#feel free to assume connections if we haven't plotted yet.
theodoranowak · 3 months
x. status -> open (5/5) x. location -> o'shea's irish pub
It’s been a busy past couple of days. Moving to a brand new city with a brand new job and a brand new business on one’s shoulders can become a bit taxing for anyone — even Theodora, despite her experience with stressful situations. She’d mentioned needing a drink at a meeting with the new stable manager as they wrapped up in person for the first time, and he’d recommended O’Shea’s, swearing by the whiskey and “everything other than the vodka.” Whether that’s more of a personal preference or an actual warning is not something Theo is eager to find out tonight.
The bar is cute — it’s quaint and lively and certainly on theme. She’s taking in the scenery as she walks up to the bar, phone against her ear as she hums and haws at her mother’s agent, Peter. He only finishes delivering her mother’s message to her when she’s already sliding onto a seat right at the bar. “I already told you, Petey,” Theo uses the nickname his mother’s manager detests, voice dripping artificial sweetness. “If she has something against what I use my own money for, she can call me herself. She’s 62, not dead.”
Peter sounds like he’s about to start protesting again, but Theodora’s tired, annoyed, and disinterested, so she gives Peter a quick ‘ta-ta’ and hangs up before he can start on another spiel about her abrupt decision to leave the family law firm and move to Illinois to ‘make them all look bad,’ according to her parents.
She sets her phone down on the bar and looks up at the bartender, smiling politely. “I’ll have a whiskey sour, please,” she requests, then, as she turns off her phone, she mutters to no one in particular, “There has to be better things to do on a Friday night than harass your only daughter.”
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thephoebeyates · 4 months
> Blue Lanes (Baller Birthday Party). Open.
Cap: 5
Grazing at the refreshment table was a much needed break to Phoebe after what felt like hours of continuous bowling, where at some point a tequila shot penalty was implemented if the ball was rolled into the gutter, then if you got a strike, then a spare, then if was just your turn to play… It just seemed right that after that game wrapped up, Phoebe beelined to the pizzas, cramming as much as she could into her mouth in an attempt to sober herself up. She luckily hadn’t sent any embarrassing texts to Foster, though now was honestly just counting down the minutes until he was coming to pick her up. Whilst a bit sad that he was missing out on the party, his comfort was Phoebe’s priority, and given his colorful history with the birthday boy, it was more than understandable why he wasn’t here tonight.
She was brought out of her thoughts by a tap on her shoulder, slowly turning as she hurriedly swallowed the big bite she took of her pepperoni slice, momentarily believing it to be yet another beguiled staff member sent to the brunette to report Sebastian’s antics, like they had been most of the night. “If this is about Seb, I can assure you since his spouse paid for the full thing, they definitely have more than enough to cover the dent repairs…oh hi there!”
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bookerathcmpson · 1 year
Is it just me or is anyone else not ready for Creek Fest? Not that I don't enjoy it because I do, but it just means that the colder months are coming and I'm not the biggest fan of the cold. And sure, there's hot apple cider and PSLs and whatever else that comes out this time of year, but that's not enough to make me a fan of the fall and winter months. What about you? Are you more of a warmer months type of person? Or do you love the colder months?
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amcliawang · 1 year
where: Garden Market.
when: sometime in early October.
Amelia Wang was never one to cook at home, though she wanted to try out a recipe she had seen online. Something about veggie lasagna called out to her, and it was why she had decided to make a last minute trip to Garden Market. Amelia went to the produce section first, picking out a few things here and there. Once she chose the vegetables she wanted in her dish, Amelia moved to browse the different shelves in search of the pasta she was looking for. A sigh left her lips when she noticed it was at the very top of the self, all the way in the back. Looking around to make sure no one else was in the aisle, she tried to reach up on her tip toes to reach the box, though she was unsuccessful. Amelia mumbled something under her breath, before she retreated back. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed she wasn't alone anymore. "Sorry to bother you, but could you please help me grab that box of lasagna from the top shelf?" Amelia asked, a finger pointing to the brand she wanted. "I guess even in heels I can't reach the top."
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bashxholm · 1 year
Location: The farmhouse Closed Starter: @nightreststarters
"You know when I said you could come over yesterday, I thought you meant later in the afternoon or evening." Bash spoke through the pillow covering is face. He didn't know what time it was, but it was earlier than he'd like to get up on his only day off. "How are you in my room? Matter fact, how'd you even get in the house?" His sleepy brain slowly processing the scene before him. He was pretty sure he locked the doors the prior night.
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ofrages · 2 days
open starter ✭ @bluestarters ( capping at 1/4 )
Bowie steps into the sunlight as the door of Happy Tails shuts behind them, trying to dust their clothes from the strands of dog fur that insisted on sticking to their jeans. They wore different pants inside and, on top of that, a cover to keep the water and fur away. But they had just gotten done with a giant Golden Retriever, a job that had taken them two full hours to finish, and they were exhausted. With a huff, and having given up on getting rid of the fur, Bowie reaches into her back pocket to fetch her pack of cigarettes. “Shit,” Groans as she realizes that the pack’s empty — and just when she needs one the most, on her break and after grooming an enormous dog. 
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“Hey — hey buddy, sorry to bother ya.” She reaches towards the nearest person, a little smile on the corner of her lips. Hated having to ask but didn’t want to walk two blocks to buy another pack. “Do you happen to have a cigarette I could borrow?”
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nomadjones · 2 years
location: surprise me
for: @aurorabaystarter
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"On a scale of same old, same old to being called out for someone's sexcapade gone wrong and having to cut a crying forty-six year old man out of a pair of handcuffs, how's your day been? Because mine's been a real fucking doozy."
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surfscraped · 1 year
STARTER :  OPEN @capemaystarters​ ! LOCATION :  anywhere !
                    it wasn’t like kai to lose control, but as she zoomed down the road, she found herself picking up a little too much speed. needing to act fast, she moved in the direction of the sidewalk, jumping off her board and letting it crash into the curb. luckily she managed not to fall ( and thank god for that !  she’d never hear the end of it from her mom if she happened to scrape up her arm again ); unluckily, she’d just barely managed to keep herself from tackling a nearby pedestrian. she felt her shoulder bump the other’s, instinctively reaching out to steady both of them. a sheepish grin was on her face as she turned to face them.  ❛ shit, sorry. ❜  she says in lieu of an actual greeting.  ❛ my bad. ❜  glancing around, she quickly jogged over to the curb to pick up her board.  ❛ i don’t normally do that. ❜  she held up her board, rubbing at the back of her neck awkwardly.
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ovrlytrusting · 1 year
location: outside of envy, shortly after the injured (and deceased) were taken away by ambulances @hidehillstart
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milo couldn't believe what had just happened . . he'd been so hopeful that, after everything, the attacks and killings were finally put behind them. but a part of him knew it wasn't over. he had desperately hoped they were just empty, meaningless thoughts developed by his anxiety but tonight just solidified those worries. this is far from over.
in hopes of being a calming presence in all of the chaos, the homme wraps a blanket around the shoulder's of the first person he sees. "this is a bit of a silly question to ask but — how are you holding up?"
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mcteofuentes · 2 years
🥪 - deidre's deli • open starter (4/4)
"Shit," Mateo mumbled under his breath as he was waiting in line at Deidre's Deli, getting two pounds of salami and two pounds of mozzarella cheese that his daughter wanted. They had planned to make their own deli sandwiches for dinner later that day. Patting the back of his jeans, Mateo couldn't find his wallet anywhere on him. He must've left it in his truck. The line was getting closer and closer to the front, and Mateo didn't want to leave from his spot in line. Scratching the back of his neck, Mateo turned to the person behind him with a reluctant grin growing on his face. "Uh, I'm sorry to do this, but I think I left my wallet in my car. If you paid for my order, I'll pay you back once I can get back to my car. Scout's honor."
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dina-thomas · 2 years
Where: The Penalty Box
When: Late night
Who: Open to all
A sip of a dark IPA hit Dina's throat, the warm tickle flowing down to her gut. Whenever Dina was not behind her anchor desk, you could almost always find her sitting in front of a bar top, salted peanuts on the counter, dimmed lights and televisions with games scattered around. In this familiar setting, Dina felt free to be herself while she cheered on her favorite sports teams. Tonight, she was rooting for the Kraken as they played against the Bruins. "Oh, come on! That was a total penalty," she shouted out loud when one of the ref's ignored Brad Marchand tripping Brandon Tanev. She shook her head as she looked over at the closest person to her, "what do you think? Do you think the Kraken should've gotten a power play?"
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stxrmflys · 2 years
who: open
where: outside, near Town Hall
maren hadn't been sleeping well lately. that wasn't unusual- she couldn't remember the last time she'd gotten a full night's rest without being woken by the imagined sensation of someone breathing in her ear or putting a hand on her forehead. a side effect of her vivid and unsettling dreams. she didn't often let it carry into her day this way, preferring to chug a red bull instead, but yet here she was on her morning run with sleep still in her eyes and fog in her brain. it was little surprise when she tripped on her shoelace and went headfirst into a cheery cardboard sign welcoming visitors to the spring festival. yet another reminder that she could no longer trust her body. ears burning in embarrassment, she clambered to her feet and vainly attempted to fluff the trampled display, keenly aware of the observer behind her. "...they should really put a fence up or something," she scowled.
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brightstvrlights · 1 year
status: open
location: anywhere
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"Oh you have got to be kidding me," Stella groaned as her eyes scanned over the text message preview that popped up on her phone screen. "Can I not have a weekend to myself just once? Why can't people have a crisis on like, a Wednesday? This just doesn't feel fair, you know?"
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thelouvrefm · 2 years
open to — everyone! setting — sunset @ the dock
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it had occurred to josephine that it had been a long time since she had appreciated a sunset. sure, she would see it occasionally on her drive home or outside a window in her living room with tv glare obscuring some of the view. as part of her efforts to reinvigorate her life, she ended up walking down the wooden panels at the dock. josephine spotted someone sitting on the edge of the dock, feet dangling right above the water. she wandered over to meet their company, removing her socks and shoes before she sat beside them. the breeze from the water was cool and misty on her toes. "i'm guessing we had the same idea?" she inquired of the other person, transfixed on the few boats coming in and out of the docks. the sky had just begun to change color.
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genk1girl · 3 months
𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍     :     hollywood     walk     of     fame     .
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❝     do     you     think     i     should     be     scared     ?     ❞     head     turning     frequently     to     see     if     the     gray     haired     lady     she     was     just     conversing     with     was     still     eyeing     her     with     a     crazed     gaze     .     .     .     she     had     told     anisa     (     coincidentally     ,     or     not     ,     while     she     stepped     on     a     deceased     actor's     star     )     that     she     only     had     six     days     to     live     ,     the     pearl     necklace     dangling     amongst     her     chest     giving     her     bad     luck     .     while     not     superstitious     ,     she     could     be     gullible     .     ❝     that     grandma     just     told     me     she's     a     witch     and     that     i'm     gonna     die     soon     !     she     has     to     be     joking     ,     right     ?     like     one     of     those     on     street     actors     ?     ❞
𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍     𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑     :     feel     free     to     assume     connections     if     we     haven't     plotted     yet     <3
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falconflare · 3 months
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hi hi helloooo
bronya is a well known character I Think, at least in terms of having more out-of-hi3 appearances and being a bigger play in the game's main narrative than my Other hi3 girl. she is a little bit too complex for me to write a wiki article and feel satisfied the way that i did for elysia, so i'll hit you with the big points for now (you can always read my app if you want an idea of what we're cookin with)
-> bronya is written FOLLOWING the events of hi3 part 1 and APHO chapter 2, which is to say she is taken from what is her current most recent canon point. she is still very much the same person, with her memories and all intact, but there are some big key personality changes that we see in apho. -> PARTICULARLY, this bronya is a much more mellow/much less AI or doll-like version of herself. she's aged out of speaking about herself in the third person and, while she is still very logic oriented and not the most expressive, she is certainly not the same apathetic creature she was before -> bronya is very familiar with the sea of quanta, and very well versed in what bubble universes are. for this reason, any mention of another bronya will certainly not surprise her the way it might a normal person LOL. she's seen em before, she gets the idea. -> this is more of a general thing but all interactions will assume the appearance of her silverwing: n-ex battlesuit as this is canonically how she appears now as of APHO. girlfriend is 25 adult years old. however i will still use images/icons of bronya from before this, as that is the bulk of her content, but i do request my partners keep in mind that her appearance differs. it's a bit stark considering she is like a teenager that is 4 feet tall in all appearances before silverwing lmao. -> speaking of, her current appearance is EXCEPTIONALLY like miss bronya rand hsr, so any characters who may recognize the other are perfectly within their right to make that association haha
now with that said: plotting
desert exploration [requires teyvat muse!]: i think...it would please me (and i haven't actually gotten to write this prompt yet haha). bronya is not Really a history nerd i guess technically and miss ural mountain sniper is not well cut out for the cold BUT i think she could have some fantastic conversation about the situation with a muse who has an idea of what's goin on
runaway dog: she'll be right at home in the weather LOL and there is a lot of room with her and her canonical abilities to Make Things for us to find a creative approach here. i would also be interested in maybe making a lil informal combat encounter out of it tbh if anyone So Desires
cycrane therapy: prompt isnt about cycranes exclusively but it's what comes to mind LMAO the point is i think miss i acted like a robot for ten years would have a real fun time here. she is also really well technology versed and would Probably like to pry one of these things open at least a little bit if that sounds like fun
non board: as always i am down for a little bit of whatever. i love apping characters with few connections and really Seeing Where They Can Go, so i would be most excited to make bronya some friends ^^
as always, you are free to dm me here or ping/dm me on discord to plot! i'm very excited to experiment with a new voice :D
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