usernameachilles · 5 years
Players: @hadeswrxtes​
Location: Catalyst hq
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Footsteps echo around him, as Achilles entered the training room. The area normally filled with catalyst members training during normal hours . No shroud in darkness, with the exception of a few torch sconces that were now lit, and the moon light that illuminated the center of the room. He had made sure to get Willow to distract as many of the younger members as she could. He didn’t want any extra eyes or ears around. When he sent the message to Hades to meet with him. Achilles hadn’t told him why and he was grateful he hadn’t asked. Instead, replying that he would arrive in ten minutes. 
Hades didn’t stay at hq if he didn’t need to. Coming for some training strategy meeting here and there but ultimately-  Hades stayed away. Achilles couldn’t say it didn’t hurt but he wanted to give him the space he asked for and he wouldn’t have asked to meet him if it wasn’t important. He was conflicted, and he needed to talk to someone about it . Afraid that the choice he had to make or would have to make might...would have rippling effects on not just the people involved but Catalyst as a whole. 
Achilles stood in the center of the room, eyes looking up through the skylight. The nervous knot it his stomach tightening when he heard the door open. He didn’t have to look... he knew it was Hades; he always knew when it was Leo. The Guild leader waited, until Hades stood in the circle of moonlight with him before he spoke voice wistful, “When you join Catalyst, did you leave anyone behind?” Achilles looked over at the other man now. The conflict and trepidation in his expression as he continued. “- because of who we are, what the guild stands for? Did you do it? Could you do it?” 
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usernameachilles · 5 years
It was a long day, Rowan was looking forward to unwinding at home. No work, no projects due. Just a little bit of rest; turning the key to his london apartment. He was greeted by the aroma of fresh bread and sounds of laughter and cooing ; Jude and Leo no doubt. He couldn’t help but smile, it was the best part of his day, being able to come home and to his two favorite people.
“ Something smells good,” he called as he placed his bag on the rack near the door. He hadn’t noticed that their voices quited a little, as Padme rounded the corner from the living room flinging her arms around him hugging him.
“ Well this is nice,” he chuckled pressing a kiss in the mess of curls. “ What is this for.”
“What, can’t I give my boyfriend a hug welcoming him home.” her voice sweet.
Too sweet.
Here was the thing. Rowan had spent more then several years inside of a virtral reality game with Jude. It was a long time, he gotten to know her pretty well. She baked pastries and baked goods when she wanted to thank a person for helping her or her friends. How her nose scrunched up, when she was thinking about something. Her inability to wink- even though he found her attempts to be the cutest thing he’d seen.
Rowan also knew, when she was trying to butter him up. With hugs and kisses and his favorite foods. So as she pressed light kisses on his arms , arm still wrapped tightly around him holding him in place he got suspecious.
“Jude,” voice incredulous looking down at her, “ What’s going on?
A sheepish look adorn her face, “You have to promise not to get mad. Leo, tell him not to get mad.” she called over her shoulder.
“ Don’t get mad.” Leo called back still in the living room.
Yeah, this wasn’t good.
Reaching around, he gently pulled Jude’s arms from around his waist. When he heard a soft whining and something pawing at his leg. His eyes widen in surprise as very small and dirty puppy looked up at him.  “ You got a dog?”
“It’s not a dog,” she frowned kneeling to lift the creature up holding it in her arms. “-its a puppy.”
He rolled his eyes, “ Jude, this is like Baby B all over again.”
“Oh, can we name her Baby B,”
“Why not,” she frowned
“Because naming it means we are going to keep it and we can’t”
Leo, entered the hall now, another dog- puppy in his hands. This one was black with blue eyes. “ Okay, but we might have named them already. We can’t name her Baby B. She a dog not some digital bat.”
Rowan shook his head, rubbing his forhead. “ We can’t name them anything because we aren’t keeping them.”
“Ah come on big guy,” watching as Sawyer poked her head around the corner. “This one kinda looks like Snow.” she said cuddling yet another puppy. Rowan looked between the three of them and let out a long sigh. Welp, there went his quiet night.
to be continued.
Send 🐾 for your muse to have brought home a stray animal and asking mine if they can keep it
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usernameachilles · 5 years
Location: Catalyst Infirmary Players: @hadeswrxtes & Achilles
‘Note to self; no more sabbaticals.’
It was like he left and people stop using common sense or something. Lucky Luna didn’t let him down, along with Jude and Leo. Well, Leo was on the list until he heard that their battle strategist was in the infirmary for... burns?
Achilles initial reaction was worry, shooting off  twenty question at the two lower guild members who then told him that he was okay, maybe? Why didn’t they know? He didn’t stand around waiting for them to find out. Which brought him to the closed door of the infirmary. Knocking twice before bounding inside. 
Of course he knew Leo was okay but it didn’t mean he worried any less. He sighed in relief when he caught sight of his boyfriend,  a small smile on his lips,  “You want some company?” 
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usernameachilles · 5 years
Search for Snow
Location: Garden Maze Players:  @padmeonline & @hadeswrxtes and Achilles.
It didn’t take Jude long to find him and promptly drag him back to the Garden maze on 58. After his attempt to find her with the aid of Fiona and Noir bore little fruit. He hoped  Ben or Jude found Snow. Since they were in the group that located the key for the floor: however , that was not the case.  It’s been two weeks with no sign of Snow -much to his dismay and chagrin-  Rowan had no other choice but to get the guild to help locate her now. Which should be easy enough to do since the maze was cleared. 
He did not expect Jude to be so distraught herself. As she continued to speak a a flurry of animated, loud and slightly angry Turkish at him. Not that he blamed her.  Jude was fond of all the animals in their guild and Snow was no exception. Rowan was thankful that she still held his hand at least; that and his slight amusement at her frustration towards him was enough to calm him a bit. Trying not to think of the worse  case scenario when it came to his missing mount.
“ I know sweetheart. I promise you can yell at me later. Let’s just get started hmm?” he said in Turkish, kissing her cheek in an attempt to sway her mood away from frantic and worried. Rowan walked towards the entrance of the maze only to stop a few feet ahead of Jude as she held her position. Her head darting from side to side; eyes scanning the open space surrounding them and the maze. Raising a brow he took two steps back looking down at his girlfriend now, “ What is it Gulum? Did you forget something?” 
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@padmeonline @hadeswrxtes
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usernameachilles · 5 years
“i am broken, and healing, but every piece of my heart belongs to you.”
Rowan turned to face Leo now. Leo’s words he was sure, meant to try to reassure him but.. did that matter when he was still walking away from him? When he was walking away from Jude? They were all broken they were all trying to heal. A part of him so desperately wanted to be selfish and make him stay. Make Leo say how much he loved him to tell him he thought it was a mistake - but how could he?
Leo wanted to be better. To work on himself because that was what he needed. How could Rowan ask him not to. How could he look the man he loved so much - his best friend and tell him that he didn’t care that he was broken.Jude had told him once before - that it wasn’t his job to fix her. He couldn’t fix Leo either-not in the way he needed. 
He knew what he was trying to do but ultimately he was just making things harder on him. “ I know that,” the words were so soft nearly above a whisper. Large hands turned into fist as he turned away. Knowing that if he kept looking at him. Just an arms length away; he would do something that he couldn’t take back. He would break his word and instead of letting Leo go Rowan would hold onto him even more tightly than before. “You should go now… I’ve… I’m suppose to meet with Kali soon.” 
It was a lie, there was no meeting. But Rowan just needed some space. Needed  a little more time; so he could let him go.
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usernameachilles · 5 years
“ fuck you want from me? ”
black panther soundtrack ask meme !! @hadeswrxtes
“ I want you Leo!” he shouted at the other man.  “ I want you to be happy, I want you to be safe… I want to be with you and every chance you get. Every fucking time something bad happens you want to go running.  You said you wouldn’t run any more, remember that?”
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Rowan pulled at his hair. Leo couldn’t seriously be putting him through this again could he? How many times did he and Jude have to tell him that they wanted him. That they love him, they would do it every day if it would help. As it stood, the passing of Cricket seemed to be yet another catalyst for Leo. Yet another reason he couldn’t or wouldn’t  stay with them.  He called them his suns, as if they were gods and he, some mere mortal man that didn’t deserve them. 
Had he ever took the time to stop and think that maybe, he was the god to them? Some heartbreaking, breathtaking deity that had dane to grace them in his glory. 
Looking at Leo now, Rowan closed the distance between them. His hands encompassing the other’s face as he tried to look away from him. Rowan held him firm. He wouldn’t let him do this again, he would make him keep his word. Because he had given Radish his own word that he would try. “I want you to stop running Leo. Stop pushing us all away and let us help you.” bowing his head and resting it against Leo’s now. “ I want you to stay… please.” 
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usernameachilles · 5 years
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Domesticated: Leo x Rowan
Leo feeding food vs Rowan force-feeding
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usernameachilles · 5 years
Send 👌 For a Random Headcanon Between Your Muse and Mine @hadeswrxtes
That one time Achilles made dinner...
“ What do you think?”
Rowan looked over at Snow as she looked at the dinner table he set. Here was a fact... Rowan could cook one thing and one thing well. Kofta; it had been a family recipe and the only thing that he took away from his mother’s cooking lessons. She had figured out rather quickly that her eldest child had no business in any kitchen let alone her’s. Still, she had told him the best way to show your love to someone is to cook with love. Even something as simple as lamb meatballs. 
He nervously rearranged the table once more. Rowan didn’t know why he was so nervous. He wasn’t a baker, he would leave that to Jude and Leo but this... this recipe he knew like the back of his hand. He also thought it would be a good test for Leo. Getting him used to their traditional food because there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Jude would be making all sorts of Turkish dinners when the mood strikes her. This was his contribution when it came to their family meals.
“ You’re no help at all Snow.” he mumbled the tiger next to him look up at him as if to say what do you want from me Sighing he removed his apron. He figured he would have about an hour before Leo was back from his training session with one of their new members. Might as well get a shower in or he would continue to fuss with the table setting even more. 
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