#feather river california
latterdaysainttemples · 8 months
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Inside the Feather River California Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Read the Church Newsroom article. Learn more about Latter-day Saint temples, their functions, and find a temple open house near you.
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coolthingsguyslike · 4 months
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handmedownquiltluvr · 7 months
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feather fest 2023 🪶❣️
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streetworms2019 · 2 years
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sonyachristian · 3 months
Wrapping up February 2024
One year ago, February 23, 2023, the California Community Colleges Board of Governors announced the 11th chancellor and I started my new position 5 months later. ***** On Tuesday, I was at Cerritos College, sharing the roadmap of Vision 2030. Thank you President Jose Fierro for the invitation. And thank you to the members of the Board of Governors, Adrienne Brown and Paul Medina, who joined…
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unplaces · 16 days
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Feather River Dr, Stockton, California.
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official-darkforest · 2 months
in your anthro au, does bramble actually make it to canada? is the plotline of the lake territory scrapped for something else?
rambled quite a bit here!
no, they dont make it to canada. they abandoned that idea after feather was killed. instead her funeral and burial is held in california by her dying wish and her family drives/flies over. graystripe and mosspelt took feather's car, but mosspelt flies back home via plane. graystripe is staying wirh storm indefinitely and eventually meets millie.
with storm's blessing, bramble,tawny, crow, and squirrel take the van back home. tawny is dropped off on the way, but crow insists on tagging along to thunder because he's not ready to be alone yet. his family is pretty small and he's not sure his parents will be able to help much, as much as they may try.
dodging the draft can get you into trouble, but there are many that got off scot free and bramble was one pf those lucky fellows (especially with firestar's involvement. he made sure bramble wouldn't have it held against him in return for keeping squirrel safe and bringing her home). firestar was furious at both bramble and squirrel but he's not cruel and unsympathetic, especially considering they just lost a very close friend (and that gray isnt coming back for a while).
this is where crow and leaf meet, crow is kinda bunking with bramble at his place and even had plans to move in for good. his parents were pretty combative but couldnt do much since he was a few states away!!! they dont know where the fuck thunder-whatever is. but eventually he gets a call about his father's rapidly declining health and immediately abandons his plans to stay. he asks leaf to come with him but leaf still isn't finished with med school (she doesn't know she's pregnant yet) and they part ways. crow makes it home to help ashfoot care for deadfoot in his final few months and fills in after his father dies. it's something he didnt plan to continue but its notnlike he HATES doing the work. eventually meets+marries nightcloud a 1-4 yrs later
leaf meanwhile continues med school. being unmarried with kids is still a social taboo, especially at such a young age (im imagining she and squirrel are around 18-19 by now, 17 during the road trip). squirrel and bramble, however, had been in a relationship with one another for a while after coming back home. sure, it got a bit messy when ashfur came back from vietnam and got a bit too close to squirrel for comfort, but they sorta resolved it and eventually bramble/squirrel got engaged. leaf confided in squirrel for her help with the pregnancy and squirrel immediately offered to take the children in as her own if leaf needed. it was a huge jump but leaf took the offer. bramble was let in on the plan the closer leaf got to her due date. he thought it was a very impulsive decision and they fought a bit about making the decision without him but he was enthusiastic about being a father regardless.
the others in town had their suspicions but dont ask dont tell.
theres some other parts i havent fully ironed out yet like where hawkfrost and mothwint come in.
as for the actual lake territories, they coexist with the forest territories by just being in different states LOL windclan and thunderclan's territory was pretty consistent in terms of The Basics so theyre mostly in the same general area (tc is east coast forests, wc is southwest-midwest prairies. theres a lot of cowboys, farmers, and ranchers in "windclan" as a result). shadowclan i can see being in the southern swamps, especially florida or louisiana, and riverclan is kinda interspersed alont the mississippi and ohio rivers. maybe a few along the east coast, too, as the lake territory equivalent. skyclan is probably in the rockies or the redwood forests out west. maybeeee old skyclan is in the appalachias???? idk LOL since the cats are so far apaer now the conflicts are a little less wide scale and more personal if rhat makes any sense at all. of course this whole au is a huge work in progress so some of what i say here may change!
the clans are rural/small/poor towns in my head. tight knit communities that have to rely on each other. kittypets are urban/suburbanites as a contrast and keep the 'kittypets r fucjing spoiled' theme going . you inow the city slicker junk LOL
bloodclan is probably a gang in new york. at least scourge's bloodclan. the other iterations are probably in other huge metropolitan cities. idk what warriorclan is, and the tribe is a whole can of worms im trying to be very careful with so im not gonna talk about them as a whole quite yet other than imply they exist
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queenlua · 5 months
TIL some heckin wild facts about river otters, apparently those dudes will fuckin devour the shit out of birds (!!!) given the opportunity:
source 1
A year ago I visited Point Reyes, California, over Thanksgiving and worried some sort of mass incident had occurred. There were so many dead pelican carcasses strewn about a very large area near the water in one location I was exploring. I took photos and videos, imagining getting in touch with authorities to stop whatever dreadful incident was occurring. Then someone who saw me photographing the carcasses said she heard a rumor it was the river otters grabbing the birds from below. It made sense, because the feathers were still there, but the flesh and organs were entirely gone. I did not witness the otters doing this, but the landscape looked like a bomb had gone off in the middle of a flock of pelicans.
source 2
The past several years at Big Twin Lake, Okanogan County (by Winthrop) there has been a mini-wildlife spectacle where, at dusk, hundreds of ducks fly into a small patch of open water kept open by a bubbler. Often one could see (and hear) 8-10 duck species in the aqueous mosh pit (mostly both species of goldeneyes, but also buffleheads, common and hooded mergansers, teal, mallards, scaup, wigeon, sometimes swans or geese), some arriving after dark. The ducks would depart by first light, presumably to avoid the ever present Bald Eagles. (BTW - the spectacle was discovered during a CBC). This year the massive numbers of ducks didn't show up. A few ducks would land at dusk and then quickly take off. Flocks of goldeneyes and mergansers would circle a few times and then fly elsewhere. We initially wondered if it was because it has been warmer and there was more open water around. We also noted at least one river otter regularly cruising around or lolling on a dock but didn't connect the dots. At the Twisp CBC potluck I mentioned this year's lack of ducks and also mentioned that the folks who came to see the ducks, got to see the otter as consolation. One of the many amazing naturalists who participate in the Twisp CBC mentioned that river otters can wreak havoc on waterfowl and showed me multiple photos of otters carrying scoters and other ducks. The next morning they watched a Hooded Merganser narrowly escape the otter. It's a cool example of the impact one or two predator individuals can have on the behavior of hundreds of individuals (likely the majority of the ducks overwintering in the upper Methow Valley).
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guerrerense · 10 months
Drifting past Gum Field
Drifting past Gum Field por Kevin Madore Por Flickr: Cass Scenic Railroad's 103-ton Shay Number 11 whistles the Logging Road Crossing at Gum Field (MP 2.9), as she drifts downhill between the Second and First Switchbacks on Cass Hill, with a log train. Number 11 is a transplant to the Eastern United States, having operated on the west coast from 1923 until 1965. She served both the Hutchinson Lumber Company and the Feather River Railway before ending up as a static display in a museum in San Diego in 1967. Nearly 30 years later, she was acquired by Cass Scenic Railroad and restored for use on their excursion trains, where she can be found today. Cass Shay #11, formerly Feather River #3, actually has a sister locomotive that is still in existence in the form of Feather River #2 which is now lettered for the Sierra Railroad at the Railtown 1897 State Historical Park in Jamestown, California. This image was captured during a 2009 photo shoot at Cass Scenic Railroad, organized by Carl Franz.
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mynameisbluenotjane · 8 months
We have a tradition of making monkey bread for conference, so my dad sent a picture to my brother, who's serving his mission in California, and helping with he feather river open house. Brother responded with "I had lunch with Virgil. I win."
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incompleteth0ts · 2 years
Day 1: Powerful Percy
The cliff under Percy's feet chipped and scratched with every minor movement of Percy's feet. The cliff gave off a seductive sheen crafted from artificial light that didn't exist, at least not this far down under.
If Percy reached far inside him further than he's ever dared to reach, scared of pushing past limits that never actually existed, to begin with, he could feel Styx and her river churning in Hades, further down he could feel the blistering heat of Phlegethon.
Both are powerful bodies of pain and torment. Both own a piece of Percy's soul, and, in turn, he owns a trickle of them.
"What are you doing here?"
Percy turns and welcomes sandy winds and moon lace petals. Calypso stands on the shore in a knee-length toga that molds her waist and is so loose around the top that he can see her dusky nipples and creamy breast with every passing breeze.
Percy slowly turns his back to her, expecting the sea to be at his heels but is only met with the darkness and toxic air.
Not being able to stomach the large vat of emptiness, Percy walks offshore until he's close enough to smell Calypso- taste Calypso and the mint leaves she would chew on as she worked elbow deep in her garden. Her palms are warm and feather-light on his arms, and chin, thumbs sliding over eyelids and ears, but Percy knows better now, far better than his scared, virgin 13-year-old self had known when he first washed ashore. He knew that despite her youthful appearance and wifely hands she was a Titan doomed to live forever forgotten and yearning, and Percy was childish for thinking that he could save her by demanding the Gods let her go.
"What are you doing here, Percy? Should you not be with Annabeth?"
Hearing Calypso speak of Annabeth's name with so much malice reminds him of the curse she had placed upon her two years ago, but it also brought forth memories of rusted metal being held together by trembling self-control and water-soak couches.
But Percy doesn't want to think about water bill damage, and scarfs that smell like a cheap copy of home, but he also doesn't want to think about failed romances and ones that could have worked if he had just stayed.
So he allows Calypso to rub soothing ovals on his cheekbones but falls back into non-existing waves when she needs to stand on the tips of her toes to reach his unresponsive lips for a kiss that he won't give.
Percy had been living with his dad for the past two weeks, who is all too eager about the thought of having his favorite son under his roof and domain and all too quick to remind Percy of his past warnings about Athena and her spawn. 
"They're shells, son," Posideon had whispered the words into his grey strands. Whether he was hiding his presence from his uncle or cousin, he was not sure, allowing artificial net-scared hands to push his bangs back and over his ears in a plastic imitation of a caring father. "They are nothing more than copycat husks of their mother. Made to build, not to love."
A month ago, Percy would have defended the girl he dove into Tartarus for with his very life. But now? All he can do is sob.
Reyna shows up three weeks after Calypso and Percy cowards under her gaze, for she is power and raw strength, clever mind, and golden-tongued. But she's also friends with Annabeth, so he looks around searching for Princess curls and a California tan, but all he sees is eternal darkness and a Roman fountain guarded by Reyna's powerful dogs.
Reyna does not wait for Percy to make up his mind, she takes the initiative stealing what little control Percy could have possibly had over the situation, but even then Percy is still the most dangerous of the two.
He thinks about what he did to misery and her poison and knows that Reyna is nothing compared to her. Extravagant gold dimmed by rusted shadows.
Reyna was his beginning. Something new that nearly caused an end.
He did not love Reyna, but she loved him, and if given a chance, he could have loved her as well. He feels it in the whites of her teeth and the plump of her lips. With a strong jaw and stronger hands, Reyna doesn't speak, which is a good thing because he's afraid that if she did, whatever Circe-like magic that was placed on him would disappear into the gaping canyon.
I can't breathe. Percy thinks.
I don't care. The darkness whispers back
Percy crosses paths with his half-siblings and Stepmother often; after all, it is still their house. They don't treat him with the malice he had expected and prepared for; instead, they stare at him with pity. News travels fast above the surface but it travels even faster below it the only one that seems to not treat him any differently is Tyson, still too young to understand what's going on with his big brother, plus Tyson adores Annabeth and no one wants to break his heart by telling him about what she's done so for now, it becomes Atlanta's worst kept secret.
Posideon introduced the royal family to him in a much more formal light in November. Schedules are never quite aligned until now, and Percy has a feeling that it's more intentional than not. His 'sisters', Rhode, and Kymopoleia are rarely around, but the old sea God doesn't miss out on an opportunity to brag about his history-making daughters. When he speaks of Triton, who has yet to stop glaring at his, baring rows on rows of shark teeth. Their shared father sounds just as proud, which is enough to get Triton to stop burning holes through Percy's frontal lobe.
Percy doesn't point out how stupid it is for Triton to be labeled as heir when Gods don't die.
It's almost painful to listen to his father talk about his wife in such a loving tone of voice because it's the same way he talked about Sally.
And whenever he asks about both Sally and Paul, Percy tries his best to act as if he doesn't notice how he says Paul's name in a similar way.
When Percy falls asleep, he wakes up in a cave. The cave is beautiful. Walls were covered head to toe in various paints, markers, and Sharpe.
The air traveling in and out of the large entranceway is clean, Percy sees sunlight and birds flying across the horizon he does not know if he's in Tartarus or not but won't risk looking outside to see.
When Rachel wraps her arms around him, he all but melts in her arms with her carrying the smell of permanent marker and ginger.
He leans back into her embrace and wants to crawl into her skin. He feels the human blood flowing hot and steamy in her vain, dainty collarbones pressed to the small of his back; he imagines what it'd be like to cause one to burst. To paint a mural out of her blood, to sink his teeth past flesh and bone, to dig a hole in her, and seek shelter inside.
Mortals are fragile creatures, but humans are the most breakable.
But Rachel is sunlight and scrapped knees. She's his most childish love but also the realist and he wishes so terribly that he hadn't gone with Beckendorf that day instead he would have stayed by Rachel's side in the front seats of Paul's Camaro sharing shy kisses until the world eventually ended without his fighting presence.
So he allows this Rachel to pull him to her bed and doesn't fight when his shirt hits the ground and she slips out of her shorts. They lie in bed curled around each other, and Percy feels at ease as they trail lazy and ticklish lines over the stomach and legs, bottoms of feet, and the crook of necks. He allows her to paint the seven seas on his skin, and Percy feels like a normal teenager for the first time in over 7 years.
Happy, healthy, and in love.
When he wakes up, he's informed that a tsunami has hit California.
Nico is silent when he arrives and is just as quiet when he leaves. Even in his dreams, Nico never stops running from him.
Frank and Hazel are welcoming visitors. Percy loves them like a pair of younger siblings now and would die for them as such. Percy is forever grateful that it was Frank and Hazel at the gates that day; if it had been anyone else, he would have gone mad.
Frank is tall now, taller than Percy. He's grown handsome in a way that resembles his war-hungering father. Hazel just barely meets his eyes, hair spun in tights coils, face losing its childish roundness, and flattened out into a firm jaw and a heart-shaped featurs. Hazel was beautiful and together, they could rule a kingdom so Percy allows himself to be sandwiched in their arms and sinks deep into them.
When he wakes up, Percy will plan a trip back to Camp Jupiter, but for now, he just stands in between them as dark hands and calloused palms pull out moans from in-between pink lips.
Silena and Beckendorf are gorgeous. Hair clinging to sweaty backs, muscles flexing under layers of skin, and moans echoing in the bedroom. Percy knows he's in Elysium because there's nearly nowhere else for them to go. His heroes, his friends. Percy gets so distracted by the slope of Silena's breast and the power in Charles's legs that he doesn't notice Luke until he's sobbing into the pillows.
Beckendorf reaches around Silena who doesn't let up her quick-paced hops to grab Luke's choppy hair.
"Come on, Castellan don't tell us you're spent already." Luke doesn't say anything for a while to focus on the others' quick movements, when the question seems to finally process Luke sits up, resting his weight on his outstretched arms and hands.
Silena falls back into her boyfriend's chest where she sucks blood-red bruises into his skin.
"Please. I didn't have a literal Titan living in me only to get tired after a couple of rounds of sex," Percy watched in shock as Luke leaned in to kiss the dark-skinned man. "If anything, worry about Jackson. Poor boy looks like he's about to pass out."
Percy gasps when suddenly all the attention is on him. All three of them stare at Percy as if they've been waiting for him this entire time. Simply keeping the bed warm until he had arrived home.
Percy's out of his clothes and pressed against Silena's chest in an instant. Rain gently hits the glass frames and Percy sobs to its tune. He's missed these three the most, and his body practically begs to be touched by them. To be held, kissed, and fucked slow and deep. To feel small and 12 all over again, because even now they're so much bigger than him and so much more experienced.
He keens when a manicured hand is wrapped around his swollen head and pleads to the Gods above when Luke pulls him into a sloppy kiss that leaves him panting and gasping for air his body no longer needs.
His blood grows hot and the earth shakes.
Somewhere in Hades' castle, the pipes explode.
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encyclopika · 1 year
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #231
Brought to you by a marine biologist and the last villager we'll be covering...
Well...this is *probably* the last one...unless one of you guys can point out another I may have skipped. For now, I believe this is the last, so let's cover her - Blanche!
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Blanche is a great villager; I had the pleasure of hosting her at my New Horizons island and she's just a doll. She's reserved, kind, and elegant. Although she is listed within the "Ostrich" class of villagers, many people don't agree. With her pretty white plumage and elegance, many, including myself, are convinced she's actually representative of a swan.
Swans are large waterfowl - the largest, in fact. They belong within the Family Anatidae, which includes the ducks (which we covered a while ago) and the geese. As can probably be assumed, swans are more closely related to geese than ducks, but all three live similar amphibious lives, found most often on or near the water. And, again, bread is bad for them. Don't feed them bread. Swans comprise their own very small Genus Cygnus, which includes the 6 species of true swan. Although most people recognize swans by their white plumage, this is only true for the 4 species native to the Northern Hemisphere. Southern Hemisphere species - the black and black neck swans - are not entirely white, as their names suggest.
Unlike most AC Villagers who represent just the idea of a species or a cartoon version with wacky colors, Blanche is most definitely a Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator), as given by her all-white plumage and all-black beak. Although she doesn't share the black feet of the Trumpeter.
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By Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren - Trumpeter Swan, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63974753
The Trumpeter is a native to North America. Some sources claim this species was widespread throughout the northern half of the continent, from Alaska, throughout Canada, down to California to the East coast of North Carolina. However, the Trumpeter was hunted extensively for game, meat, feathers, and skins for all sorts of products in 1800's America. By the 1900s, just 70 birds remained in the contiguous US, protected within Yellowstone National Park. Fortunately, all was not lost - an aerial survey in the 1950's of Alaska's Copper River revealed a secret population of these swans that numbered around 1,000. This discovery jump-started the breeding and reintroduction program that returned Trumpeters to some of their native states almost 100 years after they'd disappeared. The program could be called a success - by 2010, there were 46,000 Trumpeters, with a number of reestablished populations no longer needing breeding program assistance!
However, the Trumpeter is much more common in the Northwest, with a sort of "Eastern barrier" blocking them from returning to supposed native grounds on the East coast of the continent. This is probably due to the loss of suitable habitat as well as the spread of the invasive Mute Swan. Removal of Mute Swans in Michigan showed a huge increase in Trumpeter Swan populations, which is basically smoking gun evidence to show it's non-native swans inhibiting these old natives. Mute Swans are large and aggressive, competing with other waterfowl for prime waterway real estate. In my experience in New York, they're just assholes. Unfortunately, there are still some states, like Connecticut that *protect* Mute Swans, and some argue Mute Swans have naturalized into North America, or are even native! I am not one of those people lol.
And there you have it. Fascinating stuff, no?
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trainmaniac · 2 years
the "playa dust" train by DJ shekky Via Flickr: it's been a few years since i've captured the empire, NV to hamilton city, CA via davis gypsum train at this location. the train has just traveled over the keddie wye into tunnel 31 and is about to pass through tunnel 32, where it will run along california highway 70 during much of its journey through the feather river canyon.
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handmedownquiltluvr · 6 months
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feather fest <3 🪶
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2004. I did quite a bit of train photography, mostly along the run from Reno to Sacramento or along the Feather River in California, mostly on the Roseville Sub.
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xtruss · 1 year
Photos Show Dramatic Difference in Water Levels at Lake Oroville From 2021 to Today, Now at 100% Capacity
A record wet season has led to California's second-largest reservoir filling up.
— ByJulia Jacobo | June 19, 2023
California's Lake Oroville, one of the many important reservoirs in the West that reached critically low levels during the height of the megadrought, is now filled to the brim.
Before and after images of Enterprise Bridge offer a sharp comparison for Lake Oroville between July 22, 2021, and June 15, 2023, after the reservoir, the second-largest in the state, reached full pool for the first time since 2012 -- and only the second time in the past 15 years, according to the California Department of Water Resources.
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In this before-and-after composite image, a comparison of water levels at Lake Oroville between July 22, 2021, and June 15, 2023. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
In September 2021, water levels in Oroville dipped to their lowest ever at 628.47 feet, at just 24% capacity. As of Monday, water levels neared 900 feet -- more than 100 feet higher than this time last year. Not only are water levels at the lake currently measuring at 100% capacity, they are at 127% of where they should be around this time of year, according to the DWR.
Storage at Lake Oroville has risen more than 240 feet and gained more than 2.5 million acre-feet of water since Dec. 1, according to the DWR.
The improving drought conditions in California are "a stark difference" from the last three years, California Department of Water Resources director Karla Nemeth said.
Oroville can hold 3.5 million acre-feet of water, with the peak flow from the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada mountains occurring in April as temperatures began to rise quickly in the region. Some spots in the Sierra Nevada mountains received up to 200% more snowpack than normal due to repeated rounds of atmospheric rivers that slammed the West Coast during the winter season.
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A picnic table sits partially submerged in the waters of Lake Oroville, June 15, 2023 in Oroville, California. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Melting snowpack continues to contribute to nearly full reservoirs in the state. Lake Shasta, California's largest reservoir located about 120 miles north of Lake Oroville, is also close to full pool, nearing 97% capacity as of last week, according to the California Department of Water Resources. The San Luis Reservoir in Merced County, the fourth-largest in the state, is currently 99% full.
"It’s refreshing to see Lake Oroville and other State Water Project (SWP) reservoirs like San Luis near or at capacity," Nemeth said.
In April, when Lake Oroville was measuring at 91% capacity, the DWR announced the State Water Project would be delivering 100% allocation for the first time since 2006.
The department is continuing to optimize operations for water storage and environmental protection for the water delivery needs to 27 million Californians and 750,000 acres of farmland, Nemeth said. These operations will also allow for carryover storage into next year, she added.
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A section of Lake Oroville is seen nearly dry, Aug. 19, 2014 in Oroville, California. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Officials began ordering the strategic release of water as soon as the melting began, fearing the devastating flooding that would occur from the rapid warm-up in temperatures. Those releases could temporarily increase to keep up with increasing water flows and maintain safe water levels.
Earlier this month, total releases to the Feather River amounted to 8,000 cubic feet per second (cfs). An additional 4,000 cfs was released from the Thermalito Afterbay River Outlet, located 5 miles downstream from Oroville, according to the DWS.
The department is "closely" monitoring the inflow of water runoff into the lake -- as well as evaluating the lake levels and downstream needs -- to determine how much water to release at any given time, Nemeth said.
Oroville Lake sits behind the tallest dam in the country, the Oroville Dam at 770.5 feet, and provides hydroelectric power to the Edward Hyatt Power Plant, the fourth-largest in the country.
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In an aerial view, houseboats sit anchored at Bidwell Canyon Marina on Lake Oroville, June 15, 2023 in Oroville, California. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
The plant was forced to close in 2021 when the record-low water levels were too low to flow downstream. In 2017, nearly 200,000 residents living near Lake Oroville, located about 75 miles north of Sacramento, were forced to evacuate after heavy rainfall damaged the dam's spillways, which could have allowed for uncontrolled floodwaters to release downstream.
Those spillways were rebuilt "to the highest engineering design and safety standards, and continue to operate as intended and designed," Nemeth said.
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