#feel free to send me questions about these campaigns even if they're finished!
chilltouch · 4 years
Finished Campaign Overview
It’s Murder Time (Tag: #imt):
Roughly a 3 year campaign in which a gang of adventurers + one (later two) teens explore the country finding/stumbling into various crimes and plans to gain power done by this Vampire Lady necromancer in an act of service for this Horrifying eldritch being called the Knowledge Eater
I played a water genasi ex-pirate named Ritalin Caspian Barnstaples Gleevec [He/She/They] (Level 1-10). Their class was transmutation wizard.
I feel like you can tell what tumblr dnd trends were going on with my character name choices
This was the party where I was Not a healer and lowkey Hated That because I have worried too much whether or not this party will live. 
The Only healer of the party was our DMPC, a sweet teen boy named Eoin who still had faith in his god despite the absolute Horrible shit he lived through by both his church and his birth family (his sister is the one exception tho stan his sister)
The campaign ended with the party being: with 1 wizard, 2 rogues (1 rogue/warlock), 1 magus (homebrew class), 1 cleric (DMPC) and 1 fighter (also DMPC that came in later in the game because he was Important (boyfriends) to our cleric boy). 
Honorable mention to our 1 scholar (homebrew class) who was the unofficial leader + driving force against the BBEG for most of the campaign. 
She went through a Lot of trauma from the start of the campaign to the point that the player herself stated that she had to retire the character because she could not find a fitting path for her to heal and also be a part of this party. 
She was definitely the heart of this party, and our characters dedicated our final battle to her.
Also shoutout to that same player making me cry when we had our epilogue session. Her scholar’s final letter to my character was So Sweet, and it makes me emotional to this day remembering it
This is such a bad summary of the game, but also So Much did happen in the span of 3 years
Sounds of Silence (Tag: #c: SoS):
Short irl campaign that spanned 1 year in real time. Post-apocalyptic genre that took place down in the California redwoods, specifically in an abandoned camp. It was very good, very emotional, and since we the players voted on the tone of the ending, very bittersweet.
I played Dr. Pandora Juniper Rockthrush [They/Them], a Kenku Circle of Shepard Druid (Level 1-5). 
Before the apocalypse, they had recently finished their doctorate in plant science down in California. When the news of the apocalypse hit, they were deep into their work, isolated from both their family and literally anyone else 😔
The party was 1 drow ranger, 1 rogue, 1 fighter and 1 druid. 
Because of the the apocalyptic event, there was no more divine magic left in the world. 
I think my friend intended for this game to have No Healing, but was not able to find worldbuilding reasons to justify why certain classes of magic were allowed (like their warlock BBEG that was revealed to have magic in the last session) and others were not past the divine magic.
I’m pretty sure this was the game where I realized that my thoughts about dnd and the genres and topics it covers are Wildly different to my friends’
Bullet-Bitters (Tag: #c: BB):
This was another short campaign that ended this year. My Curse of Strahd group played this game as a break for our DM since it was exam season for them. It was a space-western game that was co-DMed by two of the players with one of the DMs being a sort of DMPC. Those two have been friends for over a decade, and have written and played in countless settings together. This was a wonderful setting that those two have done other games in and is rich in lore.
The setting is heavily homebrew with 4 race options and added classes to fit with the genre.
I played Opuntia Robusta [She/Her], a Yoni (Nomadic Plant people that are usually various cacti and other desert plants.) Artillerist Artificer (Level 5). 
Yoni always move in the direction of the sun. To linger in a place means that a Yoni is not placing their value most on life, but rather something else.
She left her clan of Silver Dollar Yoni to pursue her ambition of being the best gunmaker in the galaxy. She funded her own experiments by becoming a loan shark, calling herself “The Banker” and traveling from city to city, her pouches full of currency. In this setting it was bullets which is Very fun when pretty much everyone wields a gun. 
Even more fun when you play an artificer who makes her own bullets, and is sitting pretty on a pile of money while everyone has to worry abt using too much of their money on a fight
The party consisted of 1 artificer, 1 rogue, 1 cleric, 1 fighter, and 1 gunlord (setting-specific homebrew class). The gunlord, or closest to gunlord possible because I still have no idea what that player’s class was, joined mid-campaign, but due to real life stuff was not able to appear in most of the sessions past their introduction session.
I tried playing a callous person who only cared about herself, and failed miserably the second the co-DM’s PC shared his horribly tragic backstory. She adopted him on the spot.
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