#cql ep19
1000wangjis · 5 months
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486. (Episode 19)
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mushroomwriter · 2 years
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“Why would I lie to you? Let you be happy for a couple of days and then give you a devastating blow?” (Wei Wuxian, episode 18)
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llycaons · 1 year
ep19 (part 1) : you know it's bad when you see a torture scene and you're like 'oh yeah this is the least painful thing to happen to him in three episodes and it'll only get worse after this'
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on my first watch I remember being like 'oh god she looks like shit', honestly he's a little tired looking and he's got a far-away look in his eyes that points to some extreme inner distress or distracting pain and he coughs very weakly but. yeah no he looks pretty bad
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what we all assumed was hunger but was. you know
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unintentionally (?) funniest shots in the episode. wzl might actually know about wwx's core at this point - I assume he can sense them. I can think of no other reason for him to look at his hand like that
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scream. with context...well we know why. and wwx likely hasn't slept either
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of all the additions to the story cql made, this is by far one of the most powerful and memorable. it's such a beautiful scene and imo it points to what jc deep down wanted more than anything. happy family. everyone getting along. his some safe. wwx is there, and I know there's a lot of debate over whether jc sees his as a brother but it's hard to argue he didn't see him as par of that family in some way, regardless of how he treated him
this scene wasn't in the novel unless im really misremembering, but it's much easier to believe that jc viewed wwx differently there compared to here
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his mother welcoming him! smiling! being kind and affectionate to his siblings!
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his father interacting with him willingly! playing with him! believing in him! such simple things, and so out of reach for jc, once hard to imagine him attaining and now impossible
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he knows to thank bssr but I don't think he'll ever thank wwx :/
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he's tired so I can forgive that his comeback to 'you're a dog' is 'NO YOU'
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why are you like this. maniac
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here he is! wwx is defined by his low birth status and his unstable relationship with the aristocracy. they can cast him out at any time, and do so once it's clear he will act against them. there is treatment and slander he endures that a highborn individual would never face even if they did the exact same things that he did. but wwx is scrappy. he uses everything he has to his advantage. he even weaponizes his lack of privilege.
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wjl are you stupid. like. love this woman, she's very funny, but seriously. you work with cultivators
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oof oof ouch. this is a rough scene and it's the least bad thing to happen to wwx from his enemies (or allies) in a while. after watching his home be destroyed, seeing myu blame him for everything then died with jfm, LP overtaken and disrespected, needing to get jc back, staying awake for days researching, then lying awake for two days and a night undergoing surgery, and AFTER this getting thrown into a pit of corpses where you're expected to lose your soul to endless torment....well. this is bad but relatively bearable
anyway ohh yin iron is reacting to his blood
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I love when side characters deliver exposition loudly and obviously. very convenient for our protags
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JC SAW THEM. SCREAM. I don't think he could have done anything esp since he doesn't have his sword but he SAW them. isn't that wild
if he was just a few hours earlier...well, wwx would still die, wouldn't he? being thrown into the burial mounds was horrifically traumatizing but it did facilitate his career in necromancy and he wouldn't have been resurrected without his own writings on the topic. and this is a very shitty situation for him to imagine an plot divergence
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that being said this is one of the most horrific things that can happen to a person in like. any piece of media. this man has suffered so much bizarre and specific trauma
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shut up wen chao you're not the one binding him there
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the smoke catching him, making his descent somewhat gentler. it can sense what's happening
in the book I think it's canon that he breaks several bones in the fall. or maybe that was in a fanfic I read. I like it more when it breaks his bones honestly bc it adds to the rawness and realism of the scene tho I am not complaining cql wwx has it a little better
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and if that's not enough, wen ning has also been tortured! and wq in imprisoned!
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eohachu · 3 years
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[id: 9 gifs from the cdrama “the untamed” with 3 text images in between. the text reads: i am the cause, i am a stockpile of chemical / toys, my body / is a deadly gadget, / I reach out in love, my hands are guns, / my good intentions are completely lethal. 1st gif: a close shot of wei wuxian’s face. 2nd gif: a close shot of wei wuxian playing chenqing, resentful energy wafting around him. 3rd gif: wei wuxian about to fall into burial mounds. resentful energy lifts him up, his face is smeared in blood. 4th gif: wei wuxian in episode 33 shortly before his death. his face is a grimace, resentful energy surrounds him. 5th gif: wei wuxian in burial mounds fighting against the resentful energy. 6th gif: wei wuxian playing chenqing with an intense expression. 7th gif: wei wuxian reaching for jiang yanli’s picture in the water. as he touches it it disappears and he tries to chase after it. 8th gif: a close shot of wei wuxian’s hand, the yin tiger seal hovering above it. resentful energy surrounds him. 9th gif: wei wuxian looking at the dying jiang yanli with tears in his eyes. yanli reaches out to cradle wei wuxian’s face. /end id]
Margaret Atwood, “It is Dangerous to Read Newspapers”
陈情令 The Untamed × Poetry pt. IX
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jiangwanyin · 3 years
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my hands have made some good mistakes. they can always make better ones. — natalie wee
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franniebanana · 3 years
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Wei Wuxian, where is he?
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korpikorppi · 4 years
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Master Post - The Untamed
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All of my CQL original content! This consolidates & replaces my previous CQL masterposts. 
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You MAY repost any gifs or images from ANY of my “Restless Rewatch” posts as long as you credit me (Canary3d) or my blog (@canary3d-obsessed) somewhere in your post or comment. For non-Restless Rewatch images, please ask me first. (If you’re using Tumblr’s weird gif feature there’s no need to ask because that embeds a credit and it’s impossible to tell if it came from a RR post or not). 
Restless Rewatch Gifs and Memes
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 |part 6 (Jiang Cheng) |part 7 
Restless Rewatch Full Posts
Now also on AO3: Restless Rewatch: The Untamed by Canary3d
I’ve updated these links with gaps between the A and B parts, so hopefully they will work properly in the phone app, unlike before. If they’re still not working, please drop me a note, thanks!
Ep 41 (part one) (NEW)
Ep 40 (part one) and (part 2)
Ep 39 (part one) and (part 2) and (part 3) 
Ep 38 (A) and (B)
Ep 37 (A) and (B)
Ep 36 (A) and (B) 
Ep 35 (A) and (B) 
Ep 34 (A)
Ep 33 (A) and (B)
Ep 32 (A) and (B)
Ep 31 (A) and (B) 
Ep 30 (A) and (B) 
Ep 29 (A) and (B) 
Ep 28 (A) 
Ep27 (A) and (B)
Ep26 (A) and (B) 
Ep25 (A) and (B) 
Ep24 (A)  and (B) 
Ep23 (A) and (B) 
Ep22 (A) and (B) 
Ep21(A) and (B) 
Ep20 (A) and (B) and (C) 
Ep19 (A) and (B) 
Ep18: (A) and (B) 
Ep17 (A) and (B)  
Ep 16: (A) and (B)  
Ep15 (A)  
Ep14 (A) and (B)  
Ep13 (A) and (B) 
Ep12 (A) and (B) and EXTRAS 
Ep11 (A) and (B) 
Ep10 (A) and (B) 
Ep09 (A) and (B) 
Ep08 (A) and (B) 
Ep07 (A) and (B) 
Ep06 (A) and (B) 
Ep05 (A) and (B) 
Ep04 (A) and (B) 
Ep03 (A)  
Ep02 (A) 
Ep01 (A)
Restless Writing Prompts 
Clipper’s Guide to The Untamed
Mo Dao Zu Shi Adaptations Available in English
I love digging into the many, many visual, stylistic, and thematic parallels in The Untamed.
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A cave, a baby, a fever 
Wrist Holding: Parting & Reunion
The Blurry Sword of Doom 
Bichen at Wei Wuxian’s Throat 
The Honor of a Glance (more of a “see how time changes things” than a parallel, exactly) 
Troublemaker (ditto above) 
Letting Go
Arm Holding on Mount Yeet - Gif Overlay Challenge
Protective Lans
Putting Lan Zhan to Bed  
A Gentleman’s Revenge
Answer Me
When the Man Comes Around
I Am Leaving
You Touch It You Buy It
The Sky is Vast and the Earth is Wide
Pay It Forward
Wen Ning’s Boat Rides
(Here’s a cut so I don’t kill your dashboard)
Holding on/Letting go
Don’t Cry
Having a Spat, Yunmeng Style
Like Father, Like Son
Let Me Carry You
Great Idea, Thanks Bro
Assorted Gifs & Memes & Stuff
Mood: Serious
Lan Wangji Watching Wei Wuxian, Episode 33
Wei Wuxian screaming with Xiao Zhan’s voice 
Rainy Argument 1 | 2 | 3 
World’s Second-Worst Party Guest
Wei Wuxian is here to  make you feel better
Yu Ziyuan’s daughter
If you don’t trust me, how can you help me?
Do You Want Revenge?
Wei Wuxian Blindfolding Jiang Cheng
Contemplating the Future
Which unlucky family’s place did you take?
Hands, Episode 16
Zidian Beatdown
A Man Should Have Scars
Trauma Survivor Wei Wuxian
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Mood: Neutral
Reciting the Lan rules at the Wen indoctrination
Question and Answer Time
Lan Zhan, do you like rabbits?
Right in Front of Lil Apple’s Apple Salad 
Jiang Cheng and his facial expressions 
Wei Wuxian wants you to know: you’re awesome
LWJ looking at WWX
I adore you//Fucking hell
Color Palette Challenge
The many loves of Wei Wuxian
Significant Glances
Flute Fixing
Study Time in Yiling
Single Plank Bridge (Untamed/Yanxi Palace)
Soft Papa
WWX Jumps into Battle
Wen Siblings @ Burial Grounds
Flower Boys
Flower Boy Nie Huaisang
Fisherman Nie Huaisang
Kicking Your Ass: Teen Edition
Kicking Your Ass: Adult Edition
This Beautiful Hothead
Mood: Silly
The Adventures of Paperman (NEW)
New Problems Have Appeared (NEW)
Let’s have a cooking sequence but make it terrible 
That Twitter/Tumbler Meme but it’s CQL 
Reactions to Sisi’s Story, Ep 45 
Wangxian Communication
The Untamed as Dear Prudie Letters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 
Curses, cockblocked again
The Tuber of Disappointment 
Wei Wuxian & Wen Kexing
Wen Qing and the Lan Nymphs
No Time for Necromancy
When the landlord says it’s ok to repaint
How did you express the pain (WOH spoiler!)
The Untamed as Psychology Today Articles
Voice Actor Wang Kai Yelling at Xiao Zhan
Half-Incorrect Subtitles
Wangxian Brothel AU 
Nie Mingjue Yells Merry Christmas
Wei Wuxian making out with his Lunch
Wei Wuxian x Unnecessarily Erotic Drinking
Nie Huaisang Reporting In
Strong Hanguang Jun
Jiang Cheng’s Purple Jammies
Wei Wuxian searches Xue Yang
Adolescent’s observation
Failmaster Lan Qiren
Oh No He Noticed
Super Regularly
Oh Crap! Act Normal!
Emergency Hairpieces
Acceptability Review Meeting Episode 45/46
Acceptability Review Meeting Episode 45
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Drinking, Drinking, Drinking
Xue Yang/Dandy Highwayman
Fight Moves/You Spin Me
Wei Wuxian/Not an Addict
Fractured Spirit (Warning: EXPLICIT)
Other Stuff
Adoption meta
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morifinwes · 4 years
akdjdjdk yeah it's every second gif!! the first one is from ep19 when wang lijiao has nightmares (that's her behind the lace curtain) 😁🤍
Dacht ich's mir doch 😌 asksij i thought it made be that scene but i wasn't completely sure which is why i was hesitant to say it wasn't from cql. but the rest was kind of obvious 🥰
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1000wangjis · 1 year
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467. (Episode 19)
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1000wangjis · 1 year
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466. (Episode 19)
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mushroomwriter · 2 years
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124 notes · View notes
1000wangjis · 3 years
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337. (Episode 19)
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1000wangjis · 3 years
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228. (Episode 19)
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1000wangjis · 3 years
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150. (Episode 19)
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franniebanana · 3 years
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