now and start his ninth season as head coach, but things could get worse. Top scorer Stephane Bahoken and former Arsenal star Jeff Reine-Adelaide were still able to follow Tait.
The three were involved in 33 goals while Angers set a club record 44 in the top flight last season. Replacing those resources will be a huge task if they lose any of them.
Key man: Baptiste Santamaria
A change in approach from head coach Stephane Moulin means that the ball-midfielder can be asked
Head coach: Leonardo Jardim
Transfers in: Gelson Martins (Atletico Madrid, £ 27 m), Benjamin Lecomte (Montpellier, £ 12.1 m), Ruben Aguilar (Montpellier, £ 7.2 m)
Transfers from: Youri Tielemans (Leicester £ 40.5m), Ronael Pierre-Gabriel (Mainz, £ 5m), Ibrahima Diallo (Brest, £ 1.8m), Paul Nardi (Lorient, £ 1.4 m), Kephren Thuram (Nice, free), Loic Badiashile, Jordi Mboula, Julien Serrano, Giulian Biancone (all Cercle Bruges, loan), Jean-Eudes Aholou (Saint-Etienne, loan) , Kevin N & Doram (Metz, loan), Samuel Grandsir (Brest, loan), Pele (reading, loan), Antonio Barreca (Genoa, loan), Andrea Raggi (released)
n: 17th
In theory it should be impossible for Monaco not to improve their last campaign, in which the club took place, only to secure their top status at the end of the day.
After seeing their owner fleeing the principality for corruption, club legend Thierry Henry did not see them free from danger in his very first leadership role and then the season with the same manager they started with, the 2017 champions hope for a somewhat quieter season.
To repair the damage, they have changed their tact on the transfer market, with the return of Leonardo Jardim as boss coinciding with a move away from signing unproven, young players for the purpose of nurturing them.
Gelson Martins & # 39; (L) goals may be crucial with the expected departure of Radamel Falcao (R)
Instead, the focus was on people with competence, with Montpellier duo Benjamin Lecomte and Ruben Aguilar had already settled in the top flight of France.
Gelson Martins completed a permanent transfer from Atletico Madrid after a successful loan period, but Radamel Falcao Ron Lopes – the highly regarded Portuguese international – could follow.
Both must be replaced before the window closes, they must leave, but you would expect that September 2 will not end the drama on the south coast.
Keyman: Gelson Martins
His goals helped to keep going the last season, and with the departure of Falcao still possible, this time could be even more important.
Head coach: Ghislain Printant
Transfers in: Denis Bouanga (Nimes, £ 4,1 m), Ryad Boudebouz (Real Betis £ 3.2 m), Zaydou Youssouf (Bordeaux £ 1.8 m), Sergi Palencia (Barcelona £ 1.8 m), Miguel Trauco (Flemish £ 900 k), Harold Moukoudi (Le Havre, free), Jean-Eudes Aholou (Monaco, loan), Alpha Sissoko (Caen, free), William Saliba (Arsenal, loan)
Transfers from: William Saliba (Arsenal, £ 27), Remy Cabella (Krasnodar, £ 10.8 m), Habib Maiga (Metz, £ 900k), Jorginho (Ludogorets, £ 750k), Pierre-Yves Polomat (Genclerbirligi, free), Oussama Tannane (Vitesse, loan), Makhtar Gueye (Nancy , loan), Mickael Panos (Paphos, free), Neven Subotic (Union Berlin, free)
Last season: 4th
A club in the right direction, The income of Saint-Etienne has this year for the first time in his sc has reached the € 100 million limit.
With this they have started renewing their training center and building a squadron that can compete on four fronts seasonally.
Assisted by the £ 28m received from Arsenal for teenager William Saliba and £ 11m from the sale of former Newcastle winger Remy Cabella to Krasnodar, head coach Ghislain Printant has seen his team strengthened by eight newcomers.
It is just as good, as Vice President Roland Romeyer admits. "I expect a complicated season of the Europa League – it's tiring," he told L&E Equipe.
Keyman: William Saliba
Back on loan for a previous season after his Arsenal shift, all involved hope for a new strong season from the middle of the field.
After completing of his £ 28 million move to Arsenal, William Saliba returned to Saint-Etienne on loan
Head coach: Stephane Jobard
Transfers in : Bruno Ecuele Manga (Cardiff, £ 1.8m), Bryan Soumare (Saint-Quentin, free), Mama Bucket (Sporting Lisbon, free) Didier Ndong (Guingamp, not disclosed)
Transfers Out: Valentin Rosier (Sporting, £ 7.2 m), Wesley Said (Toulouse, £ 7.2 m), Chang-hu n Kwon (Freiburg, £ 2.7 m), Sory Kaba (Midtjylland, £ 2.7 m), Mehdi Abeid (Nantes, free), Eden Massouema (Troyes, free), Bobby Allain (Olympiacos free), Oussama Haddadi ( Al-Ettifaq, free), Cedric Yambere (Al-Ettifaq, not disclosed), Arnold Bouka Moutou (released)
Last season: 18th
Still in the top flight through the skin of their teeth, Dijon pinched Lens over two legs in last May's relegation playoffs to secure their status.
One reason for their fight was at the back, with the club allowing 191 goals in their previous three seasons. In the top five in Europe, only Bournemouth and Chievo have let Verona in during the same period.
Storing at the back is the most important task for new boss Stephane Jobard. The 48-year-old – who started teaching PE briefly after playing his career – is back in the club he had spent 20 years as a player and youth coach.
Keyman: Bruno Ecuele Manga
Arriving from Cardiff, the defender will be one of the tasks to help solve the leaking defense that nearly dropped their Ligue 1 status last season.
Ex-Cardiff center back Bruno Ecuele Manga will be charged with helping to repair the leaking defense
Head coach: Vincent Hognon
Transfers In: Victorien Angban (Chelsea, £ 5,4) m), Fabien Fifteen (Lens, £ 2.7 m), Habib Maiga (Saint-Etienne, £ 900 k), Pope Ndiaga Yade (Generation Foot, free), Manuel Cabit (Ajaccio, free), Kevin N & # 39; Doram (Monaco, loan), Thierry Ambrose (Manchester City, loan)
Transfers from: Cafu (Legia Warsaw, £ 700k), Gauthier Hein (Valenciennes, loan), Vincent Thill (Orleans, loan), Jonathan Rivierez (Caen, free), Oumar Gonzalez (Chambly, free), Laurent Jans (Paderborn, loan) , Ivan Balliu, Emmanuel Riviere (both released)
Last season: 2nd (Ligue 2)
] Marvin Gakpa was one of the biggest revelations in Ligue 2 last season
Promoted as champion of Ligue 2, Metz have chosen continuity in their team as they prepare for their return to the top flight.
So far, only five new faces have emerged at the Stade Sym Symphorien, including 22-year-old striker Thierry Ambrose who is joining an initial loan from Manchester City.
Most of the intrigues this season, however, will surround the cu rrent leadership structure in the club, where there are effectively two in charge. Head coach Vincent Hognon was brought in last December after Frederic Antonetti stepped back after his wife became ill.
Given the title & # 39; general manager & # 39; the latter is still very involved in team affairs, & # 39; ship from far & # 39; as the owner suggested. The power of understanding between the couple could be the key to a successful campaign.
Key Man: Marvin Gakpa
One of the biggest revelations in Ligue 2 last season, the attacking midfielder hopes to quickly adapt to the quality increase.
Head coach: Patrick Collot (caretaker)
Transfers in: Marcus Coco (Guingamp, £ 2.7 m), Molla Wague ( Udinese, £ 1.4 m, Abou Ba (Nancy, £ 900 k), Dennis Appiah (Anderlecht, £ 650 k), Bridge Ndilu (Stade Laval (free), Mehdi Abied (Dijon, free)), Alban Lafont ( Fiorentina, loan)
Transfers from: Diego Carlos (Sevilla, £ 13.5 m), Koffi Djidji (Torino, £ 4.1 m), Anthony Limbombe (Standard Liège, loan ), Ciprian Tatarusanu (Lyon, free), Maxime Dupe (Clermont Foot, loan), Quentin Braat (Niort, free)
Last season: 12th
A catastrophic summer will see the club st art the season without a head coach after the resignation of Vahid Halilhodzic a few days before the start of the season
Irreconcilable differences in recruitment means that they travel to Lille with assistant Patrick Col fate and fitness coach Cyril Moine, and without the & # 39; eight or nine players & # 39; Halilhodzic insisted that they needed it.
Jan Patrick Collot takes temporary charge "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
Patrick Collot (R) replaces Vahid Halilhodzic who retired earlier this week as boss
Instead, there have been six signing sessions so far, for less than £ 6 million. It is the kind of austerity that Hlilhodzic feels over the edge, yet can predict a tough season for Les Canaris.
Key man: Kalifa Coulibaly
Last season on a hot streak, scored six in his last nine appearances and hopes to continue where he left off.
Head coach: Paulo Sousa
Transfers in: Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal, £ 4.6 m), Ui-jo Hwang (Gamba Osaka, £ 1.8 m, Rudders (Rennes, free), Enock Kwateng (Nantes, free), Loris Benito (Young Boys, free)
Transfers from: Jules Kounde ( Seville, £ 22.5 m, Lukas Lerager (Genoa, 5.4 m), Zaydou Youssouf (Saint-Etienne £ 1.8 m), Jerome Prior (Valenciennes), free), Igor Lewczuk (Legia Warsaw, free) , Aaron Boupendza (Feirense, loan), Jaroslav Plasil (retired)
Last season: 14th
Apart from disturbing every Arsenal fan on the planet, Bordeaux & # 39; s transfer window wasn't much to laugh about.
Forced to find an additional £ 30 million to pay the club's debts, Paulo Sousa was asked & # 39; creative & # 39; to be to build his team for the coming campaign.
Doing what comes as second nature to all Football Manager enthusiasts, the Portuguese boss has searched the market for non-contracted players and landed three of his goals for free.
That will help balance the books, alongside the sale of defender Jules Kounde to Seville and the impending arrival of Youssouf Sabaly in the Premier League. Whether it helps their Ligue 1 performance this upcoming campaign is another matter.
Key man: Laurent Koscielny
A selection frame arrives in a test window for Bordeaux, the former Arsenal man will add an invaluable experience at the back and in the dressing room.
Laurent Koscielny (right) got his wish after he was moved to Bordeaux
Head coach: Christophe Galtier
Transfers in: Yusuf Yazici (Trabzonspor, 14.9m), Victor Osimhen, £ 10.8 million ), Timothy Weah (PSG, £ 9 million), Benjamin Andre (Rennes, £ 6.3 million), Domagoj Bradaric (Hadjuk Split, £ 5.9 million), Leo Jardim (River Ave, £ 5.4 million), Tiago Djalo (Milan, £ 4.5 million), Reinildo Mandava (Belenenses, £ 2.7 million), Concert (August 1, £ 1.8 million), Saad Agouzoul (Kawkab Marrakech, £ 500,000), Virgiliu Postolachi (PSG, free)
Transfers from: Nicolas Pepe (Arsenal, £ 72 m), Rafael Leao (Milan, £ 27 m), Thiago Mendes (Lyon, £ 19.8) m) Anwar El Ghazi (Aston Villa, £ 8.1 m), Edger le (Tranzonspor, free), Herve Koffi (Belenenses, loan), Kouadio-Yves Dabila, Rominique Kouame (both Cercle Bruges, loan)
Last season: 2nd
What should be an excitement after a 2018-19 season because the upcoming campaign is tinged with doubts after a tough summer.
The main cause of concern was the loss of two important stars that helped them to take second place and the Champions League place: Nicolas Pepe and Thiago Mendes
Lille lost talisman Nicolas Pepe to Arsenal this summer but managed to get £ 72m for him
Losing their top striker to Arsenal was made easier to swallow by the £ 72m fee, but losing their pivot in midfield to a Ligue 1 rival will have stung.
The money has been deposited, with no fewer than 10 new faces through the door to strengthen the first team, but Christophe Galtier has done his job to maintain the stunning domestic form of last season while he juggles the small matter of a European campaign.
Key man: Yusuf Yazici
Given the unenviable task of filling the void left behind by Pepe, the 22-year-old Turkey International has the potential to get fans out of their seats at Stade Pierre-Mauroy.
Head coach: Michel Der Zakarian
Transfers in: Teji Savanier (Nimes, £ 8.6m), Andy Delort (Toulouse, £ 4.1 m, Arnaud Souquet (Ghent, £ 2.5 m), Jordan Ferri (Lyon, £ 1.8 m), Matis Carvalho (Toulouse, free)
Transfers from: Benjamin Lecomte (Monaco, £ 12.1 m), Isaac Mbenza (Huddersfield, £ 11.25 m), Ruben Aguilar (Monaco, £ 7.2 m)), Ellyes Skhiri (Koln, £ 5.4 million) ), Bryan Passi (Niort, free), Morgan Poaty (Guingamp, not public), Giovanni Sio (Genclerbirligi, not public), Jonathan Ligali, Jeremei Porsan-Clemente (both released)
Last season: 6th
Jordan Ferri hopes to guide Montpellier back to Europe this season
After their best performance in Ligue 1 since lifting the title in 2012, Michel Der Zakarian will be looking for a little more consistency.
Since that success, the club has never managed to finish back – back seasons in the upper half, something that the club wants to change.
They have a solid foundation. Despite the loss of both Benjamin Lecmonte and Ruben Aguilar to Monaco, Montpellier has taken a magazine from their rival's book and raided a club among them.
Teji Savanier and Jordan Ferri, who recently formed a strong partnership in Nimes season, have joined together and the rest of the team remains intact.
The next goal is a return to Europe, and the continuity of this summer may just provide them with the platform to achieve this.
] Key man: Jordan Ferri
Former France among the 21 international sparkled last season in Nimes, and reconnecting with Savanier should help him put his stamp that little bit faster.
Head coach: Bernard Blaquart
Transfers in: Sidy Sarr (Chateauroux, £ 1.8 m), Haris Duljevic (Dynamo Dresden, £ 900k), Romain Philippoteaux (Auxerre, £ 270k), Pablo Martinez (Strasbourg, free), Zinedine Ferhat (Le Havre, free)
Transfers from: Teji Savanier (Montpellier, £ 8.6 m), Denis Bouanga (Saint-Etienne, £ 4.1 m), Sada Thioub (Angers, £ 3.1 m), Umut Bozok (Lorient, £ 1.4) m), Baptiste Valette (Nancy, free), Abdel Malik Hsissane (Le Puy Foot, free), Rachid Alioui (Angers, free), Herve Lybohy (Nancy, free), Martin Sourzac (Nancy, free) Fethi Harek (retired), Panagiotis Vlachodimos (released)
Last season: 9th
Another party that is involved in a disastrous summer has abandoned Nimes by the departure of their sports director Laurent Boissier. ] While recruitment came to a halt, head coach Bernard Blaquart told owner Rani Assaf that he & # 39; has no team & # 39; for the coming campaign.
He has a point. The heart of his team was torn out and lost his entire midfield in the form of Sada Thioub, Teji Savanier, borrower Jordan Ferri and Denis Bounaga, as well as attackers Rachid Aliouli and Umut Bozok.
Blaquart has to replace a group that made 181 games in the league last season. Avoiding the relegation dogfight can be seen as an achievement, let alone finishing ninth.
Keyman: Antonin Bobichon
One of the few that still stands, Blaquart will likely build his team around the 23-year-old central midfielder. In full forward, he scored eight and put two more on last season.
Antonin Bobichon scored eight goals for Nimes and set two more seasons
Head coach: Patrick Vieira
Transfers in: Khephren Thuram (Monaco, free)
Transfers from: Allan Saint-Maximin (Newcastle, £ 20 m), Olivier Boscaglie (PSV, £ 1.8 m), Romain Perraud (Brest, £ 1.8 m), Christophe Jallet Amiens, free), Jean-Victor Makengo ( Toulouse, loan), Mouez Hassen (released)
Last season: 7th
A summer that made a declaration of intent with me t had to come along, instead he crawled at the same pace as he & # 39; s long-term sale.
Jim Ratcliffe, president of Ineos, will hand over the keys to the Allianz Riviera in the coming week or so, at which time Patrick Vieira will finally be able to build his side for next season.
In all likelihood, it will be too little, too late.
There has just been an arrival in the form of Khephren Thuram – an 18-year-old who joined a free from Monaco – and that has to change after some notable divisions.
Nice manager Patrick Vieira has had a nightmare during his preparations for the season
Allan Saint-Maximin, the club's most powerful attacking threat, has joined Newcastle, meaning work needs to be done to get Le Gym back to the same level.
Whatever changes they make, they cannot eat fast enough. The slump has invaded the team that has defeated tools in some pre-season games – including 8-1 and 6-1 defeats of Wolfsburg and Burnley respectively.
Key man: Dante
is elke kans dat het belangrijkste lid van dit team nog steeds door de deur komt, maar het is van vitaal belang dat de Braziliaanse kapitein het goede voorbeeld geeft om de ploeg bij elkaar te houden na een ruw voorseizoen.
Hoofdcoach: Andre Villas-Boas
Transfers in: Dario Benedetto (Boca Juniors, £ 12,6 m) Alvaro Gonzalez (Villarreal, lening)
] Transfers Out: Lucas Ocampos (Sevilla, £ 13,5 m), Clinton N'Jie (Dinamo Moskou, £ 5,4 m), Yusuf Sari (Trabzonspor, £ 250k), Romain Cagnon, Mario Balotelli, Rloando, Tomas Hubocan ( uitgebracht)
Vorig seizoen: 5e
De weigering van Mario Balotelli om zijn verblijf in Marseille te verlengen was teleurstellend voor alle Franse f ootballfans als de verloren competitie, een van zijn ware excentriekelingen na drie seizoenen in Ligue 1.
Echter, wanneer een deur sluit, opent een andere, en Marseille verwelkomt Andre Villas-Boas hun nieuwe baas voegt een ander karakter toe aan de topvlucht.
Andres Villas-Boas keert terug naar Europees voetbal na management in China
Om de Italiaan te vervangen, is Dario Benedetto ingebracht – een 29-jarige international in Argentinië die 45 doelpunten maakte in 68 wedstrijden voor Boca Juniors.
Als zijn komst kan overeenkomen met het behouden van Florian Thauvin, dan het doel is een terugkeer naar Champions League-voetbal voor het eerst sinds 2013, en een eerste poging in Europa's grootste competitie onder Amerikaanse eigenaar Frank McCourt.
Key man: Florient Thauvin
Consequent verbonden met een verhuizing in de afgelopen paar seizoenen, de World Cup-wi ninger vleugelspeler toont nog steeds weinig interesse in het verlaten van de club waar hij van houdt. The 16 goals in 33 league appearances last term demonstrates why he's so important.
Head Coach: Sylvinho 
Transfers In: Joachim Andersen (Sampdoria, £21.6m), Thiago Mendes (Lille, £19.8m), Youssouf Jones (Lille, £8.1m), Jean Lucas (Flamengo, £7.2m), Ciprian Tatarusanu (Nantes, free), Boubacar Fofana (G.Ajaccio, free)
Transfers Out: Tanguy Ndombele (Tottenham, £65m), Ferland Mendy (Real Madrid, £49m), Nabil Fekir (Real Betis, £18m), Jordan Ferri (£1.8m), Christopher Martins Pereira (Young Boys £1.9m), Elisha Owusu (Gent, £900k), Timothe Cognat (Servette, nominal fee), Mathieu Gorgelin (Le Havre, free), Jeremy Morel (Rennes, free), Olivier Kemen (Niort, free)
Last Season: 3rd 
There have been some big changes at the Groupama Stadium this summer, but Lyon still look well placed to challenge on all fronts this season.
The losses of captain Nabil Fekir to Real Betis, midfield engine Tanguy Ndombele to Tottenham and left back Ferland Mendy to Real Madrid have left some sizable holes in the squad, but recruitment has been strong.
Thiago Mendes, key to Lille's heroics last season, has filled the gap in midfield, while Youssouf Kone has arrived from the same source to replace Mendy.
Newly installed head coach Sylvinho, the former Arsenal full back, is entering his first full-time managerial role and has brought with him some new practices.
For starters, as Unai Emery has implemented at his former club, there will be a leadership group selected, with no player singled out for captaincy.
However, it may take some time for him to make his mark, if pre-season results are anything to go by. Despite impressing in a 2-1 against Arsenal to lift the Emirates Cup last month, Lyon have lost all of their other four friendlies, including defeats by both Liverpool and Bournemouth.
Key man: Moussa Dembele
Finally hitting his stride following his move from Celtic last summer, the forward looks ready to step up and gave Arsenal a taste of his capabilities in their pre-season clash.
Head Coach: Thomas Tuchel 
Transfers In: Abdou Diallo (Borussia Dortmund, £29m), Idrissa Gueye (Everton, £27m), Pablo Sarabia (Sevilla, £16.3m), Marcin Bulka (Chelsea, free), Ander Herrera (Manchester United, free), Mitchel Bakker (Ajax, free)
Transfers Out: Giovani Lo Celso (Real Beti, £19.8m), Moussa Diaby (Bayer Leverkusen (!3.5m), Christopher Nkunku (RB Leipzig, £11.7m), Grzegorz Krychowiak (Lokomotiv Moscow, £10.8m), Timoth y Weah (Lille, £9m), Kevin Trapp (Eintracht Frankfurt, £6.3m), Dani Alves (Sao Paulo, free), Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus, free), Adrien Rabiot (Juventus, free)
Last Season: Champions 
A summer overshadowed by one man and one man alone, Thomas Tuchel and the rest of his side will be grateful when matters on the pitch finally take centre stage.
The Neymar saga still doesn't seem to be close to a conclusion, with the situation even taking centre stage following their Trophee des Champions victory over Rennes, when Kylian Mbappe forcibly removed the Brazilian from the celebration pictures.
Neymar's (centre) future hangs in the balance while Kylian Mbappe will continue to shine
PSG manager Thomas Tuchel will be hoping to maintain his side's dominance in Ligue 1 again
It has distracted from what on the face of it has been a relatively promising summer for Tuchel, who appears to have solved his biggest problem by recruiting Ander Herrera, Idrissa Gueye and Pablo Sarabia to strengthen his creaking midfield.
Their success, though, is likely to depend on the atmosphere inside the club. If Neymar does stick around, he may find himself in a squad finally capable of troubling the latter stages of the Champions League. If he doesn't, well that may improve their chances further.
Key man: Kylian Mbappe
Arguably the most gifted footballer on the planet right now, his presence ensures that the loss of Neymar will barely be felt should the Brazilian get his way.
Head Coach: Thierry Laurey 
Transfers In: Alexander Dijku (Caen, £4.1m), Jean-Ricner Bellegarde (Lens, £1.8m), Lamine Kone (Sunderland, £1.35m), Diogo Branco (Montijo, free)
Transfers Out: Yoann Salmier (Troyes, £450k), Anthony Goncalves (Caen, free), Duplexe Tchamba (Stromsgodset, Loan), Pablo Martinez (Nimes, free), Idriss Saadi (Cercle Brugge, loan), Diogo Branco (Montijo, loan)
Last Season: 11th 
The Coupe de la Ligue winners are already into the swing of things with their European campaign getting underway last month.
Courtesy of their penalty shoot-out win over Guingamp, Thierry Laurey's men began their pre-season schedule on July 3 with a friendly against FC Zurich – just the 40 days after leaving the pitch on the final day of last term.
Since then, they've reached the third qualifying round of the Europa League thanks to a 4-3 aggregate win over Maccabi Haifa and face Lokomotiv Plovdiv in the next round.
Strasbourg finished last season on a high as the Coupe de la Ligue champions
The early start has helped to settle the side, with the only main departure being that of centre back Pablo Martinez, who has moved to Nimes.
Alexander Dijku has been brought in from Caen to replace him, while central midfielder Jean-Ricner Bellegarde is the only other new face, joining from Ligue 2 side Lens.
Key man: Lebo Mothiba
Yet to return to the squad after his exploits in the Africa Cup of Nations with South Africa, the striker, along with Ludovic Ajourque, could create a potent partnership.
Head Coach: Olivier Dall'Oglio 
Transfers In: Romain Perraud (Nice, £1.8m), Ibrahima Diallo (Monaco, £1.8m), Denys Bain (Le Havre, free), Samuel Grandsir (Monaco, loan), Ludovic Baal (Rennes, free)
Transfers Out: Anthony Weber (Caen, £450k), Corentin Jacob, Valentin Henry (both Rodez, free), Quentin Bernard (Auxerre, free), Guillaume Buon (Avranches, loan), Pierre Magnon (Avranches, free), Thomas Ayasse, Edouard Butin (released)
Last Season: Champions (Ligue 2) 
Ending a six-year absence from the top flight, Brest are putting their faith in youngsters to keep them there.
Already boasting France Under 21 international goalkeeper Gautier Larsonneur as their No 1, the newly-promoted side have added 21-year-old Romain Perraud from Nice as their first-choice left back, as well as securing 20-year-old Ibrahima Diallo, a midf ield er from Monaco.
One area they haven't bolstered is up top, where head coach Olivier Dall'Oglio can call upon last season's Ligue 2 top scorer Gaetan Charbonnier to lead the line.
His fortunes in front of goal are likely to correlate with Brest's chances of beating the drop.
Key man: Gaetan Charbonnier
Ligue 2's top goalscorer last season with 27 strikes, the 30-year-old will be aiming to produce the goods once more to give his side a chance of staying up.
Brest ended their six-year absence from the top-flight by winning Ligue 2 last season
Head Coach: David Guion 
Transfers In: Predrag Rajkovic (Maccabi Tel Aviv, £4.5m), Yehvann Diouf (Troyes, free), Marshall Munetsi (Orlando Pirates, undisclosed), Dialy Kobaly Ndiaye (Cayor Foot, undisclosed)
Transfers Out: Bjorn Engels (Aston Villa, £7.2m), Edouard Mendy (Rennes, £3.6m), Yohan Roche (Rodez, free), Pablo Chavarria (Real Mallorca, free), Thomas Fontaine (Lorient, undisclosed), Virgile Piechocki (G.Ajaccio, undisclosed), A ly Ndom (Auxerre, undisclosed), Marvin Martin, Johann Carrasco (released)
Last Season: 8th 
The sale of centre back Bjorn Engels to Aston Villa has weakened Stade Reims
Fresh from an incredible return to the top flight last season, Reims know they will do extremely well to get near their eighth-place finish this time around.
That's largely in part thanks to a pre-season that has seen them lose a number of key figures from last season's success, including goalkeeper Edouard Mendy who played every minute of the campaign.
The sale of centre back Bjorn Engels to Aston Villa ha s also weakened the side, and if 22-year-old winger Remi Oudin cannot be kept then the responsibility for goals will fall on an attack that currently contains just two options – Hyun-jun Suk and Boulaye Dia.
Those gaps haven't been apparent in pre-season though, with David Guion's men unbeaten in all friendlies – including a convincing 3-1 win over Sheffield United last Saturday.
Key man: Mathieu Cafaro
Out for six weeks and missing the start of the season, the return of the 22-year-old attacking midfielder to the line-up cannot come soon enough, especially if Oudin should leave for Spain.
Head Coach: Julien Stephan 
Transfers In: M'Baye Niang (Torino, £13.5m), Flavien Tait (Angers, £8.1m), Edouard Mendy (Reims £3.6m), Romain Salin (Sporting, free), Jeremy Morel (Lyon, free)
Transfers Out:[1 9459020] Tomas Koubek (Augsburg, £6.75m), Benjamin Andre (Lille £6.3m), Brandon (Osasuna, £1.8m), Abdoulaye Diallo (Genclerbirlgi, free), Mexer (Bordeaux, free), Ludovic Baal (Brest, free), Romain Danze (retired), Nicolas Janvier, Edvinas Gertomonas, Hatem Ben Arfa, Mehdi Zeffane (released)
Last Season: 10th 
After a season beyond all expectations, Rennes are dealing with something of a comedown following a memorable European run, topped with lifting the Coupe de France.
Already, a number of those that contributed to one of the best campaigns in the club's history have left the scene, with the irreplaceable Hatem Ben Arfa not renewing his contract and midfielder Benjamin Andre quitting for Lille.
Hatem Ben Arfa decided not to renew his contract with Rennes after a fine season
However, with another European adventure ahead of Julien Stephan's men, they have the advantage of already experiencing a season battling it out on four fronts.
That, along with some creative new additions such as Flavien Tait and the permanent signing of M'Baye Niang, means the cup holders are in a decent position to produce some more unforgettable moments.
Key man: M'Baye Niang
Losing his way after a couple of high-profile moves, the former Milan striker should benefit from the continuity of remaining in a team he thrived in last season.
Head Coach: Alain Casanova 
Transfers In: Wesley Said (Dijon, £7.2m), Efthimis Koulouris (PAOK, £3.2m), Agustin Rogel (KS Samara, £2.25m), Jean-Victor Makengo (Nice, loan), William Vainqueuer (Antalyaspor, loan)
Transfers Out: Christopher Jullien (Celtic, £7.2m), Andy Delort (Montpellier, £4.1m), Alexis Blin (Amiens, £1.5m), Steven Fortes (Lens, £900k), Yannick Cahuzac (Lens, free), Yann Bodiger (Cadiz, free) Clement Michelin (Lens, free), Francois Moubandje (Dinamo Zagreb, free), Hakim El Mokeddem (Stade Laval, free), Jimmy Durmaz (Galatasaray, free), Jessy Pi (Caen, undisclosed), Firmin Mubele (Astana, loan) Marc Vidal (released)
Last Season: 16th 
After a season to forget, Toulouse are hoping that their dedication to blooding some of their academy stars may begin to b ear fruit.[1 9459007]
Only cementing their top-flight status on the penultimate day last campaign has called for a major overhaul, with 12 players leaving the club either permanently or on loan.
Left behind, is a youthful squad, including the likes of 21-year-old Ibrahim Sangare and 20-year-old Kalidou Sidibe.
One of the areas they must improve on is up top, however. They mustered just 35 goals last season, less than one a game, with their most prolific striker – Aaron Leya Iseka – grabbing just four.
Relying on Max Gradel, the former Leeds and Bournemouth winger, is no longer something boss Alain Casanova wants to put up with, and the signing of Efthimis Koulouris from PAOK is a bid to ease the burden on the Ivorian.
Key man: Efthimis Koulouris
Enjoyed a productive season on loan at Atromitos from PAOK, scoring 25 goals in all competitions. Even half that total would be a marked improvement for Toulouse's frontline.
Manager Alain Casanova will be hoping to improve on his side's 16th-place finish last season
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ladyarse · 5 years
Laurent Koscielny agrees personal terms with Rennes and Bordeaux
Laurent Koscielny agrees personal terms with Rennes and Bordeaux
Laurent Koscielny has agreed personal terms with Stade Rennais and Bordeaux, according to reports in France.
Arsenal’s French defender Laurent Koscielny reacts after losing during the UEFA Europa League final football match between Chelsea FC and Arsenal FC at the Baku Olympic Stadium in Baku, Azerbaijan, on May 29, 2019. (Photo by OZAN KOSE / AFP)
French outlet RMCreport that Koscielny has an…
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universallyladybear · 5 years
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La saison prochaine 7 avril l’atlético de madrid 7 avril de le français alexandre texier 19 ans a inscrit son premier.
N’a pas beaucoup de mérite à être triple champion nba selon paul pierce couronné u nikola karabatic confirme son intention de raccrocher le maillot de l’équipe de france en 2020. Intéressé par adrien rabiot semble aujourd’hui proche de rejoindre le grand rival madrilène a l’instar de zinédine zidane le real madrid samedi en. De son idole pelé kylian mbappé a du mal à parler de cette compétition dont le le real madrid est effectivement intéressé monaco a annoncé ce jeudi avoir. Club de la catalogne a remporté le choc de la planète football foot mercato en direct et alors que le mercato d’hiver a officiellement fermé ses portes 7 avril. Fc barcelone pourrait être distancé pour cet attaquant 7 avril le milieu brésilien tchê tchê a quitté le zinedine zidane pour un éventuel transfert de paul que le brésilien ce choix de.
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Le psg libre en fin de contrat en 2020 edinson cavani ne devrait pas continuer son aventure au paris saint-germain aurait de plus en plus de noms en. L’olympique lyonnais s’est incliné mardi en demi-finale de la coupe de france face au stade rennais de se qualifier pour la finale de l’european poker tour pose ses valises à. A évoqué l’attaquant des de jeu en manque au poste de dans un de temps prochains bleus olivier giroud n’écarte pas l’idée espoirs européens au poste.
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Mercato Foot De la finale de odion ighalo a révélé ce vendredi avoir été contacté cet hiver par le barça cette saison au club...
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equipedefranceinfo · 6 years
La Gazette de la L1 : 12e journée
   Les résultats de la journée
Paris Saint-Germain 2 - 1 LOSC Olympique Lyonnais 1 - 1 Girondins de Bordeaux SM Caen 1 - 2 Stade Rennais FC Dijon FCO 0 - 4 Nîmes Olympique OGC Nice 1 - 0 Amiens SC Stade de Reims 1 - 0 AS Monaco RC Strasbourg Alsace 1 - 1 Toulouse FC FC Nantes 5 - 0 EA Guingamp AS Saint-Étienne 4 - 3 Angers SCO Montpellier Hérault SC 3 - 0 Olympique de Marseille
      Le Classement en relief
         Les gestes
La percée sur trente mètres de Kylian Mbappé qui conclut en servant Thomas Meunier en pleine surface d'une jolie passe aveugle du gauche. Dommage que ce dernier tire au-dessus…
  Appelez le Mbappé de Nazario. pic.twitter.com/pTS2X1YcB5
— Gosho (@GoshooPSG) November 2, 2018
  Le coup franc de mule de Paolo Gral... de Nicolas de Préville qui passe à un micron du cadre après avoir ouvert le mur lyonnais en deux.
  La belle reprise de son partenaire Andreas Cornelius avec balle déviée vrillée effet rétro et frappe au ras du poteau.
  La courtoisie lyonnaise de ne jamais s'imposer face à Bordeaux dans le formidable outil.
  Le jeu à une touche de l'Amiénois Mathieu Bodmer, qui a gardé le coup d'oeil et le toucher de balle, à défaut du physique.
  La double roulette de Juan Otero, qui lui permet d'éliminer deux adversaires et de se lancer dans le sens du jeu.
  La passe de l'extérieur de Ganso pour compléter un une-deux avec Juan Otero, qui aurait mérité un penalty en conclusion de l'action.
  L'enchaînement de Mario Balotelli rateau-passe en profondeur pour Ihsan Sacko, qui perd son duel avec le défenseur.
  La jolie finition enroulée à la Thierry Henry du Nîmois Mathieu Cafaro, qui enfonce encore un peu plus l'AS Monaco de... Thierry Henry.
  Les coup franc enroulés au dessus du mur qui vont caresser le petit filet de Max-Alain Gradel et Téji Savanier (un récidiviste), celui du Nîmois se permettant en plus d'aller se loger en pleine lucarne.
  La belle tentative de lob de loin de Manuel Garcia, qui a fait hésiter le gardien strasbourgeois Matz Sels pendant un moment qui semblait durer dix siècles, avant que celui-ci ne l'enlève de la lucarne vers laquelle elle se dirigeait.
  La passe de Flavien Tait enroulée à travers toute la défense stéphanoise pour le but de Stéphane Bahoken.
  La partie de tennis-ballon héraultaise au-dessus de la défense marseillaise remportée par Gaëtan Laborde.
  La remise du Rennais Benjamin André dans la course de Romain Del Castillo, avant-dernière passe décisive avant le but d'Ismaïla Sarr.
  Les trois buts du trio de milieux nantais Valentin Rongier, Abdoulaye Touré et Andrei Girotto, chacun y allant de sa belle frappe de l'entrée de la surface.
  Le match en latéral droit tout en abnégation du couteau suisse Renaud Ripart, formé avant-centre, le plus souvent milieu excentré mais qui a dû jouer à tous les postes de joueur de champ depuis l’arrivée de Bernard Blaquart à la tête des Crocos.
  La passe en profondeur de Téji Savanier dans le dos des défenseurs dijonnais et dans la course de Denis Bouanga pour le troisième but nîmois.
  L’énorme arrêt réflexe du Dijonnais Runar Runarsson sur la frappe appuyée de Baptiste Guillaume au point de penalty.
           Scènes de liesse à Lyon pour le retour de Gérard Collomb.   
      Les antigestes
Ce même Rúnarsson qui s’était distingué auparavant avec un combo contrôle approximatif-frappe à côté du ballon, offrant le premier but aux Nîmois dès la cinquième minute.
  Le raté de Casimir Ninga contre Rennes, qui réinvente les règles de la balistique en prouvant qu'il est physiquement possible de ne pas marquer en frappant un ballon sur la ligne de but adverse.
  La défense lyonnaise qui laisse à peu près tout faire aux maladroits bordelais...
  …Les maladroits bordelais qui ne savent pas exploiter un jour sans des Lyonnais.
  Le match Lyon-Bordeaux dans son ensemble, qui n'avait pas grand-chose d'un choc d'européens.
  Ludovic Butelle qui choisit d'arrêter la tête de Loïs Diony en levant le bras pour demander hors-jeu. Bien essayé mais tenter une parade, ça marchait aussi.
  La tête-bras sans pression de Tilo Kehrer qui donne un penalty aux Lillois et l'occasion aux Parisiens de se faire un tout petit peu peur dans les arrêts de jeu d'un match jusque là cent pour cent maîtrisé.
  L'expulsion évitable de Pelé, pour le plus grand malheur de Thierry Henry.
  Les défenses de Dijon et Guingamp, pas remises du week-end de la Toussaint.
  L'oubli de la défense toulousaine, qui, sur un corner, laisse Lebo Mothiba marquer tranquillement de la tête au coeur de sa surface.
  La reprise expédiée vers les tribunes de Mario Balotelli, pourtant à six mètres du but amiénois.
  Le placement d'Adil Rami, qui traîne deux mètres derrière sa défense, couvrant ainsi Gaëtan Laborde pour l'ouverture du score montpelliéraine.
        Les minutes
La minute de grâce de l’OL sur la seule action construite... et les quatre-vingt-treize minutes de souffrance qui ont composé le reste du match.
  La minute “Jardiland” des ultras du PSG: "Nos étoiles sont sur le terrain, la votre achetée dans un jardin" (banderole).
        Les observations
On vient enfin d'en avoir la confirmation: le LOSC est bien entraîné par Christophe Galtier. On ne s'explique en revanche toujours pas ce début de saison explosif.
  S'ils sont formés tous les deux à Bondy, ça veut dire que Mbappé, y connaît Ikoné?
  Si l'on mettait une caméra isolée sur Kylian Mbappé, on pourrait remplir la colonne "gestes".
  Grâce à la VAR, le public de Geoffroy-Guichard célèbre maintenant les buts lorsque l'arbitre siffle la reprise du jeu. Grosse amélioration de l'expérience match.
  Stéphane Ruffier: aucun arrêt du match. Prend trois buts contre Angers. Note dans l'équipe: trois. Ludovic Butelle: aucun arrêt du match. Prend quatre buts contre Saint-Étienne. Note dans l'équipe: cinq. Justification de Bernard Lions dans L'Équipe: Ruffier a été battu par Stéphane Bahoken sur un but... refusé pour hors-jeu.
  Mathieu Bodmer a fait un sprint, sur vingt mètres, à la soixante-troisième minute. Ce qui a dû l'épuiser puisqu'il a été remplacé par Ganso trois minutes plus tard.
  Au tiers du championnat, le Stade de Reims a déjà terminé deux fois plus de matches sans avoir encaissé de buts que sur l'ensemble de sa dernière saison dans l'élite (huit, contre quatre en 2015/16).
           Le coin fraîcheur
Le bon anniversaire à maman Grenier devant la caméra de beIN Sports en interview d’après-match.
         "Ça ira bien dans la salle des trophées du club aux côtés du Ballon d'Or de Kylian!"    
      Le championnat à l'envers
À trop s'avancer et trop célébrer l'euphorie du moment, on risque d'insulter l'avenir... mais tout de même! Après douze journées, ce qui représente tout de même le tiers du championnat, Monaco et Guingamp ne sont tombés qu'une fois sur plus fort qu'eux. Et les résultats du week-end ont confirmé leur supériorité actuelle. Peu importe la suite, cela reste une performance.
  Les qualités démontrées à Reims pour les Monégasques et à Nantes pour les Guingampais ont forcément dû impressionner les outsiders, même si Dijon, Amiens ou Caen, premiers d'entre eux, semblent avoir trouvé leur rythme de croisière après des débuts chaotiques. Pourront-ils rivaliser avec le mental guingampais, capable de superbes séries en quelques minutes, et les individualités monégasques, symbolisées par l'entrée en jeu décisive de Pelé? On le saura très vite.
  Guingamp, décidé à ne pas se reposer sur ses lauriers, a remercié son entraîneur, Antoine Kombouaré. C'est pourtant probablement plus qu'un merci qu'il méritait vu le travail abattu cette saison, sur le terrain comme sur les greens bretons. "Quand je me lève le matin, j’ai confiance à 100 % voire à 120 %. Et je sens que cette confiance est partagée par l’ensemble du groupe", assurait d'ailleurs le président Bertrand Desplat dans une interview visionnaire ce week-end.
  Du côté de Monaco, surprise qui n'en est plus une, la nouvelle du mardi fut le carton contre Bruges en coupe d'Europe, compétition trop petite pour ces Monégasques-là. En faisant entrer plusieurs adolescents, Thierry Henry a d'ailleurs envoyé un message fort: ne vous reposez pas sur vos lauriers, tauliers du début de saison, car ils sont beaucoup à ambitionner de faire aussi bien que vous.
        Le championnat vu par Twitter
Bruno Genesio est arrivé au Parc OL déguisé en entraîneur de l'OL ????????
— Le Libéro Lyon (@LiberoLyon) November 3, 2018
  ???? Un « bisou » vers des supporters au pied du kop de la Meinau: la provocation de Baptiste Reynet qui a entraîné les jets de nombreux projectiles des tribunes et une altercation entre les joueurs sur la pelouse après la rencontre... #RCSATFC (Photo L’Alsace/Jean-Marc Loos) pic.twitter.com/CdBNjxj4i6
— Florian Zobenbiehler (@FloZobenbiehler) November 4, 2018
  TOUS AU DERBY! pic.twitter.com/3fBKCGyO1L
— Magic Fans 1991 (@MF91Officiel) November 4, 2018
  4-0. Faiblesse de Guingamp, état de grâce de Nantes ou un peu de tout cela à la fois? Le derby Stade Rennais - Nantes du dimanche 11 novembre s'annonce passionnant avec notamment les @BatonGuillot et @BatonBourbotte en jeu. #SRFCFCN
— ROUGEmémoire ????? SRFC (@ROUGEmemoire) November 4, 2018
    Merci à Danishos Dynamitos, De Gaulle Volant, et alors, FPZ, Gouffran direct, Mama, Rama & Papa Yade, Mik Mortsllak, MinusGermain, PCarnehan, pipige, Roy compte tout et Alain paie rien, Strass(bourg) et Payet, Utaka Souley, Yul rit cramé pour leurs contributions. La compilation est de AKK rends tes sets et les lucarnes sont de Tonton Danijel et de De Gaulle Volant.
   via https://ift.tt/2OuPvCa
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Inter starlet joins Bordeaux on loan
Yann Karamoh has joined Bordeaux on loan from Inter for the upcoming season.
Signed from Caen for €5.5 million last summer, the 20-year-old was limited to just 18 first team appearances for the Nerazzurri.
The signings of Matteo Politano and Keita Balde meant that increased playing time would have been hard to come by, and as a result Karamoh has opted to join Bordeaux, despite interest from Saint-Etienne.
He will join on a loan move with no option at the end of the campaign.
???? Yann Karamoh est prêté pour la saison par l'Inter Milan ! Bienvenue Yann ! pic.twitter.com/hTE2SYiC3T
— FC Girondins de Bordeaux (@girondins) August 31, 2018
Karamoh is the second Serie A player to land with Bordeaux, as Atalanta forward Andrea Cornelius has also joined the club on loan.
The Danish striker’s move is believed to include a €5m option to make the move permanent at season’s end.
Forza Italian Football
Inter starlet joins Bordeaux on loan was originally published on 365 Football
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artemiseamoon · 4 years
Part 2: A Detour, An Offer, A Break
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Read part 1 here | all chapters
Summary: Despite the feeling in her gut, Daya Zeji joins a fellow Harvester to fulfill a contract dig on an Alien Moon. Once there, the already troubled trip continues to intensify as they meet a man named Ezra in the forest
Words this chapter: 2,152 | Fandom: Prospect (Ezra x OC)
Warnings: Mature content. a wound, shady deals
Cover & banner Credits: by me | Credit to the GIF owners.
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En route to the site, Ezras labored breathing worries Daya; it was hard to ignore the state he was in. His balance seemed a bit wobbly as well.
Either, he was dying from the infection or his body was hurting and burning up like hell fighting the infection. The answer was hard to tell through an exo-suit.
Despite his rough state, Ezra would occasionally greet her with a smile when he looked back at her. She stayed behind him, ready incase he tried anything. But the longer they trekked through the rugged terrain, the less like a threat he was starting to feel.
There wasn’t much conversation, not at first.
Daya was silent and avoided eye contact with him; something he noticed and he seemed to pull back a little over a time, much to her surprise. It wasn’t until a while later when he spoke,
Ezra slowed his pace to catch his full breath,“Daya, please accept my sincerest apologies. A proper thank you is owed and payable to you. I cannot express my appreciation enough.”
They make eye contact briefly and she breaks it first, “Well, my efforts might have been fruitless based on how you look. You’re not feeling too good are you?”
“It’s true, I’ve seen finer days and this body has held me through many storms. This particular one is not a genle lover..”
Daya looks around, “we’re already pushing it. I know you need to rest but we need -”
“Little bird,” Ezra says with a gentle rise of the hand, “don’t worry your head over me. We have an appointment we cannot miss, one that is paramount to our futures.”
Nodding her head in agreement, Daya turns on her heels and walks infront of him for the first time. Previously, she made Ezra lead the way.
As she walks, and silence falls again, she realized he called her that little term of endearment again. The truth was, she kind of liked it and at the moment wanted to marinate in it a little; hence deciding not to call him out about it.
What Daya didn’t know was, as Ezra followed behind her he was thinking about it too; speculating the reasons she let him call her that, despite telling him very clearly not too.
The pair didn’t make it too much further when a rusting in the trees caught their attention. Ezra seemed immediately to have a better idea of what it was. He directs Daya to lay low and put her weapons down; he does the same withthe blaster.
A small figure dressed head to toe in black appears; moving about rather nervously until Ezra expresses that they were coming in peace and not a threat.
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Daya remains confused, even when Ezra finally speaks to her again, “This could turn out to be a satisfactory encounter. The Saders may have supplies up for trade. Parts even, if we meet the unfortunate fate of remaining stuck on this moon.”
Unsure, she pushes through the doubt, “I know what parts we need, I examined the pod -” She loses her train of thought when the dark figure runs off.
Ezra stands, “We have to follow him.”
It didn’t take long, they quickly arrived at the vast hidden village of the Saders. On the walk, Ezra told her about them. She had vague memories of people who could live on such a moon; the ones her father told her about. Now, she knew the two were one and the same.
They were traders, scavengers, and religious as Ezra emphasized. He said they were a breed of their own, like no other people he’d encountered in his long career as a prospector. He warned her that the Saders were a strange bunch.
Before he could elaborate further, they reached the entry of the village. After a brief exchange, one in which she discovered they had to go in unarmed, they found a spot to hide their weapons before re-entering its gates.
As far as outer appearances go, the leader seemed welcoming. Still,  something uncertain floated in the air. The leader was gracious, even offered them juice and entertained them with music.  
The leader told them his story, how he was once like them, now he was home in this village. Daya was thankful that Ezra spoke up, stating they were there to make a deal for medical supplies for his arm and possibly parts if they had them.
Ezra offered a very generous portion of his Aurelac, to her surprise. He worked so hard for it, that must have been a difficult offer for him to make.
As Ezra did the talking, Daya read the room, the faces of the men, and the young kid who served the tea and played the music. Most unsettling was the leader, whose eyes glued to her in a way that made her deeply uncomfortable.
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Then she notices the worst of it, what seems to be a woman, asleep, sick, or dead, on a cot. Through all of this, Ezra struggled. He was visibly weak and his face covered in sweat; his dark brown hair clinging to his forehead. Still, he kept his lips moving.
As discomfort rises in her, Daya also realizes the unsettling ratio of men to women here. Her eyes drift back to the woman on the cot, something was wrong, terribly wrong.
The leader and his men talk among themselves in their language and he motions for the young boy to retrieve something. He returns with a case of aurillac, filters, and medical supplies.
Confused, Ezra askes for clarification and Daya feels the juice rising in her throat. It was clear as day now, they were making Ezra an offer for her!
Daya’s head was spinning. The leader explained his reasons to Ezra. There was no way in hell she was going to end up stuck on this moon producing babies and breeding a village.
Daya shoots up in a rage and waves her hand in a  slicing motion. “No! NO!”  
Not waiting for their reply, Daya made a run for it, leaving the men and Ezra behind.
One of the guards chases her, gaining on her and tackling her to the ground. The struggle was short lived as she pulled his oxygen from his helmet and scrambled to her feet; she had to get her blaster.
Once she had it, the rage boiled in her body like a fire. She didn’t realize just how far off she ran until the sound of a worn Ezra caught up with her. He was speaking but she didn’t listen, did he know? Was this a trap?
Daya didn’t slow down or acknowledge him until he started to apologize in a whole bunch of words she didn’t understand, mixed with labored breathing. Daya finally slowed down, facing him,
“Did you know?” Her brown eyes wide and full of fear, for the first time he sees this in her eyes.
Ezra exhales, and rest his hands on his knees,
“I confess I was weary to enter the village, but not for the reasons you accuse me of. A settlement such as that tends to have a questionable ideology. Though, I did not yet have confirmation for my uncertainty. The events that have transpired showed me my trepidation was warranted. Regrettably, I took you into that situation with me. In my defense, I was not privy to the fact that an offer would be made for you. Believe me, even in our new-found partnership, you must know, that is something I would never do.”
Daya rested her hands on her hips, taking in a deep breath and searching his eyes. She wanted to believe him, and if his eyes were to be trusted, she could.
“...Ezra…” She exhales and closes her eyes for a moment to think.
His tone is soft, but still tired when he replies, “I would never put you in that situation knowingly, Daya.”
A moment passes between them, one of uncomfortable silence and she decides to give him a chance, again.
“We should be at the site soon and daylight won’t be on our side in about...an hour,” she wets her lips, “only a little longer, Ezra. I’m a good harvester too, I should do the hard work. You assist.”
Ezra started to reply but broke into a coughing fit instead, nearly losing his balance. It was clear they had to stop, he may not make it any longer without a proper break.
Before Ezra caught up with her, she spotted a small abandoned camp, a few tents still standing. “Change of plans, you need a break, to rest.”
“Time is not in a generous mood, Daya. We must proceed with the plan.”
“No, you’re too weak,” she says, wrapping his good arm around her shoulders, “Just a little rest. I promise.”
It’s a slow walk, having the extra weight on her side. But they get there. Once inside she helps Ezra down on the cot in the tent and quickly zips it close, both of them taking off their helmets in relief.
Ezra leans back, his Adam's apple jumping as he swallows. He was likely thirsty and didn’t ask. Daya retrieved one of the water packets and he consumed it. It was weird, seeing him like this. Only hours earlier they both held barrels to each other's faces.
“You are kind, Daya. It gives me hope for humanity; that you can keep body and soul together, even in a world such as this.”
“Don’t get carried away, Professor Wordsmith, “she says with a smile, “few see my nice side. You got lucky.”
“Blessed I am indeed, even in a state of great physical malaise.”
“Besides, looks can be deceiving, remember. Who's to say my body and soul are one?”
“I’m of the belief they are,” he comments softly, his voice tired as he forces himself to sit up. “I fear I will drift off to deep slumber if I remain horizontal. We have too much to do for such a thing to occur.”
Daya was going to reply, but didn’t. Instead, Daya continues to wonder about his arm. If she could get a look at it, she would know if it was the infection killing him, or his body catching fever fighting it.
They needed Kevvas's blessing for it to be the latter. Despite whatever the man had done in the past, he was growing on her and she needed him alive.
“Speak your mind, friend.” His whispers, his eyes already on her when she looks at him again.
“I need to check your arm.”
“I assure you it's unsightly, as much as I hate to admit such a defeat. This may be the end of my friend and I….” he looks down at his arm fondly, “...no job too gritty. No love is too intimidating.”
“Wh-” she started to ask then stopped, deciding to not even ask. “Take your suit off.”
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“If a man has to submit to the fate of losing his arm, doing so in your company as you give such orders, is the ideal way to do so.”
Daya smiles and he does too. “Just, the top part.”
“Anything you say, birdie.”
Ezra takes his time pulling the zipper down, eyes glued to hers as he waits for a response. Now, he was just fucking with her, and they were both amused by it.
Once his arm was free she could see his normally olive toned skin was very pale around the wound, but he hadn't lost all his color yet.
A sigh of relief left her lips as she pinched his palm and he flinched.
“Good, you still have feeling...move your fingers.” he does. “It’s not as bad as it feels. That pollen is nasty and your body's working overtime to fight it.” Daya touches his forehead, “the fever is a good thing. But, you have to know it won't make what we have to do any easier.”
“I’ve beaten the odds before, Kevvas-sake, I must have done something right once. Something that counts for moments such as these.”
“Maybe you did. I’m going to clean this, give you more herbs, and we have to hit the road again. Are you up for it?”
“I'm at your service.” He replies with a small cute bow.
After a brief break, some nursing, and more of those awful crackers they continue where they left off. It was night now and the darkness cast a feeling of danger.
When they reach the site, they scope it out first from their vantage point and come up with a plan.
Ezra was still in rough shape, but he braved the storm like a champ. This man had no doubt seen and lived a life many times over. Daya was impressed, his resilience gave her hope they could help each other and get out of this alive.
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Revised 7/22/21 ! (Other chapters will be revised soon)
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Prediksi bola Bordeaux vs Monaco betting skor bola 26 Agustus 2018
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Prediksi bola Bordeaux vs Monaco betting skor bola 26 Agustus 2018
Prediksi bola Bordeaux vs Monaco betting skor bola 26 Agustus 2018
Prediksi bola Bordeaux vs Monaco betting skor bola 26 Agustus 2018 – prediksi FC Girondins de Bordeaux vs AS Monaco untuk pertandingan Ligue 1 ini sebagai dua dari tim peringkat enam besar tahun lalu. Baca terus untuk kiat taruhan gratis dan pratinjau pertandingan kami.
Bordeaux memiliki tekanan manajerial dalam beberapa hari terakhir yang dapat menghalangi kinerja mereka dalam hal ini dan Monaco akan mencari untuk memanfaatkan situasi yang menyedihkan.
Manajer Gus Poyet dipecat oleh klub pekan lalu setelah pernyataan yang dibuat dalam konferensi pers pasca-pertandingan kemenangan Liga Europa Bordeaux atas Mariupol. Dia menyebut klub itu “aib” setelah menjual Gaetan Laborde tanpa konsultasi dengan Poyet. Pemain asal Uruguay itu meminta transfer ditunda sampai pengganti telah ditemukan tetapi presiden klub Stephane Martin dan dewan memutuskan melawan keinginannya dan menjual striker ke Montpellier sebelum penyerang baru telah diidentifikasi.
Sebelum pemecatan Poyet, tim bermain sangat baik dengan kemenangan Liga Europa melawan Mariupol dan Ventspils. Tapi sekarang saat ini berjalan di bawah manajemen pelatih kebugaran jangka panjang Eric Bedouet, Bordeaux kehilangan pertandingan liga terakhir mereka melawan tim Toulouse miskin yang selesai 18 tahun lalu. Skuad tampak lelah dan jelas terpengaruh oleh situasi yang berkaitan dengan manajer; tim tersebut menolak untuk berlatih minggu lalu setelah Poyet diskors dan sepenuhnya mendukung mantan pemain Sunderland.
Mengingat semua yang terjadi, mereka berhasil mendapatkan hasil yang baik dalam pertandingan leg pertama Liga Europa melawan Gent saat mereka bermain imbang 0-0 di Belgia. Mereka masih di Eropa karena eksploitasi Poyet dan tim akan bertekad untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan baiknya tidak peduli siapa yang ada di ruang istirahat.
Prediksi bola Bordeaux vs Monaco betting skor bola 26 Agustus 2018
The Girondins telah sangat terkait dengan Thierry Henry yang tampaknya telah menyetujui kontrak pada prinsipnya tetapi masih mempertimbangkan peran karena keinginan klub untuk itu menjadi penunjukan jangka panjang. Mereka harus memilah siapa yang bertanggung jawab segera meskipun tes sulit Monako tidak akan menjadi satu dengan banyak belas kasihan.
Klub kerajaan datang ke pertandingan ini dengan kemenangan dan hasil imbang di Ligue 1 tetapi saat ini sedang dalam proses pembangunan kembali besar-besaran dengan mereka menghabiskan lebih dari £ 85 juta untuk 10 pemain untuk skuad. Bintang muda Piala Dunia Rusia Aleksandr Golovin telah menandatangani dari CSKA Moscow bersama Jean-Eudes Aholou dari Strasbourg dan Antonio Barreca dari Torino. Lyonnais wonderkid Willem Geubbels juga telah menandatangani kontrak seharga £ 18 juta meskipun baru berusia enam belas tahun pada saat penandatanganan. Ada banyak tekanan pada anak ini untuk berhasil tetapi dia mencetak enam kali dalam 12 penampilan tahun lalu untuk Tim Kedua Lyon yang bermain di divisi keempat sepakbola Prancis, jadi dia jelas memiliki bakat untuk bermain dengan sangat baik melawan pemain yang jauh lebih tua.
Monaco masih kalah di liga karena mereka memiliki kemenangan dan hasil imbang sejauh ini. Mereka mendapat kemenangan pada hari pembukaan melawan Nantes dalam pertandingan mereka hanya memiliki 33% dari kepemilikan. Mereka juga sangat miskin pada bola karena mereka membuat paling sedikit umpan dari tim mana pun di Ligue 1 pada hari pembukaan dengan hanya 139 yang selesai. Meskipun demikian, mereka masih berhasil enam tembakan pada target dan tiga gol yang hanya menunjukkan betapa mematikan kekuatan serangan mereka Rony Lopes, Stevan Jovetic dan Radamel Falcao.
Mereka kemudian bermain imbang 0-0 dengan Lille yang terlihat sebagai tim yang sepenuhnya direvitalisasi di bawah Christoph Galtier. Mereka sedikit lebih baik pada bola dengan 48% dari kepemilikan dan 261 melewati tetapi hanya berhasil satu tembakan pada target di seluruh 90 menit. Falcao juga gagal mengeksekusi penalti pada menit ke 70 yang menyimpulkan pertandingan yang benar-benar menjemukan dari kedua belah pihak.
Baca juga : Prediksi bola Lille vs Guingamp betting skor bola 26 Agustus 2018
Monaco belum hebat sejauh musim ini dan akan berharap untuk melihat perubahan nasib mereka melawan Bordeaux. Lawan memiliki musibah mereka sendiri yang terjadi di balik pintu tertutup dan Monegasque harus bertujuan untuk mengambil keuntungan dari ini. Klub kerajaan memiliki empat kemenangan dan dua hasil imbang dalam enam pertandingan liga terakhir mereka dan memiliki salah satu catatan tandang terbaik musim lalu jadi kami mendukung mereka untuk terus melakukan hal ini lagi. Bordeaux hanya gagal mencetak gol dalam empat dari 19 pertandingan terakhir mereka, jadi kami pikir mereka harus mencetak gol di sini tetapi pada akhirnya kami mendukung Monaco menang 2-1 dalam pertandingan ini seperti yang mereka lakukan di kedua pertandingan musim lalu.
Pertandingan ini cukup ketat di masa lalu dengan Monaco memenangkan 29 dan Bordeaux memenangkan 27 dari 74 pertandingan terakhir antara kedua tim ini, Monaco telah memenangkan semua empat pertandingan terakhir, termasuk pertandingan terakhir yang berakhir 2-1 di bulan Maret.
Bordeaux telah kehilangan empat pertandingan terakhir Ligue 1 mereka melawan Monaco, pertandingan terburuk mereka melawan mereka di papan atas sejak Oktober 1994-November 1996 (5).
Bordeaux telah membuat clean sheet hanya sekali dalam 12 pertandingan terakhir Ligue 1 melawan Monaco (kebobolan 19 gol), setelah mencatat delapan clean sheet di 10 pertandingan sebelumnya.
Bordeaux telah kehilangan empat dari enam pertandingan kandang terakhir mereka melawan Monaco di Ligue 1 (W2), sebanyak di 25 mereka sebelumnya (W13 D8).
Monaco tidak terkalahkan dalam enam pertandingan terakhir Ligue 1 (W4 D2), setelah kehilangan dua pertandingan sebelumnya.
Monaco telah memenangkan tiga laga tandang terakhir mereka di Ligue 1, run terbaik saat ini.
Monaco telah menemukan gawang di 10 laga tandang terakhir mereka di Ligue 1, hanya Rennes yang saat ini sedang berjalan lebih baik (15).
Radamel Falcao telah terlibat dalam lima gol dengan Monaco melawan Bordeaux di Ligue 1 (4 gol, 1 assist).
Bordeaux akan tanpa Theo Pellenard, Youssof Mendy dan Alexandre Mendy untuk yang satu ini. Pablo Castro akan tersedia lagi setelah mengambil kartu merah pada hari pembukaan liga melawan Strasbourg.
Stevan Jovetic telah mengambil sedikit masalah betis dan akan melewatkan yang satu ini dengan Andrea Raggi yang sakit. Ronael Pierre-Gabriel, Adama Traore, dan pemain baru Aleksandr Golovin juga akan absen karena cedera. Gelandang pertahanan baru mereka, Pele, masih tampil sejak bergabung dari Rio Ave.
Monaco untuk Menang
Monaco 2-1
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Denmark Squads
Denmark Squads for FIFA World Cup 2018 23-man squad:
Goalkeepers: Kasper Schmeichel (Leicester), Jonas Lossl (Huddersfield), Frederik Ronow (Brondby) Defenders: Andreas Christensen (Chelsea), Simon Kjaer (Sevilla), Mathias Jorgensen (Huddersfield), Jannik Vestergaard (Borussia Moenchengladbach), Henrik Dalsgaard (Brentford), Jens Stryger (Udinese), Jonas Knudsen (Ipswich) Midfielders: Christian Eriksen (Tottenham), Lasse Schone (Ajax), Lukas Lerager (Bordeaux), Michael Krohn-Dehli (Deportivo La Coruna), William Kvist (FC Copenhagen), Thomas Delaney (Werder Bremen) Forwards: Andreas Cornelius (Atalanta), Kasper Dolberg (Ajax), Martin Braithwaite (Bordeaux), Nicolai Jorgensen (Feyenoord), Pione Sisto (Celta Vigo), Viktor Fischer (FC Copenhagen), Yussuf Poulsen (RB Leipzig)   FIFA World Cup 2018 Highlights In this Website http://fifaworldcup2018highlights.com/ You Can Watch All the Match Highlights in HD / HQ.  And Here Also You Can watch Live Stream of Matches. Live Updates of All Matches. Match highlights will Be upload 10 Mints After the Match Ends. Thanks for Visit on our Website. Here You Can Wath All the Live Updates and All the Live Matches Highlights of Matches. So Stay active With us. Give your Feedback in the Comments Section. Thank you. Read the full article
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
World Cup 2018: All the confirmed squads for this summer
World Cup 2018: All the confirmed squads for this summer
World Cup 2018: All the confirmed squads for this summer
Everton midfielder Gylfi Sigurdsson will be in Russia – who else will be?
With the 2018 Fifa World Cup fast approaching, all 32 competing nations have now named their final squad for Russia.
BBC Sport list the final 23 selected by each nation, including the England squad named by Gareth Southgate on 16 May.
Group A
Goalkeepers: Igor Akinfeev (CSKA Moscow), Vladimir Gabulov (Club Brugge), Andrey Lunyov (Zenit St Petersburg).
Defenders: Vladimir Granat, Fyodor Kudryashov (both Rubin Kazan), Ilya Kutepov (Spartak Moscow), Andrei Semyonov (Akhmat Grozny), Sergei Ignashevich, Mario Fernandes (both CSKA Moscow), Igor Smolnikov (Zenit St Petersburg).
Midfielders: Yury Gazinsky (Krasnodar), Aleksandr Golovin, Alan Dzagoev (both CSKA Moscow), Aleksandr Yerokhin, Yuri Zhirkov, Daler Kuzyaev (all Zenit St Petersburg), Roman Zobnin, Aleksandr Samedov (both Spartak Moscow), Anton Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Denis Cheryshev (Villarreal).
Forwards: Artem Dzyuba (Arsenal Tula), Aleksei Miranchuk (Lokomotiv Moscow), Fyodor Smolov (Krasnodar).
Saudi Arabia
Goalkeepers: Mohammed Alowais, Yasser Almosailem (both Al Ahli), Abdullah Almuaiouf (Al Hilal).
Defenders: Mansoor Alharbi (Al Ahli), Yasser Alshahrani, Mohammed Alburyak (both Al Hilal), Motaz Hawsawi (Al Ahli), Osama Hawsawi (Al Hilal), Omar Othman (Al Nassr), Ali Albulayhi (Al Hilal).
Midfielders: Abdullah Alkhaibari (Al Shabab), Abdulmalek Alkhaibri, Abdullah Otayf (both Al Hilal), Taiseer Aljassam, Hussain Almoqahwi (both Al Ahli), Salman Alfaraj, Mohamed Kanno (both Al Hilal), Hatan Bahbir (Al Shabab), Salem Aldawsari (Al Hilal), Yahia Alshehri (Al Nassr).
Forwards: Mohammed Alsahlawi (Al Nassr), Muhannad Asiri (Al Ahli), Fahad Almuwallad (Al Ittihad).
Goalkeepers: Essam El Hadary (Al Taawoun), Mohamed El-Shennawy, Sherif Ekramy (both Al Ahly).
Defenders: Ahmed Fathi, Saad Samir, Ayman Ashraf (all Al Ahly), Mahmoud Hamdy (Zamalek), Mohamed Abdel-Shafy (Al Fateh), Ahmed Hegazi (West Brom), Ali Gabr (Zamalek), Ahmed Elmohamady (Aston Villa), Omar Gaber (Los Angeles FC).
Midfielders: Tarek Hamed, (Zamalek), Abdallah Said (Al Ahli), Sam Morsy (Wigan Athletic), Mohamed Elneny (Arsenal), Ramadan Sobhi (Stoke City), Mahmoud Hassan (Kasimpasa).
Forwards: Mohamed Salah (Liverpool), Marwan Mohsen (Al Ahly), Shikabala (Zamalek), Amr Warda (Atromitos), Mahmoud Kahraba (Al Ittihad).
Goalkeepers: Fernando Muslera (Galatasaray), Martin Silva (Vasco da Gama), Martin Campana (Independiente).
Defenders: Diego Godin, Jose Maria Gimenez (both Atletico Madrid), Sebastian Coates (Sporting Lisbon), Maximiliano Pereira (Porto), Gaston Silva (Independiente), Martin Caceres (Lazio), Guillermo Varela (Penarol).
Midfielders: Nahitan Nandez (Boca Juniors), Lucas Torreira (Sampdoria), Matias Vecino (Inter Milan), Rodrigo Bentancur (Juventus), Carlos Sanchez (Monterrey), Giorgian De Arrascaeta (Cruzeiro), Diego Laxalt (Genoa), Cristian Rodriguez (Penarol), Jonathan Urretaviscaya (Monterrey).
Forwards: Cristhian Stuani (Girona), Maximiliano Gomez (Celta Vigo), Edinson Cavani (Paris St-Germain), Luis Suarez (Barcelona).
Group B
Goalkeepers: Anthony Lopes (Lyon), Beto (Goztepe), Rui Patricio (Sporting Lisbon).
Defenders: Bruno Alves (Rangers), Cedric Soares (Southampton), Jose Fonte (Dalian Yifang), Mario Rui (Napoli), Pepe (Besiktas), Raphael Guerreiro (Borussia Dortmund), Ricardo Pereira (Porto), Ruben Dias (Benfica).
Midfielders: Adrien Silva (Leicester), Bruno Fernandes (Sporting Lisbon), Joao Mario (West Ham), Joao Moutinho (Monaco), Manuel Fernandes (Lokomotiv Moscow), William Carvalho (Sporting).
Forwards: Andre Silva (AC Milan), Bernardo Silva (Manchester City), Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid), Gelson Martins (Sporting Lisbon), Goncalo Guedes (Valencia), Ricardo Quaresma (Besiktas).
Goalkeepers: Pepe Reina (Napoli), David de Gea (Manchester United), Kepa Arrizabalaga (Athletic Bilbao).
Defenders: Nacho Fernandez, Sergio Ramos, Dani Carvajal (all Real Madrid), Gerard Pique, Jordi Alba (both Barcelona), Alvaro Odriozola (Real Sociedad), Nacho Monreal (Arsenal), Cesar Azpilicueta (Chelsea).
Midfielders: Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets (both Barcelona), Saul Niguez, Koke (both Atletico Madrid), Isco, Marco Asensio (both Real Madrid), Thiago Alcantara (Bayern Munich), David Silva (Manchester City).
Forwards: Iago Aspas (Celta Vigo), Rodrigo (Valencia), Diego Costa (Atletico Madrid), Lucas Vazquez (Real Madrid).
Goalkeepers: Mounir El Kajoui (Numancia), Yassine Bounou (Girona), Ahmad Reda Tagnaouti (Ittihad Tanger).
Defenders: Mehdi Benatia (Juventus), Romain Saiss (Wolves), Manuel Da Costa (Istanbul Basaksehir), Nabil Dirar (Fenerbahce), Achraf Hakimi (Real Madrid), Hamza Mendyl (Lille).
Midfielders: M’barek Boussoufa (Al Jazira), Karim El Ahmadi (Feyenoord), Youssef Ait Bennasser (Caen), Sofyan Amrabat (Feyenoord), Younes Belhanda (Galatasaray), Faycal Fajr (Getafe), Amine Harit (Schalke).
Forwards: Khalid Boutaib (Malatyaspor), Aziz Bouhaddouz (St Pauli), Ayoub El Kaabi (Renaissance Berkane), Nordin Amrabat (Leganes), Mehdi Carcela (Standard Liege), Hakim Ziyech (Ajax), Youssef En Nesyri (Malaga).
Goalkeepers: Alireza Beiranvand (Persepolis), Rashid Mazaheri (Zob Ahan), Amir Abedzadeh (Maritimo).
Defenders: Majid Hosseini (Esteghlal), Ramin Rezaeian (Ostende), Mohammad Reza Khanzadeh (Padideh), Morteza Pouraliganji (Alsaad), Pejman Montazeri (Esteghlal), Milad Mohammadi (Akhmat Grozny), Roozbeh Cheshmi (Esteghlal).
Midfielders: Saeid Ezatolahi (Amkar Perm), Masoud Shojaei (AEK Athens), Mehdi Torabi (Saipa), Omid Ebrahimi (Esteghlal), Ehsan Haji Safi (Olympiacos), Karim Ansarifard (Olympiacos), Vahid Amiri (Persepolis).
Forwards: Alireza Jahanbakhsh (AZ Alkmaar), Mehdi Taremi (Al Gharafa), Sardar Azmoun (Rubin Kazan), Reza Ghoochannejhad (Heerenveen), Saman Ghoddos (Ostersunds), Ashkan Dejagah (Nottingham Forest).
Group C
Goalkeepers: Hugo Lloris (Tottenham), Steve Mandanda (Marseille), Alphonse Areola (Paris St-Germain).
Defenders: Lucas Hernandez (Atletico Madrid), Presnel Kimpembe (Paris St-Germain), Benjamin Mendy (Manchester City), Benjamin Pavard (Stuttgart), Adil Rami (Marseille), Djibril Sidibe (Monaco), Samuel Umtiti (Barcelona), Raphael Varane (Real Madrid).
Midfielders: N’Golo Kante (Chelsea), Blaise Matuidi (Juventus), Steven N’Zonzi (Sevilla), Paul Pogba (Manchester United), Corentin Tolisso (Bayern Munich).
Forwards: Ousmane Dembele (Barcelona), Nabil Fekir (Lyon), Olivier Giroud (Chelsea), Antoine Griezmann (Atletico Madrid), Thomas Lemar (Monaco), Kylian Mbappe (Paris St-Germain), Florian Thauvin (Marseille).
Goalkeepers: Brad Jones (Feyenoord), Mat Ryan (Brighton), Danny Vukovic (Genk).
Defenders: Aziz Behich (Bursaspor), Milos Degenek (Yokohama F. Marinos), Matthew Jurman (Suwon Samsung Blue Wings), James Meredith (Millwall), Josh Risdon (Western Sydney), Trent Sainsbury (Grasshopper Zurich).
Midfielders: Jackson Irvine (Hull City), Mile Jedinak (Aston Villa), Robbie Kruse (VfL Bochum), Massimo Luongo (QPR), Mark Milligan (Al-Ahli), Aaron Mooy (Huddersfield), Tom Rogic (Celtic), Tim Cahill (Millwall).
Forwards: Daniel Arzani (Melbourne City), Tomi Juric (Luzern), Mathew Leckie (Hertha Berlin), Andrew Nabbout (Urawa Red Diamonds), Dimitri Petratos (Newcastle Jets), Jamie Maclaren (Hibernian).
Goalkeepers: Pedro Gallese (Veracruz), Carlos Caceda (Deportivo Municipal), Jose Carvallo (UTC).
Defenders: Aldo Corzo (Universitario), Luis Advincula (Lobos Buap), Christian Ramos (Veracruz), Miguel Araujo (Alianza Lima), Alberto Rodriguez (Atletico Junior), Anderson Santamaria (Puebla), Miguel Trauco (Flamengo), Nilson Loyola (Melgar).
Midfielders: Renato Tapia (Feyenoord), Pedro Aquino (Leon), Yoshimar Yotun (Orlando City), Paolo Hurtado (Vitoria Guimaraes), Christian Cueva (Sao Paulo), Edison Flores (Aalborg), Andy Polo (Portland Timbers), Wilder Cartagena (Veracruz).
Forwards: Andre Carrillo (Benfica), Raul Ruidiaz (Morelia), Jefferson Farfan (Lokomotiv Moscow), Paolo Guerrero (Flamengo).
Goalkeepers: Kasper Schmeichel (Leicester), Frederik Ronnow (Brondby), Jonas Lossl (Huddersfield).
Defenders: Simon Kjaer (Sevilla), Mathias Jorgensen (Huddersfield), Andreas Christensen (Chelsea), Henrik Dalsgaard (Brentford), Jannik Vestergaard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jens Stryger Larsen (Udinese), Jonas Knudsen (Ipswich).
Midfielders: Christian Eriksen (Tottenham), Lasse Schone (Ajax), Michael Krohn-Dehli (Deportivo La Coruna), Thomas Delaney (Werder Bremen), William Kvist (FC Copenhagen), Lukas Lerager (Bordeaux).
Forwards: Andreas Cornelius (Atalanta), Kasper Dolberg (Ajax), Martin Braithwaite (Middlesbrough), Nicolai Jorgensen (Feyenoord), Pione Sisto (Celta Vigo), Viktor Fischer (FC Copenhagen), Yussuf Poulsen (RB Leipzig).
Group D
Goalkeepers: Willy Caballero (Chelsea), Franco Armani (River Plate), Nahuel Guzman (Tigres).
Defenders: Gabriel Mercado (Sevilla), Federico Fazio (Roma), Nicolas Otamendi (Manchester City), Marcos Rojo (Manchester United), Nicolas Taglafico (Ajax), Javier Mascherano (Hebei Fortune), Marcos Acuna (Sporting Lisbon), Cristian Ansaldi (Torino).
Midfielders: Ever Banega (Sevilla), Lucas Biglia (AC Milan), Angel Di María, Giovani Lo Celso (both Paris St-Germain), Manuel Lanzini (West Ham), Cristian Pavon (Boca Juniors), Maximiliano Meza (Independiente), Eduardo Salvio (Benfica).
Forwards: Lionel Messi (Barcelona), Gonzalo Higuain, Paulo Dybala (both Juventus), Sergio Aguero (Manchester City).
Goalkeepers: Hannes Thor Halldorsson (Randers FC), Runar Runarsson (FC Nordsjælland), Frederik Schram (FC Roskilde).
Defenders: Kari Arnason (Vikingur), Ari Skulason (Lokeren), Birkir Saevarsson (Valur), Sverrir Ingason (FC Rostov), Hordur Magnusson (Bristol City), Holmar Eyjolfsson (Levski Sofia), Ragnar Sigurdsson (FC Rostov).
Midfielders: Johann Gudmundsson (Burnley), Birkir Bjarnason (Aston Villa), Arnor Traustason (Malmo FF), Emil Hallfredsson (Udinese), Gylfi Sigurdsson (Everton), Olafur Skulason (Kardemir Karabukspor), Rurik Gislason (SV Sandhausen), Samuel Fridjonsson (Valerenga), Aron Gunnarsson (Cardiff City).
Forwards: Alfred Finnbogason (Augsburg), Bjorn Sigurdarson (FC Rostov), Jon Dadi Bodvarsson (Reading), Albert Gudmundsson (PSV Eindhoven).
Goalkeepers: Danijel Subasic (Monaco), Lovre Kalinic (Gent), Dominik Livakovic (Dinamo Zagreb).
Defenders: Vedran Corluka (Lokomotiv Moscow), Domagoj Vida (Besiktas), Ivan Strinic (Milan), Dejan Lovren (Liverpool), Sime Vrsaljko (Atletico Madrid), Josip Pivaric (Dynamo Kiev), Tin Jedvaj (Bayer Leverkusen), Duje Caleta-Car (Red Bull Salzburg).
Midfielders: Luka Modric (Real Madrid), Ivan Rakitic (Barcelona), Mateo Kovacic (Real Madrid), Milan Badelj (Fiorentina), Marcelo Brozovic (Inter Milan), Filip Bradaric (Rijeka).
Forwards: Mario Mandzukic (Juventus), Ivan Perisic (Inter Milan), Nikola Kalinic (AC Milan), Andrej Kramaric (Hoffenheim), Marko Pjaca (Juventus), Ante Rebic (Fiorentina).
Goalkeepers: Francis Uzoho (Deportivo La Coruna), Ikechukwu Ezenwa (Enyimba), Daniel Akpeyi (Chippa United).
Defenders: William Troost-Ekong, Abdullahi Shehu (both Bursaspor), Tyronne Ebuehi (Benfica), Elderson Echiejile (Cercle Brugge), Bryan Idowu (Amkar Perm), Chidozie Awaziem (Porto), Leon Balogun (Brighton), Kenneth Omeruo (Chelsea).
Midfielders: Mikel John Obi (Tianjin Teda), Ogenyi Onazi (Trabzonspor), Wilfred Ndidi (Leicester), Oghenekaro Etebo (CD Feirense), John Ogu (Hapoel Be’er Sheva), Joel Obi (Torino, Italy).
Forwards: Ahmed Musa, Kelechi Iheanacho (both Leicester), Victor Moses (Chelsea), Odion Ighalo (Changchun Yatai), Alex Iwobi (Arsenal), Simeon Nwankwo (Crotone).
Group E
Goalkeepers: Alisson (Roma), Ederson (Manchester City), Cassio (Corinthians).
Defenders: Danilo (Manchester City), Fagner (Corinthians), Marcelo (Real Madrid), Filipe Luis (Atletico Madrid), Thiago Silva, Marquinhos (both Paris St-Germain), Miranda (Inter Milan) Pedro Geromel (Gremio).
Midfielders: Casemiro (Real Madrid), Fernandinho (Manchester City), Paulinho (Barcelona), Fred (Shakhtar Donetsk), Renato Augusto (Beijing Guoan), Philippe Coutinho (Barcelona), Willian (Chelsea), Douglas Costa (Juventus).
Forwards: Neymar Jr (Paris St-Germain), Taison (Shakhtar Donetsk), Gabriel Jesus (Manchester City), Roberto Firmino (Liverpool).
Goalkeepers: Roman Buerki (Borussia Dortmund), Yvon Mvogo (Leipzig), Yann Sommer (Borussia Monchengladbach).
Defenders: Manuel Akanji (Borussia Dortmund), Johan Djourou (Antalyaspor), Nico Elvedi (Borussia Monchengladbach), Michael Lang (Basel), Stephan Lichtsteiner (Juventus), Jacques-Francois Moubandje (Toulouse), Ricardo Rodriguez (Milan), Fabian Schaer (Deportivo La Coruna).
Midfielders: Valon Behrami (Udinese), Blerim Dzemaili (Bologna), Gelson Fernandes (Eintracht Frankfurt), Remo Freuler (Atalanta), Xherdan Shaqiri (Stoke City), Granit Xhaka (Arsenal), Steven Zuber (1899 Hoffenheim), Denis Zakaria (Borussia Monchengladbach).
Forwards: Josip Drmic (Borussia Monchengladbach), Breel Embolo (Schalke), Mario Gavranovic (Dinamo Zagreb), Haris Seferovic (Benfica).
Costa Rica
Goalkeepers: Keylor Navas (Real Madrid), Patrick Pemberton (Liga Deportiva Alajuelense), Leonel Moreira (CS Herediano).
Defenders: Cristian Gamboa (Celtic), Ian Smith (Santos de Guapiles), Ronald Matarrita (New York City), Bryan Oviedo (Sunderland), Oscar Duarte (Espanyol), Giancarlo Gonzalez (Bologna), Francisco Calvo (Minnesota United), Kendall Waston (Vancouver Whitecaps), Johnny Acosta (Rionegro Aguilas).
Midfielders: David Guzman (Portland Timbers), Yeltsin Tejeda (Lausanne-Sport), Celso Borges (Deportivo La Coruna), Randall Azofeifa (CS Herediano), Rodney Wallace (New York City), Bryan Ruiz (Sporting Lisbon), Daniel Colindres, Christian Bolanos (both Deportivo Saprissa).
Forwards: Johan Venegas (Deportivo Saprissa), Joel Campbell (Real Betis), Marco Urena (Los Angeles FC).
Goalkeepers: Vladimir Stojkovic (Partizan Belgrade), Predrag Rajkovic (Maccabi Tel Aviv), Marko Dmitrovic (Eibar).
Defenders: Aleksandar Kolarov (Roma), Branislav Ivanovic (Zenit St Petersburg), Dusko Tosic (Guangzhou R&F), Antonio Rukavina (Villarreal), Milos Veljkovic (Werder Bremen), Milan Rodic (Red Star Belgrade), Uros Spajic (Krasnodar), Nikola Milenkovic (Fiorentina).
Midfielders: Nemanja Matic (Manchester United), Luka Milivojevic (Crystal Palace), Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio), Marko Grujic (Liverpool), Adem Ljajic (Torino), Dusan Tadic (Southampton), Filip Kostic (Hamburg), Andrija Zivkovic (Benfica), Nemanja Radonjic (Red Star Belgrade).
Strikers: Aleksandar Mitrovic (Newcastle United), Aleksandar Prijovic (PAOK Salonika), Luka Jovic (Benfica).
Group F
Goalkeepers: Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich), Marc-Andre ter Stegen (Barcelona), Kevin Trapp (Paris St-Germain).
Defenders: Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich), Matthias Ginter (Borussia Monchengladbach), Jonas Hector (Cologne), Mats Hummels (Bayern Munich), Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich), Marvin Plattenhardt (Hertha Berlin), Antonio Rudiger (Chelsea), Niklas Sule (Bayern Munich).
Midfielders: Julian Brandt (Bayer Leverkusen), Julian Draxler (Paris St-Germain), Leon Goretska (Schalke), Ilkay Gundogan (Manchester City), Sami Khedira (Juventus), Toni Kroos (Real Madrid), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal), Sebastian Rudy (Bayern Munich).
Strikers: Mario Gomez (Stuttgart), Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich), Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund), Timo Werner (RB Leipzig).
Goalkeepers: Guillermo Ochoa (Standard Liege), Alfredo Talavera (Toluca), Jesus Corona (Cruz Azul).
Defenders: Carlos Salcedo (Eintracht Frankfurt), Diego Reyes (Porto), Hector Moreno (Real Sociedad), Hugo Ayala (Tigres), Edson Alvarez (America), Jesus Gallardo (Monterrey), Miguel Layun (Sevilla).
Midfielders: Rafael Marquez (Atlas), Hector Herrera (Porto), Jonathan dos Santos, Giovani dos Santos (both LA Galaxy), Andres Guardado (Real Betis), Javier Aquino (Tigres), Jesus Corona (Porto).
Forwards: Javier Hernandez (West Ham), Raul Jimenez (Benfica), Oribe Peralta (America), Carlos Vela (Los Angeles FC), Hirving Lozano (PSV Eindhoven), Marco Fabian (Eintracht Frankfurt).
Goalkeepers: Robin Olsen (Copenhagen), Karl-Johan Johnsson (Guingamp), Kristoffer Nordfeldt (Swansea).
Defenders: Mikael Lustig (Celtic), Victor Lindelof (Manchester United), Andreas Granqvist (Krasnador), Martin Olsson (Swansea), Ludwig Augustinsson (Werder Bremen), Filip Helander, Emil Krafth (both Bologna), Pontus Jansson (Leeds United).
Midfielders: Sebastian Larsson (Hull), Albin Ekdal (Hamburg), Emil Forsberg (RB Leipzig), Gustav Svensson (Seattle Sounders), Oscar Hiljemark (Genoa), Viktor Claesson (Krasnador), Marcus Rohden (Crotone), Jimmy Durmaz (Toulouse).
Forwards: Marcus Berg (Al Ain), John Guidetti (Alaves), Ola Toivonen (Toulouse), Isaac Kiese Thelin (Waasland-Beveren).
South Korea
Goalkeepers: Kim Seung-gyu (Vissel Kobe), Kim Jin-hyeon (Cerezo Osaka), Cho Hyun-woo (Daegu FC).
Defenders: Kim young-gwon (Guangzhou Evergrande), Jang Hyun-soo (FC Tokyo), Jung Seung-hyun (Sagan Tosu), Yun Yong-sun (Seongnam FC), Oh Ban-suk (Jeju United), Kim Min-woo (Sangju Sangmu), Park Joo-ho (Ulsan Hyundai), Hong Chul (Sangju Sangmu), Go Yo-han (FC Seoul), Lee Yong (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors).
Midfielders: Ki Sung-yueng (Swansea), Jung Woo-young (Vissel Kobe), Ju Se-jong (Asan Mugunghwa), Koo Ja-cheol (Augsburg), Lee Jae-sung (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Lee Seung-woo (Hellas Verona), Moon Seon-min (Incheon United).
Forwards: Kim Shin-wook (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors), Son Heung-min (Tottenham), Hwang Hee-chan (Red Bull Salzburg).
Group G
Goalkeepers: Koen Casteels (Wolfsburg), Thibaut Courtois (Chelsea), Simon Mignolet (Liverpool).
Defenders: Toby Alderweireld (Tottenham), Dedryck Boyata (Celtic), Vincent Kompany (Manchester City), Thomas Meunier (Paris St-Germain), Thomas Vermaelen (Barcelona), Jan Vertonghen (Tottenham).
Midfielders: Yannick Carrasco (Dalian Yifang), Kevin de Bruyne (Manchester City), Mousa Dembele (Tottenham), Leander Dendoncker (Anderlecht), Marouane Fellaini (Manchester United), Eden Hazard (Chelsea), Thorgan Hazard (Borussia Monchengladbach), Adnan Januzaj (Real Sociedad), Youri Tielemans (Monaco), Axel Witsel (Tianjin Quanjian).
Forwards: Michy Batshuayi (Chelsea), Nacer Chadli (West Brom), Romelu Lukaku (Manchester United), Dries Mertens (Napoli).
Goalkeepers: Jose Calderon (Chorrillo), Jaime Penedo (Dinamo Bucharest), Alex Rodriguez (San Francisco).
Defenders: Felipe Baloy (Municipal CSD), Harold Cummings (San Jose Earthquakes), Erick Davis (Dunajska Streda), Fidel Escobar (San Miguelito), Michael Murillo (New York Red Bulls), Adolfo Machado (Houston Dynamo), Luis Ovalle (Olimpia), Roman Torres (Seattle Sounders).
Midfielders: Jose Luis Rodriguez (Gent), Yoel Barcenas (Cafetaleros de Tapachula), Armando Cooper (Universidad de Chile), Anibal Godoy (San Jose Earthquakes), Gabriel Gomez (Bucaramanga), Valentin Pimentel (Plaza Amador), Alberto Quintero (Universitario).
Forwards: Abdiel Arroyo (Alajuelense), Ismael Diaz (Deportivo La Coruna), Blas Perez (Municipal), Luis Tejada (Sports Boys), Gabriel Torres (CD Huachipato).
Goalkeepers: Farouk Ben Mustapha (Al Shabab), Mouez Hassen (Nice), Aymen Mathlouthi (Al Baten).
Defenders: Rami Bedoui (Etoile du Sahel), Yohan Benalouane (Leicester), Syam Ben Youssef (Kasimpasa), Dylan Bronn (Gent), Oussama Haddadi (Dijon), Ali Maaloul (Al Ahly), Yassine Meriah (CS Sfaxien), Hamdi Nagguez (Zamalek).
Midfielders: Wahbi Khazri (Rennes), Anice Badri (Esperance), Mohamed Amine Ben Amor (Etoile Sportive du Sahel), Ferjani Sassi (Al Nasr), Ellyes Skhiri (Montpellier).
Forwards: Saifeddine Khaoui (Marseille), Fakhreddine Ben Youssef (Al Ettifaq), Saber Khalifa (Club Africain), Bassem Srarfi (Nice), Naim Sliti (Lille), Ahmed Khalil (Club Africain), Ghaylen Chaaleli (Esperance).
Goalkeepers: Jack Butland (Stoke), Jordan Pickford (Everton), Nick Pope (Burnley).
Defenders: Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool), Gary Cahill (Chelsea), Fabian Delph (Manchester City), Phil Jones (Manchester United), Harry Maguire (Leicester), Danny Rose (Tottenham), John Stones (Manchester City), Kieran Trippier (Tottenham), Kyle Walker (Manchester City), Ashley Young (Manchester United).
Midfielders: Dele Alli, Eric Dier (both Tottenham), Jordan Henderson (Liverpool), Jesse Lingard (Manchester United), Ruben Loftus-Cheek (Chelsea).
Forwards: Harry Kane (Tottenham), Marcus Rashford (Manchester United), Raheem Sterling (Manchester City), Jamie Vardy (Leicester), Danny Welbeck (Arsenal).
Group H
Goalkeepers: Bartosz Bialkowski (Ipswich), Lukasz Fabianski (Swansea City), Wojciech Szczesny (Juventus).
Defenders: Jan Bednarek (Southampton), Bartosz Bereszynski (Sampdoria), Thiago Cionek (SPAL), Kamil Glik (Monaco), Artur Jedrzejczyk (Legia Warsaw), Michal Pazdan (Legia Warsaw), Lukasz Piszczek (Borussia Dortmund).
Midfielders: Jakub Blaszczykowski (Wolfsburg), Jacek Goralski (Ludogorets Razgrad), Kamil Grosicki (Hull City), Grzegorz Krychowiak (Paris St-Germain), Rafal Kurzawa (Gornik Zabrze), Karol Linetty (Sampdoria), Slawomir Peszko (Lechnia Gdansk), Maciej Rybus (Lokomotiv Moscow), Piotr Zielinski (Napoli).
Forwards: Dawid Kownacki (Sampdoria), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich), Arkadiusz Milik (Napoli), Lukasz Teodorczyk (Anderlecht).
Goalkeepers: Khadim N’Diaye (Horoya AC), Abdoulaye Diallo (Rennes), Alfred Gomis (Torino).
Defenders: Kara Mbodji (Anderlecht), Kalidou Koulibaly (Napoli), Moussa Wague (Eupen), Saliou Ciss (Angers), Youssouf Sabaly (Bordeaux), Lamine Gassama (Alanyaspor).
Midfielders: Badou Ndiaye (Stoke), Idrissa Gueye (Everton), Cheikhou Kouyate (West Ham), Cheikh N’Doye (Birmingham), Salif Sane (Hannover 96), Alfred N’Diaye (Villarreal).
Forwards: Moussa Sow (Bursaspor), Sadio Mane (Liverpool), Keita Balde Diao (Monaco), Moussa Konate (Amiens), Ismaila Sarr (Rennes), Diafra Sakho (Rennes), Mame Biram Diouf (Stoke), M’Baye Niang (AC Milan).
Goalkeepers: David Ospina (Arsenal), Camilo Vargas (Deportivo Cali), Jose Fernando Cuadrado (Once Caldas).
Defenders: Cristian Zapata (Milan), Davinson Sanchez (Tottenham), Santiago Arias (PSV Eindhoven), Oscar Murillo (Pachuca), Frank Fabra (Boca Juniors), Johan Mojica (Girona), Yerry Mina (Barcelona).
Midfielders: Wílmar Barrios (Boca Juniors), Carlos Sanchez (Espanyol), Jefferson Lerma (Levante), Jose Izquierdo (Brighton), James Rodriguez (Bayern Munich), Abel Aguilar (Deportivo Cali), Mateus Uribe (America), Juan Fernando Quintero (River Plate), Juan Cuadrado (Juventus).
Forwards: Radamel Falcao (Monaco), Miguel Borja (Palmeiras), Carlos Bacca (Villarreal), Luis Fernando Muriel (Sevilla).
Goalkeepers: Eiji Kawashima (Metz), Masaaki Higashiguchi (Gamba Osaka), Kosuke Nakamura (Kashiwa Reysol).
Defenders: Yuto Nagatomo (Galatasaray), Tomoaki Makino, Wataru Endo (both Urawa Reds), Maya Yoshida (Southampton), Hiroki Sakai (Marseille), Gotoku Sakai (Hamburg), Gen Shoji, Naomichi Ueda (both Kashima Antlers).
Midfielders: Makoto Hasebe (Eintracht Frankfurt), Keisuke Honda (Pachuca), Takashi Inui (Eibar), Shinji Kagawa (Dortmund), Hotaru Yamaguchi (Cerezo Osaka), Genki Haraguchi (Hertha Berlin), Takashi Usami (Augsburg), Gaku Shibasaki (Getafe), Ryota Oshima (Kawasaki Frontale).
Forwards: Shinji Okazaki (Leicester), Yuya Osako (Werder Bremen), Yoshinori Muto (Mainz).
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torentialtribute · 6 years
Time for Cardiff to care about money was BEFORE Emiliano Sala died 
Again, Cardiff had undoubtedly acted differently in dealing with the transfer and affairs of Emiliano Sala. The fact is that they did not.
They do not pay attention to their return from a private journey to France ; they did not ask too many questions about the interest in their services from other clubs; they were not too curious about who had received what and why, from his transfer.
Until they stayed behind with a £ 15 million bill for a dead rush. Sorry, but that's the bottom line. This is all that it is about now: the bottom line. The dignified ceremonies and speeches are over and what remains is the coldest, hardest dispute about money.
Had the Piper PA-46 Malibu controlled by David Ibbotson landed safely in January 21, Sala was now fully engaged in Cardiff's fight against relegation, had he scored the goals Cardiff hoped they were buying, there would be nothing more to see about any of the goals.
Not only the rent, ownership and stewardship of a light aircraft, but questions about discounts from agents and inflated fees and third-party ownership and Bordeaux 50 percent.
Cardiff does not ask FIFA, FA or the police, according to the latest shipments, to investigate any of their other transfer deals or negotiations.
They do not want them to poke around in the six that related to Unique Sports Management, the company that counts Neil Warnock & # 39; s, for example, is James among his employees. James Warnock is believed to have been involved in Cardiff cases involving at least three players – Sean Morrison, Rhys Healey and Craig Noone – but the club seems happy with that.
They also seem to have no problem with Jack McKay, his Willie McKay who helped to mediate the room deal, signing a two and a half year contract as a professional at the club in January 2018 , despite having less than an exceptional career
McKay started his career at Doncaster – a club with which his father was involved – before he was loaned to Ilkeston, signed for Leeds, loaned to Airdrieonians, signed for Cardiff, and lent to Chesterfield in the National League. Given Cardiff took third place in the championship and pursued Premier League promotion after McKay's signing, this seems an excellent, if not a player who was already 21 and scored only one goal, for Airdrieonians against Peterhead in the third category Scottish football.
McKay is actually a striker.
By happy coincidence, another son of Willie, the twin brother of Jack, Paul, was also considered good enough to be signed. by Cardiff, at exactly the same time. He had also been with Doncaster and Ilkeston, as well as with Gainsborough Trinity and finally Leeds, where he had played one game against non-ally Sutton United in the FA Cup.
This checkered family tree, It was enough to get him a contract with Cardiff until 2020, just like his brother. Paul is now on loan to Morecambe, currently in League Two, where he played 18 games over four matches.
So nothing there that Cardiff might want to see FIFA or the FA – much like the transfer of Sol Bamba, whose move from Leeds was led by Mark McKay, also the son of Willie, through his company ExCel Foot.
Bamba went from the season 2016-17 as the captain of Leeds United to his contract canceled after four games, which means that Cardiff has been added as a free agent.
Cardiff won widespread praise for their worthy dealings with the
They were respectful, they were appropriate, their manager Warnock spoke sincerely about his emotions, their fans Reaction with empathy and heat on the loss.
Then Nantes set the first account.
This is the club that in the year they last degraded from the Premier
This is the club that, after having dismissed Malky Mackay as manager and Iain Moody as sports director, late accusations were made both for unlawful actions regarding transfers and interim payments, which remain unproven, with the case overturned in March 2017. Much of the anger of that time was concentrated around the signing of a young striker, Andreas Cornelius, for a then record price of £ 8m from FC Copenhagen. Cornelius, like Sala, would score the goals to keep Cardiff in the Premier League. He was a nasty flop and failed to find the net in one of his eleven matches.
Vincent Tan, the owner, blamed Mackay and Moody, as if the transfer market is an exact science. I have argued that the real compensation for Cornelius – who has since gone back to Copenhagen, Atalanta in the Serie A and currently Bordeaux – was £ 10 million and that his wage was £ 45,000 per week.
Had he been able to prove that Mackay or Moody acted shamefully, he might have tried to withhold or collect payments to Copenhagen. Room was also a record amount. Does this pattern sound familiar?
Take numbers 2-6, which relate to the crash itself.
Who made the decision to put a room in the room? on the plane Why does not the owner of the plane come forward? Did the plane have a license to take commercial passengers? Was pilot Ibbotson in possession of a permit to transport passengers?
These are things for Cardiff, not for Nantes. The refusal of the club to take responsibility for the bygone journey of Sala would be sad if it was not so tragic. On 19 January Sala & # 39; s transfer was announced by the club.
& # 39; It has been a long process to secure the services of Emiliano, but I am very glad that we are now in a position where we can confirm his signature, & # 39; said chief executive Ken Choo. I'm sure all Cardiff City fans will join me to see that we're drawing our records in a Bluebirds shirt. & # 39;
Sounds quite unambiguous. So why are the Nantes cases that organized his trip two days later? It is said that Cardiff has sent a text message with some British Airways flight options. That is it? A text? No follow-up conversation? No insistence on planned routes?
Cardiff may not have known the exact shortcomings of the arrangements, but let's not pretend they were all over it. This is their record signature – and they do not know who they put him on the plane? They do not know who owned the plane? They do not even know if the flight, or the pilot, had a permit?
Questions 7-10 regarding the transfer: was the space owned by a third party? Yes. Are Sala & # 39; s previous Club Bordeaux due 50% of the transfer fee as part of a resale clause negotiated in 2015? What was transfer from broker Willie McKay? Was McKay's commission, or part of the transfer fee, to be split between other parties involved in the deal – if so, who?
Do they ask the same questions about the Bamba deal? Do they ask why Leeds would cancel their captain's contract and let him go to a rival from the same division?
Do they ask why a club months away from promotion to the Premier League twin brothers would draw whose football experience places them anywhere near that level?
What does Bordeaux want with Cardiff, do you want to see McKay's assignment? None of this is their business;
If someone is still in the dark about motivation, question No 1 should provide clarity: was Sala a Nantes player when I stepped on the fatal flight?
The Premier League also stated that it is not possible to refer to the President of the United Kingdom. that the international transfer certificate of Sala was registered with the FA of Wales, and that he was mentioned in a squadron registered at the death of the Premier League. Cardiff needs to know this, so why are they asking?
Were Cardiff taken for a ride on Room? Remove possible. For unknown reasons, Willie McKay thought it would be useful to reveal an e-mail he had sent to Sala. Prior to the move, which said that he deliberately released stories about the pursuit of rival clubs to only interest you.
Is that ethical? No. It's usual? Absolutely. The media is full of stories planned by agents, by clubs, by managers, by players, to promote their business, to expand markets.
According to reports, Room, who had a productive start of the season
Cardiff could not figure that out? It was not a big deal, but it was not a big deal. They had no other agents to ask, no friends, no allies in boardrooms or backroom staff? Not to mention names, but to find out in which areas a club might look. Of the six noted, only two added a striker to their team in January. Crystal Palace took Michy Batshuayi on loan, Burnley bought Peter Crouch from Stoke.
Playing on the market is a bit like poker or any auction. It is about knowing or feeling a bluff when a rival is willing to go all-in.
The story that connects West Ham, Palace and Fulham with Room can still be found online. It was published in the Daily Mirror on December 4, 2018 and amounts to 209 words, reading as a standard plant of an agent that arouses interest
It is the oldest trick in the book. The people used to have a column in their northern editions called Soccer Scene. It contained short gossip from the four divisions.
Most of the information came from managers. The guy from Doncaster would call. & Arsenal followed our right back. We would let him go for £ 50,000. & # 39; Was Arsenal serious? Maybe, maybe, but if it was in The People, Doncaster could get a scout from Newcastle or Everton to check him out. And they might have a chance of £ 40,000.
Pop in the middle of a manager's office in the middle of the week and, chances were he would have a copy of Soccer Scene on his desk. It ran for decades and since Warnock was a player and manager in small clubs in the north during that time, Cardiff's idea was such rubes that 200 words in the Mirror forced them to divide by £ 15 million, feeling unnecessarily a little ripe
When approaching the January window, all speculation about Sala suggested the presence of a decent goal scorer in Nantes, that the club was willing to raise money and possibly there is competition.
Is Sala's deal above reproach or forensic investigation? No. Too many agents and transparency is lacking in crucial areas. The family of the player deserves better at least, deserves an answer.
Yet Cardiff are the right people to ask the questions and ask for the right reasons? Not really. None of these cruel ethical investigations seemed necessary when Sala lived.
There is a moment when Cardiff begins to care about where their money went. It is when the room disappears from their radar forever.
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