#feeding mikey and scolding raph
turtle-ika · 2 years
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new turtles dropped and they are precious (mikey’s head nearly killed me but i prevailed - i hope) also i am giving them nostrils bc the kids gotta breathe
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vampwritesstuff · 1 year
TMNT Brothers when Reader is Sick.
Type: Headcannons
Request?: not a request
TMNT Version: not specified, although I wrote this imagining the 2012 version, this could fit with most other versions.
CW: it’s mentioned that reader stays with Leo in his room and Raph puts reader in his bed, nothing nsfw tho (idk if that’s counts but I’m adding it anyway), Reader’s gender is not specified ! Each character’s part differs in length cause it’s hard to write for some of these boys lol.
if you wanna see more of my writing, checkout my Multi-Fandom Masterlist !
bro does not know what is wrong with you until you actually tell him you’re sick.
Once he knows that you’re sick, he’s spending every waking moment making sure that you’re properly taken care of.
Won’t let his brothers near you within a 20ft radius. (Not only because you are sick but also doesn’t want his brothers getting sick. He also has to prioritize their health as well :((. )
He gets a little more anxious when you’re sick, he has no idea if your common cold could turn into some life threatening illness.
Refuses to let you out of his sight, which consequently ends up with you rooming with him while you recover.
Is ready to wait on you hand and foot, you want a thicker blanket? A tissue box? You’re not moving from that spot on his bed cause he’s already out the door and dragging whatever you need back into the room.
Have schoolwork/work reports to do? He’s forcing a begrudging Donnie to do it for you.
Overall he’s just an anxious, caring boyfriend who wants to make sure his sick s/o is as comfortable as possible.
Unlike Leo, he can tell you’re getting sick as soon as you start taking naps when you normally don’t nap.
Is pulling your sleeping form off the couch and is laying you down on his bed, going to get a cool wet washcloth and some medicine to help your fever.
Once you wake up, he’s scolding you and calling you an idiot for letting yourself get sick.
Acts like he doesn’t really care much but is actually very worried about your health. What has you stressing yourself out so much that you make yourself sick? Is all he can ask himself.
Of course he won’t actually ask you, gotta keep up the tough guy act.
However, once you’re feeling better, he’s keeping a closer eye on you to make sure you don’t overwork yourself.
“Quit doing that.” “Doing what?” “Ignoring your own health just to help others out.” “Oh.”
Basically turns into your personal chef.
He’s not great at actually doing anything to really help you get better, he asks Donnie to help him out with your medicine.
However, mans will make sure you’re eating good.
Like, he actually has a meal plan for all of his brothers for when they get sick, why would you be any different?
You want something to eat but food upsets your stomach? He’s finding the perfect food for you that will taste good and not upset your stomach.
Tired of water? He’s finding you a different drink that’s just as hydrating.
Hates forcing you to eat when your sick, but you gotta eat something to keep your body functioning :((
Will happily cook anything for you if you ask him for it, doesn’t care if it might upset your stomach, he’s just happy you have enough of an appetite to ask him for food instead of him feeding you on a schedule.
He gets super cuddly when you’re sick, he doesn’t care if you don’t want him getting sick, he just wants to comfort you and he thinks cuddling is a great way to do that.
Mikey basically turns into a malewife.
The only brother that knows how to treat you symptomatically.
I mean, cmon he’s smart and this is definitely not his first go around with someone he cares about being sick.
Unlike the others, he’ll avoid getting extremely close to you cause he’s a little germaphobic.
Not to the point though that he won’t consider even being in the same room as you, man just doesn’t wanna get sick either.
He’ll have you try random home remedies that he finds on the internet. But if those don’t work, he’ll just treat you with regular medicine.
He feels sorry if you have to take that nasty tasting medicine though, and in his words (and Mary Poppins’) “A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.”
Yes, he will make you eat a spoonful of sugar after taking any gross tasting medicine.
It’s the thought that counts right?
Even though he’s not physically affectionate with you when you’re sick, he will do little acts of service and gift giving.
Tried making a robot that would do things for you when him and his brothers were on missions, but it malfunctioned and would’ve started a fire if he hadn’t come back in time.
Found one of those microwaveable lavender scented rice stuffed animals and gave it to you, he’s actually very proud of himself for that gift.
Overall just really sweet when your sick.
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milks-thoughts · 2 years
me: eats the younger fox sibling fic
me: holds empty bowl
me: please, feed me my parental unit, I'm so hungry...hUNGRY FOR THAT QUALITY CONTENT THAT YOUVE FED ME 🤧🤧🥺🥺😢😭
YES MY CHILD (btw you guys can call me mother if you want to, I need to adopt more kids anyway)
Summary: Leo gives reader a bath, reader also decides they really like bubbles (this is a sibling post to Little One)
🫧 Вaтн Тιмe 🫧
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✭ bath time with you is strangely easy, despite this, Leo is the only one who washes you
✭ Raphs too scared of hurting you…for some reason you don’t remember :D, Donnie hates the feeling of your wet fur, and Mikey let’s you take baths for too long
✭ if you take too long of a bath your pads will flake and tear and honestly that’s super painful, plus you start shivering like crazy and end up getting sick
✭ Leo knows how to get you in and out while you can still enjoy yourself
✭ he doesn’t mind being soaked with water when you splash him in retaliation for getting your knots brushed out, as long as they are out Y’know?
✭ Leo even has designated days where you do “ spa treatments “ (it’s just lotion and cucumbers for you but shh)
✭ the only time he is grossed out by bathing you is when you’re already wet, like you played in the rain or in sewer water cause now you stink
✭ Raph is begrudgingly forced to wash you, bath time is short with Raph. He also hates when you splash
✭ so you’ve come to learn that giant gash scar on your forehead is when you were two and Raph was bathing you and he accidentally slipped while kneeling and his spikes cut open your head
✭ It was that time of the week again, every Saturday you had Bath Time. Leo would entertain you and wash you. Leo did seem a bit preoccupied though, constantly leaving to go check on something. It really bummed you out, this was you and Leo’s special time together! with no other brothers! With a sad hum you splashed in the water and noticed the bubbles had gone down…usually Leo refills the tub a bit, well he wasn’t here now! you are a big kid (you are 6) you can handle this! Grabbing the bottle you opened it and splashed some soap in, swishing your arm around you smiled when bubbled started foaming up. More couldn’t hurt right? You ended using the entire bottle and filling the bathroom in bubble heaven. Leo walked back in to brush your fur “ -I’m back! I finally found the…brush… “ he stared at you, covered head to toe in bubbles, and the entire bathroom covered in bubbled “ oh pizza supreme in the sky “ he whispered to himself “ what did I tell you about making bubbles? “ scolding was usually Raphs thing, he was the cool older brother he didn’t scold you- just lightly remind you. Plus you were 6 prime real-estate for cool brother place. You hummed and looked down “ not to do it? “ Leo’s unimpressed stare looked you down “ and what did you do? “ you whimpered and your ears fell into the bubbles “ I made bubbles… “ fidgeting with your tail Leo smiled “ okay now how about we use these bubbles and have a fun time? “ you perked up and grabbed some of the foam and threw it at him, it hit him right in the middle of the plastron. He smiled “ okay batata don’t get to crazy now- THINK FAST! “ you squealed as bubbles hit you in the face, throwing back some this cycle repeated four or five times. if the bubbled weren’t on the floor they were in you two. The majority popped but it was still a mess “ Hey Nardo I’m here to remind you- oh my pizza supreme in the sky! “ you and Leo looked and each other and laughed, that was the most fun you’ve ever had in a bath. Even if Raph scolded you for like 45 minutes afterwards (really only 5 for you and 40 for Leo about being responsible)
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miss-andromeda · 11 months
Whispers to Talking, Talking to Screams (Halloween Special)
Universe: TMNT 2012
Turtle of Choice: (Romantic) Donatello, (Platonic) Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo (special guest appearances by April and Casey)
Prompt: “How many of those did you take?”
Song Inspiration: Wonderland (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift
This is obviously non-canon - as it’s a Halloween special! Happy Halloween, y’all, and hope you enjoy a glimpse into my take on a spooky tale 😌🩷
And side note! I will be referencing characters and plot devices from another oneshot written months ago, called Even In Your Wildest Dreams, so if you want to, go read that first!
“C’mon, D, please?” Mikey’s incessant begging reverberated across the lair, making both Leo and Raph roll their eyes in frustration. The youngest had been begging and pleading for the better part of two hours, and of course, it wasn’t working.
“For the 50th time, Mikey, no!” Donnie scolded him as he fixed his steampunk costume. “I’m Andi’s plus-one to her friend’s costume party, so I’m not even able to bring you if I wanted to. And furthermore, you don’t have a watch yet, and I’m not about to explain to her friends why there’s a turtle at the party.”
Mikey huffed as he angrily watched Donnie use his human watch, changing him into the same awkward geek that he changed into months before. “Bro, that’s not fair! How come you get to go to a rockin’ Halloween party? You know I’m the life of the party!”
“You’re also the most annoying.” Donnie muttered to himself, before shaking his head at his brother. “Look, I’m not about to argue with you. I’ve got to go pick up Andi.” He finished, walking quickly past Mikey. “I’ll be back by midnight, guys! And I’ve got my tPhone, call me if an emergency comes up!”
He was met with a flurry of reactions: “Tell Andi we say hi” from Leo, “Try not to get beat up” from Raph, and another groan from Mikey.
He was about to respond to all three of them when he heard his tPhone go off – and when he heard the opening chords of “Close Call,” he grinned as he checked the message Andi sent him. 
Or rather, the picture she sent. 
And he just about lost his breath when he saw her in her matching steampunk costume, with a full face of makeup and a teasing smile on her face.
Her message was simple: ‘Still going with me to Danica’s party?’
With shaky hands and a crimson face, Donnie hastily typed back, ‘Of course! Though you may steal the show with how beautiful you look 😍’
He could practically see the blush on her face when she responded, ‘Aw, Don 🥰  When should I expect you, sweet talker?’
‘Say around 7?’
‘Perfect! I’ll see you soon then. I love you 🩷🩷’
Donnie couldn’t help but smile more at her message. ‘Love you more, hon 💜💜’
Their laughter echoed throughout the tunnels as Andi was being given a piggyback ride and she held her boots in her hands. “I cannot believe that you actually won against Kevin for best costume. Normally he’s got that locked down.” She commented, then left a little kiss on his cheek - then chuckled when she left a lipstick print on the spot she kissed.
“Does that mean I’m officially invited back for next year?” Donnie smiled at her, making her roll her eyes and nod, smiling back. 
“As long as we’re still together next year, of course you are.”
“So you think we won’t be together next year?” At the question, he feigned like he was about to drop her, making her yelp and latch onto her shoulders. 
“No, I just-” She then groaned and rested her head against his shoulder. “That’s not what I meant.”
He only laughed in response as he tightened his grip on her. “You’re cute when you’re exasperated.”
Andi rolled her eyes again, but a smile flickered back onto her face. “And you’re lucky you’re cute, or I would’ve socked you in the shoulder.”
“Sure you would.” He reached into his coat pocket and took out some caramel chews, handing two to Andi before asking if she could unwrap one and feed it to him. 
“How many of those did you take? You’ve had, like, 20 this evening.” She teased him, her voice slightly muffled by the candy.
He was about to respond (likely with something snarky,) when they finally entered the lair…
…only to be met with darkness and no noise whatsoever.
“Huh, that’s weird.” Andi mumbled after swallowing the candy, before hopping off Donnie’s back and looking around for anyone. “Hello? Leo? Mikey? Raphie? Master Splinter?” She called out, and when she was given no response, she frowned and turned to her boyfriend. “Was the power giving you trouble when you left?”
Donnie only shook his head as he searched blindly for the light switch. When his fingers grazed it, though, he smiled to himself and switched it back on. And when the lights were back, everything looked completely normal. The throw pillows on the couch were still in the same position as before, the TV was switched off, Mikey’s video game controllers were strewn across the floor (as usual,) and nothing looked out of the ordinary. 
“Maybe Mikey thought it was a good idea to get us by turning off the lights when we came back.” Andi surmised, rolling her eyes. “Was he giving you trouble when you were getting ready?”
“Yep. I estimated 50 times that he begged me to let him join us.”
“Typical Mikey.” Andi mumbled under her breath, but shook her head. “Maybe next year I can ask Danica for one extra invitation for him, if he really wanted to go that badly.”
“Honestly, that’s your best bet.” Donnie agreed, nodding his head. “Especially considering-” 
He was interrupted by faint whispers, so soft that you had to basically listen to the wind to hear it.
“Do you hear that?” He whispered to Andi, who only stared in confusion at his whispering. 
“Hear-” She spoke in a normal voice before Donnie shushed her, then gestured to his ears to pantomime her listening closer. 
‘Go to the lab. Go to the lab.’
“ Who’s whispering that? And what do they mean, ‘go to the lab’?” Andi whispered to him, her eyes widening. 
“I don’t know, but stay here. I don’t want you getting hurt.” Donnie told her softly, his normally soft and gentle look to her being replaced by a protective, steely one. This always happened when he worried that she would be in danger; the last thing that he ever wanted, under any circumstances was for her to be in the line of fire. 
But he knew Andi, and he knew that by the panicked look in her eye and her frantically shaking her head that he didn’t convince her. “Are you crazy?!” She whispered, her eyes becoming more fearful. “I’m not gonna let you get hurt either! Either we both go or neither of us do.”
Donnie let out a slightly exasperated sigh; when she was this fearful (or just emotional in general,) there was no changing her mind. And he really wanted to figure out where his brothers were…
“Okay. But stay by me.” He softly commanded, and he had to admit, the vice-like grip she had on his arm pained him. Literally and figuratively. 
He tentatively walked the two of them to the lab, Andi’s grip never letting go of him. Normally, he liked being her knight in shining armor…but when she was this scared (and admittedly, he was starting to get worried too,) his white-knight tendencies when it came to her left the building.
He just hoped that whatever was calling for them wasn’t…that awful. 
When they got to the lab, it was the same scene; lights were off, but other than that, nothing looked too out of the ordinary. Except…when the voices realized they had visitors, they changed their commands. 
‘Turn on the lights. Turn on the lights.’
Still fearful, Andi fumbled for the light switch - and when she found it and switched it on, her heart fell into her shoes at the sight as she started to sob. 
There she was…her best friend, slumped over Donnie’s keyboard, and blood spilling from her stomach and onto the floor.
Upon noticing what happened, Donnie gasped (and felt tears blur his vision as well) and grabbed Andi, pulling her from the gruesome sight and into his plastron, cradling her head against him and softly urging her not to look. 
“W-Who could do this to her?” She whispered, her tone sounding disheveled and heartbroken. “S-She didn’t do anything…”
Donnie shook his head, furiously wiping away his own tears as he leaned in to weakly kiss her forehead. He then looked back at the scene - but rather focus on April, he noticed the crimson writing that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.
What scared him wasn’t just the message, it was the fact that it looked like it was made out of April’s blood.
 “What the…” Donnie breathed, horrified at the thought, as he tried to read the message through the messy scrawl. “See…what? O-Oh, um…’see what happens when you ignore me’…t-that’s weird. Why would they write something so specific?”
Andi’s eyes widened as she listened to the message; when she turned around to read it for herself, she gasped at the realization. “Wait…how did they know about me having to cancel my plans with April?” She asked aloud. “O-Only me and her know about that-”
She was interrupted when she heard Donnie screaming in fear and, making her whip around and see him being dragged off into…the shadows. “Don! NO!” She screamed in panic, desperately trying to grab his hand and pull him back to her. However, despite her best efforts, the invisible force fighting her won, and she had to watch her boyfriend disappear into the abyss. 
That made her fall to her knees in panic, crying and holding her head in the process. “Why are you doing this?! First my best friend and now my boyfriend - w-what did I do to deserve this?!” She screamed at nothing in particular. “And who are you anyway?!”
She was ignored, though, as the voices started to get louder and louder. But they only repeated one word:
‘Ignored. Ignored. Ignored. Ignored. Ignored.’
“Leave me alone! Please!” Andi screamed again, curling in on herself. “I promise, I’ll never do anything even remotely bad again! Just give me my friends back and leave me alone! I’m begging you!”
‘Next. Next. Next. Next. Next.’
Andi’s eyes widened at that - that could only mean one thing. 
She was grateful that Splinter had been training her to hear footsteps - though it helped that when she was this on edge, she was always hypervigilant.
So when she heard a set of footsteps getting louder and closer to her, she did the only thing that seemed rational to her.
She spun around and punched the would-be assailant in the face, hard enough to knock them out.
But then she noticed who it was once she ripped off the mask.
That’s when she was met with three things; raucous laughter, Donnie rushing to her to make sure she was okay, and the lights turning back on. 
“We got you so good!” Mikey cheered, high-fiving a still laughing Raph and a proud Leo. “That might’ve been the best prank ever!”
“P…Prank?” Upon hearing that, Andi’s adrenaline drained as quickly as it emerged, and before she could yell at the boys for such a joke, her eyes crossed and she keeled over, fainting in Donnie’s arms. 
The last thing she could make out was her boyfriend berating them for making her faint before everything faded to black.
She woke up in a familiar place. It was a bit rigid, but nothing she wasn’t used to. It reminded her of the first time she and Donnie met - this was where they had their second conversation. 
She was in the lab, on the little cot in the corner.
“Don?” Andi weakly called out, grunting as she held her head.
As if by magic, he appeared, stroking her hair and looking at her with the most sincere and gentle expression she had seen in a long time. “Hey, you. How’re you feeling?”
Andi managed a weak smile as she tugged him closer. “Okay, I guess. I think I just fainted from how much whiplash I got finding out that was a prank. A really sick one.”
Donnie nodded in understanding, leaning in to kiss her forehead again. “That’s understandable.” He then sighed and shook his head as he sat next to her. “I think I figured out why that even happened. Mikey was mad because he wanted to go with us to that party, so to get revenge, he enlisted everyone’s help to give us a scare. April joined because she figured you wouldn’t get as freaked out as you have, and Casey, the genius he is, thought it would be a good idea to scare you silly.”
Andi rolled her eyes, then closed them as she leaned against him. “That clears that up then…but still, that was a bit far, even for Mikey.” But then her eyes opened again as a mischievous smirk crept onto her face. 
An idea.
“But…it’s not entirely too far for me.” She surmised. “And you do realize this means war, right? I mean, we can’t let them get away with pranking us that badly and letting them feel victorious.” When she saw a little smirk threatening to come out on Donnie’s face, she smirked more as she leaned up to kiss his cheek. “What say you, professor? Shall we get some revenge?”
Finally, Donnie cracked; a smirk appeared on his face as he nodded, giving her a proper kiss on her lips. Once he pulled away, he leaned his forehead against hers. “We shall, enchantress. Let’s scare them so badly that they’ll jump at their own shadows. After all…as you said, darling, this means war.”
Happy Halloween, my lovely friends 🩷🧡
@post-apocalyptic-daydream @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @tinkabelle19 @kikithedreamerwriter @jasminarts01 @android-cap-007 @happymoonangel @margoteve @raphsmuneca
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six-starry-ari · 1 year
Part 2
You decide to help Mikey, who is currently mixing a bowl of what looks like pancake batter. With 6 mouths to feed and a tendency to burn about 20% of everything he cooks, Mikey needs a lot of batter.
"Hey, Mike, need a hand?" you ask. He turns around, showing a face splattered with partially-mixed goop and a grin.
"Nah, you'd find a way to set the milk on fire," he teases. It's true- you're terrible at cooking. You laugh.
"You sure?"
He shrugs. "I don't think you could mess up mixing. Here." He steps away from the bowl and hands you a spatula that almost seems to have more batter on it than in the bowl.
As you mix, Mikey measures ingredients into another bowl. When he's done, he looks into your bowl and declares it ready for cooking.
You go to sit down at the table next to Pascal, and as you do so, Raph walks in. He looks exhausted.
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turtlethon · 1 year
"H.A.V.O.C. in the Streets!"
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Season 8, Episode 5 First US Airdate: October 15, 1994
Titanus creates a new mutant who hijacks machinery to cause trouble for the Turtles.
Season eight of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continues with "H.A.V.O.C. in the Streets!" This is the second part of a three-story arc revolving around the new villain Titanus and his pro-mutant organisation, who were introduced in the previous adventure, “Cry H.A.V.O.C.!”
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HAVOC’s mutants are instructed to carry out a raid of an aerospace plant full of advanced equipment, but the Turtles have caught on to their plans and are on the scene too. A battle unfolds during which Michaelangelo becomes absorbed in examining a hi-tech projectile rather than helping his team-mates. After being called out for his daydreaming, Mikey flips a switch, sending the machine bouncing around the room. Raphael is eventually able to destroy it but during the chaos the assembled villains – Amok, Raptor and Seizure – are granted an opportunity to escape. The other Turtles scold Mikey for “goofing off”, blaming him for the trio getting away.
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Titanus is similarly displeased that his men were hampered in their mission by the Turtles. Everything old is new again as he outlines his plan to the trio, which feels not too far removed from the countless times Krang instructed Shredder to steal some gizmo that would revive the Technodrome. Here, the intent is to allow HAVOC to take control of time and space via a Flux Transformer, a device which is held at a heavily-armed military site; evidently this once belonged to Titanus but was lost at some point. To retrieve it, he intends to construct something called the Sky Platform. (There’s a Rupert Murdoch joke in there somewhere, I’m sure of it.) Knowing that the Turtles will surely attempt to sabotage such a project, the enormous mutant begins plotting to exploit what he views as the team’s greatest weakness – their compassion towards humans.
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The Turtles return to their Lair, continuing to get on Michaelangelo’s case, and after he splits off from the group talk amongst themselves about how spaced-out he’s been acting recently. Conversation then switches to the subject of what HAVOC were intending to do at an aerospace facility, and so Donatello heads to his computer to perform some research.
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Remember the group of car thieves the Turtles stopped in “Get Shredder!”? I don’t know why you would as there was nothing particularly interesting about them, but in a remarkable bit of continuity – I don’t even recognise this show anymore – Titanus breaks the head mobster, a Stan Smith lookalike whose name is never mentioned, out of jail. Offering to help him get even with the Turtles, he transforms the crook into a hideous-looking mutant called Synapse, “a creature of pure energy”. Titanus tasks him with occupying the Turtles, ideally taking them out of commission for good, while he carries out his plan to build the Sky Platform.
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Synapse travels through the city’s electrical grid and emerges from Donatello’s computer to confront him, declaring that “Titanus sends his regards!” before blowing up everything in the workshop. He goads Donnie, Leo and Raph, challenging them to stop him before escaping from the Lair once more. The team follow the mutant to a construction site, where he takes control of a crane, using its wrecking ball to try and take them down.
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The Turtles use their weapons to destroy the crane, but Synapse escapes again, this time taking command of a truck which almost collides with the team. Meanwhile, Titanus instructs his mutants to feed instructions to the automated equipment at the aerospace plant so that construction of the Sky Platform can begin.
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Synapse and the truck continue to cause chaos, at one point destroying a news-stand which leads to Michaelangelo becoming distracted by one of the periodicals left lying on the ground. He tries to catch up with the rest of the team as they leap on top of the runaway vehicle, but winds up being left behind. The truck soon crashes into a building which serves as the main switching station for a phone company: transferring his body into its cabinets, the mutant escapes via the phone lines, his destination unknown.
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While continuing the construction of his platform, Titanus checks in with Synapse, and learns of the headaches he’s caused so far for the Turtles. The massive mutant encourages his new underling to head to Channel 6 next, knowing that causing upheaval there will irk our heroes further. At the same time Michaelangelo contacts the rest of the team via Turtlecom, and is chewed out yet again for his daydreaming. Despite Mikey’s insistence that he’ll be serious from now on, Donnie declares that for the moment the group is better off without him.
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Leo, Mikey and Raph are alerted by April to the pandemonium being caused by Synapse at Channel 6. In a panning shot she’s seen alongside Burne, Vernon, Stan and an unnamed staffer, all cowering under or behind their desks. The villain tosses a copier through the air before moving on to a studio area, where we get a fleeting shot of Turtlethon favourite “Walter Kronk-like" being filmed by uh... Stan, who apparently possesses the ability to be in two places at the same time. (Notably throughout all this Irma is nowhere to be seen, which feels like a tell-tale sign the show is ready to move on without her.) Burne laments that, having only recently moved into new premises, the station’s offices are about to be destroyed for a second time.
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The Turtles arrive on the scene to stop Synapse, wrecking an expensive mobile camera unit hijacked by the villain despite the protests of a furious Burne. Heading to the roof, Synapse takes control of a news copter, which takes flight with Leo, Donnie and Raph clinging to it. Meanwhile Michaelangelo heads back to the aerospace site to discover HAVOC at work on building the Sky Platform, and is soon captured by Seizure and Amok.
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Synapse dumps the helicopter in what appears to be a sophisticated disposal facility, using its equipment to try and finish off the three Turtles. Leonardo is pinned down and faces the prospect of being chopped up by a saw blade, but manages to use his katana to slice the restraints holding him, freeing the others after escaping.
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HAVOC’s mutants have completed construction of the Sky Platform – a giant purple airborne craft which looks like something Galvatron from Transformers might cruise around in – and fly off in it to storm the military site. Michaelangelo has been tied up and left behind, but soon breaks free of the ropes holding him, and sets about hatching a plan to stop the group.
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Continuing to battle Synapse, the Turtles note that a bolt of energy from the villain reflected off Leonardo’s katana boomeranged back at the mutant. This provides the trio with a clue as to how to stop him. Using a small mirror, the team goad their opponent further, nudging him towards a hut containing ham radio equipment. Once Synapse is inside, Donatello sets the radio to transmit at a super-high frequency into outer space, dooming him to “ride the radio waves forever”. The group are then alerted via Turtlecom to the creation of the Sky Platform by Michaelangelo, but given his recent behaviour Donnie, Leo and Raph find such a revelation hard to believe. Their cynicism is allayed by Mikey turning up in a fighter jet with room for three additional passengers. Somehow this is enough for them to believe the team’s resident party dude has turned over a new leaf, and the reunited Turtles leave to stop HAVOC.
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As an indicator of just how large the Sky Platform is – something that wasn’t effectively conveyed in the scene where it blew through the wall of the aerospace plant – the Turtles land the jet comfortably on top of the craft with plenty of room to spare, suggesting it’s about the size of an aircraft carrier. The team work their way inside, but Titanus and his mutants learn of their presence and are ready to do battle. A showdown between the two groups of mutants soon unfolds, with the Turtles goading their enemies into destroying the equipment in the engine room, an enraged Highbeam using his heat vision powers despite an earlier warning from his boss that doing so aboard the ship could prove disastrous. Soon the Sky Platform begins its descent, about to crash into the army base as HAVOC’s mutants leave in an escape pod. After narrowly avoiding a collision, Donatello navigates the ship towards some nearby rocky terrain where it’s destroyed in a huge explosion, the team diving out at the last second to land in a nearby river.
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Back in the Lair, Michaelangelo apologises to the rest of the team for his earlier behaviour, insistent that from now on his “goofing-off days are over”. We’re conditioned by now for this to be the point where he reveals that he’s created some absurd new pizza topping, and everyone has a good laugh because he hasn’t really changed at all, THAT’S OUR MIKEY. But the show isn’t like that anymore, those days are over. Instead, the scene continues with Donatello pondering what Titanus was trying to accomplish by raiding the military base. Leonardo arrives, revealing he’s learned from April that the base contained a Flux Transformer, a revelation which shocks Donatello as such a device has never successfully been created. The episode ends with the Turtles considering the possibility that Titanus himself may in fact be from another time and place.
As hinted at earlier, David Wise is in comfortable territory here, with this story’s format marking a new spin on all those Shredder-Krang heist stories of years past. As is so often the case with his output there are a lot of moving parts at work, something that often draws criticism as it can lead to frantic adventures that offer everyone involved little time to breathe. There is, at least, some novelty in re-interpreting these themes through Titanus and his underlings, who remain fresh and interesting. They’re certainly far more engaging than Synapse, an afterthought of a bad guy who exists to yet again recycle the old “machines going crazy” bit that by now has been done to death (“The Mean Machines”, "Casey Jones - Outlaw Hero", “Welcome Back, Polarisoids”).
I alluded to Irma’s absence during the Channel 6 scenes, but incredibly this is the last proper appearance of Burne Thompson and Vernon Fenwick, both of whom have only increased in prominence throughout this season as bona-fide antagonists out to get the Turtles, which makes their sudden departure that much more baffling. Burne will get an off-screen line of dialogue in “Cyber-Turtles” but technically that was intended to air before the HAVOC arc commenced. It’s enough to make me wonder if there was some executive meddling at work here to have the Channel 6 regulars phased out of the show entirely: I wouldn’t at all be surprised if it turned out CBS commissioned some focus group that found kids disliked that aspect of the show, and so some suits, convinced that was the thing that was hindering the Turtles, demanded changes.
Michaelangelo’s arc here is entirely unconvincing: his failings and propensity to be easily distracted feel like honest mistakes which don’t warrant the relentless hectoring he gets from his team-mates. If you swapped him out with the Mikey from season three who couldn’t go thirty seconds without babbling about pizza then this would make more sense, but that just isn’t who he is now; while he can still produce the odd one-liner now and again it’s clear throughout that he cares about their mission. Leo, Donnie and Raph come across as unsympathetic and harsh, resentful that Michaelangelo hasn’t fully embraced their new “Turtles Get Tough” ethos to the same degree that they have. The poor guy’s out here doing his best, sheesh.
Despite these quibbles, thus far the Titanus/HAVOC arc has been solid, suggesting just how much mileage there could be in the newly-reinvented TMNT. Next time we’ll see if all of this leads to a satisfying pay-off, as the storyline concludes with “Enter: Krakus”.
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remmushound · 3 years
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Ever since I read this, I can’t get the idea out of my mind that Yoshi would most certainly do this with all his boys, bay and rise both. Just imagine:
Yoshi bringing Mikey little heart-shaped watermelon and strawberries while he’s postictal
Yoshi interrupting Leo’s katana lessons to make him take a break and eat some sliced grapes
Yoshi finding out Donnie hasn’t slept and scolding him while also cutting up little flower-shaped fruits to feed him
Yoshi Bringing Raph a bowl of cut fruits after finding out Raph is in a bad Mood
Plus it’s probably one of the things he can’t burn, and can still do even in his declining mental state
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rottmntquotes · 4 years
How The Family Plays With Baby Leo
Mikey - Likes to play kitchen and house with Leo. They usually hang out in the living room, and Mikey has to make sure Leo doesn’t teeth his way into the couch to eat the stuffing.
Raph - Likes to let Leo lift tiny baby weights during his daily workout. They usually hang out in the main atrium, and Leo sometimes throws his dumbbell around intentionally, just to watch Raph stop lifting weights and run to catch the little dumbbell.
Donnie - Likes to allow Leo to watch him make inventions that are hatchling friendly; this typically involves making tiny robotic baby toys and teething objects. They usually hang out in Donnie’s lab, but Leo isn’t allowed to stay in there for long, so Donnie is rarely able to play with the baby for long.
Splinter - Likes to use his tail to entertain Leo during his favourite shows. When commercials come on, Splinter likes to indulge and feed baby Leo until Raph or Donnie show up and scold him for it. They usually hang out in the living room.
April - Likes to play dress up with Leo and paints his claws every time they get to hang out. Leo especially likes to hang out with “Auntie April” because she gives him warm tea and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies during movies. They usually hang out wherever the rest of the family is at.
Draxum - Yeah, no.
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soradragon · 5 years
A Change Within
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This is the fourth and fifth prompt of the 57 week challenge hosted by the lovely @sdavid09 ^^
This took far too long to finnish, school and other things got in the way, but I did it! After many atemps hehe...
This story is from an AU I made myself ( I still don’t have a name for it) I had so much fun (and frustration in a good way) making this! 
I hope you guys like it!^^
Warnings: Bit of gore, mentions of death, angst, and more I think??
Prompts: A seed of doubt has been planted, will it grow or weeded out? Gone was the timid child they once knew, in their place stood a determined woman
Slightly Leonardo x oc if you squint
If you want to be tagged in the upcoming fics please go ahead and ask^^
52 week challenge masterlist
Main masterlist
Anyway, Enjoy^^
"We'll lose more supplies and people then we gain from that girl, if it keeps going like this then we should've ignored that van like I told you guys from the start!"
"let's not get hasty bro-"
"No, Raph's right...As much as I hate to say this, it's true, we cannot sacrifice so many supplies and people for just one person...especially if we don't gain valuable things in return, we can't forget the many mouths we need to feed."
She muted out the rest. Having no need to listen any longer, the new information was more than enough...
She didn't blame them...how could she? It was all true...
Regarding the circumstances, it would've been only a matter of time... until the subject would be addressed.
She just thought, or more precisely hoped that it would be much later than sooner...
Liquid dripped onto her bare palms, warming the chilled hands only a bit. She looked down at them, choking out a sob when she saw the brown string tied around her left wrist with a knot.
"There! Now you'll only have to look at it and think of me, and I'll chase those mean monsters away!"
The tears ran down her face faster, her chest began to tighten, she swallowed, trying to get rid of the bile in her throat.
She blinked, the glistening tears in her hands trembled as they let go a trail of the colour red.
It bled all over her palms, painting her hands bloody, tickling down her wrists and arms onto the grass and boots.
A silent scream of terror left her lips as she stared at her bloody hands, her whole body trembling.
"E-every...T-thing...w-wi-il be...al-lr-righ...t....r-right...?"
She could hear the weak sobs and coughs through his scared voice.
"Y-yes! Everything w-will be al-alright, don't - don't you worry..."
She couldn't breathe, it was all too real...the pain, too unbearable...
The blood, trickling down his chin... he was scared...yet, he smiled...
"I...I-I promise."
Promises...aren't meant to be made...
"Norah, concentrate!"
She gritted her teeth as she slashed her sword down onto the dummy, slightly gracing the side of the head.
"Are you trying to get yourself or your teammates killed!? Hit the stupid dummy!"
Norah tried to ignore the taunting words, putting all her energy in her arms, raising the heavy sword above her head. Sweat ran down her back and brow. She gripped the sword tighter, trying to keep it in her clammy hands.
It tilted a bit backwards before she slashed it downward with a roar.
Hitting the dummy in the shoulder.
A laugh full of relief left her lips.
"I did it!"
"Good job. Now get the sword out of it."
Norah glanced towards the lizard mutant who looked at her expectantly with his arms crossed. Waiting for her to make a move.
He had taken the time to help train her with the sword after Raphael gave up, giving her the chance to humour him, he kept going even though she was so bad at it. Really testing his patience and calmness, he was good at it. 
He hadn't screamed once at her in anger.
Though, she had noticed his tail swishing back and forth in impatience, betraying his real emotions.
But still, she was thankful he didn't give up on her, even though she felt like giving up herself...
Norah grasped the handle of the sword with two hands, trying to yank it out.
It was stuck.
'You've got to be kidding...'
She felt so hopeless, useless from the moment she entered the camp.  
The poor girl had been stuck in bed for two months... to recover from the hell her body went through, she had to literally regain the capacity to move her entire body to fully function again.
A strange foreign wound, she didn't even know it existed, caused her body to shut down and paralysed her for weeks, it left a scar inside her body...
Making it hard to lift and do things smoothly with any kind of heavy objects,
She couldn't even move when wearing heavy armour.
Norah sat on the ground. Leaning her back against the silken material of the tent, resting her chin on her knees, listening to the many footsteps, chimes and noises of armour and weaponry being carried around the camping site.
An attack was soon to be taken place at the High-Ground, everyone was preparing for it.
And Norah had been shooed away from helping, being told multiple times she shouldn't go even near anything remotely heavy, cause of the fear she would do more harm than good.
She felt like she was treated like a small child, a child who's been scolded for touching a very expensive vase and accidentally breaking it.
So here she was, sitting inside her tent curled up in herself, even though she wanted to storm out and demand to let her at least help.
But, on the other hand, they were right.
Every time Norah tried to help something would happen, a pot with food or water would break, armour would be dented, metals or other stuff would be scattered all over the floor.
The words of the four leaders from a week ago still echo throughout her head, it pained her to hear them. She wanted to deny what they said, wanted to prove that they were wrong, but, a seed of doubt had already been planted inside of her. 
It slowly drowned the hope she had with thorns.
She couldn't make herself deny the accusing words, after all.
They were true. Three lives lost because she couldn't fight, couldn't act fast enough...
Whenever a tear fell, the plant would grow, jabbing into her flesh with its sharp thorns.
Every time something went wrong, the plant would let its roots crawl further and deeper, making it harder and harder to weed it out.
Norah gripped the fabric of her tent, watching as the troops left the camp. Children and the wounded stayed behind, waving at the departing troops, wishing them a safe trip and praying for a secure return.
Leonardo roared, pulling his youngest brother away in the nick of time from an oncoming barrage of laser blasts, which penetrated the ground into misshapen smoking holes where Mikey just stood not a second ago.
the turtle in orange stared wide eyes at the holes, his mouth formed a silent 'oh' before letting out a breath. "Thanks, bro..."
Leonardo gave a silent nod, glaring at the bots across the field, shooting laser blasts from their foreign high-tech weapons.
The leader in blue cursed softly under his breath. He hadn't considered the possibility of the Krang fighting their own battle.
He struck his enemy horizontally across the chest area, watching as the brainwashed mutant crumpled down onto the ground, clutching it's bleeding chest, and letting out gurgling noises.
Leo closed his eyes for a moment, seeing flashes of memories going past his eyes, too fast to make any sense of them. Emotions of all kind spread throughout his body before he pushed them away, deep, deep into his unconsciousness.
He opened his eyes again, gripping his katana in both hands. And struck with a restrained sigh down into the back, through the chest.
Sounds of screams and metal clashing against metal flooded into his system. He pulled the katana from the body, slashing downward to get rid of the dark red blood trickling down the blade made of steel.
Leonardo was about to run into the fray again when he heard a shout full of panic. He turned his head to the side. Keeping one eye on the battle before him. And on the person who called out to them from behind. Running at them like a manic while screaming.
Leonardo's blood ran cold...
Norah had just fallen asleep when a scream of bloody murder tore through the camp.
Scaring the crap out of Norah, who fell out of her bed in shock.
She hurriedly stood back up while staggering towards the tent's entrance, "what the heck is going on!?"
She wanted to ask, but she already had her answer.
Crazy mutants stormed through the camp, slashing and destroying everything that came into their path.
Norah stood frozen stiff, watching with wide eyes as the mutants chased after the people. Some tried to fight them, but since almost all of the weapons were gone with the troops...
There wasn't much to fight with.
Norah trembled. What could she do? She was helpless...Couldn't even fight to save herself...
A roar shook her out of her trance, she stared straight into the scared eyes of a young boy, cowering in a corner, trying to hide from the mutants.
It snapped something within her when she saw a mutant stalking towards him.
Norah sprinted forward towards the boy, tackling him. 
The impact was just strong enough to knock herself and the boy a couple meters away from the mutant.
Norah looked down at the shivering boy beneath her, she quickly glanced over her shoulder, seeing the mutant stomp on the crate where the boy just had been hiding.
"Come on, we need to hide."
She whispers, grabbing his arm and pulling him into a random tent, leaning her back against the fabric of the tent trying to tell if a mutant went towards them.
"We have to warn the troops..."
Norah muttered to herself, looking back at the sobbing boy.
"Hey...are you okay?"
She softly asked, reaching out to touch his shoulder, he trembled, gasping for air as he shook his head.
"I-I'm scared....D-don't let them t-take me...!"
He sobbed. Norah's eyes widened for a fraction, before softly patting his head with a forced smile, she hoped it looked reassuring.
This felt all too familiar.
tears pricked at the corner of her eyes.
She couldn't utter any kind of assurance, so instead, she tried to be confident.
"Can you run fast?"
The boy gave her a confused look before nodding.
"We need to warn the troops. You have to run to the High-Ground and tell the leaders "They are here." Can you do that?"
Norah has never been so happy for her keen hearing, she remembered overhearing one of the captains speaking to the leaders about a code word, for if the camp were to be ambushed, and the troops were away.
The boy gave a soft nod, mumbling the message to himself a couple of times before looking at her with a determined expression.
Norah looked around for a moment, only now recognising the place they were located.
The kitchen.
There had to be something useful in here.
"Stay here for a moment."
Norah muttered, before searching through the cabinets and drawers for anything useful.
She only found five kitchen knives.
"Here, take this. You'll never know if you need this."
Norah handed the boy a knife, who took it and held it in his left hand a bit clumsily.
"As soon as the curtain's opened, you need to run as fast as you can,"
The boy looked at her with uncertainty, she grabbed his shoulders and softly squeezed reassuringly.
"Don't worry. I'll cover you..."
'For as long as I can...'
Norah yanked the fabric of the tent to the side, the boy ran not long after, Norah followed closely behind knives at ready.
The mutants saw it happening and went after them.
'Please...Please let this work...'
Norah let out a battle cry as she threw one of the four blades at the spider looking mutant.
It was as if time slowed down, watching as the dagger whizzed through the air, getting closer and closer to its target.
It felt like hours what was in reality only seconds before she could identify if she hit her target or not, she had only closed her eyes for but one second.
A muffled sound of something being buried deep inside something, a gasp and a splash of liquid hitting the floor.
Norah looked over her shoulder, feeling like she just won the jackpot.
The knife was stuck inside the chest of the spider looking monster, it fell down.
Struggling to grasp the remaining of its life, before the light in its eyes died.
Norah reached out her hand and pulled the boy to the side, the boy almost tripped, gathering his footing in the last second, Norah slashed with a yell across a mutant's face, who let out a scream and held its face in its weirdly two-fingered shaped hands.
Norah glared at it and struck one of the knives inside its head, ripping it out again and throwing it into the shoulder of a rodent-like mutant.
She didn't think, didn't hesitate. It just happened, striking down mutant after mutant with just three knives, like second nature.
She saw the boy run in the corner of her eyes, silently praying and wishing he would make it to the four leaders.
'Just got to keep them focused on me long enough...'
All kinds of scenarios ran through Leonardo's head, bad and worse, each had to do with death and ruin. 
His muscles screamed at him to stop, his lungs burned yet still he ran, the troops followed close behind him.
The leader in blue glanced briefly towards the boy, cradled in Donatello's arms.
The poor boy was exhausted, running such a long distance to warn them...
Leo could see Raph fuming in the corner of his eye, muttering harshly to himself. The turtle in blue could make out only a couple of words like 'Krang' and 'cowards'. He was blaming himself just as much as Leo did, maybe even more... He, after all, took great pride and responsibility to look after the order. He would never admit it, but he too knew he had a soft spot for the people he swore to protect. 
Secretly taking care of them without noticing, like a mother hen looking after someone else's chicks.
They reached the end of the camp, Leo's heart dropped to his stomach at the sight of a ruined camp; 
The ground, muddy and covered in red, the tents were in shambles, poles sticking through the cloth of the tents, the campfires had been destroyed. 
Everything was a mess.
Leo readied his katana, signalling to the others to spread out and take down the mutants.
 The three brothers followed him to the centre of the camp, where they found a display in front of them, they never thought they would see...
Norah was surrounded by mutant bodies on the ground, and she was taking on a big bear-like mutant by herself. Two flimsy knives in hands.
She was barely standing, but still, she kept going on, striking with one knife and blocking attacks from the mutant's claws with the other.
The girl before them let out a battle cry, twisting two claws downwards before plunging the other knife into the mutant's head when she pulled it in her direction.
Ending its life before anyone could even react.
Her whole body trembled as panted heavily, her chest rising and falling, with each deep, ragged breath.
Norah glanced behind her staring straight into the four leaders eyes without any emotion.
She looked...older as if any trace of the young, clumsy girl, just disappeared, vanished into thin air...
Gone was the timid child they once knew, and in their shoes stood a determined woman.
Leo took a step forward, before rushing forward in a panic as the woman before them, fell down, eyes rolled back into her head as she faded into unconsciousness...
Pain...everything...hurts...why...Why does everything hurt...?
Muffled voices mumbled into the void, she couldn't grasp what they were saying. Where was she anyway?
A voice whispered.
....Rest...? I...I...I don't want to...
A blanket enveloped her senses, pulling her again into a calm slumber.
"Good morning sleepy head!"
A cheerful familiar voice echoed, stirring her softly from slumber.
A serious voice spoke up, "well, it's not actually moring, its actually noon..."
Norah slowly opened her eyes, with difficulty and stared straight into the baby blue eyes of the youngest leader, Michelangelo.
He grinned, "she's awake! At last!"
"Welcome back to the land of the living!"
Norah tried to slowly sit up to look around better.
"Was I gone then?"
She asked, looking around before she jumped when she heard a rustle in the corner.
"You almost were...But you came back to us."
The leader in blue said, a calm smile on his face as he took a seat next to her bed.
"What you did there, in the camp, was very courageous, thanks to you we could save most of our people."
Norah frowned, shaking her head. "I didn't do much...The boy warned you..."
Her eyes widened, "how is he doing!? He is fine, right?"
Raph nodded. "He's fine, don't ya worry."
She let out a relieved sigh, "that's good..."
"What's most important right now is that you get rest, you need it."
Leo stated, leaving no room for argument with the stern look he gave her.
Norah sighed, "fine...but, only if I can see the boy afterwards. I-I need to see how he's doing with my own eyes."
The four brothers looked at each other, Donatello shrugged, turning to Norah. "Deal, but first rest."
With that, the four leaders left the tent. A weight Norah didn't know she had, lifted off of her, leaving behind a feeling of content. She glanced at the roof of the tent.
'something changed, hasn't it...I hope that's it is for the better...'
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bionicragdoll · 5 years
2003 turtles (bonus if splinter also reacted to his grand child being like this also) having a daughter at age 1 who is incredibly sassy and quick witted. It’s just like, where does this child get this attitude from?
Leo’s significant other was the perfect witty foil to his serious demeanor and when they announced that they were expecting speculation started about which one she would take after more. Turns out it was both. She could be as calm and serious as her father until pushed then she proved she was her mother’s daughter. She was playing quietly by herself in the corner when Mikey’s daughter and began poking her in the back of the head. She ignored her as best as she could until she messed up her painting. She threw down her paints in frustration and shoved her cousin to the ground and glared, “clumsy pest.” Of course Leo scolded her but he was also proud that she stood up for herself.
The whole Hamato clan was fully prepared Raph’s daughter to be a sarcasm machine. After all Raphael’s snarky insults were legendary. But no one was prepared for her first word. Mikey was playing with her and had knocked over his block tower by mistake. She looked up at him with her big green eyes, looking so much like her father and very clearly spoke, “nitwit.” Raph nearly busted a gut laughing, “See, even my baby is smarter than you.” Even Master Splinter’s whiskers twitched a little bit while he tried to suppress a smile.
Donnie is normally such a mild mannered turtle that his family often forgets that his brilliant mind can also be put towards witty insults as well. Of course his daughter was going to be brilliant but her cherub face fooled everyone in to thinking that she was going to be a sweet little angel. Her first few words were normal enough, “Mama,” “Papa,” and the like. To no one’s shock her intellect developed faster than her cousins and it wasn’t long before she was talking full sentences, and that’s when Donnie found out that he was in trouble. She was sitting in her high chair playing with finger paints when Casey came up and asked her what she was drawing. With as much seriousness that a one year old could muster said, “I can’t explain it to you. I don’t have my crayons.” Casey was so upset over being insulted by half-mutant toddler he didn’t visit the lair again until she apologized.
No one quite knew what to expect from Mikey’s daughter once she began to talk. Of course she had all of her dad’s energy the quality of his jokes and his intelligence were often a topic of debate for the rest of his brothers. She subverted everyone’s expectations by being a surprisingly quiet child, never talking more than she had to. It was only when she was playing on the carpet with her cousins that they found out she had definitely inherited his wit. Raph’s daughter was attempting to fit a square block into a round hole while Mikey’s girl looked on. After about five minutes of watching her cousin struggle she finally spoke. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty, because you’re a dummy.” Unfortunately Raph’s daughter had also gotten his temper and it the play date ended with both babies crying.
Despite how hard to was to raise four sons alone, without any kind of financial or social support, Splinter had missed having small children around. When his sons began having children of his own he could not have been more thrilled. It was all of the best parts of fatherhood without the midnight feedings and potty training. He loved watching them all play together, it brought back memories from when his sons were children, making up their own games with what odds and ends he could find. Of course like any group of children, and like their fathers there were plenty of fights, tears, and harsh words. He was always amused to watch their come backs and insults because he knew that nothing could break their family bond and in the end these spats would bring them closer together.
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