#fc5 herald/role swap au
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Kit's Herald/Role Swap AU
malignity, malice, ill-will, desire to injure
wickedness, depravity
wickedness that is not ashamed to break laws
evil, trouble
(middle pic an edit by @fourlittleseedlings ty <3)
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tagged by: @simplegenius042 @inafieldofdaisies and @adelaidedrubman
tagging: @mxanigel @madparadoxum @jillvalentinesday @confidentandgood @afarcry5fromstraight @nightbloodbix @roofgeese @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @clicheantagonist @strafethesesinners @statichvm @neverthesameneveranother @sukoshimikan @josephslittledeputy @marivenah @theelderhazelnut @josephseedismyfather @v0idbuggy @direwombat @florbelles @poetikat @fangsandroses @cassietrn @strangefable @stacispratt
writing tag list here to be added/removed
still 3.5 hours left on a Monday for me, and sliding in with some music and a short-ish (800 words...okay not that short, I'm sorry) snippet from the Herald/Role Swap AU aka "Kakia"
The way you keep me in pursuit Sharpen the heel of your boot And you press it to my chest and you make me wheeze Then to my knees you do promote me
The most unsuitable pet It's been long enough now so let's Make a mess, lioness
I'm pinned down by the dark I'm pinned down by the dark, oh
tw: mentions of cannibalism, implied torture
“Tell me about Miller.” Her voice flows like honey from the darkness, sweet and sticky with her want to break him down. 
Jacob looks up at his tormentor from the shadows of his cage with a freezing stare, tossing the metal bowl of raw meat at the bars in retaliation. The clang of metal reverberates, echoing around the exterior of the camp and ringing in his ears like the church bells he was forced to grow up with in Rome. More of his “meal” splashes back at him then reaches her, but he wants his point known even as chunks of slimy, days-old  ground chuck slip down the hairs of his beard and the tip of his nose. 
Kit tuts her tongue, tapping her fingernails against her toned biceps while her arms are crossed over her chest as she stands before the bars of his enclosure. She is thoroughly unimpressed. He’s done nothing more than act like an animal in her presence, and so like an animal he will be treated. “You think I don’t know everything about you already? Who do you think picked you out of the roster to become Sheriff of this little nowheresville? I don’t need your army records, or medical files – it’s all up here,” she says pointing to her temple. “You killed him for survival. Ate the poor fuck. Didn’t you?” She scans him over like he’s a medical specimen she wants to examine, her head tipped ever so slightly. “What was that like?” 
He scraped off the meat (and the juices from it) that had splashed back on his face with his hand, shaking the chunks to the dirt floor. “If you already know, why d’you have t’ask?”
A small smile pulled at her lips, making light of the situation she was putting him in. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, he’d be forced to give in eventually. Just like he had in that desert. She just had to wait him out. Gliding towards the bars, each movement elegant like a dancer and as smooth as a serpent as she drops to her knees, her bare knees grinding into the dirt as her dress clings to her athletic legs. “Because I want to hear it from your own mouth. I want to see the saliva build on your tongue while you think about the taste of him, I want to see the teeth that tore the flesh from his bone. I want to watch your pupils dilate while you remember the sounds he gurgled out.”
He’s half sure he can see her eyes glow, but he blames it on a trick of the light from the fires and his own lack of proper nutrition. Growling out a warning that builds from deep in his chest, his timbre low and rough, “Fuck. You.”
She shakes her head in retort, huffing out a bitter laugh. He’s testing her patience, more than she tends to appreciate during the chase. He’s making this more difficult than it has to be. “Yeah, yeah. Same old retort,” she says with a roll of her eyes. 
If there’s one thing Kit knows, it’s that sometimes the best way to win someone over is to play hard to get. Let them chase. She had speed and endurance on her side. It takes five hyenas to take on a lioness in the wild. What was one wolf to her?
Her palms slam against the bars, bloody juices running down the pale flesh of her palms as if she’s been overcome with the stigmata, and her voice drops to a heavy husk akin to the rumble just before the roar of a tiger, “Show me your fucking bite, doggy. I’m getting sick and tired of the bark.” 
As she rises from her knees and turns to walk away, his feet rush him to the bars of his cage against his will, hands curling around the cold metal in fists. There’s a part of him – a part of him he hates – that hopes it’s enough to win back her attention and good graces. He pants, his breaths desperate to escape him as much as the words he’s fighting from falling from him in some sort of desperate attempt at a confession. Memories that he put to rest after years of therapy come crawling out of the woodwork and there is no cork to stopper them. He steadies himself, sticking to short sentences, trying not to give her any more than he had to. “He wasn’t alive when it happened. I slit his throat first. After eight days lost in the desert he wasn’t going to make it anyway and the wolves were right behind us. It was one or both of us.”
Feet stop in their tracks, planted firmly to the ground. He watches the fog of her breath and waits expectantly like a dog on the porch for it’s master. A whipped and beaten thing that is eager for her approval. Waiting for her to turn around, to see him. 
“So you chose yourself.” Kit turns to look over her shoulder, her painted-on smile stretching across her face and a mad gleam sparkles in her eyes. 
“Yeah,” he says despondently, staring out over a thousand yards.
She hums, a low purring in her throat. “Good choice, pup.”
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tagged by: @direwombat @inafieldofdaisies @theresaruggedroad @thesingularityseries and @madparadoxum (this week) and @nightbloodbix @ivymarquis @g0dspeeed @kyber-infinitygems (last week, tagging you all back this week) thank you all so much!
I've been struggling to do much writing at all lately, but I have a bit from Kit's Herald/Role swap AU I've started messing around with. This fic leans really heavily into the supernatural side of the FC5 lore and of course twists the origin of Kit's arrival in Hope County:
A foggy haze of smoke filled the red, infernal sky as the sun beat down upon the desert and heat rose from the golden dunes in blurry striations. Kit was in a daze, her thousand yard stare focused on the mirage in the distance while her mind was addled by pain. The twisting of metal shrapnel sheared away at meat and bone, slicing through veins and tendons as flames devoured through fat and flesh in equal measure. Fever clouded her vision and her limbs became numb as the clothes on her body charred like a Fourth of July barbecue. The fire in her belly was fading, her very life slipping away from her like sand through her fingers. Her mouth became as hot and dry as the world around her, the tongue that hung from the corner of it now thick and heavy. The steady thumping in her skull started to slow along with the beating of her heart as the lights in her eyes collapsed into tiny pinpricks, tunneling the view she had of the wreckage around her. Screaming faded into the periphery, the terrified moans and groans of her unit members desperately clinging to life became a hellish, cacophonous choir and from out of the desert, something crawled towards her – a dark mass. 
It stole the breath from her lungs, nearly ripped the heart right out of her rib cage that begged to distend and snap apart. Whatever it was – and despite the adrenaline that coursed through her removing all clarity of thought and mind, preparing her for the great beyond – only one thought came to mind: it was ancient. Older than the mountains and the sands that caged her, something that came long before the stars and the sky they called home. Primordial. The Alpha and the Omega. 
The burning sun and the scorching heat of the fires that nipped and gnawed away at her stung at her eyes, tears spilled down her cheeks as the form and figure grew closer. Then silence fell. Impossible silence. That same crushing nothing that came while in the eye of a storm, and she was facing down a tempest. Giant paws stomped down, leaving prints in the sand that turned to glass. Golden eyes stared out at her, but there was nothing feline behind the glare affixed upon her (despite the gaping maw filled with sharpened teeth like knives) instead they were slits with a light behind them that was far more human than they should have been. This was no earthly creature. There were no lions in Afghanistan. And yet here it was, mane and all, bowing in her company, and licking up the blood that poured from her wounds with its rough pink tongue. 
The breath hitched in her throat as she tried to croak out a scream, but she was rendered speechless. A waking nightmare and she was unable to make a sound, all she could do was lay there and blink and pray. Pray that she’d be deemed inedible, pray that she’d be saved, pray that someone would come and spare her life. Pray that she was deemed worthy in the eyes of something holy. 
It’s massive head rose, eyes looking into her own as if it could read the very thoughts that rushed through her mind. Sinking into its gaze, she fell deeper into the black, empty pit at the back of her mind where the darkness sat dormant and entombed, waiting to be released onto the world. She just had to let go of what little control she’d been allowed in life and open that lid to Pandora’s box. 
And then a voice – not quite male, not quite female, something that was a convergence of the two – arose from out of the dark and infested her mind. “You know pain. You know suffering. Would you like to be free?”
It asked the question and yet her vocal chords were already burned to the point she could no longer speak, her lungs having filled with acrid smoke would not allow for even choked words to spill forward from her lips, but somehow she was able to answer. “Not if it means dying.”
A laugh, cold and mirthless, sent a shiver down her spine. The rattling of a tail screaming through the very weave of time itself. It coiled in the back of her skull, and whatever amount of human evolution and countless generations it had taken to get her here was stripped back until she was nothing more than an ape who’d discovered fire as a means to hold back the dark. She was a sniveling being in the presence of something it’s simple mind could not comprehend without being driven mad. 
“You wish to live?”
“What would you give?”
It was a simple trade, a barter that worked in her favor. What she might have had to give up was a small price to pay for what she’d receive in return – a second chance. For what, she wasn’t quite sure yet: redemption, revenge, reclaiming her birthright? She supposed she’d find out in due time. She’d sacrificed enough in her life, it was time for all that effort to be recouped and repaid in full. 
As the fire extinguished, and the bright glow of headlights fell upon her, she was more alive than ever. Skin had regrown, her hair no longer melted, blackened and burned, the milky cataracts of her eyes scraped back to the icy blue gleam they had once been.  She was reborn, made anew in God’s image. Chosen. Saved. A miracle that should never have been. The lone witness to the hand of God still willing to burn bushes for those most fervent in their belief of him.
tagging: @shallow-gravy @cassietrn @strangefable @stacispratt @eclecticwildflowers @ladyofedens-blog @florbelles @v0idbuggy @theelderhazelnut @marivenah @simplegenius042 @josephslittledeputy @peppertheferalraccoon @neverthesameneveranother @statichvm @strafethesesinners @adelaidedrubman @clicheantagonist @voidika @confidentandgood @roofgeese @afarcry5fromstraight @chazz-anova @wrathfulrook @aceghosts @jillvalentinesday
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WIP Poll Results
Thank you to all who voted! Tagging those of you who reacted in case you're interested:
@ivymarquis @unholymilf @icespinosaur @megraen @roofgeese @adelaidedrubman @yokobai @chazz-anova @neonneurons @statichvm @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @eclecticwildflowers @direwombat @neverthesameneveranother @kyber-infinitygems @kirjanikv6ilill @clicheantagonist @chadillacboseman @nightbloodbix @stacispratt @wrathfulrook
Here's the results of my hard work, admittedly some fics got more than what they should have but too bad (also there is smut at the end so minors DNI):
THE WINNER: The Animal in Me (fc5 werewolf au) - 13 sentences
The liquor coursed through her system making her head spin and legs feel like jelly that moved at the speed of thick molasses. Light-headed, she stumbled through the door of Jacob’s cabin and made her way to the living room, narrowly missing Princess before flopping down onto the nearby couch. 
The white wolf, having once been laying curled up, happily dozing on the rug on the floor, lifted her head and tipped it, trying to get a better sense of why this woman had invaded her territory.
Jacob made his way towards the couch, stalking towards her in the dark room. His sharp, pointed canine slipping out from below his upper lip as he smirked. “Whiskey sure did a number on ya, didn’t it?”
Kit’s legs hung draped over the armrest as she scooped her hair out from behind her head, stretching her arms out above her. “I never could have had this much before." Looking up at him with a grin as he untied and removed the boots from her feet. "I still have enough sense of myself even if my legs would like to tell you differently.”
“Guess you’re happy that I turned you now, huh?”
Kit rolled her eyes and rubbed at her forehead, trying to fight off the cascading waves that hit the inside of her skull. “I wouldn’t say that.”
American Beasts (kit's fc5 canon timeline) - 9 sentences
“She’s like the Predator, man. Comes in all stealthy like, so we gotta fight her the same way Dutch did.”
“Wait, when did her and Dutch fight?”
“No man, not that Dutch, you know, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The fuckin’ terminator. We gotta trap her and then instead of her tryin’ to blow us up we do that to her.”
“You wanna blow her up?”
“She’s a fuckin’ freak, my dude. You heard about what she did in that video. She’s with them, man. She’s with the cult, she killed Jess and she killed Eli and the other Whitetails. You think she gives a shit about any of us? I severely fuckin’ doubt it.”
Only you (fc5 soulmate au) - 6 sentences
"You know them best, what's their next move?"
"That doesn't matter. They need to be taken out of their element. Joey is strong, she needs someone who can break her. Staci's willing to do whatever's asked of him as long as there's good reason for it, he's got no backbone -- he's weak. And as for Whitehorse, he's complacent, does only what is needed to keep the county afloat."
Jacob stood hunched over his map looking at her, "Go on."
"Joey goes to John, Staci with us and Whitehorse goes to Faith."
"Works for me, angel."
Kakia (Kit's Herald/Role Swap AU) - 5 sentences
(apparently I'm writing this one in present tense, not sure why, but going with it for now)
Jacob knocks, heavy strikes with the side of his fist against thick wooden doors. It takes some time but the doors finally open, revealing a redheaded woman with the coolest blue eyes he’d ever seen besides his own, wearing little more than a silk robe the color of ivy. He’s meant to be there for business not pleasure, but he can’t help when his eyes travel over her form hungrily, barely able to hide the attraction he’s feeling for this strange woman in his midst. 
“Good morning…” Her eyes scan over the height and width of him, until they land on his badge and a smile creeps across her lips. “...Sheriff.”
He clears his throat, trying so hard to remember why he came here in the first place. “Ms. Cross.”
Arcadia & Empyrean (New Dawn AU) - 6 sentences
Her eyes widened, pupils made into pin pricks at the realization of what he meant. It was a death sentence without calling it that. She had no allies, no safe haven, she’d be fodder for the Highwaymen and the creatures outside their walls all the same. "Exile. You're banishing me?"
"Like Adam and Eve."
Kit's lip trembled, her hands falling to her sides in tightly clenched fists as her nails carved crescents into her palm, fighting the seething rage inside her. "You will bring nothing but death upon our people, Joseph. Do you hear me? I upheld the peace. I played my part. I did what you asked of me."
"The Lion is no longer needed." Joseph turned to the Judge, nodding for him to complete the sentencing. 
Even with the mask on she could tell the man underneath was hesitating. Trapped between his loyalty to the Father and to the woman who saved his life all those years ago, the woman who he joined the cult for. He stared at her for a moment, head tipping slightly and she could picture the brown eyes behind the dark holes trying to beg her for forgiveness for what he was about to do. Slamming his fist down on the table like a gavel her sentencing was complete. She was Persona Non Grata once more.
Pred/Prey Smut (MINORS DNI)- 9 sentences
“You like being treated like an animal, don’t ya? Not enough I put a collar on you, is it angel?”
Kit couldn’t speak as he ravaged her with his hands, a tear rolling down her cheek as her thighs clenched together and her walls clamped down around him. She was so goddamn close, he was going to make her cum any second. 
Coiling her hair around his fist like the leather of a leash, he dragged her back to rest against his shoulder and he kissed her deep. Muffling her noises with his tongue, biting down on her lower lip when she cried out, his hand snaked between her thighs from the front, focused entirely on her clit. 
She became a sobbing mess under his touch, panting and moaning at his rough touch against her.
Music Box Smut (Minors DNI) - 5 Sentences
As the music dug into her brain, seeping into her every synapse, rewiring her mind, her thoughts were in a state of war. One half controlled, ready to kill and destroy, the other desperate to please, filtered down to her base desires, animalistic and wild. He’d tested and proven his theory on so many unwilling subjects and now to have her at his fingertips fully accepting of whatever happened while she was under the effects of the conditioning, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little excited at the prospect. 
Her eyes snapped open, and the deep recesses of her mind could be seen in her eyes. Icy, cavernous and dark, no light could be seen in them at all. She pushed him off of her, her strength channeled into enough force to send him to the floor. Pulling away from the bed, shoulders and back rising up from it first, her feet landed on the wooden floorboards. Eyes kept focused entirely on him, stepping towards him with long strides as he backed up trying to regain his footing. 
Grabbing the rough camo of his jacket in her fist she dragged him up to stand and face her. Clawing at him once he was in her clutches, her nails ripped at his shirt as she dragged him down into her embrace and then forced him further down onto his knees. Kit’s fingers ran through his hair, nails scratching against his scalp as she gripped his ginger tresses tight in her fist and forced his head back, exposing his jugular. That cold, dead stare of hers traced down the length of his throat, over the bobbing of his adam’s apple and landed on where his arteries kept his blood flowing. 
“You gonna hurt me, angel?” Jacob asked, testing the waters, checking to see if any part of her might still be in there at all or if she was all machine. 
Her face remained placid, as static and unchanging as marble. “Only if you tell me to.”
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