usernameachilles · 5 years
~A new thread for booboo Padme!~
Location: Primia ( near the lake/ waterfall?) 
When they teleported onto Primia Rowan was immediately  slapped with the thick humidity that hung in the air. Sitting on your chest making it a little hard to breathe. The heat didn’t help things, but he had yet to come to the new floor and see all that there was to see. Asking Jude to come along with him in hopes that... a) she would have a better handle on the floor since she had been there already and b) to spend a little alone time with her. With her new duties, on top of his own. Rowan had also been a little distracted by the melodrama’s happening in other peoples lives. While he would have rather stayed out of it he couldn’t. And so,  it was becoming increasingly difficult to see her and spend some time together. Let alone get a chance to talk with Leo. So, he was working backwards. Starting with Jude first and eventually making his way to Leo ( because it was now long overdue.) 
Rowan stretched out an arm- offering to help Jude down one of the rocks they had appeared on. Aside from the humidity, the place wasn’t so bad. If you like the whole George of the jungle/ Tarzana motif he was get from the place. It wasn’t too long  before he had to remove his shirt, throwing it over his shoulder Jude lead the way through the thick brush. 
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“Is it just me, or does it feel like these floors are starting to blend together.” he huffed coming to walk along side Jude now. Giving her a small kiss on her cheek as he continued. “I’m getting flash backs of the goldfish fight on 51. that was not fun.” he chuckled. Noticing how quite Jude was, Rowan pulled her into his side a little. Snaking a hand to wrap comfortingly around her waist as he did so. “ Earth to Jude,” he said softly. tucking a few strands of hair that  slipped out of her ponytail behind her ear. “- you’re miles away. What’s  wrong gülüm?”
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usernameachilles · 5 years
Location: Floor 53: Rowan’ studio
Players: @padmeonline & Achilles
One week.
That’s how long they went without any true interaction, a whole week. It felt odd to Rowan; when passing each other in the hallways of their guild  it was... strange. Though he tried to keep some semblance of normalcy. If he was with Luna and they walked pass Jude. He would smile( she didn’t) which caused Luna to ask what he had done. 
“Why don’t you worry less about my love life and we focus on these new duty roster for our guards.
This had caused Luna to scoff making the backhanded comment of “What love life.”  He had walked right in to that one because it was true. Jude was off doing her thing, not wanting his help , not wanting to talk. Which left Rowan giving her space and avoiding Leo. It wasn’t hard to see them together, but it just reminded him even more... that she had walked away. Content to leave him to be the guild master and she could focus on her. Focus on Leo and Radish and anyone else that wasn’t him. Not that he could blame her, that day- in her garden. Had turn sour quickly. A talk that was meant to try and help. Turned into a fight- one in which they had both left the other with cuts from their digs. 
Rowan had taken to sleeping at HQ, for like a day. Before he gave the whole endeavor up and headed to Green Wolf Retreat. That’s why he built it wasn’t it? To get away when someone in the guild needed to. Right now he didn’t think there was anyone that needed it more then him. He left word with, everyone. That he could be contacted by comms if there was an emergency. So for the rest of the week, he slept in a hammock out back ( not wanting to  sleep in the master bedroom that was for the three of them.)  And after running some Mazes with Noir or Garrison or some other player. When his guild business was done and he was no longer wanted or needed. He came to his studio and drew. 
He drew a lot.
Sketches littered his drawing table, and the floor. A table full of paints, and brushes, of all shapes and sizes. Knives to sharpen his coal and chalks, colored pencils  oil pastels. Canvass leaning against walls and tables. another table where he crafted his own canvases to paint or draw on. This place was his garden, in the past week. He had done more  drawings than he had in the past three years.
He had a canvas or a work in progress for every person that mattered to him. Battles scene from the last three years; good memories and bad ones, there were all here filling his loft. His current project- was Jude. He sat at his drawing table, coal in hand, eyes closed as he tried to remember how she looked when her power first start to show. Trying to convey the awesomeness in that moment. to illustrate her beauty her strength but he couldn’t. All the pictures of the many attempts- and there were quite a lot of them were scattered around him. In all mediums but there was something... “- Something’s  missing,” he sighed pushing throwing the coal away in frustration. If only she was-.
He notice movement outside his window and he saw her. Jude, his Jude.. When had she arrive? He didn't know, he didn’t care not really. Rowan was just happy to see her, and to see her without a perpetual frown aimed only in his direction. He had to admit, she looked like she was glad for the space. Though there was still tension in her shoulders, he could see that from here. Even still, she was beautiful.  Feeling his heart constrict at the sight she made. He grab a pencil- since it was the closest and started to sketch furiously. Maybe now, he could get it right. 
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usernameachilles · 5 years
It was a long day, Rowan was looking forward to unwinding at home. No work, no projects due. Just a little bit of rest; turning the key to his london apartment. He was greeted by the aroma of fresh bread and sounds of laughter and cooing ; Jude and Leo no doubt. He couldn’t help but smile, it was the best part of his day, being able to come home and to his two favorite people.
“ Something smells good,” he called as he placed his bag on the rack near the door. He hadn’t noticed that their voices quited a little, as Padme rounded the corner from the living room flinging her arms around him hugging him.
“ Well this is nice,” he chuckled pressing a kiss in the mess of curls. “ What is this for.”
“What, can’t I give my boyfriend a hug welcoming him home.” her voice sweet.
Too sweet.
Here was the thing. Rowan had spent more then several years inside of a virtral reality game with Jude. It was a long time, he gotten to know her pretty well. She baked pastries and baked goods when she wanted to thank a person for helping her or her friends. How her nose scrunched up, when she was thinking about something. Her inability to wink- even though he found her attempts to be the cutest thing he’d seen.
Rowan also knew, when she was trying to butter him up. With hugs and kisses and his favorite foods. So as she pressed light kisses on his arms , arm still wrapped tightly around him holding him in place he got suspecious.
“Jude,” voice incredulous looking down at her, “ What’s going on?
A sheepish look adorn her face, “You have to promise not to get mad. Leo, tell him not to get mad.” she called over her shoulder.
“ Don’t get mad.” Leo called back still in the living room.
Yeah, this wasn’t good.
Reaching around, he gently pulled Jude’s arms from around his waist. When he heard a soft whining and something pawing at his leg. His eyes widen in surprise as very small and dirty puppy looked up at him.  “ You got a dog?”
“It’s not a dog,” she frowned kneeling to lift the creature up holding it in her arms. “-its a puppy.”
He rolled his eyes, “ Jude, this is like Baby B all over again.”
“Oh, can we name her Baby B,”
“Why not,” she frowned
“Because naming it means we are going to keep it and we can’t”
Leo, entered the hall now, another dog- puppy in his hands. This one was black with blue eyes. “ Okay, but we might have named them already. We can’t name her Baby B. She a dog not some digital bat.”
Rowan shook his head, rubbing his forhead. “ We can’t name them anything because we aren’t keeping them.”
“Ah come on big guy,” watching as Sawyer poked her head around the corner. “This one kinda looks like Snow.” she said cuddling yet another puppy. Rowan looked between the three of them and let out a long sigh. Welp, there went his quiet night.
to be continued.
Send 🐾 for your muse to have brought home a stray animal and asking mine if they can keep it
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usernameachilles · 5 years
Location: Achilles hospital room// Floor 52
Players: Padme and Achilles// @padmeonline
He wasn’t sure how long it had been since hades left but Achilles was sure it had to have been a while because it was day time. The soft morning sun, peeking through the glass window of his room. He wasn’t strong, not yet but he didn’t want to be confined to bed anymore. Radish and Zeus were hurt, just as bad as he was from what it sounded like.
The fight had taken a lot out of them, had even knocked a few of them down. Achilles was proud to say that it hadn’t counted them out. They were all standing, a little broken and bruised too but alive and he would keep it that way. He let out a long sigh as he looked up at the ceiling of the hospital room. Hospital room, they had been playing on medieval levels for so long… this new floor was so jarring. So different from what they had been accustom to the last three years. An even stronger reminder of home… it felt too familiar and for the first time, Achilles felt uneasy about the whole thing. It wasn’t exactly like home but it was close enough.
Fuck that sadistic bastard and his fucking game.
Achilles took another deep breath, he wanted to get out of here. He wanted to go to his apartment, he wanted to see Snow and Sarq and curl up in his own bed and just sleep it off. More then anything… he wanted to see Padme the last he could remember…she was being wheeled away from him before he blacked out  The soft creak of the door caught his attention. He watched as the dark hair woman entered, she hadn’t looked up towards him; quickly turning away to close the door behind her as if not to disturb him.
Achilles smiled and watched her dark eye met his own and he smiled.  Lifting a hand and waved, “ Look at you, all patched up. I was worried for a second the doctors looked like hacks.”
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usernameachilles · 5 years
Send 👌 For a Random Headcanon Between Your Muse and Mine @padmeonline
That time Rowan and Jude went camping…
“ Rowan, quickly come,” Jude called to him, getting Rowan’s attention right away. The last thing he needed was his second attempt at a date to go wrong too. They had gone to floor  52 for dinner, they ended up in the back of the restaurant near the kitchen. The food wasn’t that great the service was lousy and he had soup spilled on him and went home smelling like french onion.
It was horrible and he promised himself he would do things differently.
He had put to much pressure on himself, wanting to make the night perfect. So instead, he decided to do something that they would both enjoy. Jude loved the outdoors as much as Achilles did. It had taken him a couple of days to set up their camping grounds. Thanks to Luna, Jude beamed in delight at their little bungalow on floor 37. So far so good, at least he hoped so anyway.
Rowan approached Jude looking up at the sky as she did. It was pitch black now but the pixelated stars have shown brightly against the dark backdrop. Coming to stand behind her, he snaked his arms around her waist planting a kiss on her cheek as he looked up at the sky once more. “ What happened?” he said looking down at her, greeted by a look or disappointment.
“ I saw two shooting stars and- there!” pointing excitedly. “ Quick you can make a wish on it.” she urged but Rowan just shook his head. Leaning down his lips met hers, kissing her deeply. Slow and deliberate; taking his time so that it was clear how much she was loved by him before he reluctantly pulled away from her. He spoke in their mother tongue … “ Don’t need to love. I got my wish already.”
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usernameachilles · 5 years
🌺 - Put a flower in my muse’s hair
Send one to… @padmeonline
Rowan smiled as he watched Jude play with Snow and Cerberus or at least attempted to play with Cerberus. He was more like his owner then Rowan realized, as Rowan looked over at his battle strategist asleep on the blanket under the shade of one of Jude’s favorite trees. It had been an impromptu picnic; just enjoying the day. He hadn’t know Leo helped Jude cook the meal but wasn’t surprised that it had all turned out rather well. It was close to a perfect day that he could have asked for. No unnecessary tensions, no worried glances from Jude or broody silence from Leo. Rowan was content and the happiest he had ever been in his life and that was saying a lot. He played with the stem of a white wildflower in his hand as he watches Jude approach their spot, a smile on her face. Big and bright as she collapsed next to him. He didn’t say a word, he just looked at her. Eyes filled with love and admiration for the woman; as he reached out and tucked the flower behind her ear. It suited her, most things did. He made a mental note to make sure she was surrounded by flowers on a daily bases. Caressing her cheek gently before pulling his hand away admiring his handy work. “Güzel” 
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