incompleteth0ts · 10 hours
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“You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
And bewitched me”
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incompleteth0ts · 12 hours
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thalia casting announcement means i have an excuse to redesign her!!!
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incompleteth0ts · 12 hours
Love how Luke's response to Percy asking, “why don’t they mess with you?" being “they know better” implies that Clarisse (or other Ares kids) infact DID attempt to mess with him at some point. Only for Luke to proceed to whoop their asses so hard they never tried again XD
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
So I recently realized the reason why Jean Jacket didn't (as far as we know, anyway) try to hunt the parkgoers at Jupiter's Claim for the six months or so that she was hanging around the valley (at least, until the Star Lasso Experience, but I'll elaborate on my theory about that under the readmore):
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The territory was already claimed (lol) by another large, one-eyed floaty thing.
I mean, yeah, it doesn't look much like a fellow sky roomba, but lots of animals are easily spooked by things that only sort of look like things that are dangerous to them. That's why eye spot mimicry is so popular in butterflies and moths, after all, and why cats are so easily spooked by cucumbers.
But then, why did she come anywhere near the arena for her weekly horsey snack for the six months before the SLE? It's on the very edge of the park, but it's still next to the main area, right?
Well, guess who isn't facing in the direction of the arena?
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She might have been just pushing her luck each time, seeing how much more territory she could steal behind Lil' Jupe's inflatable back, or maybe she was just thinking "It's not looking at me, so it doesn't care if I hunt the horses that show up in this gulch". Either way, no eye contact = not a threat.
Of course, there's still the question of why JJ suddenly changed up her behavior during the SLE incident. There's evidence of her rampaging through the park itself when OJ arrives on the scene, like the suddenly empty petting zoo, and the pig on the sheriff's building.
My theory on that is: with that horse statue stuck in her craw, she was in pain, and was fixated on looking for a way to flush her system out. Much like how Gordy acted aggressively and didn't listen to his offscreen trainer like he presumably normally would, JJ was too agitated by pain/discomfort to give a shit about respecting presumed territory lines, and it's not like Lil' Jupe was doing anything to stop her in the moment. She just had "ow ow ow still sore, must find more prey and eat it, that will flush out the sore thing" going on in whatever her equivalent of a brain might be.
(a minor tangent: I will note that there's what appears to be a body of water next to the park, which I think would have probably worked to flush the horse statue out just as well as pureed parkgoer, but who knows if JJs even know how to drink water? They live in clouds, they can probably absorb all the water they need from the atmosphere.)
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(Here's screencap proof that I'm not just pulling that detail out of my ass.)
Anyways, back to my main point:
The implication that JJ had been considering Lil' Jupe a rival sky beastie defending its territory for that whole ass six months before the main events of the movie also makes the final confrontation kinda extra dramatic (and funny) in context. It's not just her having sudden beef with a random thing with an eye this time - from JJ's perspective, it's her rival, whose territory is frequently swarming with prey, and now, instead of just lurking near the ground, it's in the clouds with her! And she's already agitated and upset from beefing with the Haywoods, so no wonder she jumped to trying to eat it so quickly. (Not that it ended well for her. Nobody fucks with Haywood, after all.)
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
Eat Him Out.
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
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stars & spectacles! (muppets+horror2022)
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
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My alternative movie poster for the Jordan Peele sci-fi rodeo, Nope.
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
NOPE is the ideal valentine's day movie. it's all about love. love between siblings. OJ's love for his horses. Steven Yuen's love of making just the worse decisions you've ever seen. Jean Jacket's love of sucking up the aforementioned horses as a little snack. the desperate love a miserable pathetic little fry's employee has for two people he literally just met who do not like him.
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
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Star Lasso Experiiiieenncccccceeeeeeeeee
My roommate @ennysue and I are Jean Jacket and Jupe from Nope for Halloween!
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
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You liked my latest film!
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
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I watched Nope the other day.
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
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man i love nope (2022)
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
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I will make you a spectacle
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
I saw a review of Nope (2022) that compared it to Jaws in its basic structure (high tension thriller where the main characters stalked by a dangerous animal that is difficult to see coming). I can kind of see that, but I think something more interesting about the film is how much it is the opposite of Jaws.
Jaws is a film about a wild animal that is portrayed as a vicious killing machine with implied malice. It turns what is a real life animal into something that is not human or animal, just a scary monster with little acknowledgement that it is a living thing. The framing of the shark attacks is of a shark invading waters that should be safe for humans to use for leisure, rather than as people suffering the consequences of intruding into the shark's natural habitat. The idea of closing the beach isn't about respecting the boundaries of a wild animal, but about keeping people safe from a vicious killer.
Nope (and this is where I start getting into some spoilers) is about a creature that is assumed to be something artificial by the main characters. Because of its resemblance to a classic flying saucer, Jean Jacket is assumed to be a vessel for intelligent and possibly malicious aliens. A classic movie monster. However, we discover part way through the film that Jean Jacket is actually a living thing, a predatory organism, and is framed as such. Jean Jacket isn't killing because it's evil; it's killing because it's hungry and territorial. Only by acknowledging that Jean Jacket is essentially a wild animal, with rules and boundaries, are the main characters able to survive it. Meanwhile, characters that assume that Jean Jacket isn't alive or seek to control or exploit it are put in harms way by their own actions. It's also implied that this is not actually Jean Jacket's native habitat, it is an outside force that has intruded on the Haywood ranch and it becomes a matter of people defending themselves against an invasive species.
I think all of the ways in which Nope contrasts Jaws makes it a stronger film with more nuanced messaging. Jaws may be good at creating tension and suspense, but it also doesn't care to think about its monster as a living thing (which is especially problematic since great white sharks are real and endangered animals that are not even known for attacking humans). By taking the time to show that Jean Jacket is a living thing with needs and boundaries, (even though it's a very fictional creature) Nope creates some very interesting conflict that feels more grounded despite the premise being so outlandish.
Anyway, thank you for reading and go watch Nope if you haven't already. There's a lot more that's great about it that I didn’t fit into this analysis.
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
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Horror movie characters as tweets
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incompleteth0ts · 3 days
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