#feel free 2 format with or without however u wish!
janeduoe · 4 years
@michaelwheeler     asked:                   an old tree with trunks like knives
           unknown  force  is  lingering  in  the  air,  making  the  atmosphere  heavy.  a  little  suffocating.  it’s  like  a  damp  presence  with  something  tangible  to  it,  but  intangible  all  the  same.  equally  there  and  not  :   it  can  be  attempted  to  be  spotted,  but  it  always  goes  as  such,  with  your  eyes  flitting  to  the  tree  only  in  time  for  the  black  mass  of  something  to  hide  itself  behind  it,  to  dissipate.  to  fade.  (   that  is  the  nature  of  death,  things  which  escape   our  material  realm  with  no  more  than  a  sweet,  short  breath.  it  is  a  sudden  transformation  from  at  once  being  here,  to  being  not.  to  pinpoint  the  essence  of  death,  not  the  cause  and  not  the  scientific,  logical  explanation,  but  the  very  essence  of  death,  leaves  us  with  feelings  and  truths  which  prove  as  such  –––  TANGIBLE  &  INTANGIBLE.  paradoxical.  completely  understandable.   what  a  riddle  this  state  of  existing,  this  end  to  all  things,  could  present.  )
                the  overwhelming  energy  of  the  woods  surrounding  a  boy  from  a  nearby  small  town,  a  place  of  no  consequence,  a  town  within  which  the  corpse  herself  had  made  her  life,  before,  is  clear  to  be  closing  in   ––    that  energy  sinks  the  air,  tightens  the  chest,  makes  it  harder  to  take  a  step  forward  or  backward.  that  the  corpse  was  a  living  thing,  that  the  thing  beneath  the  woods  was  a  walking,  speaking  girl,  was  a  fact  true  only  a  long  time  ago.  WHEN  SHE  DID  KNOW  THE  NAME  HAWKINS  (  THE  NAME  BRENNER  )   before  her  ribcage  turned  playground  for  worms  /  before  her  hair  tangled  with  roots  so  thoroughly  that  she  could  find  herself  stuck  to  the  earth,  body  sent  deeper  with  every  ounce  of  force  exuded  by  the  tree  above  her  body,  pushing  itself  to  grow.  farther  towards  the  center  of  the  world.  the  depth,  the  abyss  of  a  tainted  underground,  poisoned  by  bones  and  strange  entities  of  another  world,  ushered  all  in  by  the  same  orchestrator  (   that  good  doctor  :    he  wasn’t  here  anymore,   was  he?   she  couldn’t  feel  him  near.   but  then  again,  who,  even  of  the  undead,  could  be  so  trusting  of  their  own  senses  when  six  feet  under   . . . .  )
              above  her  is  that  tree,  that  tree  growing  wide  and  ominous.  stretching  itself  not  so  far  upwards  but  across,  limbs  lingering  closer  to  the  ground  than  towards  the  grey  sky.  there  was  a  reddish  hue  to  it,  just  beneath  the  surface  of  its  bark,  that  made  it  stand  aside  from  other  trees,  at  least  to  a  cautious  observer.  there  was  something  to  it,  a  natural  sort  of  unnatural.  that  paradox,  working  itself  out  physically,  tangibly,  yet  again.  sap  drenched  the  ground  beside  it,  not  with  its  typical  amber  hue  but  with  something  leaning  darker,  a  little  brown,  some  hint  of  crimson.  it  became  stale  and  old  on  the  leaves  below,  turning  a  putrid  shade  that  matched  well  with  the  rotted  leaves.  with,  too,  the  unseen  rot  underneath  it  all,  but  a  passerby  shouldn’t  be  expected  to  be  aware  of  anything  so  rancid.
                    wind  and  will  of  the  corpse  makes  the  limbs  shift  very  comfortably  towards  that  boy,  the  acknowledgement  of  life  bringing  a  sort  of  spark,  glimmer  of  life,  to  the  corpse.  free  of  leaves,  now,  it  doesn’t  seem  so  welcoming  as  it  might  during  spring -   or  summertime.        it  looks  rather  like  the  type  of  sight  from  a  poe  story  :   outstretched,  those  hints  of  red  to  its  color,  its  sharp  branches  held  out  at  such  a  height  that  the  wrong  move  might  send  someone  tumbling  down  to  meet  another  branch,  and  they  could  very  likely  impale  themself,  slice  their  own  skin,  break  open  a  neck  to  slaughter.        it  would  be  a  weak  lie  to  say  it  wasn’t  craved  for.  but  then,  there  were  more  pressing  concerns  than  a  little  spilled  blood.  there  was  more  needed  than  what  some  kid,  lost  maybe,  or  dedicated  to  an  unfortunate  path,  could  offer  with  life  alone.  the  corpse  needed  something   :     hands  to  dig  at  the  ground.  to  pull  up  the  bones.  it  needed  it  badly.     
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neojeno · 4 years
I really wouldn't mind you aiding me with some tutorials love
giffing tutorial/resources
hi anon! sorry it took me so long to answer. i figured this might be helpful for others out there who have asked me similar questions, so i’ve compiled a pretty comprehensive list of tutorials/resources. idk about others but when i was new to giffing, it took me a lot of painful effort to go around and look for resources, so i’m putting it all here to make it a little easier!
i download videos using 4k video downloader. it will download very good quality 1080p videos in .mp4 format. if you’re downloading a 4k video, make sure to change the setting option to .mkv so that you get 4k and not 1080p—for obvious reasons since you want the highest quality.
i rely on kpopexciting to get .ts files — which are basically raw, very high quality video files for live performances. they are much less grainy than .mp4 versions of live performances—which are the ones you’ll see uploaded to youtube. i’ve found that 4k videos (in .mkv) are just as good quality as .ts, but obviously you will rarely see live performances in 4k, so get .ts when you can!! you can also try to find .ts files on twitter, but you may have to do a lot of digging. i wish i could recommend you twitter accounts, but the ones i used to go to have been very inactive/taken down all their drives :( but this website is really nice and updated frequently so i would recommend it!
vapoursynth links + download. the reason you would use vapoursynth is to resize your gif, while maintaining the optimal quality of the gif. if you gif without vapoursynth (.ie only using photoshop), it will still be fine, but the image quality may be grainier. also, you will definitely need vapoursynth to gif .ts files —more will be explained in the tutorial i’ve linked below. i would recommend that you have a high processing/lots of ram/newer desktop or laptop to use vapoursynth so that 1, your computer isn’t fried and 2, your vapoursynth process will go a lot faster. i am using a 2017 macbook pro for all my work, and it runs pretty well, but my laptop still gets pretty hot so just make sure you’re not running a million things in the background while using adobe products and vapoursynth lol. i used a pretty old and beat up 2011 model macbook air back then, and i will say that yes vapoursynth worked and ran on it, but it took much longer, and basically fried the laptop’s battery (aka i had to get the battery changed twice and the laptop would die randomly) but issok it was a school borrowed laptop so i didn’t feel too bad lol. im just saying this as a precaution, to preserve the health of your electronic devices!! but don’t be afraid to use vapoursynth! you should still try it at least once.
thank you to @realstraykids for this super detailed, really nice tutorial! it includes how and where to download videos, how to gif using vapoursynth, using photoshop, comparisons, coloring, and pretty much all you need to know. 10/10 would recommend
thank you to @dreamcolouring for this lifesaver!!! the best and easiest way to blur out unwanted captions/objects in your gifs. i recommend doing this step after converting your frames to video timeline and before you do sharpening and coloring. another tip i’ll add is to feather the selection you’ve made right before you click on “add vector mask” —this will make sense once you’ve read through the tutorial. feathering it will make the blurred spot less noticeable and more subtle.
i use this generator to create gradient colored captions! copy and paste your text, then select the colors you want. generate the code, and copy it. change the settings of the text editor on your post to HTML. paste the code, preview, and voila! add elements <blockquote>,<b>,<i>, etc as needed. see more on colored captions in this tutorial by @kylos​ --i believe op mentioned a different and better color generator but for some reason it won’t work for me :( hopefully it works for u! basically same idea as the previous generator i mentioned.
my own mini tutorial/workflow process of making gifs. this includes working with a .ts file, vapoursynth, photoshop, coloring, watermarking, etc. and a few of my own tips below:
if you are working with an .mp4, you do not have to make any changes to the preprocessor/denoise filters/sharpening in the resizing part of vapoursynth—it doesn’t make that big of a difference if you do. but if you are working with a .ts file, definitely do make those changes,, that’s the whole reason you have vapoursynth. with an .mp4, i like to use vapoursynth to just resize, but i don’t add any additional settings. i use smart sharpen in photoshop to sharpen it, which is pretty good on it’s own (at least in photoshop 2020!).
my rule of thumb is to do add .02 seconds when i am setting frame delay. so if when you first import the frames, they are at 0.04 seconds, i usually change them to 0.06. of course, this is my personal taste—you can make all your gifs faster or slower depending on how you want em to look.
if you are on a mac, you can screen record by pressing Command+Shift+5 (it’s a shortcut to quicktime screen recording). I only screen record for things like the beyond live concert or other live streamed events. the image quality of the screen recording, in my experience, is actually pretty good. when you gif the screen recording however, you may notice that it adds extra frames that you don’t need. by that i mean duplicate frames. you could keep the duplicate frames but that just means the size of your gif is going to be much bigger (keep in mind the limit is 8mb). in order to remove those duplicates, my only solution has been to remove them manually (by holding Command while selecting), or when you are importing the video to frames, select the option to “limit to every 2 frames”—but this method will be less precise and still not as good as manually removing frames. if you remove the duplicate frames, this means you will need to set the frame delay even slower, to make up for lost frames. in my experience, fps(frames per second) and frame delay work in conjunction. so for example, if i delete every other frame because they are duplicates,  but the starting frame delay is 0.02, i am now going to change it to something like 0.05 (so i added 0.03 seconds rather than my usual 0.02). if the duration length and the image dimensions of the gif are short/small, feel free to keep the duplicate frames in—i only delete duplicate frames in order to keep my gif under the 8mb limit. then, if you keep the duplicate frames in, continue with your standard frame delay preferences.  now that i’m writing this im realizing this might not make a lot of sense lol.. but don’t worry about it for now and if you run into trouble w screen recorded gifs then you can come back to this for reference. again, this is only my experience recording on a mac—it may be a lot different if you use a screen recording program or are on a pc.
i don’t really use .psd templates because i like to give every gif/gifset it’s own unique coloring—so i remake the coloring every time, but if you get into a rhythm it’s pretty easy. there are a lot of nice coloring tutorials out there, too! my personal coloring adjustments in order: levels, exposure, color balance, selective color (if needed), vibrance, photo filter (if needed), color lookup (i use 2strip most often and i put it on ‘color’ blending mode). don’t forget to adjust the opacities and fills of the ‘color lookup’ adjustment layer in case it’s too strong. go back to correct each adjustment layer as needed. then, when you’re done and satisfied, group all those layers, copy the group (you can do an easy command+c), and paste it onto the next gif you’re working on for easy workflow.
if for some reason you can’t see the frames when you import your layers/video, it’s likely because your ‘timeline’ window isn’t showing up. just go to the window menu on photoshop, go to the bottom and you’ll see ‘timeline.’ make sure it has a check next to it.
i recommend watermarking your gifs because a lot of people like to repost tings these days 😠 - so make sure u got your brand on it! i keep my watermark saved to my ‘libraries’ in photoshop so it’s ready when i need it. i use the blending mode ‘overlay’ and adjust the opacity, but if you don’t want to do that you can also add a stroke/shadow to your watermark/do all sorts.
tag #nctinc for your nct creations and #jenonet for your jeno creations!!
here’s my own mini tutorial (well not much of a tutorial ig more like a work process vid?): took about ten minutes including the time to search and download the video (but i didn’t record that part i trust yall know how to do that), vapoursynth, and exporting. i hope this helps somewhat! feel free to ask more questions whenever :)
keep in mind that giffing takes a lot of patience, energy, and experience—so don’t worry if it takes you a bit to figure things out or if your gifs don’t turn out the way you want them to the first time around. we all start at the same place and all run into problems. i know giffing can sound intimidating and seem like a lot of work, but i promise, once you get into a routine, giffing is going to happen in minutes—and you’ll get beautiful gifs. have fun! 😊
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Part II of my analysing the above scene from High School Musical 2. (Part I is here).  Apologies in advance for the poor video quality: I got this from YouTube. The full video is available from Google Play or in DVD format.
Having watched this scene yesterday and again today, I have some new observations on the various problems with Gabriella’s behaviour throughout. The last observation I made was that Ryan Evans had no problem with Troy chasing this scholarship opportunity, as it was clear from Mr. Evans’ high praise that he had earned it. 
“Oh yeah, they’re awesome! Playing with them is like being in another world.”
I had a previous post on this comment, but my computer froze before I could post it, so I lost everything. However, I do recall noting on this scene that the Redhawks had gone out of their way to welcome Troy. They invited him to scrimmage shortly after they met (without even watching Troy play first), listened to his tutorial on holding a golf club, gave him one of their jackets, and gave him a free ride to their gym. 
The film wants you to believe that these men help Troy get too big for his britches. Does the evidence support this? Notice that while Troy appears starstruck at meeting U of A players, they don’t bask in the praise. In fact, the first player is impressed that Troy has watched them play, and senses that he takes basketball seriously. Hence the immediate invitation for scrimmage. 
Yet just because Gabriella takes objection to Troy calling them, “the guys”, we’re to dismiss these men who take their profession seriously and play at an advanced level altogether. Gabriella ironically belittles them, calling them “all those tall people”. I invite the audience to decide who is really the snob here. As far as I can see, these Redhawks have shown themselves to be polite, friendly, and generous.
What’s “another world” for Troy? We don’t know. I can only assume that, based on their practice, Troy is more part of the team, rather than the one being pressured to deliver (as when he plays with the Wildcats). But that is just an assumption. 
Of course, Gabriella won’t pass on any compliments to Troy, even though by an impartial source, he is doing very well. Instead, she says:
“Well, you missed out on a fun night...”
So her priorities here are 1)- attention on her (hence dancing with Ryan); 2)- Troy only making friends she approves of (she takes no interest in the Redhawks); 3)- having fun right now (telling Troy that he “missed out”). Then she giggles with Ryan to underline how she has moved on emotionally.
To recap: Gabriella has ignored Troy’s call(s), treated Ryan as a new Wildcat, invested herself emotionally in Ryan, refused to apologise for missing Troy’s calls (which implies she ignored those calls), visibly shows more interest in Ryan (looking up at him while he passes on Mr. Evans’ compliment, but not Troy), and uses subtle hints to show that Troy is “missing out”. 
Remember these things, because the general consensus in the comments’ sections for HSM II videos is that Troy is at fault. I again invite the audience, armed with the above facts, to consider that-- particularly given Troy’s visible jealousy and upset with the above behaviour. 
“But the dessert afterwards had to be the best part. Her mom makes the best brownies in the entire world--”
“Yeah, I know: I’ve had ‘em.”
I think I have noted before how Gabriella did not see fit to invite Troy to her mother’s house, even if he had missed the baseball game (or even dessert). We know this, because Troy tried calling her to let her know that he was stuck at the gym. As I have fairly demonstrated, Gabriella ignored that call, because she only stared at him coldly when he mentioned it. 
As must be evident, Gabriella wishes to emphasise to Troy that he has been left behind. This is punishment for his “failing” to meet previous commitments and for appearing close to Sharpay. Many, if not most viewers take Gabriella’s side here, even though Troy did his utmost to explain on several occasions precisely why he had missed arrangements with his friends. 
Consequently, Troy cuts off Ryan, leaving an embarrassed silence as the latter eventually admits that things are troubled between the couple. He makes a quick exit, and who can blame him? 
I have just realised that Gabriella never defended Ryan after Troy cut him off. Taken in isolation, this is a rude action from Troy, and if Gabriella had discovered Ryan’s true worth, now was her chance to step in. But she remains silent, leaving Ryan to stand around in an awkward silence and then leave, no doubt feeling as though he did something wrong. 
(We know this, because later on, he waits for Troy to address him personally before speaking.)
Ultimately, as much as Gabriella does like Ryan, he was a tool to help her inflict emotional punishment on Troy. I think I have fairly demonstrated this, and I call upon anyone who feels that Troy was at fault to prove otherwise. The resulting cold silence between the two after Ryan has left more than proves this, with Gabriella refusing to even move an inch to bridge the gap between them or explain her feelings. 
The most I can say for Gabriella by the end is that she does appear remorseful after he has left: we can see her face change a little. This is consistent with HSM I, where she looks wistful standing alone at home, after having ignored Troy. But the other consistent theme here is Gabriella’s refusal to explain those feelings. I have far fewer problems with her behaviour in HSM I, but come the summer, she defaults back on the same fault: freezing Troy out-- and this time, replacing him with someone else. 
So here’s an honest question. How come Troy has to apologise to everyone and his mother for losing sight of his friends and his commitments, while Gabriella, who used Ryan, quit the show and had to be dragged back, is treated as though she was right all along? 
For me, Troy undoubtedly had his faults in this movie. But Gabriella’s behaviour here is indefensible. Troy had explained himself time and time again. She didn’t have to agree with or like those explanations, but it would have cost her nothing to listen, let alone give him the benefit of the doubt. Yet she behaved as though Troy had betrayed her, when all he did was put his future first so his parents could worry less about college costs. 
While I have no problem with characters having serious faults, and I do not like PC stuffed into film-writing, I still have to say that HSM II sends an atrocious message to its intended audience. 
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mrmotlatsimotseki · 5 years
Tumblr media
Realms ringtone
I am numb/
Lost way too many precious people to fit this tribute prose/
The silent encrypted message is torn/
I often dial y'all up knowingly/
That you'll never respond to the call/
But this keypad's button corresponds to/
Is this ordered?
Maybe the patterns has changed or you no longer using the same number/
I too (2) wish to converse for (4) a moment/
Yearning sicks/seeks (6) an uncaptured aid (8) to lavish upon death.
Is this normal?
My opulent disorder is rotten/
Tell me,
When are you willing to pick up the device or have a decency to reply back?
Is the data or information too much to download?
Should we find the hotspot and mimickly upload where we could have been?
To browse through an eternal life.
I'm worn out of writing you letters/
Help me fathom how cruel it feels, that the voicemail is something I have to live by/
I seldomly erase the memories to format moments and discard (diss card) everything we shared/
Some don't even have a recollection of that note and sound/
Is my cochlea working?
It seems like the answer I'm looking for falls off on deaf ears/
Yeah, that's pity awesome.
Blind shouldn't lead the blind...
How ignorant my self-own (cellphone) insecurities never bugs/
A dwelling place is interrupted by low signals/
It's time to reconnect the network properly/
Allow me to recharge the batteries and secure this appointment (disappointment)/
Walk with me as we learn to unblock mysteries/
To unlock victories that are pinned to passwords (past words)/
Disciple with me diligently.
To protect whatever covers the journey/
Bundles hasn't depleted as yet/
Let them screenshot the directions which shall save energy to humor the profile/
To break free from a cycle of martyrs/
Too many time we err (air) tales, I know we weary/
Sometimes far off reach to discover wolves in sheep's clothing/
We tired, wa are tired!
Let's check where this is herd{hea(r)d}/
So lead us (leaders) into the promised land/
Where valleys of acacias cup never runneth over/
A dessert is a stream poised with calamity/
However way, we still searching, we stil searching [sigh 😟]
Soul's suffering of torture,
Has been convicted with crimes/
I bare testimonies of these lies/
Truth can never witness how I bury these lines/
Whoever summons this judgement bears no rights/
With these lawsuits (law suits) intending to expose my naked nature.
I've been through a lot!
Tormented numerously to defend my accused self falsely/
Allerged to defame prosecution, handcrafted with episodes of deceitful stories/
Its evidence is displayed by these plantiff potrayed potrait/
However way I did play my deity part/
By unfolding meaning of these hidden scriptures/
Treasured by my own actions, a film of series coming to an end/
All demons casted had their roles scripted/
A sequel of freedom to understand parables/
The temple of God is ruined, bowed to its injustice!
Shamefully scattered by convoluted customary, systemic and elementary beliefs/
No form of any religious views can console me/
There's a music in my ears
Strings are off tune, the melody sync (sink) rhythm of the heartbeat without words/
Magnificently to hook up the syntax (sing text) of the chorus by reinventing the new Him (hymm)/
A chapter is slowly patching the hears(e) to come closer/
This verse confirms that the preaching is almost done the prayer in session/
Podium - the altar, this is MY CHURCH!
I'm ready to depart this desolate world/
To march through this marathon called life/
High Source increase the rabbit pace/
This mark has ran its course to catch demise(the mice)/
Everything's mapped out in accordance/
Atlas co-ordinates(coordinates) matches the correct destiny/
No, this isn't a clout(d) chasing or attention seeking/
It's a cry out for help.
No ordinary being comprehend this grief; a true quench of thirst/
Been hiding in sorrows, now conscious openly weeps/
Nurture - accept this plead....
My spirit's looking forward to be cleansed with tears of joy/
So open the floodgates of Heaven and let it rain cause this mo(u)rning dawns darkness on me/
Am I eligible enough to receive atonement?
Is the barn full?
Am I harvested?
Did I represent the true gospel?
Have I meditated precepts rightfully?
Have I made it into the Kingdom?
Am I living righteous according to the covenant?
Anyways, don't take my word for it/
I'm just a mortal immoral unprincipled humanbeing with unanswered questions/
I've transcended beyond the realms of existence/
Bask in contrast with isolated chaos/
Flesh will soon descend;
The subtle feeling inside of me has long ascended;
This physique is slightly perishing and eroding;
Now I'm just a shell breathing these sentence I serve/
The golden lampstand is creating the way!
To the late Leducator, Letshego Lechoenyo - The Ides Of March soldier.
I dwell on your quotes:
"Let your life mean something, even in your death.
Education, if it's not of the spiritual kind, will benefit you nothing/
Education that edifice the mind but overshadows the heart, is no education at all".
A crime robbed us off you brethren of The Most High/ 😢
Now I can't play chess alone - I checkmate myself!
To Yellow, Tumelo Mokonyane.
A man who taught me brotherhood effectively/
Carved my path into being this refined- molded caring person/
Instilled the spirit of sharing amongst others, that we fabric of the same cloth/
A garment that seem (seam) to neat (knit) a strand of humanity/
Your warmth imparted in me/
A car accident to your lovely wife notified your soul to leave the Earth/
Your innate selflessness still intact,
I miss you dearly brother! 😭
To Mendu, Montwedi Ishmael Lebakeng.
I'm the product of rags to riches, proud to call you mentor/
You've fathered every positive aspect outlook I have/
Doctored a boy to man;
A character of noble kind/
If it weren't for you,
Wouldn't have gathered wealth and rare riches of your knowledge/
Inherited humor, respect, leadership I'm eternally grateful/
For sharing art and leading me to my niche/
You've passed on in dire,
The devoured teachings are accustomed and beaded in my being/
Your spirt shall forever live on 😰
To my dad, Tebogo Koos Lekgari.
Your temporary span is equivocally sufficient/
Lost your life on the 26th, buried on the 6th
day of the 6th month,
Just few days later after my 6th birthday in '96,
This 6 symbol baffles me!
I currently reside few streches away where your life was pronounced deceased/
Not too far from the beach that swallowed you/
Whenever I poke steps into that frank ocean,
I drown in tears/
The breeze hoars me.
I see(sea) how quake quivers and waves/
Thus assures(are shores) that we tied(tide) up above the surface/
This is heavy, sometimes frightening!
Movements of this burning desires washes away the scenes (sins/since)/
Whether(weather) we like it or not/
The boiling temperature hits(heats) the deep(dip) spot/
So worry not Father, your Son(sun) is set/
Your brimming brighteness enlightens me. 😥
We shall all meet at the cross roads (crossroads).
So open the floodgates of Heaven and let it rain cause this mourning dawns on me
Learnt to comprehend that life is a mission/
Every second of living get us closer to our Sheol/
Don't neglect your calling/
Respond to the vision/
Experience the dream, for tomorrow is never promised/
Grant your wonderous wishes an opportunity to exist/
Stay true to yourself.
Spend time wisely and appreciate those who love unsparingly and wholeheartedly/
Also, don't forget to check up your strong friends/
Use your gift effectively/
Cause Messiah has left and not returning anytime soon/
An angel has been found to give the Messenger the scroll/
So pardon me if you find this misleading/
Just leave, no
Just live
Live for purpose!
To every ancestor I didn't get to mention/
Your birthmark is arched deeply into the Supreme list/
Please humbly receive my plea with ease/
Oh, by the way;
If you by any chance get to meet my offspring/
Kindly pass the message that I am still here
To everyone I've deeply hurt
Ke hleka leeto la ka joale; le batla le potlakile
Hobane tsela ea ka e telile
Leqeba leo ke le theonkhetseng lona; ka boikokobetso bo boholo ueso, le hlakoloe.
Phephi hle
Ke a tseba ha ho bonolo ho phumula seo ke o entseng sona.
Ho moepa ho a nyolosa
Ha ke motlotlo hohang ka sekhopi seo
Le maemong ao a thata, ke kopa o ntshoarele
Lebitla le nkemetse
This is how my obituary is read
Take care
(c): Motlatsi Motseki https://youtu.be/fYHv5RH7V-4
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hudson3459ttiffany · 3 years
Everton Man City: Ilkay Gundogan & De Bruyne goals keep quadruple hopes alive - BBC Sport
Fa cup results manchester city - Manchester City » Historical results
Everton 0, Manchester Manchfster 2. Kevin De Bruyne Manchester City left footed shot from the centre of the box to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Rodrigo with a through ball.
Manchester City » Historical results
Substitution, Manchester City. Attempt blocked. Dominic Calvert-Lewin Everton right footed shot from fa cup results manchester city left side of the box is blocked. Attempt saved. Dominic Calvert-Lewin Everton header from the centre of the box is saved in the centre of the goal. Assisted by Gylfi Sigurdsson. Substitution, Everton. Alex Iwobi replaces Mason Holgate.
Allan Everton wins a free kick in the attacking half. Everton 0, Manchester City 1. Aymeric Laporte Manchester City right footed shot from the centre of the box is saved in the top centre of the goal. Assisted by Kevin De Bruyne.
Phil Foden Manchester City left footed shot from outside the box is saved in the centre fa cup results manchester city the goal. Kevin De Bruyne replaces Raheem Sterling. Kyle Walker Manchester City wins a free kick on the right wing.
FA Cup Football
Manchetser Jesus Manchester City wins a free kick on the right manchwster. Foul by Ben Godfrey Everton. Oleksandr Zinchenko Manchester City left footed shot from outside the box is blocked. Ckp comments are now closed. Line-ups Match Stats Live Text. Man City Formation 13 Steffen. Referee: Michael Oliver. Mxnchester Text.
Page 1 of 5. Navigate to the next page next. Comments Join the conversation. To use comments you will need to have JavaScript enabled. City were fabulous again and deserved winners. Our Everton game plan was right but I wish we would be a bit more adventurous. Well done Foden for not going down early on when you could have done. You are a fantastic young player Ben Godfrey is absolutely outstanding. Arsenal will now face Everton fa cup results manchester city the quarter-finals, after the Toffees beat Swansea earlier on Sunday afternoon.
Leighton Baines then converted from the penalty spot to wrap up the victory. Afterwards, Martinez told reporters :. We are very satisfied because all you are looking for is a win to get into the next round. We were a little bit anxious and feeling the role of playing at home and expecting to get into the next fa cup results manchester city and we were too cagey with our possession allowing Swansea to get well organised.
The second half was fa cup results manchester city different, we controlled the game, creating good opportunities and limiting Swansea to very little. Sunderland booked their place in the quarter-finals of mancyester FA Cup with advice battling win over Southampton. Craig Gardner beat a couple of Southampton players, stepped forward and unleashed a stunning drive that flew into the top corner.
Saints really should have site a replay, but Kanchester forward Rickie Lambert missed a sitter later on. Transfer sagas will dominate the summer, but can clubs spend on Salah, Haaland, Kane or Messi? Man United cool on Haaland after Raiola's road show. Cologne's quest to boost U. Are the robots taking over?
Why semi-automated VAR could fix offside delays. The Guardian. Archived from the original on 2 December Archived from the original on icty May Retrieved 14 May Archived from the original on 17 May Retrieved 17 May Evening Standard. Archived from the original on 8 Reslts Retrieved 29 July Archived from the original on fa cup results manchester city May Archived from the original on fa cup results manchester city September Archived from the original on 26 April Retrieved 29 April Retrieved 19 May Archived from the original cityy 1 March cihy Retrieved 18 May Archived from the original on 8 August Retrieved 17 November cip FA Cup.
Premier League. National League NationalNorthSouth. Summer transfers Fa cup results manchester city —19 fa cup results manchester city Summer transfers. Manchester City F. Watford F. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Manchester City Watford 6 0. Kevin De Bruyne Manchester City. Kevin Friend Leicestershire.
Rotherham United H. Newport County A. Watch as the Brazilian settles the ball from Fernandinho and blasts home the dramatic winner in the 84th minute:. Wolves attack continues to stutter: Prior to Friday's game the only team this season who had held Wolves to just a single shot on target were Manchester City but Chorley added their name to that list amnchester an outstanding display in defeat. Unfortunately for the sixth tier fa cup results manchester city the one time their visitors managed to mnachester the target it was a stunning strike from Vitinha that icty the day for Nuno Espirito Santo's side.
However the Wolves boss will continue to worry about his side's inability to pose any great threat to any defence without Raul Jimenez, so often at Victory Park they advanced to the edge of the box only to stall completely.
Were it not for the excellent Willy Boly and Conor Coady at the back Chorley's pressure might have been too much with Andy Halls resultw the dangerous Elliot Newby drawing good saves from John Ruddy in the visiting goal. Gunners lay an egg with Pepe struggling again: Both Arsenal and Southampton created two shots on goal in manchrster minute on battle Saturday, but neither managed to find the net on their own.
It took an own goal from Arsenal's Gabriel to send Southampton through to the next round while Arsenal continue to lack consistency. The cup holders were bounced at a time where Arsenal weren't playing all that bad. Mikel Arteta's team had won five of their last six games in all competitions, but a weak starting lineup resulted in a weak result. Alexandre Lacazette and Buyako Saka came off the bench but couldn't impact the game enough, as Arsenal crashed out much earlier than expected.
0 notes
mrmotlatsimotseki · 5 years
Tumblr media
Realms ringtone
I am numb/
Lost way too many precious people to fit this tribute prose/
The silent encrypted message is torn/
I often dial y'all up knowingly/
That you'll never respond to the call/
But this keypad's button corresponds to/
Is this ordered?
Maybe the patterns has changed or you no longer using the same number/
I too (2) wish to converse for (4) a moment/
Yearning sicks/seeks (6) an uncaptured aid (8) to lavish upon death.
Is this normal?
My opulent disorder is rotten/
Tell me,
When are you willing to pick up the device or have a decency to reply back?
Is the data or information too much to download?
Should we find the hotspot and mimickly upload where we could have been?
To browse through an eternal life.
I'm worn out of writing you letters/
Help me fathom how cruel it feels, that the voicemail is something I have to live by/
I seldomly erase the memories to format moments we shared/
Some don't even have a recollection of that note and sound/
Is my cochlea working?
It seems like the answer I'm looking for falls off on deaf ears/
Yeah, that's pity awesome.
Blind shouldn't lead the blind...
How ignorant my self-own (cellphone) insecurities never bugs/
A dwelling place is interrupted by low signals/
It's time to reconnect the network properly/
Allow me to recharge the batteries and secure this appointment (disappointment)/
Walk with me as we learn to unblock mysteries/
To unlock victories that are pinned to passwords (past words)/
Disciple with me diligently.
To protect whatever covers the journey/
Bundles hasn't depleted as yet/
Let them screen the directions which shall save and humor the profile/
To break free from a cycle of martyrs/
Too many time we err tales, I know we weary/
Sometimes far off reach to uncover wolves in sheep's clothing/
We tired!
Let's check where this is herd{hea(r)d}/
So lead us (leaders) into the promised land/
Where valleys of acacias cup never runneth over/
A dessert is a stream poised with calamity/
However way, we still searching [sigh 😟]
Soul's suffering of torture,
Has been convicted with crimes/
I bare testimonies of these lies/
Truth can never witness how I bury these lines/
Whoever summons this judgement bears no rights/
I've been through a lot!
Tormented numerously to defend my accused self falsely/
Allerged by laws to defame prosecutions, handcrafted with episodes of deceitful stories/
However way I did play my deity part/
By unfolding these hidden scriptures/
Treasured by my own actions, a series coming to an end/
All demons casted had their roles scripted/
A sequel of freedom to understand parables/
The temple of God is ruined!
Shamefully scattered by convoluted customary, systemic and elementary beliefs/
No form of any religious views can console me/
Preaching is almost done the prayer in session/
Podium - the altar, this is MY CHURCH!
This music in my ears, melody on tune/
Syncing(sinking) rhythm of the heartbeat without words/
I'm ready to depart this desolate world/
To march through this marathon called life/
High Source increase the rabbit pace/
This mark has ran its course to catch demise(the mice)/
Everything's mapped out in accordance/
Atlas co-ordinates(coordinates) matches the correct destiny/
No, this isn't a clout(d) chasing or attention seeking/
It's a cry out for help.
No ordinary being comprehend this grief; a true quench of thirst/
Been hiding in sorrows, now conscious openly weeps/
Nurture - accept this plea....
My spirit's looking forward to be cleansed with tears of joy/
So open the floodgates of Heaven and let it rain cause this mo(u)rning dawns darkness on me/
Am I eligible enough to receive atonement?
Is the barn full?
Am I harvested?
Have I made it into the Kingdom?
Am I living righteous according to the covenant?
Anyways, don't take my word for it/
I'm just a mortal immoral unprincipled humanbeing with unanswered questions/
I've transcended beyond the realms of existence/
Bask in contrast with isolated chaos/
Flesh will soon descend;
The feeling inside of me has ascended;
This physique has perished and eroded;
Now I'm just a shell breathing these sentence I serve/
The golden lampstand is creating the way!
To the late Leducator, Letshego Lechoenyo - The Ides Of March soldier.
I dwell on your quotes:
"Let your life mean something, even in your death
Education, if it's not of the spiritual kind, will benefit you nothing/
Education that edifice the mind but overshadowsthe heart, is no education at all".
A crime robbed us off you brethren of The Most High/ 😢
Now I can't play chess alone - I checkmate myself!
To Yellow, Tumelo Mokonyane.
A man who taught me brotherhood effectively/
Carved my path into a molded caring personality/
Instilled the spirit of sharing amongst others, that we fabrics of the same cloth/
A garment that seem (seam) to neat (knit) a strand of humanity/
Your warmth imparted in me/
A car accident to your lovely wife notified your soul to leave the Earth/
Your innate selflessness still intact,
I miss you dearly brother! 😭
To Mendu, Montwedi Ishmael Lebakeng.
I'm your product of rags to riches, proud to call you mentor/
You've fathered every positive aspect outlook I have/
Doctored a boy to man;
A character of noble kind/
If it weren't for you,
Wouldn't have gathered wealth and rare riches pf your knowledge/
Inherited humor, respect, leadership I'm eternally grateful/
For sharing art and leading to my niche/
You've passed on in dire,
The devoured teachings are accustomed and beaded in my nature/
Your spirt shall forever live on 😰
To my dad, Tebogo Koos Lekgari.
Your temporary span is equivocally sufficient/
Lost your life on the 26th, buried on the 6th,
On the 6th day of the 6th month,
Just few days later after my 6th birthday in '96,
This 6 symbol baffles me!
I currently resides few streches away where your life was pronounced deceased/
Not too far from the beach that swallowed you/
Whenever I poke steps into that frank ocean,
I drown in tears/
The breeze hoars me.
I see(sea) how quake quivers and waves/
Thus assures(are shores) that we tied(tide) up above the surface/
This is heavy, sometimes frightening!
Movements of this burning desires washes away the scenes (sins/since)/
Whether(weather) we like it or not/
The boiling temperature hits(heats) the deep(dip) spot/
So worry not Father, your Son(sun) is set/
Your brimming brightens enlightens me. 😥
We shall all meet at the cross roads (crossroads).
Learnt to comprehend that life is a mission/
Every second of living get us closer to our Sheol/
Don't neglect your calling/
Respond to the vision/
Experience the dream, for tomorrow is never promised/
Stay true to yourself.
Spend time wisely and appreciate those who love wholeheartedly and unsparingly/
Use your gift effectively/
Cause Messiah has left and not returning anytime/
An angel hasn't been found yet to give the Messenger the scroll/
Pardon me if you find this misleading/
Just live.
Live for purpose!
To every ancestor and individual I didn't get to mention/
Your birthmark is arched deeply into the Supreme list/
Please humbly receive my please with ease/
Oh, by the way;
If you by any chance get to meet my offspring/
Kindly pass the message that I am still here
Take care
(c): Motlatsi Motseki
The Living Legend
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
0 notes
jetsnacks · 7 years
Losing game (bulletproof chapter 2)
(This is part 2 of a multi chapter fic! Check the tag bulletproof to read chapter one.)
We interrupt your current programming to bring you (drum roll, please) the other plot! Don’t worry, the next chapter picks up right where we left off with Roman and Logan, but for now here’s some moxiety. I wanted to set the scene a little more before we get into the spicy stuff, but don’t u worry it’s on it’s way. This chapter is a little short, but we aren’t really too far into the plot yet. Sorry for the crummy formatting, as always, I’m writing on mobile, so it’s not ideal. >:/
This au is getting too fluffy for me to handle tbh. Get ready for some Domestic Hurt Comfort Boys™ in the future… *rubs my little gay demon hands together* here we gooooooo
Ps: the song anx sings is “Love is a losing game” by Amy Winehouse. If you listen to the demo version you can kinda tell what it would sound like on guitar!
TRIGGERS: Swearing, food mention, character forgets to eat
Chapter two:
Today… was not a great day. Alex huddled close to the side of the building, trying to get under any kind of ledge he could to stay out of the rain. It wasn’t pouring, necessarily, but it was more than a drizzle. Unfortunately, his usual rainy day spot at the subway station had been taken by some asshole with a violin, so he was stuck busking out side of some hipster lunch place. It was a pretty good spot when the weather was clear. Bunch of environmentally conscious college students, sitting outside eating farm fresh whatever? Just spout out some edd sheeran and that’s his rent check. Today, however, the weather was not clear, there was no one sitting out side, the shop didn’t have an awning, and he was getting really sick of singing edd sheeran. (He didn’t mind it, just… there’s only so many times he can play the same four songs without wanting to snap his guitar in half.)
He sighed, staring at the few soaked bills in his case, and tried not to feel bitter. It didn’t really work. His hands started strumming cords lazily, almost without thinking about it, trying to remember what song it was from. It hit him, after a bit, and he started singing, half to himself, half to passers by, barely trying to be heard over the rain.
/For you I was aflame. Love is a losing game. Five story fire as you came. Love is a losing game./
He forgot he taught himself this song. It wasn’t a popular one for guitar, but it was fun to sing. He closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the building.
/One I wish I never played, Oh what a mess we made. And now the final frame, Love is a losing game./
When he opened his eyes again, the sky was obnoxiously yellow. His hand stopped on the cord. Someone was holding an umbrella over his head. He turned to find a man about his age, maybe a few years older, holding an umbrella patterned with gaudy, bright sunflowers. /…what the hell…/ The umbrella guy covered his mouth like a cartoon, his eyes wide. “Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you stop!” Alex blinked at him. “It’s fine… did you… uh… need something, or?” Umbrella guy started grinning. Alex had thought the flowers were bright, but they had nothing on this guys dimples. Holy shit. “Nope! I’m all good.” It took Alex a minute to process. “…Then why are you standing here?” He didn’t mean to be rude. Except he kind of did. It’s not like he had a pr department. “Well. It’s raining!” The stranger said, like that explained everything. Alex looked out onto the street, and turned back, deadpan. “…Yup.” It took the guy a bit to realize he wanted further explanation. When he did, he rubbed the back of his neck, looking almost embarrassed. But clearly, anyone with that umbrella couldn’t be embarrassed if they tried, so Alex figured he was faking it. “Well, I figured if you’re playing you can’t hold an umbrella, so I’ll come hold one for you!” Alex narrowed his eyes. “I can’t exactly pay you much, man.” He gestured to his nearly empty case. “And I don’t really do favors.” Umbrella guy chuckled. “Oh, that’s ok, I’m on my lunch break.” Alex looked at him like he just grew another head and kissed it. “This is what you chose to do. With your lunch break.” “Yup!” “Shouldn’t you like… eat lunch, or something?” The guy smacked himself on the forehead with his free hand. “Ohhhh, I forgot I hadn’t eaten yet.” How the hell did Alex get in this situation. “What, all day? Really?” The guy bit his lip, nodding.
/god danm it./
Alex started to pack up. “Where are you going?” “I’m buying you lunch.” He grabbed the small handful of cash at the bottom of the case and shoved it in his pocket. “Oh, you don’t have to do that!” Alex glared at the guy. “I’m the reason you’re not eating lunch on your lunch break. I’m buying.”
He swung his guitar, now in its case, over his shoulder and started walking towards the door to the hipster food place they were standing outside. The guy followed him, still babbling that he really didn’t have to. He strolled up to the counter, and slapped his handful of cash down. He had… what, a little over ten? Enough for a sandwich. Umbrella guy had folded up his umbrella, and followed him up to the counter. Maybe it was just the rain, but his cheeks were bright pink.
“I’ve got enough for a sandwich. What’d you want?” “I- you really don’t have to-” “Look, I’m just going to order something, and if you don’t eat it I will.”
A girl came up to the register from the kitchen. Alex was about to order when she turned to the guy, confusion on her face. “…Boss?” If he was pink before, umbrella guy was well into red now. “I told you to call me Moe, Julie…” he mumbled. Alex wanted to scream at something. “You… work here?” The girl he called Julie snorted. “Work here? He’s the owner. What’d he do this time?” Alex ignored her in favor of her boss, who was at this point clearly past embarrassed. “You own a lunch place and forgot to eat?” He knew his voice was getting high pitched, but his dismay over took any instinct to lower it. Julie tutted. “Boss, again? I keep telling you, set a reminder on your phone.” The guy (Moe?) threw his hands up in defeat, chuckling. “Alright, alright, I’ll have an iced tea and a house special.” He shot Alex a look out the corner of his eye that made his skin feel warmer. “Make that two.”
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brianobrienny · 4 years
8 Ways to Brainstorm and Manage a Year’s Worth of Content Ideas
No matter how interesting the topic, every content creator starts running out of content ideas at some point.
Whether your role is content strategist or writer, no doubt you know the feeling well: You believe you’ve already covered all the topics you can think of or you’re going in circles covering old ground.
However, unless you’re in a very narrow niche, it’s unlikely you’ve covered every possible content idea.
These eight brainstorming ideas can help you to come up with a year’s worth of content ideas in a single day. Knowing exactly what content you’ll be creating for the next 365 days helps you to plan more efficiently and ensures you never waste time trying to think up what to write about next.
Quick Takeaways:
Brainstorming your content ideas in advance is more productive and efficient than thinking up one idea at a time.
There are plenty of free resources out there to help you come up with new content ideas when your well of inspiration is running dry.
Putting a new twist on your existing content can help you to squeeze more content out of ideas you already have.
1. Keyword Research Tools
Keyword research is a well-known technique for SEO but it can also be invaluable for coming up with content ideas to fill your calendar with.
There are dozens of keyword research tools you can try out. For the purposes of brainstorming, you don’t necessarily need expensive enterprise-level tools. Free tools are usually more than sufficient to come up with plenty of new ideas.
Most keyword tools work in the same way: You enter a “seed” keyword or topic and the tool will then search databases of actual search terms, as well as other databases from social media, e-commerce sites, and other sources to find similar and related terms.
For example, if your seed keyword is “conferencing software,” the tool might come back with ideas like:
Conferencing software reviews
Conferencing software security
Free video conferencing software
Video conferencing without internet
and so on…
Some tools will also let you enter a URL and scan the content to come up with related keyword ideas.
Some free tools to try out include
Google Keyword Planner
Keyword Sheeter
Answer the Public
2. Use Google
Google has its own keyword research tool (intended for those using Google Ads), but there are also a number of other ways you can use Google to generate content ideas.
Autocomplete search
As you start typing in the Google search box, it will automatically suggest ideas based on previous searches. This can be a great way to come up with some new ideas from a seed keyword.
Related questions and searches
Another good place to look for content ideas is on the search results page. If you scroll down a little, you’ll see a section titled “People also ask”. This section lists questions related to your keyword.
If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you’ll also see “Searches related to”, which also might give you some new ideas related to your topic.
You can click on any of these links to generate a new search results page with even more related ideas. Simply from clicking through from one keyword search to another, you could generate dozens of new content ideas.
Google Trends is a tool that can help you to identify trending topics or spot seasonal trends.
It can also be an effective way to put an interesting spin on your more usual topics by weaving in some topical themes.
For example, coronavirus has been a trending search topic since the start of the global pandemic in March 2020. By looking at what people are searching for specifically, you can think about how to link it back to your own industry.
For example, the surge in interest in new wedding rules in the UK could make a good content topic for those in the weddings or events industry in the UK.
Keep in mind that when you’re generating topical content ideas in this way, it’s best to use them as soon as possible. The interest in COVID-19 in the wedding industry may well have waned in six months’ time.
3. Ask Your Audience
How can you make sure you’re writing about topics that your audience will be interested in reading? Ask them!
Sending out an audience survey or running a quick poll on social media can help you to figure out the problems that your audience needs solving. They might even come up with some ideas that you hadn’t considered yet.
4. Competitor Research
Of course, it’s important to be original when it comes to content marketing. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take inspiration from those around you.
When you need to come up with some new content ideas, it’s always a good idea to browse through a few competitor blogs and see what they’re writing about.
While of course, you shouldn’t copy article ideas directly, you might get an idea for a whole new article from something mentioned on a competitor blog. Don’t forget to check the comments section for more ideas.
5. Scour Social Media
Social media networks can also be a goldmine of inspiration when you’re stuck for content ideas.
Make sure to follow those who are actively posting news and opinions in your industry, and keep an eye on any discussions or trends that would make good content topics.
Sometimes searching for topics on a different platform can help you to come up with new ideas. For example, looking through videos on YouTube can easily inspire you to generate dozens of blog topic ideas.
BuzzSumo is an effective tool for finding the most popular content shared on social media. With BuzzSumo you can browse trends and topics based on keyword and get content ideas listed by sub-topic.
You can also find top-performing content from across the web, based on keywords.
6. Mix up Your Content Formats
Sometimes going back through the content you’ve already produced can give you some new ideas for material that will help you to reach a new audience.
For example, you might want to re-work a blog post into a video or take ideas from an ebook you wrote a year ago and turn them into a series of blog posts.
Sometimes you can simply take an idea from a blog post and twist it into a slightly different format or idea to come up with a whole new article. For example, if you’d already written an article on “How to Get the Most out of Your Trip to San Francisco”, you could put a new spin on this idea by re-writing it as “10 Tourist Traps to Avoid in San Francisco”.
7. Utilize Interviews and Case Studies
Sometimes a new point of view can inject new life into stale topics. If you feel like you’ve exhausted your own ideas, why not seek inspiration from others?
Interviews provide an endless stream of potential content ideas. You can interview people in your company, influential individuals in your industry, or anyone with an interesting story you can link into the theme of your content.
You can also do a round-up post, in which you ask just one or two specific questions to a number of individuals in your industry. These types of posts are not only interesting to read, but they also attract lots of links and shares as the people included usually want to share their contribution with their own audience.
Case studies are another content idea that tends to be very popular with readers as they can glean valuable insight from real-world situations.
8. Use Writing Prompts
Writing prompts can be a fantastic way to get you out of a case of writer’s block. What’s more, they work for all kinds of content, not just blog posts.
Many writing prompts require you to harness your storytelling skills, which often makes for a more engaging piece of writing, particularly if you’re using your own opinions and experiences.
This list of over 60 writing prompts by Salesforce has some great examples for business blogs, including “What is your most inspiring customer success story?” and “Reflect on the biggest problem or struggle your business has faced.”
For a more personal outlook, this list of content ideas by Marie Forleo includes prompts such as “What’s the most important piece of advice you’ve received about your career or business?” and “What do you wish you knew 10 years ago that you know now?”
Need More Help with Content Ideas?
If you are ready to get more traffic to your site with quality content published consistently, check out our Content Builder Service. Set up a quick consultation, and I’ll send you a free PDF version of my books. Get started today–and generate more traffic and leads for your business.
The post 8 Ways to Brainstorm and Manage a Year’s Worth of Content Ideas appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.
8 Ways to Brainstorm and Manage a Year’s Worth of Content Ideas published first on http://rssmix.com/u/11592782/rss.xml
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