#feat. sedona (npc)
sav-grey · 3 years
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The Grey Sisters at the Harvest Ball
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sav-grey · 3 years
who: @jckfldng​  when: friday june 18th  where: convocation dinner
Sav was avoiding Jack. Well, she was avoiding everyone, but at the top of the list was obviously Maddie, Axel, and then the people she had all been with on game night. The fact that she had been sleeping with Marcello then wasn’t necessarily out, but it was like she had told Minnie - Jack had a pretty short attention span, and was always looking for someone else to torment, and Sav had a pretty good chance it was about to be her, considering everything that had gone on at prom night and the fact that he had already tried texting her about it. The only thing worse than running into Jack was running into Jack in the presence of Sedona, plus the rest of her family joining shortly. So when she saw him, she immediately froze, hoping that he wouldn’t notice her.  “Why are you making that face?” Sedona asked immediately, glancing over her shoulder to see what Sav was looking at. 
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“Sh, Sedona, don’t look,” Sav hissed, already knowing that would be an invitation to Jack. And of course, his eyes fell on her, Jack making an immediate beeline. “Fuck,” Sav said under her breath, rolling her eyes. “What do you want, Jack?” she asked once he got close enough, no patience in the question, speaking before Sedona would have any chance too. 
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sav-grey · 3 years
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The Grey Sisters at the Welcome Dinner
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sav-grey · 4 years
when: Friday, November 27th where: Savannah’s Luxor New Zealand Dorm what: Savannah & Grey Fam Drama 
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Sav heard a knock at her door as she buzzed around her room, trying to get ready for the welcome dinner. She had seen her family briefly that afternoon, but the idea of sitting down for a dinner with them all, and with all the Luxor students, for who knows how long - well, it was making her nervous. Not that she’d ever admit that. But it was the reason for all the nervous energy as she flitted about, trying to get ready. Zelda probably thought she was completely insane. There was just already family drama, and with the way things always went at Luxor, Sav didn’t want things to be worse. 
She went to the door and swung it open, a grin widening when she saw Sierra. “Oh, thank god - tell me you’re here to pregame with me before we have to go sit down with the rest of the family,” she said with a sigh, motioning in her older sister. The expression on her face was uncharacteristically serious, Sav raising an eyebrow as Sierra entered her dorm room, perching herself on the edge of her seat. 
“Not quite,” Sierra said slowly, pursing her lips as she considered Sav. Of course Sierra was already dressed to the nines, looking perfectly ready for the dinner while Sav was trying to finish getting ready still. “Mel mentioned something to Sedona and I earlier. I told Sedona not to mention anything to Mom and Dad before I talked to you, so....here I am,” she said softly, patting the couch next to her so Sav would sit down. 
Sav slowly lowered herself to the seat next to Sierra, her eyes widening at her sister’s serious tone. “What? Am I allowed to get a drink before this?” she asked. Sierra finally cracked a smile, though she shook her head - which was never a good sign. Sierra was always down to drink, no matter the occasion.
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“I know you hate any one not getting straight to the point, so I will - also because I do want to get at least one drink in before we go meet Mom and Dad, but...Mel said you had a pregnancy scare.” 
Sierra dropped the words, Sav’s face immediately paling. She had talked to Mel when the rumors were flying around, but she hadn’t figured her cousin wouldn’t be stupid enough to say something to her family. She had even told her that she was denying the rumor to everyone - it was just a stupid rumor, she didn’t actually think she was pregnant. The only people who had known that wasn’t the truth was Maddie, Callie, and Josh. And she had told Mel that. 
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“I wasn’t pregnant,” Sav blurted out, her eyes meeting Sierra’s. “You can’t say anything to Mom or Dad - it was stupid, I was sleeping with someone, we didn’t use a condom a few times....but it was just a coincidence. I was tested, I’m clean, I’m not pregnant, and it’s not going to happen again,” she said, the words rushing out in a hurry, as if she convinced Sierra quickly enough she could stop this from getting back to her parents. 
Sierra’s head tipped to the side, giving a brief shake at Sav. “Come on. I know you get self-destructive sometimes, and after all the shit that went down last year, I get it but....you have to be smarter than that. And I didn’t even realize you were seeing someone, Sav.” 
Sav let out a heavy, slow exhale, her eyes closing for a moment. Sierra had a point. She had been sleeping with Joshua because they were close friends. Because they had slept together when they were younger, because they had always hooked up (when they were both single, obviously), and there was no drama between it. That was the way it had always been, and Sav knew she had started to hook up with him again because she had been trying to avoid serious feelings for someone again. It had semi backfired, and then it had turned into all this drama. Which was exactly what she had been trying to avoid.
“We weren’t really together,” Sav said after a few quiet beats, glancing down at her lap. “Like I said, the whole thing was stupid. Please, Sie. Don’t say anything. You know they’ll kill me...especially after everything else. And tell Sedona not to say anything.” 
At Sav’s last sentence, both of them grimaced in unison. While Sierra and Savannah could always be trusted to have each other’s back, it was less reliable for Sedona to do the same. 
“I’ll text her,” Sierra said with a nod, already typing away on her phone. “Now get us drinks so we can chug them before we go meet everyone,” she added with her much more typical expression, a mischievous grin curling across her face. 
Sav let out an internal sigh of relief, getting up and going into her room to grab some champagne she was hiding (it seemed fitting for the night), closing her eyes for a moment when she was out of sight of Sierra. She couldn’t believe that they had found out about this. If Maddie was still there, Sav would already be furiously texting her about it, but instead, she was at rehab with no phone, and her other normal confidant, her cousin, was the one who had thrown her under the fucking bus. At least she hadn’t told Mel it was Josh - so that drama didn’t have to get dragged into it as well.
She had barely returned back out to the common room with glasses of champagne for both her and Sierra when there was another knock at the door. Sav looked at her sister over the edge of her glass, sipping from the champagne slowly, before setting the glass down and going to peak out the door to see who it was. 
To her somewhat surprise, when she swung the door open, Sedona was standing there, her arms crossed over her chest. “Are you guys seriously drinking already?” she said flatly, glancing between Savannah and Sierra as she entered the room with a raise of her eyebrow. 
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“Did you want a glass?” Sierra asked innocently, blinking up at their younger sister from where she was sitting on the couch, glancing at her phone to see if her text to Sedona had even been acknowledged. It hadn’t, which instantly raised a sense of foreboding in the eldest Grey sister, glancing over at Sav before looking back at Sedona. “Sedona...” she said slowly, pushing herself to a standing position, champagne flute still in her hand (obviously). 
“I’m sorry,” Sedona cut her off, looking at Sierra for a moment before turning to Sav. “You’re too late. I told Dad already. That’s not fun and games, Sav. It’s serious shit. It’s too far...you’re being stupid,” she said bluntly. 
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A gasp left Sav’s lips, echoed by Sierra as they both stared at Sedona in horror. “You what?!” Sav shrieked, panic clear on her face. She never trusted Sedona with any of her secrets, and there was a reason for that, but even she didn’t think Sedona would’ve gone this far. “How could you do this to me? You didn’t even wait to find out if it was true or not? He’s going to kill me, Sedona!” 
Sierra stepped forward, holding a hand up at either sister. “Don’t,” she said to Sedona, cutting off the youngest Grey before she could rebuke Savannah, shaking her head. “Don’t get into it. Sav, finish your drink. We have to go. Dad won’t say anything at the welcome dinner in front of anyone. Just....deny it. Say it was a rumor at that Mel told Sedona the wrong thing. It’s Mel. We all know how she is. Sedona - I can’t believe you right now.”
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Sav let Sierra speak up, too panicked to even gather her thoughts. She blindly reached for the champagne she had set down, taking it to her lips with a shaking hand, unsteadily taking a sip. She knew Sierra was right - her father wasn’t going to make a scene about this, but she also knew that his anger wouldn’t fizzle out that quickly. 
“I’m never going to forgive you for this,” Sav said bluntly to Sedona as she went into her room, glancing in the mirror - she hadn’t quite finished her hair, but this would have do - before grabbing her purse and shoes, slipping them on with still shaking hands. “Okay. Let’s fucking get this over with.” 
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sav-grey · 4 years
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Richard Grey (Ralph Fiennes) - 55 years old
Susanne Grey (Kate Moss) - 47 years old
Sierra Grey (Florence Pugh) - 21 years old
Savannah Grey (Madelyn Cline) - 19 years old
Sedona Grey (Lily-Rose Depp) - 18 years old
Father - Richard Grey
Richard is a fearsome, intimidating figure, who absolutely melts around his three daughters. He might be a little absentee, as a finance man, but he makes up for the time he spends at work instead of at home with a huge salary, family money, and credit cards for each of his daughters. He refuses to see anything but the best in them, and always believes that they are not at fault. ....Except for Sav sometimes. 
Mother - Susanne Grey
Susanne may be a stay at home mother, but that also doesn’t mean she’s ever been hands on. A former model, she was always a little bit more of a trophy wife, rather than a mom, and as she’s aged, she’s just kinda found it hard to keep track of all three of them. One of them is always up to something. Sedona is her favorite, but she won’t admit that out loud. Unless she’s a couple of glasses of wine in. 
Eldest Sister - Sierra Grey (Libra - September 29th, 2000)
Sierra is still in college, and she’s the one Sav really learned her partying ways from. Her friends were always amused by the middle Grey tagging along, and it’s safe to say they were not good influences. Sierra is a loose cannon, and has no idea what she wants to do with her life. She’s extremely kind-hearted and actually one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet, with good advice, if you can ever pin her down long enough to get her to have a conversation. 
Youngest Sister - Sedona Grey (Cancer - July 19th, 2003)
Sedona is the least pretentious of all of the daughters, even though she’s the most spoiled. She’s actually hard-working, and plans to follow in their father’s footsteps into finance. She is your typical, bratty youngest sister. She tries to keep Sav and Sierra in line, but does that by tattling on them to their parents constantly, which really has just ended up with Sedona getting left out of their more risky adventures. 
Andrew Grey (Cillian Murphy) - 48 years old
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Melody Grey (Madisyn Menchaca) - 18 years old (Pisces - February 28th, 2003)
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Mel is the daughter of Richard’s younger brother. She and Sav are extremely close, and Mel also attends Luxor. Although she is technically a year younger than Sav, they’re in the same grade since Sav had to repeat kindergarten (lol). She’s actually fairly smart, though she is fairly naive/easily manipulated, and extremely spoiled, and so she definitely comes off even more out of touch then Savannah. She has the feels like your typical pisces, but the resting bitch face definitely comes from that scorpio rising. 
Jillian Grey-Kennedy (Kathryn Hahn) - 50 years old
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Kyle Kennedy (Danielle Campbell) - 24 years old (Aries)
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Kyle is the oldest cousin on the Grey side, the daughter of Richard’s sister. She grew up in Texas, as Jillian Grey moved there to marry the son of an oil baron, just increasing how rich that family was. Kyle was a competitive gymnast who was on track to go to the Olympics until she had a devastating injury, and then she moved out to Los Angeles and is working as a bartender and fucking around because she has no idea what else to do. She’s kinda a huge bitch, and doesn’t get along with the rest of the cousins as well, but she’s still around when they need her to be.
Maternal Aunt - (Teressa Liane) - 35 years old
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Maternal Uncle - TBD FC
Maternal Cousin - (Olivia Holt) - 22 years old
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sav-grey · 4 years
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Sedona is the youngest Grey sibling. She and Sav do not see eye to eye, whatsoever. Their father works in finance, and Sedona has always planned to follow in his footsteps. She is hard working, extremely ambitious, and no nonsense. Sav’s lackadaisical apathetic manner quite literally drive Sedona insane sometimes. Plus, she feels like Sav has purposefully done things to fuck up her life in the past, and that’s something Sedona cannot relate too, considering how she personally always tries to set up everything perfectly for herself. When Sav is in deep shit, she goes to Sedona, because she knows her younger sister will be able to help her get out of it, and if it’s beyond even her, come up with a solution for Sav. Or at least sweet talk their parents into forgetting it, if she’s in the mood. They love each other and all, they just have completely contrasting philosophies of life. Sedona is New York, through and through, where Sav can’t wait to get to LA, which is a good metaphor for their stances on pretty much everything. 
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sav-grey · 3 years
who: @rhiannonindigo​ when/where: the harvest ball, somewhere wandered off in the chateau
Sedona was exploring the chateau, taking in the art when she spotted orange out of the corner of her eye, a raise of one eyebrow her only reaction, not even turning to face who she assumed was her sister. “Since you’re still here, you better have snuck away with champagne,” she said lightly, turning her head a moment later to spot someone who was very much not Sav. “Oh god, sorry. I thought you were my sister,” she said, her eyes immediately getting wide as her eyebrows turned up in the middle, her apology written all over her face. “Unless you did bring champagne, in which case I’m not sorry to have dragged you into conversation at all.” 
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sav-grey · 3 years
who: @hunter-rockwell​​ when/where: the harvest ball
Sedona was weaving through the crowd, a glass of champagne in her hand, eyes searching for one very particular tall blond, trying to look inconspicuous as she did so. She didn’t want Sav to know what she was doing, the night before having been dramatic enough for her older sister. Finally, she spotted Hunter, practically beaming when she did, though she did her best to school her expression into one of appropriate aloofness as she approached him. “Hey stranger,” she said, reaching out to lightly brush his elbow to get his attention. “I looked for you last night after....all that.” 
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