#feat. wen xu (kind of)
1000wangjis · 1 year
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467. (Episode 19)
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uhdrienne · 10 months
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 ‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳
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1. all's fair in love and law [completed]
💌 feat: seungcheol x reader smau, fluff, humour
💌 summary: falling for the cute library assistant while struggling through a law degree may not have been in your plans or his — but it was the best thing to happen.
oh, how did something as simple as losing your notes turn into this?
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🎻 feat: violinist!jun x violinist!reader, victorian era, enemies to lovers (kind of)
🎻 summary: in an era of music and dance, of dukes and arranged marriages, there is only one man whom you fight tooth and nail to play at the same tempo as -- legendary violinist wen junhui. people fall over themselves to dance to a song he plays, and festivities from all over the land request the pleasure of his attendance.
portraits are painted, praises sung of him, but you've only ever known him as your stiffest competition, in a society where outstanding women are frowned upon, reduced to mere puppets in the shadow of men. yet, amid domineering voices and too-loud presences, you have no option but to understand that he was the melody that played his way into your heart.
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1. this summer [in progress]
🌼 feat: wonwoo x reader, fluff, comfort fic lmao
🌼summary: going back to the countryside where you grew up was at the bottom of your list. unexpectedly, your life changes course, and you eventually find your home in weekly village cleaning, the sound of the waves, and with the local jack-of-all-trades, jeon wonwoo.
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1.wildest dreams
💌feat: idol!xu minghao x non-celebrity!reader (angst, oneshot, taylor swift!inspired)
💌 summary: once a dream relationship with the love of your life, now doomed to fail because of the media, you can only hope that minghao will think of you again -- even if it's in your wildest dreams.
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check back soon ゚+..。*゚+
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check back soon ゚+..。*゚+
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check back soon ゚+..。*゚+
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minnarr · 3 years
trembling on the branch extra (ch. 8)
So trembling on the branch is told entirely from Chengling’s POV, but this one scene from ZZS’ POV wouldn’t leave me alone so. Have a little snippet of what happened after Chengling left ZZS and WKX alone at the end of chapter 8, feat. Yearning.
After Chengling had left, Zhou Zishu pressed a cup of wine into Wen Kexing’s hand. The animation had drained out of his shidi as soon as Chengling left, and he eyed the cup blankly for a moment, then threw it back in a single swallow. He closed his eyes, brow furrowing, a single drop still left shining on his lip.
Zhou Zishu couldn’t stop looking at that drop of wine. He had raised his hand before he could think better. Wen Kexing’s eyes opened slowly, and he paused for a moment, caught. He shook the end of his sleeve over his hand and carefully dabbed the drop away. 
Ah, his Lao Wen’s eyes were too much. He glanced down at the table. “Mo Weixu,” he said.
Wen Kexing dropped his head onto his arms. “That boy. Doesn’t he know to make better choices than that? Ah Xu, who taught him how to choose his friends?”
The corners of Zhou Zishu’s lips quirked; Wen Kexing couldn’t see him smile from his position. Hadn’t he always been like that? Offering coins to a drunk man who didn’t want them, then inviting him to his family’s home. Trusting. Kind-hearted. Nothing to suggest, on the surface, the grit he could summon in times of need. “He’s chosen them. And now you’ve agreed to invite them here.” He settled on the floor beside Wen Kexing’s chair. “Lao Wen, I know you better than to think you could forgive him just like that.”
Wen Kexing’s voice emerged from the pillow of his arms. “And what would you have me do?”
“Drink. Rant. Cry, if you must.” Zhou Zishu leaned close, murmuring into Wen Kexing’s ear, not at all gentle now, but vicious: ”You killed Mo Huaiyang. Good. It was an easier death than he deserved, but he can’t die twice even for your pain.”
“I don’t even know how many escaped,” Wen Kexing hissed. “Which disciples got away with joining him on Mount Qingya? Gentle Wind Sword Sect yet lives.”
“Which disciples would have followed Fan Huaikong into death if asked?” Zhou Zishu reached for Wen Kexing’s cup, poured another measure. and drank it himself. “How can we know? We’re not immortals. Are we indiscriminate killers, then?”
Wen Kexing let out one short, sharp bark of laughter. 
“If we are killing those responsible for Ah Xiang’s death,” Zhou Zishu added darkly, “then we are better off starting with me than Mo Weixu.”
Wen Kexing jerked beside him and turned to him with wild eyes. “No,” he said, grabbing Zhou Zishu’s lapel. Their eyes met, and Zhou Zishu made his face soften, letting go of the outward bitterness. It was just one of many mistakes; he was prone to fatal misjudgements, after all, wasn’t he? But this was not about his mistakes, and if Wen Kexing did not wish to blame him, then Zhou Zishu could not find it in himself to argue. 
“Tell me what you want,” Zhou Zishu said, “even if what you want is now impossible.”
Zhou Zishu had suggested drinking, ranting, and crying; Wen Kexing did all three before the night was out, finally wringing himself out well after the rest of the Manor was asleep. He tried to leave, but Zhou Zishu firmly pushed him into his own bed. Wen Kexing’s eyes were shut and his breathing slow and even before Zhou Zishu returned with a separate set of blankets to spread on the floor. 
He woke early in the morning to someone else moving around his rooms, and closed his eyes again to breathe in the comfort. Cool light spilled through the screens, and when he opened his eyes to Wen Kexing stepping around the privacy screen, it caught in long, bright curves along his sleep-rumpled robes, his loose hair. 
“Lao Wen,” he said, smiling without meaning to.
Wen Kexing’s own smile was hesitant but real. “Ah Xu.”
“Lao Wen,” he said again, because he could.
“Ah Xu!” Wen Kexing laughed, and finally moved past the privacy screen, leaning down to grab Zhou Zishu’s arm and haul him up off the floor. Zhou Zishu groaned and pretended to sag against him, only to be bullied upright. “Who said you should sleep on the floor? Your dignity is worth more than that, surely.”
“What would you have me do as an alternative,” Zhou Zishu murmured, glancing sidelong at Wen Kexing, “share the bed with you?”
Ah. Delightful. For a man with such a thick face, Wen Kexing blushed prettily when properly moved. “Ah Xu, I have a perfectly good bed. Or I could have had the floor! It wouldn’t be the first time, after all.”
“Do you think I never slept on floors?” Zhou Zishu said. “Do you think this is the worst bed I’ve had?” He couldn’t resist needling him back, but his mind leapt to imagining other mornings like this—ones where Wen Kexing had shared the bed, but found other things to scold about in the dawn light, when there was no one else in the world but them.  
He caught Wen Kexing’s wrist as the other man turned away. “Lao Wen—won’t you comb my hair this morning?”
And if he admired Wen Kexing’s eyelashes as he lowered his gaze, or felt his shoulders relax as familiar fingers slid through his hair, who could blame him? If his heart thrilled when Wen Kexing asked the same favor in return, was there any harm in it?
Wen Kexing needed reassurance. If Zhou Zishu stole some in return, at least it was freely offered.
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songofclarity · 3 years
Out of sheer curiosity, what do you think of Wen Xu. Any HC?
Two Wen Xu asks came in back-to-back and I could probably have answered them both at once, but I'll use your daring moment of sheer curiosity to focus on headcanons/theories I have for him, Anon~!
Similar to Su She, who caused problems while lurking in the background, I think Wen Xu, who also caused problems while lurking in the background, is our guy who has been inciting several other rising conflicts between the Qishan Wen and the other sects over the years. He doesn't need explicit orders to do this, mind you, because he is simply doing what any self-respecting son of the Qishan Wen Sect would do. Just like the Twin Prides look to the Jiang motto of Attempt the Impossible and the Twin Jades look to the 3,000 Lan rules, Wen Xu is also guided by Clan tradition:
The Wen Clan used the sun as the motif of their clan, signifying that they could "compete with the sun for radiance, match the sun in longevity." (ch. 17, ERS)
The sun, however, is beautiful and warm and radiant all on its own, which means he doesn't have to play nice with the other sects if he doesn't want to. In fact, it goes against policy to treat the other sects as equals! Therefore, with him being the predominant Wen outside Nightless City, it seems apt to assign these events to him:
1. Monopolizing all the prime Night Hunt locations and excluding the other sects, which made the other sects resent the Qishan Wen even more
Remember Jin Ling setting up those 400 golden nets? That's expensive and entitled! I imagine Wen Xu was our first Jin Ling, except rather than using 400 golden nets it's Wen Xu and his friends and Wen favorites who are staking claims on all the best sites. They're having a fun time and everyone else can cry about it! Remember that guest cultivators love being with the Wen Sect! It likely comes with plenty of favors, and Wen Xu as Wen RuoHan's eldest son had much to offer to gain and keep their support for the Qishan Wen.
2. Pushing the Waterborne Abyss from Qishan into Gusu Lan territory, making it a Lan problem and making the other sects resent the Qishan Wen even more
I headcanon that this event is what eventually prompted Wen Chao to daringly declare that he killed the Tortoise of Slaughter. Did Wen Xu declare that he had killed the Waterborne Abyss (which would sound absurd since the only known way to defeat it is to drain the lake and keep it dried out for years)? Or did he own up to how he simply got rid of the problem? Either way, he made Qishan safe, which is what any cultivation sect is supposed to do for their region.
The Qishan Wen are good to the Qishan Wen and the common folk beneath them. It's really only the other sects that take issue with them and see them as a threat.
*Please remember that the Qishan Wen Sect isn't an empire. They aren't trying to take over the world. They are simply seeking dominance and prominence, with all the power and prestige that comes with it.*
3. It's canon that Wen Xu led the attack on Cloud Recesses, that he accused QingHeng-jun of something to validate this assault, that he ordered Lan WangJi's leg broken when he stood in their way, and that he is responsible for the death of QingHeng-jun (whom I headcanon died due to critical burns from the fire)
The big question here is what, exactly, was Wen Xu/the Wen accusing QingHeng-jun of? It could be something real: neglecting his duties or even something to do with Madam Lan, since we really don't know her backstory. Or something overblown: having two sons who wear clouds on their ribbons, and clouds block out the sun, and those two sons did better than the Wen in the archery competition, so it must be an anti-Wen conspiracy, etc etc. (Wang LingJiao had to learn that logic somewhere!) The latter appeals to me the most, and highlights how Wen Xu was a role model for his little brother. The difference being that Wen Xu had experience handling other sects without getting everyone killed.
Frankly, that Wen Xu destroyed Cloud Recesses and got their Sect Leader killed and made their second Sect Leader go missing and all the other sects let him get away with it just reinforces, to me, that he has indeed been up to no good for a long time and that he is incredibly strong in his own right. Although Wei WuXian comments that the Wen Sect has a higher proportion of weak and incompetent disciples/subordinates, I headcanon that Wen Xu is not one of the weak ones.
But also Wen Xu is not bloodthirsty. He did what he needed to do and the only one left dead was the one that the Wens had a undisclosed problem with: QingHeng-jun. Wen Xu is strong but he has restraint. He never pushed anyone into a corner which could incite a rebellion, which was Wen Chao's mistake.
Until Wen Xu finally did push too hard:
4. It's canon that he went against Wen RuoHan's speech which effectively said to leave the Qinghe Nie alone. By ignoring how Wen RuoHan said that Nie MingJue would not bend, he pushed the Nie into a corner and bit off more than he could chew and got himself beheaded
All the Wens appeared to agree that the Sunshot Campaign was just an act of arrogance on the part of the other sects. The Wens did not take it seriously during those first three months, and therefore neither sought to squash it out or defeat it.
Wen Xu is what proves them wrong when he gets himself killed.
But what was Wen Xu doing in Hejian!? I headcanon/theorize that he was trying to end the Campaign on his own terms. Wen Xu was used to winning and used to the sects capitulating to Wen power and presence. Cloud Recesses was already destroyed and Lan XiChen is no threat, Lotus Pier was conquered and the Yunmeng Jiang were annihilated, and the Wens expected the Lanling Jin to come crawling back to them when things got too rough. This left the Qinghe Nie as the last foe, and thus Wen Xu went on his own prerogative to take Nie MingJue out and claim dominance for the Qishan Wen once more.
RIP Wen Xu
I don't say all of this to somehow make Wen Xu look evil--the Wens aren't evil and I don't understand why some readers want to dumb down the whole story by shoving them into a little evil box--although I guess I headcanon him as having a big head and being something of a bully lol. He's just being the same kind of pompous rich kid like Jin ZiXuan and Jin Ling except he has actual power and authority to back it up. The Qishan Wen are the biggest, richest, most powerful sect. He is the one who will one day inherit it as he is Wen RuoHan's oldest son. So he is both simultaneously protecting the Qishan Wen name as well as reinforcing it's power. He is endearing himself to his father by "fixing problems" and "taking care of unruly sects" before the problem even reaches Wen RuoHan's ears. Considering what we see and hear from Wen RuoHan, and how Wen RuoHan fails to make decisions he's not already being ushered into by a third party, Wen Xu and others are very much pro-actively promoting the Qishan Wen on their own terms.
Wen RuoHan is thus very happy with this loyal and righteous son of his! And it leaves Wen Chao striving to follow in Wen Xu's footsteps.
I headcanon that Wen Xu is much older than Wen Chao, like at least 10 years older if not more. (Who knows how old Wen RuoHan is? However old or young I want him to be at any given time! lol) This puts their relationship in a funny/annoying range of Wen Xu being the big brother but also old enough to pull the adult/parent card. Wen Chao has poor cultivation and he's the baby, which is why he gets Wen ZhuLiu as a bodyguard while Wen Xu, who is arguably quite strong, just gets to run around with his subordinates. Wen Xu is the jock big brother who pushes Wen Chao's buttons and it looks like they hate each other--but I also headcanon that Wen Xu likes seeing Wen Chao succeed in whatever dumb thing Wen Chao decided to do today and Wen Chao wants to grow up to as respected and powerful as Wen Xu (and Wen RuoHan) one day. They are not adversaries although there is competition and conflict between them.
And, as I mentioned before, we get Waterborne Abyss vs Tortoise of Slaughter competition between them. Both of them don't believe it! Father, he is not that competent!
Wen RuoHan laughs it out and disagrees, because he appreciates that both his kids are doing amazing feats. (Are they though? Are they???)
Then there are headcanons of Wen Xu and Wen Qing! Their families were close because they are family and their parents were BFFs! I have yet to decide if I want Wen Xu or Wen Qing to be older. Da-ge or Da-jie? One idea I like for them is that they were close as children, but maybe grew up and went their separate ways a little. That Wen Qing never renounced the Wen Sect makes me hold fast that she did love her family and clan, even if she didn't agree with what they did for their sect. Wen Xu wasn't a bad guy even if he did bad things. (She disliked Wen Chao but maybe she liked Wen Xu a little more lol)
I headcanon Wen Ning's outstanding archery involved Wen Xu giving him some hands-on assistance. (Da-ge? Da-ge...!) Like everyone else in the Wen Sect, I headcanon Wen Ning would have also wanted to impress Wen RuoHan and be noticed by him, too. They didn't keep it a secret from Wen Chao on purpose, it just turned out that way especially since most of the work was done by Wen Ning. (Wen Xu was at the discussion conference but he didn't watch the archery competition, instead teasing it was for babies in order to make Wen Chao cross. Wen Xu likes Wen Chao but he needs to grow up!)
There are also headcanons about his mother, but that's a whole rabbit hole of its own lol My main headcanon is that Wen Xu and Wen Chao have the same mother, but she had difficult pregnancies that resulted in them being born years apart. Madam Wen and Wen RuoHan had wanted a large family and sadly only had two sons. Wen Xu did not grow up short on affection, which resulted in him wanting to protect the Qishan Wen name even more.
I headcanon that Wen RuoHan is a good father and his relationship with Wen Xu was very good, although of course it does not come without it's own difficulties and conflicts at times. (Considering how terrible all the other fathers are, statistically there should be one good one, right?)
There are other random headcanons I could throw in here but I will finish this off by saying I don't have a solid headcanon on who is Wen Yuan's father, although I can see the poetic appeal of it being Wen Xu. Wen Xu burned down Cloud Recesses and said the Wen would help the Lan grow from the ashes. Wen Yuan grows up there as if reborn from the ashes by help of the Lan, given a new name and family, too.
(That Wen Chao is explicitly given a wife in canon makes me headcanon him as Wen Yuan's father though, as I also like Wei WuXian protecting Wen Chao's son for my own dark delight~)
I also tend to think of Wen Xu as someone running around and playing around and not quite ready to settle down. But Wen Xu with a wife and a family of his own? I would love to see it!
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