#fe nergal
tactician-in-green · 6 days
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[Fire Emblem: Through Blade and Flame] A comic about Eliwood and my tactician OC Mana's story (8/?)
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rainbowdonkee · 5 months
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FE7! But why didn't they make Nergal mythic?!?! And FEH I need y'all to tone it down with Ursula and give another GHB exclusive character attention....😮‍💨
At least we'll hopefully get a better looking Lloyd 😭
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bananabraiined · 5 months
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This is the power of a dark druid.
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sunsickle · 2 months
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Earlygame village girl archer units they could never make me hate you
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I just discovered that Brave Robin and Nergal are a great combo to use in FEH because sometimes Robin will say “A worthy plan” and then Nergal will say “A foolish plan” and I think it’s silly to imagine them arguing about strategy mid-combat
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lampreylarry · 5 months
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With nergal finally coming to Feh i had a silly thought
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pandorastower · 3 months
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Art by ぼんこ
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randomnameless · 3 months
Tbh I'm glad about the lack of jugdral remakes given IS' current direction, and, if Feh is any indication, care about their older games.
Granted, I would have prefered if we had more FE news as a FE fan, but I'm at this point where I think, and not only because the "titties with a censorbar will sell like hot cakes !" unit was released yesterday, no news is better than any news.
Maybe the next banner will make me reconsider, but rn I'm pretty bored with Feh, save for Fodlan/Jugdral/whatever nonsense.
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fe-smashorpass · 3 months
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teaflowersart · 1 year
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23. Connection
As soon as I saw this theme, I had to draw these two
30 Themes Challenge Masterlist
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Worst FE Parent Poll: Round 1 - Match 31
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kplays · 4 months
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Does the summoning Contract allow that??
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owainbradys · 5 months
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archer3-13 · 2 years
Notably its ONLY witches and NOT Arcanists/Cantors, SOV constantly emphasizes are soulless victims and even the class description calls them tragic.
No matter how you get down to it, I wouldn't count Nuibaba on the level of Hilda and Sonia because all her cruel behavior was after she was forced to make a contract with Medusa.
Yes that is true of the individual class descriptions, hence the justice for jedah sarcasm.
But as has probably already been reiterated, no nuibaba wasn't 'forced' to contract with medusa. It was a poisoned deal between life and death, but nuibaba still decided her life was more important then any ethical qualms of making a contract with an evil spirit.
Neither was she forced to take revenge on her spouse, or kidnap young maidens to drain their life force, as nowhere in the accordia backstory text does it mention medusa forcing or compelling her to do those things. those are therefore things we can infer she consciously chose to do out of spite/revenge and a desire to retain her beauty and youth on her own. After all, if they wanted us to think medusa was the direct cause of her turn to villainy, they could have directly said so. That they did not, suggests that nuibabas turn to villainy lies In the betrayal of her trust by her spouse and that medusa is mearly a means of enacting that villainy not a cause of it.
And as I've already stated, the game reiterates through visual distinctions and dialogue cues that nuibaba is fundamentally different from the duma faithful and especially other witches. The rules on witches dont apply in the same manner to nuibaba as they do to other witches by the design of the game.
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enkisstories · 5 months
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IS knew that my interest in FEH was waning and tossed out the near-perfect bait.
Now to decide on his team mates.
Limstella is a no-brainer, built up already and summoner-supported.
Not touching Sonia with a ten foot pole, so that leaves two of Denning, Ephidel and Kishuna.
As a standin for Denning either Virion or Jorge, not the best fit visually, but currently my only built infantry archers.
For Ephidel I'd like to use a dagger user, since he always struck me as more of an assassin than a mage. But visually Iago might be a better fit?
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I come bearing a message from Lord Nergal
Hey guys Lord Nergal here
hi nergal
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